jack has just been interrogated as a suspect in a robbery for over ten hours and is psychologically fatigued and confused about what to believe. according to the authors, which of the following is jack most likely to do?


Answer 1

Jack will most likely confess to committing the crime and end this agony.

The interrogation techniques are used to make suspects perceive that their guilt has been established beyond any doubt. Using a Reid technique when interrogating suspects psychologically manipulates them through deceit and trickery and could confuse them.

Jack interrogating him for long hours will make him emotionally distraught, physically exhausted and mentally confused. This could make him admit and confess to the wrongdoing he did not do, which puts him at risk. This is because he wants to avoid a harsh sentence. In some cases, he could be told by the people interrogating him that the provided evidence is strong and he will be convicted either way and that when they confess, the sentence will be lenient. Thus, pushing him into accepting mistakes he did not commit.

Read more about interrogating techniques from https://brainly.com/question/14739019


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Kelly has been asked to do a job analysis as part of her staffing duties. How is a job analysis related to staffing?​


A job analysis is related to staffing because recruiters need to perfom a detail job analysis to succesfully complete the staffing process.

What is staffing?

This word is commonly used to refer to the process of finding new employees based on the needs of a company. Due to this, staffing requires:


What is job analysis?

This refers to the process of collecting and analyzing information about a job including the skills, roles and responsabilities related to a job position.

How are these two concepts related?

Job analysis is essential for the staffing process. Indeed, a recruiter always needs to analyze the responsabilities, skills and roles of a job so he or she designs a recruiting process that allows him/her to find the best candidate possible.

Learn more about analysis in: https://brainly.com/question/5040600


A ____________ identifies the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech.


Answer: Preview Statement or Hook Sentance

Explanation: Whenever writing an introduction paragraph or a supporting paragraph, you need a hook sentence/preview sentence to catch the reader's attention/interest. This is important because the reader will be interested and would pay more attention to your "speech" It can also give a statistic, fact, example, etc...... They can also hint at something or could be somewhat of a paraphrase of the story or paragraph. I hoped this helped! ^-^



Установіть відповідність між характеристикою, портретом та образами героїв, змальованих у повісті М. Стельмаха «Гуси-лебеді летять». 1 «... Глибокоока... Її погляд шукає землі, а розгонисті брови летять угору. ... потрісканими пальцями поправляє хустку, а в її чорних очах закипають темнi сльози. 2 «Коли на городі з'являвся перший пуп'янок огірка чи зацвітав повернутий до сонця соняшник, ... брала мене, малого, за руку і вела подивитися на це диво, і тоді в блакитних очах її назбирувалося стільки радостi, наче вона була скарбничим усієï землі». 3 «Чого тільки не вмів..! Треба десь зробити сiчкарню, драча, крупорушку чи керата,- співаючи, зробить, дайте тільки заліза, дерева... А хочете вiтряка, той вітряка вибудує під самі хмари; у кузні вкує сокиру, у стельмашнi злагодить воза й сани, ще й дерев'яні квiти розкидає по них». 4 «Очi в неï карi, з краплинами роси, рум'янці темні, а губи відстовбурчились рожевим потрісканим вузликом і чогось радіють собі». А мати Б бабуся В подружка Люба Г дідусь Д жінка з далекого краю​



lookupG and Draw a line representing the "rise" and a line representing the "run" of the line. State the slope of the line in simplest form.

Verses I AM monarch of all I survey,My right there is none to dispute;From the center all round to the seaI am lord of the fowl and the brute. O solitude! where are the charmsThat sages have seen in thy face?Better dwell in the midst of alarmsThan reign in this horrible place. I am out of humanity's reach.I must finish my journey alone,Never hear the sweet music of speech;I start at the sound of my own.The beasts that roam over the plainMy form with indifference see;They are so unacquainted with man,Their tameness is shocking to me. Society friendship and loveDivinely bestow'd upon man,O had I the wings of a doveHow soon I would taste you again!My sorrows I then might assuageIn the ways of religion and truth,Might learn from the wisdom of age,And be cheered by the sallies of youth. Religion! what treasure untoldResides in that heavenly world!More prescious than silver and gold,Or all that this earth can afford.But the sound of the church-going bellThese valleys and rocks never heard,Ne'er sighed at the sound of a knell,Or smil'd when a sabbath appear'd. Ye winds that have made me your sport,Convey to this desolate shoreSome cordial endearing reportOf a land I shall visit no more:My friends, do they now and then sendA wish or a thought after me?O tell me I yet have a friend,Though a friend I am never to see. How fleet is a glance of the mind!Compared with the speed of its flight,The tempest itself lags behind,And the swift-winged arrows of light.When I think of my own native landIn a moment I seem to be there;But, alas! recollection at handSoon hurries me back to despair, But the seafowl is gone to her nest,The beast is laid down in his lair;Even here is a season of rest,And I to my cabin repair.There is mercy in every place,And mercy, encouraging thought!Gives even affliction a graceAnd reconciles man to his lot. William Cowper​


The theme illustrated that Thoreau says he rules everything that he sees, meaning he can view things however he wants.

How to depict the information?

The narratir illustrated that "I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute; From the centre all round to the sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. 0 Solitude! where are the charms, That sages have seen in thy face? Better dwell in the midst of alarms, Than reign in this horrible place".

"I am monarch of all I survey, My right there is none to dispute." Thoreau: Walden. Thoreau says he rules everything that he sees, meaning he can view things however he wants to. He takes control of the situation and no one can change how he views life.

Learn more about theme on:



In this unit you learn the importance of maintaining eye contact while working with or communicating with someone in ASL. The obvious reason For maintaining eye contact is that it's a visual language but culturally it is a sign of respect. What does maintaining eye contact communicate to the person you are signing with about your level of respect? What would breaking eye contact say about you? What might be the equivalent in the hearing world


Making eye contact shows you respect the person you are communicating with; in case you break eye contact this will be considered rude so it is not recommended.

Why is eye contact important in ASL?

Both in ASL and spoken language eye contact is a sign of respect. Due to this, keeping eye contact while you sign or while someone is communicating with you is essential as this shows you respect the other person and you care about what they are communicating to you.

What would mean if you break eye contact?

This will show you are rude and disrespectful as it would be equivalent to saying the other person you do not care about what they are saying. An equivalent to this would be:

"I don't care about what you are saying""what you are saying is not important to me"

Learn more about ASL in: https://brainly.com/question/20691343


which is the best month to go to the maldives?



The best time to visit the Maldives is between November and April, outside of the monsoon season. We recommend staying during March and April (excluding the Easter holidays when pricing is more expensive) when you will enjoy hot, dry weather and quieter resorts

Охарактеризуйте флексии в данных словах:
знамя, рано, замерз, шоссе, белее, искренний, скворец, щипцы, соболий, шестой.
Найдите слово со связанным корнем:
а) погрузить;
б) искать;
в) прибавить.
Разберите слова по составу:
Это страшно трудно делать, ведь исписанная бумага горит неохотно.
Определите способ образования данных слов:
рогатка, сенокос, барабанить, тишь, рекламировать, разрез.
Проследите, какие морфонологические особенности проявляются при образовании
следующих слов:
львица, пальтовый, княжеский, утенок, волчий, белочка, лужок,
Определите cnocoб словообразования на базе словосочетаний ДАННЫХ
сложносокращенных слов и аббревиатур (с расшифровкой):
физкультура, ХОЗУ, МИД, геофак, СМИ, ЧП, Сбербанк, ВМФ, завхоз, завкафедрой.



Охарактеризуйте флексии в данных словах:

1. знамя, - материально выраженная (-я)

2. рано, - флексия отсутствует

3. замерз, - нулевая флексия

4. шоссе, - флексия отсутствует

5. белее, - материально выраженная (-ее)

6. искренний, - материально выраженная(-ий)

7. скворец, - нулевая флексия

8. щипцы, - материально выраженная (-ы)

9. соболий, - нулевая флексия

10. шестой. – материально выраженная (-ой)

Найдите слово со связанным корнем:

а) погрузить;

б) искать;

в) прибавить.

Определите способ образования данных слов:

1. рогатка, - суффиксальный (ат-, к-)

2. сенокос, - сложение корней (интерфикс -о-)

3. барабанить, - суффиксальный (и-)

4. тишь, - бессуфиксный

5. рекламировать, - суффиксальный

6. разрез. – приставочный (раз-)

Проследите, какие морфонологические особенности проявляются при образовании следующих слов:

1. мелководье, - интерфикс

2. львица, - чередование при словообразовании (е/ь)

3. пальтовый, - наложение морфем (пальто+ -ов)

4. княжеский, - чередование при словообразовании (к/г/ж)

5. утенок, - усечение производящей основы (утк/ут)

6. волчий, - чередование при словообразовании (к/ч)

7. белочка, - чередование (к/очк)

8. лужок, - чередование (г/ж)

9. мелкокалиберка. - интерфикс

Определите способ словообразования на базе словосочетаний данных сложносокращенных слов и аббревиатур (с расшифровкой):

1. физкультура, - комбинация начальной части слова с целым вторым словом (физическая культура)

2. ХОЗУ, - смешанный тип: начальная часть слова + первая буква второго слова (хозяйственное управление)

3. МИД, - образованные из начальных букв (Министерство Иностранных Дел)

4. геофак, - образовано из начальных частей двух слов (географический факультет)

5. СМИ, - образованные из начальных букв (Средства Массовой Информации)

6. ЧП, - образованные из начальных букв (Чрезвычайное Происшествие)

7. сбербанк, - комбинация начальной части слова с целым вторым словом (сберегательный банк)

8. ВМФ, - образованные из начальных букв (Военно-Морской Флот)

9. завхоз, - образовано из начальных частей двух слов (заведующий хозяйством)

10. завкафедрой. - комбинация начальной части слова с целым вторым словом (заведующий кафедрой)

Найдите в предложениях субстантивированные слова.

1.  накрывают на стол. 2. передней. 3. с черного хода;(именно слово "черного") парадное


Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence.

Los estudiantes no hicieron la tarea. Son muy ____________.



Answer: perezosos





English means lazy.

Rahul is a naughty boy what is the objective and noun in the sentence


In the sentence "Rahul is a naughty boy," the noun is "Rahul," and the adjective is "naughty." The objective of the sentence is to describe the boy named Rahul as being naughty.

identifica las ideas principales y determina el tema qué planeta el cuento.​



identifies the main ideas and determines the theme that the story raises.​


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