Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein to express her fear of humanity tampering with nature. The passage you have read is when the narrator discovers the error of his ways. How does the author establish the theme that man should not tamper with nature?


Answer 1

Answer: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein provides an opportunity to examine these conflicting claims about human nature, as Dr. Frankenstein's creation was raised by society; and through this novel, Shelly argues that evil and the desire for revenge are learned, not innate traits.

Answer 2
Final answer:

Mary Shelley establishes the theme that man should not tamper with nature in Frankenstein through various techniques such as the creation of the monster, the setting, and the characterization of Victor Frankenstein.


Mary Shelley establishes the theme that man should not tamper with nature in Frankenstein through various literary techniques. One example is the creation of the monster, which represents man's attempt to play God and manipulate life. This is shown in the passage when the narrator, Victor Frankenstein, realizes the consequences of his actions and the destructive nature of tampering with the natural order.

Shelley also uses the setting to convey the theme. The desolate and harsh landscapes throughout the novel reflect the consequences of interfering with nature. For instance, Frankenstein's experiment takes place in isolated and remote locations, symbolizing the separation from society and the consequences of his actions.

Additionally, Shelley emphasizes the negative effects of tampering with nature through the characterization of Victor Frankenstein. His ambition and pursuit of knowledge without considering the implications lead to a series of tragic events. This highlights the message that man should not arrogantly manipulate the natural world.

Learn more about The theme of not tampering with nature in Frankenstein here:


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That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on .

We believe that all men are created equal, that their Creator has endowed them with certain unalienable rights, among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That in order to guarantee these rights, governments are established among men, deriving their lawful authority from the.

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Four statements for modeling inequalities: Statement 4 does not model inequalities.

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What is inequality?

It is defined as a mathematical formula that is unequal on both sides and has a lesser or greater mathematical sign than what is known as an inequality.

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Is the use of words and phrases that appeal to the 5 basic senses?


This is referred to as sensory language. In order to paint a clear picture in the reader's mind, sensory language employs words and expressions that appeal to the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch).

Use of language that engages the five senses is it effective?Using language to evoke the five senses is a powerful strategy for captivating an audience and conjuring up vivid images.An author can give the reader a vivid mental picture of a scene or experience by appealing to their sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.For instance, a novel set in a crowded metropolis would describe the flashing lights and frantic sounds of the streets.You may also add the rich aroma of freshly made coffee and the warmth of the sun on your skin.To make the city come to life, you may also add a bite of a salty or sweet snack.An author can make a scene more vivid and engaging for their readers by appealing to their senses.

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You may be familiar with origami, the Japanee art of paper folding but did you know that there are a variation, Called kirigami, which i involve both folding and cutting


Yes it's true that, Origami is a Japanese paper-folding technique that you may already be familiar with, but did you know that there is also a variety called kirigami that combines both folding and cutting.

The origins of origami can be traced back to the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. The technique is currently being practiced all over the world and is even being used to assist in the solution of technological issues. Origami, often known as paper folding, is the technique of folding paper into objects to create both two- and three-dimensional topics.

A 2D-to-3D transformation is made possible by the "folding" process in general origami, also known as paper-folding, which begins with a continuous flat object. Kirigami, also known as paper-cutting, on the other hand, combines both the "cutting" and "folding" procedures. Since the Edo era (1603–1867), when traditional Japanese origami first became popular, it has occasionally broken these rules by cutting the paper or beginning with shapes other than squares. Additionally, stents, packaging, and other engineering applications make use of origami concepts.

Learn more about Origami Visit:


Correct Question:

State true or false: You may be familiar with origami, the Japanee art of paper folding but did you know that there are a variation, Called kirigami, which i involve both folding and cutting.

Why is the day of calm and peace was called Halcyon?


November 27th because it is so so it

What were the results of Mendel's pea plant experiment?


Gregor Mendel's research on pea plants led him to the fundamental ideas of inheritance. He came to the conclusion that genes are inherited as distinct, paired units from each parent.

What results of Mendel's pea plant experiment?

Mendel altered pure pea plant lineages. First-generation hybrids (F1) displayed dominant qualities like purple flower color, while hiding recessive traits like white bloom color. But recessive traits recovered in a 3:1 ratio in second-generation (F2) pea plants (dominant to recessive)

Therefore, Mendel observed how parental genes separated and if they showed up as dominant or recessive qualities in the children.

Learn more about Mendel's here:


What happened in Tom Sawyer Chapter 5?


Tom pulls a box containing a "pinchbug," or a sizable black insect, out of his pocket because he is bored. At the same moment as a stray dog wanders into the chapel, the insect pinches him and escapes from his clutches to the center of the aisle.

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Tom is forced to whitewash the fence as punishment on Saturday after skipping class on Friday and getting into a brawl that left his clothes soiled. Tom initially feels let down by having to give up his day off. Corrie awakens to bombardment that evening. She sees her loved ones and friends being hauled away in a cart drawn by horses. The family learns that Holland has capitulated five days after the queen of Holland departs and tanks cross the border.

To learn more about Tom Sawyer Visit :


How do you create an effective action plan?


An effective action plan is an important aspect of any successful project or endeavor. It outlines the steps you will take to achieve a goal and provides a timeline for these steps.

It also helps to ensure that all of the necessary tasks are completed and that resources are used efficiently. Creating an effective action plan involves considering the goal, developing a timeline, and identifying the resources needed to reach it. The first step in creating an effective action plan is to consider the goal. It is important to be clear and specific about what you hope to achieve. This will help to ensure that all of the steps you outline are relevant to the goal and that there is a direct path to achieving it. Once the goal has been clearly established, it is important to create a timeline for completing the tasks that are necessary to achieve it. This timeline should include dates for when certain tasks should be completed and how much time should be allocated for each task.

The next step is to identify the resources that will be needed to reach the goal. This includes any people, materials, or money that will be necessary, as well as any other resources that may be needed. It is important to ensure that all of the necessary resources are available and will be used efficiently. If resources are limited, it may be necessary to prioritize certain tasks and focus on the most important ones first.

Learn more about action plan at :


Is Snowball a good guy in Animal Farm?


As a bit of a daydreamer, Snowball envisions greater technological advancements on the farm and a revolution that could sweep all the way to England.

There are no consistently good or evil characters in Animal Farm, but Snowball is a more sympathetic and idealistic leader than Napoleon. He is not being selfish; instead, he genuinely wants what is best for the farm and the animals. In comparison to Napoleon, he is "a more vivacious pig, quicker in speech, and more inventive, but was not thought to have the same depth of character."

At first glance, Snowball resembles none other than Vladimir Lenin, the architect of the Russian Revolution of 1917. However, he resembles Lenin's deputy, Leon Trotsky, more.

To know more about Snowball, refer to this link:


What is the figurative meaning of good fences make good neighbors?


The saying "Good fences make good neighbors" refers to respecting one another's property rather than literally meaning that fences make good neighbors.

What is a  good fences make good neighbors?Neighbors that get along well respect one other's property. Good farmers, for instance, maintain their fences to stop their cattle from straying onto neighboring farms. The poem "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost contains this adage.The adage "Good fences make good neighbors" succinctly captures the necessity for both clear property lines and for neighbors to uphold these lines if they want to maintain cordial and "good" neighborly interactions.Sometimes, good fences can create good neighbors. If, however, the neighbors concur that the barrier is either required or unimportant to them, they will cooperate in helping to build it. But we must remember that fences can often make very bad neighbors.

To learn more about good fences make good neighbors refer to:


What is the effect of rhyme in Shakespeare?


The effect of rhyme in Shakespeare is to enhance the sensory appeal of his plays and poems.

Rhyme creates an echo within the literary composition, which may leave an enduring impact on the audience. A writer will use rhyme in their work to evoke sensory appeal from their audience. Rhyme tends to be predictable however enjoyable. As such, it will produce suspense or dramatic tension.

William Shakespeare was an English author, writer and actor. he's wide considered the best author within the English language and therefore the world's pre-eminent writer. he's usually referred to as England's national writer and therefore the "Bard of Avon".

To learn more about Shakespeare here


What are three facts about Great Zimbabwe?


Great Zimbabwe was inhabited from roughly 1100 CE to the 15th century, when it was abandoned. The city served as the seat of the Shona (Bantu) trading empire known as the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, "stone dwellings."

What merits Great Zimbabwe its notoriety?

A monument to the organization, independence, and economic might of the Shona peoples, Great Zimbabwe is one of the most highly developed cities in pre-colonial sub-Saharan Africa. For Zimbabweans in general as well as for the Shona, the location continues to be a strong symbol. One of sub-Saharan Africa's most stunning architectural landscapes has been called Great Zimbabwe. 1 Apart from the colossal Egyptian architecture, it is the largest stone edifice that was created in Africa before the modern age. The remaining ruins can be reached by car in four hours from Harare, the current capital of Zimbabwe. The Shona peoples lived there continuously until around 1450. It was built between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries (the Shona are the largest ethnic group in Zimbabwe). Great Zimbabwe, however, was by no means an isolated complex; at the height of its cultural development, it is thought that seven other nations in the area were equivalent to it.

To know more about Great Zimbabwe  visit:


What does the fence symbolize in the story?


The fence seems completed exclusively in the last scene of the play when Troy passes on and the family reunites. The completeness of the wall comes to mean the strength of the Maxson family and unexpectedly the strength of the one who destroyed them, who additionally unites them once again, in death.

A fence is something that hinders you from something you need to accomplish or move past. Walls addresses limits, an illustration of this is when Troy and Cory get into an enormous battle, and Cory surrenders and tells Troy " Tell mother I 'll be back for my things." Cory then, at that point, says " It'll be over that wall".

Learn more about fence:


Should libero play left back or middle back?


Libero should play left back and not middle back.

A libero in inner volleyball is a back- row protective specialist. Since they only play in the reverse row, those players are frequently shorter than the front- row blockers and blockbuster but have impeccable ball- control chops. The position was created to promote ball- control.

Assuming that the strength of utmost opponents is attacking from the left side and you're running either a gyration or rover defense, your libero should be in the left back.However, also the libero should generally be in the middle-middle position, If you're running a middle-middle defense.

To learn more about Libero  here


Which raw food should be stored above all others in a cooler to minimize?


Carrots is the food that should be stored above all others in a cooler to minimize cross-contamination.

When juices from raw foods come into contact with cooked items that have been appropriately handled or with other raw foods like fruits and vegetables that don't require cooking, cross-contamination occurs.

Some raw items, such as meats and shellfish, can contain dangerous germs in their juices that could make you and your household ill. Viruses and bacteria that cause illness can be carried by raw meat. These can spread to our hands, kitchen tools, and other food.

-----The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Which raw food should be stored above all others in a cooler to minimize cross-contamination?

Ground beef, fish, carrots, poultry"-----

To know more about food, click here.


Which group is most likely to vote ?


Answer: actavist


What are the 5 features of a poem?


The five features of a poem are rhyme, meter, figurative language, and sound devices.

A poem refers to a verse composition that presents advanced artistic form and language. The main five features of a poem are rhyme, meter, figurative language, and sound devices. Rhyme refers to the repetition of sound patterns in the poem. It adds sound and melody to the verse. Poetry forms such as sonnets, ballads, and couplets use rhyming schemes.

Meter refers to a definitive pattern of verse. There are various types of metrical feet iamb, dactyl, trochee, anapest, pyrrhic, and spondee. Figurative language refers to words used to present an idea that is not connected to the words. Devices such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, and consonance are figurative devices that are frequently used in figurative language.

Sound evokes imagery and emotions in the mind of the reader. It has a set pattern of meters and rhymes that bring sound to the verse.

Learn more about features of poem here


Which theme are found in The Odyssey?


The three main themes of this epic poem are hospitality, loyalty, and retribution. People are constantly in control of their decisions, but they are also open to divine intervention.

One's good reputation is their most prized possession in Odysseus' world. A story's central message is referred to as its theme. The author of the narrative is attempting to make this case. The subject of a narrative is typically a general lesson about life. The Odyssey, an epic poem by Homer, details Odysseus' ten-year journey home following the Trojan War. Penelope, his wife, and Telemachus stave off suitors competing for Penelope's hand and Ithaca's throne long enough for Odysseus to return while Odysseus fights mythical animals and endures the wrath of the gods.

To learn more about themes click here


Is food contact surfaces a common vehicle of contamination?


In the food sector contact surfaces a common vehicle of hands may be the source of contamination most frequently.

In the food industry, hands are the most typical means through which contaminants spread from one location to another.Furthermore, the most typical utensil used when cooking meals is the user's hands. Food workers must constantly wash their hands to prevent.

The spread of infections, which is very important. Food handlers may also wear disposable gloves, but they must be replaced frequently.Hands are the main source of food contamination.They must frequently be washed. The main reason for this is because many people neglect to.

To know more about Contamination visit:


How do you start a claim sentence example?


Typically, a claim statement is a thesis statement that includes a claim.

First, before you begin writing, make sure you have all the data and supporting proof available. For instance, wait until you have all the information necessary to support your viewpoint before submitting a claim statement for VA coverage, healthcare, or another type of insurance. Getting all the proof in advance can take a lot of work, but it will ultimately save you a lot of time and effort. Your claim may be delayed or rejected outright if you are unable to produce all of the supporting information at once.

Second, make sure your claim shows a clear relationship at all times. Don't just say that you were in a vehicle accident, that the other driver was determined to be at blame, and that you were injured when you file a claim statement following a collision. Instead, make it clear that the other driver's negligence caused the vehicle collision, which is how you sustained your injuries. The required connection for your claim is established by simply and concisely outlining these connections.

Third, think about asking a lawyer to analyses the case. An attorney can examine your claim to see whether it is legitimate and whether your claim statement is effective.

For more such question on Claim.


What is the best definition of plane?


The next sentence's definition of "tribulations" is more accurate: crimes and assaults.

According to Christian eschatology, during the Olivet Discourse, Jesus alluded to the Great Tribulation as a sign that will occur at the end of the world. Jesus predicted a period of time known as the Great Tribulation, which is depicted in Revelation 7:14. verses 38 through 39. Because I firmly believe that nothing—not even death, not even life, not even angels, not even principalities, not even powers, not even things of this world or things to come—not even height or depth or any other living thing—will be able to separate us from God's love, which is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Heavenly suffering served as the Heavenly Dao's punishment.

Learn more about Tribulations here:


What are the themes of Gothic literature?


Dark, ominous, and enigmatic, this genre frequently incorporates themes of terror, horror, the macabre, and the odd. Power, captivity, and isolation are typical Gothic themes and concepts.

Gothic literature is a literary genre that mixes sinister elements, eerie settings, troubled, disturbed characters, and whimsically horrible stories that are frequently romantic. It is the most sinister aspect of Dark Romanticism, which appeared immediately after the Romantic literary period. Gothic authors frequently employ melodrama or "great emotion" to make a point. This exaggerated, passionate language aids in expressing the anxiety and panic that are present in many personalities.

Numerous Gothic novels from the 20th century that portrayed psychosis featured themes of madness and mental misery.

Important Gothic Literary Elements:

A Dark, Haunted Environment.Dark and enigmatic atmosphereConnection to Extraterrestrial Powers.Extreme EmotionsThe Anti-Hero: The Protagonist.Female Victims.Portents and curses.Visions.

To learn more about Gothic literature Visit :


Why do people change in relationships?


People change in relationships because relationship can't make due without exertion, arranging, and responsibility, they before long quit esteeming their accomplice.

People think their accomplice isn't their best match and that they might be more qualified for another person. Thus, they drop out of affection with their beau or sweetheart and fault the conclusion of the friendship on contradictions, wrong timing, and other irrelevant things.

You want to realize that couples lose sentiments in connections since they focus on things or individuals beyond their relationship and disregard the things that required the most consideration - the issues in the relationship. They fundamentally underestimate their relationship and spotlight on things they could do without about their accomplice. Thusly, they persuade themselves they need to leave and that they should be blissful.

To know more about relationships, visit here:


The study of meaningful units involved in word formation is__________.
answer choices



The study of meaningful units involved in word formation is morphology.

Morphology is the branch of linguistics that deals with the structure and formation of words. It is concerned with the ways in which words are constructed from smaller units called morphemes, which are the smallest units of meaning in a language. Morphemes can be combined in various ways to form words and to convey different meanings. For example, the word "unhappy" is made up of two morphemes: "un-" and "-happy." The morpheme "un-" means "not," and the morpheme "-happy" means "happy," so the word "unhappy" means "not happy."

Morphology is often studied in conjunction with other areas of linguistics, such as phonology (the study of the sounds of language) and pragmatics (the study of the use of language in social contexts).

learn more about Morphology:

Which academic vocabulary word is most related to central ideas?


Developed academic vocabulary word is most related to central ideas. The correct response is C. develop. The common academic vocabulary can be thought of as the language of the classroom and the test.

In written language as opposed to speaking, it is more useful. Moreover, we can quickly develop a more professional writing style with the use of basic academic vocabulary. For instance, when using a basic word like watch.

We would use observe in a general academic context. Additionally, a typical academic vocabulary example includes the primary idea of anything, which is why the ideal choice in this case is and the other three option nutrients, agriculture, and barter are incorrect.

Complete question:

Which academic vocabulary word is most related to central ideas?

A. learn

B. value

C. develop

D. blend

To know more about academic vocabulary visit:


What are the three 3 main purpose of the author in writing?


An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

Rewrite the sentence by correcting the error in pronoun reference or agreement.

Neither the Smiths nor Mr. Paulson remembered to purchase his hunting license.


Answer: Neither Smith not Mr Paulson remembered to purchase his hunting license.


You cannot use words like 'the' with names, names are itself a subject and no pronoun is to used before a name,putting your pronouns on your name tag, you're signaling how you want to be addressed..Only professional spaces like Mr. Mrs. Dr. etc is to be used before names.

Neither Smith not Mr Paulson remembered to purchase his hunting license. Because names are subjects in and of themselves, you cannot use words like "the" with names. By putting your pronouns on your name tag, you are indicating how you prefer to be addressed.

What is pronoun ?

A pronoun is a word that acts as a substitute for a noun, frequently to eliminate the need to repeatedly use the same noun. Pronouns, like nouns, can be used to refer to individuals, objects, ideas, and places. At least one noun or pronoun appears in most sentences.

A pronoun is a term that you use to refer to someone or something when you do not need to use a noun, frequently because the subject or object has already been named. The words "it," "she," "something," and "myself" are examples.

In order for us to speak with one another, pronouns are necessary. However, pronoun communication is really important. Next time, think twice before assuming that we refer to people by their pronouns when we identify or refer to them.

Thus, By putting your pronouns on your name tag, you are indicating how you prefer to be addressed.

To learn more about pronoun, follow the link;


What does Squealer admit about Napoleon and the windmill Why do the animals accept this?


He sends Squealer to the animals to explain that the windmill was really Napoleon's idea all along and that the plans for it were stolen from him by Snowball.

What is meant by windmill?

In some English-speaking regions, the term "windmill" is also used to refer to wind pumps, wind turbines, and other applications. A windmill is a structure that uses sails or blades to convert wind energy into rotational energy in order to grind grain.Such machines are commonly referred to as wind engines.The horizontal windmill initially arose in Persia in the ninth century, while the vertical windmill first appeared in northwest Europe in the 12th century. Windmills were utilized throughout the high medieval and early modern periods. In the Netherlands today, there are about 1,000 windmills, which are regarded as symbols of Dutch culture.

To learn more about windmill refer to


What do you think is Johnson's biggest fear about releasing the dictionary?


Johnson's biggest fear about releasing the dictionary was that it would be met with criticism from traditionalists who believed that the English language should remain unchanged.

Johnson was a respected figure in the literary world and was worried that releasing a dictionary containing words that were not found in traditional English would be met with disdain.

He was concerned that this would be seen as an attempt to change the language, rather than simply cataloging it. He was also concerned that the dictionary might be seen as an endorsement of these new words and changes, which could damage his reputation as an authority in the English language.

For more questions like Johnson's dictionary click the link below:


What is the importance of evolution?


Very important because evolution is what gives animals new adaptations to survive in the new season of the world like hard weather, same with us humans but we learn our way around that and know what to do, like tornadoes we stay inside, and if we’re cold we wear a lot of clothes
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