In the engine of a locomotive, a cylindrical piece known as a piston oscillates in SHM in a cylinder head (cylindrical chamber) with an angular frequency of 180rev/min. Its stroke (twice the amplitude) is 0.76m. What is its maximum speed?


Answer 1

A cylindrical component known as a piston oscillates in the cylinder head (cylindrical chamber) of a locomotive's engine. 0.76 meters is the stroke, which is twice the amplitude. Its greatest speed is 7.2m/s.

We use v[tex]_{m}[/tex] =ωx[tex]_{m}[/tex]=2πfx[tex]_{m}[/tex], where the frequency is  180/(60s)=3.0Hz  and the amplitude is half the stroke, or x[tex]_{m}[/tex]=0.38m. Thus,


A piston is a disc or short cylinder that fits snugly inside an engine cylinder and imparts motion to a pump or a liquid or gas by moving up and down against it. Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders, reciprocating engines, reciprocating pumps, gas compressors, and other related devices all have pistons. It is the moving part that has a cylinder around it and piston rings that seal the gas tightness.

To transfer force from the expanding gas in the cylinder to the crankshaft via a piston rod and/or connecting rod is the function of a piston rod and/or connecting rod in an engine.

The processes of intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust are all four-stroke operations in automobile engines.

Learn more about piston here:


Related Questions

A 65 kg person is running at 5 m/s. What is her momentum?
325 kg m/s
70 kg m/s
O 1625 kg m/s



325 kg m/s



w=weight of the person in kg

s=speed of the person in m/s


m=65 kg*5 m/s

m=65*5 kg m/s

m=325 kg m/s

the input time domain signal you are provided contains the vocalization signals of a fin whale (20 hz centered calls) and a humpback whale song (50 hz to 700 hz) received simultaneously by a hydrophone (underwater microphone). the objective of this project is to isolate the fin whale call by filtering out the humpback whale song. you will need a low pass filter of sufficiently high- order (> 2) to eliminate the humpback whale song sufficiently in the output signal.


To filter out the humpback whale song from the input signal and isolate the fin whale call, you will need to use a low pass filter. A low pass filter allows low frequency signals to pass through while attenuating higher frequency signals.

To sufficiently eliminate the humpback whale song in the output signal, you will need to use a high-order low pass filter. A high-order filter has a steeper roll-off, which means that it is more effective at attenuating higher frequency signals. A filter with an order of 2 or higher should be sufficient for this purpose. To design the low pass filter, you will need to determine the cut-off frequency at which the filter will begin to attenuate the humpback whale song. The cut-off frequency should be set slightly lower than the lowest frequency of the humpback whale song (50 Hz) to ensure that the song is completely eliminated in the output signal. Once you have determined the cut-off frequency and the order of the filter, you can use standard techniques to design the filter. This may involve calculating the filter coefficients using a mathematical formula or using software to design the filter based on the desired specifications. Once the filter is designed, you can apply it to the input signal to obtain the filtered output signal. The output signal should contain only the fin whale call, with the humpback whale song sufficiently eliminated.

To know more about pass filter please refer:


g assuming that eq. 37-36 holds, find how fast you would have to go through a red light to have it appear green. take 620 nm as the wavelength of red light and 540 nm as the wavelength of green light


2.9 x 10^8 m/s fast would have to go through a red light to have it appear green. Taking 620 nm as the wavelength of red light and 540 nm as the wavelength of green light.

The speed at which light appears to change color depends on the relative motion between the observer and the source of light. When an observer is moving towards a source of light, the light appears to shift towards shorter wavelength (blue shift), and when an observer is moving away from a source of light, the light appears to shift towards longer wavelengths (red shift). To make red light appear green, an observer would need to be moving away from the source of red light at a speed such that the light appears to shift towards a wavelength of 540 nm, the wavelength of green light.

The amount of shift in the wavelength of light due to relative motion is given by the formula:

= Δλ

= λ0 x v/c

Where Δλ is the change in wavelength, λ0 is the rest wavelength of the light, v is the speed of the observer relative to the source of light, and c is the speed of light. In this case, the rest wavelength of the light is 620 nm (the wavelength of red light), and we want to find the speed at which the light would appear to have a wavelength of 540 nm (the wavelength of green light).

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

= Δλ

= 620 nm x v/c

= 540 nm

Solving for v, we get:

= v

= c x Δλ / λ0

= 3 x 10^8 m/s x 540 nm / 620 nm

= 2.9 x 10^8 m/s

So to make red light appear green, an observer would need to be moving away from the source of light at a speed of about 2.9 x 10^8 m/s. This is about 99% of the speed of light, which is not possible for any object with mass.

To know more about wavelength please refer:


the circuit of (figure 1) is a square 20 cm on a side. the magnetic field increases steadily from 0 t to 0.90 t in 10 ms. What is the current in the resistor during this time? Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


According to Faraday's law, the various magnetic flux via a closed loop induces an emf in it, given by E=−dϕdt so the current in the resistor during this time is 0.81818 A.

Here we have;

ϕ=∫B.dA is the magnetic flux via the loop.Answer and Explanation:Given:Length of the facet of square: a = 30 cm = 0.3 mMagnetic area withinside the place will increase from B = 0 T to B = 0.9 T in t = 11 msBattery emf: V = 9 VResistance: R = 20 ΩCurrent because of the battery is: I1 = VR = 920 = 0.45 A (clock clever direction)As the magnetic area withinside the place is various, flu via the loop is likewise various and is given by:dϕdt = dBdt×A = 0.9−00.011×0.32 = 7.3636 Tm2According to Faraday's law, brought on emf is: Vind = dϕdt = 7.3636 VInduced contemporary: I2 = VindR = 7.363620 = 0.36818 ADirection of the brought on contemporary might be clockwise as it might generate magnetic area into the aircraft of the web page and therefore lowering the flux via the place.Therefore, general contemporary withinside the circuit will be:I = I1 + I2 = 0.45 + 0.36818 = 0.81818 A

Read more about current;


page 85 of geography 1st high school​


On page 85 and following of the first year high school geography book, the subject on the study of the earth and the universe is shown, and the technologies used for their study.

We relate the name with its definitionGeographic Information System: uses the overexposure of layers with geographic information to generate maps.Satellite network: set of space machines to obtain images of the earth's surface.Computers: machines used on earth to process information from satellite sensors.Satellites: spatial objects that provide information to the GPS.¿What use can be given to GIS and satellite technology?Be located geographically.Send directions with GPS included.Ease of searching for information, investigating and contrasting geographic data.Photographs of the planet from satellites.Preparation of maps.We observe the images of a GIS and choose the correct option

Four illustrations are shown in the book and we must choose the one most similar to the images generated by a GIS, in this case the correct answer is figure 2, which shows an area with its irrigation availability.

¡Hope this helped!

what would be the difference between proper length l0l0l 0 and the length lll measured by an observer moving at 30 m/sm/s for a proper length of 5 mm (a reasonable proper length for a car)? use a similar procedure to the one you used in the previous part. express your answer in meters to three significant figures. use c=3×108m/s.


The difference is 2.5 x 10^-14 which is smaller than the diameter of an atom. For everday situations, it is a very good approximation to assume that all measured lengths are equal to their proper lengths

Calculation :

L = Lo*sqrt(1-(v/c)^2)

by solving this

Lo-L = 2.5 x 10^-14

notice this difference, which is much smaller than the diameter of an atom. For everday situations, it is a very good approximation to assume that all measured lengths are equal to their proper lengths.

A measurement is a quantification of an attribute of an object or event that can be used to compare it with other objects or events. [1][2] In other words, a measurement is a way of determining how large or small a physical quantity is compared to a base reference quantity of the same kind. The scope and application of measurements are situation and field dependent. In science and engineering, measurement does not refer to the nominal properties of an object or event, consistent with the guidelines of the International Glossary of Metrology published by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.

Learn more about Measurement here :


In a symphony a single violin produces 25.0 dB sound intensity, if the conductor desires a robust
sound intensity of 70.0 dB from violin section, how many violin players does he employ?


He has to employ 31623  violin players.

What is intensity of sound in dB?

The SI unit for sound intensity is W/m^2, although considering how humans hear sounds, the decibel (dB) scale of sound intensity is more useful. The logarithm of the intensity of a sound, as opposed to the intensity of a sound directly, is a better indicator of how human ears perceive sound.

Ten decibels (dB) are equal to every factor of ten in intensity.

For this case, a 70.0 dB sound is 45 dB louder than a 60 dB sound,  4.5 factors of 10 (10^4.5)  as intense.

Hence, if a single violin produces 25.0 dB sound intensity, to produce a robust sound intensity of 70.0 dB from violin section, he has to employ 10^4.5 = 31623  violin players.

Learn more about sound intensity here:


the variable resistor r in the circuit of fig. 11.50 is adjusted until it absorbs the maximum average power. find r and the maximum average power absorbed.


The load impedance ZL must be equal to the complex conjugate of the Thevenin impedance ZTh for maximum average power transfer. This indicates that the load impedance (or resistance) must be equal to the magnitude of the Thevenin impedance for the highest average power transfer to a fully resistive load.

How is the average amount of energy absorbed determined?

As a result, the total power used by a circuit over the course of one full cycle is the sum of the power saved and the power returned.

How do you calculate average power?

The formula for average power in mathematics is: Average power = Total energy consumed Average amount of time spent P = W t.

To know more about maximum average power visit;


An automobile radiator may be viewed as a cross-flow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed. Water, which has a flow rate of 0.05 kg/s, enters the radiator at 400 K and is to leave at 330 K. The water is cooled by air that enters at 0.75 kg/s and 300 K.
a) If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 200 W/ m2 .K, what is the required heat transfer surface area?
b) Repeat part (a), except assume that the air flow is mixed.
c) Suppose that the heat exchange area of the radiator is 1.0 m2 , and that U and the inlet temperatures are the same as in part (a) (both outlet temperatures are unknown). If the mass flow rates are also the same as in part (a), what is the water outlet temperature? Assume that the air flow is mixed.


Area required to achieve a prescribed outlet temperature is 1.51m².

What is Temperature?

The term "temperature" describes how hot or cold a body is. It is, specifically, a method of calculating the kinetic energy of the particles that make up an item. When particles travel more quickly, the temperature rises, and vice versa.

Nearly every aspect of daily life as well as every scientific field, from physics to geology, depend heavily on temperature

Assumptions: (1) Negligible heat loss to surroundings and kinetic and

potential energy changes, (2) Constant properties.

Analysis: The required heat transfer rate is

q = (m c)h (T h,i - T h,o)

= 0.05 kg/s (4209J / kg.K) 70K = 14,732 W

Using the ε-NTU method,

Cmin = Ch

= 210.45 W / K

Cmax = Cc

=755.25W / K

Hence, Cmin/Cmx(Th,i - Th,o)

= 210.45W / K(100K)

= 21,045W



= 14,732W / 21,045W = 0.700

NTU≅1.5, hence

A=NTU(cmin / U)

= 1.5 x 210.45W / K(200W) / m² .K)

= 1.58m²

1. the air outlet is..

Tc,o = Tc,i + q / Cc

= 300K + (14,732W / 755.25W / K)

= 319.5K

2. using the LMTD approach ΔTlm

= 51.2 K,, R=0.279 and


hence F≅0.95 and

A = q/FUΔTlm = (14,732W) / [0.95(200W / m².K) 51.2K]

= 1.51m²

Learn more about Temperature from given link


consider an earthquake to be a three-dimensional wave traveling through the earth's crust. the intensity of the earthquake passing through the earth is measured to be 11000 j/(m2*sec) at a distance 35 km from the source. the earthquake lasts for 14 seconds. ef picup part description answer save status a. determine the intensity at 1.3 km from the source. (include units with answer) format check click here to check your answer 6.25 pts.75% 2% try penalty 1 hint available


The intensity of the earthquake at 1.3 Km from the source is 8 x 10⁹ W/m².

r₁ = distance of the point from the source = 35 km = 35000 m

I₁ = intensity of earthquake wave at distance "r₁" = 1.1 X 10⁶ W/m²

r₂ = distance of the point from the source = 1.3 km = 1300 m

I₂ = intensity of earthquake wave at distance "r₂"

We know that , for a constant power , the intensity of wave is inversely proportional to the distance from the source .

= I α 1/r²    

where I = intensity of wave , r = distance from source

Hence we can write,

= I₁/I₂ = r₂²/r₁²

Substituting the values,

= 1.1 X 10⁶ /I₂ = (1300/35000)²

= I₂ = 8 x 10⁹ W/m²

To know more about Intensity:


The figure above represents two charged, concentric conducting shells with radii R_1 and R_2. The space between the shells is filled with air. The dashed lines represent equipotentials. The electric field just outside the inner shell has magnitude E_1, and the electric field just inside the outer shell has magnitude E_2. Which of the following statements is true of the magnitude E of the electric field at point P? (a) E = 0 (b) E_1 > E > E_2 (c) E = E_1


The electric field just outside the inner shell has magnitude E1, and the electric field just inside the outer shell has magnitude E2, True for the magnitude E of the electric field at point P is The correct answer is (b) i.e. E1 > E > E2

Since the shells are conducting and the space between them is filled with air, the electric field must be perpendicular to the surface of the shells at all points. This means that the equipotential lines as assumed  must be perpendicular to the shells as well. At point P, the equipotential lines are closer together than they are at the outer shell, but farther apart than they are at the inner shell. This means that the electric field at point P must have a magnitude that is between E1 and E2, but closer to E1 than to E2. Therefore, the correct answer is (b) E1 > E > E2. The term "electric field" refers to the physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and acts to either attract or repel all other charged particles in the field (also known as an E-field). It can also refer to the physical field surrounding a system of charged particles. Electric fields are composed of electric charges and time-varying electric currents. Both electric and magnetic fields are manifestations of the electromagnetic field, one of the four fundamental interactions of nature.

To know more about electric field please refer:


in the figure, a conducting metal bar of mass 0.5 kg sliding along conducting rails is connected to a battery of emf 18 v and resistor r


The bar's maximum magnitude of the velocity under these circumstances is 240 m/s.

What does a definition of mass mean?

In physics, mass is a statistical expression of inertia, a basic characteristic of all matter. It essentially refers to a body of matter's resistance to changing its speed or location in response to the use of a force.


The metal bar is experiencing the force.

F = iLB = ELB/R

The bar will increase in speed until the battery emf equals the induced emf.

Eind = vLB

current, and the force is eliminated.

Then the maximum velocity v = E/LB

v = 18/0.30*0.25

v = 240 m/s

Hence Option (5) is correct.

To know more about Mass visit:


The complete question is-

In the figure, a conducting metal bar of mass [tex]$0.5 \mathrm{~kg}$[/tex] sliding along conducting rails is connected to a battery of emf [tex]$18 \mathrm{~V}$[/tex] and resistor [tex]$R=200 \Omega$[/tex] to form a circuit. The rails are [tex]$30 \mathrm{~cm}$[/tex] apart and the entire arrangement is embedded in a uniform magnetic field [tex]$0.25 \mathrm{~T}$[/tex] directed into the page, as shown. Find the maximum velocity [tex]$v$[/tex] the bar attains under these conditions.

(1) [tex]$345 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$[/tex]

(2) [tex]$68 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$[/tex]

(3) [tex]$98 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$[/tex]

(4) [tex]$135 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$[/tex]

(5) [tex]$240 \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{s}$[/tex]

To understand the standard formula for a sinusoidal traveling wave One formula for a wave with a y displacement (e.g., of a string) traveling in the x direction is y(x, t) A sin(kx-wt) All the questions in this problem refer to this formula and to the wave it describes. Part A Which of the following are independent variables? O x only O t only O A only O k only O w only O xand t O w and t
O A and k and w Submit


The displacement of the sinusoidal wave travelling withinside the x course is y(x,t)=Asin(kx-wt).

This is described as a propagation of disturbances from vicinity to vicinity in a ordinary and prepared way.

The unbiased variables are x and t• Parameters that decide the traits of the wave are amplitude A, propagation steady okay and angular frequency wThe section phi(x,t) of the wave is (kx-wt)The wavelength A of the wave λ = 2π/ okayThe duration T of the wave = 2pi / omega• The pace of propagation v of the wave = w/okay

Read extra approximately Waves here


coherent light that contains two wavelengths, 660 nm (red) and 470 nm (blue), passes through two narrow slits that are separated by 0.450 mm. their interference pattern is observed on a screen 4.10 m from the slits.What is the distance on the screen between thefirst-order bright fringes for the two wavelengths?


First-order brilliant fringes for the two wavelengths are separated on the screen by a distance of 0.00254 m, or 2.54 mm.

How wide is the screen's fringe separation?

The breadth or gap between two subsequent brilliant or dark fringes is referred to as the fringe.

y = Fringe distance

d= Distance between slits = 0.3 mm

L = Screen distance = 4 m

λ = Wavelength

When constructive interference occurs

Y/L = mλ/d

For first order wavelength

y1 = 4 × 1×660 ×10^-9 / 0.3×10^-3

y1 = 0.0088m

y2 = 1×450 ×10^10-9 / 0.3×10^10-3

y2 = 0.00626

distance between the fringes is given:

y1 +y2 = 0.0088+0.00626 = 0.00251m

First-order brilliant fringes for the two wavelengths are separated on the screen by a distance of 0.00254 m, or 2.54 mm.

To know more about fringe separation visit:-


the circuit in fig. 32-31 consists of switch s, a 12.0 v ideal battery, a 20.0 m resistor, and an air-filled capacitor. the capacitor has parallel circular plates of radius 5.00 cm, separated by 3.00 mm. at time t 0, switch s is closed to begin charging the capacitor. the electric field between the plates is uniform. at t 250 ms, what is the magnitude of the magnetic field within the capacitor, at radial distance 3.00 cm?


The electric field between the plates is uniform. at t 250 ms, 4.78 x 10^-7 T is the magnitude of the magnetic field within the capacitor, at radial distance 3.00 cm.

The magnitude of the magnetic field within the capacitor at a given time, you need to know the current flowing through the circuit at that time. The current flowing through the circuit is given by Ohm's Law:

I = V / R

Where I is the current, V is the voltage across the resistor (which is the same as the voltage of the battery), and R is the resistance of the resistor. Putting values from the problem gives:

= I = 12.0 V / 20.0 mΩ

= 0.600 A

Once you have the current, you can use the right-hand rule to find the direction of the magnetic field within the capacitor. The right-hand rule states that if you point your right thumb in the direction of the current, your fingers will curl in the direction of the magnetic field.

To find the magnitude of the magnetic field, you can use the equation:

= B = μ0 x I / 2πr

Where B is the magnitude of the magnetic field, μ0 is the permeability of free space (a constant equal to 4π x 10^-7 T*m/A), I is the current, and r is the radial distance from the center of the current-carrying wire (in this case, the resistor). Putting the values from the problem gives:

= B = 4π x 10^-7 T x m/A x 0.600 A / (2π x 3.00 cm)

= 4.78 x 10^-7 T

So, the magnitude of the magnetic field within the capacitor at a radial distance of 3.00 cm, 250 ms after the switch is closed, is approximately 4.78 x 10^-7 T.

To know more about capacitor please refer:


Cepheid variables are valuable as distance markers because they are ________ and their period of brightening is directly related to their ________________
a. bright; absolute magnitude
b. bright; apparent magnitude
c. dim; apparent magnitude
d. dim; absolute magnitude


Cepheid variables are valuable as distance markers because they are bright and their period of brightening is directly related to their absolute magnitude.

What is Cepheid variable?

Cepheid variable is one of a class of variable stars whose periods (the time for one cycle) of variation are closely related to their luminosity and that are therefore useful in measuring interstellar and intergalactic distances.

Cepheids are special in which the period at that Cepheids pulse is related to their average intrinsic luminosity. More luminous Cepheids pulse more slowly. By measuring the period of a Cepheid, we can calculate its intrinsic luminosity, and also its distance.

Learn more about Cepheids at:


Air at 200 kPa, 52°C, and a velocity of 330 m/s enters an insulated duct of varying cross-sectional area. The air exits at 100 kPa, 82°C. At the inlet, the cross-sectional area is 16.57 cm2.Assuming the ideal gas model for the air, determine:(a) the exit velocity, in m/s.(b) the rate of entropy production within the duct, in kW/K.


The rate of entropy is  0.337Kw/ K.

What is enthalpy ?

Chemists generally use a quantity known as enthalpy to describe the thermodynamics of chemical and physical processes (H). Enthalpy is determined using the formula H = U + PV, where PV stands for the system's volume and U for its internal energy.

What is entropy ?

Entropy is essentially a measurement of the amount of energy that molecules and atoms disperse during a process. It can be described in terms of the other thermodynamic quantities or in terms of the statistical probability of a system.

Take enthalpy from ideal gas properties of all tables at

T₁= 52°C = 325 K

i.e. h₁= 325.31 KJ/ Kg

T₂ = 82°C = 355K

h₂= 355.535 KJ/ Kg

applying energy rate balance eq

Gev = Wev + m [ (h₁-h₂)+ v₁²-v₂²/2 + g ( 21- 2g )]= 1

= m( h₂-h₁) + v₁²-v₂²/2) = 0

= v₁²-v₂²/2=  h₂-h₁

= v₁²-v₂²-2 (  h₂-h₁)

= (330) ²- 2( 355.535- 325.31) * 10⁻³

v₂= [tex]\sqrt{108900- 60450}[/tex]

V₂= 220.11 m/s

Continuing equation

m= A₁V₁/V₁

m= A₁V₁/ RT₁/P₁ = P₁/RT₁= A₁V₁

= 200*10³/ 287 (52+273) * 16.57 *10⁻⁴*330

= 1.17 KG/S

Entropy value from the ideal gas properties of air at

T₁ = 52° = 325 K   S₁= 1.78248 KJ/ Kg.k

T₂= 82°= 325 K     S₂= 1.871255  KJ/ Kg.k

Rate of entropy production within the drift

cv = m [ s₂-s₁ - Rln ( p₂/ p₁)

= 0.337Kw/ K

Therefore, rate of entropy is  0.337Kw/ K.

Learn more about enthalpy from the given link.


a double pendulum consists of two simple pendula, with one pendulum suspended from the bob of the other. if the two pendula have equal lengths, $l$, and have bobs of equal mass, $m$, and if both pendula are confined to move in the same vertical plane, find lagrange's equations of motion for the system. use $\theta $ and $\phi$--the angles the upper and lower pendulums make with the downward vertical (respectively)--as the generalized coordinates. do not assume small angles.


Lagrange's equations of motion for the system is d(ml³Ф2 + ml²Ф1 cos (Ф1-Ф2)) − (−ml³Ф1Ф2 sin (Ф1-Ф2)-mgl sinФ2 )/dt = 0.

Newton’s method of developing equations of motion requires taking elements apart. When forces at interconnections are not of primary interest, more advantageous to derive equations of motion by considering energies in the system

Lagrange’s equations is Indirect approach that can be applied for other types of systems (other than mechanical) Based on calculus of variations.

A plane pendulum (length l and mass m), restrained by a linear spring of spring constant k and a linear dashpot of dashpot constant c. The upper end of the rigid massless link is supported by a frictionless joint.

A mass spring dashpot subsystem in a falling container of mass m1. The system is subject to constraints that confine its motion to the vertical direction only. The mass m2  linear spring of undeformed length l0 and spring constant k, and the linear dashpot of dashpot constant c of the internal subsystem.

To know more about equations of motion here


a 36 n crate starting at rest slides down a ramp set a 37 degrees before continuing to slide an additional 3.3 meters along the ground. the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the surface of the ramp/ground is 0.19.


A 36 n crate starting at rest slides down a ramp set a 37 degrees before continuing to slide an additional 3.3 meters along the ground. So, the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the surface of the ground is 0.19.

By applying newtons laws of motion we know,   ∑Fy = n–mgcosθ=0.

Hence, n = mgcosθ.

Now, f = μkn

Now, μk = f/mgcosθ.

By calculating by the above formula coefficient of kinetic friction comes out to be 0.19.

Kinetic friction - Kinetic friction is the name given to the force that exists between moving surfaces. The movement of a body on the surface is opposed by a force that is perceived. The magnitude of the force will depend on the kinetic friction coefficient between the two materials. Friction is simply the force that prevents something from slipping. Every object suffers kinetic friction, which prevents two or more things from moving at the same time. The force acts in the opposite direction from the direction that an object wants to slide as it slides. Friction also plays a significant role in routine tasks like rubbing two things together. In some instances, the heat generated by the ensuing motion ultimately starts a fire. Oil is required to lubricate machine parts because it reduces friction, which also contributes to wear and tear. When two objects rub against one another, the frictional force that results is converted into thermal energy, which occasionally starts a fire Machine parts need to be lubricated with oil to prevent wear and tear caused by kinetic friction.

To know more about Kinetic friction please refer:


Calculate the velocity for a 20kg object with 2,00J of KE.


so this is the answer velocity =10√2

use ohm's law to determine the resistance of the conductors between the first and last receptacles based on the voltage dropped across the branch circuit conductors and the circuit current when loaded to 80% capacity. note: the branch circuit overcurrent protective device is rated at 15 amperes. (round the final answer to three decimal places.)


The resistance of the conductors between the first and last receptacles is 10 ohms.

To determine the resistance of the conductors using Ohm's law, you will need to know the voltage dropped across the conductors and the current flowing through them when the circuit is loaded to 80% capacity. Ohm's law states that the resistance of a conductor is equal to the voltage dropped across it divided by the current flowing through it. Therefore, the resistance of the conductors can be calculated using the following formula:

Resistance (R) = Voltage (V) / Current (I)

Assuming that the voltage dropped across the conductors is V and the current flowing through the conductors is I, the resistance of the conductors can be calculated as follows:

R = V / I

If the circuit is loaded to 80% capacity, the current flowing through the conductors will be 80% of the rated capacity of the overcurrent protective device, which is 15 amperes. Therefore, the current flowing through the conductors will be 0.8 * 15 amperes = 12 amperes.

If the voltage dropped across the conductors is V, the resistance of the conductors can be calculated as follows:

R = V / 12 amperes

To express the resistance in ohms, the units of amperes must be canceled out. Therefore, the resistance of the conductors can be expressed as follows:

R (ohms) = V (volts) / 12 (amperes)

If you know the values of V and I, you can substitute them into the formula above to calculate the resistance of the conductors.

For example, if the voltage dropped across the conductors is 120 volts and the current flowing through the conductors is 12 amperes, the resistance of the conductors would be:

R = 120 volts / 12 amperes = 10 ohms

To know more about Ohms Law visit :


mass and weight the standard metric unit for mass is and the stanard metric unit for weight is worksheet. t/f


The standard metric unit for mass is kilogram and the standard metric unit for weight is Newton.

There are two type of quantities in the physical world one are derived quantities and the seconds are fundamental quantities. Mass is a fundamental quantity and weight is a derived quantity that is a combination of acceleration due to gravity and mass.

These quantities are measured with respect to a standard System of units.

These units are decided by International organisations.

As per the latest update to the units the standard metric unit for mass for decided to be kilogram and the standard metric unit decided for weight was Newton.

To know more about standard metric units, visit,


the concentration of particles (assume neutral hydrogen atoms) in interstellar gas is 1 particle/cm3, and the average temperature is about 3 k.


The pressure of the interstellar gas is 2.76*10-16 pascal.

What are interstellar gasses?

Most of the gas between stars in our galaxy and other galaxies is hydrogen and helium, which is dispersed at different densities between the stars. The gas ratios are comparable to those of the Sun. Star formation starts with interstellar gas as its raw material.

PV = nRT

V = 10-6 m3

n = 1/NA ; NA = avagadro number = 6.022*1023

n = 1.66*10-24

R = 8.314 J/K/mole

T = 20K

P = 1.66*10-24*8.314*20 / 10-6  

P = 2.76*10-16 pascal

Therefore, the pressure of the interstellar gas is 2.76*10-16 pascal.

To learn more about interstellar gas from the given link.


Complete question:

The concentration of particles (assume neutral hydrogen atoms) in interstellar gas is 1.0 particle/cm3, and the average temperature is about 3 K .

1. What is the pressure of the interstellar gas? (please give units)

a. A mass, m2, is initially at rest. A mass, m1, traveling with velocity, v1, collides with m2 in an elastic collision. After the collision, the two objects move with final velocities, v1f and v2f respectively. Using the laws of conservation of energy and momentum, show that the ratio of the final velocities in terms of m1 and m2 is given by: (v2f/v1f) = (2m1/m1 −m2) b. Linearize the expression in Exercise 1 by making the following substitutions: y≡m2/m1 andx≡v1f/v2f If y is plotted as a function of x, what values do you expect for the slope and intercept? c. Based on your result from Exercise2, what ratio of masses, m2/m1,results in final velocities, v1f andv2f that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction?


Conservation of kinetic energy, v2f/v1f = (2m1/m1 −m2),

ratio of masses, m2/m1 = 3.

By conservation of momentum,

m1v1 + 0 = m1v1f + m2v2f

=> v1 = v1f + (m2/m1)v2f

By conservation of kinetic energy,

(1/2)m1v1^2 + 0 = (1/2)m1v1f^2 + (1/2)m2v2f^2

m1v1^2 = m1v1f^2 + m2v2f^2

m1[v1f + (m2/m1)v2f]^2 = m1v1f^2 + m2v2f^2

m1[v1f^2 + (m2/m1)^2*v2f^2 + 2v1f.(m2/m1)v2f] = m1v1f^2 + m2v2f^2

m1v1f^2 + (m2^2/m1)v2f^2 + 2m2.v1f.v2f = m1v1f^2 + m2v2f^2

(m2^2/m1)v2f^2 + 2m2.v1f.v2f = m2v2f^2

(m2^2/m1)v2f + 2m2.v1f = m2.v2f

v2f[1 - m2/m1] = 2v1f

v2f/v1f = (2m1/m1 −m2)

b. From 3,

v1f/v2f = 1/2 - (1/2)(m2/m1)

Now y≡m2/m1 andx≡v1f/v2f

=> x = 1/2 - 1/2y

=> 2x = 1 - y

=> y = -2x + 1 ------------4

Comparing with y = mx + c,

Slope is m = -2 and intercept is c = 1

c. Now putting v1f = -v2f means x = -1

Therefore, from 4,

m2/m1 = y = -2*-1 + 1 = 3

=> m2/m1 = 3.

Every moving item possesses kinetic energy, which can be characterized as such. The energy that results from motion is simply referred to as kinetic energy. On the basis of the kind of motion that the objects are in, kinetic energy can be further divided into numerous sorts. For instance, rotational kinetic energy is the energy that a body with circular motion possesses, such as planets orbiting the sun; vibrational kinetic energy is the energy that an object has due to vibration, such as a vibrating phone; and translational kinetic energy is the energy that a body with motion possesses, such as a moving object from one location to another. Our daily lives make it simple to see translational kinetic energy in action.

Learn more about kinetic energy here:


The G string on a guitar is a 0.46 mm diameter steel string with a linear density of 1.3 g/m. When the string is properly tuned to 196 Hz, the wave speed on the string is 250 m/s. Tuning is done by turning the tuning screw, which slowly tightens - and stretchs - the string. By how many mm does a 75 cm long G string stretch when it's first tuned?


A 75 cm long G string stretch when it's first tuned is 1.833 mm.

Density (volumetric mass density or specific mass) is the mass of matter per unit volume. The most commonly used symbol for density is ρ (lowercase Greek letter rho), but the Latin letter D can also be used. Mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume.

v = sqrt(T/mu)

250 = sqrt(T/(1.3x10^-3))

So T = 81.25 N

Young's modulus for steel = 200 x 10^9 Pa

Y = (T/A)/(deltal/l) = T*l/(deltal*A)

So deltal = (T*l)/(Y*A) = 81.25*0.75/(200x10^9*pi*(0.23x10^-3)^2) = 1.833 x 10^-3 m

R = 1.833 mm.

Learn more about density here :


Public Radio station KXPR-FM in Sacramento broadcasts at 88.9 MHz. The radio waves pass between two tall skyscrapers that are 15.0m apart along their closest walls.
A). At what horizontal angles, relative to the original direction of the waves, will a distant antenna not receive any signal from this station?
B).If the maximum intensity is 3.40W/m2 at the antenna, what is the intensity at �6.00? from the center of the central maximum at the distant antenna?


For radio-waves in Public Radio station KXPR-FM, the horizontal angles and intensity is-

(A)  1.4597 rad is the horizontal angles, relative to the original direction of the radio-waves.

(B) The intensity will be 1.576 W/m² for the given radio-waves.

Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation. A radio wave has a much longer wavelength than visible light. Humans use radio waves extensively for communications. This radio tower has both rectangular and circular antennas to transmit and receive radio frequency energy.

A radio wave is generated by a transmitter and then detected by a receiver. An antenna allows a radio transmitter to send energy into space and a receiver to pick up energy from space.

Radio waves are used for wireless transmission of sound messages, or information, for communication, as well as for maritime and aircraft navigation. The information is imposed on the electromagnetic carrier wave as amplitude modulation.

Learn more about radio-waves here:-


the beam contains the same number of red-light photons and blue-light photons, since the energy in the corresponding spectra is distributed equally. the beam contains a greater number of red-light photons, since they are less energetic relative to blue-light photons so that more red-light photons are needed to correspond to the total energy of blue-light photons. the beam contains a greater number of blue-light photons, since they are less energetic relative to red-light photons so that more blue-light photons are needed to correspond to the total energy of red-light photons.


The energy of the photon increases with frequency. The number of photons in a beam of light is obvious. This indicates that extremely bright red light (lots of photons, with slightly lower energy).

Which type of light beam—red or violet—emits more electrons?

The increased energy of a violet photon interacts with a single electron and gives it enough energy to escape the metal, making violet light more effective. The frequency of the light determines the electron's energy.

Why do red light sources produce more photons?

Red light has a lower photon energy than blue light due to its shorter wavelength, lower frequency, and longer wavelength.

To know more about photon visit:-


degeneracy pressure results from the uncertainty principle. general relativity. special relativity. the exclusion principle.


The exclusion principle, is the degeneracy pressure, results from the uncertainty principle. Correct answer: letter C.

Since, the pressure that arises when the electrons in an atom occupy all the available quantum states, which makes it difficult for additional electrons to enter the atom.

What is the difference between the exclusion principle and the uncertainty principle?

The exclusion principle and the uncertainty principle are two distinct principles.

The exclusion principle states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers, while the uncertainty principle states that the position and momentum of a particle cannot both be known with precision.

Learn more about the exclusion principle:


the uncertainty principle states that the more we know about the location of a particle, the less we can know about its: momentum. charge. mass. spin.


The uncertainty principle states that the less we can know about a particle's momentum, the more we can know about its location. A particle's mass multiplied by its momentum determines its momentum.

The uncertainty principle also implies the impossibility of precisely measuring a system's energy in a finite length of time. Measurement of Position and Momentum at the Same Time Is Not Possible. Take an example where the location of an electron is measured to demonstrate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. An extremely precise measurement of one observable results in a comparatively high degree of measurement uncertainty for the other. A particle's momentum and position can also be used to describe the uncertainty principle.

Learn more about uncertainty principle here


an inclined ramp is set up on your table. from the top of the ramp, you release a disk, hoop, and solid sphere at the same time. all objects are well manufactured with exactly the same mass. they are completely uniform and roll without slipping. which object reaches the bottom of the ramp first, second and third? select from the following, which are listed in order of first, second, third.


By evaluating the moment of inertia of the bodies, we get that the Solid Sphere will reach first, followed by the disk and hoop respectively.

Torque is the product of the moment of inertia and angular acceleration.

If torque is constant, the angular acceleration will be less for a large moment of inertia.

So, the object will smaller moment of inertia (I), the acceleration will be more, and thus, it will reach the bottom of the ramp first.

The given objects are disk, hoop, and solid sphere.

The moment of inertia of the Hoop = [tex]MR^{2}[/tex]

The moment of inertia of the Disk = [tex]\frac{1}{2} MR^{2}[/tex]

The moment of inertia of a solid sphere = [tex]\frac{2}{5} MR^{2}[/tex]

So, the moment of inertia for the hoop is greater than the disk and solid sphere.

[tex]I_{s} < I_{d} < I_{h}[/tex]

Thus, Solid Sphere will reach first, followed by disk and hoop respectively.

To read more about the moment of inertia, visit


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