read the information on new york times v. united states (1971). be sure to select "read more" to learn more. in this decision, the supreme court ruled that the first amendment protected the right of the new york times to publish classified, or secret, government papers about the war in vietnam. this information revealed that the government had not been truthful with the public about the level of u.s. involvement in the war. describe in your own words how this ruling shows the importance of the protection for freedom of the press in the first amendment.


Answer 1

The Supreme court ruling shows the importance of the protection for freedom of the press in the first amendment because the press need the protection, so as to write without retribution and fear of government.

What is the case new york times v. united states (1971) about?

It was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the First Amendment right to freedom of the press. The ruling allowed The New York Times and The Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without fear of censorship or punishment from the government.

President Richard Nixon claimed executive authority to order the suspension of publication of classified information in the Times' possession. The court had to decide whether the constitutional freedom of the press, guaranteed by the First Amendment, was subordinate to the executive branch's claimed need to keep information secret. The Supreme Court ruled that the right to print materials was protected by the First Amendment.

Read more about 1st amendment


Related Questions

What problem with the vice presidency was the twenty-fifth amendment meant to solve?.


The Twenty-Fifth Amendment was meant to solve the problem of what happens when the vice president leaves office due to death, resignation, or removal.

The amendment provides for the President to nominate a new Vice President, who is then confirmed by a majority vote of both the House and Senate. It also allows for a Vice President to temporarily assume the powers and duties of the President in the event of a disability, such as a long-term illness or extended absences.

This amendment was important for ensuring that the executive branch remains stable and that the President has a qualified and competent Vice President. It also prevents any power vacuum from forming between the two offices. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment also makes it easier for the President to replace his Vice President in the event of resignation or death, ensuring that the executive branch remains strong and functioning.

For more questions like  Twenty-Fifth Amendment click the link below:


According to the Declaration of Independence,
what is the power of the government based on?



The United States is a constitution-based federal system, meaning power is distributed between a national (federal) government and local (state) governments. the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

The man who returned to San Francisco to announce that gold was found in the American River was _______. John Sutter Santa Anna Sam Brannan James Marshall


The man who returned to San Francisco to announce that gold was found in the American River was James Marshall.

Who actually discovered gold in California?

Many individuals in California believed that there was gold in the area, but James W. Marshall was the first to notice anything sparkling in Sutter Creek near Coloma on January 24, 1848. While supervising the construction of a sawmill on the American River, he had unintentionally discovered gold.

James Marshall found gold at Sutter's Mill on January 24, 1848, but no one knew about it until May 12, when publisher and businessman Sam Brannan exclaimed, "Gold! Gold! ", while waving a tiny bottle filled with gold flakes in the streets of San Francisco.

James W. Marshall found gold on Johann A. Sutter's land on January 24, 1848, not far from Coloma, California.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about gold at:


in spanish-speaking latin america, social scientists and politicians favor which term over indio (indian), the colonial term that the spanish and portuguese conquerors used to refer to the native inhabitants of the americas?


Social politicians and academics from Spanish-speaking Latin America prefer this term to indio (Indian), the colonial term employed by the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors.

Is the US the same country as America?

The United States as well as the United States (USA) are same (US). The North American nation is referred to by both names. They are identical and are frequently used in the same sentence.

What does the name America mean?

Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer who proposed the at the time groundbreaking idea that the regions Columbus traveled to in 1492 were a separate continent, is the inspiration behind the name America.

To know more about America visit:



The class relationships in Manchester described by Parkinson are best explained in the context of the
answer choices

low education levels of urban residents and the scarcity of schools

increasing pressure for greater political representation of new industrial towns in national governments

declining wealth of the traditional landed aristocracy in comparison to factory owners and industrialists

continuous migration of new workers to industrial towns and the high job turnover



The class relationships in Manchester described by Parkinson are best explained in the context of declining wealth of the traditional landed aristocracy in comparison to factory owners and industrialists.

During the Industrial Revolution, Manchester and other industrial towns in England experienced rapid economic growth and social change. Factory owners and industrialists, who were often from the middle class, gained wealth and power as their businesses expanded. At the same time, the traditional landed aristocracy, which had been the dominant social and political force in Britain for centuries, saw its wealth and influence decline in comparison to the new industrial elites. This shift in wealth and power likely had a significant impact on class relationships in Manchester and other industrial towns, as the traditional aristocracy was replaced by a new class of industrial capitalists.

The other options provided do not adequately explain the class relationships in Manchester. While low education levels and the scarcity of schools may have contributed to social inequality, they do not fully capture the dynamics of class relationships during this time period. Similarly, while pressure for greater political representation and the migration of new workers to industrial towns may have had some impact on class relationships, they are not the primary factors that shaped these

How does Old Major feel about humans?


Old Major believes that Man is capable only of doing harm and that animals are capable only of doing good. Such one-dimensional thinking that ignores the desire for power inherent in all living things can only result in its being disproved.

Predominant (also called Willingdon beauty, his name used when displaying) is the first primary individual defined by George Orwell in his 1945 novel Animal Farm. An elderly center White boar, his "purebred" of pigs is a type, grandfatherly philosopher of trade.

Principal proposes a approach to the animals' determined plight on Manor Farm under the Jones administration and evokes mind of a revolt. He does no longer specify a time for the revolt; it could be day after today or several generations down the road. But when he dies three days after handing over his speech, the animals without delay got to work on bringing approximately the rebellion, riding Jones and the farmhands off the farm and doing away with many of the implements of his rule.

The Seven Commandments that Snowball transcribes, that are supposed to embody important's widespread philosophy, are progressively altered and deformed under Napoleon till they have completely exclusive meanings from the ones in the beginning meant.

To learn more about Old Major visit here:


How were the Shumshers able to establish themselves in the politics of Nepal after the event of 2042 BS? Describe.​


The way that the Shumshers  were able to establish themselves in the politics of Nepal after the event of 2042 BS is that:

The Sat Salko Kranti movement, also known as the Nepali revolution of 1951, was a political uprising against the Rana dynasty's direct rule of Nepal. It signals the beginning of Nepal's political awakening and democratic movements, and it led to the country's institutional hereditary prime minister system being immediately abolished.

What is the Nepal case about?

The revolution of 1951 in Nepal, also known as the Sat Salko Kranti, was a significant event in the country's history. It resulted in the abolition of the Rana dynasty's rule and the end of the hereditary prime minister system in Nepal. The revolution was a turning point in Nepal's history, as it marked the beginning of democratic movements and the political awakening of the Nepalese people.

Therefore, It is unclear how the Shumshers were able to establish themselves in Nepalese politics after this event. It is possible that members of the Shumsher family held influential positions in the government or political parties following the revolution, but without more information, it is difficult to provide a detailed account of their involvement in Nepalese politics.

Learn more about Nepal from


Who is to blame for the sinking of the Lusitania?


Answer - In 1915 it was sunk by a German U-boat, resulting in the death of 1,198 people, including 128 Americans. Despite outrage over the incident, the U.S. government continued to pursue a policy of neutrality for another two years. However, German submarine warfare was cited when the United States declared war in 1917.

What do the pigs do in chapter 9?


Napoleon, the father of all 31 piglets born to the four sows, orders the construction of a classroom for their instruction. The supplies for the animals are gradually being decreased but the pigs' weight continues to increase. Napoleon is chosen as the new president after Animal Farm is eventually declared a republic.

In Chapter 9, what were the pigs preparing?

The farmyard was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of frying barley one day. The animals expect the pigs to be making mash for their dinner, but they don't show up. All of the barley will be set aside for the pigs, they declare.

What unique privileges do the pigs acquire in Chapter 9?

A new law was established stating that any other animal that came into contact with a pig on a path had to move aside and allow the pig to pass. Pigs had the additional distinction of sporting green ribbons on their tails on Sundays.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:


Why can t government take away your natural rights without cause?


The idea of natural law holds that everyone is born with specific rights that ought to be upheld by the state and society. And these rights are referred to as natural rights. And you are born with these.

Why natural rights cannot be taken away?

All people, according to Locke, are equal in that they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. Those are unalienable, divinely granted rights. "Life, liberty, and property" are three of these essential natural rights, according to Locke.

How does the government defend our fundamental rights?

The Bill of Rights specifically guarantees those fundamental liberties—life, liberty, and property—that were already covered by the original Constitution.

To know more about natural law visit:


Baldwin contends that Black English is a separate language from American English, because _____.
1. it is the product of the black American fight for survival, which is how all languages develop
2. the African American people do not want to be identified with whites in any way
3. its linguistic elements are fundamentally different, just like Russian or Chinese
4. none of the above


A - it is the product of the black american fight for survival, which is how all languages develop

What was President Wilson's response to the outbreak of ww1?


Woodrow Wilson wanted to limit his time as president to foreign policy. Wilson, like many Americans, believed in neutrality when Europe entered war in 1914 and saw America as a peace broker. The sinking of the traveler liner Lusitania by a German U-boat assisted with breaking that expectation.

Wilson remained neutral for as long as possible and demanded an apology from Germany. However, Germany's unlimited submarine warfare was an intolerable insult to America's honor and dignity. The Zimmerman telegram, a secret German message to Mexico promising territory to Mexico in exchange for supporting the German cause, was intercepted by British intelligence at the beginning of 1917. On April 2, 1917, Wilson at last requested Congress for a conventional statement from war.

Wilson had to figure out how to mobilize an America that wasn't ready. To build the army, the government could ask for volunteers and start a draft. However, persuading Americans to help the conflict and feel the will to battle was more troublesome. Propaganda was required for the war effort. Wilson established the Committee for Public Information (CPI), which produced pamphlets, films, and posters portraying Germans as the barbaric Huns with the help of a slew of artists and Hollywood's early film industry. The iconic "I Want You" army recruitment image was created by James Montgomery Flagg, who also drew his well-known drawing of Uncle Sam pointing at the viewer. Everything German became suspect, including Beethoven, sauerkraut, and last names.

To know more about President Woodrow Wilson visit


How long is a 1 sentence?


A common plain English guideline says an average of 15–20 words long should be there to call it a sentence.

A sentence, which starts with an upper case and finishes with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point, is the biggest autonomous unit of grammar. The Latin word for "sentence" is "to feel." Sentential is the word's adjective form. Simply put, a sentence is a group of words that includes the subject what the sentence is about the topic what is said about the subject and the predicate.

To learn more about sentence refer here:


How important is Buddhism in Japan?


Buddhism is an important religion of Japan, 67.2% Japanese consider themselves Buddhist.

One of the most significant effects of Buddhism on Japanese culture was the spark that led to the creation of a writing system.

In addition, Buddhism introduced a governmental framework, cutting-edge technologies, and sophisticated cultural practices that would transform many facets of Japanese life. These practices included music, dance, a new writing system, and, above all, exquisite Buddhist art.

For the most part, Japanese people today do not place much importance on religion in their daily lives.

The oldest religion in Japan, Shinto, as well as Buddhism and Confucianism make up the majority of the Japanese religious tradition.

To learn more about Japan refer here


Identify why Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq.


Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq because Obama saw the war as counterproductive and too costly both in human and financial terms.

In December 2019, Iraq and the US started examining the fractional withdrawal of American battle troops from Iraq. In January 2020, during gigantic fights and following a heightening of pressures between the US and Iran, the Iraqi Board of Delegates passed a non-restricting measure to "oust all unfamiliar soldiers from their nation," including American and Iranian soldiers. Following the vote, U.S. President Donald Trump at first wouldn't pull out from Iraq, however started pulling out powers in Spring.

In Walk 2020, the U.S.- drove alliance, Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF–OIR), started moving command over various army bases back to Iraqi security powers, referring to improvements in the long term mission against the Islamic Territory of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). By 4 April 2020, four bases had been moved. The base exchanges and withdrawal were advanced quickly because of the Coronavirus pandemic in Iraq and the danger of Iranian intermediary components.

In February 2021, NATO reported it would extend its main goal to prepare Iraqi powers in their battle against ISIL, to some extent turning around the U.S.- drove troop withdrawals. In April 2021, U.S. Headquarters expressed that there were no designs for an all out withdrawal of U.S. powers from Iraq, refering to proceeded with dangers presented by the ISIL revolt and Iran-upheld volunteer armies.

In July 2021, President Joe Biden reported that he would end the U.S. battle mission in Iraq toward the finish of 2021, with residual U.S. troops serving in a warning and help job. The U.S. battle mission officially finished up on 9 December 2021, with 2,500 U.S. troops staying in the country.

Know more on Obama withdrew U.S. forces from Iraq -


Who did the Social Security Act of 1935 benefit?




The social security act was mostly created for retired workers.

Included among the defendants of the Doctor's Trial was Viktor Brack, an SS colonel. Brack was not a physician and had no medical background. Since the trial was mainly about the euthanasia program and Aktion T-4, why was he MOST likely included as a defendant?

A. He was probably studying to be a doctor at the camps.
B. He was probably a Nazi Party official who helped organize the programs.
C. He was most likely the chemist who invented Zyklon-B gas used on patients.
D. He may have sold the buses to the Nazis for use in transporting patients.​


Answer: B.


Victor Brack played a vital role in organizing killing mentally ill and handicapped people in Akiton T-4 and it was also called the "euthanasia" programme. (Wikipieda)

He was probably a Nazi Party official who helped organize the programs was he MOST likely included as a defendant. Hence, option B is correct.

What is defendants?

The individual accused of the offense is the defendant in criminal proceedings. The party being sued by the plaintiff in a civil lawsuit is known as the defendant. The defendant is referred to as the responder in some cases.

In criminal cases, "The People," or the State acting on behalf of the victim, is often designated as the plaintiff. The person being charged of a crime or violation of a law is/are the defendant. The person who have claimed that they have been the victim of wrongdoing in a civil case are known as the plaintiff.

A defendant is a person who has been accused of committing a crime in a criminal trial a crime; an act defined as punishable under criminal law. In a criminal trial.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more information about defendant, click here:


What acquisition completed the continental united states and ended manifest destiny?


Answer: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What are 4 characteristics of a utopian society?


Answer: 1. Equality: In a utopian society, there would be no discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, or social class. All members of society would be treated equally and have the same opportunities.

2. Peace: A utopian society would be free from conflict, violence, and war. This could be achieved through diplomacy, non-violent resolution of disputes, or other means.

3. Abundance: A utopian society would have sufficient resources to meet the needs and desires of all its members. This could include food, shelter, healthcare, education, and other necessities, as well as leisure and cultural activities.

4. Social harmony: In a utopian society, people would work together in harmony and cooperation, rather than being driven by selfish or divisive interests. There would be a strong sense of community and mutual support among all members.


What is the most significant contribution of the ancient Hebrews?


Answer: revolutionary idea that there was only one god, a belief known as monotheism.

Does Buddhism support democracy?


Buddhism is a democratic religion because it places a strong focus on independence, freedom of choice, and self-reliance. Buddhism disapproves of all forms of totalitarian and autocratic rule.

Buddhism and democracy are thus not only compatible, but also share a foundational belief in every person's equality and potential. All have the same right to seek happiness and to avoid pain, in addition to having desires.

Buddhist democracy is not only not contradictory, but it is also superior to democratic government when measured by the standards set forth by the liberal tradition, and superior to Buddhism when measured by the standards established by Buddhism itself for judging morality.

To learn more about Buddhism refer here


How did yellow journalism impact our decision to fight against the Spanish?


Yellow journalism it was primarily responsible for rallying support for the war and boosting public opinion in favor of intervention.

The Impact of Yellow Journalism on the Decision to Fight the Spanish

Yellow journalism had a significant impact on the decision to fight against the Spanish. It was primarily responsible for rallying support for the war and boosting public opinion in favor of intervention. Through sensationalized and often false stories, newspapers like William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal and Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World created a sense of outrage among American citizens over the atrocities allegedly committed by the Spanish in Cuba. These stories helped to generate a pro-war sentiment and pushed the nation towards military action.

Learn more about Yellow journalism at:





In December of 1845, Texas became the 28th state of the United States of America. It was a change welcomed by many. As early as 1836, Texan voters had chosen overwhelmingly to support annexation. But opposition in the U.S. was strong, and the annexation of Texas came only after years of heavy debate.


Some of that debate came from Texan nationalists. But the main opposition was found in the US. The issue of slavery was central to their concerns – as it was with so many political issues in the US at the time. There had been little question that if Texas joined the U.S., it would join as a slave state. Slavery was widespread in the Republic of Texas. Although no formal census was taken in Texas until 1850, it’s estimated that in 1845 the new state had a population of about 125,000 people. Some 30,000 lived as slaves. Abolitionists in the U.S. worried that adding another slave-holding state would upset the political balance in Congress and in the country.

Sectionalim became prevalent not only between the North and South, but the Wet a well.   Explain how the purchae of the Louiiana Territory and wetern expanion contributed to increaed ectionalim in the United State. Do we till have ectionalim in the US today? Give example and explain your anwer.  


The notion that one region of the country is superior to all others is known as sectionalism. The most intra-sectional fighting occurred in the North and South, but the West was also developing its own identity and was willing to assist any of the other sections if it would promote their growth.

The key factor that led to growing sectionalism in the United States was the need that each new state that was to join the Union to decide whether it would be "slave" or "free," which further polarised the North and South over the subject of slavery and ultimately sparked the Civil War.

Even now, at the start of the twenty-first century, there are still cultural and geographic divisions at war with one another in what is known as the "culture wars."

To learn more about Civil War


how were the civilizations in mesoamerica like those that arose in the mediterranean? wealth and power were concentrated in the hands of an elite clas


As wealth and power became concentrated in the hands of a small group of priests and kings in the Mediterranean, Mesoamerican civilizations began to emerge.

Two of the most significant historical shifts in human history took place in Mesoamerica: the development of the first cities and the emergence of New World civilizations as a result of extensive contact between indigenous, European, African, and Asian cultures.

Mesoamerica's foundation civilization first appeared close to the modern city of Veracruz, where the Gulf of Mexico curves southwest. Similar to how Uruk in Mesopotamia arose in a series of river valleys, so did this society. This civilization, also known as the Olmecs, existed between 1400 and 100 BCE.

To learn more about Mesoamerican


Did Napoleon say all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others?


Unfortunately, that is exactly what occurs over time, and the pig The final dictum, "All creatures are equal," is changed by Napoleon to read, "All animals are equal but certain animals are more equal than others." The Stalinist Russia that Orwell was criticizing is parodied in this.

The animals of Manor Land lead a rebellion against Mr. Jones, who owns the farm and, consequently, them, in the novella. They take over Manor Farm, renaming it "Animal Farm," and begin managing it themselves in accordance with their seven commandments, which stipulate that all animals are equal. Napoleon and Snowball serve as their leaders. Indeed, one of their tenets is that "all creatures are equal."

However, it soon becomes apparent that the pigs, notably Napoleon and Snowball, think of themselves as special and deserving of special treatment as the animals' leaders. Napoleon plans it so that Mr. Whymper, a visitor from a nearby farm with whom the pigs had begun to trade, overhears the animals discussing how great life is on Animal Farm. Eventually, Snowball is exiled from the farm after having a disagreement with Napoleon.

Napoleon and Squealer, Napoleon's one-man (or one-pig) propaganda machine, gain weight during the novella, and none of the animals are able to retire as promised. The farm expands and becomes wealthier, but the pleasures the animals were promised never materialize: they are informed that the true joy comes from toiling away and leading a modest life.

To know more about Napoleon:


What does Wilson want to happen to Germany?


Answer - Wilson demanded an apology from Germany and stayed his neutral course as long as possible. Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare, however, was an intolerable affront to America's dignity and honor.

What was the social impact of business in the 1920s? How were attitudes toward business different from the Progressive era?


During the 1920s, there were important social advancements. The emergence of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment were the most evident signals of change.

What effects did the Roaring 20s have on society? There were significant social developments during the 1920s.The emergence of a consumer-oriented economy and of popular entertainment, which contributed to a "revolution in morality and manners," were the most visible indicators of change.Significant changes were made to sexual mores, gender roles, hairstyles, and clothing during the 1920s.The 1920s saw a 42% increase in the US economy.New consumer products entered every household as a result of mass production.Modern auto and aviation industries were established.The conventional wisdom held that the market would correct itself without assistance from the executive branch.In order to safeguard the interests of the general public, progressives pushed to implement laws against corrupt business activities throughout the Progressive Era as they observed the corruption that resulted from the belief in a free market.

To learn more about social impact refer


What does the Harlem poem represent?



“Harlem” is not just a poem about the American dream or the dreams of African Americans. Rather, it reimagines the city at the center of “the long history in which black global dreams have foundered on the shoals of America's racial dilemma,” in Nikhil Pal Singh's memorable words


Why is Natal Day celebrated?


Have a happy birthday on August 7 in celebration of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Everyone enjoys celebrating birthdays. Natal Day is a holiday that was established in 1895.

to honor the heritage of Nova Scotia. In case you were wondering, the term "natal" comes from the Latin meaning "birth." Prepare to rejoice, partake in several outdoor gatherings, and consume copious amounts of cake since this holiday's celebrations generally stretch the whole weekend before Natal Day (which occurs on a Monday).  After all, it is a birthday. Every year on the first Monday in August, the Halifax-Dartmouth area celebrates Natal Day, a well-liked civic holiday. Parades, fireworks, races, cake-cutting rituals, concerts, and other events highlight the celebrations.

learn more about Natal Day here:


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