in checkpoint inhibition therapy, which of the following is a protein targeted by therapeutic monoclonal antibodies?


Answer 1

Monoclonal antibodies or targeted therapies are how checkpoint inhibitors are characterized.

How do blood antibodies work?

Antibody-containing proteins are found in plasma. They are a part of the natural defenses that your body has. They recognize foreign substances, such as germs, and alert your immune system, which subsequently gets rid of them. Red blood cells' surface shell contains glycoprotein known as antigens.

What do dangerous antibodies do?

Autoimmune diseases can be brought on by the "bad" antibodies, which also are known to fight against body's own tissues. It was formerly believed that they were rendered inactive over time or that the immune eliminated them because of this.

To know more about Antibodies visit:


Related Questions

Your body contains tens of thousands of different proteins, each with a specific structure and function. The unique three-dimensional shape of each of these diverse proteins is based on several superimposed levels of structure. Which if the following is an accurate statement about proteins?
The primary structure of a protein is the order of amino acids in a polypeptide, as coded for by the DNA of a gene.


Proteins are complex molecules that are essential for the functioning of all living organisms. They are composed of amino acids which vary in sequence, size, and shape. The structure of a protein is based on several different levels of organization, from the most basic primary structure to the most complex quaternary structure.

The primary structure of a protein is the specific sequence of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds to form a polypeptide chain. This sequence is determined by the DNA of a gene, which codes for the order of the amino acids. The secondary structure of a protein is made up of hydrogen bonds that form between the peptide backbone of the polypeptide chain. It consists of regular repeating patterns of structure, such as the alpha helix and the beta pleated sheet.

The tertiary structure of a protein is the three-dimensional shape of the polypeptide chain, which is determined by the folding and interactions of the secondary structure elements. The quaternary structure of a protein is the arrangement of two or more polypeptide chains that interact with each other. This structure is determined by the interactions between the tertiary structures of the individual polypeptide chains.

Learn more about protein at :


In the somatosensory homunculus, what body parts flank the hand area? What can happen if these parts are touched in an individual whose hand has been amputated (on the same side)?
o Face, upper arm, and shoulder
o They felt similar sensations on their phantom limb


The answer to the question, In the somatosensory homunculus the face and the upper arm/shoulder flank the hand and if it is touched, it feels as if the hand is being touched.

Somatotopy is the exact matching of a region of the body to a certain location on the central nervous system. Usually, a spot on the primary somatosensory cortex corresponds to the region of the body (postcentral gyrus). This brain is frequently depicted as a sensory homunculus, onto which various body parts are oriented according to their positions.

The somatosensory cortex can serve as the sensory site for parts like the face, fingers, and appendages. The somatosensory cortex has bigger sections in finely regulated regions (such as the digits) than it does in coarsely controlled regions (such as the trunk). There are no sensory sites in regions like the viscera on the postcentral gyrus. One species of monkey, the macaque, already exhibit somatotopy in their somatosensory and motor systems at birth.

To learn more about somatosensory homunculus, refer:


how is the sensory somatic nervous system involved in sensing information and motor function​


The sensory somatic nervous system is a part of the nervous system that is responsible for sensing information from the external environment and for controlling the movement of the muscles and organs of the body. It is made up of two main components: the sensory nervous system and the motor nervous system.

The sensory nervous system is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information from the body's senses, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. This information is collected by specialized sensory receptors, such as photoreceptors in the eyes or auditory receptors in the ears, and is transmitted to the brain and spinal cord via sensory neurons.

The motor nervous system, on the other hand, is responsible for controlling the movement of the muscles and organs of the body. It does this by transmitting motor signals from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and organs via motor neurons. These signals cause the muscles to contract and relax, allowing for the movement of the body and its various parts.

Together, the sensory and motor nervous systems work together to allow the body to sense and respond to the external environment, enabling the coordination of movement and the performance of various functions and tasks.

Pls award brainliest!

proto-oncogenes can change into oncogenes that cause cancer. which of the following best explains the presence of these potential time bombs in eukaryotic cells?


The option that best explains the presence of these possible time bombs in eukaryotic cells is proto-oncogenes normally help regulate cell division. Correct answer: letter D.

Proto-oncogenes are normally involved in regulating cell growth, differentiation and survival in eukaryotic cells. When certain changes occur to these genes, they can become “activated” (or mutated) and can lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation, which can result in the formation of cancerous tumors. Thus, proto-oncogenes can act as possible “time bombs” that can contribute to the development of cancer if activated.

What are proto-oncogenes?

Are normal genes found in cells that have the potential to cause cancer if they mutate or are expressed at high levels. Proto-oncogenes encode proteins that are involved in cell growth and division, and when mutated or expressed at high levels, can cause cells to proliferate uncontrollably.

In addition to point mutations, retroviruses can also cause proto-oncogenes to become activated. Retroviruses are viruses that can insert their genetic material into the DNA of our cells. In doing so, they can activate proto-oncogenes, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and division.

Proto-oncogene can change into oncogenes that cause cancer. Which of the following best explains the presence of these potential time bombs in eukaryotic cells?

A) Proto-oncogenes first arose from viral infections.

B) Proto-oncogenes are mutant versions of normal genes.

C) Proto-oncogenes are genetic “ junk.”

D) Proto-oncogenes normally help regulate cell division.

Learn more about proto-oncogenes:


FILL IN THE BLANK. dr. watson is interested in the effects that higher than normal amounts of testosterone have on the gender of embryos. dr. watson favors the___approach.


Dr. Watson is interested in the effects that higher than normal amounts of testosterone have on the gender of embryos. Dr. Watson favors the biological approach.

Does testosterone levels affect baby gender?In mammals, high parental testosterone levels present around the time of conception are thought to skew offspring sex ratio toward sons. The second to fourth digit ratio is now widely accepted as a negative correlate of prenatal testosterone.Testosterone can contribute to individual differences within each sex in gender-related characteristics, as well as to differences between the sexes, and the influences of testosterone are generally linear and graded, with increasing doses of testosterone producing increasingly large effects. Thus amount of testosterone will affect gender of embryos.

Learn more about determine baby gender here:


Three newborn babies have been separated from their parents. You need to make sure that each child is reunited with the proper set of parents_ The data below was gathered by amplifying two VNTR loci in each baby and the possible parents. Fragments were then separated using gel electrophoresis. Assume that each parent couple had only one of the babies_ Match the babies with the proper parents. VNTR Locus Baby 1 Baby 2 Baby 3 Mike Molly Jim Judy Adam Amy VNTR Locus 2 Baby 1 Baby 2 Baby 3 Mike Molly Jim Judy Adam Amy Baby Choose Choose Baby 3 Choose_ Baby


Fragments were then separated using gel electrophoresis. Assume that each parent couple had only one of the babies. The babies with the proper parents is:




Each parents should have a band corresponding to the band for the baby.

For eg, For Baby 1. JIM AND JUDY is not a possibility since their VNTR 1 does not have a band corresponding to the baby band. ADAM AND AMY is also not possible since in VNTR 2, the upper band is not present for neither of the parents.

Like wise, you can look for the Baby 2 and Baby 3 by ruling out parents.

To learn more about possibility visit:


which of the following lies under the skin covering the lateral and posterior surfaces of the mandible?


The lateral and posterior surfaces of the mandible are covered in parotid salivary glands that are located beneath the skin.

On each side of the face, directly in front of the ears, are the parotid glands, which produce saliva. To help in chewing and digestion, salivary glands create saliva. The lips, cheeks, mouth, and throat all include salivary glands. Major salivary glands called parotid glands are found just in front of and beneath each ear. Our parotid glands generate saliva (spit), similar to our other major salivary glands (submandibular and sublingual), to keep our mouth moist and to help with eating and digestion. Salivary glands called parotids, which are situated between the ear and the jaw, become painfully swollen when we have parotitis. A virus, like the mumps, herpes, or Epstein-Barr, is the most frequent cause. Parotitis can also be brought on by bacterial infections, diabetes, salivary gland tumors or stones, and dental issues.

Find out more about parotid glands


a nucleus with mass number and atomic number undergoes decay (positron emission). the mass number and atomic number, respectively, of the product nucleus are


Alpha decay, in general, decreases the atomic number (Z) by two and the mass number (A) by four. For example, alpha decay generates Rn-222 with atomic number 86 and mass number 222 from Ra-226 with atomic number 88 and mass number 226.

The electron is ejected as a particle, but the proton remains in the nucleus, raising the atomic number while remaining constant in mass.

One of the neutrons in the nucleus unexpectedly turns into a proton during beta decay, raising the atomic number of an element.

Learn more about to   atomic number visit here;


The order in which plants appeared in the fossil record along with analysis of their anatomy have helped scientists establish the main groups of land plants. Which of the following is the correct order of how land plants evolved?

flowering plants, seed plants, vascular plants that gave rise to ferns, low growing plants with spores

low growing plants with spores, seed plants, flowering plants, vascular plants that gave rise to ferns

low growing plants with spores, vascular plants that gave rise to ferns, seed plants, flowering plants

low growing plants with spores, vascular plants that gave rise to ferns, flowering plants, seed plants


Fossil records which shows the correct order in which plants appeared is low growing plants with spores, vascular plants that gave rise to ferns, seed plants, flowering plants. Thus, the correct option is C.

What are fossil record?

A fossil record is a group of fossils which has been analyzed and arranged in a chronological order and in the taxonomic order. Fossils are created when a living organism die, and are incased in dirt and rock. These are slowly replaced by minerals over a certain period of time. The remains of living organisms is a mineral impression of an animal which once existed there.

Fossils are important as they provide important evidence for evolution and adaptation of plants and animals to their environments. The correct order of plant evolution is low growing plants with spores, vascular plants that gave rise to ferns, seed plants, flowering plants.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Fossil records here:


Please help!

Which of the following apply to RBC compatibility?

A. D donor antibody must recognize a cell surface molecule ( antigen) on the recipient (patient) RBC that results in a binding event

B. C. donor RBCs must have a cell surface molecule (antigen) recognized by recipient (patient) antibody that results in
a binding event

C. E. none of the above apply

D. A. recipient (patient) antibody must not recognize cell surface molecule (antigen) on the donor RBCs that results in
no binding

E. B. recipient (patient) RBCs must not recognize donor antibody that results in no binding


Donor RBC must have a cell surface molecules recognise by recipient antibody that result in a binding event.

What is RBC?

Red blood cells, also this is referred to as red cells, red blood corpuscles and haematids, erythroid cells or  to the  erythrocytes, are the most common type of the blood cell and this is  the vertebrate's principals of to the means of delivering  the oxygen to the body tissues—via the blood flow through to the circulatory system.

In the context of blood by the  transfusions, a blood is  match is a compatibility of the  between the donor's and  blood and to the recipient's blood. This does not not always mean anything identical blood of  match. Red blood cells from the a donor that is type of  O+ can be transfused into patients of four different of  blood types: A+, B+, AB+, and of course O+.

To know more about RBC click-


-------- alveolar cells provide the primary diffusional area for gas exchange with the blood in the lung


The alveolar cells of the lung provide the primary diffusional area for gas exchange between the air and the blood. Alveoli are tiny, balloon-like sacs in the lungs that are lined with a single layer of alveolar cells.

These cells form a thin, permeable membrane through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass from the air into the blood, and vice versa.

The alveolar cells are extremely important for respiration. Oxygen from the air enters the alveolar cells, where it diffuses into the blood. At the same time, carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses across the membrane into the alveolar cells, where it is expelled out of the body. This process, known as gas exchange, is essential for maintaining oxygen levels in the body and eliminating carbon dioxide.

The alveolar cells are also involved in the process of surfactant production. This is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins that provides a lubricating surface in the alveolar sacs, preventing them from collapsing and allowing for easier breathing.

The alveolar cells play a critical role in the process of respiration, providing the primary diffusional area for gas exchange with the blood. Without them, oxygen and carbon dioxide would not be able to diffuse across the alveolar membrane, and respiration would be impossible.

Learn more about gas exchange at :


List any two structural differences between fungus and bacterium.



1.Bacteria do not contain membrane-bound organelles

1.but fungi contain membrane-bound organelles

2.Bacteria contain 70S ribosomes

2.but Fungi Contain 80S ribosomes

Two structural differences between fungi and bacteria are:

Fungi have a cell wall made of chitin, while most bacteria have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan.
Fungi are typically multicellular, while bacteria are usually single-celled organisms.
Other structural differences between fungi and bacteria include the presence of organelles such as mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum, which are found in fungi but not in most bacteria. Fungi also have a more complex and organized cell structure, with a nucleus that contains the organism's genetic material, while bacteria often have a more diffuse arrangement of their genetic material.

microtubules pull the lined-up chromosomes apart :prophase metaphase anaphase telophase cytokinesis the cytoplasm divides, forming 2 identical daughter cells the cell begins to prepare for replication the spindle lines up the chromosomes down the center of the cell two new nuclei form, chromosomes unravel and spread out microtubules pull the lined-up chromosomes apart


I don’t know if you know this but I have a friend who is a nurse and she is a nurse at the hospital and she is a doctor and she is a physician and she is a medical assistant and she is a nursing practitioner she works with a hospital in your area you’re welcome anytime and she can come to your clinic anytime you need to be at the clinic or you need help with the medical department

a botanist studied a population of grasses in an area of erratic rainfall. she found that plants with curled leaves reproduced better in dry years, and those with flat leaves reproduced better in wet years. this situation would . group of answer choices lead to directional selection in the grass population lead to uniformity in the grass population cause gene flow in the grass population preserve the variability in the grass population


If the grass plants with alleles for flat leaves reproduced better in wet years, then the situation will lead to d)preserve the variability in the grass population. So, correct option is d.

As indicated by the inquiry, the region where the grass plant develops is described by unpredictable precipitation.This actually intends that in the locale both dry and wet environment endures.Thus, it is important for the grass plants to adjust to both the kind of environment, that is to say, dry and wet.In the dry environment, the grass plants which produce twisted leaves to forestall abundance water misfortune because of happening gets by.In the wet environment, the grass plants which produce level passes on to increment food creation because of the accessibility of enough water and furthermore for eliminating abundance water by the course of happening, makes due.The differentiating variety in environment which continues nearby in various time stretches forestalls the total regenerative strength or progress of one assortment of grass plant (twisted leaved) over the other (level leaves).Subsequently, both the twisted leaf and flat leaf assortment of grass plant exists nearby and the number of inhabitants in one or the other increment or lessening relying upon the climatic state of the area.

Hence,correct option is d.

To know more about grass plants, visit here:


(Complete question) is:

a botanist studied a population of grasses in an area of erratic rainfall. she found that plants with curled leaves reproduced better in dry years, and those with flat leaves reproduced better in wet years. this situation would . group of answer choices

a)lead to  directional selection in the grass population

b)lead to uniformity in the grass population

c)cause gene flow in the grass population

d)preserve the variability in the grass population

Which of the following protects plants from excess light by detoxifying reactive oxygen species?


The photosynthetic electron transfer chain (PETC) can produce O2• and H2O2 by reducing O2 using reduced forms of electron carriers. In chloroplasts, the interaction of O2 with PETC is thought to be the major source of ROS, and light is necessary for this ROS formation.

Regarding the reactive oxygen species quizlet, which statement is accurate?

Which of the following is accurate with regards to reactive oxygen species. When O2 is overexposed to electrons, reactive oxygen species are created.

Are ROS produced during photosynthesis?

Innumerable reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated by photosynthesis. In redox signal transduction, which is crucial for chloroplast to nucleus communication, ROS and antioxidants perform a role. Some chloroplasts have unique signaling capabilities that control both genetic and epigenetic programming.

To know more about ROS visit;


Which cell organelle does cyanobacteria resemble to with its function?



Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are photosynthetic prokaryotes that produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. In this respect, cyanobacteria resemble the chloroplasts found in plant and algal cells, which are also responsible for photosynthesis.

Like chloroplasts, cyanobacteria have an outer membrane and an inner membrane that enclose the photosynthetic pigments. These pigments, such as chlorophyll, capture light energy and convert it into chemical energy. The inner membrane of cyanobacteria is also folded into thylakoid stacks, similar to the thylakoid membranes found in chloroplasts.

Thus, while cyanobacteria are not eukaryotes and do not have cell organelles, their function as photosynthetic organisms is similar to that of the chloroplasts found in eukaryotic cells.


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question at position 4 which of the following is currently the best hypothesis for the ecological and evolutionary success of dinosaurs relative to other archosaurs after the triassic period?


Most other lineages of archosaurs went extinct at the end of the Triassic and dinosaurs did not.

Although most groups had vanished by the end of the Triassic, dinosaurs, crocodiles, and pterosaurs managed to live and flourish during the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras. Different forms of locomotion emerged in the two branches of archosaurs. The Triassic saw the first widespread diversification of archosaurs.The pseudosuchians walk stretched out and have an ankle that is often crocodile-like and flexes in the middle to allow the foot to twist against the ankle. Although pterosaurs and other dinosaurs were extinct by the end of the Cretaceous, crocodiles and birds survived because they developed in the Late Jurassic.However, as shown in crocodiles, this ankle joint can also tighten, causing the animal to walk with a high gait. The ornithischians, on the other hand, are compelled to walk erect and put one foot in front of the other like birds because they have an ankle that swings in just one plane (fore and aft).

To know more about dinosaurs check the below link:


glycolysis, which provides energy by breaking down carbohydrates like glucose, relates to activities lasting .


Activities lasting under three minutes are referred to as glycolysis, which produces energy by destroying carbs like glucose.

The decomposition of carbohydrates is known as glycolysis. Physical exercise lasts for around 10 seconds to between two and three minutes. Glucose or the stored form of glucose, glycogen, provides the energy for glycolysis.

Depending on the kind of workout and nutrition, restoring all of the glycogen in the body might take many hours or even days. Restoration for intermittent exercises, such as regular strength or endurance training, takes two hours to recover 40%, five hours to recover 55%, and twenty-four hours to fully restore 100%.

Every day, either with or without oxygen, it occurs. And while doing so, some energy is transferred to ATP.

Learn more about glycolysis at


Within vascular plants, the large, prominent plant is the _______; in nonvascular plants it is the _______.
A. gametophyte; sporophyte
B. sporophyte; gametophyte
C. gametophyte; gametophyte
D. sporophyte; sporophyte
E. None of the above


Within vascular plants, the large, prominent plant is the _______; in nonvascular plants it is the _______: B. sporophyte; gametophyte.

Plants have haploid and diploid stages in which the age and shift occur. The haploid period of the plant is known as the gametophyte and the diploid period of the plant is known as the sporophyte. The sporophyte creates spores in the plants while the gametophyte produces the gametes in the plants.

Difference Between Gametophyte and Sporophyte


Sporophytes utilize the course of meiosis

Brings about the arrangement of spores

Sporophytes are diploid plants

Sporophytes have two arrangements of chromosomes

Sporophytes repeat asexually

Diploid spore mother cell goes through meiosis and results in the arrangement of haploid (n) meiospores


Gametophytes utilize the course of mitosis

Brings about the creation of gametes

Gametophytes are haploid plants

Gametophytes have a solitary arrangement of chromosomes

Gametophytes produce sexually

The gametes partake in treatment or breaker, which leads to diploid (2n) zygote

to know more about Chromosomes click here:


Jacoby is studying a population of diploid single-celled Eukaryotic parasites that live inside mouse blood cells. He finds that a gene, H, has two alleles, H1 and H2, which show codominance. Looking under a microscope, Jacoby can count the parasite cells that have each phenotype. He finds that 2% of the cells have the phenotype associated with H1H1 and 1% of the cells have the phenotype associated with H1H2. Which of the following are accurate? There are 4 correct answers. f(H2H2) = 1.0 - 0.01 -0.02 = f(H1) = 0.02 +0.5 * 0.01 f(H2H2) = (0.97)2 The population is not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium with respect to the H gene. The population is in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium with respect to the H gene Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium model predicts that f(H1H1) = f(H1)2 = The Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium model predicts that f(H2) = f(H2H2) + 0.5 * f(H1H2)


The First option is correct.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) is an important concept of the population culture, which states that "genotype frequencies in a population remain constant between generations in the absence of disturbance by external factors".

According to HWE, for a locus with two alleles A and with corresponding frequencies p and q, three possible genotypes are AA, Aa, and aa with frequencies p2, 2pq, q2, respectively. However, various factors, including mutation, natural selection, non-random mating, genetic drift, and gene flow can cause deviations from HWE.

In simple terms, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is a rule that states that genetic variation in a population will persist from generation to generation in the absence of perturbing factors.

With respect to Hardy Weinberg equilibrium,

we can calculate the total percentage to be 100.

Therefore, it is taken as 1.

f(H1H1) allel is taken as:

2/100= 0.02.

f(H1H2) is taken as:

1/100= 0.01

Hence, The First option is correct.

For more such questions on The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium :


which of the six basic nutrient might a person need to restric after an operation to remove the gallbladder? why?


You need to restrict lipids as the bile works on fats which is stored in the gall bladder until secretion

You need to restrict lipids as the bile works on fats which is stored in the gall bladder until secretion.

What is Gall bladder?

One of those organs that you usually don't give much thought to till something goes wrong is the gallbladder.

Bile, which aids in the body's breakdown and digestion of the fats you consume, is its primary purpose. It doesn't make bile; your liver does, and it enters your small intestine during meals via the common bile duct.

The majority of bile produced by the small intestine is transported to the gallbladder, where it is stored until it is required again. In the small intestine, where partially digested food is also present, your gallbladder releases bile when you ingest fatty meals. 

Therefore, You need to restrict lipids as the bile works on fats which is stored in the gall bladder until secretion.

To learn more about gallbladder, refer to the link:


a phylogenetic tree of bird families constructed by cladistic analysis would be a hypothesis about which of the following?


A theory concerning the evolutionary links of bird groups would be a phylogenetic tree of bird families created through cladistic analysis.

A phylogenetic tree depicts the link between several creatures by tracing the course of evolution from a shared ancestor to various offspring. The links between people in a population to the whole Earth's history of life may all be represented by trees.

The most popular technique for creating phylogenetic trees is cladistics. Based on evolutionary ancestry, it produces cladograms, which are trees. Clades, which are collections of organisms made up of an ancestor species as well as its offspring, are also identified through cladistics.

Learn more about phylogenetic trees at


What is true about an iris scan?
O It picks out the unique characteristics of each person's iris.
OIt would not require a database.
O Many police departments are currently using iris scans for identifying missing persons.
O All of the above



First one It picks out the unique characteristics of each person's iris. is the correct answer

Iris scans, particularly highlight each individual's distinctive iris traits and do not need a database, are already being used by many police departments to locate missing people.

Iris scans are a biometric identification method that uses the unique patterns in the iris of the eye to identify a person. The iris is the colored part of the eye, and it is made up of a complex pattern of blood vessels and fibers that is unique to each person.

Iris scans are very accurate, and they are becoming increasingly popular for use in security applications.

Many police departments are currently using iris scans to identify missing persons, and they are also being used in airports and other secure facilities.

Therefore, the answer is all of the above.

Learn more about blood vessels here;


three species of north american frogs, leopard frogs, green frogs, and wood frogs, all mate in the same ponds, but they pair off correctly because they have different mating calls. this is a specific example of a barrier, called . group of answer choices prezygotic ... temporal isolation prezygotic ... gametic isolation prezygotic ... behavioral isolation postzygotic ... behavioral isolation


The three species of North American frogs, leopard frogs, green frogs, and wood frogs, all mate in the same ponds, but they pair off correctly due to their different mating calls, which is an example of prezygotic behavioral isolation.

Prezygotic isolation is a reproductive barrier that prevents mating between species, or prevents the fusion of gametes, and is caused by external behaviors that prevent mating. In this case, the different mating calls of the three species act as a barrier, keeping them separate when they are in the same pond.

Behavioral isolation is a type of prezygotic isolation in which two species do not mate because their courting behaviors are different. The different mating calls of the three frog species are a form of behavioral isolation because the frogs are unable to recognize each other as potential mates, due to the difference in their mating calls. This barrier keeps the species from interbreeding, even when they are in the same pond.

In contrast to prezygotic isolation, postzygotic isolation occurs after mating and is caused by physiological or developmental differences that prevent the fertilized egg from developing into a viable offspring. In the case of the three frog species, there are no postzygotic barriers, as they are all able to mate successfully, and their offspring can develop into viable frogs.

Learn more about Behavioral isolation at :


which of the following would contain the greater number of touch receptors? inside of the forearm, back of the hand, or tip of the index finger


Tip of the index finger contain the greater number of touch receptors.

Because the tip of the index finger has more sensory neurons than the forearm or back of the hand. There is a larger brain area devoted to receiving their signals when an area has more sensory neurons, resulting in greater sensitivity.

In comparison to the skin on the back, the fingertips have around 100 times more receptors per square centimeter. As a result, the cortical area that gets input from the fingertips is much larger than the area that receives input from skin on the back because more CNS neurons must be devoted to receiving fingertip sensations.

To know more about touch receptors here:


when a nucleotide is added to a growing nucleic acid strand during dna replication, the incoming monomer is and the energy required to drive the polymerization is derived from . please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices a nucleoside triphosphate; dna polymerase an rna primer; cleaving a pyrophosphate dna; rna a nucleoside monophosphate; cleaving atp a nucleoside triphosphate; cleaving a pyrophosphate


When a nucleotide is added to a growing nucleic acid strand during DNA replication, the incoming monomer is a nucleoside triphosphate and the energy required to drive the polymerization is derived from cleaving a pyrophosphate.

In molecular biology, DNA replication is the biological process of producing two identical replicas of DNA from a single original DNA molecule. DNA replication is the most important component of biological inheritance and occurs in all living organisms. This is required for cell division during growth and tissue repair, as well as for each new cell to receive its own copy of the DNA. The cell has the unique ability to divide, which necessitates DNA replication.

DNA is a double helix with two strands that are complementary to one another. The double helix describes the appearance of double-stranded DNA, which is made up of two linear strands that run opposite each other and twist together to form the double helix.

To learn more about DNA replication, here


A group of students are reviewing material about endocrine system function. The students demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify which of the following as secreted by the adrenal medulla?Epinephrine


D) Epinephrine is secreted by the adrenal medulla.

Both epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted by the adrenal medulla. Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and trace levels of androgenic sex hormones are produced and secreted by the adrenal cortex. The pancreas releases glucagon.

Epinephrine, commonly known as adrenaline, is a hormone that is largely generated by the medulla of the adrenal glands and has two main functions: it increases cardiac output and blood glucose levels.

The stimulatory effects of epinephrine, which are often released under acute stress, strengthen and prepare a person for either "fight or flight."

The only structural difference between epinephrine and norepinephrine is the presence of a methyl group on the nitrogen side chain.

To know more about  adrenal medulla here:


Complete Question:

A group of students are reviewing material about endocrine system function. The students demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify which of the following as secreted by the adrenal medulla?

A) Glucocorticoids

B) Mineralocorticoids

C) Glucagon

D) Epinephrine

chapter 29 which of the following is a mode of conceptus nutrition before week 8 of development? check all that apply.


A mode of conceptus nutrition before week 8 of development is uterine milk ,trophoblastic nutrition ,decidual cells .

What is meant by decidual cell ?

A unique cell population known as decidual cells is found in the mammalian endometrium during pregnancy. With the right triggers, their appearance can also be generated in the hormone-primed pseudo regnant uterus.

Transcriptional regulators, morphogens, cytokines, cell cycle regulators, and signaling pathways interact in a complicated fashion to cause decidualization.

Prolactin, relaxin, renin, and at least three IGF-binding proteins are all synthesized and released by human decidual tissue, the specialized endometrium of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle during pregnancy.

Hormones, growth factors, and cytokines are secreted by the decidua. For example, it has receptors for growth hormone, progesterone, oestrogen, and others. Its products include hormones like cortisol, CRF, GnRH, prolactin, and relaxin that are frequently linked to other organs.

The complete question is : Which of the following is a mode of conceptus nutrition before week 8 of development? Check all that apply.

uterine milk

trophoblastic nutrition

decidual cells

all of the above

To learn more about Transcriptional regulators refer to :


which of the following are virulence factors used by helicobacter pylori to facilitate the development of stomach ulcers?


Polar flagella and VacA toxin production are factors used by helicobacter pylori to facilitate the development of stomach ulcers.

The protective lining of the stomach and small intestine can be harmed by H. pylori. This might enable stomach acid to cause an open wound (ulcer). In about 10% of H. pylori carriers, an ulcer will form. lining of the stomach inflamed.

Urease is a crucial component of H. pylori virulence and is necessary for the bacteria to colonize the human gastric mucosa.

Particular Virulence Elements

Colonization and Adherence Factors. Many bacteria must first stick to a mucosal surface in order to spread illness, Influences of invasion, Other Surface Components and Capsules, Endotoxins, Endotoxin's chemical make-up.

For more information on H. Pylori kindly visit to


Mention and explain different types of grafting (with crop examples).​


Grafting is a process that unites two plants to create a single plant. In order for the tissue of both plants to grow together, a cut is typically made on one plant, and the other plant is then inserted into it.

Types of grafting -

Cleft grafting - Cleft grafting is a technique for changing the variety of fruiting and blooming trees. example - apples, cherries, pears, and peaches.Bark grafting - Bark grafting is mostly used to top work fruit and flower trees. Unlike cleft grafting, this method can be used on rootstock with a diameter of 4 to 12 inches, and it is carried out in the early spring. Example - persimmon, mango, etcSide veneer grafting - The most common method for grafting conifers, particularly those with a compact or dwarf form, is this method. On potted rootstock, side-veneer grafting is typically carried out. Example - pinus and spruceSplice grafting - To attach a scion to the stem of a rootstock or to an unbroken rootpiece, splice grafting is utilised. This straightforward technique is typically used on herbaceous materials that calluses or "knits."Bridge grafting - A plant's sick or damaged section can be "bridged" by bridge grafting, typically at or near the base of the trunk.Inarch grafting - Similar to bridge grafting, inarching is used to support or go around a plant stem's weak or damaged section.

To know more about grafting click here


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