How are cultural ideas and new information spread today? How is this similar to and different from the way information was spread during the Enlightenment?


Answer 1


At these events, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other great intellects met to discuss ideas. ... The salons and the Encyclopedia helped spread Enlightenment ideas to edu- cated people all over Europe. Enlightenment ideas also eventually spread through newspapers, pamphlets, and even political songs.


How did the arts and literature change as enlightenment ideas spread? Arts evolved to meet changing tastes and reflect new Enlightenment ideas. Art and music changed from BAROQUE style to the lighter ROCOCO. ... Philosophers wanted to influence change by sharing their ideas with rulers.

How did the ideas of a "just society" change during the Age of Reason? As the Enlightenment Ideas spread, many composers and musicians were inspired to create new forms of music. Art also transitioned from Baroque to Rococo style. From this a new musical form called "classical" came about and also ballets and operas.

During the enlightenment, it was believed that human reasoning can easily help in discovering truths about the world and religion.

+Deism. ...

+Liberalism. ...

+Republicanism. ...

+Conservatism. ...

+Toleration. ...

+Scientific Progress.

Hoped this helped! <3

Answer 2

Cultural ideas and new information are spread today by an action that anthropologists refer to as cultural dissemination.

What is enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was an 18th-century intellectual movement that promoted the idea that custom and religion are inferior to rationality and science in terms of providing people with knowledge and understanding.

Enlightenment ideals were disseminated to educated individuals throughout Europe through the salons and the Encyclopedia. Newspapers, pamphlets, and even political songs helped promote enlightenment ideas in the end.

Users of social media can now share and disseminate the information that appears in their news feeds. People communicate with one another on these networks and exchange knowledge, ideas, and thoughts.

Learn more about Enlightenment, here:


Related Questions

What is step 3 of the Social Security process?



Step 3: A medical screen to allow applicants who are the most severely disabled. Medical evidence on an applicant's impairment is assessed under step 3 using codified clinical criteria called the Listing of Impairments, which includes over 100 impairments.


How is Sea Fever written in a fixed poetic structure?


Three quatrains make up "Sea Fever," with the first and second lines forming a couplet with the third and fourth lines forming another couplet.

What literary techniques are employed in the poem Sea Fever?

Analysis of "Sea Fever's" Literary Techniques

Assonance is the recurrence of vowel sounds inside the same line. For example, the sounds of /i / and /a / in the phrase "wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking" are examples of assonance. The recurrence of a word or phrase in the opening of several verses is known as anaphora.

What rhyme scheme is used in the poem Sea Fever?

Thus, it is clear that this poem follows the AABB structure. a gloomy mist on the surface of the ocean,

To know more about quatrains visit:


Why did Europe want to colonize Africa? (there are 2 reasons)


Answer: Economic interests and Ideological beliefs


There are several reasons why European powers wanted to colonize Africa in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Here are two of the main reasons:

Economic interests: European powers were motivated by the desire to access the resources and markets of Africa. They wanted to extract raw materials, such as rubber, minerals, and oil, from African countries, and they also wanted to sell their own manufactured goods to African consumers. European powers also wanted to establish colonies in Africa as a way of gaining strategic advantages over their rivals, such as access to key shipping routes.

Ideological beliefs: European powers also had a strong sense of superiority and believed that they had a moral obligation to "civilize" and "modernize" African societies. They saw themselves as bringing the benefits of European culture, religion, and governance to Africa, and they often justified their colonization of Africa as a humanitarian mission. However, this justification was often used to mask their more selfish economic and strategic interests.

Which actions did Fidel Castro take in Cuba after creating a communist system in 1959? Select four options.
He banned free health care for all citizens.
He repressed the civil liberties of all citizens.
He turned to capitalism to grow the economy.
He nationalized the Cuban economy.
He banned all travel to and from the country.
He forbade the selling of private property.
He prohibited free press in the country.



He repressed the civil liberties of all citizens.

He nationalized the Cuban economy.

He forbade the selling of private property.

He prohibited free press in the country.


After creating a communist system in Cuba in 1959, Fidel Castro took several actions to solidify his control over the country and implement his socialist policies.

Which actions did Fidel Castro take in Cuba after creating a communist system in 1959?

One of the most significant steps he took was the nationalization of the Cuban economy, which involved the expropriation of businesses and property owned by foreign companies and wealthy individuals. This allowed the government to control key industries such as agriculture, mining, and transportation.

Castro also repressed civil liberties, including freedom of expression, assembly, and association, and established a one-party state with the Communist Party as the only legal political party. The government controlled the media, and all news outlets were required to promote the regime's ideology.

Additionally, Castro implemented policies aimed at improving the living conditions of the population, including providing free healthcare and education to all citizens. However, the government's control over these services was often used as a means of political control and propaganda.

In summary, Fidel Castro's actions in Cuba after creating a communist system in 1959 included nationalizing the economy, repressing civil liberties, controlling the media, and implementing policies aimed at improving the living conditions of the population.

Learn more about Fidel Castro here


What satirical point is Swift making in his reference to the landlords?


They are metaphorically cannibals since that the landlords have already consumed their parents. After bringing the issue to light through comedy, Swift offers workable remedies.

What is satirical point?While doing so, he also produces a work of fiction that is intriguing and entertaining and will cause controversy for years to come.There are few indications of Swift's virulent dislike of Irish bankers and landlords. According to Swift, Irish investors in real estate and bankers are being protected. Swift's ostensible animosity of banking systems built on a persistent national debt that benefit affluent private investors is brushed aside.Satire draws attention to social injustices, vices, and bad behaviors, but does so in a comic or sardonic way. The satire's major goal is to expose the government.

For more information on Swift's satire kindly visit to


What was society like in 1800s?


In the 1800s, the average person's life was difficult. Many people struggled to make ends meet while putting in long hours in frequently inhumane circumstances. There was no running water, power, or central heating.

How did life differ back then?

Life in 1800 and 1900 was very different from today's. Gas lights or candles were used as light sources because there was no electricity. Cars weren't present. To get from one point to another, people either have  employed horses drawn carriages, boats,  or foot transport.

What was the standard of living back then?

In the 1800s, cities were typically crowded, filthy, and lacked sewage facilities. Diseases were common and frequently lethal. About 40 years were expected to be lived on average. The cost of visiting the doctor was high, and there opium and leech bloodletting were the only effective treatments available, which were relatively scarce.

To know more about 1800s visit:


Who adopted Buddhism after war?





Ashoka saw the battlefield filled with blood. He was immersed in grief seeing the horrifying state of Kalinga all over. This is said to have prompted Ashoka to adopt Buddhism.

After Ashoka's successful but devastating conquest of Kalinga early in his rule, he converted to Buddhism and was inspired by its doctrine of dharma. Thereafter, he ruled his empire through peace and tolerance and focused on public works and building up the empire rather than expanding it.

What was the impact of the use of machine guns and barbed wire in World War 1?


Answer: The impact  for barbed wire that it would be harder for the enemy to attack. The impact for machine guns was that they could mow down the enemy more effeciently.


Why were people against the Vietnam War?


Many Americans thought it was in the country's best interest to defend South Vietnam from communist invasion when the Vietnam War first broke out.

Why was the Vietnam War unpopular?

Many Americans disapproved of the war because of their moral outrage over the death and destruction it caused. Others said that the conflict was a war against Vietnamese independence or an interference in a foreign civil war and opposed it because they believed it had unclear objectives and was unwinnable.

Who opposed the war in Vietnam?

As the conflict reached its height in 1968, students, political figures, labor unions, religious organizations, and middle-class families came out against it more and more, forcing a slow withdrawal of American forces.

To know more about against  Vietnam War visit:-


what early political and strategic did confederate and union leaders adopt and which were most successful



using secession as an attack on representative government.


it might be incorrect but i hope this helps :)

What are the main conflicts in Animal Farm and how are they resolved?


In order to stop the battle between animals and humans, the animals, led by the pigs, overthrow the people. However, at the end of Animal Farm, the pigs behave just like humans. Snowball is chased away, and Napoleon takes full control of the property, ending the feud between him and Snowball.

Napoleon's decision to sell the chickens' eggs in Chapter 7 sets up the novella's conclusion. After realizing that pigs are their enemies, the chickens start to revolt. Their uprising is ruthlessly put down, and chickens are put to death.

By the conclusion of the novel, the original directives are reduced to the dictum, "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others," which sums up the authoritarian nature of the farm.

To learn more about Animal Farm


List 4 facts concerning the NAACP.


* The NAACP is a civil rights organization in the United States

* it was formed in 1909
* the founding city was New York
* the NAACP is in interracial organization that works to advance the lot of blacks through legislation and litigation powers.

Give example of ituation in the modern world that may be conidered a uffering in Theravada Buddhim



One example of a situation in the modern world that may be considered suffering in Theravada Buddhism is the experience of poverty. According to the Four Noble Truths, one of the foundational teachings of Buddhism, suffering (dukkha) is an inherent part of human existence and arises from the desire for things to be other than they are. In the case of poverty, individuals may suffer due to their lack of material resources and the difficulties and hardships that this can create in their lives.

What is cellulitis in the cheek?


Facial cellulitis is an infection of facial tissues. It often occurs on the cheeks. It can also occur behind or around the eyes, on the neck, or behind the ears. Cellulitis causes the affected skin to become red, swollen, warm, and sore. The reddened areas have a visible border.

the harappen civilization developed which culture advancement


The harappen civilization developed smelting iron for the durable weapons. option d

What was the Harappen civilization?

The earliest precise system of standardized weights and measures, some of which were accurate to 1.6 mm, was created by the Indus River Valley Civilization, also referred to as the Harappan civilization. Terracotta, metal, stone, and other materials were used by the Harappans to make jewelry, seals, sculpture, and other objects.

Standardized weights and measurements, seal carving, and the use of copper, bronze, lead, and tin in metallurgy are some of this civilization's most significant inventions.

Its two major cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, were situated in the Punjab and Sindh areas of modern-day Pakistan, respectively.

Read more on civilization  here:


Why did Roosevelt sign the Elkins Act into law?


sought to strengthen oversight over the railroads.

What was the main reason by the West to establish the NATO in 1949?




What reasons does Alfred Mahan give for American imperialism?



Alfred Mahan justified American imperialism by arguing that the nation needed new markets, and that key to opening those markets was having a strong navy supported by the presence of naval bases throughout the world to supply ships.


What happens when tooth decay reaches the pulp?


Root canal, A root canal is frequently required when tooth decay has spread to the tooth's pulp. A root canal removes the injured pulp. After that, the tooth cavity is cleansed and filled.

Your teeth can become damaged by tooth decay, which has the potential to cause cavities, dental abscesses, or even tooth loss. It is brought on by specific bacterial species that can reside in tooth plaque.

The sugars in your diet can be turned into acids by the bacteria in plaque. These acids can start to harm your teeth if plaque is allowed to accumulate over time.

Because of this, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to preventing tooth decay.

Tooth deterioration happens in stages. Each of these stages will be discussed below, along with the treatment options and advice on how to avoid tooth decay.

To learn more about tooth decay please click on below link


What part of the plot does this excerpt reveal the founders of a new colony?


A description of the significance of the Puritan prison is included in the exposition. The Puritan settlers' contentment is described as part of the exposition.

What is the importance of a colony?

By establishing a source for raw materials and exports, colonies were a means by which the mother country could engage in mercantilism, thereby enhancing its power. Great Britain was one of the most successful world powers, though it was not the only one.

Whatever utopian vision of human goodness and happiness the colony's founders may have had in the beginning, they always recognized that one of their first practical necessities was to set aside a portion of the virgen soil as a cemetery and another as the location of a prison.

Learn more about the colony here:


What is the most important element of civil disobedience?


A public, peaceful violation of a law is civil disobedience, which is the refusal to obey an order from a civil authority. Either a person or a company can do it.

What underlying principle underpins civil disobedience?

Civil disobedience, also known as passive resistance, is the act of refusing to accept the demands or directives of a government or occupying power without using force or other aggressive forms of resistance; its usual goal is to coerce concessions from the government or occupying power.

I Disregarding salt regulations; ii) abstaining from alcohol; iii) boycotting British products of all types; and iv) failing to pay taxes and other fees.

To know more about civil disobedience visit:


Was slavery the cause of the war?


Answer: no slavery was not the cause of the war


slavery and the status of African Americans were at the heart of the crisis that plunged the U.S. into a civil war from 1861 to 1865.

What are the 3 types of maps?


The three categories into which maps are typically divided are:

(1) general purpose,

(2) thematic, and

(3) cartometric maps.

The real world is depicted on maps at a considerably lesser size. They facilitate your movement from one place to another. They aid in information organisation. They assist you in determining your location and the best route to take.

The real world is depicted on maps at a considerably lesser size. They facilitate your movement from one place to another. They aid in information organisation. They assist you in determining your location and the best route to take.

To know more about types of maps:


How do you address a counterclaim in an argumentative essay?


You should address counterclaim in an argumentative essay by Identifying the opposing argument, responding to it with reasons why the argument is weak.

The form of essay known as an argumentative essay makes arguments in favor of a specific viewpoint. This position may be one that you hold, or one that you disagree with. In an argumentative essay, you must take a stand on the issue and support your position with evidence.

You will need to use facts and statistics to support your position, and you may also need to use emotional appeals to convince your reader to agree with you. Give reasons why the opposing argument is flawed, or explain why it is insufficient or irrational, with examples or supporting data.

To know more about essay, click here.


How did the Northwest Ordinance lead to the Civil War?



The Northwest Ordinance did not cause the Civil War. However, its passage did help set a precedent for admitting new Northern and Western states as free states (i.e., as states that forbade slavery). The Northwest Ordinance was passed in 1787, nearly a century before the Civil War began.


the songhai empire under sunni ali was different from the empire under askia the great because


The Songhai empire under Sunni Ali was superior to Askia the Great's because Askia used religion as justification for his power.

The Empire of Songhai

The Songhai Empire, sometimes known as Songhay, governed the western Sahel/Sudan in the 15th and 16th centuries. At its height, it was one of the largest states in African history. The historical name of the state was inspired by Songhai, who make up the majority ethnic group and the ruling class in the state. Sonni Ali decided to make Gao the imperial capital despite the fact that a Songhai state had existed in and around the city since the 11th century.

Other notable cities in the empire where urban-centred trade grew included the north Akan state of Bonoman, which is to the south, and Timbuktu and Djenné, which were conquered in 1468 and 1475, respectively. The Askia dynasty eventually replaced the Sonni dynasty, which ruled the empire from around 1464 to 1493.

To learn more about the Askia dynasty here:


How did the great compromise satisfy both the large states and the small states?.


The Great Compromise was a solution where both large and small states would be fairly represented by creating two houses of Congress. In the House of Representatives, each state would be assigned seats in proportion to the size of its population. In the Senate, each state would have two delegates regardless of size.

What was Queen Elizabeth's purpose for her speech?


Her speech was expected to address their concerns about pricing, based on the recent economic issues facing the country. But to everyone's surprise, Elizabeth instead used the occasion to express the love she felt for her subjects, and how she viewed her position as their queen.

The Indo-European language family includes the major languages of Europe and those dominant in all the following regions EXCEPT


With the exception of central Asia, all of the main languages spoken in Europe and the aforementioned regions are members of the Indo-European language family. The correct answer is E.

What is the Indo-European language?

The majority of languages spoken in Europe, Iran, and India belong to the family of languages known as Indo-European. An agrarian population with roots in southern Europe used a similar language in the third millennium B.C., which is the ancestor of Indo-European today. The language family is the second-oldest in the entire world. Slavic, Germanic, and Romanic are the three major phyla within Indo-European; they each have more than 200 million speakers and collectively make up about 90% of Europeans.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. RussiaB. Northern IndiaC. IranD. Eastern and Southern AustraliaE. Central Asia

The correct answer is E.

Learn more about Indo-European language here:


What became the western border of the united states after the treaty of paris 1783 was signed?


Answer: Mississippi River


Negotiated at treaty of APris

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