How do you think the Native Americans felt about "Americanization" and why?


Answer 1


It is difficult to say how Native Americans as a whole felt about "Americanization," as the term can refer to a wide range of processes and policies that have affected Native American communities over time. In general, however, it is likely that many Native Americans had mixed feelings about Americanization, as it involved both positive and negative aspects.

On the one hand, Americanization often brought with it opportunities for education, employment, and improved living conditions for Native Americans. For example, Americanization often involved the establishment of schools and other institutions that provided Native Americans with access to education and other services that were previously unavailable to them.

On the other hand, Americanization often involved the loss of Native American cultural practices, languages, and traditions. This was often the result of policies that aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society, and that discouraged the continuation of Native American cultural practices. Many Native Americans may have felt that these policies were unfair and disrespectful of their heritage and way of life.

Overall, it is likely that Native Americans had complex and varied feelings about Americanization, depending on their individual experiences and circumstances. Some may have embraced Americanization as a means of improving their lives and securing a better future for themselves and their communities, while others may have resisted Americanization as a threat to their cultural identity and way of life

Answer 2

Americanisation programs were predicated on the notion that Indigenous peoples would be able to peacefully integrate with the majority of society after they absorbed the traditions and values of the United States.

What did Americanization mean to Native Americans?

Between the 1790s and the 1920s, a number of initiatives were made in the United States of America to integrate Native Americans into the country's dominant European-American culture. The first Americans to execute Native American cultural integration in an American environment were George Washington and Henry Knox. The primary strategy for assisting minorities in their assimilation was thought to be education.

The federal government outlawed the performance of traditional religious rites after the end of the Indian Wars in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Children were compelled to attend Native American boarding schools, which were constructed. They were compelled to speak English, take core classes, go to church, and renounce their tribal customs while attending these institutions.

Learn more about Americanization here:


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what was the civil war and what compromise between the north and south could have prevented the civil war



The Civil War was a military conflict in the United States that lasted from 1861 to 1865. It was fought between the Northern states and the Southern states, and it ultimately resulted in the defeat of the Southern states and the abolition of slavery.

It is difficult to say what specific compromise between the North and South could have prevented the Civil War, as there were many complex political, economic, and social factors that contributed to the outbreak of the conflict. However, some potential compromises that were proposed at the time included the continuation of the Missouri Compromise (which would have allowed for the admission of new states on a slave or free basis), the Wilmot Proviso (which would have prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico), and the Compromise of 1850 (which would have allowed for the admission of California as a free state and the establishment of the Fugitive Slave Act). Ultimately, none of these compromises were able to bridge the divide between the North and South, and the Civil War broke out anyway.

pls award brainliest!


What we’re some of the natural resources that attracted Europeans to Africa in the 1800s? Choose four answers


rubber, timber, diamonds, and gold were found in Africa.

Identify the circumstances that enabled the U.S. Navy to triumph over the Japanese navy during the Battle of Midway.


The ability of the U.S. Navy to decipher Japanese radio code enabled U.S. naval strategists to more effectively prepare for the engagement.U.S. forces' preparations for the Battle of Midway surprised Japanese attackers.

The battle of midway demonstrated that the US naval force totally obliterated Japan's capacity to take up arms in the pacific and for that reason being a significant battles is thought of.

The battle of midway occurred in June 1942 in the principal week and the US naval force had the option to overcome the Japanese by marching inside their domains during The Second Great War.

The world II's greatest peculiarity was the The battle of midway between the USA and Japan. It turned into the greatest competitions of The Second Great War in the last part of the 1930s to mid 1940s.

Skirmish of halfway occurred around the same time after the Japanese went after on the Pearl Harbor prior around the same time and this opportunity US naval force came totally ready as to hold rage war.

The fight ended up being deadly for Japan as soon the urban areas of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were additionally gone after by atomic bombings by US Of America.

Know more about battle of midway -


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate?
answer choices


The optimum accurate comparison of the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate is that the House of Representatives is Constitution that was designed to reflect the will of the people, according to its framers but the Senate is the founders of the constitution intended for it to represent the needs of the states.

What is United States Senate?

The House of Representatives is the lower body of the United States Congress, and the United States Senate is its upper chamber. The United States' national bicameral legislature is made up of them all.

Article One of the United States Constitution specifies the makeup and authority of the Senate.

The Senate is made up of senators, who each fully represent a single state. There are 100 senators in total, with two senators from each of the 50 states serving staggered six-year terms.

Despite not being a senator, the vice president of the United States serves as presiding officer and president of the Senate by virtue of that position. The vice president only gets a vote if the Senate is in session.

Therefore U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate are different but connected through constitution.

Learn more about United States Senate:


The spirit of revolution during the 18th & early 19th centuries primarily affected nearly everyone in Europe & America, rich & poor, urban & rural. (TRUE or FALSE)


Nearly everyone in Europe and America, rich and poor, urban and rural, was impacted by the age of revolution during the 18th and early 19th centuries. This assertion is accurate.

The Age of Revolution

The period of history from 1774 to 1849, known as the Age of Revolution, saw widespread revolutionary movements in Europe and the American colonies. The revolutions of this era were particularly significant in shaping the nature of our contemporary international order because they resulted in the abolition of absolutist monarchies and the establishment of representative governments based on a written declaration of rights, as well as nation-states built on the principles of common history and culture. The world would be very different today if these revolutions hadn't taken place.

The American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Irish Rebellion of 1798, the Haitian Revolution, the uprising of the slaves in Latin America, and of course the wave of revolutions across Europe in 1848 are just a few examples of the upheavals that occurred during the Age of Revolutions.

To learn more about The Age of Revolution here:


What is the central thought of essay?


The main idea of the essay is stated in a single sentence called the thesis statement. You must limit your entire essay to the topic you have introduced in your thesis statement

What were the 3 main goals of the Social Security Act?



Extend the protection of the system to the families of 20,000,000 people who are not now protected. Raise benefits generally--in the light of experience that shows the present benefits usually are too low. Reduce the age for women to qualify for old-age retirement benefits from 65 to 60 years.




1. To provide a financial foundation for low- and middle-income retired workers ...

2. To protect workers in the event of a long-term disability ...

3. To provide financial protection to the survivors and/or dependents of a deceased worker

What were the two major impacts of the Great Migration?


Children of immigrants had to alter the blues music they brought with them to the north, desegregate sports, and get involved in politics.

What do you know about the Great Migration?

The Great Migration is the term used to describe the large-scale movement of African Americans from rural areas in the South to major cities in the North and West throughout the 20th century.

The majority of African Americans lived in the Southern states around the turn of the 20th century.

It is believed that six million black Southerners moved to metropolitan areas in the North and West between 1916 and 1970 as part of the Great Migration.

With immigration reform in the 1920s, the large-scale flow of European immigration to the United States, which had started in the late 19th century and dwindled during World War I, reduced to a trickle.

Urban industry consequently experienced a labour shortage.

To know more about great migration, visit:-


What battle happened in chapter 8 of Animal Farm?



The Battle of Windmill happened in chapter 8 of Animal Farm

What was the outcome of John browns raid


The raid had significant consequences, as it heightened tensions between Northern and Southern states and contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

Who is John Brown?

Generally, John Brown's raid was a failed attempt by abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in the United States. On October 16, 1859, Brown and a group of followers seized the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), with the intention of arming slaves and leading them in an uprising against slaveholders.

The raid ended on October 18 when local militia, aided by U.S. Marines, stormed the armory and arrested Brown and his followers.

Brown was tried for treason, murder, and inciting a slave insurrection, and was found guilty on all counts. He was sentenced to death and was hanged on December 2, 1859.

Read more about John browns


Is Gizmo the good gremlin?


Gizmo is one of the rare gentlemogwais. In the movie, Gizmo assists Billy in stopping the evil gremlins every time they escape, and the two develop a warm and loving friendship.

Who is Gizmo?

The main character of the Gremlins film series is Gizmo, and Billy Peltzer meets a cute, loving Mogwai in Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai.

Gizmo, who was formerly owned by Mr. Wing, resides in New York with Billy and Kate Peltzer. Each time the gremlins escape, Gizmo aids Billy in putting them back in check. Gizmo can express a wide range of emotions.

Gizmo is the well-known Mogwai who is sweet, gentle, lovable, and adorable. Gizmo has demonstrated that he is just as skilled with weaponry and electrical equipment as the other gremlins and most other Mogwai, despite not being as cruel as them.

Gizmo is adept at using an electric piano, starting a TV, driving a toy vehicle, blowing a trumpet, and generally being adorable.

Gizmo has demonstrated a fondness for television, which he acquired while receiving care from the Peltzers in the first film. While Mr. Wing thought it was absurd that mogwais would watch TV, it turned out to be helpful for Gizmo because in the first movie, he watched a movie about a race and developed an interest in cars, or as he called them, "Vroom-Vroom."

Learn more about Gizmo, here


What are the two steps in the congressional budgeting process?


Authorization and appropriation are the two processes in the Congressional budgeting process.

Typically, Congress holds hearings to examine administration representatives about their demands, after which it may create its own budget proposal, known as a "budget resolution." Drafting and enforcing the congressional budget resolution are the Budget Committees of the House and Senate.

The four (4) separate procedures or phases of budgeting for the national government are budget planning, budget authorization, budget implementation, and accountability. Even though they are articulately distinct, these procedures and processes are included and dealt with within a budget year. For the Federal programs it covers, each appropriations bill creates legally binding spending limits.

The four phases that make up the federal budget process are budget planning, legislative budgeting, budget coordination and monitoring, and audit and evaluation.

Learn more about the federal budget here:


this passage is excerpted from edith wharton, house of mirth, originally published in 1905.



I'm sorry, but I cannot provide context or analysis for a passage from a specific book without knowing what the passage is. Could you please provide the passage so that I may better assist you?

Explain the importance of the gardens briefly in promoting public health and cleanliness during the Mughal rule. Which SDG goals can you link to it?


The SDGs aim to eliminate needless suffering from avoidable diseases and early mortality Can apply them to a specific situation.

What are SDG goals?

In order to serve as a common roadmap for prosperity and peace for both individuals and the planet for the current and into the future," the Sustainable Development Goals are introduced.

The Mughals created a specific kind of garden known as a Mughal garden.   Babur, who established the Mughal empire, cited charbaghs as his preferred kind of garden. He was raised in gardens created by the Timurids, who valued gardens and their importance in daily life.

By concentrating on important targets that improve a nation's general population's health, SDG 3 seeks to minimize unnecessary suffering from communicable illnesses and premature deaths.

Learn more about SDG goals, here:


what are the 3 reasons why many explorers traveled in search of land?​


Answer: god, gold, and glory


Politically and economically, Japan's geography has made what a reoccurring policy throughout its history?




The answer is D. Isolationism.


Japan has a history of isolating its population from the rest of the world.

Answer: D. Isolationism

Explanation: Japan's geography, specifically being an island nation, has played a significant role in shaping its political and economic policies throughout history. Due to its isolation from the mainland of Asia, Japan adopted a policy of isolationism, which involved limiting contact and trade with other countries. This policy aimed to protect its unique culture, maintain internal stability, and preserve its traditional political and economic systems. Isolationism allowed Japan to develop its own distinct political and economic structures, which had a lasting impact on its history.

Learn more about Japan here:

Why did nixon promote a diplomatic relationship with china?



The reason for opening up China was for the U.S. to gain more leverage over relations with the Soviet Union. Resolving the Vietnam War was a particularly important factor.

Write an account of how the nazi soviet pact led to war


Answer:The Second World War, like the First, started in Europe and assumed the character of a world war. In spite of the fact that Western countries had acquiesced in all the aggressions of Japan, Italy and Germany from the invasion of Manchuria to the annexation of Czechoslovakia, the fascist countries’ ambitions had not been satisfied. These countries were planning another redivision of the world and thus had to come into conflict with the established imperialist powers. The Western policy of diverting the aggression of the fascist countries towards the Soviet Union had failed with the signing of the Soviet German Non-Aggression Pact. Thus the war began in Europe between the fascist countries and the major West European Powers—Britain and France. Within a few months it became a world war as it spread to more and more areas, ultimately involving almost every country in the world.


Answer: The Nazi-Soviet Pact, also known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, was a non-aggression treaty signed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on August 23, 1939. The pact contained a secret protocol that divided Eastern Europe into spheres of influence, with the Soviet Union gaining control over parts of Poland, Finland, and Romania.

The pact was seen as a major betrayal by the Soviet Union, which had previously been a strong critic of Nazi Germany and had signed mutual defense agreements with France and Great Britain. The pact allowed Nazi Germany to invade Poland without fear of Soviet intervention, which it did on September 1, 1939, marking the beginning of World War II in Europe.

The Nazi-Soviet Pact also had significant consequences for the rest of Europe. The British and French governments, which had previously promised to defend Poland in the event of a German invasion, were hesitant to go to war with Germany over the invasion of Poland alone. As a result, they adopted a policy of appeasement, agreeing to allow Germany to annex parts of Czechoslovakia and Poland in exchange for a promise of peace.

The Nazi-Soviet Pact eventually collapsed in 1941 when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. The Soviet Union became an ally of the United States and Great Britain in the war against Nazi Germany, leading to the eventual defeat of the Nazi regime. The pact, however, had already contributed significantly to the outbreak of World War II and the suffering and loss of life that occurred during the conflict.


What were utopian communities 1800s?


In the 1800s, rural areas were home to numerous religious and utopian societies. Brook Farm's creators aimed to establish an egalitarian community for all of its citizens. As time went on, utopian communities began to emphasize social perfection rather than religious purity.

What kind of community is considered utopian?

Example Utopia a beautiful location with no understanding of good and evil is the Garden of Eden. God, angels, and human souls all coexist peacefully in heaven, which is a spiritual realm. Shangri La is a mythical, peaceful region in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizon.

What 4 qualities define a utopian society?

A Utopian Society's Characteristics There is no outside threat that the populace is afraid about. In a peaceful state, the populace resides. People embrace and value the natural world. People practice social and moral values.

To know more about 1800s communities visit:


wilderness area in Belarus and Poland
Bialowieza Forest
global warming
"black triangle"


A wilderness area in Belarus and Poland Bialowieza Forest black triangle., Thus option (D) is correct.

What is Forest?

A forest is a region of terrain where trees predominate. Worldwide, there are hundreds of definitions of what constitutes a forest that takes into account things like tree height, tree density, land use, legal status, and ecological function.

It is protected on both sides of the border between Poland and Belarus. The Biaowiea Woodland, which spans 1,500 square kilometers in Poland and Belarus, is one of the few remaining areas of lowland forest in Europe and one of the few remaining locations where European bison may still be found.

Therefore, A wilderness region in Poland and Belarus Black triangle in the Bialowieza Forest. The correct answer is (D), thus.

Learn more about Forest here:


How did Civil Disobedience pave the way for significant events later in history?


Civil disobedience is an intentional violation of the law for a social good. Typically, the goal is to change laws or government policies. The American philosopher John Rawls defined civil disobedience.

a "public nonviolent, conscientious yet political act contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government. Rawls meant by "public" that protestors should identify themselves and accept responsibility for their actions. Accepting the personal consequences demonstrates their dedication to the social cause. This, in turn, increases the likelihood that the general public will support their actions. However, some argue that anonymity is necessary to protect activists from disproportionate retribution. Civil disobedience is a contentious form of protest because it can disrupt our societies' daily lives. Environmental activists on highways are rarely popular with people driving to work. Protesters, critics will argue, have no right to put themselves above the law, regardless of their motivation. However, when debating the legitimacy of civil disobedience, it is important to remember that organizers will almost always have tried all other forms of protest first. Environmental activists have been yelling for years about the need for stronger action to combat climate change, but it has mostly gone unheeded. If politicians choose to ignore more subdued forms of protest, organizers are forced to think of new ways to get the message out. The urgency with which they conveyed their message.

To learn more about civil disobedience history here:


What were the beliefs of UNIA?




Dubbed the "back to Africa" movement, the UNIA's doctrines emphasized racial pride, entrepreneurialism, and Pan-Africanism. Founder Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican, opened branches in 30 U.S. cities between 1916-22.

What did Obama do to improve the economy?



On February 17, 2009, Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $831 billion economic stimulus package aimed at helping the economy recover from the deepening worldwide recession.

Hope this helps

Which of the following characteristics would you expect Al's Autos to have? Check all that apply.
(A) Decision making in this company is centralized, with the CEO ultimately responsible for problem solving.
(B) Employees receive extensive training specific areas, leading to the development of in-depth expertise.
(C) There is extensive communication between employees in different departments of this company.
(D) Employee specialization leads to increased efficiency.


One would expect AI Auto to have the characteristic of : Decision making in company is centralized, with the CEO ultimately responsible for problem solving.

Thus the correct option is Option A.

There are several ways in which Artificial intelligence can be applied to businesses. The majority of uses in businesses are based on promoting the expansion businesses.

There are many ways that AI can be applied by organisations. They are also embracing AI and machine learning in novel ways that improve overall company performance.

Businesses are embracing AI and machine learning in novel ways that improve company performance.

Some of the Business advantages of AI are : Automation to increase efficiency, increasing the speed or reliability of the service, making decisions with consumer insights, identifying possibilities for novel goods and services.

However, its crucial to understand how data gathering and analysis actually relates to AI before incorporating it in the company. this will enable one make more informed decisions.

To know more about Artificial Intelligence, click here:


What development transformed Georgia’s agricultural industry in the early-to-mid 1800s?​



the cotton gin


By 1860 there were 68,000 farms in the state, and they produced 700,000 bales of cotton.

What were the humans hoping in Animal Farm?


In the novel Animal Farm Men Hope, a group of farm animals rises up against their human owners in an effort to establish an animal-friendly society.

The humans first think that Animal Farm will be an abject disaster. The farmers raid the farm in the hopes that the animals would panic and flee when they don't starve as predicted. The humans are forced to reconsider their assumptions about the profitability of the farm after the animals successfully drive them away.

Much though Animal Farm was doing well, people continued to detest it; in fact, they did so even more. Everyone believed that the farm would eventually go out of business and, more importantly, that the windmill would not work.

To learn more about Animal Farm


What event was yellow journalism used in to trigger a war with Spain?


Answer: Sinking of the USS Maine

Explanation: I can't think of an explaination.

What is the symbolism of Harlem?



Harlem, a real primarily Black neighborhood in Manhattan, New York, is both the title of the poem and a symbol of Black achievement and culture—but also represents the ongoing racist oppression its residents faced.


1. Why was FDR so appealing to voters?



Roosevelt defeated Republican businessman Wendell Willkie to be reelected for an unprecedented third term in office. It was also the fourth presidential election, and the first since 1920, in which both major party candidates were registered in the same home state, with the others being in 1860, 1904, 1944, and 2016.


Answer:  All Americans wished to have a change and later realised that Hoover was not the person to bring around change. When the Americans heard about the New Deal the thought that FDR was the person to bring about change.


Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 presidential election reasons. His margin of victory over Herbert Hoover was the largest in recorded history up to that time.

One of the foremost reasons why Roosevelt won was because people believed that he could take America out of the Great Depression unlike Hoover. They believe he will take real action to deal with the Depression. His policies and ideals were much more popular and suitable for the situation they were in. Hoover believed in ‘rugged individualism’ where people should not expect help from the government and that the government will not interfere. Whereas Roosevelt promised his ‘New Deal’, which would provide jobs and relief for the poor, and the unemployed, action to help industry and agriculture and resolve the banking crisis. Roosevelt promised the government would help and starting funding charities and many construction projects, whereas under Hoover the government rarely funded relief programmes or charities, which relied on generous wealthy individuals and towns and cities. He believed the power of the government should be used to create a fairer society, bringing hope to many Americans. Also all Hoover promised in his election was that the USA had ‘turn the corner back to prosperity’ whereas Hoover had his ‘New Deal’, which seemed much more promising. Also when Hoover won his first term election he said that every American would have two cars in the garage and chicken in the pot. However, many people were now unemployed and homeless. Many people did not trust Hoover or his promises.

Democratic candidate assassinated in the California hotel


Robert Kennedy's assassination changed the course of the Election of 1968. As a Democratic candidate, he had to strongly opposed the Vietnam War and was committed to civil rights

On June 5, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was shot by Sirhan soon after 12 PM at the Minister Inn, Los Angeles. He was articulated dead at 1:44 a.m. PDT the next day.

Kennedy was a representative from New York and a competitor in the 1968 Progressive faction official primaries. On June 4, 1968, he won the California and South Dakota essential decisions. He tended to his mission allies in the Diplomat Inn's Consulate Room assembly hall. Subsequent to leaving the platform, and leaving through a kitchen lobby, he was mortally injured by various shots discharged by Sirhan. Kennedy kicked the bucket at Great Samaritan Medical clinic almost 26 hours after the fact. His body was covered at Arlington Public Burial ground close to his sibling John F. Kennedy's grave.

Sirhan was a Palestinian who held solid enemy of Zionist and supportive of Palestinian convictions. In 1969, he affirmed that he killed Kennedy "with 20 years of noxiousness aforethought", he was indicted and condemned to death. Because of the legal dispute Individuals v. Anderson, his sentence was driven to life in jail in 1972 with a chance of parole. As of January 2022, his parole demand has been denied multiple times.

Know more about Robert Kennedy's assassination -


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