Question 13 Marks: 1 What is the smallest practical planning unit involved in regional planning?Choose one answer. a. the individual b. the village c. the county d. the city


Answer 1

The smallest practical planning unit involved in regional planning is  the village.(B)

A village is the smallest practical planning unit in regional planning because it consists of a relatively small population and area, making it easier to manage and implement plans. This allows for more focused and effective planning strategies that can be tailored to the specific needs and resources of the village.

In comparison, the individual is too small and lacks the resources and organization necessary for effective planning.

The county and city, on the other hand, are larger and more complex, making them more challenging to manage as planning units. Therefore, a village is the most suitable and manageable unit for regional planning purposes.(B)

To know more about effective planning click on below link:


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if two people meet and make a deal, write it down on paper, sign it and agree to it, then the contract must be fair because both parties agreed to it, otherwise they wouldn't have signed it. T/F


If two people meet and make a deal, write it down on paper, sign it and agree to it, then the contract must be fair because both parties agreed to it, otherwise they wouldn't have signed it.The statement is true.while it is true that contracts require the agreement of both parties, it is important to ensure that the terms of the contract are fair and that both parties fully understand them before signing.

The statement that ""if two people meet and make a deal, write it down on paper, sign it and agree to it, then the contract must be fair because both parties agreed to it"" is false. The fact that both parties have signed the contract does not necessarily mean that it is fair. There are many reasons why a party might agree to terms that are not in their best interest, such as:

Duress: A party may have felt forced to sign the contract because they were threatened or coerced in some way.

Fraud: A party may have been misled about the terms of the contract, such as the price or quality of the goods or services being provided.

Mistake: A party may have signed the contract without fully understanding the terms or the implications of those terms.

Unequal bargaining power: A party with more bargaining power may have been able to negotiate terms that are unfairly favorable to them.

In each of these cases, the contract would not be considered fair, even if both parties signed it.

Furthermore, it is important to note that not all contracts need to be in writing to be enforceable. Verbal contracts are also legally binding, although they can be more difficult to prove in court. In some cases, a court may also find that a contract is unenforceable even if it is in writing, such as if the terms are illegal or against public policy.

Click the below link, to learn more about  contract :


according to susan harter, how would a 4-year-old describe himself?


According to Susan Harter, a developmental psychologist, a 4-year-old child would typically describe himself using concrete and observable characteristics. At this stage, children have not yet developed the ability to understand abstract qualities or make complex self-evaluations.

In Harter's model of self-concept development, a 4-year-old falls within the stage called "Level 1: Preschool Self-Description". During this stage, children describe themselves using:Physical attributes: They may mention their height, weight, or hair color (e.g., "I am tall" or "I have brown hair").Specific preferences: They talk about their likes and dislikes, such as favorite toys, games, or food (e.g., "I like ice cream" or "I love playing with cars").Possessions: They mention objects they own or value (e.g., "I have a bike" or "My teddy bear is special").Simple emotions: They describe basic feelings they experience, such as happiness or sadness (e.g., "I am happy when I play with my friends" or "I feel sad when I fall down").Social comparisons: They make basic comparisons with their peers, often based on physical attributes or abilities (e.g., "I am faster than my sister" or "My friend is taller than me").In summary, a 4-year-old's self-description primarily revolves around tangible aspects of their life, rather than introspective or abstract thoughts. This is because their cognitive abilities are still developing, and they have not yet grasped the concept of more complex self-evaluations or abstract qualities.

For more such question on developmental psychologist


God sees what is in a man's heart rather than what is on the outside


The statement "God sees what is in a man's heart rather than what is on the outside" is a common belief held by many religions, including Christianity. This belief emphasizes the importance of one's inner character and intentions over external appearances or actions.

In Christianity, this belief is based on teachings found in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament book of Samuel, where it is said that "man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7) This passage is often interpreted to mean that while humans may judge or evaluate others based on their external appearance or actions, God's assessment is based on a deeper understanding of a person's inner character and motivations.

Learn more about man's heart


an implied-in-fact promise to fire a coach only for cause can be demonstrated by which of the following? a. the conduct of the parties b. announced personnel policies c. practices within that particular institution d. all of the above



D.) All of The Above.


An implied-in-fact promise is a type of contract that arises from the conduct of the parties rather than from an explicit agreement. In the context of a coaching contract, an implied-in-fact promise to fire a coach only for cause means that the coach can only be terminated if there is a valid reason, such as a breach of contract, performance issues, or misconduct.

Such a promise can be demonstrated by various factors, including the conduct of the parties (e.g., if the coach was previously fired only for cause), announced personnel policies (e.g., if the institution has a policy of firing employees only for cause), and practices within that particular institution (e.g., if other coaches have been fired only for cause).

Therefore, all of the options (A, B, and C) are correct as they are all possible ways to demonstrate an implied-in-fact promise to fire a coach only for cause.

According to Gottman, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of communications in marriages that will fail:
a. Hostile criticism
b. Stonewalling
c. Contempt
d. Straight talk


Straight talk is NOT a characteristic of communications in marriages that will fail .

Straight talk involves honest, direct communication without being critical or contemptuous towards one's partner. On the other hand, Gottman identified hostile criticism, stonewalling, and contempt as communication styles that are highly predictive of divorce. Hostile criticism involves attacking one's partner's character or personality instead of focusing on specific behavior. Stonewalling is a pattern of emotional withdrawal and shutting down during conflicts. Contempt involves behaviors such as name-calling, eye-rolling, and sarcasm, which convey a lack of respect and admiration towards one's partner. By contrast, straight talk can help build trust, emotional intimacy, and long-lasting relationships.

Learn more about stonewalling


Three of the following teaching practices are good applications of Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Which one is not?
a. When Sue gets the correct answer but does not explain how she arrived at that answer, her teacher comments, "You need to include more abstract ideas to explain how you got that answer".
b. An eighth grade teacher encourages students to speculate about possible explanations as to why kites can fly, and then to test each explanation.
c. To help students understand abstract concepts, a physics teacher shows them concrete illustrations in each week's lab session.
d. A ninth grade teacher uses moral dilemmas and Socratic questioning to help the students develop higher level thinking and perspective taking.


The teaching practice that is not a good application of Piaget's theory of cognitive development is option (a). Piaget's theory emphasizes that children construct their own understanding of the world through active exploration and experimentation.

The teacher's comment in option (a) does not provide any opportunity for Sue to actively engage in constructing her understanding or to explore her own thought processes. On the other hand, options (b), (c), and (d) are good applications of Piaget's theory. In option (b), the teacher encourages students to engage in active experimentation and hypothesis testing to construct their understanding of how kites fly. In option (c), the teacher uses concrete illustrations to help students build their understanding of abstract concepts. In option (d), the teacher uses moral dilemmas and Socratic questioning to promote higher-level thinking and perspective taking. Overall, Piaget's theory emphasizes the importance of active exploration, experimentation, and construction of understanding. Teachers who apply these principles in their teaching practices are more likely to support their students' cognitive development.

To know more about Piaget's theory click here:


The population being studied is usually considered if it involves an ongoing process that makes listing or counting every element in the population impossible. a. finite b. skewed c. symmetric d. infinite


Answer: d.infinite


When studying a population, it may be impossible to list or count every element in the population due to its infinite nature. For example, the population of all human beings on Earth is infinite, and it would be impossible to list or count every single person in that population. In such cases, researchers use statistical methods to make inferences about the population based on a sample of individuals.

The passage following the parable of the lost sheep is another saying of Jesus. This one deals with the proper treatment of stubborn __________


The passage following the parable of the lost sheep is another teaching of Jesus Christ, which provides guidance on how to deal with stubborn individuals.

In this passage, Jesus shares a story about a person who has a friend visiting him at midnight and he goes to his neighbor's house to borrow some bread. The neighbor, however, refuses to help him, but the person keeps on knocking on the door until the neighbor finally gives him the bread.

This story is often referred to as the parable of the persistent friend, and it highlights the importance of persistence in seeking help or resolution to a problem. It also emphasizes the need to approach the situation with humility and a willingness to ask for assistance, even if it means repeatedly seeking help from others.

The parable teaches us that stubbornness can sometimes be counterproductive, and instead, we should adopt an approach of persistence and humility. It is also essential to note that the story does not encourage us to be pushy or rude when seeking help from others but rather to be persistent while maintaining respect and consideration for others.

In summary, the teaching of Jesus in this passage provides valuable insight into how we can approach stubborn individuals in our lives. By being persistent and humble, we can seek assistance without being pushy or rude, which can ultimately lead to a positive outcom

Click the below link, to learn more about the parable of the lost sheep:


emily more confidently explores the playground equipment when her mother is present. according to attachment theory, emily's mother is serving as a __________.


According to attachment theory, a secure base is a person (usually a caregiver) who provides a sense of safety and security for a child, allowing them to confidently explore and engage with their environment. In this case, Emily's mother is serving as a secure base for her as she explores the playground equipment.

Secure base: Relationships with one or more carers, who provide a solid foundation from which to explore and a secure sanctuary for consolation when things go tough, serve as a secure basis. Therefore, a solid foundation fosters safety, competence, confidence, and resilience. A child must have faith in their carer to serve as a safe base that will: When they come back, make sure to give them a warm welcome (especially if they crawled to another part of the room). Whenever they're sad, console them. Whenever they start to get nervous, reassure them. A stable base is one that is "available, ready to respond when called upon to encourage and perhaps assist, but to intervene actively only when clearly necessary," according to John Bowlby, the father of attachment theory.

To know more about secure base:


Jeannette often expects the worst of people, and yesterday she thought Sarah was angry at her because Sarah asked another friend out for coffee. As a result, Jeannette ignored Sarah's texts, angering Sarah. But in truth, Jeannette created the situation to which she was reacting. This is an example of:


It is important to recognize this phenomenon and try to avoid falling into negative patterns of behavior based on our beliefs or expectations.

This is an example of the self-fulfilling prophecy. The self-fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon in which a person's belief or expectation about a situation or individual influences their behavior towards that situation or individual, which ultimately leads to the belief or expectation becoming true. In this case, Jeannette's expectation that Sarah was angry with her caused her to ignore Sarah's texts, which caused Sarah to become upset with her. Jeannette's behavior towards Sarah was influenced by her belief that Sarah was angry with her, which ultimately led to the situation that Jeannette was initially concerned about. The self-fulfilling prophecy can have a powerful impact on our lives and can influence our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors towards others.

Learn more about phenomenon here


External validity refers to the extent to which the research design accurately identifies causal relationships. (True or False)


External validity refers to the extent to which the findings of a research study can be generalized to other settings, populations, or conditions. External validity refers to the extent to which the research design accurately identifies causal relationships is False.

Its the degree to which the results of a study can be applied beyond the specific context in which the study was conducted.

The term you might be thinking of is internal validity, which is concerned with the accuracy of identifying causal relationships within the study. Internal validity focuses on the design and execution of the research, ensuring that there are no confounding variables or biases affecting the results. It helps establish a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

To achieve both high external and internal validity, researchers must carefully design their studies, control for potential confounding factors, and consider the representativeness of their sample. They can produce more reliable and generalizable findings, ultimately contributing to a stronger body of scientific knowledge.

to learn more about research design


principal investigators, or supervisors/responsible person(s), must first complete a hazard assessment to determine what types of ppe must be worn in the lab T/F


A hazard assessment must be carried out by principal sleuths, chiefs, or other responsible individuals to identify potential risks in the laboratory and the types of personal protective equipment (PPE) required to safeguard workers. the answer is true.

A crucial step in ensuring that workers are adequately protected from potential dangers like chemical spills, explosions, and exposure to biological agents is the hazard assessment.

The principal investigator or supervisor can then determine the types of PPE that laboratory workers require based on the results of the hazard assessment. Depending on the nature of the dangers, this could include lab coats, safety glasses, gloves, or respirators.

It is essential to keep in mind that PPE should not be relied upon as the sole means of safeguarding against dangers in the laboratory. Different controls, like designing controls, authoritative controls or work rehearses, ought to likewise be utilized to limit openness to perils.

To learn more about personal protective equipment here


The intervention for COMMIT involved community mobilization. What is this?


The intervention for commit (community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation) concerned community mobilization, that's a process of bringing collectively network participants and organizations to work collaboratively closer to a common purpose.

Within the case of devote, the aim was to reduce smoking fees inside the network. The network mobilization approach involved enticing community contributors, leaders, and businesses inside the development and implementation of smoking cessation applications and rules.

This method acknowledges that community contributors are professionals in their very own stories and can provide treasured insights into the simplest approaches to address network issues.

With the aid of mobilizing network assets, commit aimed to create a supportive surroundings that could inspire people who smoke to end and provide them with the gear and sources needed to accomplish that..

Learn more about smoking cessation:-


stages of repentance


recognizing wrongdoing





mark me as brainliest

a psychologist is interested in whether working memory is influenced by sleep loss. the psychologist administers a measure of working memory to a group of participants at 8 a.m. on day 1 of the study and then again at 8 a.m. on day 2 of the study, after keeping the participants awake the entire night. does sleep loss affect working memory? what statistical analysis should be performed to answer this question?


The psychologist administered a measure of working memory to a group of participants at two different times: 8 a.m. on day 1 and 8 a.m. on day 2, after keeping the participants awake the entire night.

To determine whether sleep loss affects working memory, the psychologist should perform a statistical analysis comparing the working memory scores of the participants between the two-time points. One possible statistical analysis for this question is a paired-sample t-test, which is used to compare the means of two related samples. In this case, the two related samples are the working memory scores of the same group of participants at two different time points.

The paired-sample t-test would compare the mean working memory score at 8 a.m. on day 1 with the mean working memory score at 8 a.m. on day 2. If there is a significant difference between these two means, then it suggests that sleep loss does affect working memory. However, if there is no significant difference between the means, then it suggests that sleep loss may not have a significant effect on working memory.

To learn more about psychologist, visit here


The WTO preceded the GATT.A. TrueB. False


False. The GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) preceded the WTO (World Trade Organization) because it was created before that.

The statement "The WTO preceded the GATT" is false. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was established in 1947, whereas the World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded later in 1995. The WTO was actually created to replace the GATT, expanding its scope and functions. In point of fact, the World Trade Organization (WTO) was established prior to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Since its inception in 1947, the GATT has served as a multilateral trade agreement up until the WTO's establishment in 1995. The WTO then, at that point, supplanted GATT, turning into the essential worldwide association to administer exchange between countries. Bogus The explanation "The WTO went before the GATT" is misleading. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1995, following the establishment of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1948. The WTO really succeeded GATT as the vitally worldwide body administering exchange rules and question goals.

learn more about GATT here


What are the penalties does a first time DUI offense.Second offense?Third offense?


Yes, prison time is obligatory for a primary DUI in PA in instances of excessive or maximum physical alcohol content material.

If someone is convicted of DUI with a physical alcohol content material of .10 or higher, forty eight hours in prison is the necessary minimum. Being a repeat DUI culprit exposes you to harsh crook consequences and different collateral consequences. At a minimum, you'll face obligatory prison time, a suspension of your license, stiff fines, and a everlasting crook report in case you are convicted.As of November 2022, having or greater previous DUI convictions can suggest being sentenced to a 2nd or 0.33-diploma felony, upon conviction. This method as much as seven to 10 years in jail with fines as excessive as $25,000.A Georgia DUI 0.33 offense contains a obligatory 15-day prison sentence, with fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. Driver's license revocation extends for 5 years (if there are 3 convictions inside 5 years), and network carrier is needed for 30 days.

To learn more about DUI check the link below-


Infants younger than 5 months old do not search for objects once they have been removed from their sight. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, these infants have not yet developed ________.


According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, infants younger than 5 months old have not yet developed object permanence, which is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

Piaget's stages of cognitive development suggest that infants younger than 5 months old are in the sensorimotor stage of development. During this stage, infants learn about the world through their senses and actions. They have not yet developed object permanence, which is the ability to understand that objects continue to exist even when they are not visible. Infants in this stage may look for objects that are hidden, but they do not yet understand that the object still exists even when it is not visible. It is not until around 8 months old that infants develop object permanence.

learn more about infant here


How did Mary McLeod Bethune advance the civil rights movement for African Americans?


Answer:She led war bond drives, blood donation drives, and encouraged African American women to staff the canteens that dotted the country.


Question 37
The number one item listed under emergency equipment and supplies is __
a. food b. first aid
c. water
d. folding portable toilet


The number one item listed under emergency equipment and supplies can vary depending on the source or context, but in most cases, it is typically listed as water.

Option C is correct

Water is essential for survival, and it is recommended to have at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation purposes in emergency situations.

First aid supplies and food are also important, but water is typically considered the top priority. Folding portable toilets may be useful in certain situations, but they are not typically considered a top priority emergency supply.

Option C is correct

To know more about  water here


market failure caused by a positive externality will involvea. deadweight lossb. overconsumption c. poollutiond. marginal external costse. taxation


Market failure occurs when the market fails to efficiently allocate resources in society. Positive externality is a situation where the benefits of a good or service spill over to a third party, without any compensation. Therefore, the correct answer is (a) deadweight loss.

When a positive externality exists, such as in the case of education, public health campaigns, and scientific research, the market fails to provide the optimal level of these goods or services. This leads to an underproduction of these goods, resulting in a deadweight loss. This means that the market equilibrium does not maximize social welfare, as the benefits to society as a whole are greater than the private benefits of the individuals who consume the good.

Therefore, the correct answer is (a) deadweight loss. The solution to market failure caused by positive externalities is to internalize the external benefits through government intervention, such as subsidies, grants, or tax incentives, to encourage the production and consumption of these goods or services to the optimal level. This intervention can lead to a more efficient allocation of resources, maximizing social welfare.

To learn more about, Market


What is the minimum square feet need per resident in an ALF for common living areas?


The minimum square feet needed per resident in an ALF for common living areas can vary by state regulations, but generally ranges between 30 to 35 square feet per resident.

The minimum square feet required per resident in an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) for common living areas varies depending on state regulations and guidelines. Generally, it ranges from 30 to 35 square feet per resident. Assisted living facilities, as well known as supportive housing, provide a group residential setting for older adults who prefer to live independently. Residents may require assistance with dressing, bathing, eating, and toileting, but not the intensive medical and nursing care provided in a Nursing Home. However, it is important to consult the specific requirements in your region to ensure compliance with local standards. This includes shared spaces such as dining rooms, recreational areas, and lounges. It's important to note that the size of the ALF and the number of residents can also impact the minimum square footage requirements for common living areas.

Learn more about ALF here :


A person who thinks that everything will work out fine and typically hates to deal with the details
A. Free Spirit
B. Nerd


The term that best describes a person who thinks everything will work out fine and typically hates to deal with the details is "Free Spirit." This type of person tends to have a positive outlook on life and believes that everything will fall into place naturally without the need for excessive planning or preparation.

They tend to be spontaneous and live in the moment, often pursuing their passions and interests without worrying about the consequences. In contrast, a "Nerd" is someone who is highly detail-oriented, enjoys learning and mastering complex subjects, and thrives on structure and organization. They tend to be meticulous and analytical, preferring to plan out every detail and scenario in advance.

To know more about planning click here:


which of the following is an argument put forward by german philosopher immanuel kant? group of answer choices people can only have knowledge of the world as they experience it. knowledge comes only from reason. one acquires knowledge primarily from his or her own sensory experience. one can have unmediated knowledge of how the world is, independently of his/her ways of experiencing it.


B. knowledge comes only from reason is an argument put forward by German philosopher immanuel kant.

Immanuel Kant became a German philosopher and key Enlightenment theorist. Kant is regarded as one of the most significant philosophers in modern Western philosophy for his comprehensive and systematic writings in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics.

The Critique of Only Reason, Kant's most renowned work, came out in 1781 and was amended in 1787. It is an essay that aims to demonstrate the impracticality of one type of metaphysics while laying the groundwork for another. The Critique of Practical Reason (1788) & the Critical Examination of Judgement (1790) were among his other works.

He contends that human intellect is the basis of the broad rules of nature that structure every facet of our experience, and that human reason creates moral law for itself.

Learn more about German philosopher immanuel kant here:


Complete question:

which of the following is an argument put forward by German philosopher immanuel kant?

A. people can only have knowledge of the world as they experience it

B. knowledge comes only from reason.

C. one acquires knowledge primarily from his or her own sensory experience.

D. one can have unmediated knowledge of how the world is, independently of his/her ways of experiencing it.

What does the sign look like that means, "Lane ends soon. Merge right."?



The sign that means "Lane ends soon. Merge right" is a yellow diamond-shaped sign with a black border and two arrows pointing towards each other. The arrows are one above the other, with the upper arrow pointing to the left and the lower arrow pointing to the right. The sign may also include the words "Lane Ends" above the arrows and "Merge Right" below the arrows to provide additional guidance to drivers.

Austin Dabney received what for his role at the Battle of Kettle Creek?


Austin Dabney was a slave who fought in the Battle of Kettle Creek during the American Revolution. He fought alongside Patriot forces, and his bravery and skill in battle earned him freedom and a rifle from his master.

He was also awarded a silver medal by the state of Georgia for his service.The Battle of Kettle Creek took place on February 14, 1779, near present-day Washington, Georgia. It was a decisive victory for Patriot forces under the command of Andrew Pickens and John Dooly, who defeated a larger force of Loyalist soldiers and Cherokee warriors. The battle helped to bolster Patriot morale in Georgia and disrupt British efforts to control the region.Austin Dabney's exact role in the battle is not well documented, but according to accounts from the time, he fought bravely and was wounded in the leg. After the battle, he was granted his freedom by his owner, Colonel Joel Lane, and given a rifle as a reward for his service.

Learn more about slave here:


How did we get from the attack on 9/11 and war in Afghanistan to war in Iraq?


The connection between the 9/11 attacks, the war in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq is complex and controversial. The official rationale for the war in Iraq was the belief that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and posed a threat to the United States and its allies.

However, the actual reasons for the war in Iraq are the subject of much debate and controversy. Following the 9/11 attacks, the United States and its allies launched a military campaign in Afghanistan in October 2001. The goal of the campaign was to dismantle the Taliban regime and disrupt al-Qaeda's ability to operate in the country. The U.S. military was successful in achieving many of its objectives in Afghanistan, but the conflict continued for years, with ongoing insurgent attacks and the resurgence of the Taliban.

Learn more about Afghanistan


What is not commonly used medication to treat symptoms of mental health disorders?
a. anti-psychotic
b. anti-anxiety
c. psychotherapy
d. antidepressant


c. psychotherapy is not a medication and is a common non-pharmacological approach to treating mental health disorders. It involves talking to a therapist or counselor to address underlying psychological issues and learn coping skills.

Psychotherapy (also psychological therapy, talk therapy, or talking therapy) is the use of psychological methods, particularly when based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change behavior, increase happiness, and overcome problems. Psychotherapy aims to improve an individual's well-being and mental health, to resolve or mitigate troublesome behaviors, beliefs, compulsions, thoughts, or emotions, and to improve relationships and social skills.[1] Numerous types of psychotherapy have been designed either for individual adults, families, or children and adolescents. Certain types of psychotherapy are considered evidence-based for treating some diagnosed mental disorders; other types have been criticized as pseudoscience.

Learn more about psychotherapy here:


How would all the theories of emotion explain how arousal and emotion are related?


Hi there! Theories of emotion explain the relationship between arousal and emotion in various ways. Here are three prominent theories: 1. James-Lange Theory 2. Cannon-Bard Theory 3. Schachter-Singer Two-Factor Theory.

The James-Lange Theory is a theory of emotion proposed by psychologist William James and physiologist Carl Lange in the late 19th century. This theory suggests that emotions are a result of the physiological response to a stimulus, rather than a reaction to the stimulus itself. According to this theory, an individual's experience of emotion is determined by their interpretation of bodily sensations, such as increased heart rate, sweating, and trembling, that result from encountering a stimulus. In other words, an emotional experience is not a response to an event, but rather a response to the bodily changes that occur as a result of the event. The James-Lange Theory has been influential in shaping our understanding of the relationship between bodily sensations and emotional experiences and has been the subject of ongoing debate and research in the field of psychology.

Learn more about  James-Lange Theory here:


Peer influence to drink or do drugs can be explained by the ____ perspective.


Peer influence to drink or do drugs can be explained by the structure functionalist perspective.

Structural Functionalism is a macro idea that appears at how all systems or establishments in society paintings together. Examples of systems or establishments of society include: education, fitness care, family, felony system, economy, and religion. Structural useful idea is an orientation that makes a speciality of structure – the patterning of roles, the shape of establishments, and the general articulation of establishments in a society – and seeks to provide an explanation for those systems in phrases in their functions – contributions to the stableness and staying power of societies.

To learn more about structural functionalism check the link below-


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