"I was sent to Lowood to get an education and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object" (Page 66)


Answer 1

Helen Burns, Jane Eyre's friend at Lowood school, says the given lines because she knows that this opportunity is her one chance at education and she will not leave until and unless that aim has been fulfilled. In a patriarchal and hierarchical Victorian society, for a woman, education could prove to be invaluable.

Charlotte Bronte's brilliant novel has Helen and Jane Eyre meet each other at Lowood, whose harsh policies the former tries to more or less accept. She was aware of her position in society as a woman and wanted her education to be complete so that she could have some form of economic freedom. Helen teaches a much more headstrong Jane the values of controlling her temper and obeying instructions.

Helen dies young in the novel, but her spiritual guidance allows Jane Eyre to not only persevere through Lowood but also prosper. Victorian society treated its women particularly harshly and Helen Burns' way of dealing with submission was to seek refuge in religion. The mode of Christianity stressed upon by her was based on tolerance and acceptance.

To learn more about Helen Burns,



Related Questions

The African Swamp How does the author use rhetorical devices to argue that a price should be put on stored carbon?


In "The African Swamp," the author argues that a price should be put on stored carbon. The author uses several rhetorical devices to support this argument:

Anecdote: The author opens the essay with a personal anecdote about a trip to the African swamp, where he witnessed the destruction of the local ecosystem due to deforestation and climate change. This anecdote helps to establish the importance and urgency of the issue at hand.

Imagery: Throughout the essay, the author uses vivid imagery to describe the destruction caused by deforestation and climate change. For example, he describes the "withered leaves" and "blackened tree trunks" that he saw in the African swamp. This imagery helps to convey the severity of the problem and elicit an emotional response from the reader.

Statistics: The author provides several statistics to support his argument, such as the fact that deforestation contributes to 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These statistics help to establish the magnitude of the problem and strengthen the author's credibility.

Analogy: The author uses the analogy of a bank account to explain the concept of stored carbon. He argues that stored carbon is like a savings account for the planet, and that we need to put a price on it in order to incentivize people to preserve it. This analogy helps to make the argument more relatable and understandable for the reader.

Repetition: The author repeats the phrase "put a price on carbon" several times throughout the essay, emphasizing the importance of this policy solution. This repetition helps to reinforce the author's argument and make it more memorable for the reader.

By using these rhetorical devices, the author effectively argues that a price should be put on stored carbon in order to mitigate the effects of climate change and preserve the planet's ecosystems.


It uses rhetorical devices


"our fears in Banquo stick deep" ""The thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?"


These lines reveal the psychological turmoil and moral decay of Macbeth as he becomes increasingly trapped in his own web of deception and violence.

The lines "Our fears in Banquo stick deep" and "The thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?" are both from Shakespeare's play Macbeth. These lines are spoken by Macbeth himself, revealing his growing paranoia and guilt after he has murdered Banquo and attempted to kill his son Fleance, as well as ordered the murder of Macduff's wife and children.

The line "our fears in Banquo stick deep" indicates Macbeth's unease and concern that Banquo's ghost will return to haunt him, as Banquo had prophesied that his descendants would be kings. This fear represents Macbeth's recognition of the potential consequences of his actions, as well as his belief in the supernatural elements of the play.

The line "The thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?" shows Macbeth's callousness and disregard for human life, as he orders the murder of innocent women and children in his quest for power and security. It also highlights his increasing isolation and alienation, as he has become so consumed by his own ambition and guilt that he no longer sees the value in human connections and relationships.

To learn more about Macbeth



Read the excerpt from "Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress” by Lyndon B. Johnson.

And let all know we will extend no special privilege and impose no persecution. We will carry on the fight against poverty and misery, and disease and ignorance, in other lands and in our own.

We will serve all the Nation, not one section or one sector, or one group, but all Americans. These are the United States—a united people with a united purpose.

Which detail from the excerpt reveals the speaker’s perspective on who deserves assistance?

“let all know”
“we will carry on”
“serve all the Nation”
“are the United States”


The detail from the excerpt that reveals the speaker's perspective on who deserves assistance is "serve all the Nation.

Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress

President Lyndon B. Johnson emphasises his commitment to serving all Americans and building national unity in this speech. He proclaims his commitment to combat poverty, misery, disease, and ignorance both at home and abroad. He emphasises that no special treatment or persecution would be meted out, and that all Americans will be treated equally. The president emphasises the importance of the United States as a united people working towards a common goal to address the nation's difficulties. This speech expresses the president's view in the importance of national inclusion, unity, and cooperation in order to achieve common goals. The president's domestic and foreign policy concerns are highlighted in the speech, with an emphasis on combating poverty, disease, and ignorance, as well as achieving social justice and equality for all Americans.

To know more about Unity,click on the link :



Explain what Claudius means when he says, "Forgive me of my foul murder? That cannot be, since I am still possessed Of those effects for which I did the murder."


Claudius is making a reference to the fact that his killing of King Hamlet cannot be undone and that its effects are still felt today.

He understands that the murder was a terrible mistake that cannot be made up for or pardoned. The consequences that persist and his sense of shame over what he did are the "effects" of the murder.

He is attempting to convince Laertes that, despite his inability to right his wrongs, he can still atone by doing better for both himself and the realm.

He promises Laertes that he would make up for his mistakes by assuming responsibility and making the kingdom better. He is attempting to imply that he will atone by exercising stronger leadership and control.

To learn more about Claudius link is here



From; “It is raining on the House of Anne Frank”

Which of the following best identifies the theme of the poem?

a: the tourists think Van Gogh endured more suffering than Anne Frank.

b: Paying respect to the suffering of others is important, even if it is difficult.

c: We should honor people who suffered during the Holocaust.

d: Heroes can inspire others through the suffering they endure.



The best answer that identifies the theme of the poem is:

b: Paying respect to the suffering of others is important, even if it is difficult.


The poem emphasizes the idea that while tourists visit the Anne Frank House and pay homage to her, it's important to remember the other people who suffered during the Holocaust and to pay respect to their memory as well, even if it may be difficult to do. In the poem, rain symbolizes the tears shed by those who suffered, and we are encouraged to remember and honor them.

Help! Stuck again and my brain feels like it’s melting! Question: What evidence from the text supports the author's claim about the intelligence of dolphins? Evaluate whether this evidence is sufficient to support the author's claims!



Researchers have been exploring the question for 3 decades, and the answer, it turns out, is pretty darn smart. In fact, according to panelist Lori Marino, an expert on cetacean neuroanatomy at Emory University in Atlanta, they may be Earth's second smartest creatures (next to humans, of course).


What's the second step of analyzing an expository essay?


Finding the primary concepts and supplementary information is the second phase in the analysis of an expository essay. This entails assessing the author's use of evidence to bolster their claims and the connections between their ideas.

The thesis and the supporting arguments that the author uses to elaborate on the thesis are often the key concepts in an expository essay. These ideas ought to be logically related to one another. The author uses supporting details, or facts and examples, to bolster the essay's key arguments.

These could include statistics, case studies, expert quotes, and other types of information. The reader can more clearly understand the author's argument and determine how persuasive it is by analyzing the major ideas and supporting facts.

To learn more about expository essay link is here



identifying subjects and verb are you cooking dinner



Verb: Cooking

Object: dinner

Subject: You


in the question "Are you cooking dinner?" the verb or action word would be cooking as it is in the present tense and conjugated to the rest of the sentence.

the subject would be you as you are the subject of the question and the object would be dinner.

How do lines 6-7 contribute to the development of a theme in the poem?


Lines 6-7 of the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost contribute to the development of the theme that all good things must come to an end. In line 6, the speaker uses the metaphor of the biblical Garden of Eden to describe how even paradise eventually fell to grief and was lost. In line 7, the speaker uses the metaphor of dawn turning into day to further emphasize the idea that nothing good can last forever.

How to explain the Lines

These lines suggest that everything, no matter how beautiful or valuable, will eventually fade away and be replaced by something else. This theme of impermanence is echoed throughout the rest of the poem, with the speaker using natural imagery to describe how even the most vibrant and colorful things in nature, like leaves and flowers, eventually wither and die.

Overall, the poem presents a sobering message about the transience of life and the inevitability of change. The beauty and perfection of the natural world are fleeting, and we must learn to appreciate them while they last.

Learn more about poem on!



Read this sentence from the "Influence of Lincoln" and answer the question.

Certainly the utmost rim of my first dome was filled with the tumultuous impression of soldiers marching to death for freedom's sake, of pioneers streaming westward to establish self-government in yet another sovereign state. Only the great dome of St. Peter's itself has ever clutched my heart as did that modest curve which had sequestered from infinitude in a place small enough for my child's mind, the courage and endurance which I could not comprehend so long as it was lost in "the void of unresponsible space" under the vaulting sky itself.

In at least 150 words, discuss the comparison described in the figurative language and how the connotative language reinforces the symbol. Be sure to include a definition of your terms.


The writer draws a parallel between the arch of construction and the sky to signify the perseverance and bravery exhibited by soldiers and adventurers.

How is this comparison made?

While the dome, particularly the one crowning the U.S Capitol building, represents sanctuary and refuge, the sky embodies an overpowering yet aimless existence.

The composer's use of subtle diction; such as "reserved bow" and "veiled from boundlessness," enhances this emblematic association. By using it, the scribe underlines the weight of discovering constancy and direction when confronted with tumultuous conditions, further accentuating its significance.

Read more about symbolism here:



which of the following usually includes the user's logon name, group memberships, and other user attributes in an ad fs-enabled networ'




A-Role-Based Access Control

B-Access Control List

C-User Account Database

D-Claims-Based Access Control

Which organs perform both mechanical digestion and chemical digestion of food

Read the excerpt from "The Oblong Box."

Now this shape was PECULIAR; and no sooner had I seen it, than I took credit to myself for the accuracy of my guessing. I had reached the conclusion, it will be remembered, that the extra baggage of my friend, the artist, would prove to be pictures, or at least a picture; for I knew he had been for several weeks in conference with Nicolino:—and now here was a box, which, from its shape, COULD possibly contain nothing in the world but a copy of Leonardo's "Last Supper;".... This point, therefore, I considered as sufficiently settled. I chuckled excessively when I thought of my acumen. (paragraph 1)

What is the meaning of the word acumen as it is used in the text?

the ability to think clearly
the inability to make decisions
the inability to speak clearly
the ability to move quickly



A.the ability to think clearly

When the boy with the mulberry-coloured birthmark talks about the 'beastie', how do Jack and Ralph react?


When the boy with the mulberry-coloured birthmark talks about the 'beastie', Jack reacts with disbelief and ridicule, insisting that there is no such thing as a beast on the island. Ralph, on the other hand, tries to comfort the boy and suggests that they should explore the island and try to find out what is causing the boy's fear.

However, as the story progresses, both Jack and Ralph become increasingly obsessed with the idea of a beast on the island and start to take it more seriously.

Jack tries to reassure the group by asserting that there is no beast, and if there were one, he and his hunters would kill it. Ralph, on the other hand, attempts to dismiss the boy's fears by rationalizing that the 'beastie' is just a product of the boy's imagination, influenced by their unfamiliar surroundings.

More on Jack and Ralph: https://brainly.com/question/14328287


Perhaps the least important quality of a good conversationalist is the ability to be interesting. true or false?


False. The ability to be interesting is definitely a totally important quality of a good conversationalist.

While it is in reality critical to be a terrific listener and to expose interest in what others have to mention, being able to make contributions enticing and insightful thoughts to a communication is likewise essential.

An awesome conversationalist have to be capable of proportion their very own stories and perspectives in a manner that is relevant and interesting to others, and they have to be able to hold the communication flowing and attractive for all and sundry involved.

However, it's also vital to word that being an amazing conversationalist isn't pretty much speaking - it's also approximately being able to concentrate actively and respond thoughtfully to what others are announcing.

Learn more about good conversationalist:-



what does the -ite suffix mean????



The "-ite" suffix is generally used to refer to a person, place, or thing that is associated with or belongs to a particular group or tribe.


The "-ite" suffix is a common suffix used in English to create words that describe people, places, or things related to or belonging to a specific group or tribe.

For example, "Brooklynite" refers to someone who is a resident of Brooklyn.

Similarly, the "-ite" suffix can be used to denote minerals. For example, "calcite" is a mineral made up of calcium and carbonate.

Overall, the "-ite" suffix can be used in a variety of contexts and indicate multiple associations.    

Learn more about suffixes here:


What do you think the “heavenly light” might be a reference to in our night sky?

And here's the paragraph that has heavenly light
Then Erebus slept with Night, who gave birth to Ether, the heavenly light, and to Day the earthly light. Then Night alone produced Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep, Dreams, Nemesis, and others that come to man out of darkness. Meanwhile Gaea alone gave birth to Uranus, the heavens. Uranus became Gaea's mate covering her on all sides. Together they produced the three Cyclopes, the three Hecatoncheires, and twelve Titans.


Ether, which was the offspring of Night and Erebus, is denoted as the celestial radiance in this context.

What is the reference?

The statement pertains to the illumination emanating from the celestial sphere, notably including celestial bodies like stars and the moon. According to the ancient Greeks, Ether was regarded as the most pristine form of air and was closely linked to the celestial realm, which is why it earned the name "heavenly light."

Ether, one of the original gods in Greek mythology, embodies the idea of celestial light. As per the information stated in the given passage, Ether originated from the combination of Erebus (associated with darkness) and Night.

Learn more about reference  from



Hamlet says, "frailty, they name is woman." Why does he say this and what does it show about his view of women?


Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," Hamlet says, "Frailty, thy name is woman!"

Hamlet says this in response to his mother Gertrude's hasty remarriage to his uncle, Claudius, following the death of Hamlet's father. Hamlet is frustrated with his mother's lack of loyalty to his father's memory and believes that her actions are indicative of the general weakness and frailty of women.

Hamlet's view of women is thus tainted by his personal experience and anger towards his mother's behavior, leading him to generalize that all women are weak and fickle. This shows Hamlet's misogynistic view of women and his tendency to stereotype them based on his individual experiences.

Learn more about Hamlet says



What specific facts would you select to show what dogs have to offer to their human partners?



1. Loyalty and Companionship: Dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty and unconditional love towards their human companions. They provide companionship and emotional support, serving as constant sources of comfort, joy, and companionship.

2. Health and Well-being Benefits: Numerous studies have shown that owning a dog can have positive effects on human health and well-being. Dogs can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, lower blood pressure, and improve physical fitness through activities such as walking or playing fetch.

What if World War II never happened?

4 paragraphs


Explanation: Speculating on what could have happened if World War II never occurred is a complex and difficult exercise. However, we can make some educated guesses about the implications such an alternate timeline might have had for world history.

One possibility is that without the devastation of the war, countries would have continued to struggle with economic depression and political instability. It is possible that this could have led to more violent conflicts or even revolutions in some countries, which could have resulted in even greater loss of life than occurred in the actual war. Additionally, the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States may not have played out as it did, given that the conditions that led to the conflict were in large part a result of World War II.

On the other hand, if the war had not occurred, there may have been a more cooperative and peaceful relationship between countries in the years that followed. Economic and political stability could have been more easily achieved, which could have led to more peaceful relations between countries. Additionally, the massive amount of money and resources that were poured into the war effort could have been diverted to other areas such as infrastructure and education, which could have led to significant social and economic progress.

Furthermore, the absence of World War II could have also altered the course of scientific and technological advancements. Many of the technologies we use today, such as computers, radar, and jet engines, were developed as a result of the war. However, it is possible that these technologies would have been developed at a slower pace, and their impact on society and the economy could have been less significant without the driving force of war.

In summary, it is impossible to say with certainty what would have happened if World War II never occurred. However, it is clear that the war had far-reaching and long-lasting effects on world history, and a world without the war could have looked vastly different in many ways, for better or for worse.

T/F: you can help establish listening motivation by showing the members of your audience how the topic affects them directly.




One way to establish listening motivation is to show the members of your audience how the topic affects them directly. When people understand how something relates to their own lives, they are more likely to pay attention and engage with the information being presented. This can help establish a connection between the audience and the speaker, which can lead to more effective communication.

To know more about listening motivation:



When preparing a presentation or speech, it is essential to establish listening motivation in the audience. True

One effective way to do this is by demonstrating how the topic affects the listeners directly. People are more likely to pay attention to information that they perceive as relevant and valuable to their interests or needs. By showing the audience how the topic relates to their lives, you can pique their curiosity and encourage them to listen more attentively.

This could involve highlighting the potential benefits or consequences of the topic, providing real-life examples that illustrate its relevance, or appealing to their emotions and values. Ultimately, by establishing listening motivation, you increase the likelihood that your audience will engage with your message and retain the information you are presenting.

Learn more about establish listening



and with the correct description. und waves are some basic characteristics that we experience in everyday life. The characteristics of sound waves depend on the behavior of these compression waves. Pitch This is when we describe a sound as high or low. This changes as the frequency of the wave changes. Loudness Measured in decibels The amplitude of a sound wave. Bats use this for location. Sound waves bounce off a surface. An echo Reflection​


Reflections of sound waves occur when sound waves bounce off a surface and return to the listener.

When sound waves hit a surface and then bounce back to the listener, this is known as reflection. There are several different methods for this to happen, including reverberation and echoes.

Frequency the frequency, expressed in Hertz, at which a sound wave repeats itself. This establishes the sound's pitch. Wavelength the distance in meters between the two peaks of a sound wave. This controls how fast a sound wave travels.

Amplitude a sound wave's largest deviation from its median position, expressed in decibels. This has an impact on how loud a sound is.

To learn more about echo Reflection​ link is here



The complete question is:

Sound waves are some basic characteristics that we experience in everyday life. The characteristics of sound waves depend on the behavior of these compression waves. ITEM BANK: Move to Bottom An echo Bats use this for location. Measured in decibels Sound waves bounce off a surface The amplitude of a sound wave. This changes as the frequency of the wave changes This is when we describe a sound as high or low Pitch Loudness Reflection

should agents take 20 percent of the income of writers,painter,musicians, or actions they represent?


I believe that a agent should get a percentage for representing their client. Twenty percent is 1/5 of the clients total earnings. An agent needs to make money just as much as a artist, writer, or painter. Ten to twenty percent seems like a fair cut for an agent.

Lines from "the Wanderer" that contain examples of a kenning,a compound noun that's used in place of a simpler, one-word noun.


The Wanderer contains examples of kennings: The wintry sea, the wild waves' laughter" - "wintry sea" and "wild waves' laughter" are kennings for the ocean, using compound nouns to describe it.

"The soaring sea-fowl, sunlit feathers" - "soaring sea-fowl" is a kenning for birds, using a compound noun to describe them."The earl's kinsmen, eager for glory" - "earl's kinsmen" is a kenning for warriors, using a compound noun to refer to them.The sea-paths steeped in storm and darkness" - "sea-paths steeped in storm and darkness" is a kenning for the perilous sea, using compound nouns to describe its conditions."The battle-garments, bristling with spears" - "battle-garments" is a kenning for armor, using a compound noun to describe it."The whale-road, water's rolling might" - "whale-road" is a kenning for the sea, using a compound noun to describe it."The death-house dreary, the lonely dwelling" - "death-house dreary" is a kenning for a grave, using a compound noun to describe it.

Kennings are a common feature in Old English poetry, and they serve to create vivid and evocative imagery by using compound nouns to describe familiar objects or concepts in a more poetic and imaginative way.

To learn more about kennings, visit here






you read this carefully like 5 time and you do it

the __________ is a rounded bony projection on the tibia (tib-ee-ah) also known as the shinbone and fibula (fib-you-lah) on the sides of each ankle joint.


The tibia, commonly known as the shinbone, and fibula, which are located on each side of each ankle joint, are spherical bony projections called the medial malleolus.

The medial malleolus is a rounded bony projection region with a protrusion that is located on the medial side of the distal end of the tibia. The region where the foot's talus bone articulates is known as the malleolus, which is derived from the Latin word for "small hammer."

The medial malleolus is the name given to the bony protrusion on the tibia that is situated inside the ankle joint. The smaller bone in the lower leg known as the fibula, which forms the exterior of the ankle joint and runs parallel to the tibia, lacks a malleolus.

Learn more about bony projection Visit: brainly.com/question/28563233


What social issue does Kate Chopin primarily depict in her story "The Story of an Hour"?


Kate Chopin primarily depicts the social issue of female oppression and the lack of freedom for women in the 19th century in her story "The Story of an Hour". The protagonist, Louise Mallard, feels trapped in her marriage and unable to live for herself. When she hears of her husband's supposed death, she feels a sense of liberation and freedom, which is ultimately cut short when she discovers that her husband is actually alive. This story highlights the limited options available to women during this time period and the consequences of denying them their freedom and autonomy.

THINGS FALL APART by Chinua Achebe

Write the lyrics to a song from Ekwefi's point of view that expresses her thoughts and feelings after learning of Okonkwo's death. The song should have at least three verses and a chorus. This could also be completed as a poem. The poem should be made up of at least four stanzas.



Answer: Verse 1:

The sky is weeping, the earth is mourning,

Our hero has fallen, his spirit now soaring,

I cannot contain the pain that I feel,

My heart is shattered, my wounds will not heal.


Oh Okonkwo, my love, my life,

Why did you have to leave me behind?

I feel so lost, so alone,

My heart is heavy as a stone.

Verse 2:

I remember the days when we were young,

Our love was strong, our bond was unbreakable,

But now you are gone, and I am left here,

In a world so dark, in a world full of fear.


Oh Okonkwo, my love, my life,

Why did you have to leave me behind?

I feel so lost, so alone,

My heart is heavy as a stone.

Verse 3:

You fought for our people, you stood so tall,

Your strength and your courage inspired us all,

But now you are gone, and we are left here,

In a world so cruel, in a world full of fear.


Oh Okonkwo, my love, my life,

Why did you have to leave me behind?

I feel so lost, so alone,

My heart is heavy as a stone.

Verse 4:

But even though you are no longer here,

Your legacy will live on, it will never disappear,

Our children will hear of your great name,

And your spirit will guide us through the rain.


Oh Okonkwo, my love, my life,

Why did you have to leave me behind?

I feel so lost, so alone,

My heart is heavy as a stone.


Central idea of commonlit (from slaves to sharecroppers)


C - After slavery was abolished, many freedmen became sharecroppers and were exploited by landlords defines the text's major point.

How did slaves end up as sharecroppers?

According to Leigh Dekle's enlightening essay From Slaves to Sharecroppers, former slaves became sharecroppers alongside their own masters and others. At the same time, some landlords established such high prices for seeds and lodging that these sharecroppers were forced back into debt, resulting in a new type of enslavement.

Who reaped the most benefits from sharecropping?

The sharecropping system, while theoretically advantageous to both labourers and landowners, usually left workers in deep debt to their landlords and creditors from one harvest season to the next.

To know more about sharecroppers visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

PART A: Which statement identifies the central idea of the text?

A - While slavery ended, freedmen were only allowed to work on plantations as sharecroppers.

B - Former slaves were able to successfully integrate into society by becoming sharecroppers for their former masters.

C - After slavery ended, many freedmen became sharecroppers and were taken advantage of by landowners.

D - Sharecropping was a successful means of providing for former slaves who didn’t have the education or skills for other work.

Which of these steps must writers first accomplish in order to build believable story elements within historical fiction?



In order to build believable story elements within historical fiction, writers must first conduct thorough research on the time period and setting they are writing about. This research will help the writer to create a realistic and accurate portrayal of the historical context, including the social customs, norms, beliefs, and attitudes of the people who lived during that time.

By conducting research, the writer can also ensure that the details and events they include in their story are historically accurate and plausible. This is important because historical fiction often involves fictional characters and events that are set against a backdrop of real historical events and figures.

Without conducting thorough research, the writer may inadvertently include inaccuracies or anachronisms that can detract from the believability of the story and undermine the reader's immersion in the historical setting. Therefore, research is an essential first step for writers who want to build believable story elements within historical fiction.

Only bad conversations begin with something practical or trite. true or false?





Answer: False

I hope this helped!

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