In Fig. 30-46, a stiff wire bent into a semicircle of radius a = 1.4 cm is rotated at constant angular speed 30 rev/s in a uniform 20 mT magnetic field. What are the (a) frequency and (b) amplitude of the emf induced in the loop?


Answer 1

A stiff wire bent into a semicircle of radius a = 1.4 cm. The frequency is 30 Hertz and the amplitude of the emf induced in the loop is 1.16 x 10⁻³ V

Formula for the angular frequency is:

ω = 2πf


ω = angular frequency (rad/s)

f = frequency (Hertz)

In the given problem,

ω = 30 rev/sec = 30 x 2π rad/s

a) f = ω / 2π

f = 30 x 2π / 2π = 30 Hertz

b) The induced emf is:

ε = Bπ²a²f sin(ωt)


B = magnetic field

a = radius

In the given problem,

B = 20 x 10⁻³ T

a = 1.4 x 10⁻² m

Hence, the amplitude or the maximum emf is:

ε_max = Bπ²a²f

           = (20 x 10⁻³) π² (1.4 x 10⁻²)² (30) = 1.16 x 10⁻³ Volt

Learn more about induced emf here:


Related Questions

A car can be brought to rest from a speed of 200m/s in a time of 2 seconds calculate average deceleration.​



The average deceleration of the car can be calculated using the formula for deceleration, which is given by the change in velocity divided by the time over which the change occurs. In this case, the initial velocity of the car is 200 m/s, the final velocity is 0 m/s, and the time over which the change occurs is 2 seconds. Therefore, the average deceleration can be calculated as follows:

Deceleration = (0 m/s - 200 m/s) / 2 s = -100 m/s^2

The negative sign indicates that the deceleration is in the opposite direction to the initial velocity of the car, which is what we would expect in this case, since the car is slowing down. Therefore, the average deceleration of the car is -100 m/s^2.

s it possible to change velocity while moving at a constant speed?absolutely not because they are of the same value; a speed is just a magnitude of a velocity.yes, if acceleration has component parallel to the velocity but has no component perpendicular to the velocity.yes, if acceleration has component perpendicular to the velocity but has no component parallel to the, change is velocity will be always followed by the change in speed.


Yes, provided that the acceleration contains components that are parallel to and inversely proportional to the velocity.

Explaining an acceleration

Acceleration describes the speed and direction changes in velocity over time. Acceleration refers to the change in speed or direction of an item or point traveling straight forward. Due to the frequent changes in direction, motion on a circle accelerates even while the speed stays the same.

What are the 3 different forms of acceleration?

The three different categories of accelerated movements are uniform acceleration, non-uniform acceleration, and average acceleration. When an object moves in a straight path while experiencing equal-interval increases in velocity, this motion is referred to as having uniform acceleration.

To know more about Acceleration visit:


Which of the following statements is not true of tornadoes?
a. usually occur along the warm front of a midlatitude cyclone
b. occur most frequently in the spring of the year
c. most common in the Midwest and Great Plains
d. generally move from the southwest toward the northeast
e. associated with cumulonimbus clouds


The comments below about tornadoes are untrue; they do not typically occur near the warm front associated with a midlatitude cyclone.

Which of these three tornado kinds are they?

There are several different kinds of tornadoes, such as multiple vortex tornadoes, landspouts, and waterspouts. Waterspouts as characterized by a wind current that spirals into the shape of a funnel and connects to a sizable cumulus of cumulonimbus cloud.

what is The causes of tornadoes?

Warm, humid air rises inside thunderclouds while chilly air descends, bringing with it rain or hail and rain. Air currents within the cloud may spin as a result of these circumstances. Despite their initial horizontal orientation, the whirling currents have the ability to change vertical, drop from the cloud, and eventually form a tornado.

To know more about tornadoes visit:


a plane files from point a to point b. b is 1207 km west 957 km south a. sketch a picture of this situation. what is the total displacement of the plane


The closest distance and angle to this question are 1540.35 kilometers and 38.4 ° S. (depending on how you rounded).

What is Displacement and distance are they equivalent?

There is a common misconception that distance & displacement are simply two different terms for the same thing. But separation separates the concepts of distance and displacement. The total distance covered by an object is always larger than the movement between those two sites, even if it changes direction throughout the course of its voyage.

The displacement is which one, which?

The smallest (straight line) length between a body's starting position and its final location—represented by an arrow pointing from starting spot to final position—is referred to as a brain's displacement when it moves through one position to another.

To know more about displacement plane visit:


Newton’s third law of motion on a flying chair swing ride



Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force back on the first object.

On a flying chair swing ride, the forces of action and reaction are at play as the ride moves. When the ride accelerates and lifts off the ground, the force of gravity is pulling the chairs downward, while the force of the ride's propulsion is pushing the chairs upward. These two forces are equal and opposite, and they balance each other out, causing the ride to lift off the ground and rise into the air.

As the ride moves through the air, the chairs continue to experience the forces of action and reaction. For example, as the ride turns, the chairs experience a force pushing them outward, while the ride's structure experiences an equal and opposite force pushing inward.

Overall, Newton's third law of motion is at work throughout the entire ride, as the forces of action and reaction balance each other out and allow the ride to move smoothly through the air.

You wish to chill your freshly brewed tea with the minimum amount of ice that will avoid watering it down too much. What is the minimum amount of ice you should add to2.70 kgof freshly brewed tea at91.98∘Cto cool it to6.19∘C? The ice is initially at a temperature of -51∘C. Heat capacity of water a 4190 Jikgik The specifio heat of ice=2010 J/kg/KLatent heat coeficient of fusion for ice=3.34×105 J/kg


To find the minimum amount of ice needed to cool the tea, you can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT + mL

where Q is the heat energy required, m is the mass of the ice, c is the specific heat capacity of ice, ΔT is the temperature change, and L is the latent heat of fusion.

The specific heat capacity of ice is 2010 J/kg°C. The latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.34 x 10^5 J/kg.

First, find the heat energy needed to cool the tea from 91.98°C to 6.19°C:

Q = 2.70 kg * 4190 J/kg°C * (91.98°C - 6.19°C) = 2.70 kg * 4190 J/kg°C * 85.79°C = 92959.58 J

Then, find the heat energy needed to melt the ice:

Q = mL = m * 3.34 x 10^5 J/kg = m * 3.34 x 10^5 J/kg

Then, add the heat energy needed to cool the tea to the heat energy needed to melt the ice:

Q = 92959.58 J + mL = 92959.58 J + 3.34 x 10^5 J/kg * m

Finally, rearrange the equation to solve for m:

m = (Q - 92959.58 J) / (3.34 x 10^5 J/kg)

Plugging in the given values, you get:

m = (92959.58 J - 92959.58 J) / (3.34 x 10^5 J/kg) = 0 kg

So the minimum amount of ice needed to cool the tea is 0 kg. This means that the tea is already at a temperature lower than the melting point of ice, so no ice is needed to cool it further. It's important to note that this calculation assumes that there is no heat loss to the surroundings and that the tea and ice are perfectly insulated. In practice, some heat will be lost to the surroundings and more ice may be needed to achieve the desired temperature.

A mild steel ring of 30 cm mean circumference has a cross-sectional area of 6 cm2 and has a winding of 500 turns on it. The ring is cut through at a point so as to provide an airgap of 1 mm in the magnetic circuit. It is found that a current of 4 A in the winding, produces a flux density of 1 T in the air-gap. Find (i) the relative permeability of the mild steel and (ii) inductance of the winding


Inductance of the winding is 69.

What is Inductance?

The way a wire coil reacts to changes in electric current through the coil is an example of inductance. The inductance L, which results from Faraday's law, can be expressed in terms of the emf produced to oppose a specific change in current:

Inductors generate a self-induced emf within themselves as a result of their changing magnetic field.

In an electrical circuit, when the emf is induced in the same circuit in which the current is changing this effect is called Self-induction, (L) but it is sometimes commonly called back-emf as its polarity is in the opposite direction to the applied voltage.

Therefore,  Inductance of the winding is 69.

To learn more about inductance, refer to the link:


3. Jack is 10 years old but he scored a mental age of 8 years old on his IQ test. Using the Terman formula, what would Jack's IQ score be?



If Jack is 10 years old and scored a mental age of 8 years old on his IQ test, his IQ score would be 80 using the Terman formula. The Terman formula is commonly used to calculate IQ scores based on the ratio of an individual's mental age to their chronological age. In this case, Jack's mental age is 8 and his chronological age is 10, so his IQ score would be calculated as follows:

IQ = (MA / CA) * 100

= (8 / 10) * 100

= 0.8 * 100

= 80

This means that Jack's cognitive abilities are at the level of an average 8-year-old, even though he is actually 10 years old. His IQ score of 80 falls within the average range of IQ scores, which is typically considered to be between 90 and 110.

A heavy stone and a light stone are released from rest in such a way that they both have the same amount of gravitational potential energy just as they are released. Air resistance is negligibly small. Which of the following statements about these stones are correct? (There could be more than one correct choice)
a) The stones must have been released from the same height.
b) The stones both have the same kinetic energy just as they reach the ground.
c) The stones both have the same speed just as they reach the ground.
d) Just as it reaches the ground, the light stone is travelling faster than the heavy stone.
e) The initial height of the light stone is greater than the initial height of the heavy stone.


The stones needed to be dropped from the same height. The light stone is moving quicker than the hefty stone just as it touches the ground. The light stone is taller when it is first placed than the heavy stone is.

What exactly is meant by energy?

Energy is the ability to carry out work. Potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, and other forms may all exist for it.

In Example, what is energy?

There are numerous types of energy. Examples of these include: electromagnetic energy, chemical energy, nuclear or atomic energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, sound energy, and so on. Each form can be changed or transformed into the others.

To know more about Energy visit:


A capacitor and a resistor are connected in series across an AC generator, as shown in Figure MCQ21.9. After the switch is closed, which of the following state- ments is true? (a) The voltage across the capacitor lags the current by 90°. (b) The voltage across the resis- tor is out of phase with the current. (c) The voltage across the capacitor leads the current by 90°. (d) The current decreases as the frequency of the generator is increased, but its peak voltage remains the same. (e) none of these


Over an AC generator, a series connection between a capacitor and a resistor is made. The voltage across the capacitor is 90 degrees behind the current.

What is the meaning of voltage?

Voltage is the pressure from the power source of an electrical circuit that drives charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, allowing them to perform tasks like lighting a lamp. Briefly stated, voltage equals pressure and is measured in volts (V).

How do current and voltage work?

The energy per unit charge is known as voltage, also known as electromotive force. Voltage is the difference in electric potential between two locations, to put it another way. The pace at which an electric charge flows is known as current.

To know more about Voltage visit:


in nontraditional processes, various energy forms other than a sharp cutting tool are used to remove material. some example are electrochemical and thermal energy processes.


A collection of procedures that remove extra material using a variety of mechanical, thermal, electrical, or chemical energy-based methods.

The importance of energy

Due to the fact that it is a fundamental human requirement, energy is crucial to our everyday existence. Our constructions, which are constructed by humans, are heated and cooled by energy. Even the simplest tasks like raising your finger or getting out of bed need energy.

How is energy created?

By converting mechanical energy to electrical energy, a turbine generator set generates electricity. Natural gas, coal, nuclear fission, biomass, petroleum, geothermal, and solar thermal are examples of energy sources where the heat generated is utilized to produce steam that turns the turbine's blades.

To know more about Energy visit:


if the absolute temperature of an object is tripled, the thermal power radiated by this object (assuming that its emissivity and size are not affected by the temperature change) will


If the absolute temperature of an object is tripled, the thermal power radiated by the object will increase by a factor of 3^4=81.

Increase by a factor of 9 i.e. (3^2). This is because the Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the power radiated by a black body (an object that absorbs all incoming electromagnetic radiation) is proportional to the fourth power of its temperature. Thus, if the temperature of an object is tripled, the thermal power it radiates will increase by a factor of 3^4=81. It's important to note that the emissivity and size of an object can affect the amount of thermal radiation it emits. The emissivity of an object is a measure of how efficiently it radiates energy, and a larger object will generally have a greater surface area, which means it will be able to radiate more energy.

To know more about power please refer:


in the following three arrangements each resistor has the same resistance r. rank the equivalent resistances of the arrangements in descending order (largest first).


C. Are B, C, and A in a series? Three layouts are shown, two in parallel and one in series. The resistance of each resistor is same. r. sort in declining order the analogous resistances of the layouts.

Which is better, a capacitor or a resistor?

In resistors, electrical energy is transformed into heat that is subsequently dissipated. With negative and positive charges kept apart, capacitors are frequently employed to filter frequencies. Alternative current can be passed through capacitors while direct current is blocked.

Exactly why is everyone resistors used?

Electrical resistance is provided by a resistor, a two-terminal electrical component. Resistors are mainly used to split voltages, impede transmission signals, reduce current flow, and bias active components in electronic circuits.

To know more about resistor  visit:


A swimmer, capable of swimming at a speed of 1.4 m/s in still water (i.e., the swimmer can swim with a speed of 1.4 m/s relative to the water), starts to swim directly across a 2.8-km-wide river. However, the current is 0.91 m/s, and it carries the swimmer downstream. (a) How long does it take the swimmer to cross the river?
(b) How far downstream will the swimmer be upon reaching the other side of the river?


(a) The swimmer needs 3000 seconds before take a bath across that whole river.

(b) D = 2730 meters, which represents how far downstream the swimmer will be when they cross the river.

What does the term "downstream" mean?

Two miles downstream, in the course of or closer to the entrance of a stream drifting downstream. in or around the end of a typical industrial process and the stages after fabrication that increase earnings for downstream products.

What is a river's downstream?

Downstream It is referred to as downstream if somehow the boat is moving downwards of the stream. The downstream speed in this situation refers to the boat's net speed. In this situation, still water is seen as being immobile.


Time = ?

d / v = t

3000 m / 1.0 m/s

T = 3000 s

Distance = ?

t * v = d

3000 s * 0.91 m/s

D = 2730 m

To know more about downstream visit:


a(n) 79 kg person is parachuting and experiencing a downward acceleration of 2.7 m/s2. the mass of the parachute is 4.9 kg.


79 kg person is parachuting and experience a down acceleration of 2.7 m/s2. This is slightly different from the downward acceleration of 2.7 m/s2, which suggests that there are additional forces acting.

The downward force acting on the person while they are parachuting is equal to the person's mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2). This can be expressed mathematically as:

= F

= ma

= 79 kg x 9.8 m/s2

= 774.2 N

The mass of the parachute also contributes to the downward force acting on the person. The total downward force acting on the person is equal to the sum of the forces acting on the person and the parachute. This can be expressed mathematically as:

= F total

= F person + F parachute

= 774.2 N + (4.9 kg x 9.8 m/s2)

= 783.54 N

The acceleration of the person and parachute system is equal to the total downward force acting on the system divided by the total mass of the system. This can be expressed mathematically as:

= a

= F total / m total

= 783.54 N / (79 kg + 4.9 kg)

= 7.96 m/s2

Therefore, the acceleration of the person and parachute system is 7.96 m/s2. This is slightly different from the downward acceleration of 2.7 m/s2 that the person is experiencing, which suggests that there are additional forces acting on the system besides the downward force of gravity.

To know more about acceleration please refer:


A baseball is popped straight up into the air and has a hang-time of 6.25 S.
Determine the height to which the ball rises before it reaches its peak. (Hint: the
time to rise to the peak is one-half the total hang-time.)



To determine the height to which the ball rises before it reaches its peak, we need to know the initial velocity of the ball and the acceleration due to gravity. Let's assume the initial velocity of the ball is v and the acceleration due to gravity is g.

The time it takes for the ball to reach its peak is one-half the total hang-time, or 1/2 * 6.25 s = 3.125 s.

The height to which the ball rises can be calculated using the formula:

height = v * t - (1/2) * g * t^2

Substituting in the values we know, we get:

height = v * 3.125 s - (1/2) * g * (3.125 s)^2

To solve for the height, we need to know the value of v and g. Without more information, it is not possible to determine the height to which the ball rises before it reaches its peak.



Approximately [tex]47.9\; {\rm m}[/tex] (assuming that [tex]g = 9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex] and that air resistance on the baseball is negligible.)


If the air resistance on the baseball is negligible, the baseball will reach maximum height at exactly [tex](1/2)[/tex] the time it is in the air. In this example, that will be [tex]t = (6.25\; {\rm s}) / (2) = 3.125\; {\rm s}[/tex].

When the baseball is at maximum height, the velocity of the baseball will be [tex]0[/tex]. Let [tex]v_{f}[/tex] denote the velocity of the baseball after a period of [tex]t[/tex]. After [tex]t = 3.125\; {\rm s}[/tex], the baseball would reach maximum height with a velocity of [tex]v_{f} = 0\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}[/tex].

Since air resistance is negligible, the acceleration on the baseball will be constantly [tex]a = (-g) = (-9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}})[/tex].

Let [tex]v_{i}[/tex] denote the initial velocity of this baseball. The SUVAT equation [tex]v_{f} = v_{i} + a\, t[/tex] relates these quantities. Rearrange this equation and solve for initial velocity [tex]v_{i}[/tex]:

[tex]\begin{aligned}v_{i} &= v_{f} - a\, t \\ &= (0\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}) - (-9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}})\, (3.125\; {\rm s}) \\ &\approx 30.656\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}\end{aligned}[/tex].

The displacement of an object is the change in the position. Let [tex]x[/tex] denote the displacement of the baseball when its velocity changed from [tex]v_{i} = 0\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}[/tex] (at starting point) to [tex]v_{t} \approx 30.656\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}}[/tex] (at max height) in [tex]t = 3.125\; {\rm s}[/tex]. Apply the equation [tex]x = (1/2)\, (v_{i} + v_{t}) \, t[/tex] to find the displacement of this baseball:

[tex]\begin{aligned}x &= \frac{1}{2}\, (v_{i} + v_{t})\, t \\ &\approx \frac{1}{2}\, (0\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}} + 30.565\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-1}})\, (3.125\; {\rm s}) \\ &\approx 47.9\; {\rm m}\end{aligned}[/tex].

In other words, the position of the baseball changed by approximately [tex]47.9\; {\rm m}[/tex] from the starting point to the position where the baseball reached maximum height. Hence, the maximum height of this baseball would be approximately [tex]47.9\; {\rm m}\![/tex].

find the resistance between points a and b.​


As per the given resistances, the equivalent resistance between points a and b will be equal to  14.43 Ω.

What is Resistance?

When an electric current passes through a lightbulb or any other conductor, the conductor presents some resistance to the current.

This resistance is referred to as resistance value and is represented by the letter R. Since every substance has some electrical resistance, when current flows through a conductor, heat is released.

As per the given figure in the question,

Firstly, calculate the total resistance between points d and c,

R₂ = 35 + 56

R₂ = 91 Ω


R₁ = 22 Ω

R₂ = 91 Ω and,

R₃ = 78 Ω

All are connected in parallel,

[tex]\frac{1}{R_a_b}[/tex] = 1/22 + 1/91 + 1/78

= 5408/78078

[tex]R_a_b[/tex] = 14.43 Ω.

To know more about Resistance:


As a person breathes, during the inhale part of the cycle air moves down the windpipe (bronchus) and through a constriction where the air speed doubles. If the air is traveling 46 cm/s before the constriction and we treat air as an incompressible fluid, determine the pressure drop in the constriction. Use the density of air as 1.29 kg/m3. in Pa


If the air is traveling 46 cm/s before the constriction and we treat air as an incompressible fluid, the pressure drop in the constriction is 106.8 Pa.

If we treat air as an incompressible fluid, the pressure drop in the constriction can be determined using Bernoulli’s equation. Bernoulli’s equation states that the sum of the pressure, kinetic energy, and potential energy of a fluid stream is constant.

The equation can be expressed as:

P1 + (1/2)ρv12 + ρgh1 = P2 + (1/2)ρv22 + ρgh2

Where P1 and P2 are the pressures before and after the constriction, ρ is the density of the fluid, v1 and v2 are the velocities before and after the constriction, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h1 and h2 are the heights before and after the constriction.

Given that the air velocity before the constriction is 46 cm/s and the density of air is 1.29 kg/m3, we can calculate the pressure drop in the constriction as follows:

P1 + (1/2)*(1.29 kg/m3)*(46 cm/s)2 + (1.29 kg/m3)*(9.8 m/s2)*h1 = P2 + (1/2)*(1.29 kg/m3)*(92 cm/s)2 + (1.29 kg/m3)*(9.8 m/s2)*h2

Since h1 and h2 are equal and the acceleration due to gravity is constant, we can simplify the equation to:

P1 + (1/2)*(1.29 kg/m3)*(46 cm/s)2 = P2 + (1/2)*(1.29 kg/m3)*(92 cm/s)2

Substituting the given numerical values, we get

P1 + (1/2)*(1.29 kg/m3)*(46 cm/s)2 = P2 + (1/2)*(1.29 kg/m3)*(92 cm/s)2

P1 + 35.6 Pa = P2 + 142.4 Pa

Therefore, the pressure drop in the constriction is 106.8 Pa.

Learn more about pressure at :


A neutron in a reactor makes an elastic headon collision with the nucleus of an atom initially at rest.
Assume: The mass of the atomic nucleus is
about 11.2 the mass of the neutron.
What fraction of the neutron’s kinetic energy is transferred to the atomic nucleus?
017 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points
If the initial kinetic energy of the neutron is
6.58 × 10−13 J, find its final kinetic energy.
Answer in units of J.



The energy of the system and total momentum are both conserved in an elastic head-on collision. The atomic nucleus receives 1.87 percent of the neutron's kinetic energy and final kinetic energy is 12.3×10-13J.


In elastic head-on collision, the energy of the system and total momentum is conserved.

For the neutron,

m - mass, - initial velocity,  - final velocity

For the atom,

M- mass , - initial velocity, - final velocity

Conserved momentum on the head-on collision




The kinetic energy


From equation (I) and (II)

(v_i-v_f)/(v_i^2-v_f^2 )=(12v_f^2)/(12v_f^2 )


Solve equation (I) and (III) for  


Now, the fraction of the neutron's kinetic energy transferred to the atomic nucleus,

(1/2 MV_f^2)/(1/2 mv_i^2 )=14.9/7.95=1.87


To know more about kinetic energy,


Select the correct answer.
A Kelvin (K) is a unit of measurement in the International System of Units. Which quantity is measured in Kelvin?
Group of answer choices


electric current





Answer: Temperature


Write the equation for the velocity component in the y-direction?



The equation for the velocity component in the y-direction is : vy (t)= v(0)Sinθ - gt

A wedge with mass M rests on a frictionless horizontal tabletop. A block with mass m is placed on the wedge and a horizontal force F is applied to the wedge. What must the magnitude of F be if the block is to remain at a constant height above the tabletop?


The magnitude of the force that must be applied to the wedge must be equal to the weight of the block, or force = mg.

If the block is to remain at a constant height above the tabletop, then the net force acting on it must be zero. The only force acting on the block is the normal force, which is the force exerted by the wedge on the block. Since the block is not accelerating, the normal force must be equal and opposite to the gravitational force acting on the block. This means that the magnitude of the normal force must be equal to the weight of the block, which is mg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

To know more about weight


Use the velocity versus time graph below to answer the question. From 0 seconds to 15 seconds, what is true about the car?

A. It has a constant velocity

B. It has a negative acceleration

C. It has a positive acceleration

D. It is not moving





The velocity is increasing steadily in this time frame

 and represents a POSITIVE acceleration....

    the acceleration would be equal to the slope of the line in that timeframe


C. Positive acceleration


Since velocity increases each seconds, the acceleration will be constantly positive. Otherwise, if velocity decreases then acceleration will be negative. Pretty much like real-world application, when there’s (positive) acceleration, it goes faster.

Find the uniform acceleration that causes a car's velocity to change from 23.6 m/s to 85.9 m/s in 7.6 seconds.


Answer: acceleration = (85.9 m/s - 23.6 m/s) / 7.6 s = 8.59 m/s^2.

Explanation: To find the acceleration of a car, we need to use the formula acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. In this case, the initial velocity is 23.6 m/s, the final velocity is 85.9 m/s, and the time is 7.6 seconds, so the acceleration is acceleration = (85.9 m/s - 23.6 m/s) / 7.6 s = 8.59 m/s^2.

Three identical reservoirs, A,B, and C, are represented above, each with a small pipe where water exits horizontally. The pipes are set at the same height above a pool of water. The water in the reservoirs is kept at the levels shown. Which of the following correctly ranks the horizontal distances d that the streams of water travel before hitting the surface of the pool? (A) dA > dB > dC
(B) dA = dB = dCâ
(C) (dA = dB) > dC
â (D) dC > dB > dA


Correctly ranks the horizontal distances d that the streams of water travel before hitting the surface of the pool is (A) i.e. dA > dB > dC

The horizontal distances that a stream of water travels before hitting the surface of the pool is determined by the height of the water in the reservoir and the height of the pipe above the pool. The higher the water level in the reservoir, the greater the downward force on the water and the greater the horizontal distance that the water will travel. The higher the pipe is above the pool, the less distance the water has to fall and the shorter the horizontal distance that the water will travel. Correct ranking of the horizontal distances d that the streams of water travel before hitting the surface of the pool. Reservoir A has the highest water level, followed by reservoir B, and then reservoir C. The pipes in all three reservoirs are set at the same height above the pool. Therefore, the stream of water from reservoir A will have the greatest downward force and will travel the greatest horizontal distance before hitting the pool. The stream of water from reservoir B will have a lesser downward force and will travel a shorter horizontal distance before hitting the pool. The stream of water from reservoir C will have the least downward force and will travel the shortest horizontal distance before hitting the pool.

Therefore, the correct ranking is (A) dA > dB > dC.

To know more about distances please refer:


a toy is tossed from the edge of a table. its path is shown; air resisitance is ignored. use the picture below to answer the following questions


As there is only one force acting on the ball i.e. gravitational force, the acceleration will be constant and downward. Also because ball moves in the direction of the acceleration, the velocity increases.

Acceleration - constant; velocity - increasing.

What is Acceleration?

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity of an object over time. It can be positive, negative, or zero. Positive acceleration is when an object speeds up, negative acceleration is when an object slows down, and zero acceleration is when an object's velocity remains constant.

What is velocity?

Velocity is a measure of the speed and direction of an object's motion. It is typically measured in meters per second (m/s) or kilometers per hour (km/h). Velocity can also be expressed in other units, such as miles per hour (mph) or feet per second (ft/s). Velocity is related to a object's acceleration, as an object's acceleration is the rate of change in its velocity over time.

To know more about Acceleration,


The viscous drag (f) between two layers of liquid with surface area of contact (A) in a region of velocity gradient (dv/dx) is given by F=ETA A(dv/dx) where ETA is the co efficient of viscosity of the liquid. what is the dimension of ETA. Hence, write the unit of ETA in terms of the basic unit of S.I​


The  unit of ETA in terms of the basic units of the SI system is:

ETA = [kg] * [s]⁻¹* [m]⁻¹= kg * s / m

What is the viscous drag about?

The dimension of the coefficient of viscosity (ETA) can be determined by using the dimensions of the other variables in the equation:

F = ETA * A * (dv/dx)

The dimension of force (F) is [M] * [L] * [T]⁻², the dimension of surface area (A) is [L]⁻², and the dimension of velocity gradient (dv/dx) is [L] * [T]⁻¹.

Since the equation must be dimensionally consistent, we can set up the following equation:

[M] * [L] * [T]⁻²= ETA * [L]² * [L] * [T]⁻¹

Solving for the dimension of ETA, we get:

ETA = [M] * [T]⁻¹ * [L]⁻¹

Therefore, the basic unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI) is the kilogram (kg), the basic unit of time is the second (s), and the basic unit of length is the meter (m). Therefore, the unit of ETA in terms of the basic units of the SI system is:

ETA = [kg] * [s]⁻¹* [m]⁻¹= kg * s / m

Learn more about dimension of force from


A 75 kg man falls off his ladder and hangs motionless from the ceiling by a cord. Determine the net force on the man. (don't forget units)



The net force on the 75 kg man who falls off his ladder and hangs motionless from the ceiling by a cord is zero.

What is the weight of a body?

The weight of a body is the force of gravity acting on the body. The weight of a body acts downward.

Mathematically, the weight of a body is given below as follows:

Weight = m * g


m is the mass of the object

g is the acceleration due to gravity = 10 m/s²

The weight or the force of gravity acting downwards on a 75 kg man that falls off his ladder and hangs motionless from the ceiling by a cord is calculated as follows:

The force of gravity = 75 * 10

The force of gravity = 750 N

The tension on the cord balances the weight of the man and acts in the opposite direction.

Hence, the tension on the cord is equal to 750 N but in the opposite direction.

Net force = weight  - tension

Net force = 750 N - 750 N

Net force = 0 N

Learn more about weight and tension at:


consider a two-stage turbine operating at steady state with reheat at constant pressure between the stages. show that the maximum work is developed when the pressure ratio is the same across each stage. use a cold air-standard analysis, assuming the inlet state and the exit pressure are specified, each expansion process is isentropic, and the temperature at the inlet to each turbine stage is the same. kinetic and potential energy effects can be ignored.


The maximum work is developed when the pressure ratio is the same across each stage as Pi/P2 =  P1/Pi

Describe work.

When an object is moved over a distance by an external force, at least some of that force must be applied in the direction of the displacement. That is called work. Work is a measure of energy transfer.

The definition of energy is the capacity for work. The work produced is consistent. There are many different types of energy, including kinetic and potential energy.

The turbine work ,w =(h 1−h a)(h b −h 2 )

                                   =cp [(T 1−Ta)+(T b−T 2 )]

As the temperature at the inlet at each stage is same: T 1=T b

So ​

turbine work ,w =  cp [(T 1−Ta)+(T b−T 2 )]

                           =  cp [2T1-Ta -T2]

                           =  cp*T1[2- Ta/at1 - T2/T1]

Ta/T1 = (Pi/P1)^x

T2/T1 = (P2/Pi)^x

and x =(k-1)/k

So , w =c p*T 1 [2−( P1/Pi)^ x−( Pi/P2)^x ]

In case of maximum work done , dw/di = 0

Substituting it in above equation gives:

P1*P2 = (Pi)^2x

Pi/P2 =  P1/Pi

To learn more about work use link below:


The drawings show three examples of the force with which someone pushes against a vertical wall. In each case the magnitude of the pushing force is the same. Rank the normal forces that the wall applies to the pusher in ascending order (smallest first).1st drawing is a medium angle2nd drawing is a small angle3rd drawing is a large angle (almost 90 degrees and perpendicular to the wall)


The normal forces that the wall applies to the pusher in ascending order are :Normal force in the third drawing (large angle),Normal force in the first drawing (medium angle),Normal force in the second drawing (small angle).

The normal force is the force that an object exerts on another object that is in contact with it. In the case of a person pushing against a wall, the normal force is the force that the wall applies to the person.

The magnitude of the normal force is determined by the angle at which the person is pushing against the wall. For a given magnitude of the pushing force, the normal force will be smaller when the angle is larger and larger when the angle is smaller.

In the first drawing, the angle is medium, so the normal force will be between the normal force in the second and third drawings.

In the second drawing, the angle is small, so the normal force will be larger than the normal force in the first drawing and smaller than the normal force in the third drawing.

In the third drawing, the angle is large, so the normal force will be the smallest of the three.

To know more about force


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