Psychologists have varied explanations for the causes of diseases. classify the explanations as applying to either the diathesis-stress model or the biopsychosocial model. True or False


Answer 1

Diathesis-Stress Model and Biopsychosocial Model can both be used for explaining the causes for diseases.

What is the explanation for this?

Diathesis-Stress Model- Undergoing stressful circumstances can cause a person to develop a disorder if they are already vulnerable.

A person can have an underlying predisposition to mental disorder, but this alone will not be enough to cause a disorder.

Biopsychosocial Model-Family relationships, socioeconomic status, and culture may sometimes influence how a person develops a certain disorder.

Important factors that contribute to disorders include brain function, neurotransmitter imbalances, and genetics as well.

Thoughts, emotions, personality, and learned experiences can also contribute to developing certain disorders.

Therefore, diathesis-Stress Model and Biopsychosocial Model can both be used for explaining the causes for diseases.

Learn more about Diathesis-Stress Model here:


Related Questions

Rachel wants to be a school counselor someday. Which quality will be the most helpful for her to have? Sympathy Pity Cognitive empathy Affective empathy


Rachel needs to have affective empathy in order to be a school counselor.

What is affective empathy?

Empathy is a broad concept that refers to an individual's cognitive and emotional reactions to the observed experiences of another. Empathy increases the likelihood of assisting others and displaying compassion. School counselors must enjoy assisting others. Compassion and empathy are required to understand problems and work with people in stressful situations.

Affective empathy, also known as emotional empathy, is the ability to respond to another person's mental states with an appropriate emotion. Emotional contagion, or being affected by another's emotional or arousal state, underpins our ability to empathize emotionally.

Learn more on empathy here:


a researcher has just completed a study, demonstrating the effectiveness of three daily servings of freshly pressed tomato juice for prevention of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. the results were statistically significant at the p < 0.01 level. during interpretation and discussion which of the following is appropriate for the researcher to include? select all that apply.


The researcher can include: tomatoes contain lycopene and carotenoid which are good anticancerous agents.

Define lycopene.

Tomatoes, grapefruit, watermelons, and papaya all contain the pigment lycopene. It can only be received through nutrition because the human body is unable to synthesis it. Plants and bacteria can, though. A strong antioxidant used as a dietary supplement, lycopene is thought to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration. Because it cannot be converted into vitamin A, it is referred to as a nonprovitamin A carotenoid.

Numerous potential anti-cancer pathways have been suggested by laboratory research on tomatoes, tomato chemicals, and cancer. Carotenoids function as antioxidants and promote the body's natural antioxidant defenses, reducing the risk of cancer-causing free radical damage to DNA.

To know more about carotenoids use link below:


Recommended ways of reducing sun exposure include staying out of the sun during midday (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), wearing protective clothing (including a hat to shade the face and neck, long sleeves, and long pants), and using sunscreen with a sun protective factor (SPF) of ______ or higher.
1) 2
2) 5
3) 15
4) 25
5) 453


The best ways to lessen your exposure to the sun are to avoid being outside between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., wear protective clothing and use sunscreen with just an SPF of 15 or higher.

Shade. By utilizing an umbrellas, tree, or other kind of shade, you can lower your risk of skin cancer and UV damage. When you're outside, even in the shade, your best chance for skin protection is to use sunblock or wear protective gear. Sunlight's ultraviolet radiation (UV) can be hazardous in excess. Whenever the sun's rays are at their fiercest, from 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., about half of UV absorbed radiation. UV rays may cause sunburns even on overcast days. The middle of the day, namely between both the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., is often when the sun is at its brightest.

Learn more about protective


perhaps the most important noncontrollable risk factor for cardiovascular disease is multiple choice gender. race. family history. age.


Family history, age and gender are the most important noncontrollable risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

There are five significant risk factors for heart disease that you can manage. Poor diet, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress, smoking, and obesity are all noncontrollable that are influenced by your lifestyle and may be treated by changing your behavior. Age, gender, and family history are risk factors that cannot be changed. noncontrollable are more likely to develop cardiovascular heart failure since the heart is a muscle that weakens with age. Genetics. Although there is some evidence that heart disease may run in families, Age, this is not as true. The chance of developing cardiovascular disease increases with age since this condition is more common in older persons.

learn more about risk factors for cardiovascular disease here:


the first line of defense against drug abuse problems among youth is actually represented by secondary prevention programs.


The avoidance of a substance's development of harmful uses.

What is the major goal of drug abuse primary prevention programs?

Primary prevention aims to prevent drug addiction or use by targeting non-users (those who have not yet tried drugs) and attempting to promote drug abstinence before it has an opportunity to happen.

What is the most effective strategy for preventing drug abuse?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse, SAMHSA, and the National Institute of Justice all endorse the Good Choices program, and it is also mentioned as an evidence-based preventive program in The Surgeon General's Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health. Learn more about the Guiding Good Choices program's advantages and disadvantages.

To know more about prevention programs visit;


Rafael has a sleep disorder for which he takes medically prescribed amphetamines. For which of the following sleep disorders is Rafael most likely being treated?


Rafael is suffering from narcolepsy sleep disorder, for which amphetamines are prescribed to him.

A chronic sleep disorder called narcolepsy is characterised by extreme daytime sleepiness and unexpected sleep bouts. Regardless of the situation, people with narcolepsy frequently struggle to stay awake for extended periods of time. Your everyday routine may be severely disrupted by narcolepsy. Lack of the brain chemical hypocretin, also known as orexin, which controls wakefulness, is a common cause of narcolepsy. Hypocretin is believed to be lacking because the immune system erroneously attacked the cells that make it or the receptors that enable it to function. Methamphetamine, amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and methylphenidate are all useful for treating narcolepsy-related daytime sleepiness.

Hence, decreased hypocretin level result narcolepsy.

To know more about Sleep cycle.


#21 Under HIPAA, which of the following is not named as a covered entity?

A. Outsourced transcription company

B. Health plan

C. Healthcare clearinghouse

D. Healthcare provider


Answer: A. Outsourced transcription company


You have been called to assess a local family. Jimmy (8yrs), Johnny (4yrs) and Jackson (2yrs) live with their parents just outside of town. Jimmy and Johnny have indications of old bruising on their arms and buttocks. Jackson appears to be the targeted child and has severe bruising on his genitals, buttocks and lower back. He also has faded bruising on his upper arms. Julie is a stay at home mother and Justin works at a local factory. Julie says she "has an alcohol problem" but does not want to participate in AA. Justin is supportive of his wife Julie, and both parents deny abusing the children. You observe that the children appear to be strongly connected to their parents. Jimmy does well at school but his grade have slipped a little. The children deny being abused by anyone. Grandparents live close by but are not able to offer a lot of support to the family. Two aunts have separately expressed concern and each wants the boys removed and placed with her.

Review the case study provided and address the following in your discussion:

1. Apply what you learned about family services, kinship care and family preservation services in this chapter; what services/supports would you recommend be put in place for this family?
2. Would you leave the children in the home or remove them and what is your reasoning?
3. What personal values and biases does this case bring up for you?


Based on the information provided in the case study, I would recommend a number of services and supports be put in place for this family. First, it would be important to provide support to the parents, particularly Julie, in addressing her alcohol problem. This could include referrals to treatment programs and support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), as well as counseling and other forms of support to help her manage her addiction and improve her parenting skills. It would also be important to provide support to the entire family in addressing the issue of child abuse, including counseling and therapy for the children and their parents, as well as support and guidance on positive parenting techniques.

In terms of whether the children should be removed from the home or not, I would recommend removing them from the home at least temporarily. The severity and extent of the bruising on Jackson, as well as the indications of old bruising on Jimmy and Johnny, suggest that the children are at high risk of continued abuse if they remain in the home. Furthermore, the parents' denial of the abuse and lack of willingness to address Julie's alcohol problem raise concerns about their ability to protect and care for the children. In this situation, the safety and well-being of the children must be the primary concern, and removing them from the home would be the best way to ensure their safety and provide them with the support and care they need.

In terms of personal values and biases, this case brings up a number of issues for me. First, it highlights my strong belief in the importance of protecting children from harm and ensuring their safety and well-being. This is a value that is deeply ingrained in me, and it is something that I feel strongly about. Additionally, this case raises issues related to addiction and the impact that it can have on families and children. I have a personal bias towards providing support and resources to individuals struggling with addiction, and I believe that it is important to help them access the services and supports they need to overcome their addiction and improve their lives. Overall, this case highlights the need for a multi-faceted approach to addressing the complex issues facing this family, and the importance of providing support and resources to help them overcome their challenges and improve their lives.


1. Based on the information provided in the case study, it appears that the family would benefit from a range of services and supports to address the concerns about child abuse and the parents' alcohol use. Some potential services and supports that could be put in place for this family include:

Kinship care: The aunts who have expressed concern about the boys' well-being could potentially serve as kinship caregivers, providing a safe and supportive home environment for the boys while their parents address their alcohol use and any other issues that may be contributing to the children's safety concerns.

Family preservation services: These services could be provided to help the family address the issues that are putting the children at risk and to prevent the need for out-of-home placement. This could include counseling for the parents to help them address their alcohol use and learn healthy parenting skills, as well as therapy for the children to help them cope with any trauma they may have experienced and to strengthen their relationships with their parents.

Support for the grandparents: The grandparents may be able to provide some support and stability for the family, but it is unclear from the case study how involved they are in the children's lives. If they are able and willing to offer more support, it may be helpful to provide them with information and resources to help them assist the family.


2. In this case, it would be important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of leaving the children in the home versus removing them. On the one hand, leaving the children in the home could allow them to maintain their connections with their parents and potentially benefit from the services and supports that are put in place to address the family's issues. However, there are also significant risks associated with leaving the children in the home, given the evidence of abuse and the parents' alcohol use. In addition, the children's denial of abuse and the parents' denial of responsibility for the injuries raise further concerns about the safety of the children.

Given these considerations, it may be necessary to remove the children from the home in order to protect them from further harm. This decision would need to be made after conducting a thorough assessment of the family's situation and considering the potential risks and benefits of different options. The aunts who have expressed concern could be considered as placement options, but it would be important to assess their suitability as caregivers and ensure that the boys would be safe and supported in their care.


This case raises several personal values and biases for me. I have a strong commitment to protecting children from harm and ensuring that they have the opportunity to grow up in safe and supportive environments. This case highlights the need for intervention to address the concerns about child abuse and the parents' alcohol use, and it may be necessary to remove the children from the home in order to keep them safe.

However, I also recognize the importance of maintaining family connections and supporting parents to address their issues and improve their parenting skills. In this case, the parents appear to have a strong attachment to their children and the children appear to be connected to their parents, despite the concerns about abuse and alcohol use. As such, I would consider the potential for providing services and supports to help the family address their issues and prevent the need for out-of-home placement, while also carefully monitoring the situation and considering the need for more drastic interventions if necessary to protect the children.

Additionally, this case may bring up personal biases related to alcohol use and its potential impact on parenting. I may have assumptions or judgments about the parents' alcohol use and its potential effects on their ability to care for their children safely.

FILL INTHE BLANK dietitians recommend feeding babies____________fresh fluid cow's milk by the time they are 6 months of age. fat-free milk when they are 10 to 12 months of age. only breast milk to babies until they are 6 months of age. solid foods by the time an infant is 2 months of age.


Babies only breast milk to babies until they are 6 months of age fresh fluid cow's milk by the time they are 6 months of age.

To ensure optimal growth, development, and health, WHO recommends that women worldwide exclusively breastfeed their newborns for the first six months of their child's life.

Following that, babies should be offered nutritious supplementary foods and continue breastfeeding for at least two years.

Breast milk is the sole food and drink that babies require for the first six months of their lives. It should be continued alongside an increasingly diversified diet once solid meals are introduced about 6 months. The World Health Organization advises that all babies breastfeed for at least two years.

Learn more about to breast milk visit here;


briefley describe the extent of damange see in first degree burns second degree burns and thid degreen burns g


A burn is damage to your body's tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, sunlight, or radiation. There are three types of burns:

• First-degree burns damage only the outer layer of skin

• Second-degree burns damage the outer layer and the layer underneath

• Third-degree burns damage or destroy the deepest layer of skin and tissues underneath.

Burns are classified as first-, second-, or third-degree, depending on how deep and severe they penetrate the skin's surface.

First-degree burns affect only the epidermis, or outer layer of skin. The burn site is red, painful, dry, and with no blisters. Mild sunburn is an example. Long-term tissue damage is rare and usually consists of an increase or decrease in the skin color.

Second-degree burns involve the epidermis and part of the dermis layer of skin. The burn site appears red, blistered, and may be swollen and painful. Third-degree burns destroy the epidermis and dermis. Third-degree burns may also damage the underlying bones, muscles, and tendons. The burn site appears white or charred. There is no sensation in the area since the nerve endings are destroyed.

To know more about Burns visit:


Without success, Regine spends hours each day trying to suppress the intrusive worry that she may have forgotten to lock her door when she left for work. Her experience is MOST symptomatic of _____ disorder.
obsessive-compulsive disorder


Regine attempts to ignore the constant anxiety that she could have forgot to secure her door before he left for work for hours each day without success. Her situation most closely resembles obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms.

An uncomfortable emotional condition marked by bodily stimulation, stress, and worries. It is adaptive when worry warns you of a genuine threat. However, even non-threatening circumstances have the potential to cause anxiety. Unease is common. Stimulus generalization happens when someone who has been viciously bitten by a dog later develops a phobia of all canines. When our phobias & compulsions first appear, reinforcement helps us keep them in check. Regine attempts to ignore the constant anxiety that she could have forgot to secure her door before he left for work for hours each day without success. Her situation most closely resembles obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms.GAD is a condition that affects kids and teenagers rather often. It develops gradually, frequently throughout adolescence or childhood with symptoms that might get worse under stressful circumstances. Concerns might alter as people get older and go from one to the next.

Learn more about disorder


when a person's blood ph is too low (acidic), the kidneys will restore a more healthy balance by .


When a person's blood pH is too low (acidic), the kidneys will restore a more healthy balance by secreting excess hydroxide ions into urine.

The kidneys are the main osmoregulatory organs that maintain the homeostatic conditions in the body.

If a condition arises when a person's blood pH is too acidic, then more hydroxide ions are secreted into the urine in order to lower the acidic conditions of the blood.

The hydroxide ions will be removed from the blood in order to get a higher pH value by the elimination of hydroxide ions into the urine.

To learn more about kidneys, click here:


Which of the following is true?
A) the CDC oversee all government sponsored women's health initiatives
B) Research from the completed Human Genome Project promises to significantly improve the public health
C) Medical research has largely refuted the idea of biological differences between the sexes beyond the reproductive organs
D) All of the above


(B) Research conducted by Human Genome Project promises to significantly improve the public health is a statement which is true among these.

The first sequencing of the human genome as well as the genomes of numerous other extensively researched species were produced by the massive, well planned, and highly collaborative Human Genome Project. It was one of the largest and most significant scientific projects in human history, and it was carried out from 1990 to 2003.

E. coli, fruit fly, nematode, baker's yeast, and mouse were eventually added to the list of organisms. The aims and associated strategic plans for the project were revised on a regular basis throughout the process with the belief that the knowledge produced will herald in a new age for biomedical research.

Learn more about the Human Genome Project here:


girls going through puberty report a lack of energy and lower levels of activity, which appear to be the result of


As they approach adolescence, girls report feeling less energized and active, perhaps as a result of hormonal changes.

Fatigue is one of the most prevalent indicators of hormone imbalance. Progesterone excess might induce sleepiness. You may also lose your vitality if the thyroid gland, an organ in your neck with a butterfly-like structure, is not producing enough thyroid hormones.

Numerous unwanted symptoms, including exhaustion, obesity, skin irritation, and sometimes even depression symptoms, can result from hormonal imbalance. Then, hormones created by the endocrine system's glands are released into the blood. Inconsistencies in hormone levels might result from either.

Learn more about hormonal imbalance at


, innate immune alterations are elicited in microglial cells before plaque deposition in the alzheimer's disease mouse model 5xfad


The innate immune system's critical contribution to the genesis of illness has been proven during the past ten years.

Amyloid plaques (A) occur as a result of the most prevalent kind of dementia, Alzheimer's disease (AD). A proinflammatory environment is produced when microglial cells are activated repeatedly; this environment is thought to be crucial for the onset and development of the illness. In order to determine if inflammatory changes in microglial cells exist prior to plaque formation, we employed the AD mouse model 5xFAD.

To clarify early microglial changes, we used mass spectrometry and bioinformation analysis. It's interesting to note that following the development of A plaque at just 10 weeks, we discovered higher levels of the cytokines IL1 and IL10 in the 5xFAD brain.

To know more about Alzheimer's disease, visit:-


Significant empirical research on effectiveness has been produced for all of the major models covered in this book.
a. True
b. False


The correct answer is False; Empirical research is research that is based on direct observation and measurement of phenomena by the researcher.

The collected data can be compared to a theory or hypothesis, but the outcomes are still based on real-world experience.

An integrated approach to counseling and psychotherapy is best defined by efforts to explore beyond and across the boundaries of single-school approaches to discover what may be learnt and how clients can benefit from other views (Arkowitz, 1997).

2010) discovered that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) was the most generally supported theoretical orientation, followed by family systems, utilizing data collected in an online study from 2000 psychotherapists in North America. 1148 mindfulness, psychodynamic, and Rogerian/client-centered R. E. Hicks et al.

Learn more about to Empirical research visit here;


If Jamie, who has schizophrenia, shows signs of avolition by not engaging or caring about taking a shower or getting her hair out of her face. This is considered a ________.
a. positive symptom
b. somatic delusion
c. pattern of disorganized thinking
d. negative symptom


D. Negative symptom, they are a loss or degradation of typical abilities such avolition, psychomotor abnormalities (the reduction of goal-directed behavior).

Can schizophrenia simply cause unpleasant symptoms?

Schizophrenia patients may experience both good and bad symptoms. This does not imply that some symptoms are "good" and others are "bad." Positive symptoms are behaviors that are more prevalent in people with schizophrenia than they are in healthy people.

What is frequently misdiagnosed as schizophrenia?

Bipolar disorder patients frequently experience "up" or "on" times when they are extraordinarily energised or happy, followed by depressive episodes. Delusions or hallucinations are experienced by some people with severe bipolar disorder. They might therefore receive a false diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Learn more about anxiety here:


TRUE/FALSE. In-place sheltering is never an appropriate option in an accident involving hazardous materials.


False. If there has been an accident involving hazardous chemicals, in-place sheltering is a viable alternative.

What makes accidents what they are?

When we use the word accident, we imply that no one in particular is to blame for an automobile accident. The word "crash," on the other hand, denotes that someone brought about the auto accident.

In place of accident, what else can I say?

Many advocacy groups, like Families for Safe Streets, argue that using the terms "crash" or "collision" instead of "accident" when referring to a motor vehicle collision is more accurate. In New York and other places throughout the nation, these groups have started organizing protests for this.

To know more about Accidents visit:


In metaverse experiences, you can ______.
A.touch, taste, and smell new things
B.hear and feel new things without any device
C.see digital characters interacting with the real world
D.view your friends' personal information anytime you want


The answer is C it’s the most reasonable one

which of the following is a true statement regarding the assessment of an adolescent's nutrient status?


The correct answer from the task above about the assessment of an adolescent's nutrient status simply is: BMI-for-age exceeding the 95th percentile classifies an adolescent as obese.

The correct answer choice is option d.

What is meant by adolescent nutrients?

Adolescence nutrients simply refers to those categories of food substances which is needed by adolescents for proper growth and development. However, these nutrients are needed in the right proportion in order to ensure healthy living. The vital nutrients which are necessary to be included in adolescent nutrients include iron, vitamins A, vitamins C, calcium and so on and so forth.

In conclusion, we can now confirm from the explanation given above that a well balanced diet is needed for our well being.

Complete question:

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the assessment of an adolescent's nutrient status?

a. BMI exceeding the 75th percentile indicates a risk of being overweight.

b. A height of less than the 10th percentile for age indicates a risk of


c. A body weight of less than the 15th percentile for age indicates risk of


d. BMI-for-age exceeding the 95th percentile classifies an adolescent as obese.

Read more on nutrients:


A 65-year-old woman presents to the ED with sudden onset of right eye pain and blurred vision. Physical examination reveals circumcorneal injection, a 7 mm right pupil that is unresponsive to light and an intraocular pressure of 35 mm Hg. Which of the following is the gold standard test to confirm the diagnosis?
A. Dark room provocation
B. Dilated fundus examination
C. Gonioscopy
D. Slit lamp grading


The correct option is C ; .Gonioscopy The gold standard in the diagnosis of acute angle closure glaucoma, an ocular emergency that this patient is suffering, is gonioscopy.

This method allows the examiner to look at the angle produced between the posterior surface of the cornea and the anterior surface of the iris.

This test should be performed by an experienced clinician, such as an ophthalmologist. It is important not to beam light straight into the pupil because the angle may broaden and cause a measuring error.

A gonioscopy is an eye examination that looks for symptoms of glaucoma. It evaluates your eye's drainage angle using a specific lens and slit lamp (anterior chamber angle). You may have glaucoma if the drainage angle is obstructed or closed.

Learn more about to Gonioscopy  visit here;


With the Heimlich maneuver, your hands should move in what direction?

A. Downward and out

B. Inward and left

C. Inward and down

D. Upward and in





To perform the Heimlich maneuver, you stand behind the person who is choking and wrap your arms around their waist. Then, you make a fist with one hand and place it just above the person's navel. With the other hand, you grasp your fist and press it inward and upward into the person's abdomen with quick, upward thrusts. This motion helps to dislodge the object that is blocking the person's airway.

Which of the following assessment findings would be most important for indicating dumping syndrome in a postgastrectomy client?
a. Abdominal distention, elevated temperature, weakness before eating
b. Constipation, rectal bleeding following bowel movements
c. Persistent loose stools, chills, hiccups after eating
d. Weakness, diaphoresis, diarrhea 90 minutes after eating


(d) 90 minutes after eating, feeling weak, dizzy, or having diarrhoea are some findings that would be most important for indicating dumping syndrome in a post-gastrectomy client.

Due to the chyme's quick evacuation after eating, dumping syndrome causes weakness, vertigo, perspiration, palpitations, cramping in the abdomen, and diarrhoea. Meals, especially food heavy in sugar, might pass from your stomach into your small intestine too rapidly if you have dumping syndrome.

Dumping syndrome, also known as fast gastric emptying, typically results from surgery on the stomach or oesophagus. A serious infection-related finding that should be reported is a high fever and chills. Rectal bleeding together with constipation does not necessarily indicate dumping syndrome.

Learn more about dumping syndrome here:


1. Which of the following statements is more appropriate when preventing or managing catastrophic reactions?
"Dont go out that door."
"Why are you upset?"
"Please come with me."
"Tell me how I can help."


"Why are you upset?" - the following statements are more appropriate when preventing or managing catastrophic reactions.

An overwhelming response to anything that may appear unimportant to the in-home caregiver is referred to as a catastrophic reaction. There are several factors that might lead to a catastrophic reaction.

Neurologists underestimate the frequency of the catastrophic response (CR), a disruptive and uncontrollable behavior brought on by hostility, impatience, and wrath, and emotionalism, a syndrome characterized by uncontrollable sobbing or laughter.

Sudden emotional outbursts, verbal violence (such as yelling and swearing), threats of physical aggression, and actual aggressiveness are all signs of catastrophic responses (e.g., hitting, kicking, and biting). They might be seen as the result of psychological issues.

For more questions on catastrophic reactions.


elsa is a young, single mother living in poverty. prevention efforts to safeguard her mental health would be most effective if they focus on


Elsa who is a young, single mother living in poverty  prevention efforts to safeguard her mental health would be most effective if they focus on empowerment.

What is Mental health ?

Mental health  can be described as the emotional, psychological, as well as the social well-being which have the power to affects how we think, feel, and ac and can determine how we handle stress, relate to others.

It should be noted that with regards to the Elsa case she needs Empowerment which can be described as the people having power and control over their own lives and this will help to safeguard her mental health.

Learn more about mental health at:


A blood volume chart shows that 17ml has been collected from a patient who weighs 25lb. You have to collect 2ml of blood for a coagulation test. Which of the following is the proper procedure?


A blood volume chart shows that 17ml has been collected from a patient who weighs 25lb and 2ml of blood has to be collected for a coagulation test ,therefore the proper procedure is the use of a pediatric SST tube which is therefore denoted as option D.

What is SST tube?

This is referred to as serum separator tube and it contains spray-coated silica which aids clotting. it also contains a polymer gel which is used to aid the separation of the serum.

Since we were told that 2ml of blood has to be collected for a coagulation test then the SST tube is most appropriate due to the blood being coagulated when collected in this type of tube.

Read more about SST tube here


The options are:

Use a light blue microtainer.Contact the ordering provider.Perform a venipuncture.Use a pediatric SST tube

Can someone help me with this question?



the first one should be fine

The first one is the correct answer

only 1 in 10 teenagers get the recommended of sleep per night, as recommended by sleep scientists and pediatricians.


Now, if you're thinking, "phew, we're doing fine, my baby is getting eight hours," keep in mind that this is the minimum advised amount of sleep.

What does the term pediatrician mean?

a medical professional with specialized training in the prevention, recognition, and treatment of illnesses and injuries among children. Pediatricians also assist in the management of various issues affecting kids, such as behavioural, emotional, and social issues as well as developmental disorders.

How challenging is training to be a pediatrician?

Typically, becoming a pediatrician takes 11 to 15 years. Average time to earn a bachelor of science is four years, followed by four years for medical school, three to six years for residency training, and maybe another year or two for fellowship.

To know more about pediatrician visit:


patient education regarding a fistulae or graft includes which of the following? select all that apply. cleanse site b.i.d. check daily for thrill and bruit. no iv or blood pressure taken on extremity with dialysis access. avoid compression of the site. no tight clothing.


The answer are following:

a) Check daily thirll and bruit.

b) Avoid compression of the site.

c) No IV or blood pressure taken on extremity with dialysis access.

d) No tight clothing.

The patient with fistulae or grafts is advised by the nurse to examine each day for a thrill and bruit. The prevention of blood collection, IV insertion, blood pressure monitoring, wearing restrictive clothing, and not carrying bags or purses on the side with the dialysis access are additional precautions. Unless hemodialysis is being accessed, the site is not cleansed. In those with impaired kidney function, water, solutes, and toxins are removed from the circulation by renal dialysis. The two main renal dialysis techniques are: Hemodialysis.

To learn more about dialysis click on the given link:


explain the meaning of community health​



Community Health refers to the health status of a defined group of people and the actions and conditions, both private and public, to promote, protect, and preserve their health.

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