How many half-lives have passed when there are three times as much daughter isotope as parent isotope?


Answer 1

When the ratio of daughter to parent isotope is three, there have been three half-lives.

What is meant by isotope?The same element's isotopes are different nuclear species. The periodic table shows that they are in the same place and have the same atomic number, but the number of neutrons in their nuclei causes their nucleons to differ.  An isotope is one of two or more species of atoms of a chemical element having the same atomic number and location in the periodic table and virtually identical chemical behaviour but with distinct atomic weights and physical characteristics.Carbon-14, tritium (hydrogen-3), chlorine-36, uranium-235, and uranium-238 are a few radioactive isotopes as examples. Numerous isotopes have half-lives that are known to be exceedingly lengthy (in the hundreds of millions of years). The terms "stable nuclides" and "stable isotopes" are frequently used to describe these isotopes.

To learn more about isotope, refer to:

Related Questions

2. Where is the muscle of the heart strongest, how can you tell?



The left ventricle


as its the largest and strongest on your heart

one way in which stigma is adapted for reproduction in plants



In a flower, this landing zone and entrance is the stigma. It plays a pivotal role in reproduction. Most stigmas are adapted to trap pollen with hairs, flaps and other surfaces to increase their efficiency. Most stigmas are covered with a waxy, sticky substance.

How many ways does plant excrete​



It Excretes In Different Ways :-

1:Through Leaves

2:Through Stems

3:Through Roots

4:Through Shedding

DNA can only be used as a code for making



the proteins and molecules essential for our growth, development and health.


As humans, we all are made up of DNA.

Which is an example of a MIXTURE:



Soil is an example of a mixture. Soil is made up of a combination of minerals, organic matter, water, and air.

If AB+ is donated to AB-, will the blood coagulate(clump)?


If AB+ donates blood to AB- the blood will not clot.

Why would this happen?Because of the A and B antigens.Because of the Rh factor.

AB+ blood has the A and B antigens, in addition to having the Rh factor, and for this reason, is identified with the positive symbol (+). AB- blood has the A and B antigens but lacks the Rh factor.

The incompatibility between the antigens in the blood is what can cause clotting. However, as AB+ and AB- blood have the same antigens, AB- blood can receive AB+ blood without clotting. The Rh factor in this case does not interfere with the transfusion.

Learn more about blood types:


The law of conservation of mass is correctly demonstrated in which statement about the process of
cellular respiration?
O The mass of glucose is equal to the total mass of the water molecules.
O The mass of the glucose is conserved in the mass of the ATP in the products.
O The total mass of oxygen is conserved in the total mass of carbon dioxide produced.
O The total mass of glucose and oxygen is equal to the total mass of carbon dioxide and water.



The law of conservation of mass states that in any chemical reaction, the mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products. Therefore, the correct statement about the process of cellular respiration that demonstrates the law of conservation of mass is:

"The total mass of glucose and oxygen is equal to the total mass of carbon dioxide and water."

During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are used as reactants to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy (in the form of ATP). The reactants (glucose and oxygen) have a certain mass, and the products (carbon dioxide, water, and ATP) also have a certain mass. According to the law of conservation of mass, the total mass of the reactants (glucose and oxygen) must be equal to the total mass of the products (carbon dioxide, water, and ATP). Therefore, the statement that "The total mass of glucose and oxygen is equal to the total mass of carbon dioxide and water" correctly demonstrates the law of conservation of mass in the process of cellular respiration.

Use the information in Fig. 5.2 to state the most frequent cell length of the E. coli cells immediately after cell division. Give your answer in millimetres.


As shown by the peak in the frequency distribution at that point in Fig. 5.2., the most frequent cell length of the E. coli cells immediately after cell division is approximately 0.002 mm.

What are E. coli cells?

Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a facultative anaerobe, nonsporulating, Gram-negative coliform bacteria.  It is usually rod-shaped and ranges in diameter from 0.25 to 1.0 μm.

The lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms frequently harbors the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) and most strains do not cause harm while a  few strains can cause disease.

Learn more about E. coli cells at:


Which sentence is true?
Root cap
Apical meristem
at root tip
A. Cell division takes place in section C, at the tip of the root.
B. Cell division takes place in section B, just above the tip of the root.
C. Cell division takes place in section A, far above the tip of the root.
D. Cell division takes place in all parts of the root.


The right answer is: "A. Cell division occurs in section C, at the root's tip.

Which root cause is related to cell division?

The meristematic zone is located just above the root cap. As fresh cells are added, the cells in this zone continue to divide.Just under the root cap is the area where cells divide. Since cells in this area are constantly dividing (mitosis), there is a continuous production of new cells, which causes the root to expand in length (primary growth).

What role does root play?

Anchoring the plant, absorbing water and dissolving minerals and transferring them to the stem, and storing reserve food are its main purposes.

To know more about root's tip visit:-


Construct an argument about the effect of changing a section of rainforest into a cultivated field. Use the word community as it is used in the context of biology at least once in one of the premises of your argument



See The Explanation


Changing a section of rainforest into a cultivated field can have a significant negative impact on the surrounding community. The rainforest is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species that have coevolved to form complex ecological relationships. These relationships are critical to the functioning of the rainforest community, as each species plays a specific role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

When a section of the rainforest is cleared for agriculture, the community of species that once called it home is disrupted. The removal of native plants and trees can lead to soil erosion, loss of habitat for animals, and changes in water cycles. As a result, the biodiversity of the community is reduced, and the overall health of the ecosystem is compromised.

Furthermore, the cultivation of crops in the newly cleared area can introduce non-native species that can outcompete native species for resources. This can further disrupt the community of the rainforest ecosystem, potentially leading to the extinction of some species.

In conclusion, changing a section of rainforest into a cultivated field can have severe consequences for the surrounding community. It is important to consider the ecological impact of such activities and to find ways to minimize the disruption to the natural community of the rainforest ecosystem.

3. Describe In your own words, explain the Law of Universal Gravitation and how it affects Earth's orbit. sc.8.E.5.4, SC.8.E.5.9​


A scientific idea known as the Law of Universal Gravitation describes how gravity draws all objects in cosmos together.

What are the three global gravitational laws?

The first law states that a force must be applied to an object before it may influence its motion. An object experiences a force equal to its mass times its acceleration, per the second law. According to the third law, when two things contact, they exert forces on one another that are both equal in strength and directed in the opposite direction.

What is the simple definition of Newton's law of universal gravitation?

The gravitational force between any two bodies in space is governed by Newton's law of universal gravitation, which states that the force is inversely proportional to the mass of each object and the distance between them.

To know more about Gravitation visit:-


What do businesses in the turfgrass industry produce, and how much does this industry contribute to the US economy?
What percent of the turf area in the United States is for lawns and what are the other uses of turf?
What are some benefits of turf for people and for the environment?
What are some benefits unique characteristics of turf grass that espérâtes it from other plants?
List the unique morphological structures of grasses that can be used to identify them
Describe the three shapes that a grass leaf blade may have
Describe the three growth habits of turf grasses
How are warm-season grasses affected if they are grown in an area where temperatures
Name four grasses suitable for the transition zone
When is the best time of year to establish a lawn with cool-season grasses and what are two methods used?
Why should a grower use certified seed for establishing a lawn?




The turfgrass industry produces and sells turfgrass products such as sod, seed, and artificial turf. According to a report by the National Turfgrass Federation, the turfgrass industry contributes approximately $82 billion annually to the US economy.

Approximately 80-90% of the turf area in the United States is used for lawns, while the remaining turf areas are used for athletic fields, parks, golf courses, and other recreational purposes.

Turf provides many benefits for people and the environment. It helps to reduce soil erosion, filter pollutants from water, and provide a cooling effect. It also provides a safe playing surface for sports and recreational activities and adds aesthetic value to landscapes.

Some unique characteristics of turfgrass include the ability to recover quickly from damage, the ability to spread and form a dense turf, and the ability to grow in a wide range of soil types and environmental conditions.

Some morphological structures of grasses that can be used to identify them include leaf blade shape, leaf arrangement, and ligule shape and size.

The three shapes that a grass leaf blade may have are flat, folded, or rolled.

The three growth habits of turf grasses are stoloniferous, rhizomatous, and bunch-type.

Warm-season grasses may be affected if they are grown in an area where temperatures drop below their optimal growth range. They may become dormant during the winter or suffer from frost damage.

Four grasses suitable for the transition zone are tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue.

The best time of year to establish a lawn with cool-season grasses is in the fall or early spring when temperatures are cooler and there is more rainfall. Two methods used for establishing a lawn with cool-season grasses are seeding and sodding.

A grower should use certified seed for establishing a lawn to ensure that the seed is of high quality, genetically pure, and free of weed seeds and other contaminants. Certified seed is also more likely to produce a uniform stand of grass.

8) The logistic growth function f(t)=320/1+7.0e^-.27t
describes the population of a species of butterflies t months
after they are introduced to a non-threatening habitat. How many butterflies were initially introduced to the


A population in biology is a collection of organisms belonging to the same species that coexist and interact in the same habitat. A population might consist of plants, animals, or microbes and can range in size from a few to millions of individuals.

We must utilize the logistic growth function to solve for the starting population (P0) of butterflies with t=0 in order to determine the initial population of butterflies.

[tex]f(t) = 320/1 + 7.0e^(^-^0^.^2^7^t^)[/tex]

When t=0,

[tex]f(0) = 320/1 + 7.0e^(^-^0^.^2^7^*^0)\\f(0) = 320/1 + 7.0e^(^0^)\\f(0) = 320/1 + 7.0(1)\\f(0) = 320 + 7.0 f(0) = 327[/tex]

Therefore, 327 butterflies were the initial population transferred to the area.

Learn more about Population, here:


which biome is Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania is a state located in the northeastern region of the United States, and it has a variety of biomes including deciduous forests, mixed forests, and grasslands.
Pennsylvania has several different biomes, but the most dominant biome is the temperate deciduous forest biome. This biome is characterized by four distinct seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter), moderate climate, and a variety of deciduous trees such as oak, maple, hickory, and birch. The temperate deciduous forest biome is home to a rich diversity of plant and animal species, including deer, black bears, squirrels, and many types of birds. Overall, this biome is well-suited to Pennsylvania's climate and geography, and it is one of the most important ecosystems in the state.

According to the information in the text box above, salmonella disrupts the health of humans and animals by-

A. causing rot in plants that humans and animals consume.

B. causing human and animal immune systems to attack red blood cells.

C. causing water to accumulate in skin cells.

D. causing stomach problems and food poisoning.


The correct answer is D. Salmonella is a type of bacteria that causes food poisoning and various digestive symptoms when ingested by humans or animals. This can lead to dehydration, fever, abdominal pain, and in some cases serious illness. Salmonella infections can be caused by eating contaminated food or water or by handling infected animals

Compare the density of stomata between the two varieties of olive plant, A and B, shown

in Fig


The comparison of stomata density between olive plant varieties A and B reveals that plant A has a higher density of stomata on its lower leaf surface compared to plant B.

Stomata are tiny pores on the surface of leaves that allow for gas exchange and water vapor transpiration. The density of stomata can vary among plant species, and within the same species, it can vary based on environmental conditions.

In the given images of stomata on the lower leaf surfaces of olive plants A and B, it is clear that plant A has a higher density of stomata per unit area than plant B. This suggests that plant A has a higher capacity for water uptake compared to plant B. The higher stomata density of plant A may be an adaptation to a drier environment, allowing it to better cope with water stress.

To learn more about stomata follow the link:


The complete question is:

Water reaches the leaves from the roots through the xylem. Fig. 4.1 shows images of stomata on the lower surfaces of leaves of two varieties of olive plant, A and B. Both are shown at the same magnification.

Compare the density of stomata between the two varieties of olive plant, A and B, shown in Fig. 4.1.

____1. Breaking a reactant into small pieces.
____2. Increasing the temperature.
____3. Putting foods in the fridge.
____4. Diluting solutions.
____5. Adding heat.



Increase 1.Breaking a reactant into small pieces.

Increase 2.Increasing the temperature.

Decrease 3. Putting foods in the fridge.

Decrease 4. Diluting solutions.

Increase 5. Adding heat.


1 increased

2 increased

3 decreased

4 decreased

5 increased

Lipase is a type of enzyme found in the digestive tract of earthworms and is produced by
specialized cells. Lipase is important because it breaks down fats during digestion.
Humans also have specialized cells that produce lipase in their digestive tract. What
would you expect to find in the gene sequences that are responsible for the production of
lipase in both earthworms and humans?


Lipase is a type of enzyme found in the digestive tract of earthworms and is produced by specialized cells to digest fat and oil. The LIPA gene provides the instructions for making an enzyme called lysosomal acid lipase.

Lipase resides in cellular compartments called lysosomes, where it digests and recycles substances the cell no longer needs. Lysosomal acid lipase breaks down fats such as triglycerides and cholesteryl esters. This enzyme is found primarily on the surface of cells that line small blood vessels in muscle and adipose tissue.

Learn more about lipase, here:


Part B click on the map titled "U.S. geothermal resource map." The map shows the approximate temperature of rock at a depth of 6 kilometers throughout the Unites States. Based on the data shown in this map, which parts of the country are best suited for the production of electricity ising geothermal energy?


Based on the U.S. geothermal resource map, the best parts of the country suited for the production of electricity using geothermal energy are the western states, including parts of California, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, and Idaho.

These regions have the highest temperatures at depths of 6 kilometers, indicating that there is a significant amount of geothermal energy that could be harnessed for electricity production.

In particular, the map shows that the region around the Nevada-California border has the highest temperatures, with rock temperatures exceeding 300 degrees Celsius at depths of 6 kilometers. This makes it one of the most promising areas for geothermal energy production in the United States.

To know more about geothermal resource map here


Answer: The western United States has hotter rock formations. So, this region is better suited for the production of electricity using geothermal energy.

Explanation: edmentum answer

Birds build their nests in trees. Which of the following symbiotic relationships is
most like the one between birds and trees?
A. insects gathering nectar while pollinating flowers
B. moss growing on the sides of tree trunks
C. mosquitoes sucking blood from mammals to warm their eggs
squirrels eating acorns from oak trees


i’m gonna assume A, don’t get upset if the answer is wrong

i am looking for the answer key to the category 1: cell structure and function biology staar review


Studying the necessary content, going through lecture notes and textbooks, and working through practise questions and quizzes are the best ways to get ready for an exam.

How do cells work and how do they look?

Cells are the essential building components of all living things.There are many billions of cells in a human body. In addition to providing the body with structure, they also absorb nutrients from meals, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out certain jobs.

Who first identified cells?

The cell has a long and interesting history, beginning with Robert Hooke's discovery in 1665 and leading to many of today's scientific discoveries.

To know more about textbooks visit:-


20. A protein molecule has a molar absorption coefficient () of 28430 M^^-1 at 280 nm wave length. An absorbance value of 0.15 has been measured using a spectrophotometer at the same wave length using a standard 1cm cuvette. Calculate how many nanomoles of protein would there be in 1 ml solution?


There are 5.28 x [tex]10^3[/tex] nanomoles of protein in 1 ml of solution, as found by Beer-Lambert Law.

The Beer-Lambert Law states that the amount of light absorbed by a solution is directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing species in the solution. The equation for this is:

A = εlc

where A is the absorbance, ε is the molar absorption coefficient, l is the path length (in cm), and c is the concentration (in M).

In this case, we know that ε = 28430 [tex]M^-^^-^1[/tex], l = 1 cm, and A = 0.15. We can rearrange the equation to solve for c:

c = A/εl

Substituting the values we know, we get:

c = 0.15 / (28430 [tex]M^-^^-^1[/tex] x 1 cm)

c = 5.28 x [tex]10^-^6[/tex] M

Now we can convert this concentration to nanomoles per milliliter:

1 M = 1000 mM

1 mM = [tex]10^6[/tex] nM

So, 5.28 x [tex]10^-^6[/tex] M

= 5.28 x [tex]10^-^3[/tex] mM

= 5.28 x [tex]10^3[/tex] nM.  

To know more about Beer-Lambert Law, refer:


Which of the following defines the term data as it is used in this sentence from paragraph 5 of "Scientific
Scientists go into scientific data collection with clear, expected results in mind, but the researcher must be
prepared for the actual results and remain open-minded to possibilities that evolve during the data analysis
phase of the process.
A: individual facts or statistics
B: any proposition assumed or given
C: any level surface, line, or point used as a reference
D: a basis for horizontal control surveys in engineering


The best definition of data would be: individual facts or statistics as it is used in the Scientific Investigation

What is data?

In this context, data refers to the information collected during the scientific investigation that may be analyzed and used to support or refute a hypothesis.

The sentence emphasizes the need for scientists to remain open-minded during the data analysis phase, as the actual results may not always match their initial expectations. Hence we call call it facts

Read more on data here:


Please help i need the answers within 5mins!!!


In the graham cracker model, the amount of water used is the total volume of water that is dripped onto the cracker during the experiment, which can be measured using a graduated cylinder or other measuring device.

What is the Graham cracker model?

In the graham cracker model:

The location on the cracker where water will be dripped is the point where the two lines intersect, which is the center of the cracker.

The height of the eyedropper above the cracker is the distance between the tip of the eyedropper and the surface of the cracker, which can be adjusted by the experimenter.

The rate at which the water will be dripped is the speed at which drops of water fall from the eyedropper, which can also be adjusted by the experimenter.

Learn more about Graham cracker model at:


Anna-Maria has just heard that her company is going to start outsourcing her job. What does this MOST likely mean for Anna-Maria?
A.She will earn a pay raise.
B.She will lose her job.
C.She will have to relocate.
D.She will get extra benefits.


Answer: A. She will earn a pay raise

Explanation: When a job is outsourced workers or employees get 13.0% more money than average pay.

What is the effect of predation on prey?

Predation will make prey organisms wait longer to reproduce.

Predation makes all of the individuals in the populations being preyed upon less fit.

Predation doesn't have any long term effects on prey organisms

Predation is a strong selective force for prey organisms.


Hang the idea the prey comes from nature protection and not from humans.

What social and environmental factors affect human population size?



Many factors influence the size of a population. Food, water, shelter, predation, and density are all things that can allow a population to grow or cause it to decline.

Hope it helped! :)

WILL GIVE BRAINLIST, Investigation #2 (9 points): Cells come from existing cells.
Observe the two flasks, and record information about their appearance.
HINT: What do you see with your eyes? If nothing has changed write “no change”
Flask with open (broken) neck
Flask with intact neck







Flask with open (broken) neck

Flask with intact neck




In professional settings, a good idea is seldom taken at face value. Knowing how to explain why our ideas are credible and how we got to our decision is a valuable skill at work, school, and even in personal scenarios.
For this assignment, you will be given three problem scenarios and plausible solutions for each problem. Your job will be to explain which solution you feel is best using the critical thinking and problem-solving tools you have learned so far in class.
• Open & review the Template for this assessment.
• For each of the 3 scenarios, state which solution you chose (remember, any of the solutions could work).
• Explain, in 150 words or more, which 2 tools or resources helped you analyze the problem and solution.


In regards to Scenario 1, where the Problem is Decreased Sales in a Retail Store, the Solutions will be:

Boast or high advertising budget to attract more customers.Implement the use of  customer loyalty program to retain existing customers.Train sales staff to make better customer service and sales techniques.

What is good idea?

In regards to: Solution 2 - Implement customer loyalty program. Used SWOT and sales data to evaluate.  SWOT helped me identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the store.

A loyalty program could boost sales by retaining existing customers. Past sales data was useful in evaluating the solution by identifying trends in customer behavior. Data showed retail had repeat customers, but purchases decreased. Plan to implement loyalty program to retain and engage customers.

Learn more about good idea  from


According to the picture, what organisms do wolves eat? Select all that
prairie dogs
prairie dogs
prairie grasses
prairie grasses




for the ansAnswer:

Wolves like to eat elf, deer, rabbits, and mice.

i'm srry if not correct and also yr thing is repeating itself for the Answer choices



prairie dogs




Hope this helps! =D

Other Questions
Write a letter to the Mayor of your municipality or the Chairperson of your rural municipality requesting him/her to involve the representatives of children in the decision making process related to children's issues your municipality/ruralmunicipality. The salary paid to the maintenance supervisor in a manufacturing plant is an example of:Product Cost Manufacturing OverheadA) No YesB) Yes NoC) Yes YesD) No No which finding is consistent with peripheral lesion facial palsy? attenuated sense of touch right side facecontralateral hemianesthesiacontralateral hemiparesisinability to close eye on affect sidedysarthria 1. You must choose a peer reviewed journal article and connect it to this class. (A 10 point deduction if the article is not peer reviewed).2. The article should have been published within the last three years.3. Prepare a 8-9 sentence summary of the article and how it relates to the topics we are covering in this Microeconomics class. Do not simply summarize the topic... discuss why this topic is important and the economics behind it. (Supply, demand, jobs, market failure, taxes, impact to businesses or consumers, impact to environment or resource etc.)4. Submit the summary online with the APA citation and a link to the article you choose by the due date. ExpenseGasInsuranceOilRegistrationDepreciationYearly costor rateA. $1.11 per mileC. $0.25 per mile$550.00$400.00$90.00$100.0020%What is the cost permile over the course ofa year for a $24,000 carthat depreciates 20%,with costs shown in thetable, and that hasbeen driven for 10,000miles?B. $0.59 per mileD. $4.91 per mile How might a foreign policy decision, such as the placement of an economic sanction against another country, affect U.S. citizens? What is the area, in square centimeters, of an 8.5 inch by 11 inch sheet of paper?A) 94 cm2 B) 240 cm2 C) 420 cm2 D) 6.0 102 cm2 E) 1.2 104 cm2 a common knee injury in athletes involves the anterior cruciate ligament, or acl. the acl consists of tissue that connects the bones of the femur (upper leg bone) and tibia (lower leg bone). what kind of tissue would you expect to be damaged in an acl injury? bone tissue striated muscle tissue fibrous connective tissue cartilage FIFTEEN POINTS: Read the article. Name 3 ways Mansa Musa impacted Africa and or African culture. Mansa Musa (Musa I of Mali) was the ruler of the kingdom of Mali from 1312 C.E. to 1337 C.E. During his reign, Mali was one of the richest kingdoms of Africa, and Mansa Musa was among the richest individuals in the world. The ancient kingdom of Mali spread across parts of modern-day Mali, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Mauritania, and Burkina Faso. Mansa Musa developed cities like Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centers. He also brought architects from the Middle East and across Africa to design new buildings for his cities. Mansa Musa turned the kingdom of Mali into a sophisticated center of learning in the Islamic world.Mansa Musa came to power in 1312 C.E., after the previous king, Abu Bakr II, disappeared at sea. Mansa Abu Bakr II had departed on a large fleet of ships to explore the Atlantic Ocean, and never returned. Mansa Musa inherited a kingdom that was already wealthy, but his work in expanding trade made Mali the wealthiest kingdom in Africa. His riches came from mining significant salt and gold deposits in the Mali kingdom. Elephant ivory was another major source of wealth.When Mansa Musa went on a pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca in 1324 C.E., his journey through Egypt caused quite a stir. The kingdom of Mali was relatively unknown outside of West Africa until this event. Arab writers from the time said that he travelled with an entourage of tens of thousands of people and dozens of camels, each carrying 136 kilograms (300 pounds) of gold. While in Cairo, Mansa Musa met with the Sultan of Egypt, and his caravan spent and gave away so much gold that the overall value of gold decreased in Egypt for the next 12 years. Stories of his fabulous wealth even reached Europe. The Catalan Atlas, created in 1375 C.E. by Spanish cartographers, shows West Africa dominated by a depiction of Mansa Musa sitting on a throne, holding a nugget of gold in one hand and a golden staff in the other. After the publication of this atlas, Mansa Musa became cemented in the global imagination as a figure of stupendous wealth.After his return from Mecca, Mansa Musa began to revitalize cities in his kingdom. He built mosques and large public buildings in cities like Gao and, most famously, Timbuktu. Timbuktu became a major Islamic university center during the 14th century due to Mansa Musas developments. Mansa Musa brought architects and scholars from across the Islamic world into his kingdom, and the reputation of the Mali kingdom grew. The kingdom of Mali reached its greatest extent around the same time, a bustling, wealthy kingdom thanks to Mansa Musas expansion and administration.Mansa Musa died in 1337 and was succeeded by his sons. His skillful administration left his empire well-off at the time of his death, but eventually, the empire fell apart. Well after his death, Mansa Musa remained engrained in the imagination of the world as a symbol of fabulous wealth. However, his riches are only one part of his legacy, and he is also remembered for his Islamic faith, promotion of scholarship, and patronage of culture in Mali. ( help. Receptacles located within the patient care area of pediatric wards, room, or area shall be listed ___________ resistant cover.517.18 (C) On Monday 149 people each bought 1 CD at a music store. On Tuesday 263 people each bought 1 All the CDs cost $9. What was the total amount paid for the CDs on these two days? how does volcanic eruption help in land formation? Read the following statements, then answer the question that follows.1. Africas population is growing very quickly.2. Much of the best land in Africa is being used to grow cash crops, such as coffee, for export to other countries.3. Droughts are common in Africa.Which of the following problems are the governments of Africa most likely to be concerned about as a result of the conditions above?A.increased risk of famineB.lower poverty ratesC.higher education attendanceD.lower rates of diseasePlease select the best answer from the choices providedABCD when moving from valuing an option on a non-dividend paying stock to an option on a currency, which of the following is true?group of answer choicesa. the risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate in all calculations.b. the formula for u changes.c. the risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate for discounting.d. the risk-free rate is replaced by the excess of the domestic risk-free rate over the foreign risk-free rate when p is calculated. Factors that typically influence the choice of where to maintain a checking account are:a. inflation, tax rates, and cost.b. convenience, inflation, and services.c. cost, inflation, and tax rates.d. convenience, services, and cost.e. services, insurance, and cost. Is 285mg more or less than 34.4 mg? My problem is not knowing for sure because of the decimal Question 3All of the following are criteria pollutants except:a. Carbon monoxideb. Sulfur dioxidec. Carbon dioxided. Nitrogen oxides Arkansas law requires motorists to ______ for police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and other emergency vehicles using a siren or air horn, and a red or blue flashing light. PLEASE HELP!!Mr. McLean was a loyal Virginian and as such he... (at the beginning of the Civil War)A: allowed Confederate forces to take control of his plantation to use it as a headquartersB: joined in (fighting) during the Battle of Bull Run to help the Union in their time of needC: joined in (fighting) during the Battle of Bull Run to help the Confederacy in theirtime of need.D: allowed the Union forces to take control of his plantation to use it as aheadquarters Consider a market with two goods: good 1 and good 2.Suppose that the price of good 1 is $1 and the price of good 2 is $5.Consider a consumer with $118.Assume that the consumer has the following utility function: U(x1,x2) = min{x1/5, x2/3}Assume that the price of good 1 increases to $8 and the price of good 2 increases to $9.First, obtain the indirect utility function as a function of income and prices.Then, calculate the optimal bundle the new prices $8 and $9. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).By using the final bundle, calculate the final utility level. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).Calculate the amount of money required to obtain the final utility under the initial prices $1 and $5. (Leave things in fractions - do not round).Finally, calculate the equivalent variation.Use 3-digit precision in your final answer.If your answer is 34.327178191, then type 34.327.