PEA PLANT PUNNETT SQUARE WORKSHEET 1) Yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds in pea plants. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing homozygous recessive and homozygous dominant parents. Y Y y Yy Yy y Yy Yy Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________ 2) Green pod color is dominant over yellow pod color in pea plants. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing homozygous dominant and heterozygous parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: __________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: ________ 3) Round seeds are dominant over wrinkled seeds in pea plants. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing homozygous recessive and heterozygous parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________ 4) Smooth pod shape is dominant over constricted pod shape in pea plants. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing homozygous recessive and homozygous dominant parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________ 5) Tall pea plants are dominant over short pea plants. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing heterozygous and heterozygous dominant parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________ 6) The axial flower position is dominant over the terminal flower position. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing heterozygous and homozygous dominant parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________ 7) Gray seed coat color is dominant over white seed coat color. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing homozygous dominant and homozygous dominant parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________ 8) Tall pea plants are dominant over short pea plants. Fill in the Punnett square and determine the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios from crossing homozygous recessive and homozygous recessive parents. Genotypes: __________________________ Genotypic Ratio: _________ Phenotypes: _________________________ Phenotypic Ratio: _________


Answer 1

Phenotypic ratios 1)1:0 yellow : green 2) 1:0 green : yellow 3) 1:1 4) 1:0 smooth constricted 5) 3:1 tall : short 6) 1:0 Axial : terminal 7) 1:0 grey : white 8)0:1 tall : short

Phenotypic ratios are quantitative relationships between phenotypes that illustrate how frequently one phenotype is correlated with another. Researchers utilise the phenotypic ratio derived from a test cross to determine the gene expression for generations of an organism. The ratio of various phenotypes that are present in the progeny of a cross is known as the phenotypic ratio. Ratios are comparisons in numbers. The ratio of apples to oranges, for instance, would be 3:2 if someone possessed three apples and two oranges. It is projected that a cross between two heterozygous F1 hybrids will result in offspring with a 1:2:1 ratio of genotypes to phenotypes for that trait.

Learn more about Phenotypic ratios here:


PEA PLANT PUNNETT SQUARE WORKSHEET 1) Yellow Seeds Are Dominant Over Green Seeds In Pea Plants. Fill

Related Questions

Question 9
After 60 days, 100g of a certain element has decayed to only 12.5g.
What is the half-life of this element?
A.) 20 days
B.) 30 days
с.) 8 days
D.)5 days


30 days I think because I am not so sure

Which of these is produced as a result of fertilization?
-a zygote with half the number of chromosomes as a gamete
-a gamete with twice the number of chromosomes as a zygote
-a zygote with twice the number of chromosomes as a gamete
-an egg with half the number of chromosomes as a zygote



Third Option is absolutely correct.

Help me plss!! (I will give brainliest)



g-2 phase



D. Interphase


Image of the cell cycle. Interphase is composed of G1 phase (cell growth), followed by S phase (DNA synthesis), followed by G2 phase (cell growth). At the end of interphase comes the mitotic phase, which is made up of mitosis and cytokinesis and leads to the formation of two daughter cells.

1.-¿Esta será la primera vez que ocurre una pandemia en la humanidad?

2.-¿Cómo habrán enfrentado las personas situaciones parecidas en años pasados?

3.-¿Por qué tendríamos que hacer caso a las recomendaciones de los científicos?



1.-¿Es la primera vez que ocurre una pandemia en la humanidad?

La pandemia de coronavirus no es la primera pandemia que enfrenta la humanidad, a lo largo de la historia se han registrado varias pandemias, como la Peste Negra, una pandemia que ocurrió en Europa en el siglo XIV y mató a aproximadamente 200 millones de personas.

2.-¿Cómo se habrá enfrentado la gente a situaciones similares en los últimos años?

Cada pandemia que enfrenta el mundo ha traído nuevas lecciones y descubrimientos científicos sobre cómo reducir los impactos provocados por la enfermedad y nuevas formas de tratamiento como los medicamentos y las vacunas, que hasta el día de hoy tienen un impacto positivo y benefician a las generaciones actuales.

3.-¿Por qué debemos seguir las recomendaciones de los científicos?

Es fundamental seguir las recomendaciones de los científicos para contener un virus contagioso, pues a través de la ciencia se descubre cómo actúa el virus en el cuerpo humano, cómo se produce el contagio, cuáles son las mejores formas de prevención, etc.

La ciencia es fundamental para la humanidad, a través de estudios y evidencias científicas, el ser humano logra soluciones a problemas que impactan en la vida de las personas.

Why is lighter skin an
advantage in places
with less sunlight


Answer: Yet when a certain amount of UV rays penetrates the skin, it helps the human body use vitamin D to absorb the calcium necessary for strong bones. This delicate balancing act explains why the peoples that migrated to colder geographic zones with less sunlight developed lighter skin color.


When a certain Strongbow amount of UV rays penetrate the skin, it helps the human body use vitamin D to absorb the calcium is necessary for strong bones. This Balancing Act explains why the people that migrated to colder Geographic zones with less sunlight develop lighter skin color.

Hope this helped!

When does molecular breeding give an important advantage over conventional breeding, and how can we exploit this?



molecular breeding accelerates the times for genetic improvement  


Molecular breeding refers to the techniques used in molecular biology to improve phenotypic features in plants and animals of agronomic and economic interest. Molecular breeding involves many diverse molecular techniques which include, among others, selection assisted by molecular markers (MAS), genome editing techniques (e.g., the CRISPR-Cas genome editing system), quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, gene introgression assisted by markers, etc. These techniques can dramatically accelerate breeding programs aimed at improving plant/animal traits and, therefore, they have a fundamental advantage with respect to conventional breeding methods.

Describe the characteristics of the four groups of protozoans.



Amebas (representative: Ameba proteus)

Flagellates (representative: Trypanosoma, Euglena)

Ciliates (representative: Paramecium)

Apicomplexa (representative: Plasmodium)

What is the most likely reason the bones of the reptiles were found on more than one continent


Answer: Plate Tectonics


What is the impact of developing and using rock, mineral, and energy resources on earth's living and non living systems


Answer:  The use of rock, mining and energy production contaminates the environment by affecting the abiotic land mass. And therefore, by contaminating the habitat, the living beings that live there are harmed.


Mineral and rock extraction, transport and processing comprise actions that produce environmental impacts because it produces a certain disturbance to the surface and underlying strata, as well as to aquifers. These impacts can be short-lived, lasting as long as the mine is operational, or they can persist after mine development has been completed.

Major impacts include:

Contamination of soil, vegetation, drainages, rivers and groundwater aquifers contamination from leaking tailing piles and slurry ponds. If not properly treated, effluent from surface or subway mine water disposal can be highly acidic, and will contaminate surface waters and shallow groundwater with heavy metals, nitrates or oil from equipment, reducing local water supplies. During surface mining, movement and stockpiling of overburden, constructions or covering of soils alter rivers, drainages and coastal areas. Surface disturbance caused by access roads, pits, and site preparation.Noise and emissions from the operation of equipment.Air pollution, atmospheric dust from traffic, excavation, drilling and site clearing. Atmospheric particulates come from blasting, excavation and earth moving, transportation or any operations that occur on the surface of subway mines.Removal of rock strata can disrupt the continuity of the local aquifer, and cause interconnections and contamination between groundwater.

Both surface and subway mining include a drainage of the mine area and discharge of mine water, the removal and storage/disposal of large volumes of waste and the transfer and processing of minerals or construction materials. This requires the use of diesel or electric mining and haulage equipment. Transportation of ore within the mine area and to processing facilities may use trucks, conveyors, rail, polyduct or conveyor belt which are vehicles that emit large amounts of carbon dioxide.

Processing plants may be located in mountainous regions and so may have difficulty disposing of production wastes and other pollutants. They may then end up disposing of them in rivers or coastal waters.

The land at the surface of the mines will be unstable, there will be fracturing and subsidence, it will modificate soils, vegetation, rivers, wildlife habitat, wetlands, causing a temporary or permanent loss of land productivity, and contamination of soils due to mineral materials and toxic substances.

Also, the production and use of energy is the main cause, together with transportation, of greenhouse gas emissions, the gases responsible for climate change. Consequences of climate change are increased temperatures, rising sea levels and reduced rainfall.

The current model of generation, transport and consumption, absolutely dependent on fossil fuels, is unsustainable. The chemical products emitted, mainly from coal and oil-derived thermal power plants, are transported by the wind and deposited by rainfall thousands of kilometers away from their origin, causing "acid rain", which is the cause of the deterioration and destruction of forests, lakes and other ecosystems. Another example are the Nuclear power plants which produce high-level radioactive waste (long-lived, highly radioactive), which poses a constant threat to the environment due to the current inability to manage it.

Thus, the use of rock, mining and energy production contaminates the environment by affecting the abiotic land mass. And therefore, by contaminating the habitat, the living beings that live there are harmed.

The impact of developing and using rock, mineral, and energy resources will be:

loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and contamination of surface water, groundwater, and soil.

Impact of Minerals:

They help us to develop new technologies and are used in our everyday lives. Our use of rocks and minerals includes as building material, cosmetics, cars, roads, and appliances. In order maintain a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the body, humans need to consume minerals daily. Soil, rocks, and minerals provide essential metals and other materials for agriculture, manufacturing, and building.

Find more information about Minerals here:

List three reasons why plants and animals are valuable to the local economy. How could the endangered species act help or hurt a local economy?



Plants are valuable since they provide our food, materials for shelter, and purify the air (photosynthesis).

Animals such like livestock, supply us with food, fiber and leather.

The Endangered species act can help a local economy because it helps to supply clean air and pure water. It also protects our natural supplies.

................waves are the slowest and most damaging, capable of crumbling buildings.





It's tusunami waves


S-Waves or Surface Waves


How are stars described, using their physical properties
and distance


Answer: Two characteristics define brightness: luminosity and magnitude. ... The size of the star and its surface temperature determine its luminosity. Apparent magnitude of a star is its perceived brightness, factoring in size and distance, while absolute magnitude is its true brightness irrespective of its distance from earth.


Whats goat plus goat



Baby goat.


Two opposite sex goats equal one baby goat.

May I have brainliest?


lil baby goat


How do we have such versatile proteins in our body?



They are very versatile and have many different functions in the body, as listed below: Act as catalysts. Transport other molecules. Store other molecules.


What would happen if a plant was unable to produce dermal tissue?


Answer:   Dermal tissues in terrestrial plants produce a waxy cuticle that protects the leaf. ... The plant's stomata would be unable to open, and it would have a limited ability to perform photosynthesis.

Explanation: Hope this helped

The stomata relate to by
allowing oxygen to enter the plant



Stomata have two main functions, namely;

They allow for gas exchange acting as an entryway for carbon dioxide (CO2) and releasing the Oxygen (O2) that we breath. The other main function is regulating water movement through transpiration.


Which action would most likely create a light wave ?

A- pouring water into a pile of dirt

B- hitting a drum with a drumstick

C- producing a fire from fuel

D- dropping a pebble in a pond


The answer that h are looking for is c

which of the following is a path of healthy blood flow?
a. right atrium, right ventricle, lungs
b. right atrium, left atrium, lungs
c. left ventricle, left atrium, body
d. left ventricle, right ventricle, body ​


It should be a it goes through the right atrium and then right ventricle

No matter what phase water is in, the water molecules stay the same; they just move differently.”
Explain why this evidence matters:



Think about how the water cycle works etiher look in a tetbook or something


can someone help me with this immediately!!!! pls don’t guess or leave links!! correct answer gets brainiest



Bones produce blood cells. So, if there are no bones in our body, then our body cannot make blood. So the answer is B.

4. why would a photosynthetic bacteria cell be classified as phytoplankton?


Don’t click on that link plz

can someone help me with this immediately!!!! pls don’t guess or leave links!! correct answer gets brainiest


the answer is the heart




7,600 > 760 > 76 > 7.6

Victor put a match on a balance and found that its mass was 6.0 grams. Then he lit the match and put it out after a few seconds.

He put the partially burned match on the balance again. This time, its mass was 4.5 grams.

Which of the following best explains what happened as the match burned?
Some of the mass was destroyed by the fire.
The mass of the match combined with the mass of the fire.
The matter moved to a different part of the match.
Some of the matter changed from solid to gas and went into the air.


Answer: It releases oxygen and heat. The answer is C

Stored inside the match head is another chemical called “potassium chlorate”. When it gets hot, it releases a lot of extra oxygen and heat. This makes the match head burn quickly and strongly. When you put it all together the heat, the fuel, and the oxygen  you get a flame. Matter does not go when something is set on fire. Matter is always the same.  Burning is a chemical process. The flames are caused as a result of a fuel undergoing combustion (burning). (CC BY-SA 2.5; Einar Helland Berger for fire and Walter Siegmund for ash).  




how it going long time no talk

Which of the following is an example of microevolution?
A. the formation of four new species of fish in a lake over thousands of years
B. a mass extinction that occurs because of major environmental changes in a habitat
C. a change in the frequency of body color in a species of beetle over time
D. the formation of two new species of rodent that have been isolated by a mountain range

no scammers!!! please please help



chuapamimuñe putito44444444


It would be C


Because the colour of a beetle is affected by the allele frequency and therefore changes in alleles as a result of mutations as a result of most likely adaptation

Plss help!! ASAP I will give u brainlist





EMERGENCY!!!!!  what amino acid causes sickle cell anemia?!!!!!??





Will give brainliest to whoever can match these up!



1. boarder collie

2. newfoundland

3. bassit hound

4. german shepard

5. dashound



crossing two plants which differ in two traits such as height and color​



This is "Mendel crossed pea plants".


Hope this helps!!

Please mark as brainiest!!!




The answer is D


This is because the markup percentage of the price of riding busses mean that less people will ride it and the bus will be less active.

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