Page header is in the upper right hand corner 1/2 inch from the top of the page and includes....

Question 3 options:

student's first and last name only.

student's last name only.

student's last name and page number.

page number only.


Answer 1


student's last name and page number.

Related Questions

whoever had sounded the alarm . is this a dependent or independent clause


Whoever had sounded the alarm  is a dependent clause. A set of words known as a dependent clause has a subject and a verb but does not fully communicate a thought. A dependent clause cannot, by definition, stand alone as a basic phrase.

It is related to the main phrase of a sentence by a sentence conjunction like that or when, and is also known as a subordinate clause. Use this illustration: I rode the bike Mary gave me for my birthday out into the world. It should always be followed by one or more dependent clauses. Noun clauses, adjective clauses, and adverbial clauses are the three types of dependent clauses.

To learn more about clause, click here.


Which of the following best summarizes "My Mother
O A. Zitkála-Šá with her slip of brown buckskin and soft moccasins is as free as the wind and
as spirited as a bounding deer in contrast, her mother is unhappy that the paleface has
stolen their land and driven them away. Moreover, her mother is distressed about the
loss of family members.
O B. Zitkála-Šá accompanies her mother to fetch water from the river. On the return trip,
Zitkála-Šá's mother sorrowfully relays how the paleface stole their land and drove them
away. As a result of the brutal journey, members of Zitkála-Šá's family died. Her mother
tells her that she must be wary of the paleface.
Zitkála-Šá's mother decides to teach her about her family's trouble at the hands of
paleface. Her mother shares this history to help her become brave, but cautious when
dealing with the paleface. She tells Zitkála-Šá that the paleface can take things away
from her.
O D. Seven-year-old Zitkála-Šá and her mother go to a river to fetch water. Zitkála-Šá runs
ahead, laughing with glee. She is free and spirited. After the fetch the water, though,
Zitkála-Šá's mother becomes sad as she explains to Zitkála-Šá that the paleface is not a
real man, but a sickly sham.



O.A is the answer.


O.A is the answer because it tells us how and why the mother is unhappy and distressed.

what is the definition of intelligence and how to measure it


The definition of intelligence is described as an individual who has the ability and skills to learn new things quickly and utilize the benefits.

What is the definition?

A definition of any word is stated as a detailed description which helps the readers to understand and evaluate the clear meaning of the word and utilize it in speaking.

The definition of intelligence is described as a talent to acquire new knowledge and learn new things quickly it is measured through a test mainly named as Intelligence quotient or IQ which determines the level of intelligence.

Learn more about the Intelligence quotient, here:


The Beginner's American History
by D. H. Montgomery (adapted excerpt)

The King's Order

In 1763, the war with the French ended with the English gaining possession of the whole of America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. This part of America was ruled by George the Third, King of England, who was now determined to send over more guards but wanted the people in the 13 colonies in America to pay the cost of keeping these guards. However, people were not willing to do this because they felt that they were able to protect themselves without help of any kind. Then the king said, "If the Americans will not give the money, I will take it from them—for pay it they must and shall." This was more than the king would have dared say about England; for there, if he wanted money to spend, he had to ask the people for it, and they could give it or not as they thought best. The Americans said, "We have the same rights as our brothers in England, and the king cannot force us to give a single copper against our will. If he tries to take it from us, we will fight."

The "Boston Tea Party"

However, George the Third did not really know the Americans, and he did not think that they meant what they said. He tried to make them pay the money, but they would not, and from Maine to Georgia, all the people were of one mind. Then the king thought of an alternate plan and arranged for shiploads of tea to be sent over to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charleston. He ordered, "If the tea should be landed and sold, then every man who bought a pound of it would have to pay six cents more than the regular price." That six cents was a tax, which the people refused to pay. When the tea reached New York, the citizens sent it back again to England. They did the same thing at Philadelphia. At Charleston, they let it be landed, but it was stored in damp cellars. People would not buy any of it anymore, so it all rotted and spoiled. In Boston, they had a grand "tea party." A number of men dressed themselves up like Native Americans, went on board the tea ships at night, broke open all the chests, and emptied the tea into the harbor.

Select the correct answer.
What is the tone of the passage?



The correct answer is D


haha hope it helps

Changing Ways of Life

When the Anasazi first settled in the region, small family groups lived in rock alcoves, or shallow recesses. Because these early settlers made finely crafted baskets, archaeologists named them the Basket Makers. The tightly woven baskets were used for carrying and storing food and water and even for cooking. Stones heated in a fire were dropped into a basket containing water and food. The hot stones made the water boil, which then cooked the food. However, this method was slow and often cooked the food unevenly.

About A.D. 550, some Anasazi moved to Mesa Verde. There they began to build permanent houses. Archaeologists call these structures pithouses because the floors were formed by digging shallow pits in the ground. The sloping walls and the roof were made of wooden poles covered with mud. Archaeologists have found the remains of several pithouses close together.

Another important change during this time was that the people learned to make pottery. Clay pots and bowls improved the way food was cooked. Unlike baskets, which burn, clay containers could be placed directly over a fire. Thus food could be cooked more quickly and thoroughly than before.

The Anasazi’s way of life changed again in about A.D. 750. Instead of pithouses, they began building square rooms with vertical walls. These rooms were often connected to form a small community of homes. This type of building is called a pueblo, from the Spanish word for “village.” Pueblos at Mesa Verde were constructed on top of the mesa. A mesa is a raised, flat land form often found in the Southwest.

In about 1100, small villages began to join together to form large towns. Pueblos were built with many connected rooms used for sleeping, storage, and social gatherings. The people stored water in ditches and reservoirs for drier times.

In front of each pueblo was a single room dug into the ground, much like the earlier pithouses. This room, called a kiva, was used for community meetings and religious ceremonies. People would gather in the kiva to conduct healing ceremonies and to pray for rain, a good harvest, and success in hunting.

Between 1150 and 1200, the Anasazi began building their pueblos in large alcoves in the canyon walls. Many pueblos consisted of hundreds of rooms built in rows on top of one another. The roof of one room formed a porch for the room above it. The families who lived in the upper rooms had to climb ladders to reach them.

A major disadvantage of the cliff pueblos was that the people had to climb up and down the steep cliff walls to tend their fields on the mesa top and in the canyon below. Perhaps, some archaeologists suggest, the Anasazi moved to the cliffs because pueblos there would be easier to defend in case of an enemy attack. During their final years at Mesa Verde, the Anasazi began to build towers, which may have been used for sending signals or watching for approaching enemies.

Which paragraph represents a good summary of the main idea of the article?

The article discusses how the Anasazi people formed a community called a pueblo.

The article discusses how the Anasazi people prepared food and used water.

The article discusses the culture of the Anasazi people and how their way of life changed over time.


The article discusses the culture of the Anasazi people and how their way of life changed over time.

Between roughly A.D. 200 and A.D. 1300, the Four Corners region of southern Utah, southwestern Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, and northern Arizona was home to the Anasazi ("Ancient Ones"), who are regarded to be the ancestors of the contemporary Pueblo Indians.

The word Navajo's derivation is "old enemy." The proper phrase to use is "Ancestral Pueblo" or "Ancestral Puebloan," as the Pueblo peoples of New Mexico naturally do not want to refer to their ancestors in such a disparaging manner.

The Anasazi are distinguished by their elaborate and highly practical ceramics, living in sophisticated houses that produced a sophisticated network of roads, transportation systems, and communication routes, and extensive astronomical knowledge.

To know more about Anasazi people:


How does Mrs. Mallard initially react to the tragic news of
her husband’s death?


The correct response is that Mrs. Mallard sobbed briefly before retreating to her room. The story in the passage is about a woman who miscarried.

The required details for Mrs. Mallard in given paragraph

The beginning of the story reveals that Mrs. Mallard was shocked and taken aback by the news of her husband's passing. Mrs. Mallard started crying as soon as they broke the news to her, but after she calmed down, she went to her room, where she was ecstatic to finally have the independence and freedom she had always dreamed of.

What happens to Mrs. Mallard in the story's conclusion?

Due to shock at seeing her husband and despair at learning that the bliss she had experienced was ended, She passes away. Actually, Mrs. Mallard passed away from heart disease.

To know about Mrs. Mallard in given link


Communication which takes place without direct verbal communication because most of the meaning is internalized in the person is known as _____ communication.


high-context is your answer.

Act 3 also contains one of the most dramatic moments of the play. To decide whether or not John and Abigail have had an affair, Elizabeth is brought before the court to testify. With John and Abigail's backs to her.
She is asked why she fired the girl. The moment of her answer is a moment of intense dramatic irony. What is dramatic irony? And how is Elizabeth's response an example of it? Please use evidence from the text to support your response.


Uneasy irony is For instance, in the Titanic movie, right before the ship hits the iceberg, a character leans on the balcony and says, "It's so beautiful I could just die." Dramatic irony is the effect of the audience knowing something that the protagonists don't.

Dramatic irony is demonstrated when Elizabeth is called to the witness stand. Elizabeth is at a loss for words when Judge Danforth asks her why she fired Abigail Williams since she is unaware that John has already admitted to having an affair with Abigail to the courts.

What is the dramatic irony in Act 2 of The Crucible?

I have witnessed individuals being stabbed with daggers and having their throats pinched by ghosts. Since we are aware that Abigail made up every single detail, Judge Danforth's acting as though he had truly seen the witchcraft in action makes this comment a prime example of dramatic irony.

To learn more about irony in Act 2 of The Crucible  refer to:


There is a chorus of disapproval and righteous protest all
over the world against us. They say we are erring, the
move is inopportune. I had great regard for British
diplomacy which has enabled them to hold the Empire so
long. Now it stinks in my nostrils, and others have
studied that diplomacy and are putting it into practice.
They may succeed in getting, through these methods,
world opinion on their side for a time; but India will
speak against that world opinion. She will raise her voice
against all the organized propaganda. I will speak against
"Quit India,"
Mohandas Gandhi
What counterclaim is presented in the passage?
How does Gandhi rebut the counterclaim?


On August 8, 1942, during World War II, Mahatma Gandhi began the August Kranti Movement, also known as the Quit India Movement, calling for the end of British rule in India at the Bombay session of the All India Congress Committee.

What refutation is made in the passage?

All throughout the world, there is a chorus of moral outrage and disgust directed at us.They claim we are making mistakes and the action is unwise.I had a lot of respect for British diplomacy, which allowed them to control the Empire for such a long time.Now that others have studied that technique and are using it, it reeks in my nose.Through these means, they might be able to sway public opinion temporarily in their favor; nevertheless, India will voice out against that public opinion.She will speak out against all of the corporate misinformation.I'll argue against it now.Gandhi's Quit India speech, delivered in Bombay on August 8, 1942 at the Gowalia Tank Maidan, was a call to action following the Cripps Mission's failure to win Indian support for the British war effort.Gandhi asked for "An Orderly British Withdrawal" from India, and the All India Congress Committee organized a massive demonstration to demand it.The British were ready to take action even though they were at war.Within hours of Gandhi's speech, nearly the entire Indian National Congress leadership was detained without being given a chance to defend themselves.The majority remained imprisoned and cut off from society for the remainder of the conflict.The majority-Indian Viceroy's Council, the All India Muslim League, the Hindu Mahasabha, the princely states, the Indian Imperial Police, the British Indian Army, and the Indian Civil Service all backed the British.The Quit India Movement was not backed by many Indian businesspeople who benefited from the country's high levels of war spending.The fact that Subhas Chandra Bose was in exile and siding with the Axis Powers attracted more students' interest.The Americans provided the only outside assistance by pressuring British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to concede to some of the Indian demands.The campaign to Quit India was effectively suppressed.The British refused to grant independence right away, claiming that it could only be done once the war was over. Tens of thousands of leaders were detained by the British and held in prison until 1945 as a result of the sporadic small-scale violence that occurred around the nation.Due to oppressive tactics, poor coordination, and a lack of a defined plan of action, Quit India failed to achieve its short-term goals.However, the British administration realized that India would be impossible to rule in the long run, therefore the challenge for the postwar era was to leave India in a dignified and peaceful manner.The Golden Jubilee of the Quit India Movement was commemorated in 1992 by the Reserve Bank of India issuing a one rupee commemorative coin.

      To learn more about "Quit india" refer



1. India is ,making a mistake by seeking indpendence

2. by explaining that the world's opinion is the product of propaganda


Edge 2022

A is a pre-reading strategy in which you scan a text for text features that grab your attention. MARK


Skimming is a pre-reading strategy in which you scan a text for text features that grab your attention.

What is reading?

In English literature, reading can be defined as a strategic process through which an individual such as a student, studies, or reads the texts (information) contained in a literary work, especially for the purpose of understanding a subject and retention in personal memory.

What is skimming?

Skimming can be defined as a reading technique in which the reader quickly reads or scan a literary work such as a story, in order to enable him or her gather only the main points (ideas) and background knowledge.

This ultimately implies that, skimming involves the process of scanning and reading a text quickly through rapid eye movement while deliberately skipping some details.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that a pre-reading strategy that typically involves scanning a text for only the text features that grab one's attention is generally referred to as skimming.

Read more skimming on here:


Complete Question:

_______ is a pre-reading strategy in which you scan a text for text features that grab your attention.

Negative impacts on online gaming



Negative Effects of the Online Gaming. Aggressive Behavior – Every player would like to win the game and hence they develop aggressive behavior. The shooting games will induce bad vision to the gamers and the gamers see the society in the same vision.




1. profanity

2. people can forget they are talking to a real person sometimes

3. sore losers or sore winners who can make the game unpleasant to play

4. some people can get addicted or develop an unhealthy lifestyle or schedule

5. some actions or words used in online play may imprint on people and make them like that when talking to people face-to-face


now here are some positives

1. socialization skills

2. meeting different kinds of people and perspectives

3. teamwork

4.experiencing new games and hobbies

5.makes the brain more aware and can help with real-life situations

Debatable sentence on entertainment and how it improves the life’s of teens.

(please helpppp)



Entertaining activities can refresh your mind and preserve your mental health as well as emotional well-being. It will bring happiness into your life. Some of these activities may even bring you closer to your friends and family members. Therefore, entertainment can be beneficial in many ways. Susmita Pathak Mishra, a media representative says, "Without entertainment, one can just get stuck to mainstream work and miss out on life."



2. Infer: Reread the first two paragraphs of the essay, lines 1-32. What does the opening
suggest about the author's purpose in writing the essay?what is the horror genre



The author's purpose is to define a genre. Each paragraph is about characteristics of the genre: subjects and organization. At the end of the first paragraph, the author talks about "the clearest way to define this genre.


I just did it :)

The author wants to define a particular genre. The contents and structure of the genre are discussed in each paragraph. The author discusses "the most concise method to characterize this genre" at the conclusion of the first paragraph.

What is horror genre?

The goal of the literary, filmic, and television subgenre of horror is to spook, shock, and even repulse viewers. A horror narrative, film, or television program's primary objective is to spook the audience by presenting horrific situations, ideas, and images.

According to the acclaimed author, there are three main subgenres of horror: The Gross-Out, Horror, and Terror. These elements give the genre the ability to be captivating and horrifying in a number of different ways in both literature and film.

The five elements of horror are fear, violence, gore, and the supernatural.

Thus, The author wants to define a particular genre.

For more information about horror genre, click here:


Which option describes domain specific language


An answer option which describes domain-specific language is: D. language that refers to a specific subject area.

What is language?

A language simply refers to a structured system of communication through which living organisms, especially humans share information among themselves, usually through the use of spoken words and sounds.

What is a domain-specific language?

In Computer technology, a domain-specific language can be defined as a type of language that is typically related to a specific software application or program.

In English literature, a domain-specific language simply refers to the use of words that are specially defined and used in a particular subject area such as:


In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that a domain-specific language are typically used in specific field of study, subject area, or profession.

Read more on domain-specific language here:


Complete Question:

Which option describes domain-specific language? (1 point)

O language that uses first-person pronouns

O language that gives the reader a clear image

language that contains slang and contractions

O language that refers to a specific subject area

please answer
2. Some critics have slammed The House on Mango Street for perpetuating negative
stereotypes of Latin Americans. Describe three characters or scenes from the collection that
Latino critics might find offensive. Then, either defend the value of the scenes or explain
why the critics are right to feel culturally offended.


Some critics have condemned Cis-neros for perp-etuating what they see as negative stereotypes of Latin American men (the wife-beaters, the over-bearing husbands).

Latin American critics have attacked the novel, arguing that by writing a few character whose goal is to leave the barrio (a neighborhood or community where most of the residents are of Spanish-speaking origin), Cisneros has betrayed the barrio, which they see as a crucial part of Mexican tradition.

Cisneros’s defenders claim that a Mexican-American woman’s experiences are very different from the experiences of a Mexican-American man, which it’s therefore unfair to expect Cisneros, a woman, to present a unified front with male Mexican-American writers. within the House on Mango Street, Cisneros focuses on the issues of being a woman in a largely patriarchal Hispanic society.

To know more about House on Mango Street click below:


who benefits from privacy most times?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Depends but I’d say you do

Two days ago my friend, Bert (1). out of the bank and (2) (3) all his savings a scooter. His mother that he (5) against it but he (4) scooter to go to school. Yesterday, when he (6). School he (7) a stone, (8) into an ancaming car. He (10) completely (11) his scooter. He (12) however. He (never) (13) a a painful lesson to control and (9) not hurt but the accident a scooter again. ​


1. walked 2. bought 3. with 4. wanted 5. was 6. got 7. threw 8. crashed 9. was 10. smashed 11. ruined 12. lost 13. will never

What is bank?
A bank is a type of financial entity that lends money while both taking deposits from the general public and generating demand deposits. The bank can carry out lending activities directly or indirectly by using capital markets. Because banks are crucial to the financial stability and economic health of a nation, they are subject to intense regulation in most jurisdictions. The majority of nations have institutionalised the fractional reserve banking system, in which banks keep liquid assets that are only partially equivalent to their current liabilities. Banks are typically subject to minimum capital requirements based on an international set of capital rules, the Basel Accords, in addition to additional restrictions meant to ensure liquidity.

To learn more about Bank

Sample Persuasive Essay Conclusion
Sports in school has been a topic discussed by all
sides over the years. Many may suggest that sports
keep students engaged in learning, that sports force
students who want to play to be academically
involved. This is sometimes the case. But yet again it
sends the wrong message: learning is merely a vehicle
to playing. Is that what education is about? And the
requirements to play are always so pathetic anyway.
Pass most of your classes. Is that all we expect of our
youth? No, the time-honored tradition of sport and
school is no longer viable. Schools in America have
fallen too far behind to be able to sustain any level of
success while hiring teachers who are either bogged
down by coaching, or simply incapable of teaching
while being highly capable of coaching. The priorities
of schools must be to teach students skills, ones that
don't involve a bat and a ball.
Which of these sentences
from the sample conclusion
reiterates the controversy.
(restates the topic, what the
argument is about)?
A. Sports in school has been a topic
discussed by all sides over the years.
B. Is that all we expect of our youth?
C. The priorities of schools must be to teach
students skills....


The sentence reiterates the controversy regarding Sports in the conclusion paragraph of this essay.

A. Sports in school has been a topic discussed by all sides over the years.

What is meant by Sample Persuasive Essay Conclusion?

The last paragraph of your essay is the conclusion.

A solid conclusion should:

Connect the essay's primary ideas.Show the importance of your argument.Leave a lasting effect on the reader

Basically, the conclusion asks us to take the following actions:

Restate the paper's key point (why you wrote this entire long piece to begin with).Summarize all the main points you made throughout the paper's body (things that proved your thesis statement).Write on the significance of the topic and the paper.

To learn more about Sample Persuasive Essay Conclusion refer to:





The answer = C.


It shows the most character development throughout all three of the answers.

answer is C !! I read the story

Read this introductory paragraph of a persuasive essay. Which sentence states the main argument of this essay?
Why Every American Can and Must Save Energy (excerpt)

You leave the television on at night because it helps you sleep. In winter you turn up the heat, even though you could just put on a sweater.Your colleague, who lives next door, offers to carpool with you, but you decide to take your own car to work. What do all these situations have in common? Just that every day, millions of Americans make these same decisions and waste energy. Some experts have concluded that the world is going to face a peak oil crisis soon, and oil prices will rise drastically, which in turn will lead to the greatest energy crisis the world has ever faced. Given this doomsday situation, energy efficiency is the need of the hour in America today. Energy savings can be achieved by taking some simple steps that can be done by anyone.


The statement that tells us the main argument of the excerpt that we have here is that Energy savings can be achieved by taking some simple steps that can be done by anyone.

What is the summary of the excerpt?

The excerpt is telling us of the way that people would go around making some decisions that would cause them to constantly waste energy and harm the environment even when they could just make simple adjustments that would still do the same things that they want.

For instance the use of heaters could be replaced with the use of sweaters. Having many people drive to work could be replaced by having them to drive together in one vehicle.

Read more on Energy savings here:


9 Holmes's actions, in the beginning, show that he -
A already knew Miss Mary and her job with typewriting
used details about Miss Mary's appearance to figure out more about her
has sources that tell him information about people involving his cases
is interested in Miss Mary's case and will do his best to solve the mystery.


 In the narrative, Miss Mary Sutherland asks Sherlock Holmes for assistance. "A Case of Identity" is one of the 56 short Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and is the third story in The Adventures of Sherlock.

What are some things you may notice in Holmes's study?

She adds that she lives with her mother and stepfather and will be well off.

Fans of Sherlock Holmes may also notice various references to the casebooks, such as the Persian slipper, the violin, the red wig, the boxing gloves, and the selection of pipes. Initially, Abbey House on Baker Street served as the display's home.

To learn more about Holmes's study refer to:


How has Social media benefitted or harmed our social lives



Social Media has both improved and harmed our social lives in more ways then one. On one hand, it allows us to connect with people who like the same things as us and contact long distance relatives. But on the other hand, the internet can be incredibly dangerous and it's easy to get addicted to technology.


modals explanation?? ​



A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility, permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the same things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to.


Modal verbs show possibility, intent, ability, or necessity. Because they're a type of auxiliary verb (helper verb), they're used together with the main verb of the sentence. Common examples include can, should, and must.

Some people have no manors.


Answer:You got that right there are lots of people who have no manors but that is just because they are spoiled but when you are not spoiled you learn to have manors really fast.

Find another poem and analyze it. Include what type of poem it is, what figurative language there is, and what the poem means.


Figurative language is language that elicits an image, a connection, or broadens the meaning of a word or concept. It frequently enables readers to envision or approach a concept in a new way.

What is Figurative language ?
A word's strict or realistic meaning is not used when expressing oneself through the use of figurative language. Figurative language is frequently used to add artistic flourish to written or spoken language or to explain a difficult concept. It is frequently found in comparisons and exaggerations. Have you ever overheard a nervous person mention having "butterflies in their stomach"? No, their stomach doesn't actually contain butterflies—that would be cruel! They're just using metaphor to describe the unsettling sensation that makes them feel like a butterfly is flying around inside of them.

Generally speaking, figurative language refers to nonliteral language that implies a comparison to another thing in order to frame one thing in terms of another. For instance, the expression "fierce tears" (which personifies tears) is metaphorical because tears cannot actually act in a fierce manner like people can.

To learn more about Figurative language

this is a correct usage of the italicized vocabulary word: we delighted in the malodorous smells of freshly baked bread wafting from the kitchen. group of answer choices true false


When we wish to emphasize a word in a statement, you can italicize it. People may italicize a passage of dialogue that is yelled by a character in a novel or the title of a book for a variety of reasons.

The correct usage of the italicized vocabulary word:

"We delighted in the malodorous smells of freshly baked bread wafting from the kitchen. "

A malodorous swamp is an example of an adjective that has an irritating or disagreeable odor.

Malodorous is frequently compared to the words fetid, fusty, musty, noisy, rotten, foul, and stinky.

Italicized words from foreign languages are frequently used in English-language writing.

In English writing, unknown foreign words or phrases should be italics.

To know more about italicized vocabulary, click on the link below:


I need a summary of the book Frost by M.P Kozlowsky for a book project



Just think whats on your mind

Which pronouns correctly complete the sentences? Check the correct boxes. Megan and __________ are going to the movies after school. _________ will need to check movie times to know which bus to take.



Megan and him are going to the movies after school. They will need to check the times to know which bus to take.
the first one is him and the second one is they

Select the two prepositions.
The chef grabbed the salt from the cabinet and tossed some into the stew.



from & into


a word government and usually preceding

Read the excerpt from chapter 8 of Obasan by Joy
Now here I am this autumn morning, five months later,
with her heavy package on my lap. Many of the
conference papers she showed me last May are here as
well as her diary and a bulging manila envelope full of
letters. The side seam of the envelope is slightly torn and
it bursts apart as I try to take out the contents. The pile
cascades over my lap, falling onto the floor and into the
plastic beach bottle wastebasket beside me.
Which mood do the words "heavy," "bulging," and "torn"
O overwhelming
O sympathetic


The mood that is set by the words that are used here such as bulging, torn and heavy would be overwhelming.

What is the meaning of mood?

This is the term that is used to refer to the way that a person is feeling. It is what tells us of the way that people are feeling at the particular moment. It carries their emotions of joy , sadness etc.

In this case the use of overwhelming can be positive or it could be be negative. But here it is negative given that it is telling us of the ways that the narrator is feeling about the content that he has with her.

She is describing the fact that the package is torn and the fact that it fell would be factors that would make her overwhelmed.

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? what was Reagan's platform in the 1980 presidential electionplease help two hair products, a styling cream and a mousse, were compared to see which gave the better curl hold. forty women aged 18 to 25 were randomly split into two groups; one group was assigned to use the styling cream for the next two weeks and the other group was assigned to use the mousse. at the end of two weeks, each young woman reported on how well the product held their curl on a scale from 0 to 10 with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best you could possibly expect. is this experiment double-blind? The polynomial -17x^2 + 165x + 14,481 represents the electricity generated (in gigawatts) by geothermal sources during 2002-2007. The polynomial 879x^2 - 72x + 10,140 represents the electricity generated (in gigawatts) by wind power during 2002-2007. In both polynomials, x represents the number of years after 2002. Find a polynomial for the total electricity generated by both geothermal and wind power during 2002-2007. In a jail cell, there are 5 Democrats and 6 Republicans. Four of these people will be randomly chosen for early release. What is the probability that a group consisting of 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans will be chosen for early release? Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?The sixteenth-century produced a lot of enjoyable love poetry.The sixteenth-century produced a lot of enjoyable love-poetry.The sixteenth century produced a lot of enjoyable love poetry.O The sixteenth century produced a lot of enjoyable love-poetry. In order to move up on the career ladder, additional education is often required. life is what happens when you're making plans | don't hedge your current happiness for some grand future happiness | there is only the now | enjoy the journey Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.Which of the Santa Fe Trails two routes stretched over 800 miles and traveled through the Rockies? HELP W 2 AND 3 PLEASE IMPORTANT!! Fred is conducting research for the Chrysler Corporation to find out if the population in Detroitprefers Chryslers or Toyotas. Fred drew his sample from the union membership lists of theChrysler Corporation and concluded that people in Detroit overwhelmingly prefer Chryslers toToyotas. His research is an example of misrepresentation because FredA) asked biased questionsB) chose a biased sampleD) listed biased choicesC) discarded undesirable results Explain.The remaining number of socks S a store has is modeledby S(p) = 14 - 2p, where p is the number of pairs ofsocks sold.A. What do S(0) and S(6) represent?B. Find S(0) and S(6).C. Graph the function with an appropriate domain for thisreal-world situation. Is the domain of the function allreal numbers? Explain. Write an equation of the line with aslope of 0 and y -intercept of 5y= Do you think the economies of the Northeast and the Southeast stillrely heavily on the exploitation of the natural resources shown on this map? Why or why not? Given f(x) = 2x + kx - 4, and the remainder when f(x) is divided by x + 2 is -18, then what is the value of k? How many seconds will it takes to stop Give short answer to the following questions. basis How can we say that there is religious harmony in Nepal? Give some suitable examples. Lines AB and BC intersect at point B. Ray BD bisects angle ABC. (4x-24) B (x+6) What is the value of x? Which equations represent the data in the table? Check all that apply. olivia wakes up from her nap and upon opening her eyes, she sees her mother smiling at her. what she sees right after opening her eyes is held in sensory memory. according to the information processing system, what happens next?