Plessy v. Ferguson case in order


Answer 1


Plessy V. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of radical segregation under the

"separate but equal" doctrine. As a result, restrictive Jim Crow legislation and separate public accommodations based on race became commlnplace.


I majored in History

Related Questions

Andrew Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth was a movement to improve the lives of the urban poor in the late 1800's
O True
O False


Answer:  True


Carnegie, an advocate of these ideas, suggested that the best way to achieve economic balance in society was to share the wealth. He did not explicitly point out how the rich should waste their money and distribute a particular portion to the poor. He sharply criticized the rich' extravagance and stated that the money spent for these purposes is an unnecessary occurrence and that the funds can be used to reduce the gap between rich and poor.

President Kennedy hesitated to keep his promises regarding civil rights because he:

didn’t want to lose the support of Southern Democrats.

None of these choices are correct.

no longer believed in the Civil Rights Movement.

thought that the burden of fighting for civil rights should fall on black Americans.


A: Kennedy didn’t want to lose the support of Southern Democrats.

A trader begins his trip along the Silk Road in Babylon and heads 1,000 miles east. What city would he be in?

A. Samarkand
B. Constantinople
C. Kashgar
D. Delhi



The answer is Kashgar.

From Rome to China, which city goes through the path?





Kashgar is about 1,500 miles away and if you take the mini measurement map up in the top right and measure from Babylon to Samakand, its around 1,000 miles.

Did the caste system assist or impede the development of India?



The Caste System of India assited the devlopment of India. Caste not only dictates one's occupation, but dietary habits and interaction with members of other castes as well. Members of a high caste enjoy more wealth and opportunities while members of a low caste perform menial jobs.


The Caste System of India assited the devlopment of India. Caste not only dictates one's occupation, but dietary habits and interaction with members of other castes as well. Members of a high caste enjoy more wealth and opportunities while members of a low caste perform menial jobs.


Choose an article from the Onion, about which to write an analysis essay. 700 words



The article exaggerates appeals to authority to satirize and ridicule the use of expert opinions to promote the objective quality of a product. One "expert" that is cited is Dr. Arthur Bluni, "the pseudoscientist who developed the product" (9-10). Dr. Bluni mocks the fake experts frequently used in advertisements to lure in consumers by appealing to authority instead of fact. His name itself, since it sounds like baloney, implies that his testimony is nonfactual . Furthermore, since Dr. Bluni is a pseudoscientist, he has no real scientific basis for his claims. Since he is the developer of the product, his views are naturally biased. However, his status as a doctor mocks how consumers flock to those with appealing titles. Further appealing to biased sources, the article cites "the product's Web site" for information on how "MagnaSoles utilize the healing power of crystals" to heal people (30-31). Obviously a product's own website cannot be a good indicator of its actual quality. Whatever information is on the website would need to be verified by other sources for the product advertised to be considered valid. However, by appealing to such an authority, the article mocks how real advertisements cite flawed sources use those sources as vehicles to manipulate their product. The claim that a product uses "the healing power of crystals" demands sufficient proof that a biased source simply cannot provide. By using such a source, the article mocks how advertisements can disguise their products behind the credibility of false authorities. The article further cites "Dr. Wayne Frankel, the California State University biotrician who discovered Terranomtry," a pseudoscience that attempts to find correlation between the frequency of feet and the frequency of the Earth (41-43). Here, more expert testimonials are used in order to hide the real product and sell a notable name instead. Appeal to authority is sometimes acceptable, but this article mocks the use of false appeal to authority. Appeal to a "biotrician" who discovers a pseudoscience is flawed since there needs to be real scientists and real science in order to verify the quality of products. With regards to real advertising,  the article mocks marketing schemes that use false authorities without credentials to make bad products look good. This exaggerated appeal to authority and credibility used by The Onion article elucidates how many real advertising strategies revolve around manipulating a product behind the masks of false authorities and biased sources.


Pls brainstest

¿Qué beneficios y qué desventajas piensas que tuvo México

con esa inversión?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no especificas de qué clase de inversión estás hablando. ¿A cuál te refieres? Porque México ah hecho miles de inversiones. Si no nos especificas a qué inversión y en que año, no podemos responder a tu pregunta.

Sin embargo, tratando de ayudarte con algo, podemos comentar los siguiente.

Si te estás refiriendo a la inversión realizada en la época llamada "El Porfiriato," en la época del dictador Porfirio Díaz, entonces nuestro comentario sería el siguiente.

Esas inversiones sirvieron para detonar varias industrias importantes que sirvieron para modernizar al México post-Reforma. Hubo inversiones sumamente importantes en el rubro de los ferrocarriles que conectaron por primera vez grandes porciones del territorio Mexicano. Esto ayudó a modernizar las comunicaciones en el país.

Entre las desventajas de esta época estuvo la tremenda desigualdad que se generó entre muchas regiones del país que quedaron marginadas y los indígenas fueron uno de esos grupos rezagados que vivieron en extrema pobreza.

Which mountains did the Indo Aryans cross to get into northwest India?
a. Kamet Mountains
b. Kush Mountains
c. Trisul Mountains
d. Hardeol Mountains


They crossed the Kush Mountains


Correct answer is b. Kush Mountains.


B is the correct answer as during their migration around 1500 BC Aryans had to pass over Kush mountains, which were also passed by Alexander The Great more than thousand years later.

All other answers are wrong, as none of the mentioned mountains were on their way.

How did European trade in west Africa change over the course of the nineteenth century


More European countries began to copy the imperialist model developed by earlier empires

What is the primary responsibility of the Vice President? Give a simple answer.



if the president is out its ur time to shine, second asnwer u have the authority to say yes or no to stuff



Other than to succeed to the presidency upon the death or resignation of a president, a vice president's only constitutional duty is to preside over the Senate. Vice presidents cannot vote in the Senate, except to break a tie, nor may they formally address the Senate, except with the senators' permission.

the open rule for a bill in the Senate means that: can be added to it?​



(1) Open Rules: Under an open rule, any Member may offer an amendment that complies with the standing rules of the House and the Budget Act. ... (4) Closed Rules: Under a Closed Rule no amendments may be offered other than amendments recommended by the committee reporting the bill.

More info below if needed

Can a bill be started in the Senate?

Steps in Making a Law

A bill can be introduced in either chamber of Congress by a senator or representative who sponsors it. Once a bill is introduced, it is assigned to a committee whose members will research, discuss, and make changes to the bill. ... The president then considers the bill.


Hope I helped, please mark me brailiest thanks

>Have a good dayyyy

The demand for increased slave labor in the sixteenth century was due to the dramatic expansion of the declaration of the Treaty of Tordesillas giving the Portuguese dominion over Africa. the Portuguese spice trade. colonization of the Americas spurring growth of the sugar industry. with the Ottoman empire's blocade of the Silk Road, dependence on cotton was shifted to the Americas. the elimination of the Portuguese from east Africa.



colonization of the Americas spurring growth of the sugar industry


The demand for slave labor grew with the growth of the sugar industry in America, mainly in South America. This is because sugar cane farms needed extremely cheap labor, so that profit was optimized. With the failure of the attempt to enslave slaves, Europeans saw blacks as a great option to force work on farms and in the production of sugar.

In other words, the demand for slave labor in the 16th century was due to the colonization of the Americas, stimulating the growth of the sugar industry.

What does this mean


which language is it??

sorry dear

I don’t know what I means, but if you tell me what language it is I might be able to help you out.

John eats a bowl of cornflakes and become sick later he discovers of the Box of cornflakes was accidentally contaminated he seeks payment from the manufacturer for his pain and suffering which type of law is used to hold the manufacture of possible for his distress
C. Constitutional


I think it’s A. Civil

John eats a bowl of cornflakes and become sick later seeks payment from the manufacturer for his pain and suffering is part of civil law.

The Civil Law

Civil law deals with behaviour that constitutes an injury to an individual.

Here, John's seeking payment from the cornflakes manufacturer for his pain and suffering.

It is a non-criminal law, usually relating to settling disputes between citizens.

Thus option A is the correct answer.

Learn more about the civil law here:

Can somebody help me with the top 3 questions. Thank you


1. Venice started in 1268
3.because they defeated the Ulrico

which table represents a funccion


The top right hand one is the correct answer


2 represents a function.


Each input value is paired with a unique number. Such as -2 is paired with -1 and no other number.

This is how you determine a function.

Hope this is correct, have a great day.

Why did many people turn to tenant farming/sharecropping as a way to make a living after the Civil War?



They needed the money and the others needed help with the job


When the Civil War ended, the big question concerned the state of the freed slaves of the South. Recovery of the southern economy depended on getting the freedmen back into the cotton fields. During the period of Reconstruction the Radical Republicans in Congress tried to convert the freedmen into small free-holding farmers, but the former slaves were simply not ready to manage their own farms. What emerged out of necessity was southern farm tenancy, a system of near slavery without legal sanctions.

Instead of working in gangs as they had on antebellum plantations, the freedmen became tenants. The planter or landowner assigned each family a small tract of land to farm and provided food, shelter, clothing, and the necessary seeds and farm equipment. When the crop was harvested, the planter or landowner took the cotton to market and after deducting for the "furnish" (the cost of the items the tenant had been furnished during the year), gave half of the proceeds to the tenant. This arrangement became known as sharecropping.

In the decades after Reconstruction tenancy and sharecropping became the way of life in the Cotton Belt. By 1930 there were 1,831,470 tenant farmers in the South. What began as a device to get former slaves back to work became a pernicious system that entrapped white as well as black farmers. After 1900 the number of white tenant farmers grew alarmingly. By 1935 nearly half of white farmers and 77 percent of black farmers in the country were landless.

As farm tenancy grew, a tenancy ladder evolved. From the bottom rung, the hapless sharecropper could climb to share tenant if he could accumulate enough of his own equipment and money. Share tenants kept two-thirds or three-fourths of the crop, depending on how much they could furnish. If a share tenant progressed to a point of needing nothing but the land, he could become a cash tenant by paying a fixed rental. Cash tenants kept all of the proceeds from the crop.

Unfortunately, tens of thousands of farmers fell down the tenancy ladder rather than moving up it. Some farmers lost their farms or their status as cash or share tenants because of crop failures, low cotton prices, laziness, ill health, poor management, exhaustion of the soil, excessive interest rates, or inability to compete with tenant labor. Many tricks of nature (drought, flood, insects, frost, hail, high winds, and plant diseases) could ruin a crop.

Sharecropping and tenancy remained accepted as a normal part of southern life until the Great Depression. Then the realization took hold that the tenancy system desperately needed reform. However, the early New Deal's agricultural programs brought no change. Based on drastic acreage reduction and benefit payments that went mostly to landowners, in actuality the programs were a disaster for tenants and sharecroppers. When planters and landlords reduced their acreage in production by 40 or 50 percent, they reduced their tenants by the same amount.

Although there are similarities, the story of tenancy in Oklahoma does not fit the pattern of southern farm tenancy. The differences are dictated by the unusual history of the white settlement of Oklahoma. By 1880 the American agricultural frontier was ending. Indian Territory offered about the last frontier for good farmland. Indian rule prohibited white land ownership. Nor could Indians lease their land to outsiders, but they could employ whites to work their land. Under the subterfuge of being employees, a flood of white tenants came into the territory in the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s. By 1900 three-fourths of all tenant farmers in Oklahoma were white. Some of these early arrivals acquired ownership by purchase, connivance, or intermarriage, but a deadly combination of economic and natural forces kept most from climbing the agricultural ladder.

Between 1900 and 1910 the numbers of white tenants doubled. When the laws changed after statehood and non-Indians were allowed to buy land, tenancy slightly declined. However, in the adverse years of the 1920s, when agriculture suffered from low prices and overproduction, white tenancy rose again to nearly 70 percent. By 1935, with 119,615 white tenants, Oklahoma had the highest rate of white tenancy in the United States.

In the usual arrangement with share tenants in Oklahoma, the landlord received one-third of the grain crop and one-fourth of the cotton produced. The tenant had to provide most of the equipment, animals, and furnish. Realistically, farming forty or fifty acres on this basis was a prescription for poverty, especially when cotton prices plunged.


What does this caricature represent ?


1 : exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics drew a caricature of the president. 2 : a representation especially in literature or art that has the qualities of caricature His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective.

explain how the homestead act tried to encourage the westward expansion


The notion that the United States government should give free land titles to settlers to encourage westward expansion became popular in the 1850s. The Homestead Act encouraged western migration by providing settlers with 160 acres of land in exchange for a nominal filing fee.



the answer is C on edge

Where is it low tide? If it is high in Georgia


if its high in georgia it cant be low

Answer: The Short Answer: High and low tides are caused by the Moon. The Moon's gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force. The tidal force causes Earth—and its water—to bulge out on the side closest to the Moon and the side farthest from the Moon.


The explosion aboard the USS Maine provided a convenient excuse for the United States to enter into a war with Spain. In what other conflict did the U.S. government similarly instigate a war under dubious pretenses?



I would say into WW1 because of the Zimmerman affair.


United States entered the WW1 in 1917, although for three years they were not officially involved in it. But, then a telegram was intercepted, in which an official letter was sent to Mexico by German authorities.

According to it, Mexico was to declare war on United States, while Germany will support them in the war efforts.

Many historians are doubting the reliability of this document.

in response to Hitler, France and Britain followed a policy of “appeasement,” How would you describe appeasement?
1. Hitler was forced to sign a document saying he would return the lands he took
2. Germany would face severe economic punishments
3. Hitler was allowed to take territory if he promised he would stop



3. Hitler was allowed to take territory if he promised he would stop


It was kind of like an agreement to not do it next time, but he kept doing it again and again and was never stopped.

Describe the social class system in 15th century France.



The modern social structure of France is complex, but generally similar to that of other ... Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. ... In the 21st century, social class in France is often measured by income and profession.


Plz help!!

Which statement best explains the information

presented on this map?

O Howe was too preoccupied with taking

Philadelphia to provide the support needed in


O General Burgoyne's military expertise helped bring

about a major turning point in the war.

O The Patriots were outnumbered and too weak

strategically to make major moves in 1777.

O Attempting to isolate the New England colonies

was a wise decision that kept the Patriots at bay.



C is ur answer


THXS (x-<)

The statement best explains the information presented on this map is Howe was too preoccupied with taking Philadelphia to provide the support needed in Saratoga. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a Map?

A map is referred to as a pictorial representation of different places used to identify the direction and reach the next location. They help the user to identify sea, rail routes, and roads to reach the destination.

For a diverse range of reasons, Howe decided to target Philadelphia. The Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia, which was of course the nation's capital.

Another goal of Howe's was to enlist Washington in a conflict that would endanger the Continental Army forever. In the Battle of Saratoga, which the Continental Army won, he left Burgoyne to fight by himself as a result.

Therefore, option A  is Appropriate.

Learn more about Map, here:


4. How did Germany invade France at the beginning of World War II?


After a period of facing each other without much going on the German army finally invaded France (May 1940) through the heavy forested region of the Ardennes penetrating deeply into French territory and bypassing the defenses of the Maginot Line.

What sort of dangers and setbacks did Columbus face during his journey westward to the New World



The President negotiates a treaty with a foreign government. Which of his presidential roles is he fulfilling?

chief diplomat

commander in chief

chief of party

chief administrator


The answer is Chief Diplomat!

In a free market economy, decisions are made according to the laws of _____.



n a market economy, most economic decision making is done through voluntary transactions according to the laws of supply and demand.


Which of these nations fought against Napoleon
All of the Above
Great Britain



All of the above.


All of the Above.

Select the correct answer. What effect did the introduction of smallpox have in the Americas? A. It contributed to the defeat of American Indians. B. It led to large numbers of deaths among European colonists in the Americas. C. It allowed American Indians to quickly develop a resistance to the disease. D. It resulted in the inability of Europeans to establish colonies in the Americas.



A. It contributed to the defeat of American Indians.


Small pox which is a transmittable disease was introduced into America by mistake. This disease led to the infection of millions of Americans especially the American Indians who had little or no resistance to the disease.


A. It contributed to the defeat of American Indians.



What rights would Puerto Rico get with becoming a state?



The citizens of Puerto Rico would have the priveledges of a US citizen who lived in the states such as being able to contrubute to elected officials such as president, along with this priveledge, they would have to serve jury duty and that comes with being in a state and not only a territiory.


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I asked.Sure, said Mom, as long as you keep your grades up.Ugh. That was the one condition I was concerned about. Algebra just wasnt my thing. So I swallowed my pride and asked one of my worst enemies if shed help me after school with algebra. I so desperately wanted to play soccer.How does the author develop the narrators point of view in this paragraph? A. The third-person narrator tells us about this girls desire to play soccer. The point of view is developed through the girls actions. B. The third-person narrator wants to play soccer. The point of view is developed by the use of the word I in the narrators conversation. C. The first-person narrator wants to play soccer. The point of view is developed through the narrators thoughts, conversation, and actions. D. The first-person narrator dislikes algebra. The point of view is developed through an outside character, the mom, telling us the daughter needs to keep her grades up. 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