In the story incide out which statements best express the passage


Answer 1

To determine which statements best express a passage, you can follow these steps:

How to explain the steps

Read the passage carefully and try to understand the main idea and supporting details.

Identify the key points and arguments in the passage.

Select the statements that accurately reflect the main idea and supporting details of the passage.

Check if the selected statements are consistent with the tone and style of the passage.

Ensure that the selected statements do not misrepresent or distort the author's original ideas or intentions.

Revise the selected statements, if necessary, to make sure they are clear, concise, and grammatically correct.

If you are unsure about the accuracy or appropriateness of a statement, it is best to leave it out.

Remember that the goal is to convey the author's ideas and arguments accurately and objectively. It is important to avoid inserting your own opinions or biases into the statements you select.

Learn more about passage on


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Interpret the following quote:
Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."


This quote from Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is spoken by the character Atticus Finch. The quote means that it is okay to harm or hunt innocent things, such as bluejays, as long as it is done with skill and for a justified reason.

However, killing a mockingbird, which is a symbol for innocent and pure beings, is considered a sin because they do no harm and only spread joy through their songs. Therefore, the quote teaches the lesson that we should not harm those who are innocent and pure, like the mockingbird. Harper Lee wrote the book To Kill a Mockingbird bluejays which was first released in 1960. It describes what happened in Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s. Scout Finch, a six-year-old girl whose father, Atticus, is a well-known lawyer in the community, serves as the narrator. It is a classic that uses the innocent perspective of youth to reveal the foolishness and injustice of racism in the Deep South. In the first chapter of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout Finch recalls happenings in her village between the ages of six and nine.

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You are writing a paper about rabies, using a website that compiles information on human health topics.

Which information from the website would provide the best evidence for your thesis that popular books and movies are incorrect to portray infected animals and people as foaming at the mouth and behaving aggressively?


The following information from a website would provide the best evidence for the thesis that popular books and movies are incorrect to portray infected animals and people as foaming at the mouth and behaving aggressively:

"Once the virus reaches the brain, it rapidly causes encephalitis, the symptoms of which include fever, headache, muscle weakness, and seizures. The virus also causes hypersalivation, or an increase in saliva production, which can cause the classic symptom of foaming at the mouth. However, this is not always present and is not the defining symptom of rabies. In fact, many people with rabies may not exhibit any symptoms until the disease has progressed to a more advanced stage."

This information highlights that while hypersalivation and foaming at the mouth can be symptoms of rabies, they are not always present and are not the defining symptoms of the disease. Popular books and movies often exaggerate these symptoms and portray infected individuals as being overtly aggressive and violent when, in fact, the early symptoms of rabies are often mild and non-specific. Therefore, this information serves as evidence to support the thesis that popular books and movies are incorrect in their portrayal of infected animals and people with rabies.

Describe Grant's interactions with Jefferson during this visit. Compare and contrast this visit to Grant's other visits with Jefferson.


During his visit with Jefferson in "A Lesson Before Dying," Grant initially struggles to connect with him and is frustrated by his lack of response.

However, as the visit progresses, Grant begins to open up and shares personal stories with Jefferson. He tries to encourage Jefferson to believe in his own worth and dignity as a human being.

This visit is different from Grant's previous visits with Jefferson, which were marked by distance and resentment. In contrast, during this visit, Grant shows more empathy and understanding towards Jefferson, recognizing the immense emotional pain he is experiencing.

Overall, this visit represents a turning point in Grant's relationship with Jefferson as he begins to recognize the humanity in his prisoner and sees the potential for growth and redemption in him.

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"I was sent to Lowood to get an education and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object" (Page 66)


Helen Burns, Jane Eyre's friend at Lowood school, says the given lines because she knows that this opportunity is her one chance at education and she will not leave until and unless that aim has been fulfilled. In a patriarchal and hierarchical Victorian society, for a woman, education could prove to be invaluable.

Charlotte Bronte's brilliant novel has Helen and Jane Eyre meet each other at Lowood, whose harsh policies the former tries to more or less accept. She was aware of her position in society as a woman and wanted her education to be complete so that she could have some form of economic freedom. Helen teaches a much more headstrong Jane the values of controlling her temper and obeying instructions.

Helen dies young in the novel, but her spiritual guidance allows Jane Eyre to not only persevere through Lowood but also prosper. Victorian society treated its women particularly harshly and Helen Burns' way of dealing with submission was to seek refuge in religion. The mode of Christianity stressed upon by her was based on tolerance and acceptance.

To learn more about Helen Burns,


What is the answer I need hellppp


The context clues show that the correct option will be B. I think that "twixt the negroes of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon."

Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman!"

What are context clues?

Context clues help to find the meaning of a word taking into account the words that surround the unknown word that make us infer the meaning.

Also called visual indices, these words are described or defined by other words that appear in the same sentence.

Learn more about context clues on;


"Her grave is in Brocklebridge Churchyard: for fifteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound; but now a gray marble tablet marks the spot, inscribed with her name, and the word 'Resurgam'" (Page 98) .


After 15 years, a grey marble tablet inscribed with her name and "Resurgam" marks the grave of a woman in Brocklebridge Churchyard.

The chapter explains a woman's grave's location and background at brocklebridge Churchyard. The only thing above the grave for fifteen years after her passing was a green mound. However, a grey marble tablet bearing her name and the word "Resurgam" has since been placed there to serve as a marker.

The phrase "Resurgam" (Latin for "I shall rise again") denotes the notion that the body will someday rise again. The tablet implies that the woman was esteemed and cherished enough to warrant a permanent monument. The poem also makes hints about how memories and remembering to affect individuals who have passed away over time.

Learn more about Brocklebridge:


are electric scooters safe for kids? why or why not?


They can be one of the most secure modes of transportation for your youngster. This is why: To begin with, electric scooters are intended for usage by youngsters as young as six years old.

Is it safe to ride an electric scooter?

They are secure. The average user, on the other hand... perhaps not so much. With the growing popularity of electric scooters, particularly sharing scooters, there have been a number of accidents that have highlighted the electric scooter as a potentially deadly vehicle.

Is it true that electric scooters are safer than electric bikes?

Electric motorcycles, on the other hand, require significantly more care than well-made e-scooters, which may only require a battery replacement every few years. When it comes to riding safely, an electric bicycle is the way to go.

To know more about electric scooters visit:


Explain the significance of the last page of the novel in relation to Gatsby's dream and to the American Dream.


The last page of "The Great Gatsby" is significant as it highlights the unattainable nature of Gatsby's dream and the American Dream. Gatsby's dream revolves around winning Daisy's love and achieving a high social status.

The final image of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock symbolizes Gatsby's unfulfilled desires and the continuous longing for a better life. The green light, once an embodiment of hope and ambition, now stands as a representation of the elusive nature of dreams and aspirations.

Furthermore, the metaphor of boats "beating against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past" emphasizes the impossibility of escaping one's past and the constant struggle faced by individuals in pursuit of their dreams. This idea relates to the disillusionment experienced by many Americans during the 1920s, when the promise of the American Dream was overshadowed by societal flaws, such as moral decay and materialism.

In conclusion, the last page of "The Great Gatsby" serves as a poignant reminder of the futility of chasing an unattainable dream and the inevitable disappointment that follows. It reflects on the limitations of the American Dream and provides a powerful commentary on the harsh realities of life in the 1920s.

Know more about The Great Gatsby here:


after grandmother criticizes the children for not being respectful she uses racist language this is an example of


This is an example of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the act of saying or preaching one thing, but doing or practicing the opposite. In this case, the grandmother is criticizing the children for not being respectful, but then uses racist language, which is disrespectful and goes against her own values.

After prepositions (except con), the reflexive pronoun se changes to sí


Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that refer back to the subject of a sentence and indicate that the subject is also the object of the action. In Spanish, reflexive pronouns are used to express actions that are done to oneself or for oneself.

After prepositions (except "con"), the reflexive pronoun "se" changes to "sí". In Spanish, when using reflexive pronouns after prepositions, such as "para" (for), "por" (for, by), "en" (in, on), "con" (with), among others, the reflexive pronoun "se" changes to "sí" to avoid ambiguity and maintain clarity in the sentence. This change occurs to reflect the recipient or beneficiary of the action.

For example:

Incorrect: Él lo hizo para se.

Correct: Él lo hizo para sí. (He did it for himself.)

Incorrect: Ella habló por se.

Correct: Ella habló por sí. (She spoke for herself.)

Incorrect: Está sentado en se.

Correct: Está sentado en sí. (He is sitting on himself.)

It's important to keep in mind this rule when using reflexive pronouns after prepositions in Spanish to ensure grammatical accuracy in your writing or speech.

To learn more about Reflexive pronouns, visit here


2 (sentences) of etiquette. shouldn’t and so in each
sentence. Write in full sentences- capital letters and full stops.
You should arrive on time for dinner in Germany because it is disrespectful to be late.


You shouldn't interrupt someone when they're speaking because it's impolite and can be seen as rude. So, you should wait for them to finish their thought before sharing your own.

You shouldn't talk with your mouth full during a meal because it's unappealing and can be considered bad manners. So, it's important to wait until you've finished chewing and swallowing before engaging in conversation.


Why is Grant's aunt upset with him? (There may be several reasons).


In the novel "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines, Grant's aunt is upset with him for several reasons, including:

1. Grant's relationship with Vivian: Grant's aunt disapproves of Grant's relationship with Vivian, who is a divorced woman from another town.

2. Grant's attitude towards education: Grant's aunt believes that education is important, but she also thinks that Grant is becoming arrogant and "above himself" because of his education.

3. Grant's lack of involvement in the community: Grant's aunt thinks that Grant should be more involved in the community and use his education to help others.

4. Grant's lack of respect for tradition and religion: Grant's aunt is a deeply religious woman who values tradition and community.

To know more about A Lesson Before Dying:


4 All sentences below contain grammatical mistakes. Find them and write the sentences correctly. 1 Pete has been winning the chess championship four times. Pete has won the chess championship four times. 2 I haven't visited my grandmother since a long time. 3 My brother always liked strawberry ice-cream. 4 Dave and Caroline are married for five years. 5 How many times have you been running in a marathon? 6 She's had these skis for last winter. 7 How long are you sitting here?​



1. Peter has won the chess championship four times.

2. I haven't visited my grandmother since a long time.

3. My brother always liked strawberry ice-cream.

4. Dave and Caroline are married for five years.

5. How many times have you been running in a marathon?

6. She had these skis for last winter.

7. How long are you sitting here?

The child was so ravenous that he ate an entire box of cereal before leaving for school.

In the sentence, what does the suffix in the word ravenous mean?


The suffix in the word "ravenous" means "excessively hungry."

The Latin word "ravenous" which means "to be greedy or eager," is the root of the English word "ravenous." It is frequently used to describe someone who has an intense, nearly insatiable hunger and is too hungry.

Or to put it another way, a starving person would consume anything that caught their eye. As an illustration of how great his hunger was, the youngster in the scenario ate the entire box of cereal before heading off to school.

Adding a suffix to the end of a word can create a new term or alter the meaning of the original word. The suffixes -ly (kind), -ment (enjoyment), and -less (hopeless) are a few examples.

To learn more about suffix link is here


What does the name Gold Mountain tell you about the way the Chinese immigrants thought of the United States?


The name "Gold Mountain" reflects both the hope and the struggle of Chinese immigrants in the United States, and the complex relationship between these two realities.

The name "Gold Mountain" was used by Chinese immigrants to refer to the United States during the 19th century Gold Rush, when many Chinese came to the U.S. seeking economic opportunity. The name reflects the perception of the United States as a land of wealth and opportunity.

Chinese immigrants believed that America was a place where they could make a better life for themselves and their families. Many were drawn to the promise of gold and other natural resources that were said to be abundant in America. They saw the U.S. as a place where hard work and determination could lead to success and prosperity.

However, this perception was often at odds with the harsh reality of life for Chinese immigrants in America. They faced discrimination, violence, and other forms of oppression that made it difficult to achieve their dreams. Despite these challenges, many Chinese immigrants persevered and made significant contributions to American society.

To learn more about Gold Mountain


Explain the importance of Tyndall’s research outlined in paragraphs 11-13 on scientific thinking today. Use evidence from the text to support your response.


We see here that the importance of Tyndall’s research outlined in paragraphs 11-13 on scientific thinking today helped to give answer to the question on the theory of ice gases.

What is research?

A systematic and controlled method of gathering and analyzing facts and information about a particular subject or issue is known as research.

It entails using a range of techniques, including running experiments, surveys, interviews, and observations, then analyzing the data to come to findings and make wise choices.

In a variety of sectors, including science, social science, business, education, and medical, research can be qualitative or quantitative.

We see here that from Tyndall's research, it can be noted that his recovery actually made a connection to work of Agassiz and others.

Learn more about research on


What do the original myth and the adaptation most clearly have in common?

The male character falls in love with someone.
The female character comes to life with the help of gods.
Characters are obsessed with their ability to create perfection.
Characters are obsessed with nature.



its c



How do lines 22 through 30 contribute to the plot of "Rain Check? Use two details from the
poem to support your response.



Lines 22 through 30 describe the speaker's memory of a previous experience where she witnessed a rainstorm in a desert.These lines contribute to the plot of the poem by adding a deeper layer of meaning to the speaker's desire for rain in the present moment. First, the lines establish that the speaker has experienced rain in the desert before, which implies that she knows the beauty and power of such an event. This helps to explain why she is so eager for it to rain again.Second, the lines use vivid imagery to convey the transformative effect that rain can have on a barren landscape. The lines describe how the rain transformed the desert "into a pool of turquoise," and how the speaker and her companion were "enchanted." This image of transformation helps to underscore the speaker's desire for rain in the present moment, as she longs for the same kind of transformation in her current surroundings.Overall, lines 22 through 30 contribute to the plot of "Rain Check" by deepening the reader's understanding of the speaker's desire for rain and the significance of such an event in the desert landscape.

Read the quotations below adapted from Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. Match each one with the theme or lesson it suggests.


The first quotations theme is: knowledge show be shared
The second quotation theme: To know something, sometimes you must feel it.

Linguistic intelligence refers to a person's characteristic speaking pattern.
true or false


Linguistic intelligence, as proposed by Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, refers to a person's ability to use language effectively in various forms, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening.

The statement is False. Linguistic intelligence does not solely refer to a person's characteristic speaking pattern. It encompasses skills such as vocabulary, grammar, syntax, understanding and producing written and spoken language, and effectively communicating ideas and information. It does not solely focus on speaking patterns but rather encompasses a broader range of language-related abilities and skills.

Furthermore, linguistic intelligence extends beyond basic communication skills and can also encompass higher-order language abilities. This can include the capacity to analyze, interpret, and manipulate language in complex ways, such as understanding figurative language, appreciating nuances, and constructing persuasive arguments. It can also involve creativity in using language for storytelling, poetry, or other forms of written or spoken expression.

To learn more about Linguistic intelligence, visit here


1. Nature plays a significant role in Red Badge and sometimes takes on a religious significance. Find 10 examples of nature and explain how and why nature is used as a symbol or to move the protagonist forward in the novel


Nature serves as a symbol of comfort and renewal for the protagonist, allowing him to confront his fear and gain a new understanding of courage.

1. Henry's internal conflict between his idealized view of battle and the hard realities of war is symbolized by the struggle of the forest. He keeps getting lost in the jungle while looking for his place in it. The chaotic character of conflict, with its unanticipated danger and unpredictability, is likewise represented by the forest.

2. In addition, Henry finds consolation in nature. He finds comfort in the wonders of nature, from the chirping of birds to the tranquilly of the river. Even in the middle of the chaos of battle, nature helps to calm his troubled thoughts and serves to remind him of the beauty of life.

3. Nature acts as a constant reminder of how fleeting life is. Henry is struck by the trees' beauty as well as how they are ageing and decomposing, which symbolizes the frailty of life.

4. Henry also sees nature as a representation of bravery. Nature is unafraid and survives in the face of war's hazards.

5. Henry finds comfort and hope in nature. He takes comfort in the knowledge that life will go on even when the conflict is ended.

6. The natural world also represents rebirth. The rebirth of life after the war, from the birds' singing to the trees' springtime blooms, gives Henry hope.

7. Henry draws inspiration from the natural world. He can draw strength from nature and use it to carry him through the conflict.

8. The cycle of life and death is likewise symbolized by nature. In the natural world, Henry sees the majesty of existence and the certainty of death.

9. The strength of the human spirit is likewise reflected in nature. War may be chaotic, but nature is tenacious and never gives up.

10. The natural world also represents unity. Even in the midst of upheaval, Henry takes solace in the knowledge that he is not alone and is connected to the natural world.

To learn more about Red Badge link is here


What is one of the main purposes of the closing section of a
cover letter?
OA. To let the reader know how he or she can contact you
OB. To introduce yourself
c. To explain how your prior experience makes you a good
OD. To list all of your contacts in the company




The closing section of a cover letter is a crucial component of the job application process. Its main purpose is to leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager, express appreciation, and request action.

Firstly, expressing gratitude is an essential part of the closing section. It shows the employer that the candidate is grateful for the opportunity to apply for the position and that they appreciate the time and effort the employer has taken to review their application. Thanking the employer for considering their application can make the candidate stand out among other applicants who may have neglected to show gratitude.

Secondly, the closing section is a chance for the candidate to demonstrate their enthusiasm for the position. This is particularly important as it shows the employer that the candidate is genuinely interested in the position and is not simply applying for any job. The candidate can mention how their skills and experience align with the job requirements, and how they believe they can contribute to the organization's success.

Lastly, the closing section is where the candidate should request an action. They should express their eagerness to discuss their qualifications further and request an interview or a phone call to discuss the opportunity in more detail. This shows the employer that the candidate is proactive and keen to take the next steps in the hiring process.

In summary, the closing section of a cover letter serves to leave a positive and lasting impression on the employer, express gratitude, and request action. By crafting a strong closing section, the candidate can increase their chances of being considered for the job and ultimately landing the position.

hence, option c is correct,

Explain how your prior experience makes you a good


To read more about cover letter,

According to the author, we know that a decision we have made is right largely through our (A) individual intuition (B) moral certitude (C) philosophical training (D) use of logic (E) educated taste


According to the author, we can determine that a decision we have made is right largely through our (B) Moral certitude.

This means that our sense of right and wrong, which is deeply ingrained in our beliefs and values, plays a significant role in guiding us when making decisions. Our moral compass helps us navigate through various situations and allows us to make choices that align with our principles and ethical standards.

While individual intuition (A) can sometimes be helpful, it is not always reliable and can be influenced by emotions or personal biases. Philosophical training (C) can provide a solid foundation for understanding ethical theories, but it may not always directly apply to specific decision-making situations. The use of logic (D) is important, but it alone cannot guarantee the rightness of a decision, as it can lead to different conclusions based on different premises. Educated taste (E) refers to personal preferences and tastes developed through education and experience, which may not always be relevant to moral decisions.

In conclusion, moral certitude is the most reliable factor among the mentioned options in determining whether a decision is right, as it reflects our inner sense of right and wrong, which is developed and shaped by our values, beliefs, and ethical understanding. Therefore, the correct option is B.

Know more about Decision here:


THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe

Create a folktale in the style of those we read in Things Fall Apart. Your folktale should teach a lesson that this book teaches the readers of Things Fall Apart.


Answer: In the days before the white man came to our land, there lived a young boy named Nkem. He was the strongest and bravest boy in his village, and he loved to play in the forest with his friends.

One day, while playing in the forest, Nkem stumbled upon a snake. The snake was injured and could not move, and Nkem felt sorry for it. He picked up the snake and brought it back to his village, where he nursed it back to health.

Over time, the snake and Nkem became the best of friends. They would play together in the forest every day, and the snake would always follow Nkem wherever he went. Nkem's parents were wary of the snake, but Nkem insisted that it was harmless and that it was his friend.

However, as time went on, the snake began to grow bigger and stronger. Nkem did not notice, but the snake's scales grew sharper and its fangs grew longer. One day, while playing in the forest, the snake turned on Nkem and bit him.

Nkem fell to the ground, writhing in pain. His friends rushed to his aid, but it was too late. The snake had injected him with its venom, and there was nothing that could be done to save him.

The people of the village were shocked and saddened by Nkem's death. They knew that he had been too trusting of the snake, and that he had paid the ultimate price for his kindness.

Explanation: The lesson of this folktale is that we should be cautious and careful when dealing with those who may be dangerous, even if they seem harmless at first. Just as the snake in the story turned on Nkem, so too can people turn on us if we are not careful. We must be wise and discerning, and always be aware of the potential dangers that may be lurking around us.

When does openness increase?between ages 30 and 40between ages 18 and 22between ages 60 and 70between ages 50 and 55


Openness increases between ages 18 and 22. So the option B is correct.

Between the ages of 18 and 22, as young adults become more autonomous, experience life outside of their families, and form their own opinions and values, openness tends to improve. College students experience a lot of new ideas and cultures during this time, which might allow them to broaden their worldviews and open their minds.

Additionally, people between the ages of 18 and 22 typically have more flexibility to take chances and make their own judgements. This feeling of independence can promote greater openness and a readiness to try new things. Finally, when young adults gain a better understanding of who they are and the world around them, they may become more receptive to fresh ideas and perspectives.

To learn more about autonomous link is here


The complete question is:

When does openness increase?

A. between ages 30 and 40

B. between ages 18 and 22

C. between ages 60 and 70

D. between ages 50 and 55

I can infer the author's ________, or attitude towards the subject, by focusing on whether the word in the text are positive or negative.



The author's attitude towards the subject can be inferred by analyzing the tone of the text. The tone refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards the subject, which is conveyed through the words and syntax used in the writing. By focusing on whether the words in the text are positive or negative, one can identify the tone of the writing and infer the author's attitude towards the subject. For example, if the author uses positive words and phrases to describe the subject, the tone may be optimistic or enthusiastic. Conversely, if the author uses negative words and phrases, the tone may be critical or disapproving.


Answer: Tone

• I can infer the author's tone, or attitude towards the subject, by focusing on whether the words in the text are positive or negative.


You used the Narrative Planner to brainstorm the elements of your own narrative and write the exposition. Your work will be graded using the Narrative Planner Grading Rubric.


James was a young man living in a small town in the Midwest. He had grown up in a stable home with loving parents, but he had always had a passion for adventure.

What is adventure?

Adventure is an exciting, remarkable and often risky experience, one that creates memories and stories to tell. It is a journey into the unknown, pushing yourself to discover new places and cultures, to explore yourself and nature. It involves taking risks, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and learning from the experience.

He started his travels by exploring the United States, visiting different cities and national parks. After a few months, James decided to go abroad and explore the rest of the world. He set out for Europe and Asia, where he encountered different cultures, cuisines, and languages. James found himself in many difficult situations, but he was always able to find a way out.

To learn more about languages


identifying subjects and verbs why are you afraid of flying


Subject: "you"

Verb: "are afraid"

Subject: you

Verb: are afraid

Object: flying

In the given sentence "why are you afraid of flying", the subject is "you", which refers to the person being addressed. The verb is "are afraid", which is a linking verb that connects the subject "you" with the predicate "afraid of flying". "Afraid" is an adjective that describes the subject's state of mind or emotion, while "flying" is the object of the preposition "of". Therefore, the complete predicate is "are afraid of flying".


Miguel’s teacher has assigned a project that requires students to write a speech about safe driving. Students must then record a video of themselves giving the speech and post the video to a video-sharing platform. Which elements should Miguel consider when recording his video? Check all that apply. a. the timing of the video b. the clothes he will wear in the video c. the social media his audience prefers d. the appearance of the background e. the appropriateness of visual aids


The timing of the video, the clothes he will wear in the video, the appearance of the background and the appropriateness of visual aids should Miguel consider when recording his video. So the option a, b, d and e is correct.

Miguel needs to take timing into account when recording his video. He must ensure that it is long enough to address all of his arguments, but not so long as to become monotonous. He ought to think about the attire he'll don in the film as well.

He needs to wear appropriate clothing for the endeavor, like a blazer or collared shirt. The background should be kept as uncomplicated and distraction-free as possible.

Additionally, Miguel needs to think about whether any visual aids he uses are necessary. For instance, he might think about making a graph or chart to show the risks associated with reckless driving. So the option a, b, d and e is correct.

To learn more about visual aids link is here





I got it wrong and it showed the answers

What do you think of the last sentence of this chapter? How is it up to Jefferson to break the cycle?


This chapter's final phrase says, "It is up to Jefferson to break the cycle." This statement implies that Jefferson has the ability to end the lifelong cycle of racism and poverty that has held him captive.

Jefferson is given the task of removing all of the barriers that have been put in his path and taking charge of his own life. He needs to take initiative and build a better life for himself in order to escape the cycle.

To acquire information, experience, and opportunities, he must be eager to toil hard, take chances, and make sacrifices. He may stop the cycle of poverty and racism that has held him back by doing this and setting a good example for himself and his family.

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billy was involved in an accident and experienced brain trauma. Although his eyes were functioning normally, he was unable to see. Which area od the brain was most likely affected by the accident? Wernicke's area of the occipital lobe? What will be returned when the following SQL query is executed? Select driver_no, count(*) as num_deliveries from deliveries group by driver_no having count()>2 O A listing of all drivers who made more than 2 deliveries as well as a count of the number of deliveries A listing of all drivers A listing of the number of deliveries greater than 2 A listing of all drivers who made more than 2 deliveries a factor is a financial firm that specializes in buying other firms' accounts receivables. true or false? 14) Industrial areas outside North America and Europe have become increasingly important in recent years primarily because of...A) Access to marketsB) Access to raw materialsC) Break-of-bulk pointsD) Site factors The United States and the Soviet Union avoided nuclear war because they did not engage in______________ with one another. However, both chose to fight_________ wars by providing military assistance to their allies in smaller conflicts. Question 66It is estimated that less than 62% of water and foodborne diseases are not reported.a. True b. False A motorboat travels 106 kilometers in 2 hours going upstream. It travels 142 kilometers going downstream in the same amount of time. What is the rate of the boat in still water and what is the rate of the current? The North financed its war effort in all of the following ways EXCEPT bya. issuing paper moneyb. using excise taxesc. using tariffsd. issuing government bondse. levying property taxes. question why can a price-discriminating monopolist be both more profitable and more efficient (i.e., produce greater net benefits for society)? responses because it charges a lower price than a single-price monopolist. because it charges a lower price than a single-price monopolist. because it supplies a higher quantity of output than a single-price monopolist. because it supplies a higher quantity of output than a single-price monopolist. because it is more socially conscious than a single-price monopolist. please help me with this Codes from category G81, Hemiplegia and hemiparesis, and subcategories G83.1, Monoplegia of lower limb, G83.2, Monoplegia of upper limb, and G83.3, Monoplegia, unspecified, identify whether the dominant or nondominant side is affected. Should the affected side be documented, but not specified as dominant or nondominant, and the classification system does not indicate a default, code selection is as follows: For ambidextrous patients, the default should be dominant. If the left side is affected, the default is non-dominant. If the right side is affected, the default is dominant. For Jains of this world, the immediate goal of religious life is: 13 In the sentence below, why does the author use the word treasure? The bees were just as sure that the treasure was theirs. A. To suggest that the honey was gold B. To show that the honey was hidden C. To show that the honey had been there a long time D. To suggest that the honey was precious a transformer is a device used to a transformer is a device used to increase or decrease an ac voltage. transform a direct current into an alternating current. transform an alternating current into a direct current. increase or decrease a dc voltage. According to Max Weber, a "state" is an entity that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of _________.A. TaxationB. LawC. CourtsD. Physical Force Firms measure the success of a new product by its sales ________, customer acceptance and its satisfaction of the firms financial requirements use the model of the small open economy to predict how each of the events listed below has an impact on the trade balance (or net exports); real exchange rate; nominal exchange rate During prolonged power interruptions, only _______ outlets receive emergency generator electrical power a circle has a circumerence of 6 and an arc with a 60 degree central angle. what is the length of the arc jaw thrust maneuver to open airway and assess for obstruction. If pt has a suspected csi, the jaw thrust procedure should be done by two providers. One provider can maintain c-spine and the other can perform the jaw thrust maneuver.While assessing airway pt is unable to open mouth, responds only to pain, or is unresponsive you should..