Read the fable "The Heron." Then, answer the question that follows.

A Heron was walking sedately along the bank of a stream, his eyes on the clear water, and his long neck and pointed bill ready to snap up a likely morsel for his breakfast. The clear water swarmed with fish, but Master Heron was hard to please that morning.
"No small fry for me," he said. "Such scanty fare is not fit for a Heron."
Now a fine young Perch swam near.
"No indeed," said the Heron. "I wouldn't even trouble to open my beak for anything like that!"
As the sun rose, the fish left the shallow water near the shore and swam below into the cool depths toward the middle. The Heron saw no more fish, and very glad was he at last to breakfast on a tiny Snail.

A theme of the fable is "Accept a good opportunity or you may be left with nothing." Which of the following excerpts does not support the development of the theme in the story?

A Heron was walking sedately along the bank of a stream, his eyes on the clear water …
"No indeed," said the Heron. "I wouldn't even trouble to open my beak for anything like that."
"No small fry for me," he said. "Such scanty fare is not fit for a heron."
The clear water swarmed with fish, but Master Heron was hard to please that morning.


Answer 1
A. is the most correct answer because the fact that Heron was walking along the bank of a stream has nothing to do with the theme (accept a good opportunity or you may be left with nothing.
Answer 2

The excerpt “No small fry for me,” he said. “Such scanty fare is not fit for a Heron” supports the development of the theme in the story. The Heron was too picky and refused to eat small fish, which led him to miss out on the opportunity to catch bigger fish that swam away .

Related Questions



Make an persuasive essay about issue in community in 150 words

​ ​


A persuasive essay about issue in community is that does social media improve or hurt our society?

What is a persuasive essay?

Argument essays, another name for persuasive writing, use logic and reason to demonstrate why one idea is more valid than another. It makes an effort to influence the reader to take a specific position or action.

Regular use of social media is linked favorably to social wellbeing, self-rated health, and mental wellbeing. We simply need to use social media with awareness and maintain a realistic perspective on its place in our lives.

Unfortunately, social media has a detrimental effect on society because instead of having to gather the courage to be cruel and cruel things to someone in person, face-to-face, people can spread hate and pettiness while hiding behind their phone, tablet, computer, or any other type of virtual shield.

Learn more about persuasive essay on:


Say good-bye to the pupfish,
He’s gone and hardly missed;
No one knows why he deserves it,
He just no longer exists.
Without knowing the pupfish at all,
He is gone and surely forgotten:
No fins waving in the current,
His bubbly breath stamped forbidden.
The fish-counting scientist insisted
There were no survivors.
But of what were there no survivors?
Our toilets flushed into their living rooms?
Fish-counting divers?
Say good-bye to the fishpup,
Ignoble and scaly dish
That lived into the twentieth century
When men couldn’t talk to fish.
In the way we think about Nature,
It’s just another kink,
Someone—pupfish, man or eagle—
Has to become extinct.
Which line from the poem most clearly expresses its theme that human activity causes animals to become extinct?
"He is gone and surely forgotten"
"When men couldn't talk to fish"
"There were no survivors"
"No one knows why he deserves it"




The answer is C. "There were no survivors" suggests that something caused the pupfish to become extinct, and the following lines imply that this something was human activity, such as "our toilets flushed into their living rooms" and "fish-counting divers."

The correct answer is C

Highlight the syllables that are naturally stressed to create iambic meter in this line of poetry.
Prate not of thy repentance. But believe


Prate not of thy repentance. But believe, The highlighted word is the iambic pentameter in the above sentence.

In poetry, the iambic pentameter is referred as a type of structure in verses or metric that includes five iambs and because of this is called iambic pentameter. Additionally, the iamb is a unit composed of two syllables the first syllable is an unstressed syllable or short syllable and the second syllable is a stressed or long syllable. We can conclude that, each verse with iambic pentameter has ten syllables as each iamb has two syllables and it includes an unstressed-stressed syllable sequence or it has stress one every other syllable. Hence, "iambic pentameter refers to a line of poetry with ten syllables with stress put on every other syllable".

Learn more about iambic pentameter from the link given below.


You should constantly stir it until the salt_____in water





You should constantly stir it until the salt dissolves in water


Keep adding one teaspoon of salt to the water and stirring each time, until the salt does not dissolve anymore.

____ for robbers.

Watching out
Watch out



Watch out


Watch out for robbers sounds like what someone would actually say. Watching out for robbers is present tense and would require a noun before, like 'I am watching out for robbers' or 'he is watching out for robbers.'. See for robbers is simply wrong. Watch for robbers is also wrong.

Fill in the blanks to explain how a habit works








Hope this help

What else could the boy have done? Wasn’t
flight both an escape and a great uplifting?
And so he flew. But how could he appreciate
his freedom without knowing the exact point

where freedom stopped? So he flew upward
and the sun dissolved the wax and he fell.
But at last in his anticipated plummeting
he grasped the confines of what had been
his liberty. You say he flew too far?
He flew just far enough. He flew precisely
to the point of wisdom. Would it
have been better to flutter ignorantly

from petal to petal within some garden
forever? As a result, flight for him was not
upward escape, but descent, with his wings
disintegrating around him. Should it matter

that neither shepherd nor farmer with his plow
watched him fall? He now had his answer,
laws to uphold him in his downward plunge.
Cushion enough for what he wanted.



2nd paragraph


Please help me!!!!!!



D. To provide details and information about a topic.


Informative essays are made to CONVEY information to and to educate a reader about a topic. The main purpose is to teach you information about something basically. Your body paragraphs are designed to add details and information to your essay.

 Wrong Answers.

A: The purpose of an informative essay is to educate you on a topic. The goal here is not to persuade you on which opinion is better.

B: Although this answer choice is included in a informative essay, it is not part of the body paragraphs. Your body paragraphs are supposed to present the information that you are talking about, not make you interested.

C: This is mainly the conclusion part of the essay. The conclusion serves as a wrap-up of your essay and also adds a bit more detail.

Hopefully this helps! :)

1. How was the Iroquois Confederacy influential in the forming of the United States constitution? Give a
specific example.
2. How were Iroquois ideas influential outside of the American continents?
3. What role did women have in the Iroquois culture? (Besides bearing and rearing children)
4. Give a specific example of how the European colonists were dependent on the Iroquois upon their
arrival to North America.
How do the Iroquois dispel the European myth of the Native Americans as "savages"?


1)The gift-giving tradition was abused by the British.

2)The Iroquois became reliant on things like firearms and metal axes as a result of the abundance of European products they were showered with.

Other part has been discussed below:

Who were the Iroquois?

Iroquoian-speaking has been known as the First Nations people who has live in northeastern North America and the Turtle Island collectively and call themselves as the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois.

The Iroquois League has been Iroquois Confederacy were the terms has been used by the French during the colonial eras to refer to them. Near the Lake Ontario and along the Mohawk River in New York State, the Iroquois people has first settled there.

Therefore, The Iroquois became reliant on things like firearms and metal axes as a result of the abundance of European products they were showered with.

Learn more about Iroquois on:


Victor is told that it may be impossible to find the monster and bring justice upon him in chapters 21-continuation of Frankenstein. How does Victor react when he hears this?
A. He decides to go abroad and do missionary work.
B. He decides to live in a cave, so no one else will die at the monster's hands.
C. He decides to go back to the university.
D. He leaves Geneva, never to return to search for the monster.


Victor decide to go abroad and do a missionary work.

so, the correct option is A.

What happens in Frankenstein Chapter 21?

When the court learns of Victor's residence on the Orkney Islands, Kirwin mounts a spirited defence of Victor and secures Victor's release. Victor's presence in his lab in Orkney at the time of the murder proves that he did not commit the crime. Victor is taken home by Alphonse.

Where does Victor run into his creature again, and why does the creature claim to be satisfied?

After meeting with the magistrate, where does Victor meet his creature again, and why does the creature say he is satisfied? They cross paths again in the cemetery. Victor is now satisfied because he feels as miserable and alone as the monster.

Was Victor convicted at his trial?

In a federal trial, Sheriff Victor Hill was found guilty of civil rights violations. He was found guilty on six of seven federal charges, including violating the civil rights of inmates.

learn more about Victor visit:


A cheetah can run 112.654 km/h a ProngHorn antelope can 198.17 km



The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is the fastest land animal and can reach speeds of up to 112.65 km/h (70 mph) in short bursts over a distance of about 460 meters (500 yards) when chasing prey. This speed is made possible by their powerful leg muscles, flexible spine, and non-retractable claws that provide traction on the ground.

The pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), also known as the American antelope or prongbuck, is the second-fastest land animal and can reach speeds of up to 98.17 km/h (61 mph). Pronghorns are native to the grasslands and prairies of North America and are adapted to running over long distances. They have long legs and a unique hoof structure that allows them to maintain their speed for longer periods of time compared to other hoofed animals.

It's important to note that the speed of both of these animals is an average taken over a short distance and is not their top speed. They can only maintain these speeds for a short time before they need to rest and recover.


which statement accurately describes how building materials and configuration affect fire behavior in a structure?


The longer the fire has burned, the more likely it is that structural integrity has been compromised. This is the statement that accurately describes how building materials and configuration affect fire behavior in a structure.

How does building material and configurations affect fire behavior?

The construction process is the first of the crucial building aspects. Building design affects both the structural integrity of a building during a fire and the behavior of the fire. Non-combustible and fire-resistant construction does not contribute to the fuel load, however combustible construction like wood-frame, conventional (masonry and wood), and heavy timber construction does

Compartment fires frequently involve the contents and non-structural components like the interior finish of the ceiling, walls, and floor.

In addition to the fuel type, there are other important aspects that affect the ignitability and heat release rate of solid fuels, including thermal thickness and design. Thermally thin materials' temperatures will swiftly increase when heated. Surface temperature will rise in materials that are thermally thick, but inside temperature will rise more slowly.

The longer the fire has burned, the more likely it is that structural integrity has been compromised. This is the statement that accurately describes how building materials and configuration affect fire behavior in a structure.

To read about fire safety measures, click here:


Read the poem "Thoughts in a Zoo" by Countee Cullen. Then, answer the question that follows.

They in their cruel traps, and we in ours,
Survey each other's rage, and pass the hours
Commiserating each the other's woe,
To mitigate his own pain's fiery glow.
Man could but little proffer in exchange
Save that his cages have a larger range.
That lion with his lordly, untamed heart
Has in some man his human counterpart,
Some lofty soul in dreams and visions wrapped,
But in the stifling flesh securely trapped.
Gaunt eagle whose raw pinions stain the bars
That prison you, so men cry for the stars!
Some delve down like the mole far underground,
(Their nature is to burrow, not to bound),
Some, like the snake, with changeless slothful eye,
Stir not, but sleep and smoulder where they lie.
Who is most wretched, these caged ones, or we,
Caught in a vastness beyond our sight to see?

Which line from the poem summarizes the poet's claim?

Gaunt eagle whose raw pinions stain the bars
Some, like the snake, with changeless slothful eye
That lion with his lordly, untamed heart
They in their cruel traps and we in ours



1. We, caught in a vastness beyond our sight to see.

2. They in their cruel traps and we in ours.

Hope this helps:)

The line from the poem that summarizes the poet's claim is: "They in their cruel traps and we in ours." This line reflects the poet's claim of a parallel existence between the animals trapped in cages and human beings trapped in their own metaphorical cages.

The optin (D) is correct.

By using the pronouns "they" and "we," the poet establishes the comparison and highlights the shared experience of captivity. This line signifies the recognition that both the animals and humans are trapped, expressing a sense of empathy and commonality in their respective situations.

It encapsulates the poet's claim that there is a mutual understanding of suffering and confinement, implying a broader commentary on the human condition.

Learn more about poem:


This question is not complete, Here I am attaching the complete question:

Read the poem "Thoughts in a Zoo" by Countee Cullen. Then, answer the question that follows.

They in their cruel traps, and we in ours,

Survey each other's rage, and pass the hours

Commiserating each the other's woe,

To mitigate his own pain's fiery glow.

Man could but little proffer in exchange

Save that his cages have a larger range.

That lion with his lordly, untamed heart

Has in some man his human counterpart,

Some lofty soul in dreams and visions wrapped,

But in the stifling flesh securely trapped.

Gaunt eagle whose raw pinions stain the bars

That prison you, so men cry for the stars!

Some delve down like the mole far underground,

(Their nature is to burrow, not to bound),

Some, like the snake, with changeless slothful eye,

Stir not, but sleep and smoulder where they lie.

Who is most wretched, these caged ones, or we,

Caught in a vastness beyond our sight to see?

Which line from the poem summarizes the poet's claim?

(A) Gaunt eagle whose raw pinions stain the bars

(B) Some, like the snake, with changeless slothful eye

(C) That lion with his lordly, untamed heart

(D) They in their cruel traps and we in ours

this type of logical fallacy happens when instead of supporting a claim, the writer simply restates the claim in different words. group of answer choices


What Is a Fallacy in Logic? Arguments that are defective, dishonest, or incorrect are known as logical fallacies and can be refuted through logic. Fallacies can fall into two categories

An argument that has a premise and conclusion that cannot stand up to scrutiny is said to have a formal fallacy. An inaccuracy in the structure, substance, or setting of the argument is known as an informal fallacy.

Without supporting data, a presumption of truth can lead to erroneous reasoning. These kinds of logical fallacies include, for instance: Argumentum ad ignorantiam, often known as the "Appeal to Ignorance," asserts that a claim is true since it has not yet been disproven. For example, "Aliens must exist because there is no evidence that they do not exist." False ideas that are supported by weak arguments are called fallacies. They are based on illogical reasoning, which undermines the

To learn more about fallacies please click on below link


In her speech about the internship she just finished at a marketing firm, Phoebe
uses phrases like "drip campaign" and "gated content." What are these terms
examples of?
(1 point)
O half truths
O biased language
O jargon
O generalizations


Answer: jargon

Explanation: Jargon refers to specialized or technical language that is used within a particular profession or industry. It is often used to convey complex ideas or concepts in a concise or efficient manner, but it can be difficult for people outside of the profession or industry to understand. "Drip campaign" and "gated content" are examples of jargon that might be used in the field of marketing.

Half truths, biased language, and generalizations are not the same as jargon. Half truths are statements that are only partially true or that are intended to mislead or deceive. Biased language refers to language that is used in a way that reflects a particular bias or perspective, rather than being neutral or objective. Generalizations are statements that are made about a group or category of things based on limited information or experience, and they may not be accurate or representative of all members of the group.

Which of these contexts describes a situation that is likely?

Rolling an even number on a standard six-sided die, numbered from 1 to 6.

Spinning a spinner is divided into four equal-sized sections colored red/green/yellow/blue and lands on a primary color (red or yellow or blue).

Winning a raffle that sold a total of 100 tickets if you bought 50 tickets.

Reaching into a bag full of 3 strawberry chews and 17 cherry chews without looking and pulling out a strawberry or a cherry chew.


We can actually see here that the context that describes a situation that is likely is: D. Reaching into a bag full of 3 strawberry chews and 17 cherry chews without looking and pulling out a strawberry or a cherry chew.

What is context?

Context is actually known to be the condition which occurs in which an action, remark, or idea occurs and within which it is completely understandable.

The term "context" describes the things or people around a focus event, which in these disciplines is usually a communication event of some form. A frame that surrounds the event and offers resources for its proper interpretation is known as context.

We see that the given situation above is likely to happen.

Learn more about context on



Spinning a spinner divided into four equal-sized sections colored red/green/yellow/blue and landing on yellow or blue or green.


Which of these contexts describes a situation that is likely?

We’re looking for a situation that is likely.

Winning a raffle that sold a total of 100 tickets if you bought 1 ticket.

Within the set of 100 possible outcomes, there is 1 way of winning if you bought 1 ticket. 1 out of 100 is significantly less than half. When something may occur but significantly less than half the time, we say it is unlikely.


Reaching into a bag full of 10 strawberry chews and 10 cherry chews without looking and pulling out a lemon chew.

Within the set of 20 possible outcomes, there are 0 possible ways of pulling out a lemon chew. 0 out of 20 is 0. When there is no way for something to occur we say it is impossible.


Rolling a 2 on a standard six-sided die, numbered from 1 to 6.

Within the set of 6 possible outcomes, there is 1 way of rolling a 2. 1 out of 6 is significantly less than half. When something may occur but significantly less than half the time, we say it is unlikely.


Spinning a spinner divided into four equal-sized sections colored red/green/yellow/blue and landing on yellow or blue or green.

Within the set of 4 possible outcomes, there are 3 ways of landing on yellow or blue or green: {yellow, blue, green}. 3 out of 4 is significantly more than half. When something may occur significantly more than half the time, but not all the time, we say it is likely.


The correct answer is: Spinning a spinner divided into four equal-sized sections colored red/green/yellow/blue and landing on yellow or blue or green.

Where does true poverty come from, according to the Wife of Bath?


complaining and worrying, and coveting what is unable to have

a lack of owning land or property.

refusing to be a religious person

working tirelessly, but still unable to afford life's essential goods


True poverty, according to the tale of wife of bath comes from complaining and worrying, and coveting what is unable to have. Thus first option is the right answer.

What is true poverty?

This tale is a part of Chaucer's Canterbury tales.

The Wife of Bath claims that she has five husbands, making her an authority on marriage and relationships between men and women. She claims that this experience gives her the right to share her story.

A gorgeous maid is spotted by a lustful young knight in Arthur's court as he rides through the woodland. He rapes her . The knight should be beheaded in accordance with the law, the angry court rules. However, the queen  steps in to save him, and King Arthur submits to advice from his wife. The queen promises the knight that his life will be spared if, in a year, he can respond to the issue of what ladies want.

The old lady is a character in the tale who helps him in answering the question and in turn demands to marry him. Though repulsed by the proposal he marries her. At last she gives him two options

True poverty, according to the tale of wife of bath comes from complaining and worrying, and coveting what is unable to have. Thus first option is the right answer.

To read more about Chaucer works, click here:


In a well-developed essay explain King Arthur's character and how he becomes the symbol of an
archetype hero. How does the possession of Excalibur affect the characters in the plot?
Finally, analyze how Merlyn and the Lady of the play a role in choosing Arthur as ONCE AND FUTURE


Thomas Malory’s depiction of Merlin in Le Morte d’Arthur was that of a cold, distinguished sage, providing counsel to Arthur that, at times, appears morally difficult to follow.

What is the example of counselling?

An example was in his counselling Arthur to send away newborn baby boys adrift at sea to risk perishing.T. H. White’s depiction of Merlyn in The One and Future King.

This shows him as a bumbling wise man who lives backwards through time and eventually becomes younger. This opened the character to have more human traits, making him more relatable to readers.

Therefore, Thomas Malory’s depiction of Merlin in Le Morte d’Arthur was that of a cold, distinguished sage, providing counsel to Arthur that, at times, appears morally difficult to follow.

Learn more about tournaments on:


3-A pg 31) Read this sentence from the passage.

"Immediately, a procession of men longer than the Yangtze River entered from a side door."

This sentence illustrates the use of?

A. extended Metaphor
B. Personification
C. Hyperbole
D. Paradox​


Answer: Hyperbole

Explanation: Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggerating or overstating something for emphasis or effect. In this case, the speaker is exaggerating the length of the procession by saying that it is "longer than the Yangtze River," which is one of the longest rivers in the world. This is not meant to be taken literally but rather is used to convey the idea that the procession was very long and impressive.

Part A What is the theme of this passage? Responses People most often prefer play to work. People most often prefer play to work. People change a great deal as they go through the stages of life. People change a great deal as they go through the stages of life. People gain self-knowledge as they age. People gain self-knowledge as they age. People form many different relationships during their lives.



the main theme is that life is full of struggles and relationships. If we work hard we can do any type of work and in relationships we have to trust each other and understand each other .

Question 5 of 20
Which of the following characters most plausibly symbolizes the sense of
displacement that African Americans faced before and during the civil rights
A. Theresa, a new lawyer attempting to thrive in a firm that is run
entirely by men
B. Margaret, a single mother who is expected to work two jobs at the
same time
C. Peter, a wrongly convicted man who tries to convince people that
he's innocent
D. Warren, a deceptive con artist who lives up to his reputation as a


The correct option is - A. Theresa, a new lawyer attempting to thrive in a firm that is run entirely by men.

what are civil rights?

A class of rights known as civil and political rights guards against the violation of people's freedom by the government, other social institutions, and private parties. They guarantee one's right to take part in society's and the government's civic and political life without persecution or prejudice. Protection from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, sexual orientation, nationality, color, age, party leanings, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion, and disability is included in civil rights. People's liberties such as privacy and the freedom of thought, voice, religion, press, assembly, and movement are also included. Natural justice (procedural fairness) in the law refers to the rights of the accused, including the right to a fair trial, due process, the right to seek redress or a legal remedy, as well as the right to participation in civil society and politics, such as liberty of association.

The correct option is - A.

To know more about civil rights, visit:


how did willy treat the boys when they were young? how did they act toward him? how did willy feel about charley and bernard (in the past)? (29-34


When the boys were younger, Willy confided in his son Biff many of his aspirations. He observed Biff's physical prowess and possibly realized his aspirations thanks to Biff's successes. As a salesperson, he traveled frequently, yet he occasionally attended his athletic events. Because Willy believes Charley is succeeding and believes Bernard is stagnating, he feels envious of Charley.

Why is Willy annoyed with Biff?

He works on a farm, is lazy but hardworking, and is not pleased because he doesn't have a stable job. He contradicts himself, which indicates that he lacks mental stability. Biff is a stimulant. Throughout the play, he controls Willy's actions and ideas, especially his recollections.

When the boys were younger, Willy confided in his son Biff many of his aspirations. He observed Biff's physical prowess and possibly realized his aspirations thanks to Biff's successes. As a salesperson, he traveled frequently, yet he occasionally attended his athletic events. Because Willy believes Charley is succeeding and believes Bernard is stagnating, he feels envious of Charley.

To find out more about Willy, check out:


Which statements best describe a central idea? Check all that apply.

a. There is only one per text.
b. It must be stated explicitly.
c. It is the most important idea in a text.
d. It is supported by facts and details.
e. It is connected to the author's purpose.


The statements that best describe a central idea are:

c. It is the most important idea in a text.d. It is supported by facts and details.e. It is connected to the author's purpose.

What is a Central Idea?

This refers to the term that is used to describe and define the main message that an author wants to convey to his audience in his text;

Hence, it can be seen that from the list of answer choices given, options C, D and E are the correct answers as they describe a central idea.

With this in mind, it can be seen that a central idea is one that contains the theme of the text and this is the most important idea in a text.

Read more about central ideas here:


The English alphabet contains 21 consonants and five vowels. How many strings of six lowercase letters of the English alphabet contain a) exactly one vowel? b) exactly two vowels?
c) at least one vowel?
d) at least two vowels?



There are Twenty six (26) letters in the English alphabet

There are Twenty one (21) consonants and Five (5) vowels

a) those without vowels, if letters would be repeated

without vowels means that all are constants

it would be as follows

21⁸ = 37,822,859,361 letters

b) those without any vowels, if there is no repetition of letters.

it would be as follows

21×20×19×18×17×16×15×14 = 8,204,716,800 letters

c) those starting with a vowel if letters were to be repeated

it would be as follows

5×26⁷ = 40,159,050,880 letters

d) those that start with a vowel, if there was repetition of those letters

it would be,

5×25×24×23×22×21×20×19 = 12,113,640,000letters

e) that contain at least one vowel, if letters can be repeated?


26⁸-21⁸ = 171,004,205,215letters

f) those that contain exactly one vowel, if the letters would be repeated

So the calculation would be as follows

8×(5×21⁷) = 72,043,541,640letters

please visit the link below to find our more about the question above


Which situation is the best
example of irony?

A. You forgot the keys, so you are locked out.
B. An old beat up car wins a race against a sports
C. You find your sunglasses in the last place you
look for them.





rony refers to a situation which outcome is totally different from the one expected, or to words that have a meaning beyond their original one in order to say something without offending another person. Often, irony can be comical, and sometimes it can be bitter. The best example of irony is C. A poorly written book that is full of clichés and

Which of the following is a good summary of the passage above?
If you throw a tennis ball really hard, it will travel very fast when it leaves your hand. The faster it travels, the higher the ball will go before it turns back to Earth.
Velocity is also known as speed. To escape gravity, an item has to go at a high escape velocity. The smaller an object is, the higher its escape velocity must be.
Light travels faster than anything else in the universe. The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second. That is not fast enough to escape a black hole, though.
A black hole is a special region in space and time. Nothing can escape from a black hole, even light, because the escape velocity of a black hole is extremely high.


An example of a good summary is Light travels faster than anything else in the universe. The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second. That is not fast enough to escape a black hole, though.

What is a summary?

Providing the reader with a thorough understanding, a summary is a condensed version of a longer work.

The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of work should be included in a summary.

We can locate all the above outcomes that a good summary should include in the text up top, as

who- light, What- travels faster than anything else, Where- in the universe, why- to escape a black hole, How- The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second.


To learn more about good summary from the given link


write a dialogue between rahul and his sister reena about preparation of speech competition​


Hi Rahul, are you ready for your competition?

What is one characteristic of a mock-heroic poem (sometimes called mock-epic)?
O1.. Its tells a tale in a comical way.
O2.. It is usually about sports.
3. It has repeating refrains.
O4.. It sings a song.



It tells a tale in a comical way.


A mock heroic poem is supposed to be funny because it is mocking someone or something.

I hope this helps!

What mood does the alliteration in the phrase "they encounter thee with their hearts’ thanks” help create?


Answer: celebratory

Explanation: just did it on edge

Answer: B. celebratory

Explanation: The alliteration in the phrase "they encounter thee with their hearts’ thanks” helps create a celebratory mood.

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity. In this phrase, the repetition of the "th" sound in "they," "thee," and "thanks" creates a musical and rhythmic effect.

The use of alliteration in this context enhances the positive emotions associated with encountering someone or something. It adds a sense of joy, appreciation, and gratitude to the phrase. The repetition of the "th" sound also creates a gentle and harmonious tone, which contributes to the overall celebratory mood.

Learn more about alliteration here:

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A different point of view means a different story in a different prospective


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When the boy and girl entered the drugstore, how did the saleslady know they were there?The wind slammed the door shut. Wham!Mr. VanderSchaaff yelled from behind the counter.She heard the boy singing while they entered.O She heard the tiny bell. one distinguishing feature of new keynesian economics (from earlier schools of thought) is the greater use of microeconomic analysis in macroeconomic analysis. True or False What is a camera problem that dirt on the outside of your camera can cause? A. the aperture port B. the outer coating C. the inner coating D. the battery portplsss answer on november 1, bahama cruise lines borrows $6 million and issues a six-month, 7% note payable. interest is payable at maturity. determine the financial statement effects of (1) the issuance of the note and (2) the adjusting entry for interest owed by december 31, the end of the reporting period. Function definition: BMI calculator Define a function CalculateBMI with inputs massKg and h to calculate the BMI of a single individual, or a group of inviduals provided as a row array. Relevant equations are listed below The functon returns bodyMassindex. The tunction should be able BMI - mass in kg / (height in meters)*2 Your Solution Save C Reset MATLAB Documentation Define a function Calculate Input: masskg: Mass in kg heightCm: Height in cm % Output: bodyMassIndex: Resulting BMI given mass and height Run Your Solution Code to call your function when you click Run 1 CalculateBMI (45, 145) C Reset Run Submit for Assessment 0% Apparently, having a reasonable level of __________ depends on early, close relations with other people.a. artistic abilityb. intelligencec. healthd. physical coordinationb. intelligence Help what is this?!?!?!?!?! Select the equations for the lines on the graph. What is a triangle? How do you name a triangle using three vertices? Give an example. exercise 4.3.1: for your e/r diagrams of: a) exercise 4.1.1. b) exercise 4.1.3. c) exercise 4.1.6. (i) select and specify keys, and (ii) indicate appropriate referential integrity constraints. you could have consistently made superior returns by buying stock after a 15% rise in price and selling after a 15% fall would appear to contradict which form of the efficient market hypothesis Explain how such characters function in Hamlet and discuss how Shakespeare uses supporting characters to propel the plays action, themes, or the development of other characters. Please answer as quickly as possible, please. You are an IT Technician for you company. Jodie, a receptionist, think her Windows 10 machine is running slowly today and calls you to see if you can speed it up.None of the other employees have called regarding any related issues, so you suspect it is an issue with Jodie's computer, perhaps a malfunctioning application. To help troubleshoot Jodie's computer, you run Task Manager.Which of the following tabs would be the MOST helpful for getting an overall view of how Jodie's computer is running? (Select TWO)-Users-Processes-App history-Details-Services-Performance An important step in science is supporting a theory oridea with data. Thequestions we ask help determine thetype of data we collect.In the warm up, you reviewed the equation to calculatekinetic energy. What question could you ask about kineticenergy which will include thevariables that affect it? forward transactions originated in the market for question content area bottom part 1 a. government bonds b. agricultural and other commodities c. common stock problem 9-6 determine the distance yc to the center of gravity of the homogeneous rod bent into the parabolic shape. given: a 10 points] design an algorithm to search the number 42 in a binary tree. what is the time complexity of this algorithm (apply the analysis framework)? which two numbers when multiply gives you 15 and when added gives you -12? What was the tallest Christmas Tree ever put up? Where? tanner-unf corporation acquired as an investment $240 million of 7% bonds, dated july 1, on july 1, 2024. company management is holding the bonds in its trading portfolio. the market interest rate (yield) was 9% for bonds of similar risk and maturity. tanner-unf paid $200 million for the bonds. the company will receive interest semiannually on june 30 and december 31. as a result of changing market conditions, the fair value of the bonds at december 31, 2024, was $210 million.'[