How does Chaucer use satire in The Canterbury Tales?


Answer 1

Chaucer use satire in The Canterbury Tale mocks the Church by satirising him in his portrayal of the Pardoner. The amusing contrast between The Pardoner's lecture against greed and his exaggerated greediness.

Chaucer makes up such an obscenely selfish character to highlight actual church corruption and to effect reform.Through parodies, sarcasm, and humour, writers employ satire as a literary device to critique or highlight issues in society or inside an individual.

Geoffrey Chaucer made extensive use of satire in "Canterbury Tales" to highlight the corruption that pervaded both society and the church, which is supposed to be the least corrupt institution. He seeks to effect genuine change by mocking and highlighting their flaws.

Avarice through his depiction of the numerous identities.Like Chaucer, several authors have used satire and parodies to highlight social injustices.

Satire is a literary device that authors employ to critique or draw attention to social issues.

To know more about The Canterbury Tales visit:


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On the way an author describes the conflict a character experiences
OB. the way in which a character changes over time, especially when conflicts arise
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Answer:When i new chacter is intruduced they have to invite the chacter make sure the reader get ti know him and most likey somthing will happen to him



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The difference between a house and a home lies in the subjective meaning that each word has.

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the answer is coffins the coffin makers could not keep up with because so many people were dying

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Have to mainly expresses general obligations, while must is used for specific obligations: I have to brush my teeth twice a day. I must tell you something. Important: To express obligation, duty or necessity in the future or the past, must and need are not used

which of the following is the best example of a theme/thematic statement?

a: everyone wants to be in their native country.
b: being generous and thoughtful usually makes us feel better about ourselves.
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I can't decide between b and d but pretty sure it's b


n: being generous and thoughtful usually makes us feel better about ourselves.

pls help i’ll give brainliest thanks



i believe it is A hope this helps.


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what is this about


English DBA 2 on “flvsgl” 1.Explain what does competency means in your own words
2. Identify how word choice,Dialogue and sentence structure help create interesting stories.
3. Summarize why characterization, conflict and plot are key elements to any story.
4.Analyze one of the stories you listen to or read.How did the author draw youIn as a listener through the use of dialogue? 5.Think about the books you selected, what tools did the offer used to tell the story?
6.How did the author's word choice bring the characters to life?
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2. Word choice and sentence structure help create interesting stories, word choice helps because you can use any words that are similar to the word for example: you can use then but you can also use therefore. Having a large vocabulary means being able to have a vast variety of word choices to pick from.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the variables shown on this scatter plot?


The answer is go be the fourth one

The following sentence is most likely which part of an expository essay?





This is a supporting detail.

(i hope...)




its a Topic Sentence

Prompt: The car screamed to a halt, four men wearing masks jumped out and ran into the nearest building, I looked around. The street was deserted except for me…… complete your story of about 200 – 250 words.



The car screamed to a halt, four men wearing masks jumped out and ran into the nearest building, I looked around. The street was deserted except for me. I just wanted to buy some ice cream, but It seemed that destiny had other plans.

I was lucky enough that none of the robbers saw me, so I ran backward till I reached the corner and turned sharply to the left. There I found a policeman. I desperately tried to tell him what I saw, but I was so scared and out of breath that the officer couldn't understand me. I was so desperate that I grabbed the police's hand and took him to the corner, where he could see the car in the middle of the street. There he finally understood what I was saying.

He quickly called for backups, more when he realized that the robbery was in a bank. In no less than 5 minutes, a lot of police cars arrived. They secluded the area, and negotiation with the robbers started.

Thankfully, they weren't a good thief and couldn't work well under pressure. With a few warmings from the police, they came out of the building and with empty hands.

Who could think that on my way to the ice cream parlor, I would become a hero?


A story always has three parts. First, we write the beginning where we introduce the characters, the plot, and the setting. Then we write the conflict. In other words, we narrate the problem that is taking place in the story. Finally, we tell how the problem was solved, giving an ending to the story.

We should use descriptive language that helps the reader imagine the scenes. Also, it helps the reader connect with the characters and be immersed in the story.

Write a letter to your friend telling him or her how you celebrated you easter holidays​



Hi friend!

How are things? I miss you! How did the Easter holidays go? I decided to write you that letter because I remembered our childhood in the countryside, when we loved to do the egg hunt and then we shared our chocolates.

This year the holidays were a little strange, with this sad situation of the pandemic, unfortunately we cannot have big meetings with the whole family, but here at home we had a prayer before lunch, we thank you for being well and healthy and we did the traditional hunt to Easter eggs with the kids.

Well, I hope everyone in your family is doing well too! Write me back, I will be very happy!

From your old friend.

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In her short story, Naomi Shihab Nye uses personification when referring to the color green, which means that the color is described as if it had human traits. This poetic device serves the main theme of the story: the importance of respecting nature as we respect each other.


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What was Don Trine doing on his walks?

Question 4 options:

enjoying the solitude

burying treasure

digging holes



enjoying the solitude

15) What can be said regarding Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story ? A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him . B) Sthuladatta loves Harisarman and hope that they can always be close. The two men are the best of friends , except when they get into a fight . D ) Sthutadatta generally looks up to Harisarman , seeing him as a holy man


There was a certain Brahman in a certain village, named Harisarman. He was poor and foolish and in evil case for want of employment, and he had very many children, that he might reap the fruit of his misdeeds in a former life. He wandered about begging with his family, and at last he reached a certain city, and entered the service of a rich householder called Sthuladatta. His sons became keepers of Sthuladatta's cows and other property, and his wife a servant to him, and he himself lived near his house, performing the duty of an attendant. One day there was a feast on account of the marriage of the daughter of Sthuladatta, largely attended by many friends of the bridegroom, and merry-makers. Harisarman hoped that he would be able to fill himself up to the throat with ghee and flesh and other dainties, and get the same for his family, in the house of his patron. While he was anxiously expecting to be fed, no one thought of him.

Then he was distressed at getting nothing to eat, and he said to his wife at night, "It is owing to my poverty and ity that I am treated with such disrespect here; so I will pretend by means of an artifice to possess a knowledge of magic, so that I may become an object of respect to this Sthuladatta; so, when you get an opportunity, tell him that I possess magical knowledge." He said this to her, and after turning the matter over in his mind, while people were asleep he took away from the house of Sthuladatta a horse on which his master's son-in-law rode. He placed it in concealment at some distance, and in the morning the friends of the bridegroom could not find the horse, though they searched in every direction. Then, while Sthuladatta was distressed at the evil omen, and searching for the thieves who had carried off the horse, the wife of Harisarman came and said to him, "My husband is a wise man, skilled in astrology and magical sciences; he can get the horse back for you; why do you not ask him?"

When Sthuladatta heard that, he called Harisarman, who said, "Yesterday I was forgotten, but to-day, now the horse is stolen, I am called to mind," and Sthuladatta then propitiated the Brahman with these words—"I forgot you, forgive me"—and asked him to tell him who had taken away their horse. Then Harisarman drew all kinds of pretended diagrams, and said: "The horse has been placed by thieves on the boundary line south from this place. It is concealed there, and before it is carried off to a distance, as it will be at close of day, go quickly and bring it." When they heard that, many men ran and brought the horse quickly, praising the discernment of Harisarman. Then Harisarman was honoured by all men as a sage, and dwelt there in happiness, honoured by Sthuladatta.

What can be said regarding Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story ?

A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him .

B) Sthuladatta loves Harisarman and hope that they can always be close.

C. The two men are the best of friends , except when they get into a fight .

D ) Sthutadatta generally looks up to Harisarman , seeing him as a holy man


A) Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him .


According to the given excerpt, the story of Sthuladatta and Harisarman is told and how Harisarman is largely ignored because he's a poor servant and he devised a means to make himself important and noticed so he decided to act like a wise man.

Therefore, from this excerpt, Sthuladatta's relationship to Harisarman in the story is that Sthuladatta ignores Harisarman , except when he feels he needs him.

Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word? letters of the children



there is no underlined word here


Write a three- to five-paragraph summary of what you believe the poem is about. Remember that the summary should include the three images you have identified.

THE PEOM IS CALLED Louisa County Patrol Claims, 1770–1863
Kiki Petrosino


*sigh* I tried my best.

Answer:I think Louisa County Patrol is about a girl named Kiki Petrosino and she is a cop and runs the county patrol to protect her county. I also think that the numbers 1770-1863 are maybe the dates that she was born to the time that she died. (93 years) So obviously she has worked hard to keep her county safe for 93 years. She has died a hero. She needs to be remembered.

if anyone plays kogama i need a favor ;-;


yesss finally! What do u need?

Do you think it's important to spend money on birthday presents, or are there better ways of celebrating with someone?​


Presents a just a material thing but spending quality time with som one is way better doing fun activitis that will make good memorys is better

What is Murphy's perspective on how to write informational texts, and how does he distinguish his perspective from that of other writers?



His perspective is to do a lot of research and find as much information as he can to write a book and spend a lot of time doing so. After he usually puts it into a child's perspective


In the q&a he states that when writing a book he spends most time researching.

Murphy's perspective is to do a lot of research and find as much information as he can to write a book and spend a lot of time doing so. After he usually puts it into a child's perspective.

What is the meaning of Research?

"Creative and methodical activity undertaken to improve the reservoir of knowledge" is what research is. It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data to better understand a subject and is distinguished by a focus on minimizing bias and error causes.

Research is defined as the production of new knowledge and/or the innovative use of pre-existing knowledge to produce novel ideas, approaches, and comprehensions. This might involve synthesizing and analyzing earlier research to the point that it produces original and innovative results.

Research is the process of looking for solutions to a certain issue. It can be carried out to comprehend a phenomenon, observe behavior, or test a theory, among other things.

Learn more about the Research here:



When visitors enter, there's so much to do:
Go out on the balcony, enjoy the view,
Or learn about nature, or purchase a snack,
Or birdwatch in Central Park with a field pack.

The view is a must—it inspired the name:
A "beautiful view" is the castle's main aim.
Look down to see turtles who swim with wide strokes
Through silence that's broken by frogs' mighty croaks.

How does the information in the first stanza contribute to the reader's understanding of the second stanza?

In the first stanza, the castle has a balcony, which leads to the decision to investigate the architecture.
In the first stanza, the castle lets people learn about nature, which leads to the decision to birdwatch.
In the first stanza, the visitor can purchase a snack, which leads to the decision to eat lunch.
In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices, which leads to the decision to look at the view.



the answer is d


hope this helps :)

The way in which the information in the first stanza contributes to the reader's understanding is D. In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices...

What is a Stanza?

This refers to the way a poem is arranged by a poet to make it easier to read and understand.

Hence, we can note that there is the use of stanza to give a better understanding to the reader of the second stanza and this is done as In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices, which leads to the decision to look at the view.

Read more about poems here:

QUICK!! Please help this is due really soon and I’m stuck



i feel like its the first one buddy


the first one


yh i feel its the fist one

What do you think is meant by TS Eliots observation that " Between conception and creation...There falls the shadow"?



Eliot´s observation refers to the period between having an idea and executing it as one of the biggest challenges in the creative process because that´s when problems arise.  


This observation is used by Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs´biographer, to explain how the co-founder of Apple became such a success. He not only had a great idea but was also able to get it to be a reality.

What does Grant say that shows he wants to avoid seeing Emma?(page 10-11) The book is call A lesson Before dying chapter 2 help me help please



E⁣⁣⁣xplanation i⁣⁣⁣s i⁣⁣⁣n a f⁣⁣⁣ile

copy and paste link and take spaces out


b i t . l y / 3 a 8 N t 8 n

are either of these similies/figurative language?
“The aloneness howled louder than the wind.
Louder even, than my anger.”

“My anger was strong enough to lift me to my feet and, one raised foot at a time, push me higher into the storm”

please elaborate why, thanks :)





Read and compare two passages about Canada.

Passage 1

"I had a great time on my road trip along Canada’s coast! I loved hanging out in the beautiful mountains, and the food was yummy. Canadian chocolate is awesome!"

Passage 2

"Canada has the longest coastline of any nation in the world. It is more than 151,600 miles long."

Which similarity is found when comparing these two passages?

Both passages mention the coastline.
Both passages use a formal tone.
Both passages are written for textbooks.
Both passages mention Canadian food.







both passages mention the coastline.


"I had a great time on my road trip along Canada’s coast!"

"Canada has the longest coastline of any nation in the world."

6th grade vocabulary 18 points!!


Answer: below

Explanation:  Often, parents tell us they feel technology is taking over their family and/or children's lives, but they don't know when enough is enough, or what they can do to control it. Since there is no perfect answer or specific line to draw, we suggest parents engage in one of the core principles our organization was founded on: be intentional.

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