Researchers suspect that sewage leaked into the Moose River. Rates for which of the following diseases should be used to determine whether the human population using the river as a source of drinking water was exposed to sewage?

a. Dysentery
b. Mesopotamia
c. asthma
d. malaria​


Answer 1




Answer 2


A, Dysentery


Dysentery is caused by untreated sewage in streams and rivers. If researchers measured this in the human population and found higher rates than average, it could be used as evidence for leakage from the sewage treatment plant.

B is incorrect because mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is mainly caused by exposure to asbestos. It does not result from contaminated drinking water.

C is incorrect because respiratory problems, such as asthma, can be affected by elevated levels of tropospheric ozone. They are not linked to contaminated drinking water.

D is incorrect because malaria is a parasitic disease caused by bites from infected mosquitoes, not contaminated drinking water, and is found most commonly in sub-Saharan Africa.

Related Questions

Explain how classical conditioning and operant conditioning can be used in therapy. Include a discussion about exposure therapies, such as systematic desensitization, as well as aversive conditioning, behavior modification, and token economies.



Systematic desensitization is one of the behavioral therapies which is based on the principles of classical conditioning. This involves treating phobias and substitute the response of fear with a relaxation response to the conditioned stimulus gradually using the counter conditioning process. The patient in the first phase is taught deep muscle relaxation exercise and breath exercises like meditation, muscle detensioning, etc. This step involved reciprocal inhibition, where one response is inhibited and it is incompatible with another. When a person is suffering from a phobia, they experience fear which involves tension and tension is incompatible with being relaxed.

In the second phase, the patient is helped to create a fear hierarchy starting with the stimuli which are least anxiety-producing and moving up with the most anxiety-producing stimuli.

In the third phase, patiently works his way up the fear hierarchy along with practicing his relaxation technique as he moves up. When he feels comfortable and is no longer afraid, he moves to the next stage in the hierarchy. If the patient becomes anxious again, he could return back to the earlier stage and regain his relaxed state.

The patient would repeatedly imagine the phobic situation till it falls to evoke anxiety in him

Token economies make use of operant conditioning principles of reinforcement to modify behavior. The clients are allowed to earn token which they can exchange for special perks or desired items. Parents mostly use this therapy with their children to reinforce their good behavior. Children earn tokens by being good and engaging in desirable behavior which can be used to get their favorite chocolates or toys. This is called positive reinforcement, where the likelihood of the desired behavior would be increased because it is being rewarded.


I am the saving grace! :)

One of the behavioral treatments founded on the principles of classical and operant conditioning is progressive desensitization.

Classical conditioning and operant conditioning:

Using the countering conditioning method, this entails treating phobias and progressively replacing the fear response with a muscle relaxation to the conditioned stimuli. In the first phase, the patient is taught deep muscular relaxation and breathing activities such as meditation and muscle de-tensioning.

In the second phase, the patient is assisted in creating a fear hierarchy, beginning with the least anxiety-producing stimuli and progressing to the most anxiety-producing stimuli.

As he progresses through the third phase, he gradually works his way up the fear hierarchy, practicing his relaxation method as he goes.

The patient would visualize the phobic circumstance over and again until it became a source of dread for him.

To influence behavior, token economies employ operant conditioning principles of reinforcement. Clients can earn tokens, which they can then swap for unique benefits or desired things. This treatment is usually used by parents to encourage their children's excellent conduct.

Find out more information about 'Operant conditioning'

What controversial issues can develop with the use of risk assessment?



I think a Lack of executive management support for the risk assessment. ...

Lack of established ground rules for conducting the risk assessment.

The mean price of computers sold at a particular store is $949 with a standard deviation of $75. The z-score of a certain computer is -0.8. What is the price of the computer?



the price of the computer is $889


The calculation of the price of the computer is shown below

We know that

Z-score = (x - mean) ÷ standard deviation

-0.8 = (x - 949) ÷ 75

x = (-0.8 × 75)  + 949

= -60 + 949

= $889

Thus, the price of the computer is $889

The above formula should be used in order to get the accurate value  

With only nine justices on the Court, what would diversity ideally look like?


Basically, the U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to determine how many justices sit on SCOTUS. This number has ranged between 5 and 10, but since 1869 the number has been set at 9.

What do you mean by diversity in court?

The 116 individuals who have been nominated and confirmed as justices to the Supreme Court are represented by the gender, ethnicity, and backgrounds in terms of religion, geography, and economics. Since the court was created in 1789, some of these qualities have been brought up as concerns. For the first 180 years of the court's existence, justices were primarily white male Protestants of Anglo or Northwestern European ancestry.

Prior to the 20th century, a small number of Catholics were appointed, but concerns about diversity on the court focused more on geographic variety—representing all regions of the nation—than on ethnic, religious, or gender diversity.

To learn more about diversity refer to:



The distribution of the number of children per family in the United States is strongly skewed right with a mean of 2.5 children per family and a standard deviation of 1.3 children per family.

a) Without doing any calculations, which event is more likely? Explain.
Event A: Randomly selecting a family from the United States that has 3 or more children.
Event B: Randomly selecting 40 families from the United States and finding an average of 3 or more children.

b) The probability of one of the two events listed in part (a) can be calculated even though the distribution of the population is strongly skewed right. For which event can the probability be calculated? Explain.

c) Calculate the probability of the event that you selected in part (b).



a) Event B

b) Event B

c) 0.649733


Write a summary of the following excerpt from “Why I Wrote 'The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins
For many years I suffered from a severe and continuous nervous breakdown tending to melancholia--and beyond
During about the third year of this trouble I went, in devout faith and some faint stir of hope, to a noted specialist in
nervous diseases, the best known in the country. This wise man put me to bed and applied the rest cure, to which
a still-good physique responded so promptly that he concluded there was nothing much the matter with me, and
sent me home with solemn advice to "live as domestic a life as far as possible," to "have but two hours' intellectual
life a day," and "never to touch pen, brush, or pencil again" as long as I lived. This was in 1887



Gilman felt very melancholy and was having a severe nervous breakdown. This mental state was maintained for three years, which made her look for a specialist in nervous diseases, who would examine her and help her to heal. The specialist stated that she did not have any serious illness, but that she needed to rest as long as she lived to be cured.


To make a summary of a text, you must rewrite the text in a reduced form, pointing out only the most important elements of the story. Therefore, anyone who reads the summary is able to understand the most important and relevant parts of the original text, even if they do not have many details of how it happened, since the details are presented only in the original text.

The writer is considering replacing the underlined portion of sentence 11 (reproduced below).

In one study, test subjects did a bunch of things with a humanlike robot called Nao.

Which of the following versions of the underlined text most closely fits the style of the passage?

A. (as it is now)

B. performed a series of tasks

C. finished a ton of work

D. completed loads of experiments

E. executed an array of assigned enterprises



B. performed a series of tasks


Answer B

Correct. This version of the underlined text most closely fits the style of the passage in terms of diction, syntax, and conventions. It relays information directly and uses formal yet accessible language.


B) performed a series of tasks


I just took the test, it is correct :)

Compared to distilled water, is water isotonic?



Isotonic solutions have the same concentration of solutes as a reference solution, usually expressed as milliosmoles per liter (mOsm/L). Distilled water is a pure substance that does not contain any solutes, so it has an osmolarity of 0 mOsm/L. Therefore, compared to distilled water, most solutions are hypertonic, meaning that they have a higher concentration of solutes, or hypotonic, meaning that they have a lower concentration of solutes.

However, it is important to note that the term "isotonic" is often used to describe solutions that are similar in concentration to the fluids inside the human body. For example, saline solutions are often used in medical settings because they have an osmolarity similar to the fluids in the human body, making them isotonic in this context. In comparison to these solutions, distilled water is hypotonic.

So, to answer your question, it depends on the reference solution that is being used. Compared to distilled water, which has an osmolarity of 0 mOsm/L, most solutions are either hypertonic or hypotonic. However, compared to solutions that are similar in concentration to the fluids in the human body, distilled water is hypotonic.


A form of behavior therapy that is generally done in three steps as a way to reduce fear and anxiety is referred to as _________.
aversion therapy
systematic desensitization
cognitive therapy
rational-emotive behavior therapy



C. cognitive therapy


A form of behavior therapy that is generally done in three steps as a way to reduce fear and anxiety is referred to as cognitive therapy .

The part of the behavior therapy that has been involved in dealing with fear and anxiety is systematic desensitization. Thus, option B is correct.

What is a behavior therapy?

The physiological therapy that has been used to treat the mental disorder such as fear, stress, anxiety, depression, and others is termed as the behavioral therapy.

The therapy can be performed in three steps, with the step that has been involved in the dealing with fear by exposure to the stimulus that leads to the reduction in the anxiety is termed as systematic desensitization. Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about behavior therapy, here:


What does Mrs. Dubose's struggle say about humanity?



Dubose struggles against old age; she has ailments which are so grave that there is little that can be done for her but alleviate the pain caused by these ailments through the use of morphine. But, as Atticus later informs Jem and Scout, Mrs. Dubose decided to die without being on any drugs.


Mrs. Dubose's struggle say about humanity is you never really know what someone is going through or how why they act the way they do.

What is To kill a mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird explores how good and evil may coexist inside a single community or individual while also telling the story of a young girl coming of age and a darker drama about the causes and effects of racism and prejudice.

Dubose fights against aging, but due to her severe illnesses, there is little that can be done for her other than to utilize morphine to treat the pain they create. But as Atticus goes on to tell Jem and Scout, Mrs. Dubose made the decision to pass away without any medications.

Therefore, you never really know what someone is going through or why they act the way they do, according to Mrs. Dubose's fight with humanity.

To learn more about To kill a mockingbird, refer to the link:


How do religious and ethnic groups both reflect and influence the geography of places at different



Religious and ethnic groups both reflect and influence the geography of places at different scales since human beings, who are ultimately the ones who give geography its cultural and social component, tend to group together in specific places, depending on their similarities and its adaptability to environmental conditions. Thus, for example, in Canada French speakers tend to cluster in the province of Quebec and, to a lesser extent, in northern Ontario. This affects the political geography of the place, since it makes the official language of Quebec French and not English, which is the official language of the rest of the country.

Where are the most mountains found on Africa



North-western, central and eastern regions of Africa have large number of mountains.


North-western, central and eastern regions of Africa have large number of mountains. However, 50% of the Africa's countries have high mountains (higher than 2000 m)

Some of the prominent mountains are -

Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m) in Tanzania, Mount Kenya (5,195 m) in Kenya, Mount Stanley (5,119 m), Mount Speke (4,890 m) and Mount Baker (4,844 m) in Congo-Uganda etc.  

Rewrite the following prompt in your own words.

In the period following World War II, many new international organizations, including the United Nations, formed with the stated goal of maintaining world peace and facilitating international cooperation.
Develop an argument that evaluates how successful international organizations have been in accomplishing these objectives.


Write an argument paper that focusing on how successful international organizations, such as the United Nations, have been since WW2 in maintaining world peace and facilitating international cooperation.


In the period following World War II, many new international organizations, including the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and Amnesty International, among many others, have formed in order to facilitate world peace and encourage international cooperation since the Second World War. With the goal of encouraging internationalism in an effort to prevent catastrophic global conflicts such as the past World Wars; these organizations combined aim to maintain international peace and solve conflicts through diplomacy, advocate and campaign against denial of fundamental human rights, oversee trade policies worldwide and resolve disputes, and strive towards ensuring a world working to achieve a better future. Yet, despite all the good that international organizations advocate for, their actions have been tremendously controversial since the very beginning. Critics as well as the general public have questioned whether or not post-World War II international organizations have really done more good than bad. Nevertheless, international organizations starting with the United Nations have drastically facilitated interdependence through globalization among countries around the world.

How has the introduction of the automobile and, subsequently, the highway begun to fundamentally change the way cities are designed and function?



The introduction of the automobile and, subsequently, the highway begun to fundamentally change the way cities are designed and function because these technological advances have allowed citizens to travel greater distances in less time: before the automobile, the horse was used to get around, which travels distances at about 30 kilometers per hour on average, and needs to rest after long stretches. Today, the car travels at average speeds of about 60 kilometers per hour and does not need breaks, other than the logical routine mechanical conditioning.

Thus, cities have been able to begin to expand horizontally, enlarging their contours because people no longer necessarily need to live near their centers, thanks to the mobility facilities that exist today.

The writer wants to combine sentences 11 and 12 (reproduced below) into a single sentence.
But when the stakes are high, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great. An example of a high-stakes situation would be when jurors are deliberating a defendant's fate.
Which of the following revisions to the underlined portion of sentences 11 and 12 most effectively accomplishes this goal?
high, then the risks
making biased decisions-one example of which would be when jurors are deliberating a defendant's fate-are simply too great
high, one good example of which is a defendant having his or her fate being deliberated by jurors, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great
c) high (for example, when jurors are deliberating a defendant's fate, the stakes would be high), the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great
high, such as when jurors are deliberating a defendant's fate, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great
E high-like a defendant whose fate is being deliberated by jurors-the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great



D. high, such as when jurors are deliberating a defendant's fate, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great


This version combines the two sentences in a concise and clear manner. Of the options presented, it is the most effective way to express the ideas in one sentence.

The revision that correctly fulfills the underlined part of sentence 11, as well as, 12 would be:

D). high, such as when jurors are deliberating a defendant's fate, the risks of making biased decisions are simply too great.

What is a sentence?

The sentence is described as the formation of words together to convey a complete meaning.

The above sentence correctly revises the highlighted part in sentences 11 and 12 as it gives it clarity and precision.

This joins the ideas together in a comprehensive and whole manner which makes it convenient for understanding them effectively.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Sentence" here:

What happens when two copies of information for a

trait are not the same?


Genes come in different varieties, called alleles. Somatic cells contain two alleles for every gene, with one allele provided by each parent of an organism. Often, it is impossible to determine which two alleles of a gene are present within an organism's chromosomes based solely on the outward appearance of that organism. However, an allele that is hidden, or not expressed by an organism, can still be passed on to that organism's offspring and expressed in a later generation.

What is the money multiplier when RRR = 9% and the ERR =3%?


The money multiplier when RRR = 9% and the ERR =3% is 8.333.

What is money multiplier?

A fractional-reserve banking system's money multiplier is one of many closely related ratios of commercial bank money to central bank money. Given a certain amount of central bank money, it has to do with the maximum amount of commercial bank money that can be produced.

Loans are how banks make money. To increase interest earnings, a bank lends or invests its excess reserves. The money supply grows by more than one dollar for every dollar increase in the monetary base. The money multiplier is the expansion of the money supply.

Money multiplier = 1 ÷ reserve ratio

Here reserve ratio = 9%+3%

= 12%.

= 0.12

Money multiplier = 1 / 0.12

= 8.333

So money multiplier is 8.333

Learn more about money multiplier on:


What comes to mind when you think of WW2?


Conflict, disagreement,battle,death
Have a good day

The writer wants to reduce ambiguity in sentence 6 (reproduced below) by changing the placement of the underlined text, adjusting punctuation and capitalization as needed.

Perhaps not surprisingly, when they resemble humans or animals, people readily bond with robots.

Which of the following is the most logical placement for the underlined text?

A. Before “Perhaps”

B. After “people”

C. After “readily”

D. After “bond”

E. After “robots”



E. After “robots”


Answer E

Correct. The underlined text is a modifying phrase that describes the word “robots.” By placing the phrase directly after the word it modifies, the writer can reduce ambiguity in the sentence. This choice makes it clear that the modifying phrase refers to robots, not people.




After "robots" because it makes complete sense.

Identify the type of genre:

Sunlight had sneaked in through the window and was creeping toward the chair where my pants dangled. I was lying in
bed, rubbing some gunk from the corner of my eye. It must have collected while I was sleeping, and to just let it stay there
seemed inappropriate.




A.) Fiction


The correct option is - A.) Fiction

what famous painter is known to have used a camera obscura make his paintings more accurate?
A.) Pablo Picasso
B.) Michelangelo Buonarroti
C.) Leonardo de Vinci
D.) Rembrandt van Rijn


C, Leonardo da Vinci
The answer is Leonardo de Vinci

Explain how supranationalist organization membership can limit sovereignty of member states.


The way that supernationalist organization membership can limit sovereignty of member states is that : Members of supranational organizations, such as the EU and World Trade Organization, consent to giving up some of their sovereignty.

What steps does a state need to take in order to join a supranational organization?

Member states do have to give up some sovereignty because the organization is supranational.

Military alliances aid states in fending off common foes, and economic alliances promote free trade on a greater scale. Supranational organizations are another name for these coalitions, and they always include states ceding some of their sovereign authority in the name of the greater good.

Therefore, In order to establish worldwide laws governing nations' affairs and avoid wars, a supranational body is a viable option. Countries that belong to supranational organizations like the EU and World Trade Organization consent to give up some of their sovereignty to the group on certain matters.

Learn more about supernationalist organization  from

How war and instability in the first half of the 20th century gave way to the Cold War and transnationalism



Total war and political instability in the first half of the 20th century gave way to a polarized state order during the Cold War and eventually to efforts at transnational union.

In sentence 15 (reproduced below), the writer wants to maintain credibility with the audience by using unbiased language.

Children are incredibly gullible when it comes to robots, as a recent study demonstrates.

Which of the following versions of the underlined text best accomplishes this goal?

A. (as it is now)

B. often the victims of robotic deception

C. particularly susceptible to robotic influence

D. so naive that they believe whatever robots tell them

E. not clever enough to outsmart robots



C. particularly susceptible to robotic influence


Answer C

Correct. This version of the underlined text allows the writer to maintain credibility with the audience by using unbiased language. The writer effectively replaces the biased language in the original text with neutral, objective language that still conveys the writer’s message about children’s susceptibility to robotic influence.




got it correct on progress check MCQ

how can i get brainliest really easy



By writing good answers.


Honestly, in my opinion, it's never been easier to get a Brainliest. With all these idiots running around leaving fake links, all you have to do is write a decent answer and you pretty much automatically get Brainliest.

1. What is the elevation of point "C"?
A. 170 m
B. 160 m
C. 130 m
D. 20 m
E. 50 m

2. Which side is steeper?
A. North
B. East
C. West

3. What is happening between points "F" and "D"?

A. going uphill
B. going downhill



we dont have the picture or anything else to go off of

Which of the following best describes why the author includes the phrase “unless you believe in objective, scientific polling” (paragraph 1, sentence 4)?
(A) It reveals the author’s doubts about the reliability of scientific data.

(B) It reinforces the author’s argument that our opinions are frequently
based on science.

(C) It helps to establish the author’s ironic, humorous tone.

(D) It supports the author’s feelings about the increasing importance of

(E) It introduces a comparison between the author’s view of himself
and the way others view him.


The answer is B if you believe in your opinion then no one’s opinion matters
B is the correct answer

Which tasks can be completed using the Advanced dialog box under Options? Check all that apply.
a. enable PowerPoint Designer
b. configure AutoRecovery settings
c. determine the maximum number of undos
d. add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar
e. define the number of recent presentations to display
f. add additional spelling mistakes to be auto corrected



C and E, the above answer is correct


I did it on edge too!!!!!!!!!!

The tasks that can be completed using a the advanced dialog box under Options is determine the maximum number of undos and define the number of recent presentations to display. That is option C and E.

What is an Advanced dialog box?

An Advanced dialog box is a type of dialogue box which is used to load an installation and management of package from the media location.

Therefore, the task that can be completed using the Advanced dialog box under Options is determine the maximum number of undos and define the number of recent presentations to display.

Learn more about Advanced dialog box here:

#SPJ 2

The United States emerged as the world's sole superpower at the end of the Cold War. TrueFalse


the answer is true

could i get brainiest?

In a different experiment, NH 3gas and HCl gas are introduced into an empty 1.00 L vessel at 25°C. The initial partial pressure of each gas is 0.500 atm. Calculate the number of moles of solid NH 4 C that is present when equilibrium is established.


that’s the whole page of answer please don’t report me until you look it up and see it’s real
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What happens if sanitizing solution is too strong? What happens during 1/2 life of a radioactive isotope? Graph the inequality on a coordinate plane.2x - 5y< -10 According to the _______________, people underestimate the impact of situational factors and overestimate the impact of personal factors when explaining other people's behaviours. The risks should be those that are somewhat likely to occur and/or can have a significant positive impact on accomplishing the project objective.TRUE OR FALSE What is the domain answer? What is one negative effect of participating in free trade agreements? 3. Organizational Decline Almost all businesses operate in changing environments Identify the stage of organizatio arely each example in the following table. constantly Decline Stage Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a "wait and see" approach to addressing the problem because other companies dont seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, butY each of the attempts falled, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now, unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. 3. Organlzational Decline Almost all businesses operate In changing environments. identify the stage of organizational decine for each example in the following table. 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Identify the stage of organizational decline for each example in the following table Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a "wait and see" approach to addressing the problem because other companies dont seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, but each of the attempts failed, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now, unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. Decline Stage Crisis DissolutionLY Inaction 3. Organizational Decline Almost all businesses operate inchanging environments Identify the stage of organizational dedline for each example in the following table. Decline Stage Example A manufacturing company knows that it has a problem because of changing environmental emissions laws, but it takes a "wait and see" approach to addressing the problem because other companies don't seem to be doing anything about it. A barcode-scanning device manufacturer tried several times to update its products, but each of the attempts faliled, leaving the company weaker and weaker in the process. Now unless something remarkable happens, the company is facing bankruptcy A financial services firm decides to downsize in order to save money rather than understanding the need to create new products for a changing demographic. Inaction Faulty action Blinded I have a lot of this but pls help me How many terms are there in the expression 5x 3xy? please help me with task 2 What happened on January 6, 2020? Why is it so significant when compared to previous changes in administration? What does AAA stand for New Deal? What is the point with the speaker of the poem? The lack of gravity in pace caue a reditribution of bodily fluid. Decribe what happen to the body due to thi change I need help with probability. Question 9 Common stockholders have the right to vote at stockholders' meetings. share in any dividends distributed to common stockholders. sell their stock. all of the other answers are true. Question 14 In the case of a cash dividend, you receive a dividend if you own the stock on which date? date of record date of declaration date of dividend payment last day of the month in which the dividend is declared Question 15 Shares of stock eligible for dividends are the number of shares of authorized. the number of shares outstanding. the number of shares issued. the number of treasury shares. Question 16 A company declares a 2 for 1 stock split. Which of the following is true? Total Stockholders equity remains unchanged Total Assets remain unchanged All of the other answers are true Total Liabilities remain unchanged 5.6 pass compose etre bonjour je suis en 3eme et j ai un sujet d ecriture a realiser Rdiger un sujet d'criture sur le souvenir li une peur d'enfance semblable celle du narrateur du texte de J. Joffo. -J ai bien redige un souvenire de peur -j ai bien rediger un souvenire d enfance ou adolessence -j ai bien ecrit mon texte a la 1er personne du singulier -j ai bien rediger mon texte a l imparfait et passer simple-j ai bien devlopper le vocabulaire de mes sentiment emotions-j ai bien rediger les reaction de mon entourage-mon texte fait minimum 300 lignesmerci d'avance What are biological impacts?