Pavel’s interaction with Miklos contributes to the plot by pavels journey


Answer 1

Without more context about the plot of Pavel's journey or the specific nature of Pavel's interaction with Miklos, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer to this question. However, in general, it is possible for a character's interactions with other characters to contribute to the plot of a story by advancing the character's journey or adding complications to their path.

For example, Pavel's interaction with Miklos may introduce a new obstacle or challenge that Pavel must overcome in order to achieve his goals or complete his journey. Alternatively, it may provide a moment of insight or realization for Pavel, leading him to re-evaluate his beliefs or change his course of action.

It is also possible that Pavel's interaction with Miklos may be relatively inconsequential to the plot of his journey, serving primarily to provide additional context or depth to Pavel's character or the world in which he exists.

Ultimately, the significance of Pavel's interaction with Miklos in contributing to the plot of his journey will depend on the specifics of the story being told and the author's intent.


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BRAINLIST! “Little white lies” are Ok to tell; if you have a good reason.
Yes or no and explain why in 2-3 sentences



Even if you believe you have a good reason. While these lies may seem harmless or even well-intentioned in the moment, they can erode trust and damage relationships over time. It is generally better to be truthful and honest, even if it is difficult or uncomfortable in the moment.

Give Brainliest to the next answerer, not me, I don't need it.

What can be used to identify patterns and predict what comes next?

- body details
- text structure
- author’s purpose
- text evidence


Text evidence can be used to identify patterns and predict what comes next in a text. By analyzing the language and details provided in the text, readers can identify patterns such as repeated themes, motifs, or symbols. They can also use the author's use of language and narrative structure to make predictions about what may happen next in the story.

For example, if a story includes several instances of foreshadowing, readers may use this as evidence to make predictions about what might happen later in the story. Similarly, if a story uses a particular structure or narrative technique such as flashbacks, readers may be able to predict when the next flashback will occur and what information it will provide.

In summary, text evidence can provide important clues for identifying patterns and predicting what comes next in a text. By paying attention to the language, structure, and details provided in a text, readers can enhance their comprehension and understanding of the material.


Answer: b. test structure


Text structure refers to the way a text is organized and the relationships between different parts of the text. By analyzing the text structure, readers can identify patterns, such as cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, chronological order, and so on. These patterns can provide clues and insights into the author's intended message and help readers make predictions about what might come next in the text. By understanding how the information is structured and interconnected, readers can anticipate the logical progression of ideas and anticipate the content that will follow.

A withering flower in a forgotten glass vase
How do the words "withering" and "forgotten" impact the meaning of
the poem?

They stress upon the low quality of maintenance at
the nursing home and reveal a lack of finances.

They describe the appearance of neglect and
emphasize the grandmother's condition.

They reveal the state of fragility the speaker
experiences thinking about her own future.

They influence the reader's perception by depicting
the grandmother's lack of hygiene.



Based on the given options, the words "withering" and "forgotten" in the poem seem to impact the meaning by describing the appearance of neglect and emphasizing the grandmother's condition. These words convey a sense of deterioration and abandonment, highlighting the elderly woman's physical and emotional state. They suggest that the grandmother has been left behind and ignored, which is further reinforced by the description of her surroundings. Therefore, the answer is "They describe the appearance of neglect and emphasize the grandmother's condition."

Which sentence from the passage best states the main idea of
"When Should Teens Drive?"
Recently, there has been much debate about when the
driving age should be. (paragraph 1)
Currently, over 253 million cars are driven on American
roads. (paragraph 2)
The responsibility to issue drivers' licenses and establish
driving laws has always been given to individual states,
and requirements vary among states. (paragraph 3)
Those in favor of raising the driving age hope that many
teen injuries can be avoided. (paragraph 5)


The sentence from the passage that best states the main idea of "When Should Teens Drive?" is D. Those in favor of raising the driving age hope that many

teen injuries can be avoided. (paragraph 5)

How to explain the information

The sentence "Those in favor of raising

the driving age hope that many teen injuries can be avoided" best states the main idea of "When Should Teens Drive?" which is discussing the debate over whether or not the driving age should be raised to prevent injuries among teen drivers.

Learn more about main idea on;


If given the chance to become the Philippine president for 365 days, list down your top five (5)
programs and projects that you want to implement right after you assume office. Write a short
explanation at end of your list


My top 5 programs and projects as the Philippine president would focus on improving the quality of life for every Filipino citizen through education reform, healthcare accessibility, infrastructure development, environmental protection, and job creation.

List down the top five programs and projects.Education reform: Investing in the education sector by providing free education and scholarships for students in public schools, especially for those in rural areas. We will also increase the budget for education to ensure that schools have the necessary resources to provide quality education to every student.Healthcare accessibility: Implementing universal healthcare coverage to provide accessible and affordable healthcare services to every Filipino citizen, regardless of their socio-economic status. We will also build more hospitals and healthcare facilities in rural areas to improve healthcare access for people living in remote areas.Infrastructure development: Investing in the development of infrastructure by building more roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. We will also prioritize the implementation of a nationwide high-speed internet network to improve connectivity and support the digital economy.Environmental protection: Implementing policies to address the worsening environmental degradation and climate change effects. We will prioritize reforestation programs and provide incentives to companies that adopt eco-friendly business practices.Job creation: Creating more job opportunities by implementing policies that will support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), promoting entrepreneurship, and attracting more foreign investors to invest in the country.

To learn more about Philippine, visit:


When President Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address in March of 1865, the Civil War was nearly over; it was apparent that the South would lose the war and surrender. Using this information, analyze the purpose of Lincoln's speech. What does the text reveal about what Lincoln wanted to convey to his listeners? Use details from the speech to support your answer.​


Lincoln delivered his renowned Second Inaugural Address on March 4, 1865. He asked people to "bind up the nation's wounds" left by the Civil War and work towards a permanent peace in his speech.

What is the Second Inaugural Address's appeal to its audience?

In his Second Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln stunned his audience by ignoring the subject of politics in favor of using harsh, then uplifting rhetoric and biblical allusions to elevate Americans and emphasize the importance of continuing to pursue peace.  Lincoln frequently relies on pathos appeals in his speech to persuade the audience to concur with his points of view.

Lincoln's speech reflected his new viewpoint that the Civil War was not only a fight to maintain the Union but also a fight for everyone's freedom and equality—a cause he had not actively supported in the years leading up to the conflict. He makes it clear that the war should be viewed as God's retribution for the sin of slavery, in which all Americans participated in.

To learn more about Lincoln, visit:


and Summarizing Strategies in "Survival is Your Own Responsibility": Mastery Test
Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
What is an objective summary?
An objective summary is a brief statement of a text that includes the


An objective summary is a brief statement of a text that includes the and is​ :"A brief, factual statement explaining the important information in a text or speech" (Option A)

What does reading summary strategy entail?

The summarizing strategy is a reading comprehension technique that entails four steps: reading the material, analyzing the paragraph, providing a paraphrase in response, and coming up with a summary of the passage.

The summary method is what?

Summary methods specify how the sum of the values in the child cells is computed. You can sum, average, or discover the maximum value of the data in 10 cells, for instance, if you wish to calculate it. There is a default summary method for each data type.

To know more about summarizing visit:


The complete question is:

Summarizing Strategies in "Survival is Your Own Responsibility": Mastery Test.

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. What is an objective summary?

An objective summary is a brief statement of a text that includes the and is​:

A) "A brief, factual statement explaining the important information in a text or speech"

B) A work of fiction that contains several conclusions

C) A category of various kinds of concepts and writing

D) The first part of the text or speech.

Literary Analysis: Thoreau

Read the excerpt below from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. Consider how the author's use of language, including figurative language, reveals tone in the text.

Write a well-developed essay that analyzes the attitude of the narrator in the passage. Include specific details from the text to support your analysis.

As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you:

· develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience.
· support your thesis with meaningful examples and references from the text, carefully citing any direct quotes.
· organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.
· use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience.
· edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.
from Walden
by Henry David Thoreau
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to “glorify God and enjoy him forever.”

Still we live meanly, like ants; though the fable tells us that we were long ago changed into men; like pygmies we fight with cranes; it is error upon error, and clout upon clout, and our best virtue has for its occasion a superfluous and evitable wretchedness. Our life is frittered away by detail. An honest man has hardly need to count more than his ten fingers, or in extreme cases he may add his ten toes, and lump the rest. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail. In the midst of this chopping sea of civilized life, such are the clouds and storms and quicksands and thousand-and-one items to be allowed for, that a man has to live, if he would not founder and go to the bottom and not make his port at all, by dead reckoning, and he must be a great calculator indeed who succeeds. Simplify, simplify. Instead of three meals a day, if it be necessary eat but one; instead of a hundred dishes, five; and reduce other things in proportion. Our life is like a German Confederacy, made up of petty states, with its boundary forever fluctuating, so that even a German cannot tell you how it is bounded at any moment. The nation itself, with all its so-called internal improvements, which, by the way are all external and superficial, is just such an unwieldy and overgrown establishment, cluttered with furniture and tripped up by its own traps, ruined by luxury and heedless expense, by want of calculation and a worthy aim, as the million households in the land; and the only cure for it, as for them, is in a rigid economy, a stern and more than Spartan simplicity of life and elevation of purpose. It lives too fast. Men think that it is essential that the Nation have commerce, and export ice, and talk through a telegraph, and ride thirty miles an hour, without a doubt, whether they do or not; but whether we should live like baboons or like men, is a little uncertain. If we do not get out sleepers, and forge rails, and devote days and nights to the work, but go to tinkering upon our lives to improve them, who will build railroads? And if railroads are not built, how shall we get to heaven in season? But if we stay at home and mind our business, who will want railroads? We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us. Did you ever think what those sleepers are that underlie the railroad? Each one is a man, an Irishman, or a Yankee man. The rails are laid on them, and they are covered with sand, and the cars run smoothly over them. They are sound sleepers, I assure you. And every few years a new lot is laid down and run over; so that, if some have the pleasure of riding on a rail, others have the misfortune to be ridden upon. And when they run over a man that is walking in his sleep, a supernumerary sleeper in the wrong position, and wake him up, they suddenly stop the cars, and make a hue and cry about it, as if this were an exception.


The tone of the narrator in this passage from Walden by Henry David Thoreau can be described as critical, reflective, and contemplative. Thoreau uses vivid language and figurative expressions to convey his attitude towards modern society and its complexities.

Thoreau's use of figurative language, such as "our life is frittered away by detail," "our best virtue has for its occasion a superfluous and evitable wretchedness," and "our life is like a German Confederacy," reveals his critical tone towards the busyness and complexity of modern life. He sees society as being consumed by unnecessary details and complications that distract from the essence of life. The use of figurative expressions like "chopping sea of civilized life" and "ruined by luxury and heedless expense" conveys a sense of chaos and destruction caused by the excesses and extravagance of modern living.

Thoreau's reflective tone is evident in phrases such as "I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear," "For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it," and "Did you ever think what those sleepers are that underlie the railroad?" These statements indicate that Thoreau has deeply contemplated the meaning of life and the purpose of human existence. He questions the conventional beliefs and practices of society, reflecting on the uncertainties and contradictions he observes.

Thoreau's contemplative tone is reflected in his introspective statements, such as "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life," and "to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion." Thoreau's contemplation is also evident in his reflections on the nature of progress and development, questioning the need for constant improvement and expansion, and pondering the consequences of such progress on humanity.

Overall, Thoreau's tone in this passage is critical of modern society, reflective on the meaning of life, and contemplative about the nature of progress. He advocates for simplicity, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of life beyond the superficialities of modern living. Thoreau's use of figurative language and introspective statements effectively conveys his attitude towards the complexities of society and his search for a deeper understanding of life's essence.

how Critical Theory can help you as a teacher to change the classroom dynamic from emphasis of route learning to critical thinking.​



Critical Theory can assist you as a teacher in shifting the emphasis of your classroom from rote learning to critical thinking.


PART A: which phrase reflects the main theme of the passage?


The phrase that reflects the main theme of the passage is this: Decisions can have unintended consequences.

What is a literary theme?

A literary theme refers to the underlying message or insight that a writer conveys through their work, usually expressed in abstract terms such as love, loss, justice, power, or redemption.

In the text, Believing in Horse, we learn about Sadie who was able to overcone her fears and do things that she formely thought impossible. She als learned that decisions have consequences.

Learn more about literary themes here:


Discuss the theme of death both physically and socially in "The Welcome Table."




"The Welcome Table" is a short story by Alice Walker that explores the theme of death both physically and socially. The story follows an elderly black woman who visits a white church for the first time and is met with hostility and racism. However, the woman's journey to the church is symbolic of her journey towards death, and the story uses death as a metaphor for the woman's struggle for acceptance and belonging in a racist society.

Physically, death is a prominent theme in the story, as the woman is described as being old and feeble. She walks slowly, and her feet ache from the journey to the church. Her physical condition is a symbol of her approaching death, and the story suggests that death is something that cannot be avoided, no matter how hard we try. The woman's physical frailty is contrasted with the vitality of the young white children who mock her and the vigor of the white congregation.

Socially, death is also a theme in the story, as the woman's journey to the church is a metaphor for her struggle for acceptance and belonging in a racist society. The woman is an outsider in the church and is met with hostility from the white congregation. She is seen as an unwelcome intruder, and her presence makes the white members of the church uncomfortable. This social rejection is a metaphor for the death of the woman's spirit, as she is denied the opportunity to connect with others and find acceptance.

Overall, "The Welcome Table" uses death both physically and socially as a metaphor for the woman's struggle for acceptance and belonging in a racist society. The story suggests that death is inevitable, but that we can find meaning in our lives by fighting for justice and equality, even in the face of opposition and hostility.


An interview is a primary ____. Interviews can be heard or read about in newspapers or in _____. Before photography, people painted and drew pictures. These paintings are primary sources of _____.


An interview is a primary conversation. Interviews can be heard or read about in newspapers or in media. Before photography, people painted and drew pictures. These paintings are primary sources of information.

Interviews provide us a unique and intimate perspective on an event or person since they allow us to hear the interviewee's remarks firsthand, as well as their tone and expressions. This can frequently provide us with a better knowledge of a situation than a written report. Interviews also give us the rare opportunity to ask questions and receive responses in real time.

persons used to paint and draw pictures to document important events and persons before photography. These paintings can be considered primary sources of information since they depict an event or person in a unique and direct manner. Paintings can reveal a great deal about a specific time period and the people who lived in it.

To learn more about interview link is here


Match the terms to their definition.
1. alleviate
2. anticipate
3. counterargument

to predict or tell about in advance
to relieve; to make disappear
an argument that opposes another


1. alleviate means to relieve , to make disappear
2. Anticipate means to predict or to tell about in advance
3. Counter argument means an argument that opposes another argument

Ecr cowboys home on wheels


"The Cowboy's Home on Wheels" is a short story written by American author Zane Grey. It was first published in 1911 and is set in the American West during the early 20th century.

What is The Cowboys' Home on Wheels?

The story follows a group of cowboys who travel across the country in a specially designed wagon, which serves as their mobile home on the range. Grey was a prolific author of Western novels and short stories and is best known for his works such as "Riders of the Purple Sage" and "The Lone Star Ranger."

Joe faces a variety of difficulties and perils on the trail throughout the narrative, including perilous river crossings and aggressive encounters with other cowboys. He is nevertheless persistent and resourceful, depending on his cunning and the assistance of his loyal allies to get through any challenges that stand in his way.

Learn more about  The Cowboys' Home on Wheels on


What is the thesis statement?

There is a new cause for concern for parents who think they are feeding their young children safe and healthy foods a new lawsuit claims the environmental protection agency is allowing unacceptably high levels of pesticides in some foods favored by children Massachusetts joins Connecticut New Jersey and New York and alleging everything from grapes to oranges to potatoes contains pesticide residue‘s that are excessive for children the EPA is being accused of not setting child safe pesticide limits as required by the food quality protection act of 1996 these safety standards exist they’ve existed since 1996 they need to be enforced we need to have these levels set and ideally  they’ll be set at 10 times the safety standards so that they will protect kids said Massachusetts assistant attorney general Alice Moore.


The thesis statement is: "There is a new cause for concern for parents who think they are feeding their young children safe and healthy foods: a new lawsuit claims the environmental protection agency is allowing unacceptably high levels of pesticides in some foods favored by children."

Complete the sentences with daily activity verbs in the simple present tense. Then read the sentences aloud.

1. I get up at 6:00 A.M., but my wife_______up at 7:00 A.M.

2. My wife________ breakfast at 7:30.

3. When my wife is late for work, she_______ on her makeup on the train.

4. I don't watch TV, but my wife___________TV after dinner.

5. I go to bed before 11:00 P.M., but my husband________ to bed after 11:00.

6. I take a bath every morning, but my husband_________a shower.

7. I make the bed on weekdays, and my husband_________the bed on the weekend.

8. I brush my teeth twice a day, but my husband__________his teeth three times a day.​



I get up at 6:00 AM, but my wife gets up at 7:00 AM.

Breakfast is served at 7:30 by my wife. My wife puts on her cosmetics on the train

when she is running late for work.

My wife watches TV after supper, but I don't.

Every morning I take a bath, but my husband takes a shower.

On weekdays, I make the bed, and on weekends, my spouse does.

While I only clean my teeth twice a day, my hubby does so three times.​

 Unlike my husband, who goes to bed after 11:00, I usually don't.


just examples

Final answer:

The completed sentences use simple present tense verbs, including 'gets', 'makes', 'puts', 'watches', 'goes', 'takes', 'makes', and 'brushes' to describe routine activities.


Here are the sentences completed with daily activity verbs in the simple present tense:

1. I get up at 6:00 A.M., but my wife gets up at 7:00 A.M.

2. My wife makes breakfast at 7:30.

3. When my wife is late for work, she puts on her makeup on the train.

4. I don't watch TV, but my wife watches TV after dinner.

5. I go to bed before 11:00 P.M., but my husband goes to bed after 11:00.

6. I take a bath every morning, but my husband takes a shower.

7. I make the bed on weekdays, and my husband makes the bed on the weekends.

8. I brush my teeth twice a day, but my husband brushes his teeth three times a day. These verbs help indicate routine activities that are performed on a daily basis.

Learn more about Simple present tense here:


Based on your reading, respond to the following. In dialogue, periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points go _______ quotation marks. List at least two ways to make your writing sound more natural. List three ways to vary your sentences. Why is it important to use a personal touch? The personal touch you add to your writing is called your _______.


1. Inside quotation marks.

2. Use dialogue, write as if you were in a conversation, vary your sentences, give it a personal touch, and use humor (if appropriate)

How should quotation marks be used?

Various writing systems utilize quotation marks, which are punctuation marks used in pairs, to begin a direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase. The pair consists of two quotation marks, one of which may or may not be the same character as the opening quotation mark. The most frequent usage of quotation marks is to essentially indicate a direct quote or something that has been uttered. They literally display what has been said, word for word like in a direct speech.

3. Questions and answers are used together. Short sentences are sandwiched between longer ones.

4. The reader finds it more engaging if they perceive a real person to be the author, and occasionally they can identify with your experience.

5. A humorous quotation or anecdote.

To learn more about quotation marks, visit:


People from different cultures respond to their surroundings in different ways


People from different cultures respond to their surroundings in different ways, which is true as this can be due to a variety of factors, such as differences in history, traditions, beliefs, values, and environmental conditions.

Some cultures may have a more collectivist approach, where the needs of the group are prioritized over the needs of the individual. In such cultures, people may be more likely to cooperate with each other and work towards common goals. In contrast, other cultures may have a more individualistic approach, where the needs of the individual are prioritized over the needs of the group. In such cultures, people may be more likely to focus on personal achievement and success.

Learn more about the people and culture here.


Which of these statements about Didion’s feelings about Paradise Lost is best supported by paragraph 9?


Paradise Lost is not a novel but an epic poem written by John Milton, published in 1667. The poem tells the story of Adam and Eve, their temptation by Satan, and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The poem also explores themes of free will, divine providence, and the nature of evil.

What is the novel about?

The poem is divided into twelve books, each of which contains several sections or "cantos." Book I introduces the poem's main characters and the fall of Satan from heaven. Book II tells the story of Satan's journey to Earth and his encounter with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Books III and IV describe the creation of the world and the debate in heaven about the fate of Adam and Eve.

Books V and VI focus on Adam and Eve's love for each other and their relationship with God. In Books VII and VIII, the archangel Raphael visits Adam and tells him about the war in heaven that led to Satan's fall. Books IX and X depict the temptation of Eve and the fall of humanity.

Learn more about paradise on


Write a response poem to Gabriel Okara’s poem “Once Upon a Time.” Your poem must: -be at least 3 stanzas and at least 75 words in length
-adopt the style of Okara’s poem using at least 2 phrases taken directly from it (For example, “but now they only laugh with their teeth,” There was a time indeed,” So I have learned many things,” or “But believe me”
-begin “Once upon a time”
Once upon a time, father
you used to listen to me
used to hear me before I would even speak
but now, here
the only sounds you hear are the rain
falling on this piece of marble

There was time indeed
when you taught me to walk with dignity
and to work with purpose
and to dream
now, my dreams are the only place I see you

But believe me, father
you are not forgotten
I still remember when you said
that one day I would teach these lessons to my own child
I am not ready
but I will be, because of you

Grading / Rubric:
This assignment is worth 30 points. You will be given 10 points for each category:

-Style - How well does your poem mimic the style of Okara’s?

-Features - Does your poem contain 3 stanzas, 75+ words, 2 phrases directly from Okara’s poem and begin “Once Upon a Time”?

-Word Choice - How well do you utilize your 75+ words to convey the meaning you’ve chosen?


Once upon a time, I used to see the world
through rose-colored glasses
life was simple, happiness came with ease
and each day was a new adventure

But now they only see my age
a number that tells them what I cannot do
they forget that once upon a time
I was young, with dreams and hopes too

There was a time indeed
when I believed the world was mine
I thought that love and kindness
were enough to make things right

So I have learned many things
about the pain that life can bring
how age can turn a heart to stone
and make even the strongest souls feel alone

But believe me, my dear
even though my time is running out
I will never forget the love
that once upon a time, I had no doubt

Source cards contain your opinion about the work.
True or false.


Source cards are used to record information about a source, including the author, title, publication date, and relevant quotes or paraphrases, but they should not contain personal opinions.

Dialogue your recently had a misunderstanding with you best friend that resulted in her being anger with you.after two weeks of not speaking to each other,bump into each other at a shopping mall and make peace write the conversation you had with her​


Answer: is it a made up one or a irl one?


please help meee please​



1. These dolphins were given to the zoo by a zoo in San Fransico last month.

2. Over a hundred trees were planted in the area every year

3. When was this book written?

4. My calls are always answered by Debbie

5. Rugby isn't played in Greece

6. We stayed on a beautiful island. All the houses were painted white

7. Lots of cars are sold every year.

Hope this helps


1. were given

2. are planted

3. was, written

4. were, answered

5. wasn't played

6. were painted

7. are sold


Using at least one citation from Carroll’s essay, comment on the role of context in framing contemporary arguments. Is there enough contextual background on news stories, speeches, advertisements, and other areas of rhetoric in today’s digital information culture? How does the Washington Post’s proposed feature of the “Knowledge Map” (noted in the Shan Wang article) enrich the contemporary news environment?


- Contextual background on news stories, speeches, advertisements, and other areas of rhetoric is important because it helps us understand the purpose, audience, and implications of a message.

- However, contextual background on news stories, speeches, advertisements, and other areas of rhetoric is not always sufficient or reliable in today’s digital information culture.

- Therefore, it is also important for us as consumers and producers of information to be critical and aware of the context of a message and to seek out multiple sources and perspectives to verify and enrich our understanding of an issue.

The Washington Post’s proposed feature of the “Knowledge Map” (noted in the Shan Wang article) is an attempt to provide more context for news stories by linking them to related articles, timelines, maps, graphs, and other sources of information. This could enrich the contemporary news environment by helping readers explore different perspectives, verify facts, and learn more about the issues they care about. The feature could also be personalized and automation to suit the needs and preferences of different readers.

To learn more about automation here


Your speech should be informative, naturally, but a really good speech will also evoke some ________ in your audience. a. emotion c. reaction b. criticism d. none of these

ANSWER: c.reaction


Correct, a really good speech should not only be informative but also evoke some reaction in the audience. This could be in the form of inspiration, motivation, excitement, or even a change in perspective or opinion. A good speaker knows how to engage their audience and connect with them on an emotional level, which can lead to a more memorable and impactful presentation. While criticism can also be a type of reaction, it is not necessarily a desirable one in this context as it may not contribute to the overall effectiveness of the speech.

Why did the 2-year drought not turn out like the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?


The Great Plains region was more vulnerable before the 1930s drought because of a number of poor land management techniques.

Which two factors contributed most to the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?

During the 1930s, a substantial migrant community of impoverished, rural Americans emerged due to a combination of aggressive and subpar farming practises, regional drought, and strong winds. As a result, thousands of people were forced to leave their homes by massive dust storms.

What was a key factor in the Dust Bowl of the 1930s?

The Dust Bowl was a result of the Dust Bowl, which also included an extended drought, exceptionally high temperatures, poor agricultural practises, and the ensuing wind erosion.

To know more about Dust Bowl visit:


What is the possessive pronoun in this sentence.
The police officers pulled up in their patrol car.


“their” is the possessive pronoun

Consider two firms with the following marginal abatement costs (MAC) as a function of emissions (E): MAC1 = 11 - 2E1 , MAC2 = 7 - E2, and assume marginal external damages (MED) from the aggregate emissions of both firms (EAgg = E1 + E2) is: MED = EAgg. Total abatement costs (TAC) for both firms at the socially efficient level of aggregate emissions is _______ (round your answer to the nearest integer):


The total abatement costs for both firms at the socially efficient level of aggregate emissions is approximately 49 rounded to the nearest integer.

What is marginal external damages?

Marginal external damage refers to the negative effects or costs imposed on society as a whole by the production or consumption of a good or service, which are not reflected in the market price.

Equate the marginal abatement cost of each firm to the marginal external damages:

11 - 2E1 = EAgg

7 - E2 = EAgg

Solving for EAgg, we get:

EAgg = (11 - 2E1 + 7 - E2) / 2

EAgg = 9 - (E1 + E2) / 2

TAC₁ = ∫(11 - 2E1) dE₁ from 0 to E₁ = 11E₁ - E1²

TAC₂ = ∫(7 - E2) dE₁ from 0 to E₂ = 7E₂ - 0.5E2²

Total abatement costs for both firms is TAC₁ + TAC₂, which is:

TAC = (11E₁ - E1²) + (7E2 - 0.5E2²)

TAC = 11E₁ + 7E₂ - E1² - 0.5E2²

At the socially efficient level of aggregate emissions we get:

TAC = 11E₁+ 7(9 - (E₁ + E₂) / 2) - E1² - 0.5(9 - (E₁ + E₂) / 2)²

Simplifying and taking the derivative with respect to E₁, we get:

d(TAC)/dE₁ = 11 - 2E₁ + (E₁ + E₂ - 9) / 2

Setting this equal to zero and solving for E₁, we get:

E₁ = 9 - E₂

Substituting this into the expression for EAgg, we get:

EAgg = 9 - (9 - E₂ + E₂) / 2

EAgg = 8

Therefore, the socially efficient level of aggregate emissions is EAgg = 8. To find the total abatement costs at this level, we substitute E₁ = 1 and E₂ = 7 into the TAC equation:

TAC ≈ 49

Rounding to the nearest integer, we get TAC ≈ 49. Therefore, the total abatement costs for both firms at the socially efficient level of aggregate emissions is approximately 49.

Learn more about marginal cost here:


Classify the following chemical reactions as synthesis decomposition single replacement double replacement or combustion


(NH4)2SO4 +Ba(NO3)2 → BaSO4 + 2NH4NO3 : Double replacement reactionMg + Br2 → MgBr2 : Synthesis reactionSO3 + H2O → H2SO4 : Synthesis reaction6KCl + Zn3(PO4)2 → 2K3PO4 + 3ZnCl2 : Double replacement reaction

The positive ions of two ionic compounds are exchanged in a double replacement reaction, forming two new compounds. A chemical reaction known as a synthesis reaction, often referred to as a direct combination reaction, occurs when two or more simple components combine to form a more complex result.

Learn more about synthesis reaction, here:


writing Prompt: People, and especially teenagers, have become dependent on technology in their lives which affects their lives which affects their education, health and relationships. write a persuasive essay expressing your point of view and convincing your readers to/use technological devices in the right way​


It can be a little overwhelming to comprehend teenagers and technology. Teenagers' lives occasionally seem to revolve around their smartphones and other modern technology.

What consequences result from humans relying too much on technology?

Not having access to a phone can cause nervousness, anxiety, and agony. The capacity to think clearly or work can be affected by these feelings. Technology dependence can also cause physical symptoms like sweating and shaking.

What are the harmful impacts of technology on young children?

Technology can have a negative impact on children's relationships, health, and general ability to concentrate as well as their growing social skills. As a result, more kids may become introverted, shy, or scared by social circumstances.

To know more about technology visit:


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