How did abolitionists want to change us society in the early 1800s? they wanted people to stop drinking alcohol. they wanted everyone to have access to free education. they wanted to improve conditions in hospitals. they wanted to end the practice of slavery.


Answer 1

Abolitionists want to change our society in the early 1800s as they wanted to end the practice of slavery and free enslaved workers.

Abolitionism is a doctrine that defends the annulment of laws, precepts, or customs which can be considered offensive to moral and ethical standards. The time period become implemented especially in the modern-day that advocated the abolition of slavery. It has total relation with the eighteenth-nineteenth century liberalism, despite the fact that abolitionists had already emerged in previous centuries, which include the nonsecular Francisco José de Jaca and Epifanio de Moirans, among others.

The abolitionists saw slavery as an abomination and anguish in the USA, making it their purpose to get rid of slave possession. They sent petitions to Congress, ran for the political workplace, and inundated human beings of the South with anti-slavery literature.

Slavery changed into a deeply rooted group in North the USA that remained felonies within the USA until 1865. It took the abolition motion, a civil struggle, and the ratification of the 13th change to give up slavery.

Learn more about abolitionists here


Answer 2


D. They wanted to end the practice of slavery.



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During the berlin crisis, both the united states and the soviet union feared that the other side would.



Try to take control of berlin

One of the most important New Deal programs was the Social Security Act of 1935. What was the purpose of this program? A) to provide a retirement fund for the elderly Eliminate B) to give unemployment insurance to those who lost jobs C) to strengthen the value of the dollar with a gold standard D) to reduce stock market abuses like those that led to the 1929 crash





The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. In addition to several provisions for the general welfare, the new Act created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement.

What was the primary focus of the No Child Left Behind Act?


Answer: No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). NCLB sets high standards and accountability for student achievement to make sure that all children are caught up to 21st century learning.


The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) was a U.S. Act of Congress that reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act; it included Title I ...

How was America's reliance on
English manufactured products
impacted by the Industrial
A. America's reliance on products from England
B. America's reliance on products from England
C. America's reliance on products from England
remained the same.
D. America's reliance on products from England


America's reliance on English manufactured products was  impacted by the Industrial Revolution because B. America's reliance on products from England decreased.

How did Industrial Revolution affect English manufactured products?

The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain brought about increase in the  products and this made more products to be seen in colonies.

Hence, America's reliance on products from England decreased.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution at:


Answer: b


The treaty of Versailles included a “war guilt” clause that



The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty's so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.

Prepare for a Debate
Now you will imagine that you are going to debate whether the late 1960s were the end of the Civil Rights Movement or merely a turning point for it. First, you will plan your arguments using a chart to understand both sides of the issue. Then you will write out opening statements and argument notes that you could use in a debate on the topic.
Part B
Prepare opening statements and argument notes for your side of the debate that clearly states your stand and arguments that show how you plan to support your viewpoint.


My stand in the given debate is that the late 1960s were merely a turning point for the Civil Rights Movement.

What is the Civil Rights Movement?

This refers to the period in American history that saw the struggle and protests for black equality and an end to segregation and institutionalized racism.

Hence, we can see that even though at the end of the 1960s, there was a decline in the Civil Rights Movement, there was also continued segregation, Vietnam War protests, etc, this set the stage for a renewed push that led to the equality that the American law recognizes today.

Read more about Civil Rights Movement here:


In the aftermath of the war, it became clear that the nation needed to build roads, but the question remained as to whether ______.


In the aftermath of the war, it became clear that the nation needed to build roads, but the question remained as to whether the federal government should pay for building them.

What are the aftermath of war?

Aftermath of war refers to the consequences and after-effects of the war.

Effects of war may include mass destruction of cities and have long lasting effects on a country's economy.

It also have some other negative consequences such as collapse of infrastructure, road damage, bad impact on health as well etc.

Learn more about the aftermath of war here:-


Following the Civil War, the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were passed.

What large issues did they address?

voting rights, popular sovereignty, and declarations of war

states' rights, slavery, and the Electoral College

impeachment, equal protection, and war reparations

slavery, equal protection under the law, and voting rights



Slavery, equal protection under the law, and voting rights


Select the correct answer.
Why did
General MacArthur leave his station in the Philippines?
Roosevelt wanted MacArthur to lead a battle over the Midway Islands.
MacArthur feared what would happen If he were
caught by the enemy.
MacArthur was called to
lead the second
front in North Africa.
MacArthur received
orders from washington directing him to Australia.


the answer is A i think

What is the history of the cupula de Santa Maria de Las Flores?​


The new church was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1296 to be the world’s largest Catholic church.

He designed three wide naves that died under the dome octagonal, with the central nave covering the surface of Santa Reparata. However due to prosperity in which the city was plunged Florence famous for its trade with wool and silk was decided to expand the project by Arnolfo.

For any modification or extension in the design or structure are not introduced simply the scale of the original plan was changed. Nobody noticed at that time, due to the euphoria and wealth that invaded the city in the technical difficulties that entail the central space orthogonal cover that after the change of scale was 42 meters.

After the death of Arnolfo di Cambio the works slowed down and came to a halt until Giotto was appointed in 1334 as master builder. He assisted by Andrea Pisano continued the design of Arnolfo di Cambio. His biggest triumph was the construction of the bell, but he died in 1337, leaving the work unfinished. Andrea Pisano continued to work until they had to be abandoned because of the Black Death in 1348.

Overcome the epidemic of Black Death European population was halved so that people who before had so fatal event saw some power increased, as their wealth. Simply there was less to go around.

Some come to more merchants who accumulated great wealth began to lend their money creating what we might call the first pew. It was these wealthy families who sought the funds to convene the contest to fill the cathedral of his city.

Explain and elaborate on TWO ways in which life in the Soviet Union was improved under Gorbachev, from how life had been under Stalin/Khrushchev/Brezhnev.


Gorbachev's reforms are ultimately responsible for the Soviet collapse, which saw the end of Soviet superpower status, a massive reduction in the Soviet military's size and strength, the unilateral evacuation of all territories in Central and Eastern Europe occupied at great human cost in the Second World War, and a rapidly declining economy fragmented into fifteen separate states. Much of the argument that the Soviet political system and economy needed reform needed change to avoid collapse came directly from him - the phrase "Era of Stagnation" to describe the Brezhnev years is actually a piece of Gorbachev's rhetoric. However there seems to be a strong case (made by Stephen Kotkin in Armageddon Averted), that while the Soviet economy was growing at ever slower rates, and increasingly unable to close the ever-present gap in living standards between the USSR and the West, probably could have continued to muddle on - there was no imminent danger of political and economic collapse in 1985. It's also important to note that Gorbachev's reforms did not cause the collapse of the USSR on purpose, and Gorbachev was always committed to maintaining the union in some reformed shape under an economic system that was still socialist. However, his reforms both began to pick apart the centralized economy without really creating new institutions, which caused severe economic disruptions, and his political reforms unleashed new political movements outside his control, while all of these reforms antagonized more hardline members of the nomenklatura (party establishment). Ultimately he lost control of the situation. The Soviet system was highly-centralized and governed in a top-down approach, and it was Gorbachev who put reforms into motion and also removed members of the Soviet government and Communist party who opposed reforms. Gorbachev's period tends to get divided into roughly three periods: a period of reform, a period of transformation, and a period of collapse. The period of reform lasted roughly from 1985 to 1988, in which Gorbachev and his supporters in the government (notably Eduard Shevardnadze, Gorbachev's foreign minister and the future President of Georgi, and Aleksandr Yakovlev, Gorbachev's ally on the Politburo and the intellectual driver of reforms) tried a mixture of moderate reforms and moral suasion to revitalize the Soviet economy as it was, echoing Khrushchev's reforms of 20 years previous. While the goal was a revitalization of Soviet society and the economy, there was a very strong focus on morality: this period notably featured the anti-alcoholism/prohibition campaign, and very public campaigns against corruption (Dmitry Furman called this a "sort of Marxist Protestantism"). When these efforts did not secure the results that Gorbachev and his reformers desired, more far-reaching reforms were pursued in the 1988-1990 period. This is when Gorbachev made massive changes to Soviet foreign policy, such as withdrawing from Afghanistan in 1989, announcing unilateral cuts to military spending and forces at the UN in 1988, and more or less cutting the USSR's Eastern European satellite states in 1989. On the domestic sphere, this is when Gorbachev pushed through major political changes to the Soviet system, pushing through a new Congress of People's Deputies to be filled through semi-free elections, removing the Communist Party's monopoly of power and creating the office of President of the USSR for himself in 1990. This is also the period when glasnost ("openness", ie the lifting of censorship) took off, and these all were largely attempts to establish a new base of support for continued reforms once it became clear to Gorbachev that most of the Communist Party was uninterested in this. These reforms ushered in the 1990-1991 chaos, at which point Gorbachev essentially lost control. Falling oil prices and the crackdown on alcohol sales (which were a massive part of the Soviet budget), plus Gorbachev's loosening of management and sales restrictions on state firms while maintaining most of their subsidies, plus plans for importing of new Western machine tools and technology to revitalize the economy, seriously destabilized the Soviet budget, and caused the government to turn to the printing presses to cover ever increasing deficits.

How did the battle of Yorktown end the fighting in 1781?


The War of American Independence did not  end after Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army at Yorktown. Instead, Yorktown is best understood as the beginning of the end.

The immediate result of the British losing another significant (and previously successful) army in America was the fall of Lord North's pro-war British administration. North made mistakes that contributed to starting the conflict, and he was never able to come up with a strategy for dominating North America. Despite this, King George III had complete faith in North. The defeat of Cornwallis, who had campaigned throughout the entire South without suffering a real defeat on the battlefield (Guilford Courthouse was, at worst, a draw), demonstrated that British military victories were meaningless in the absence of the ability to strengthen the political loyalty of the colonies. If there hadn't been a loyalist rebellion while the British were prevailing in the most allegedly loyalist colonies, there most surely wouldn't be one now that the rebels had taken control of another army. Due to the arrest of Cornwallis, the Crown was forced to raise and send another army to North America despite having little guarantee of success and while being engaged in a global war against the French, Spanish, and Dutch. It was time to file a peace lawsuit. On March 20, 1782, Parliament passed a vote of no confidence in North, which North lost.

Lord Rockingham, a vocal opponent of the war and ally of the most radical members of Parliament, replaced Lord North. Charles Fox, one of the most combative liberals in Parliament, was selected by Lord Rockingham as one of the two Secretaries of State. Fox and Rockingham, to a lesser extent, were detested by the monarch, who toyed with the possibility of abdicating the throne rather than support any cabinet that included Fox. George III finally gave in when Rockingham appointed Earl Shelburne as a second Secretary of State, who was comparably more moderate. Shelburne was extremely clear about the conditions he would only serve in the government if the monarch acknowledged American freedom and put an end to the war. Rockingham lived just long enough to form his government, dying on 1 July 1782.

Since Fox would never be allowed to lead a government, Lord Shelburne took over as prime minister in lieu of Rockingham. Fox finally established an unexpected coalition against Shelburne with none other than his bitter political rival, Lord North, after resigning in disgust. The Shelburne ministry only survived long enough to broker a peace treaty with the United States and its allies and save Britain from the geopolitical and military impasse that North had led it into. At the Paris peace negotiations, Shelburne's agents gave the Americans such benevolent conditions that they broke off and signed a separate peace, forcing France and Spain to sign a deal before they were genuinely prepared to do so (more on that later). From the Atlantic to the Mississippi, and from the St. Lawrence/Great Lakes to the Floridas, would be the boundaries of the United States (returned to Spain from British control; Britain had received East and West Florida from Spain at the end of the Seven Years War in exchange for Britain returning Havana, Cuba to Spain after the British captured the sugar port late in the war). Between the fall of Cornwallis in October 1781 and the appointment of William Pitt the Younger as Prime Minister in December 1783, there were five prime ministers in Great Britain, and there were at least two occasions when the monarch seriously contemplated (or threatened) resignation.

Given the current state of politics, Britain was naturally hesitant to launch a significant attack in North America. The greatest surviving British army in America was under Sir Guy Carleton's command in New York City, where there were around 10,000 troops. After Yorktown, Washington combined the massive garrison force he had left in the Hudson Valley with the men he had sent to Yorktown, increasing his total force to around 10,000. Military leaders abhor a fair war, so while they waited for their governments to ratify a peace treaty, the two armies established themselves in their separate bases and occasionally engaged in skirmishes. * In late February 1783, word that the parties at Paris had signed a peace treaty began to spread to North America. Congress then ratified the conditions that their delegates had agreed to in early April.

In summation, the years after Yorktown were both politically and militarily important to the American Revolution, and saw several moments when events could have taken a radically different turn. The failure of the British military to find a way to win in North America and political uncertainty were the two biggest reasons why the British did not commit to another offensive against the United States even as the nascent republic struggled to find its footing and its allies lost ground to British arms around the world.


Amoeba depends on simple diffusion of gases from breathing. The exchange of gases in Amoeba takes place through its cell membrane.

Explain how Executive Order 9066 limited the Civil Rights of some



Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066, dated February 19, 1942, gave the military broad powers to ban any citizen from a fifty- to sixty-mile-wide coastal area stretching from Washington state to California and extending inland into southern Arizona.

What is considered the most important part of Indian cuisine?









because we’ll simply… RICE




Indian spices and seasonings are often considered the most important part of Indian cuisine. For centuries Indian spices have been a major part of trade for the country. It is said that Indian spices was a major motivation for the Age of Exploration for the Europeans.

Pls help I only have one more chance to get it correct ty



ok what could i help you mr

i think it’s
1) the era of detente began
2) Brenzhnev became the leader
3) brenzhev died, regan elected
4) us and ussr restated the arms race

(i’m not 100% but have you tried this yet?)

A map of the United States is shown with groups of states colored according to their Federal Court Circuit. The 11th circuit contains the states AL, GA, and FL. The abbreviations FL and GA are circled. The 10th circuit contains the states CO, KS, NM, OK, UT, and WY. The abbreviation CO is circled. The 9th circuit includes the states AK, AZ, CA, NV, OR, WA, ID, and MT. The states NV, CA, and WA are circled. The 8th circuit includes ND, MN, SD, NE, IA, MO, and AR. MO and MN are circled. The 7th circuit includes WI, IL, and IN with IL circled. The 6th district includes MI, OH, KY, and TN, with OH circled. The 5th circuit includes TX, LA, and MS with TX and LA circled. The 4th circuit includes SC, NC, VA, WV, DC, and MD with DC and VA circled. The 3rd circuit includes PA, DE, and NJ with PA circled. The 2nd circuit contains NY, VT, and CT, with NY circled. The 1st circuit includes RI, MA, ME, and NH with MA circled. © 2011 Map Resources Elisa is an engineer in Kansas (KS). She invented a new method for making extra hard lenses for glasses. She owns a U.S. patent to legally protect her invention. She wants to sue Eye-Eye Glasses for using her method without her permission. Where will her lawsuit most likely take place? (1 point) In a federal appeals court in Kansas (KS) In a federal district court in Kansas (KS) In a federal appeals court in Colorado (CO) In a federal district court in Colorado (CO)


Based on Elisa's location in Kansas, the lawsuit against Eye-Eye would take place In a federal district court in Kansas (KS).

Where would Elisa's case be heard?

As this is the first case and no appeal has been made, Elisa will be able to sue Eye-Eye in her resident state of Kansas and in a federal district court which would have original jurisdiction.

If there is a need for an appeal after the case, the federal appeals court in Colorado would then hear the case for the 10th Circuit.

Find out more on the original jurisdiction in federal courts at


9 A stadium has 54 790 seats. What would you say was its maximum capacity: a) to the nearest thousand?b) to the nearest hundred? please help me​



a) 6000

b) 5500


this is just rounding:

rounding 54790 to the nearest thousands would be 5000 as 6000 would be too far.

rounding 54790 to the nearest hundred would be 5500, as 5400 would be too far

Examine the decades 1970, 1990, and 2010 in this population pyramid e for the United States. Consider
any significant shapes. In particular, note the large bulge that travels upward through the pyramid over
time. This bulge represents the baby boomer generation, a generation of Americans who were born in the
United States immediately following World War II (1939-1944).

1. How do you think this generation has impacted the U.S. economy through the years?

2. How might it impact the U.S. economy and politics in the future?


The Boomer generation led to the U.S. economy growing significantly because of its contribution to the increased population size.

How have the Baby Boomers influenced the U.S.?

The generation allowed the U.S. economy to grow significantly to the increased productivity because of the higher population numbers they brought to the nation.

Although, as they aged , they began to rely more and more on social security benefits which led to the U.S. resorted to borrowing to maintain social security payments.

How might it impact the U.S. economy and politics in the future?

Because of the proper planning for population boom, they will be no negative effect of the population boom such as the Baby Boomers in the nearest future.

Read more about Baby Boomer generation


In which industry were the HUAC investigations most famous? A. Banking B. Entertainment C. Agricultural D. Education





HUAC is the House Un-American Activities Committee. They were extremely active from the Great Depression forward. They targeted Hollywood writers and directors, because they believed they harbored Communists.

How did the end of the French and Indian War lead to deteriorating relationships between Britain and its American colonies


The war enabled the British to be more involved in colonies political & economic affairs which is something the colonists were strongly against, they wanted to be their own people.

Which areas were most permanently impacted by expansion of Islam?

A. The southwest African coast
B. Western Europe
C. Northern Europe
D. North Africa and southwest Asia


The North Africa and southwest Asia were the areas that were most permanently impacted by expansion of Islam.

What was the expansion of Islam?

It referred to the spread of Islam after the Muhammad's death by the caliphates that occupied a vast geographical area for the conversion of people to Islam.

Hence, the North Africa and southwest Asia were the areas that were most permanently impacted by expansion of Islam.

Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about expansion of Islam



The answer is D


The other person was correct :)

How does Cresswell describe the state of the colonies?


Cresswell describes the state of the colonies as poor, he concluded that the agricultural condition of the colonies is in very unstable and poor condition.

What do you know about Nicholas Cresswell?

Nicholas Cresswell was known as an English diarist. he was the son of a landowner and sheep farmer in Crowden-le-Booth, Edale, Derbyshire. When he was of 24 years of age, he sailed to the American colonies after turning into familiar with a local of Edale, who became now resident in Alexandria.

Thus, Cresswell describes the state of the colonies as poor, he concluded that the agricultural condition of the colonies is in very unstable and poor condition.

Learn more about Nicholas Cresswell:


Research the years 1870-1900.
dentify ten (10) events that you consider the most interesting, important, or unique throughout this period.

Step 3. For each event identify causes and effects related to the event.

Step 4. Be sure to include the URLs of each resource you used in your research.



Image result for Research the years 1870-1900. identify ten (10) events that you consider the most interesting, important, or unique throughout this period.

June 9, 1870: Charles Dickens, British novelist, died at the age of 58. July 15, 1870: Georgia became the last of the Confederate states to return to the Union. July 19, 1870: The Franco-Prussian War began. The war was provoked by Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian leader, as part of his plan to unite Germany.



yes the answer is even


the answer is A,C,D,E

did the USSR have a friendly and beneficial relationship with the western governments like France Britain and the United States because they had similar goals


yes but they had some different thought at things as well

First describe how the study of history has changed from early to modern times. Specifically describe examples of how history was studied during the classical era, during the Renaissance, and in the modern era. Finish by identifying and defining the term historians use to describe the study of the discipline of history. (4 points)


The study of history changed from the beginning to modern times in relation to the method and the philosophical currents of the period, which directly influence the sciences.

What is the role of historical science?

The study and research of history allows the understanding of the human past, its customs and actions that influenced the present and the future, such as the social, economic and political structure of a period.

Therefore, the methods used for the study of history evolved with the passage of time and the implementation of the scientific method, making historical discoveries faster and more documented.

Find out more about historical science here:


Who created the first billion dollar corporation by combining three large steel companies?


The person who created the first billion dollar corporation by combining three large steel companies is Andrew Carnegie.

Who is Andrew Carnegie?

It should be noted that Andrew Carnegie was a banker and one of the richest men in the world before his death.

In this case, the person who created the first billion dollar corporation by combining three large steel companies is Andrew Carnegie.

Learn more about Andrew Carnegie on:



JP Morgan


picture is attached. hope this helps.

A graph has years on the x-axis and value of savings on the y-axis. A line with 5.75 percent interest goes through (3, 2,000) and (8, 6,000). A line with no interest goes through (5, 3,000) and (10, 6,000).
Arturo’s parents deposit $50 each month into a college savings account with a 5.75% interest rate, compounded monthly.

About how much money did Arturo’s parents invest after 10 years?
About how much interest was earned after 10 years?
Between 10 years and 20 years, how much more interest would you expect the account to earn?


(a) $6000 this amount is to Arturo’s parents to invest after 10 years. (b) $2083.74 this amount is interest was earned after 10 years. (c) $8346.15 between the amount was earned.

What is interest rate?

An interest rate indicates how expensive borrowing is or how lucrative saving is.

Arturo’s parents deposit $50 each month

Interest rate, r = 5.75%

5.75%/12 = 23/4800 = 0.00479

In 10 years, tenure, N = 10 × 12 = 120 months.

Total Investment = monthly deposits x N

= $50 x 120 = $6000.

$6000 this amount is to Arturo’s parents to invest after 10 years.

FV = Monthly ×[tex]((1+r) ^{120} -1)[/tex]/r

FV =  50 ×[tex]\frac{((1+0.00479) ^{120} -1)}{0.00479}[/tex]

FV =  $8083.74

Interest Earned in 10 years = $8083.74—$6000 = $2083.74

If they continue to invest for 20 years, tenure = 12 × 20 = 240 months.

FV = [tex]\frac{((1+0.00479) ^{120} -1)}{0.00479}[/tex]

FV = [tex]\frac{((1+0.00479) ^{240} -1)}{0.00479}[/tex]

FV=  $22429.89

Interest Earned in 20 years = $22429.89—$12000 = $10429.89.

Interest Earned between 10 years and 20 years = $10429.89—$2083.74 = $8346.15

As a result, a) $6000 b) $2083.74 c) $8346.15 is an accurate answer.

Learn more about on interest rate, here:


(a) briefly describe ONE crucial difference between Nunn and Qian's and Lewis and Maslin's historical interpretations of the Columbian Exchange
(b) briefly explain how ONE specific historical event, development, or circumstance from 1491-1607 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Nunn and Qian's argument.
(c) Briefly explain how ONE specific historical event, development, or circumstance from the period 1491-1607 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Lewis and Maslin's argument​

These are Short-Answer Questions from AMSCO United States History Advanced Placement edition (4th edition). I provided the prompts, and hopefully, I can get an answer soon.​

I also want to note that this textbook's answers are only given to the teacher (so students cant cheat), so it would help to see someone else's SAQ compared to mine. Thanks!


The  historical difference between Richards and Nunn and Qian's interpretation of the Columbian exchange is:

Richards examine the exchange from the standpoint of Native Americans who were known to be taken advantage of and killed as a result of the diseases outbreak eg. smallpox, and that of Nunn and Qian sees the exchange as a means for growth for the Old World that could make use of the things of the new world lands in terms of their modernization and growth in technology.

What is specific historical event, development, or circumstance from 1491-1607 about?

Nunn and Qian is known to have a the positive effects in regards to the rich soil that brought about the growth in regards to the economy and urbanization as it is an advantage to the Europeans.

A historical event that could aid Richards interpretations was that said to be the event of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs empire.

The historical event that could support Nunn and Qian interpretations is the issue of the Virg/inia company that uses capitalism and made a lot of revenue in the new world through the use of slave productions.

Learn more about historical event from


The main goals of the Europeans in conquering Asia and the Pacific could be summed up as:
profit and ports.
factories and labor.
God, gold, and glory.
All of the choices are correct.


C) god, gold, and glory

Explanation: Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory.

What are the three Vs of big data?


Volume, Velocity, & Variety
Other Questions
Prepare for a DebateNow you will imagine that you are going to debate whether the late 1960s were the end of the Civil Rights Movement or merely a turning point for it. First, you will plan your arguments using a chart to understand both sides of the issue. Then you will write out opening statements and argument notes that you could use in a debate on the topic.Part BPrepare opening statements and argument notes for your side of the debate that clearly states your stand and arguments that show how you plan to support your viewpoint. Projects that provide the _____ are assigned the highest priority when setting priorities for systems requests. a. greatest benefit, at the highest cost, in the shortest period of time b. least benefit, at the highest cost, in the longest period of time c. least benefit, at the lowest cost, in the longest period of time why you think the opposable thumb is important to the evolutionary adaptation of humans. Complete the equation of the line through (-6,-5)(6,5)left parenthesis, minus, 6, comma, minus, 5, right parenthesis and (-4,-4)(4,4)left parenthesis, minus, 4, comma, minus, 4, right parenthesis.Use exact numbers.y=y=y, equals Which prathogen is often controlled by beneficial bacteria (LOOK AT IMAGE)The sides of a regular 12-sided polygon have been extended to make a star, as shown below. Calculate the size of angle x. Give your answer in degrees (). Working all together at the same time, Martha, Susanne and Tammy complete 28 jobs in 2 hours. Tammy works twice as fast as Martha. If Susanne is responsible for completing 10 of the jobs, how many jobs does Tammy complete Suppose that every additional four percentage points in the investment rate (I GDP) boost economic growth by one percentage point. Assume also that all investment must be financed with consumer saving. The economy is now assumed to be fully employed atIf the goal is to raise the economic growth rate by 1 percent,a. By how much must investment increase? $ billionb. By how much must consumption decline for this to occur? U.S. Customary unit conversion with mixed number values: One... A cook needs 7 cups of vegetable stock for a soup recipe. How much is this in pints? Write your answer as a whole number or a mixed number in simplest form. Include the correct unit in your answer. Whats the corect answer answer asap for brainlist 4% of ? Is $75 what is ? If the question HELP ASAPeconomics question Why is the geocentric model not correct? .A monopolistically competitive firm is operating at a short-run level of output where price is $30, average total cost is $27, marginal cost is $20, and marginal revenue is $25. In the short run this firm should graph Y=-2x-3 and y=-x+6 Recursive formula of the arithmetic sequence 4,9,14,19 The following diagram represents all of the stages of a shrinking iceberg. The iceberg is circular, and when it started out, it had a radius of 100 feet. The iceberg shrank to a radius that was 75% of its original size every hour. Each circle in the drawing represents the size of the iceberg in each of the successive hours it was shrinking. Using this information, answer the questions having to do with the image:a. Is this a geometric series or an arithmetic series? Explain why you chose this answer.b. Describe the steps you would use to calculate the radius of the 6th circle.c. Assuming this pattern continued forever, what would be the total length if you added all of the circles radii* together? Explain your answer. What is the measure of Angle D F E? What are the three Vs of big data?volumevalidityvarietyvelocityvitality whats the answer??? Pls help asap this is due tonight