DIRECTIONS: Write an essay about what you want to learn about the Spanish expedition in the Philippines. Your essay must consist of seven to ten (7-10) sentences.


Answer 1
The Spanish expedition in the Philippines is a fascinating period in Philippine history that I want to learn more about. I am interested in learning about the motivations behind the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, the impact of Spanish rule on the indigenous peoples of the archipelago, and the ways in which the Spanish colonial period has shaped modern Filipino culture. I am also curious about the role of religion in Spanish colonialism, particularly the spread of Catholicism and the influence of the Church on Filipino society. Additionally, I would like to learn more about the resistance movements that emerged against Spanish rule, such as the Katipunan and the Philippine Revolution. Understanding the Spanish expedition in the Philippines is crucial to gaining a deeper appreciation for the country's rich history and the complex cultural and political landscape of modern-day Philippines.

Hope this helps in any sort of way.

Related Questions

 This timeline describes events associated with the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO).

What goals do organizations like the AFL-CIO seek to achieve in the United States?

A. Improving working conditions and opportunities for union workers

B. Finding labor sources for manufacturing in regions outside of the United States

C. Deregulating businesses and reducing corporate taxes

D. Decreasing the political influence of labor union leaders


The AFL-CIO and other labor organizations in the United States seek to achieve goal A, which is improving working conditions and opportunities for union workers.

What informs the goal of the labor organization?

The goal of the labor organizations includes seeking for better wages, benefits, and job security for their members, as well as fighting against discrimination and promoting workplace safety.

They also strive to protect workers' rights to organize and collectively bargain with employers, and to advance policies that support the interests of working people more broadly, such as access to affordable healthcare and education.

learn more about labor organizations:


How was foreign policy from 1945-1968 different from Nixon's foreign policy?


The foreign policy of the United States from 1945-1968 was focused on containing the spread of communism, providing economic aid to allies, and building alliances such as NATO. Nixon's foreign policy, however, emphasized détente with the Soviet Union and China, seeking to reduce tensions and promote peace through diplomatic engagement and arms control agreements. Nixon also shifted towards a policy of realism, prioritizing national interests and balance of power politics over ideological concerns.

Name for fair rides for South Asia



In South Asia, fair rides are commonly known as "mela rides" or "funfair rides." The term "mela" refers to a traditional South Asian festival or fair, which typically features a variety of attractions, including rides, games, and food stalls. Therefore, fair rides in South Asia are often associated with these traditional festivals and are popular among people of all ages

"Mela" or "Merry-go-round" is the name for fair rides that are frequently seen in South Asia, distinguished by their vivid colours and intricate decorations, and utilised for public celebrations and traditional festivals.

What are the names of the games at amusement parks?

A travelling funfair, charity event, amusement arcade, amusement park or midway at a state or county fair all feature games of chance or skill known as funfair games. They are also frequently performed during festivals like Oktoberfest, Saint Patrick's Day, and Mardi Gras.

What is the name of the funfair ride that spins?

Around the world, carousels and merry-go-rounds are still common carnival attractions. A revolving platform with up-and-down-moving chairs makes up the attraction.

To know more about traditional visit:-


At many civil rights demonstrations, the demonstrators were not only African Americans. The demonstrators were of many races, religions, and professions. What message do you think this mix of people sent about the American civil rights movement? In 3-5 sentences, explain your answer.


The mix of people at civil rights demonstrations sent a powerful message about the American civil rights movement. By bringing together people of different races, religions, and professions, the demonstrations showed that the struggle for civil rights was not just a matter of concern for African Americans, but a matter of justice and equality for all Americans. This diverse mix of people also demonstrated the strength of the movement and its ability to unite people from different backgrounds in a common cause. Ultimately, the message was that the fight for civil rights was not just a black issue or a white issue, but a human issue that affected everyone.

1985 1986 1987 1988 1991 First summit meeting takes place between President Reagan and Soviet premier Gorbachev Second summit meeting takes place between President Reagan and Soviet prermier Gorbachev United States and USSR Sign the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INE) President Reagan visits Moscow United States and USSR sIgn the Strategic Arns Reduction Treaty (START) How did the events on this timeline affect the Cold War? O A. They led to a chilling of relations between the two superpowers when these diplomatic maneuvers proved unpopular with the public in both nations. OB. They increased Cold War tensions in Europe as both nations increased military aid to their allies to make up for lost nuclear weapons. OC. They had little impact, as the two superpowers shifted from the nuclear arms race back to a conventional arms race. D. They reduced Cold War tensions by limiting the threat each superpower posed to the other's security.​


From 1985 until the Soviet Union's disintegration in 1991, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, a Soviet and Russian politician, held the eighth and last position of leadership. He died on August 30, 2022.

What was the missile deal between Reagan and Gorbachev in 1987?

1987: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty was signed on December 8 by Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan. The agreement to do away with a particular weapon type and lessen the quantity of nuclear weapons in each country's arsenal was made in this pact, which was the first of its kind.

In December 1988, the Soviet leader Gorbachev met with whom?

President Ronald Reagan of the United States and the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union met at the Governors Island Summit.

To know more about Reagan and Gorbachev visit:-


In "The Brothers' War," Stephanie McCurry details the process of secession in the South after the election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860. As secession result


In her book "The Brothers' War," Stephanie McCurry describes how secession took place in the South after Abraham Lincoln was elected in November 1860.

Explain the life of McCurry.

She contends that the fear of the abolition of slavery and the perception of a threat to states' rights were among the many factors that contributed to secession rather than being the result of a single event or problem. Confederate States of America was formed as Southern states gradually withdrew, and it began to prepare for war with the Union. McCurry places special emphasis on the role played by women in the secession movement, who fought to preserve the South's social and economic structure, particularly with regard to slavery. In the end, the secession process resulted in the Civil War, a terrible conflict that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and forever changed the course of American history.

To Know more about Abraham Lincoln Visit:


Compare and contrast Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna to Benito Juárez


Describe the failures and successes of the Liberals and the Conservatives in Mexican politics from 1836-1876


Compare Santa Anna to Juárez: Santa Anna was a military dictator while Juárez was a reformist president. Santa Anna supported centralization while Juárez believed in federalism. Santa Anna lost much of Mexico's territory while Juárez led Mexico during its victory against France.

Mexican politics from 1836-1876: The Liberals aimed for a secular government, land reform, and separation of church and state. The Conservatives supported the Catholic Church, aristocracy, and a strong central government. The Liberals succeeded in implementing many of their goals, while the Conservatives repeatedly attempted to overthrow them.

Which moral philosophy does Pojman propose
made the mistake of confusing objectivity with


Louis Pojman was a philosopher who wrote extensively on moral philosophy. In his book "Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong," Pojman argues that the moral philosophy of ethical objectivism makes the mistake of confusing objectivity with realism.

Ethical objectivism is the view that moral truths exist independently of individual beliefs or cultural norms. Proponents of ethical objectivism argue that certain actions are objectively right or wrong, regardless of the particular circumstances or cultural context.

Pojman argues that while ethical objectivism is a valuable perspective, it can lead to the mistake of confusing objectivity with realism. He suggests that while moral truths may be objective, they are not necessarily grounded in an objective reality that exists independently of human beliefs and attitudes. Instead, Pojman argues that moral truths are constructed by human beings and are therefore contingent on human perspectives and values.

Overall, Pojman's moral philosophy emphasizes the importance of objective moral truths, while also recognizing the role of human subjectivity in constructing and interpreting those truths.

Question refers to the excerpt below.

"SEC. 101. (a) The Congress, recognizing the profound impact of man's activity on the interrelations of all components of the natural environment, particularly the profound influences of population growth, high-density urbanization, industrial expansion, resource exploitation, and new expanding technological advances and recognizing further the critical importance of restoring and maintaining environmental quality to the overall welfare and development of man, declares that it is the continuing policy of the Federal Government, in cooperation with State and local governments, and other concerned public and private organizations, to use all practicable means and measures, including financial and technical assistance, in a manner calculated to foster and promote the general welfare, to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony, and fulfill the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations of Americans."—From Title I, Declaration of National Environmental Policy, 1969

Which of the following was a significant cause of the successful passage of legislation like that in the excerpt?

Adjustments to federal spending that resulted in a budget surplus

Lingering effects of 1960s liberalism and popular support

Significant backlash against Great Society programs

High-profile meltdowns of several nuclear reactors


Based on the excerpt, none of the options provided were a significant cause of the successful passage of legislation like that in the excerpt.

Why is it?

The excerpt refers to the Declaration of National Environmental Policy, which was enacted in 1969, and expresses the policy of the federal government to use all practicable means and measures to promote the general welfare and create and maintain conditions for productive harmony between humans and nature.

The passage does not mention any of the options provided as being significant causes for the successful passage of such legislation.

The correct answer cannot be determined from the information provided in the excerpt, but a possible reason for the successful passage of environmental legislation like this could have been a growing public concern about environmental issues and activism in the 1960s, such as the publication of Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring in 1962, which helped to raise awareness about the dangers of pesticides and the need for environmental protection.

To know more about Federalism related question visit:


What was a characteristic of the Congressional plan for Reconstruction?



Option D is the correct answer.

The characteristic of the Congressional plan regarding the Reconstruction was the pardoning of all the southerners of the US who took an oath of loyalty.

Explanation: Really sorry if I'm not right goodluck <3

How did the end of world war 2 politically affect the United States and the Soviet Union


Answer: Competition between the United States and the Soviet Union increased competition.


As both nations were impacted by World War II and emerged as powerful global powers, competition between the USSR and the US increased.

What political effects did World War 2 have?

The USSR and the US became stronger international players after World War II, which increased competition between the two nations. Tensions between the US and the USSR over ideology and politics arose after the Axis powers were vanquished, which led to the start of the Cold War.

The United States transformed itself after World War II from a modest world power to the dominant force in the "free world." With the beginning of the "American era" came new responsibilities that the United States had to take on because of its swift rise to power and influence.

Learn more about Axis powers:



3. Castro's False Promises
4 castro's real changes​


During the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro and his supporters promised a range of reforms and improvements to the Cuban people.

Castro's False Promises:

Some of these promises turned out to be false or overly optimistic, including:

Democracy and Elections: Castro initially promised to hold free and fair elections, but he later abandoned this idea and established a one-party communist state.

Civil Liberties: Castro promised to respect civil liberties such as freedom of speech, assembly, and the press. However, after taking power, he suppressed opposition and dissent, leading to widespread censorship and political repression.

Castro's Real Changes:

Despite the false promises made by Castro during the Cuban Revolution, there were also some significant changes that occurred in Cuba under his leadership. These included:

Land Reform: After coming to power, Castro implemented a program of land reform that redistributed land from large landowners to peasants and small farmers. This helped to reduce land inequality and improve the lives of rural Cubans.

Education and Healthcare: Castro's government implemented free universal education and healthcare programs, which helped to improve access to these essential services for all Cubans.

Literacy: Castro launched a nationwide literacy campaign that aimed to eradicate illiteracy in Cuba. The campaign was successful, and today Cuba has one of the highest literacy rates in the world.

Learn more about Cuban Revolution at


In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression-everywhere in the world
2 The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world.
3 The third is freedom from want which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants- everywhere in the world.
4 The fourth is freedom from fear--which, translated into world terms, means a worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor-anywhere in the world.
5 That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.
6 To that new order we oppose the greater conception the moral order. A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions alike without fear.
7 Since the beginning of our American history, we have been engaged in change in a perpetual peaceful revolution--a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions-without the concentration camp or the quick-lime in the ditch.
The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.
8 This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.
9 To that high concept there can be no end save victory.
From Congressional Record, 1941, Vol. 87, Pt. I.
The "Four Freedoms" by Franklin D. Roosevelt, speech before Congress, 1941.


The given passage contains a segment of a discourse made by a representative from the United States. Roosevelt was the head of the United States government during World War II.

What is the freedom  about?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt served as the leader of the American government throughout the duration of World War II. In 1941, Roosevelt addressed the Congress.

During his speech, Roosevelt outlined a concept for a global society based on four crucial human freedoms that he deemed crucial for ensuring a tranquil and prosperous future.

Learn more about freedom  from


Question refers to the excerpt below.

"With these examples in two widely-separated parts of the country, the old and the new, representing not only crystallized prejudice in the one but inborn opposition in both to any step toward enfranchising women, and with this depending absolutely on the will of the voters, is it a matter of wonder that its progress has been so slow? If the question were submitted in any State to-day whether, for instance, all who did not pay taxes should be disfranchised, and only taxpayers were allowed to vote upon it, it would be carried by a large majority. If it were submitted whether all owning property above a certain amount should be disfranchised, and only those who owned less than this, or nothing, were allowed to vote, it would be carried unanimously. No class of men could get any electoral right whatever if it depended wholly on the consent of another class whose interests supposedly lay in withholding it."—From The History of Woman Suffrage, Vol. IV, edited by Susan B. Anthony and Ida Husted Harper

The focus on issues described in Anthony's text led to alliances between groups sharing similar goals, most notably those

seeking enfranchisement for former slaves
advocating for rights for domestic migrants
enacting the tenets of Social Gospel
working to advance the cause of radical anarchists



The focus on issues described in the excerpt from The History of Woman Suffrage led to alliances between groups sharing similar goals, most notably those seeking enfranchisement for former slaves.


The excerpt from The History of Woman Suffrage is discussing the slow progress of women's suffrage in the United States, and how it was hindered by entrenched prejudices and opposition to change. The author argues that if certain voter eligibility requirements were put to a vote today, they would likely be passed, such as only allowing taxpayers to vote. The author goes on to highlight the importance of alliances between groups with shared goals, such as the suffragists and those seeking enfranchisement for former slaves. The answer to the question asks which group the suffragists formed alliances with, and the correct answer is seeking enfranchisement for former slaves.

Examine whether or not the evidence effectively develops his argument.


Chinua Achebe's claim that Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" depicts Africans in a derogatory and dehumanizing manner is well-supported by the evidence presented in the novel.

Does Achebe's evidence support his claim?

Achebe argues that Conrad portrays the African characters as primitive and uncivilized, reducing them to mere background elements in a story centered on white European characters. He also points out the use of racist language and imagery throughout the novel.

Achebe's analysis effectively develops his argument by highlighting specific examples from the text, such as the portrayal of African women as objects of sex/ual desire and the dehumanization of the character of Kurtz's African mistress. Achebe's claim has been widely debated and critiqued over the years, but his argument remains a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion about race and representation in literature.

Full question "Write a paragraph evaluating Chinua Achebe’s claim about the depiction of Africans in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Examine whether or not the evidence effectively develops his argument."

Read more about Chinua Achebe


In 1534, French explorer Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and claimed the area for France. This area became part of the colony of New France. What was the main economic activity in New France?
A. gold mining
B. the slave trade
C. tobacco farming
D. the fur trade



D. the fur trade


the fur trade was the real economic driver of New France. The harvesting of furs created wealth, stimulated the exploration of the continent and created alliances with many Aboriginal peoples.

The lunar colony needs 974 Justice oriented citizens because … ?


The lunar colony needs 974 justice-oriented citizens because they are essential for upholding fairness and equality in the colony's governance and decision-making processes.

These citizens will ensure that the lunar colony's laws and regulations are rooted in justice and protect the rights and well-being of all residents.

What is The lunar colony?

The lunar colony refers to a human settlement or habitation established on the moon, Earth's natural satellite.

It may comprise various structures, facilities, and infrastructure designed to support human life, such as habitats, laboratories, power stations, etc.

The lunar colony may serve as a base for scientific research, resource extraction, or even as a potential stepping stone for further space exploration and colonization efforts in the future.

Therefore, with 974 justice-oriented citizens, the lunar colony can establish a robust justice system that promotes transparency, accountability, and impartiality in resolving disputes.

Read more about the lunar colony at


What was one element of President Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy?
A. Central and South American countries agreed to provide military
aid to the United States if it were ever attacked.
OB. The United States and Central and South American countries
agreed to join any conflict against aggressive regimes in Europe
and Asia.
OC. The United States agreed to support Central and South American
countries militarily if they were attacked by European powers.
OD. The United States and Central and South American countries
agreed to economic cooperation to protect their shared interests
in the western hemisphere.


One element of President Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy was that the United States and Central and South American countries agreed to economic cooperation to protect their shared interests in the western hemisphere. The Good Neighbor Policy was a foreign policy initiative that aimed to improve relations between the United States and its neighbors in Central and South America. It was based on the idea that the United States should treat its neighbors with respect and equality, rather than as subordinate nations. The policy included economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and non-intervention in the affairs of other countries. By promoting economic cooperation, the Good Neighbor Policy helped to strengthen ties between the United States and its neighbors, and it helped to promote stability and prosperity in the region.


bro jus say D.


Question one: What conclusions can be drawn about the early New Deal from the attached political cartoons?
Explain at least four conclusions.


Both Woodrow Wilson's "What is Progress" speech and Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" speech were delivered in the United States during the Progressive Era, which began in the early 20th century.

What prompted the creation of the political cartoon?

They were mostly made to get people to think a certain way about a historical event. An effective political animation can alter somebody's perspective so they eventually concur with the illustrator's perspective.

1. Government intervention is emphasized: Roosevelt advocated for a strong federal government that could regulate large corporations and safeguard consumer and worker rights.

2. Wilson, then again, considered the public authority to be a power for civil rights and upheld for government mediation to control the force of syndications and guarantee fair rivalry.

3. Model from Roosevelt: " We resentment no man a fortune in common life in the event that it is respectably gotten and very much utilized. The fact that it should have been obtained without causing harm to the community is not even sufficient. We should only allow it to be gained if the gain is beneficial to the community.

4. Model from Wilson: " We seek the rule of law, supported by organized public opinion and founded on the consent of the governed."

Center around financial and social changes: Both Roosevelt and Wilson upheld moderate changes pointed toward tending to social and monetary disparity.

To learn more about Progressive visit :


President Obama chose Hillary Clinton as secretary of state partly because he wanted to: A. embrace a broad set of views. B. keep tight control over his cabinet. C. dedicate his presidency to foreign policy. D. appease his conservative critics. SUBMIT​


In order to welcome a variety of viewpoints, President Obama appointed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.

What is the cabinet secretary's job description?

The Cabinet Secretariat oversees the Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1961 and the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961 to ensure effective business operations. in Ministries and Departments.

What is the salary of the Indian Cabinet Secretary?

The starting base salary for an IAS officer is Rs. 56,100 (TA, DA, and HRA are additional) and can go to Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary.

To know more about secretary visit:


Which statement about Lyndon Johnson’s actions as president is true



He tried to continue Kennedy's policies


How can citizens become involved in political parties?



Participate in administrative proceedings: Federal agencies are required to hold public meetings and hearings on resource management decisions, and citizens can participate in these proceedings by providing comments and testimony. These proceedings are typically open to the public, and citizens can attend in person or submit written comments. By participating in these proceedings, citizens can provide their perspective on resource management decisions and have their voices heard by decision-makers.File a petition for rulemaking: Citizens can petition federal agencies to adopt new regulations or modify existing ones through the formal rulemaking process. This process allows citizens to propose changes to federal regulations and to provide input on the potential impacts of those changes. To file a petition for rulemaking, citizens must follow the procedures set forth in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).


Participate in administrative proceedings: Federal agencies are required to hold public meetings and hearings on resource management decisions, and citizens can participate in these proceedings by providing comments and testimony. These proceedings are typically open to the public, and citizens can attend in person or submit written comments. By participating in these proceedings, citizens can provide their perspective on resource management decisions and have their voices heard by decision-makers.File a petition for rulemaking: Citizens can petition federal agencies to adopt new regulations or modify existing ones through the formal rulemaking process. This process allows citizens to propose changes to federal regulations and to provide input on the potential impacts of those changes. To file a petition for rulemaking, citizens must follow the procedures set forth in the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

Question refers to the excerpt below.

"The homes of the Indians were copied by the English, being ready adaptations of natural and plentiful resources. Wigwams in the South were of plaited rush or grass mats; of deerskins pinned on a frame; of tree boughs rudely piled into a cover, and in the far South, of layers of palmetto leaves. In the mild climate of the Middle and Southern states a 'half-faced camp,' of the Indian form, with one open side, which served for windows and door, and where the fire was built, made a good temporary home. In such for a time, in his youth, lived Abraham Lincoln. Bark wigwams were the most easily made of all; they could be quickly pinned together on a light frame. In 1626 there were thirty home-buildings of Europeans on the island of Manhattan, now New York, and all but one of them were of bark."—Alice Morse Earle, Home Life in Colonial Days, 1898

Americans Indians had significant, immediate influence on the colonists and their communities on the Atlantic Seaboard because

permanent villages aided the colonists in forming political alliances and allocating resources found in the Americas
the colonists arrived with a need to build shelters but didn't understand the materials or tools available
the weather conditions on the Atlantic Seaboard were foreign to the colonists, and they sought help from the native peoples
they were familiar with the farming techniques that the colonists needed to establish their permanent communities


the Atlantic Seaboard is: "the colonists arrived with a need to build shelters but didn't understand the materials or tools available."

What excerpt highlights?

The excerpt highlights the fact that the colonists were able to adapt the homes of the American Indians to their own needs because they lacked the knowledge and understanding of the materials and tools available in the Americas. This suggests that the colonists relied on the expertise and knowledge of the American Indians to build shelters and establish their communities.

While the excerpt does mention the benefits of permanent villages in forming political alliances and allocating resources, and the importance of farming techniques in establishing permanent communities, these are not the primary focus of the passage and are not supported by the evidence presented.

To know more about colonist related question visit:


Question 5 of 10
What is one strategy that can help a person avoid spending too much money
on interest when borrowing money?
A. Choosing a credit card with a high minimum monthly payment
B. Choosing a loan with a compound rather than simple interest rate
C. Choosing a loan with a simple rather than compound interest rate
D. Choosing a credit card with a low minimum monthly payment


Choosing a loan with a simple interest rate rather than a compound interest rate can help a person avoid spending too much money on interest when borrowing money. Therefore, option C is correct.

Simple interest is calculated only on the initial amount borrowed, while compound interest is calculated on both the principal and any accumulated interest.

This means that with compound interest, the amount of interest owed grows over time and can quickly become much larger than the initial loan amount.

By choosing a loan with a simple interest rate, a borrower can save money on interest payments over time. It is important to carefully compare loan options and read the terms and conditions of any loan or credit card agreement to understand the interest rate and fees associated with borrowing.

Learn more about Simple interest here:


A student writting an essay identifying the causes of the independence movement’s in Latin American and the Caribbean would include which of the following


A student writing an essay identifying the causes of the independence movements in Latin America and the Caribbean would include factors such as the ideas of the Enlightenment.

The influence of the American and French Revolutions, the economic policies of mercantilism and monopoly, the social inequality and injustice of the colonial system, and the efforts of local leaders and groups to achieve independence and self-rule are also factors.

What is an Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was a philosophical movement that emerged in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. It emphasized reason, science, and individualism, and sought to reform society and advance knowledge through the application of critical thinking and empirical evidence.

What is an independence?

Independence refers to the state or condition of being free from the control, influence, or support of others, particularly from a government or ruling power. In the context of history, independence often refers to the act of a country or territory asserting its autonomy and sovereignty from a colonial or imperial power.

To know more about independence, visit:


Complete question is: A student writing an essay identifying the causes of the independence movement's in Latin America and the Caribbean would include factors such as the ideas of the Enlightenment.

main events of the cold war and fight against communism


The Main events of the cold war and fight against communism are;

Containment of Russia.Space exploration.Space exploration.Development of the Hydrogen Bomb. What was the Cold War conflict ?

The Cold War  can be described as the  ideological conflict  that took placew between the capitalist United States  as wekll as the communist Soviet Union which includesd their respective allies.

It should be noted that  it was was been regarded as the cold war,  and was not a direct military confrontation among the two sides. However in  the Cold War there was a threat of nuclear war as well as the competition over the allegiance by nations.

Learn more about   cold war at:


complete question;

What are the main events of the cold war and fight against communism?

Under my presidency, the French were capturing our ships.
I ordered our ships to attack them back. We were
essentially in a war without declaring war called?
- John Adams



The Quasi-War

The Quasi-War (French: Quasi-guerre) was an undeclared naval war fought from 1798 to 1800 between the United States and the French First Republic, primarily in the Caribbean and off the East Coast of the United States.

explain the difference between secondary consumer and a tertiary consumer


A tertiary consumer consumes secondary consumers (carnivores), while a secondary consumer eats primary consumers (herbivores). In the food chain, secondary consumers are at a higher trophic level than tertiary consumers.

Are secondary consumers a source of food for primary consumers?

The secondary consumers come next; they eat the prime consumers. The majority of secondary consumers are known as carnivores, which is a term derived from the Latin for "meat eater." Egrets and alligators are carnivores found in the Everglades. They only consume animals.

These carnivorous secondary consumers prey on primary consumers and producers. for instance, canines, felines, birds, etc. TERTIARY CONSUMERS: These top carnivores consume both producers and main and secondary consumers. Examples include lions, vultures, etc.

To know more about tertiary consumer visit:-


During a committee hearing a committee can (choose all that apply)
a.mark-up the bill
b.have people testify
c.approve the bill to become law


Answer:During a committee hearing, a committee can:

a. mark-up the bill

b. have people testify

However, a committee cannot approve the bill to become law during a committee hearing. Once a committee approves a bill, it goes to the full House or Senate for consideration and a vote. If the bill passes both the House and the Senate, it then goes to the President for approval or veto.

Explanation:When a bill is introduced in Congress, it is typically referred to a relevant committee for review and consideration. During this committee hearing, committee members can propose changes to the bill by making amendments, which is known as "marking up" the bill. The committee will debate and vote on each amendment, and then the final version of the bill will be voted on by the committee.

In addition to proposing changes to the bill, committees may also invite experts, stakeholders, and other interested parties to testify about the bill. This testimony can help inform the committee members and provide them with a more comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts of the bill.

However, it is important to note that committees do not have the authority to approve a bill to become law. Instead, if a committee approves the bill, it will move to the full House or Senate for consideration and a vote. If the bill passes both chambers of Congress, it will then be sent to the President for approval or veto. Only if the bill is signed by the President, or if Congress overrides the veto, will it become law.

Which statement best represents the general attitude of the framers about
the role of the federal government in foreign trade?
• A. The federal government should only regulate three-fifths of foreign
• B. The federal government should regulate foreign trade only when it
is advantageous to the states to do so.
C. The federal government should be able to regulate foreign trade.
• D. The federal government should allow states to make their own
trade agreements with foreign nations.


The answer is: C. The federal government should be able to regulate foreign trade.
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