How does lobbying benefit the government lobbying simplifies the decision making?


Answer 1

The lobbying can benefit to the government because lobbying helps educate and inform lawmakers.

What is lobbying?

Lobbying or lobby is the advocacy form to influence the decision that made by government. The influence attempt is include the influence to legislator by organized groups, constituents, or even the other legislators.

Since, the government can't follow all the interests of its citizens because it will definitely have a lot of conflict of interests, so that lobbying can ensure the lawmakers which is the legislator to have an access to research and information about key issues.

Thus, lobbying will helps educate and inform the lawmakers.

You question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

How does lobbying benefit the government?

Lobbying simplifies the decision-making process for lawmakers.

Lobbying presents all interests equally.

Lobbying helps educate and inform lawmakers.

Lobbying ensures all citizens' opinions inform government decisions.

Learn more about lobbying here:


Related Questions

A police officer responds to a call about a young person with a gun sitting on a park bench. Upon arriving at the park in his cruiser, the officer tells him three times to “show your hands.” The young person did not show his hands and may have reached toward his belt. Within two seconds of arriving, he was shot and killed by the police officer. The young person turns out to be 12 years old and the gun turns out to be a toy. Is this a justifiable use of force by the officer? Explain your answer.


In my opinion, the action of the police officer is not a justifiable use of force.

Why is the Police Officer's Action not a Justified use of Force?

It is appropriate to consider the president cases of Tamir Rice and Tyre King instances. In both cases, the victims are typically described as men with guns in 911 calls, but no ages are given. Because they now lack the luxury of knowing whether a gun is fake or genuine, police officers have perilous jobs.

Both times, the 911 operator made a mistake by failing to disclose that the "weapons" the young boys were holding might be fake and that they are likely minors, which could have resulted in the lives of innocent people being saved. In the case of Tamir Rice, the fatal shot that took Rice's life was fired just a few seconds after the officers arrived on the scene.

Hence, the police officer in the instant case, ought to probe further, whether the minor was with a gun indeed.

Learn more about police officers here:


What is the best strategy to reduce political risk?


The best strategy to reduce political risk  :

Risk assessment: Before making an investment, it is essential to investigate and evaluate the regional infrastructure.

What is meant   by political risk ?

Political risk is the likelihood that your firm could suffer as a result of political instability or changes in a country's leadership or regime, as well as changes to that nation's laws and policies governing businesses and international interactions.

Political risk is the possibility that a country's political unrest or changes could have a negative impact on an investment's results. Instability could result from a shift in the military, judicial, legislative, or executive departments of the government, which would affect investment returns.

Political risk analysis tries to give insight into areas of the political process where a corporation needs to intervene if it wants to alter the business environment, reduce potential risks, or increase.

To learn more about Political risk refer to :


What does primary a candidate mean?


An election held to choose which candidate from each party will be nominated and run as that party's single representative in the general election.

What is the meaning of the primary election?

Voters can express their preferences for a candidate in a general election, a municipal election, or a by-election by participating in primary elections, often known as direct primaries.

What does primary mean for President?

A voter may only participate in one primary under each of these systems. For example, a voter who votes for a candidate seeking the Republican presidential nomination cannot also vote for a candidate seeking the Democratic nomination, and vice versa.

To know more about primary visit:


What does OSHA stand for and what is its purpose?


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established by Congress with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure that workers have safe and healthy working conditions by establishing and enforcing standards as well as by offering outreach, education, and assistance.

What is meant by Occupational Safety and Health Act ?

The Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act, which President Richard Nixon signed into law on December 29, 1970, granted the federal government the power to establish and enforce safety and health standards for the majority of the nation's workers.

An act to codify and revise the laws governing items related to or incidental to occupational safety, health, and working conditions of those employed in an establishment

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established by Congress with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 to ensure that workers have safe and healthy working conditions by establishing and enforcing standards as well as by offering outreach, education, and assistance.

To learn more about OSHA refer to :


TRUE/FALSE. individuals who believe that the death penalty should be abolished meet to discuss the issue. research on group polarization suggests that after discussion the individuals will be convinced that the death penalty should be retained. sharply divided over whether the death penalty should be abolished. in favor of a more moderate position on the issue. even more convinced that the death penalty should be abolished.


Individuals who believe that the death penalty should be abolished meet to discuss the issue. given statement are true.

The deliberate killing of a person as a punishment for a real or imagined crime, also referred to as the capital punishment or the death penalty, is a state-sanctioned practice that typically happens after a regulated, authorized process to determine that the person is accountable for the violation of standards that justifies the punishment.

On the basis that society has a moral duty to ensure the security and wellbeing of its citizens, the death penalty is frequently supported. Murderers put this safety and welfare at danger. Society can only assure that convicted killers don't kill again by putting them to death.

Learn more about death penalty to visit this link


Who is the majority whip?


On January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris, a Democrat, became vice president. Thanks to her tie-breaking vote, Mitch McConnell is now the minority leader in the Senate, while Charles Schumer is the majority leader.

What does "majority whip" refer to?

whip majoritarian (House) A key member of the majority party who communicates frequently with all party members, keeps tabs on votes that are important, produces summaries of measures, and generally acts as the center of communication for the party.

It is explained what the majority whip does.

The primary responsibility of whips, who are generally assistant leaders, is to call quorums and gather party members for votes. They occasionally take the place of absent majority or minority leaders.

Whips are in charge of keeping the lines of communication open between the party's leadership and its members, tallying the results of votes on significant pieces of legislation, and persuading Members to support the party's position. They also assist the party leadership in bringing the party's bills up for a vote in the House.

Learn more about majority whip:


What was the New Deal relief program?


The New Deal had three goals: relief, recovery, and reform. Relief intended that the president wanted to assist these in disaster without delay by means of creating jobs, bread lines, and welfare. Recovery was aimed at fixing the economic system and ending the Depression.

What used to be vital about many of the New Deal comfort programs?

The Relief programs, on which this part focuses, have been implemented to without delay give up the persevered economic freefall. These included the Emergency Banking Act, which ensured that solely solvent banks remained open, and financial institution holidays that would shut financial institutions when a wave of monetary panic occurred.

The applications focused on what historians refer to as the "3 R's": alleviation for the unemployed and for the poor, healing of the economic system again to regular levels, and reform of the economic device to forestall a repeat depression.

Learn more about New Deal relief program here:

What is the function of the President of the Senate ?


The Constitution requires the Senate to choose a president expert tempore to act as directing official without the VP.

The president pro tempore has the authority to appoint new senators, sign legislation, and administer the oath of office.

What is the responsibilities of the Senate president?

The vice president of the United States is appointed Senate president by the Constitution. The vice president not only serves as the presiding officer, but also has sole authority to break a tie vote in the Senate and is officially in charge of receiving and counting presidential election ballots.

Which function does the Senate President perform?

The Vice President is named Senate President by the Constitution. He or she can recognize members, put questions to a vote, and other things like that, but they can't participate in debates or votes to break a tie.

To learn more about Constitution here:


What does PACs mean in government?


In the United States, a political action committee (PAC) is a 527 organization that swimming pools campaign contributions from members and donates these money to campaigns for or in opposition to candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation.

The prison time period PAC used to be created in pursuit of marketing campaign finance reform in the United States

What is PAC political party?

Political Action Committees (PACs)

Generally. • A PAC is a political committee that seeks to develop its political pursuits or purposes. thru the merchandising of candidates, political parties, or question

PACS consists of four predominant components: photo acquisition devices (imaging modalities), communication networks, PACS archive and server, and built-in display workstations (WS). PACS can be similarly related to RIS and HIS health care structures via PACS communication networks

Learn more about PACs  here:

What was Chief Joseph's explanation for his surrender?


Nez Perce Chief Joseph surrendered himself in to American General Nelson A. Miles, declaring, “Hear me, my chiefs: My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.”

Give a brief account on Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph, a member of the Wallowa band of the Nez Perce Tribe (1840–1904), rose to fame in 1877 after guiding his followers on a daring trip across the Rocky Mountains. Reverend Henry H. Spalding (1803–1874), who had founded a mission among the Nez Perce in 1836, gave him the name Joseph and he was born in 1840. Young Joseph and his father soon went back to living the traditional Wallowa lifestyle in their native Oregon. Government pressure to leave his Wallowa property and join the other Nez Perce on their reservation close to Lapwai, Idaho, increased as Joseph got older and took on the chieftain role. In response, Joseph said he would not go, as he had promised his father.

When these disagreements turned violent in 1877, Joseph's band and other Nez Perce bands fled into Montana across the Bitterroot Mountains as federal troops pursued them. Despite the fact that Joseph was not the group's military commander, because of his position within the tribe, he served as the camp chief and as the political figurehead. Near the Canadian border in Montana, Joseph was the one who finally agreed to turn over the shattered band to the authorities. Until 1885, when they were transferred to the Colville Reserve in North Central Washington, Joseph and the tribe lived on an Indian Territory reservation in what is now Oklahoma.

To know more about, Nez Perce, visit :


Closed discovery encourages __________.


Trials without juries are encouraged by closed discovery .In common law jurisdictions, discovery is the pre-trial stage of a case during which each party can acquire evidence from the opposing party or parties through the use of discovery tools such interrogatories, demands for the production of documents, requests for admissions, and depositions.

Bench trials are trials handled by the judge alone without a jury. An action shall be begun by submitting in the clerk’s office a complaint. The issue is joined after the defendants' replies to the cause of action are submitted. If a jury is not asked, the judge is prepared to conduct a bench trial after hearing pre-trial motions and after counsel has finished the discovery process. At the calling of the court's docket, the judge sets the matter for trial. (A local rule may call for the submission of a petition.) The procedure for a jury trial is the same for a bench trial. The main distinction is that the matter is heard and decided by the judge rather than a jury.

To learn more about juries please click on the given link:


What are the 3 main types of taxes?


The three most prevalent taxes are income tax, sales tax, property tax, and value-added tax, and the sorts of taxes that might be levied depending on the nation you are in.

The three most common tax types are displayed here. An individual or company must pay an income tax on their earnings. The amount of income subject to tax and the rate at which it is levied may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Sales tax is a fee levied on the purchase of goods and services. Different goods and services could be subject to taxes at various rates depending on the jurisdiction.

Property taxes are levied against those who own or utilize real estate or other types of property. Different types of property may be subject to taxes at various rates, depending on the jurisdiction.

To learn more about tax


Can my ex get in trouble for claiming my child on taxes?


If your ex claimed your dependent on their return when you had the right to this year, this can lead to legal problems as the dependent benefits cannot be split. If you and your ex alternate years, be sure you both only claim the child as a dependent when it is your year.

Why was President Wilson hesitant involved in this war ?


Wilson drove States into war in an effort to "make the globe safe for democracy," despite his steadfast position on neutrality.

What three sorts of conflict are there?

The three unadulterated forms of conflict can be categorized as absolute, intellectual, and agonistic combat. Absolute warfare is unfettered and unregulated, agonistic conflict is governed by conventions, and instrumental warfare may or may not be limited based on practical concerns.

What makes war what it is?

The Old English terms wryer and were from the 11th century are the ancestors of the English word "war," which itself is derived as from Proto-Germanic word *werz, which means "mixing, confusion," or Old French activities as well as affecting (also known as "guerre" in contemporary French).

To know more about War visit :


What are the 3 main responsibilities of the municipal government?



have public security.

station of firemen.

system of consumable water and drainer

What is called rural community?


All people, homes, and land that are not part of an urban areas or urban cluster are considered to be rural.

A rural community is what?

"Rural" is not defined in the Census. They define "rural" as any population, residence, or region that is not located inside an urban area. Rural refers to any place that is not urban. Urban is defined by the Census as "Urbanized Areas (Unmanned aircraft systems) of 50,000 persons or more."

What is the most accurate way to define rural?

Rural refers to a non-urban area. Urbanized areas (a core location and its surrounding densely populated areas with a total minimal population over 50,000) and incorporated places or census designated places with 20,000 or more people are both considered urban areas.

To know more about rural community visit :


How can I become a High Court judge in Pakistan?


To be a High Court judge in Pakistan: a Pakistani citizen aged 40 years and has been an advocate of the High Court or has held a judicial office for 10 years and has been a judge of a District Court for at least 3 years.

How powerful are high court judges?

The Supreme Court has judicial review powers. They have the power to declare a law or regulation unconstitutional if it is found to violate the Indian Constitution. Only the High Court can certify cases suitable for appeal to the Supreme Court.

How are High Court judges selected?

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and High Court judges are appointed by the President in accordance with Article 217, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution.

What are the requirements for a High Court Judge?

Judges are appointed by the Judicial Appointment Commission. To be considered: Be a qualified attorney, barrister, or licensed legal representative;

To learn more about High Court judge visit:


Why does the executive office of the president include press and communications staff The president uses mass media to speak to Congress?


The president promotes policies through the media.

By communications, what do you mean?

Send or receive messages through both verbal and non-verbal means is the process of communication. The goal of communication is to create understanding between two or more people by sharing information in the shape of thoughts, views, and ideas in a two-way fashion.

What does a major in communications entail?

Mass media, scientific communications, and advertising are all topics covered by communication majors. They gain writing skills for technical documents, long-form essays, and press releases. Students in an action plan develop their writing and speaking abilities to get them ready for professions in fields that are expanding.

To know more about communications visit;


What was Executive Order 9066 and why was it controversial?


This order, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, allowed for the deportation of Japanese Americans and other people who were considered a threat to national security from the West Coast to "relocation facilities" further interior.

What was Executive Order 9066 and what did it do?

On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed an executive order authorizing the transfer of all individuals believed to pose a threat to the nation's security from the West Coast to relocation facilities farther interior. In the following six months, more than 100,000 people with Japanese ancestry were sent to assembly centers.

Military leaders in the United States asked Secretary of War Henry Stimson to become involved because many of the areas with the highest concentrations of Japanese Americans were located near crucial military infrastructure along the Pacific coast. Executive Order 9066 by Roosevelt was the outcome.

The order gave the Secretary of War and the military the power to exclude Americans of Japanese descent from what they identified as military installations and the neighborhoods around them in the United States.Japanese aliens and Japanese-American residents were not permitted in these regions according to the law.

To learn more about Order 9066 refer to :


Read the guarantee of the right of property in French Declaration of 1789 (art. 2 and 17); Italian Statuto albertino of 1848 (art. 29), Weimar constitution (art. 153); Italian constitution of 1948 (art. 42).

Could you find any difference? Describe the evolution of the concept.


Since the right to property is unalienable and sacred, no one may be deprived of it unless a justifiable prior indemnity has been paid and it is clearly necessary for the public good.

What is the right to property in France?

Numerous common forms of ownership are recognized by French law. As stated in the constitution, full ownership is "the right to enjoy and dispose of the property in an absolute manner, offered that no use is made of it that is contrary to the laws and regulations."

Property is an inalienable right, so no one may be deprived of it unless a clearly demonstrated public need for it is established by law, and even then, only after the owner has been adequately and fairly compensated.

Learn more about the right to property in France here:


What is the OSHA regulation?


To prevent employee deaths or other workplace injuries, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was created.

What does the OSH Act accomplish?The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 established the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to promote safe and healthy working conditions for employees by establishing and enforcing standards as well as by offering outreach, education, and assistance.To prevent employee deaths or other workplace injuries, the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) was created. The legislation compels companies to give their workers safe working environments that are free of recognized risks.      

To learn more about Occupational Safety and Health Act refer to:


What is a monetary policy and what effect does it have on the rates of interest of banks?


A demand-side strategy is monetary policy. It is a sort of policy that enables the government to adjust the aggregate demand levels and accomplish its macroeconomic goals by manipulating the credit limit and the money supply.

Which three monetary policies are there?

The three tools the Fed has previously also used conduct monetary policy are deposit insurance, the capital costs and laissez faire economics operations.

What is meant by a monetary policy example?

Monetary policy can be carried out by a country's central bank to preserve economic stability. To enhance labor, GDP, and price stability, for instance, authorities can control the flow of money by using tools like borrowing charges, reserves, bonds, etc.

To know more about Monetary policy visit  :


FILL IN THE BLANK the enforcement guidance of the______ does not ban employers from using criminal checks to screen applicants or current employees.


The enforcement guidance of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) does not ban employers from using criminal checks to screen applicants or current employees.

What is the purpose of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) looks into claims of employment discrimination based on race, colour, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (40 or older), or genetic information. We take action to end the discrimination if we think an employer is breaking the law.Three fundamental rules are provided by the statutes that the EEOC enforces for you to abide by as an employee: Avoid Discrimination. Submit a Discrimination Report. Obtain workplace modifications.For instance, this Act forbids discrimination against Asian people based on their physical attributes, such as their height or facial features. When someone is treated unfairly because of the colour of their skin, this is known as colour discrimination.

Learn more about Equal Employment Opportunity Commission refer to



How do you calculate TT?


The TT Time duration order divides divides the full discern order quantity with the aid of the calculated number of slices to decide the interval for every infant order.

A TT Time duration order defines the whole time preferred to achieve the entire purpose amount. You may set either the entire time or precise begin and cease times. whilst unique begin and quit times are entered, the distinction between the two is calculated to determine the entire time length for the order. Child order quantities are submitted in the course of the desired time period to gain the whole intention quantity.

To know about Time duration click here:


What is the purpose of public education in the United States?


The original purpose of public education was to provide all young people, regardless of social class, with a core intellectual education together with a shared political and social philosophy. Today, these goals still exist.

What was the initial intent behind public education?

To prepare students for citizenship in a democratic society, public schools were established as one of its main goals. The Founding Fathers felt that the strength of the brittle American democracy would depend on how capable the people were.

What is the primary purpose of the educational system?

The essential goal of education is to provide people with the opportunity to learn things that will allow them to reach their greatest potential and make contributions to society.

What three aims does public education seek to achieve?

Since public education began in the United States in the 1800s, educational historian David Labaree has claimed that there have been three main objectives: 1) Social efficiency, 2) Democratic equality, and 3) Social mobility.

Learn more about public education:


Can a case go to trial without evidence?


No, a case cannot go to trial without evidence. Evidence is necessary to prove the facts of the case and to support the claims of the parties involved. Without evidence, the court would not be able to make a fair and impartial decision.

What are the causes responsible for judicial activism?


The use of the judiciary's review authority is encouraged by advocates of judicial activism. They hold that judicial interpretation of legislation is the best method for creating legal standards and that it ought to be applied.

What exactly is judicial activism?

By definition, judicial activism refers to the way a justice conducts judicial review, in which judicial activists forego their duty to interpret the Constitution in favor of using case decisions to advance their chosen policies. One of the most prominent instances of judicial activism in American history is considered to be the Roe v. Wade decision, which held that laws prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional because they violated a person's right to privacy.

To know more about judicial activism visit:


What are the three grounds for appeal?




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What was the primary criticism of the decisions of the Warren Court?


There have been many moments in history that have defined an era or a generation. The Warren Court, the period from when Earl Warren served as chief justice of the United States.

Supreme Court, is one of those eras in history that changed civil rights for the better. Several court decisions made prior to Warren's tenure as chief justice were overturned during this time. During this time, many people questioned the court system, believing that Warren and the other justices were enforcing laws but not properly ruling on cases. Politicians and citizens alike believed the court system had become overly liberal. What modifications did the Warren Court These cases dealt with issues such as racial discrimination and sexual harassment. The right to counsel, the right to privacy, the First Amendment, and criminal procedures are all protected under the law. We'll look at some of the cases that were overturned and the decisions that were made. The Warren Court definition refers to Earl Warren's tenure as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, which lasted. Chief Justice Warren's vision for the Court and American society was to effect social change and fight injustice. Many of the cases decided by the Warren Court during that time period protected and strengthened citizens' civil rights and liberties in the United States.

To learn more about  The Warren Court here:


How does the president exercise his executive power?


ANSWER : The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise.
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