How does Pendleton Act impact the effectiveness of the bureaucracy?


Answer 1

The act prohibited the appointment of people to administrative positions on the basis of political affinities or campaign contributions.

What did Pendleton Act did?

The Pendleton Act changed the non-elected government job assignment system from a spoils system to a merit one.

The Pendleton Act was described by Congress as "an act to govern and develop the United States civil service."

The fundamental part of the Act comprised "open, competitive examinations for testing the fitness of applicants for the public service," as stated in the Act itself.

The Act mandated that the majority of public service positions be filled using the candidates' results on these tests.

The Act signified a significant shift in the direction the civil service system would go, even though it did not entirely restructure it all at once.

To know more about Pendleton act, visit:-


Related Questions

after developing a fear of the white rat, little albert also exhibited fear responses to other white objects that had not been paired with loud noise. this illustrates which phenomenon associated with classical conditioning? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a stimulus discrimination b higher-order conditioning c stimulus generalization d extinction unanswered3 attempts left


This illustrates the phenomenon stimulus generalization associated with classical conditioning. (Option C)

What is meant by the term stimulus generalization?

The capacity to act in a new environment in a way that has been honed in previous similar circumstances is known as stimulus generalization. How to determine which elements of the learning scenarios should be generalized is the issue.

What can we infer about the conditioning of fear from the Little Albert study?

The Little Albert Experiment proved that human beings are capable of engaging in classical conditioning, which involves linking one stimulus or behavior with another unrelated stimulus or behavior. In this study, a newborn who had never been terrified was taught to fear rats.

To know more about stimulus generalization, visit:


General intelligence test scores obtained during adolescence best predict which of the following?

a. The probability that a qualified jobholder will perform that job satisfactorily
b. The efficiency of interpersonal skills
c. Grades in school
d. The job or profession at which a person would be happy


General intelligence test scores obtained during adolescence best predict Grades in school. The appropriate response is option C.

What is General intelligence test?

This exam gauges how well you can use reasoning to resolve challenges at work. The General Intelligence Test evaluates your fundamental cognitive capacity with regard to certain aptitudes like math, general knowledge of the world, and remembering.

A notion called "general intelligence" refers to a range of cognitive abilities. The specialized mental capabilities in spatial, mathematical, technical, and language abilities are supported by this wide mental capacity.

To learn more about General intelligence


g which of the theories or models below proposes that people make decisions based on internal factors, such as knowledge and confidence, and external factors, such as physical environment and social approval? social cognitive theory health belief model embedded behaviors model theory of reasoned action


According to the social cognitive theory, people make judgments based on both external and internal elements, including knowledge and confidence as well as the physical surroundings and social acceptance.

Define social cognitive theory.

A person's knowledge acquisition may be in part directly related to how they see other people in the context of social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences, claims the social cognitive theory, which is used in psychology, education, and communication.

The core idea of social cognitive theory is that a person's conduct is determined by three interdependent factors. These three factors are environment, personality, and conduct. Aspects of behavior include the social context and how our own behavior is influenced by that of others.

To know more about social cognitive theory, visit:


What disqualifies you from getting citizenship?


Citizenship can be defined as a relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection.

The  factors that disqualifies are

You have admitted to or been found guilty of a morally reprehensible crime, such as fraud. breaking any state, federal, or international law governing controlled substances 180 or more days of incarceration in the previous five years (or 3 years if you are applying based on your marriage to a United States citizen).Failing the citizenship tests, which assess an applicant's command of the English language and familiarity with U.S. government, is among the most frequent grounds for rejecting an application for naturalization (Form N-400).You were incarcerated for a crime for 180 days or longer. Other than a single violation involving 30 grams or less of marijuana, you committed any drug-related offence.

To know more about Citizenship here


who is the man whom, in the pentateuch, god asks to leave his home and travel to a new land that god would isaashow him, and from him a 'great nation would evolve'?


Abraham is the man whom, in the Pentateuch, god asks to leave his home and travel to a new land.

God called Abraham to leave his homeland and nation, as well as his father's household. He needed to relocate to the country that God would show him. And Abraham did just that. "Abraham had no idea where that other land was," the book of Hebrews says.

But, since he had confidence, he obeyed God and began journeying" (Hebrews 11:8, ERV). It was difficult for Abraham to leave the comfort and security of his home nation, but he trusted God completely. This was a huge leap of faith!

Perhaps God is also telling you to leave your comfort zone. Some Christians are called to go to other countries to share the Gospel. Or they are summoned to remain where they are, despite the fact that they would rather destroy their boats!

Others must traverse cultural boundaries or give up financial security. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you," Jesus promises.

Learn more about why god called Abraham ? at


Which of the following reflect internal changes due to aging?

a) The heart's capacity to pump blood through the circulatory system to the brain is increased and more efficient due to the hardening and shrinking of blood vessels.
b) The reduction in gray matter makes the aging brain less efficient.
c) The respiratory system is more efficient with age.
d) The digestive system is less efficient pushing food through the system, which leads to constipation.


The digestive system is less efficient pushing food through the system, which leads to constipation reflect internal changes due to aging.

As we age, our bodies go through a lot of changes. Some of these changes are external, like wrinkles or gray hair. But there are also a lot of changes happening internal changes. Making lifestyle changes can help us age more gracefully.

For example, our bones get weaker and our skin gets thinner. We also lose muscle mass and our metabolism slows down. These changes can make us more susceptible to injuries and diseases. There are some things we can do to help offset these changes.

Hence, the correct option is "D".

To know more about aging, click here.


researchers often calculate the percentage of a given class of relatives (e.g., siblings, first cousins) of a person with a disorder (e.g., schizophrenia) who also have the disorder. such a percentage is called the


Schizophrenia was one of the first mental disorders to be studied extensively by behavioral geneticists.

What is Schizophrenia?

The multiple manner of transmission of schizophrenia and the importance of non-genetic variables make it a complex biological condition. It is now obvious that it includes the combined influence of a number of genes, each of which confers a slight increase in susceptibility to the disease.

As a result, only vulnerable genes are active, with no cause illness genes or one gene with large effects. It is hardly surprising that finding vulnerable genes is challenging given this intricacy. But at long last, genes for schizophrenia have been discovered.

Recent research on the molecular genetics of schizophrenia, with a focus on the positional and functional candidate genes claimed to be associated with the disorder, is starting to yield results that are quite interesting. candidate gene, association research, linkage analysis, and schizophrenia in genetics.

To learn more about Schizophrenia refer to:


Is Swift a misanthropist?


Most people think of Jonathan Swift (1667–1745) as the towering misanthrope of English literature.

The broad detestation of the human race, human behavior, or human nature is known as misanthropy. A person who has such beliefs or attitudes is referred to be a misanthrope or misanthrope. Misanthropy is a pejorative attitude toward humankind that is based on an unfavorable assessment of humanity's shortcomings. These defects are seen as being widespread, or present in practically everyone to a significant degree rather than just a few extreme examples. They are also believed to be entrenched, which means that, short of a total revolution of the predominate way of life, there is either no or very little that can be done to correct them.

Learn more about misanthropy here:


How did the north and South react to slavery?


Slavery was trying to expand, and the North sought to stop it. They were worried that the South would gain political benefit. The South believed that new states should have the option to keep slavery if they so desired.

The Northern Free States and the Southern Slave States had a tense partnership for many years. This would not persist for very long. The subject of slavery began to cause issues as more individuals from the North and the South moved west. Southerly settlers aspired to go to the West and bring their slaves with them. The goal of Northerners was to halt the expansion of slavery. The problem of slavery threatened to split the nation when new states were formed. To resolve this matter, the Missouri Compromise was adopted in 1820.

Learn more about Slavery here:


Which scenario best describes a researcher making thoughtful considerations in the design of their informed consent process on an online study? O The researcher will ask for a waiver to document informed consent because participation in the study is limited to non-playable characters (NPCs) or avatars designed and controlled by artificial intelligence. O The researcher will ask for a waiver of informed consent because the prevalence of bots completing online studies means there is no certain way to secure informed consent form actua research participants. O The researcher will ask for a waiver to document informed consent and instead will have a live button that reads, "If you agree to be in this study click below to begin." O The researcher will ask for a waiver of informed consent because prospective participants are individuals registered in an on-line panels, thus they have already given their consent to be a research participant.



The researcher will ask for a waiver to document informed consent and instead will have a live button that reads, "If you agree to be in this study click below to begin." 

"The researcher will ask for a waiver to document informed consent and instead will have a live button that reads, 'If you agree to be in this study click below to begin,'" best describes a researcher making thoughtful considerations in the design of their informed consent process on an online study. Thus, option C is correct.

What is an online study?

An online study is a type of research or academic program that is conducted over the internet, rather than in a traditional classroom or laboratory setting.

Online studies can take many different forms, such as online courses, surveys, experiments, or data collection. They can be conducted using various online platforms such as video conferencing, online forums, email, or other web-based tools.

Online studies offer several advantages over traditional in-person studies, such as greater flexibility and convenience for participants and researchers.

Online studies also have the potential to reach larger and more diverse populations, as they can be conducted globally and without the constraints of geographic location.

However, online studies also come with their own unique challenges, such as issues with data security, participant privacy, and reliability of data collection methods.

Learn more about online study here:


Do you think that the western lifestyle is making impact on Indian literature?


Yes, the Western lifestyle is making an impact on Indian literature.

Exploring the Impact of Western Lifestyle on Indian Literature

Many authors are now exploring themes, characters, and settings that are influenced by Western culture, and there is an increasing trend of authors who have been exposed to Western literature and culture writing stories that reflect the same.

This has led to the emergence of many new genres of Indian literature such as cross-cultural fiction, postcolonial literature, and cosmopolitan literature.

Learn more about Indian literature at:


What is the traditional approach to culture in language teaching?


The traditional approach to culture in language teaching includes the Direct method and the Grammar translation method.

Having a sense of one's language is very important as one needs to have a control on their language as well as the language that is the common communication mode. Language teaching is done to enhance the control of a person on a particular language. This teaching has a great impact of culture on a person as a person belonging to a particular culture may have a sense of their culture and language from their parents and surroundings. The other methods are teaching about the grammar of the language and teaching the language directly by having a conversation the language.

Learn more about Language at:


What was Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman inspired by?


Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was inspired by the report that women only had to receive domestic education.

Who was Mary Wollstonecraft?

The groundbreaking literary work A Vindication of the Rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft continues to be influential in today's feminist and human rights movements.

The book was written by Wollstonecraft (1759–1797) in part as a response to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution, which was released in late 1790.

Because women were treated as "useful domestic slaves" and were denied economic freedom, Mary Wollstonecraft thought society was squandering its resources.

Read more on Mary Wollstonecraft here:


The best selection to complete number 6 is -
- War of 1812
- American Revolution
- Whiskey Rebellion


The selection that would best complete number 6 is:

This action enraged many Americans and was one of the major causes of the A. War of 1812.

What caused the War of 1812 ?

The British Orders-in-Council, which restricted American trade with Europe, and the Royal Navy's habit of hiring sailors from American merchant ships to bolster the crews of its own, chronically undermanned warships were the two main factors that led to the outbreak of the conflict.

Between 1807 and 1812, the British confiscated 400 American commerce ships and their cargoes under the authority of the Orders in Council. Between 1803 and 1812, press gangs swept up 6,000 to 9,000 Americans into the crews of British ships, despite allegedly seeking out British subjects for naval service. Many of the sailors had acquired citizenship that was either in doubt or could not be shown, while others had been born in British colonies but had immigrated to the United States.

The policy of impressment therefore, was one of the major causes of the War of 1812.

Find out more on British Impressment at


As noted in lecture, it is possible to have a game where a Nash Equilibrium does not exist. In such a game, are there dominated strategies? What about dominant strategies?


A player can obtain the desired outcome by sticking to their initial strategy, according to the Nash equilibrium, a decision-making theorem in game theory.

Distinguish between Nash Equilibrium and Dominated strategy.

Both Nash equilibrium and dominating strategy are game theory tactics, and they are frequently contrasted with one another. The Nash equilibrium asserts that the best course of action for an actor is to stick with their initial course of action while being aware of the opponent's course of action and that all participants keep the same course of action.

According to dominant strategy, an actor's selected approach will produce greater results than any other feasible plan, independent of the opponent's strategy.

Although they differ somewhat, both terms are similar. According to Nash equilibrium, no one benefits if any person modifies their approach while everyone else sticks with their original plan. According to dominant strategy, a player will decide on a course of action that will produce the best results, regardless of what course of action the other players have chosen. While Nash equilibrium may not always be the greatest play in a game, dominant strategy can be incorporated in it.

To learn more about Nash Equilibrium, refer


The biological perspective studies the influence of genes on _ physiological health

a. personality traits
b. memory creation
d. environment
and psychological health.


The biological perspective studies the influence of genes on  psychological health. Option D

What is biological perspective studies  of genes about?

Each person has 23 chromosomes at birth, which they got from both of their biological parents. There is evidence to support the idea that behavioral traits like intelligence and mental illness are inherited in the same way that our physical traits like height and eye color.

Everything that is psychological, according to the biological perspective, was originally biological. As a result, in order to completely comprehend human behavior, we must look at biological systems within the body.

Hence, the field of biological psychology seeks to understand how physiological and biological processes affect behavior and psychological processes.

Learn more about biological perspective  from


Compensation should ______.not be tied to scorecard measures because managers will be tempted to make decisions that do not benefit the overall companyonly be tied to balanced scorecard measures after the organization has been successfully managed with it for some timebe tied to balanced scorecard measures immediately so that managers understand its importance


Compensation should only be tied to balanced scorecard measures after the organization has been successfully managed with it for some time.

The balanced scorecard measures four major aspects of a company: learning and growth, business processes, customers, and finance. The balanced scorecard measures four major aspects of a company: learning and growth, business processes, customers, and finance. BSCs enable businesses to consolidate information into a single report, provide information on service and quality in addition to financial performance, and aid in the improvement of efficiencies.

Learn more on customers


in north korea, citizens are expected to respect and revere their leader. when he gets a new style of haircut, that style will become popular with ordinary citizens. how is this cultural trait, or style, spread?


As a school of thought in anthropology, diffusionism made an effort to comprehend the dissemination of culture in terms of the beginnings of cultural features and their transmission from one society to another.

What is the term for the dissemination or spread of a culture and/or a culture trait?As a school of thought in anthropology, diffusionism made an effort to comprehend the dissemination of culture in terms of the beginnings of cultural features and their transmission from one society to another.Regional cuisine is food inspired by a country's, a state's, or a city's geography. Based on food availability, trade, various climates, cooking customs and practices, and cultural differences, regional cuisines might differ.        

To learn more about Cultural features refer to:


What are the types of committee Organisation?


Standing, standing joint, legislative, special, special joint, and subcommittees are some of the several sorts of committee.

Their membership, the terms of reference the House has assigned them, and their lifespan vary.

Standing committees do the vast majority of committee work. They are many, given a wide range of studies to complete, and consistently show up since the Standing Orders have established their continued presence. They are made up of 10 members who represent all of the House's recognised political parties and are essential in scrutinising proposed legislation and monitoring government operations.

The Standing Orders specify a basic mandate for all standing committees, with the exception of select standing committees and standing joint committees. They have the authority to research and report to the House on any issues pertaining to the purpose, direction, structure, and functioning of the departments the House has delegated to them.

Learn more about Committee here:


2. which statement about the role that biologic makeup plays with the clients emotional response is most accurate:


A client's response to psychotropic drug treatment can be impacted by biological differences. Antidepressants are utilized to treat sorrow. There are various sorts of antidepressants

What individual factors can be altered to enhance mental and emotional well-being?being active physically. Exercise can improve your mood and reduce stress and depression.getting sufficient sleep. Your mood is influenced by sleep.Good dieting. Not only will eating well improve your physical health, but it may also help you feel better and lessen your stress and anxiety.

Which group is most likely to remain trapped in the cycle of poverty?

The cycle of poverty affects children the most. Due to their young age and lack of resources, children cannot escape poverty because they are dependent on their parents. Children who are poor are more likely to suffer from: illness brought on by poor sanitation and unclean water.

To learn more about psychotropic drug here:


What was Wilson's hope for the League of Nations?


Wilson believed that such an organization would help nations mediate disputes before they turned violent.

What did Wilson want the Nations League to accomplish?

Wilson considered the League's guarantees of territorial integrity but also self determination of member states, its authority to take "any safeguard the peace," its establishment of arbitration rules, and its establishment of processes for military and economic sanctions to be of utmost importance.

What did Wilson think the world would achieve in his speech?

It is that the globe be made fit as well as safe to live in, and more specifically that it be deemed safe for every nation that values peace and simply wish to live its very own life, like ours, to be convinced of fairness and justice trying to deal by the other nations and people as opposed to force.

To know more about Wilson visit :


A good is characterized by network economies if it:


A good is characterized by network economies if it: becomes more valuable as more people own it. A natural monopoly is a monopoly that arises from: economies of scale.

The network economy is the new economic order emerging from the information society. The name is derived from a key feature: products and services are created and value is added through large or global social networks.

In contrast, in industrial-era economies, ownership of physical or intellectual property stems from its creation by a single enterprise. Business models for capturing ownership rights for value embedded in social network-created products and services are being investigated.

Learn more about network economy to visit this link


some people eat lentils and black-eyed peas around new year’s day because they look like___


Some people eat lentils and black-eyed peas around new year’s day because they look like coins.

The American South is one of a few districts of the world that eats vegetables for favorable luck in the new year. A few Italians eat lentils since they look like coins, and Sephardic Jews eat dark peered toward peas for Rosh Hashanah, which might have additionally impacted the American New Year's practice.

On New Year's Eve, numerous African-Americans try to cook black-eyed peas to introduce the new year, and as writer John Egerton wrote in his book Southern Food, it is accepted they have a "magical and legendary ability to bring best of luck.

After the Nationwide conflict, eating dark looked at peas turned out to be more normal all through the South and was not restricted to being nourishment for the subjugated individuals or poor people. The Association Armed force assaulted the Confederate Armed force's food supplies during the Nationwide conflict and took all that they thought about eatable, except for dark peered toward peas.

To know more about black-eyed peas,visit here:


what is the current magnetic epoch and when did it begin



the current epoch is called the Holocene, which began 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age


Which of the following is characteristic of the classic aging pattern using the WAIS?

a. increases in performance on verbal measures and steady declines on performance scales
b. almost imperceptible declines in performance and verbal measures, but steep declines in analytics and mathematics
c. steady, steep drops on performance and verbal measures
d. very slight drops on verbal measures and steeper drops on performance scales


Almost imperceptible declines in performance and verbal measures, but steep declines in analytics and mathematics  is characteristic of the classic aging pattern using the WAIS.

The WAIS-IV includes full-scale IQ and indices of four factors: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. The Wechsler IQ test is probably designed to test  adults and children because this type of test focuses more on  adults to measure adult intelligence and ability, and it also focuses on older youth.

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are the primary clinical instruments used to measure intelligence in adults and adolescents. The original WAIS (Form I) was published in February 1955 by David Wechsler as a version of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale.

Learn about wais:


What is the main idea of Mary Wollstonecraft's beliefs?


Mary Wollstonecraft's key points were that both men and women should be recognized as rational creatures and that there is no difference whatsoever between women and men.

Due to their lower level of knowledge than men, women may be denigrated. Most women don't work outside the home and aren't paid for their household duties.

The family prefers their boys to go to school and study while the girls are involved in the housework whenever there is a financial crisis and the costs of schooling must be paid. This is a common kind of discrimination against women.

English author Mary Wollstonecraft was a fierce supporter of women's equality in society and in the classroom. She demanded political change, including a fundamental overhaul of the country's educational framework, in order to improve the status of women. All of society would gain from such reform, she said.

To know more about Wollstonecraft, click the below link


Antisocial Personality and Other Personality Disorders


A clear pattern of indifference for violating the rights of others is a defining feature of antisocial personality disorder. Terms like psychopath or sociopath are frequently used. Self-centered, entitled, using people to gain power over them, and lacking sensitivity and acting impulsively

A long-standing pattern of disdain for or violation of the rights of others, as well as trouble maintaining long-term relationships, are characteristics of antisocial personality disorder. Lack of empathy is frequently evident, along with a history of disobeying the law and other rules, a propensity for substance misuse, and impulsive and aggressive behavior.

A person who repeatedly disregards and infringes upon the rights of those around them is said to have antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Antisocial personality disorder patients may act violently, carelessly, or impulsively, frequently with little regard for the needs and wants of others.

To know more about antisocial personality disorder refer here:


What is it called when someone is being forced to testify?


The Fifth Amendment's protection is expanded in this situation since the witness is the criminal defendant. defendants in crimes.

What is the practice of coercing witnesses to testify known as?

A subpoena is a legal summons requiring a witness to appear in court or to provide certain evidence. If you need to compel someone to testify for you, you and your lawyer must ask the court for a subpoena and provide justification for the subpoena.

When must you appear in court, what is it called?

A subpoena is an official court summons to appear. If you disobey the order, the court will hold you in contempt. You may be subject to incarceration or a hefty fine for disregarding the Subpoena Both criminal and civil proceedings require subpoenas. They can be distributed to anyone who might be able to provide insight into the situation.

To know more about Fifth Amendment's visit:-


What does Bible say about tattoos?


The Bible does not forbid Christians from getting inked.

What is the Bible's position on tattoos?

They are now widespread, from Ohio office parks to Maori settlements in New Zealand. However, the authors of the Hebrew Bible outlawed tattooing in the ancient Near East. You are not permitted to incise any marks on yourself or make gashes in your flesh for the dead, according to Leviticus 19:28.

And a cutting for the dead you will not make in your flesh; and writing marks you will not create on you; I am the Lord, according to the literal translation of Leviticus 19:28. The Bible makes no further clear references to body modification. Considering that the term "tattoo" did not enter the English language until the 18th century.

To know more about Bible, refer:


What is the main point of Weber's theory?


In order to determine the reason of an action, according to Weber, you must first comprehend the meaning that the individual attached to it. He made a distinction between two categories of comprehension.

He began by mentioning Aktuelles Verstehen, often known as direct observational understanding, which involves just seeing what other people are doing. It is feasible, for instance, to watch what individuals are doing, such as while they are cutting wood, or even to infer (quite confidently) from someone's body language or facial expression what they are feeling. However, social activity cannot be fully explained by observable awareness alone.

Eklarendes Verstehen, also known as empathic understanding, is the second sort of comprehension in which sociologists attempt to comprehend the significance of an act in terms of the motivations that led to it. Finding out why someone is chopping wood would be necessary for this kind of knowledge.

Are they doing it because they need firewood, are they merely clearing a forest as part of their job, are they doing it to vent their anger, or are they simply doing it because they love it? To do this, according to Weber, you must put yourself in the position of the participants in the activity.

Learn more about the Weber's theory:


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