Hint : solar panels generate an average (day and night) of about 200 Watt/m2.
1. Estimate the annual USA energy consumption (in joule).
2. What is the average power (in watt) required for the USA over one year?
3. Using the hint provided, estimate the total area (in meter2) needed to provide this power.
4. Estimate the surface area of the USA (in meter2)


Answer 1

According to the given hint, solar panels generate an average  about 200 Watt/m2.

1. The annual USA energy consumption is 103,108,904,000,000,000,000J.

2. The average power required for the USA over one year is 3.2 trillion watt.

3. The total area needed to provide this power is 32.6 billion [tex]m^{2}[/tex].

4. The surface area of the USA is 9.834*[tex]10^{12}[/tex] [tex]m^{2}[/tex].

Solar energy originates from the sun. Solar panels (also called "PV panels") are used to convert light from the sun, which consists of energetic particles called "photons", into electricity that can be used to power electrical loads increase.

Solar panels can be used in a variety of applications including remote power systems for cabins, telecommunications equipment, remote sensing and, of course, power generation for residential and commercial photovoltaic systems.

Learn more about Solar panels here :-



Related Questions

A heat pump has a coefficient of performance equal to 4.20 and requires a power of 1.75 kW to operate. (a) How much energy does the heat pump add to a home in one hour? (b) If the heat pump is reversed so that it acts as an air conditioner in the summer, what would be its coefficient of performance?


a) Energy added = 3.113 × 107 J b)  coefficient of performance 3.70

A) COPhp= QH/Win

Hence QH = (COPhp)Win = 4.70×1.84 = 8.648 kW

Energy added = QH(60×60) = (8.648×103)(3600)

Energy added = 3.113 × 107 J

B)  coefficient of performance = (COP)hp - 1 = 4.70 - 1 = 3.70

Various efficiencies can be used to convert energy between different forms. Transducers are objects that change between these states. Examples of transducers include a battery, which converts chemical energy into electric energy, a dam, which transforms gravitational potential energy into the kinetic energy of moving water (and the turbine blades), and finally into electric energy via an electric generator (from heat to work)

Energy transformation examples include creating electric power from heat energy using a steam turbine or lifting something against gravity while using electrical energy to power a crane motor. When an object is lifted against gravity, mechanical work is done on it and gravitational potential energy is stored inside it. Gravity performs mechanical work on the thing if it falls to the ground.

Learn more about Energy here:



jocelyn was researching what makes certain surfaces have mirror-like qualities. she knows that most mirrors are made from aluminum, as are soda cans. she wondered why she can see her face in a mirror but not in a soda can. fill in the correct words to complete the sentences. the mirror is polished smooth, so that reflection occurs. the soda can, however, has a rougher surface, so that reflection occurs.


The mirror is polished smooth, so that regular reflection occurs. the soda can, however, has a rougher surface, so that irregular reflection occurs. That's why,  she can see her face in a mirror but not in a soda can.

What are regular reflection and  irregular reflection?

The reflected rays of a parallel light beam that strikes a smooth, planar surface will also be parallel. Regular reflection is the name given to this sort of reflection. The angle of light reflection in this instance is equal to the angle of incidence and is situated on the side of the normal that is furthest from the point of incidence. Regular reflection is what we refer to as reflection off a polished surface.

The reflected light rays scatter in various directions when a parallel light beam impacts a rough surface. Reflection of this kind is referred to as diffuse or irregular reflection. The angle of light reflection in this situation is the same as the angle of light incident. Diffuse reflection is the term for reflection off of a rough surface.

Hence, The mirror has a smooth surface, allowing for regular reflection. However, the surface of the soda can is rougher, causing an irregular reflection.

Learn more about reflection here:



a lab group investigates the maximum weight students can lift with their arms compared to their legs. if their t' value was 0.35, which of the following conclusions would be justified?


A lab group investigates the maximum weight students can lift with their arms compared to their legs. if their t' value was 0.35, there is difference between the arms and legs data. The correct option is (B).

Difference between the measured value and the targeted true value for the physical quantity?

Measurement error.

The appropriate response to the foregoing question is because_________

The disparity between means was larger than the total uncertainty.

To know more about physical quantity visit



The complete question is:-

A lab group investigates the maximum weight students can lift with their arms compared to their legs. if their t' value was 0.35, which of the following conclusions would be justified?

a.)There is no significant difference between the arms and legs data.

b.)There is difference between the arms and legs data.

c.)It's unlikely difference between the arms and legs data.

d.)It's likely difference between the arms and legs data.

The speedometer of a car reads 85 mph. It passes a truck in the next lane traveling at 75 mph. Which of the following statements is true?

Both measurements are scalar quantities.
Both measurements are vector quantities.
The car's measurement is a scalar, and the truck's measurement is a vector.
The car's measurement is a vector, and the truck's measurement is a scalar.


The statements that is true about the car and the truck is "The car's measurement is a scalar, and the truck's measurement is a vector"

third option is the correct answer.

What is scalar quantity?

Scalar quantities are those quantities that can be described by magnitude only.

These type of quantity has no direction, but can be effectively described by direction only.

Examples of scalar quantities include the following;


Vector quantities are those type of quantity which can be described by both quantity and direction.

Examples of vector quantities include the following:

velocityaccelerationdisplacementforcepositionmomentum, etc

Speedometer is a device used in measuring the speed of a car, hence the measurement of the car is scalar. The speed of the truck has direction (next lane), so it can be effectively regarded as vector quantity.

Thus, the speed of the truck has both magnitude and direction and can be called vector measurement.

Learn more about vector quantity here: https://brainly.com/question/26044328


Two identical thin rods, each of mass m and length L, are joint at right angles to form an L-shaped object. This object is balanced on the top of a sharp edge. If the object is displaced slightly it oscillates. Assume that the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is g. Find, the angular frequency of the oscillation of the object.


The formula for the angular frequency is = 2/T. Radians per second are used to express angular frequency. The frequency, f = 1/T, is the period's inverse. The motion's frequency, f = 1/T = /2, determines how many complete oscillations occur in a given amount of time.

What is the oscillation formula?

A basic harmonic oscillator's angular frequency, period T, and frequency f are given by =km, T = 2mk, and f = 12km, where m is the system's mass and k is the force constant.

The angular frequency calculator: what is it?

You can use the angular frequency calculator to figure out a system's angular frequency, also known as angular velocity. In the article that follows, we explain how to determine the angular frequency for straightforward Show several angular frequency formulae as well as harmonic and rotatory motion.

To know more about angular frequency visit:-



Classical electromagnetism predicted that V0 should have increased as the intensity of the incident light increased. On the contrary, it was found that V0 increased as the frequency f of the light increased. The voltage V0 was found to obey the following linear relationship:V0=mf−b,where m and b are numerical constants (representing the slope and the intercept, respectively). By comparing this equation to your answer from Part B, find an expression for the intercept b. (Notice that mf in this equation changes with different light but b is a constant of the metal.) Express your answer in terms of E0 and e.


The incident light cause the ejection of an electron, the light impart a certain amount of energy to the electron to overcome the forces that constrain it within the metal.  (V0=E light - ∅/e)

How to solve?

The minimum amount of energy required to overcome these forces is called the work function ∅ Different metals will have different values for ∅. For an electron to reach the detector, the light must impart enough energy for the electron to overcome both the work function and the stopping potential.

Part B

Suppose that the light carries energy E light What is the maximum stopping potential V0 that can be applied while still allowing electrons to reach the detector?

Express your answer in terms, е, E light and ∅,

ANSWER: V0=E light - ∅/e

What is the most accurate way to define electromagnetic?

involving or resulting from electricity-produced magnetism, which is the ability of a thing to attract other objects to it. physics. The term "electromagnetic" also refers to the study of the interaction between electricity and magnetism.

What kind of electromagnetic phenomenon is that?

Radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light, uv light, X-rays, and gamma rays are examples of electromagnetic waves that propagate across space independently of matter.

Learn more about UV light here:



on apollo missions to the moon, the command module orbited at an altitude of 110 kmkm above the lunar surface. How much time did it take for the command module to complete one orbit?


It would take approximately 12 minutes command module to complete one orbit.

The time it takes for the command module to complete one orbit depends on the speed at which it is traveling. For the Apollo missions to the moon, the command module typically orbited at speeds of around 5,600 m/s or 20,000 km/h. It is important to note that the speed at which the command module traveled could vary from mission to mission. Factors such as the gravitational pull of the Earth and Moon and the direction of the burn of the engine could have an effect on the time it takes to complete one orbit. This is why it is important to calculate the speed of the command module for each mission to make sure the spacecraft remains in its optimal orbit.

To know more about the command module refer to the link  brainly.com/question/23715326


in fig. 12-35, horizontal scaf- fold 2, with uniform mass m2 30.0 kg and length l2 2.00 m, hangs from horizontal scaffold 1, with uni- form mass m1 50.0 kg. a 20.0 kg box of nails lies on scaffold 2, centered at distance d 0.500 m from the left end. what is the tension t in the cable indicated?


The cable being shown has a 457 N tension.

Mass of scaffold 1, m1 = 50Kg

Mass of lower scaffold 2, m2 = 30kg

Length, = 2m

Mass of nail box, = 20 kg

d = 0.500 m

Length of scaffold 1, = 3m

Tension on right, = 196N

Tension on left, = 196N

Torque at left point Tr × L2 - mgd - m2g×L/2  = 0

Tr = 196N

Fy = 0

Tl + TR -mg -m2g = 0

Tl = 294N

T × L1 - Tl × d - m1g× L1/2 - Tr(L1 - d) = 0

T = 457N

The cable being shown has a 457 N tension.

A rope, string, or cable that is stretched under an applied force develops a force known as a tension force in physics. Along the entire length of the rope or cable, tension is applied in the opposite direction of t. According to the International System of Units, tension is expressed in newtons and can take the form of a transmitted force, an action-reaction pair of forces, or a restoring force (or pounds-force in Imperial units). This mechanical quantity is typical. In the direction of the thread at the point of attachment, the ends of a string or other object conveying tension will apply forces to the objects to which the string or rod is linked. "Passive forces" are another name for these tension-related forces.

Learn more about tension here:



About the four terrestrial planets (Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus), which of the following statements is NOT correct?A. The orbital periods of the four planets in order from shortest to longest are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and MarsB. The distances from the Sun for the four planets in order from closet to farthest are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and MarsC. The four planets all have mantle, core, and stable atmospheric layersD. The four planets in order from smallest to biggest are: Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Earth


All four planets contain stable atmospheric layers, a mantle, and a core. One of the following is FALSE regarding the four terrestrial planets (Earth, Mars, Mercury, and Venus).

Which of the following traits do the four terrestrial planets share?

Terrestrial planets include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars because of their compact, stony surfaces that resemble terra firma on Earth. The four innermost planets in the solar system are the four terrestrial planets.

What are the four features of planets that are terrestrial?

The four innermost planets are known to as terrestrial planets and feature a moon or moons, valleys, volcanoes, and craters. They also have a liquid heavy-metal core.

To know more about terrestrial planets visit :-



type 1a supernovae are caused when a_____accretes enough mass to overcome the chandresekhar limit.


When a white dwarf gains enough mass to surpass the Chandra-Sekhar limit, type 1a supernovae are produced.

The importance of the Chandrasekhar limit in Type-1a supernovae has been recognised in astrophysics. The Chandrasekhar limit is thought to be crossed by a white dwarf, causing a catastrophic collapse, which is assumed to be the cause of these supernovae. It is believed that Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) are produced when a carbon-oxygen white dwarf in a binary system reaches the Chandrasehkar limit, either as a result of accretion from a donor or mergers. One of the two stars must be a white dwarf in order to cause a type Ia supernova.

To learn more about supernovae click here https://brainly.com/question/29172431


how long does it take a wave to move the last 100 m to the shore? assume that the waves are so small that they don't break before reaching the shore. express your answer with the appropriate units.


Relatively small waves travel at about 10 km/h and reach shore about every 3 seconds.

In deep waters far offshore, the slowest wave components with the shortest periods and the smallest wave height intervals can travel at less than 5 miles per hour. The component with the longest period could be moving at 35 miles per hour or more.

The Waves is often considered Virginia Woolf's masterpiece. Beginning with six children playing in a seaside garden they experience friendship and love and grow as they deal with the death of their beloved friend Percival. follow the life of the smallest wave height.

Learn more about A wave here:- https://brainly.com/question/15663649


An increasing number of products, such as passports and credit cards, contain an embedded radio-frequency identification chip that both stores and transmits information. The chips do not have their own power sources. Instead, they receive their power through induction from the device used to read the stored information. The reading device generates a magnetic field, and the passport or credit card containing a coil is passed through this field.
If a certain chip needs a peak induced emf of 3.0 V to operate and the magnetic field varies with time as B(t)=Bpeaksin(ωt), where Bpeak = 6.0 mT is the maximum magnetic field and ω = 8.52 × 107 s−1,what value must the product AN have in order for the chip to operate, where A is the coil's surface area and N is number of turns in the coil?


The value must the product AN have in order for the chip to operate, where A is the coil's surface area and N is number of turns in the coil is NA = 5.87 x 10⁻⁶.


B(t) = [tex]B_{peak}[/tex]sin(ωt)B(t) = (0.006) sin(8.52 x 10⁷t)taking derivative relative to "t" on both sidesdB(t) / dt = (51.12 x 10⁴) Cos(8.52 x 10⁷t)Induced EMf is given asE = NBA w3 = (NA) (0.006) (8.52 x 10⁷)NA = 5.87 x 10⁻⁶All

you need is to measure the outer diameter inner diameter and thickness of the coil. Volumes are given in cubic millimeters. To get the length of the coil, we need to divide the result by the cross-sectional area of the coil, which is determined by the width and thickness of the coil.

Learn more about cross-sectional area here:-https://brainly.com/question/21794392


Consider a graphical representation of simple harmonic motion, as described mathematically in the equation below.
When the object is at (A) on the graph, which of the following best describes its position and velocity? Its position and velocity are both negative. Its position is negative and its velocity is positive. Its position is negative and its velocity is zero. Its position is positive and its velocity is negative. Its position is positive and its velocity is zero. Its position and velocity are both positive.


At position p a is positive distance x is positive velocity will be negative as A is positive acceleration also negative.

Equation of graph is x(t) = Acos (wt + ∅)

dx/dt = -Asin(wt + ∅)w

Velocity v =  -Asin(wt + ∅)w

acceleration a = -Aw² cos(wt + ∅)

At position p a is positive distance x is positive velocity will be negative as A is positive acceleration also negative.

The rate at which a moving object's velocity changes is known as acceleration. It gauges the speed of velocity changes. Examples of acceleration include riding a carousel and traveling at a constant speed around a bend in a road. You might feel the velocity change if you are accelerating. Uneven acceleration, uneven acceleration, and average acceleration are the three different types of accelerated motions.

Learn more about acceleration here:



During a high Reynolds number experiment, the total drag force acting on a spherical body of diameter D = 12 cm subjected to airflow at 1 atm and 5°C is measured to be 5.2 N. The pressure drag acting on the body is calculated by integrating the pressure distribution (measured by the use of pressure sensors throughout the surface) to be 4.9 N. Determine the friction drag coefficient of the sphere, and whether the flow is in turbulence.


The total drag force acting on a sphere with a diameter of 12 cm and exposed to airflow at 1 atm and 5°C is therefore measured to be 5.2 N. Therefore, the friction drag coefficient is 0.0115.

When determining whether a flow pattern is laminar or turbulent while passing through a pipe, Reynolds number, a dimensionless quantity, is used. The relationship between inertial and viscous forces is what determines the Reynolds number. Friction is caused by surface irregularity, according to observations made at the microscopic level. Variety of Friction Friction can be divided into two categories, which are as follows: internal rubbing

Cdf = 0.2*0.3/5.2

Cdf = 0.06/5.2

Cdf = 0.0115

when 5.2/0.3 = 0.2

Learn more about force here



A 4.0 ohm resistor is connected in parallel with a 12 ohm resistor and both of these are connected to a DC power supply with voltage V. If the total current in this circuit is 2.0 A, what is the current through the 4.0 ohm resistor?


What is resistance?

Resistance refers to the quantity that AN object impedes or resists in an electrical current. current refers to the flow of electrons. a better thanks to make a case for resistance is to think about an example of an individual in a very jam-pawncked market troubled to travel from one look to another.

Resistance may be a live of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit. Resistance is measured in ohms, symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω). Ohms are named once Georg Simon Ohm  a German man of science who studied the connection between voltage, current and resistance.

Equivalent resistance

R= 4 * 12 / 4+12

Req = 3 ohm

From ohm's law

V = IR

V = 2 * 3 = 6V

I4ohm = V/R4

= 6/4 = 1.5 ampere

Hence, final answer is  current through 4ohm is 1.5 ampere

To know more about resistance please visit:



A newly discovered planet has twice the mass of the Earth, but the acceleration due to gravity on the new planet's surface is exactly the same as the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface. The radius of the new planet in terms of the radius R of Earth is (A) 1/2R (B) √2/2R (C) √2R (D) 2R (E) 4R


In relation to the radius R of the Earth, the new planet's radius is √2R.


The value, represented by r earth, equates to roughly 6,371,000 meters (6.371 x 106 m). This equates to 3,960 statute miles or around 6,371 kilometers (km). The formula r = (A/) can be used to determine the radius of a circle using area.

What is the formula for Kepler's third law?

The period of a planet's orbit (P) squared is equal to the size of the semi-major axis of the orbit (a) cubed when it is stated in astronomical units because P2 = a3 according to Kepler's Third Law. If the mass of the planet is known, Kepler's Third Law can be applied to determine the planet's orbital radius.

To know more about Kepler's third law visit:-



Red giant stars are
a. close to exhausting their supply of hydrogen. b. have already exhausted their supply of helium. c. are close to exhausting their supply of helium. d. have already exhausted their supply of hydrogen.
a. close to exhausting their supply of hydrogen.


Red giant stars are close to exhausting their supply of hydrogen, the fuel that sustains them. So the correct option is e.

Red giant stars are a type of star that is in the late stages of its life cycle. They are usually several times larger than the sun and have a much lower surface temperature. As the star's core runs out of hydrogen, the star begins to expand, causing its surface temperature to decrease. This causes the star to become a red giant and it will remain in this phase until the majority of its hydrogen is used up.

Once a red giant star has exhausted its supply of hydrogen, it will begin to fuse helium in its core. This will cause the star to become even larger and cooler, eventually turning into a white dwarf. After this, the star will eventually cool off to become a black dwarf.

Red giant stars are an important part of the life cycle of stars and are important for understanding the evolution of our universe. They are a reminder that all stars, including our own sun, will eventually reach the end of their life cycle and eventually become a white dwarf.

Learn more about hydrogen at :https://brainly.com/question/12768242


assume that a 1.00-kg ball is thrown solely by the action of the forearm, which rotates about the elbow joint under the action of the triceps muscle, the figure. the ball is accelerated uniformly from rest to 8.1 m/s in 0.38 s , at which point it is released. assume that the forearm has a mass of 3.7 kg and rotates like a uniform rod about an axis at its end. neglect gravity.


The angular acceleration of the arm is 68.76 rad/s².

We know the formula for angular acceleration as,

α = (ω - ω₀)/t

It is given that the ball is accelerated from rest, so ω₀ = 0.

We know the formula for velocity as, v = r* ω

ω = v/r

Given that, Velocity v = 8.1 m/s

Time t = 0.38 s

Radius r = 31 cm = 0.31 m

So, α = 8.1/0.31 * 1/0.38 = 26.13 /0.38 = 68.76 rad/s²

Angular acceleration is calculated to be 68.76 rad/s².

The question is incomplete. We should find out the angular acceleration of the arm. The figure is attached in the attachment below.

To know more about angular acceleration:



A grindstone with a mass of 50 kg and radius 1.5 m maintains a constant rotation rate of 8.0 rad/s by a motor while a knife is pressed against the edge with a force of 10.0 N. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the grindstone and the blade is 0.8. What is the power provided by the motor to keep the grindstone at the constant rotation rate?


The coefficient of kinetic friction between the grindstone and the blade is 0.8. Thus, 602.88 W is the power provided by the motor to keep the grindstone at the constant rotation rate

What is co-efficient of kinetic friction?

The resistive friction force (Fr) divided by the normal or perpendicular force (N) pushing the objects together yields the coefficient of friction (fr), a numerical value. The following formula represents it: fr = Fr/N. The velocity has no effect on kinetic friction. In comparison to kinetic friction, static friction has a higher coefficient.

For instance, kinetic friction will be present between the wood surface and the floor while a wooden block is moving over it.

First, we calculate the torque (τ) with the given normal force (N) and the coefficient of friction (μk).

τ = FR

or, τ = μk × N × R

or, τ = (0.8) × (10) × (1.5)

or, τ = 12 N.m

Then, we proceed to calculate the power (P). Note that we have multiplied the angular speed by 2π in order for its units to be radian per second.

P = τ × ω

or, P = (12) × (8.0 × 2π)

or, P = 602.88 W

To know more about coefficient of kinetic friction refer to:



A wire of negligible mass is wrapped around the outer surface of the disk of mass M. If the disk is released from rest, determine its angular velocity at time t. Given: M = 2 kg , t = 3 s , r = 80 mm


If the disk is released from rest, Angular velocity (ω) of the disk is  [tex]245\frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

In physics, the angular velocity or rotational velocity (ω or Ω) is also known as the angular frequency vector, is the rate at which an object's angular position or orientation changes over time (i.e., the object's rotation speed is a pseudo-vector representation. or spin relative to a point or axis).

The magnitude of the pseudovector represents the angular velocity, i.e. the speed at which the object rotates or rotates, and its direction is perpendicular to the current plane of rotation or angular displacement. Angular velocity direction is conventionally given by the right-hand rule.

Calculation :

Given : M = 2kg, t = 3s, r = 80mm

solution :

[tex]0 + Mgrt = \frac{3}{2} Mr^{2}[/tex]ω

ω = [tex]\frac{2}{3} (\frac{g}{r} ) t[/tex]

ω =         [tex]245\frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

Learn more about Angular Frequency here :-



The G string on a guitar is a 0.46 mm diameter steel string with a linear density of 1.3 g/m. When the string is properly tuned to 196 Hz, the wave speed on the string is 250 m/s. Tuning is done by turning the tuning screw, which slowly tightens - and stretchs - the string. By how many mm does a 75 cm long G string stretch when it's first tuned?


When the string is properly tuned to 196 Hz, the wave speed on the string is 250 m/s then 75 cm long G string stretched when it's first tuned is 1.833 mm.

Simple harmonic motion (SHM) occurs when the restoring force (the force directed toward a stable equilibrium point) is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium.

Repetitive motion through a central equilibrium point, Symmetry of maximum displacement, Period of each cycle is constant, Force causing the motion is directed toward the equilibrium point (minus sign).

At the equilibrium point x = 0 so, a = 0 also. When the stretch is a maximum, a will be a maximum too. The velocity at the end points will be zero, and it is a maximum at the equilibrium point.

As we know,

v = sqrt(T/mu)

250 = sqrt(T/(1.3*10^-3))

So T = 81.25 N

Young's modulus for steel = 200 x 10^9 Pa

Y = (T/A)/(deltal/l) = T*l/(deltal*A)

So delta l = (T*l)/(Y*A) = 81.25*0.75/(200*10^9*pi*(0.23*10^-3)^2)

              = 1.833*10^-3 m

              = 1.833 mm

To know more about SHM here



an energy storage system based on a flywheel (a rotating disk) can store a maximum of 3.6 mj when the flywheel is rotating at 12000 revolutions per minute.


I = 1.82 kg/m2 is the flywheel's moment of inertia. The highest amount of energy that can be stored by a flywheel-based energy storage system (a revolving disc) is 3.6 mj.

The torque required to achieve a desired angular acceleration is determined by the rigid body's moment of inertia, also referred to as the mass moment of inertia, angular mass, second moment of mass, or, more precisely, rotational inertia.

Given that, E = 3.6 MJ = 3.6*106J is the maximum energy that can be stored in the flywheel.

Flywheel angular velocity is w = 12000 revs per second, or 12094.39 rads per second.

the flywheel's moment of inertia must be determined. In rotational kinematics, the energy of a flywheel is given by I = 2E/W2.

I = 1.82 kg - m^2

Learn more about moment of inertia here



if the following five solar system planets were placed on the surface of a vast, deep cosmic water ocean, which would sink fastest?


Mercury which is 2nd denser planet will sink the first in the given circumstances.

What is the solar system?

Our solar system is situated in the Milky Way galaxy's outer spiral arm.

The Sun, our star, and everything gravitationally connected to it, including the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, dwarf planets like Pluto, and dozens of moons.

Thousands of planetary systems orbiting other stars in the Milky Way have been found, in addition to our solar system.

Many of the smaller worlds, including the six largest dwarf planets and the six major planets, are orbited by natural satellites, also known as "moons" after the Moon.

To know more about solar system, visit:-



17. A skateboarder is going 10 m/s the instant it is launched vertically off a ramp. If the mass of the skateboarder is 50 kg, how high above the ramp can he possibly go? If the mass of the skateboarder is 100 kg, how high above the ramp can he possibly go? If the speed of the skateboard is 20 m/s when it is launched how high above the ramp can he possibly go? (5.1m, 5.1m, 20.4m)​


Answer: To solve this problem, we can use the principle of conservation of energy. Energy is a property of an object or system that is related to its ability to do work, and can take many different forms. In the case of a skateboarder being launched off a ramp, the energy of the system is made up of two forms: kinetic energy and potential energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion, and is equal to one half of an object's mass times its velocity squared. In this case, the skateboarder has a kinetic energy of 0.5 * 50 kg * (10 m/s)^2 = 2500 J when it is launched off the ramp.

Potential energy is the energy of position, and is equal to an object's mass times the acceleration due to gravity times its height. In this case, the skateboarder has a potential energy of 50 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * h, where h is the height above the ramp.

Since energy is conserved, the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the system must be constant. Therefore, at the peak of the skateboarder's motion, his kinetic energy must be 0, and all of the energy of the system must be in the form of potential energy. This means that the maximum height that the skateboarder can reach is equal to the kinetic energy of the system divided by the acceleration due to gravity times the mass.

For a skateboarder with a mass of 50 kg, the maximum height that he can reach is 2500 J / (9.8 m/s^2 * 50 kg) = 5.1 m. For a skateboarder with a mass of 100 kg, the maximum height that he can reach is also 5.1 m. This is because the maximum height that an object can reach is only dependent on its initial kinetic energy, not its mass. However, if the skateboarder is moving at a higher initial velocity, such as 20 m/s, then the maximum height that he can reach will be higher. In this case, the maximum height will be 0.5 * 50 kg * (


Class 12 Question > In an L-R-C series circuit, the rms voltage a...Save
In an L-R-C series circuit, the rms voltage across the resistor is 30.0 V, across the capacitor it is 90.0 V, and across the inductor it is 50.0 V. Rms voltage of the source is
a) 60.0 V
b) 50.0 V
c) 65.0 V
d) 5.0 V


Root Mean Square(rms) voltage of the source in the given LRC series circuit is (b) 50V

The root-mean-square (rms) voltage of a sinusoidal source of electromotive force (Vrms) is used to characterize the source. It is the square root of the time average of the voltage squared. The value of Vrms is Vo/Square root of√2, or, equivalently, 0.707 Vo


rms Voltage across resistor is 30V

rms Voltage across inductor is 50V

rms voltage across capacitor is 90V

hence, rms voltage of the source is 50V

learn more about rms voltage:



an air capacitor is made by using two flat plates, each with area a, separated by a distance d. then a metal slab having thickness a (less than d) and the same shape and size as the plates is inserted between them, parallel to the plates and not touching either plate (figure 1).


An air capacitor is made by using two flat plates, each with area a, separated by a distance d, then a metal slab having thickness a (less than d) and the same shape and size as the plates is inserted between them, a capacitor has dielectric material between two plates.

A capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in an electric field by using the buildup of electric charges on two neighboring surfaces that are electrically insulated from one another. It is a passive electrical component with two terminals. A capacitor's effect is referred to as capacitance. A capacitor is an electrical component designed to increase capacitance, even though there is some capacitance between any two neighboring electrical wires in a circuit. In its early days, the capacitor was referred to as a "condenser," and you may still see it in a few compound names, such "condenser microphone." There are several sorts of practical capacitors that are often used, and they are available in a wide range of physical shapes and constructions. The majority of capacitors include two or more electrical conductors separated by an insulating substance, typically in the form of metallic plates or surfaces. An electrolyte, thin sheet, sintered metal bead, or foil can all function as conductors. The nonconducting dielectric increases the charge capacity of the capacitor.

To know more about capacitor please refer: https://brainly.com/question/29301875


both permittivity of free space and permeability of free space can be modified by multiplication by a constant to derive the permittivity and permeability of any material other than vacuum.


The product of the permittivity of free space and the permeability of the free space equals 1 by the square of the speed of light in a vacuum.

Generally, the dielectric constant can be defined as the ratio of the absolute permittivity of a substance to the absolute permittivity of free space.

Absolute permittivity is the measure of permittivity in a vacuum or free space. It measures the resistance encountered when forming an electric field in a vacuum. εo is the smallest possible value of permittivity. Static permittivity is the permittivity of a material when exposed to a static electric field.

Permeability in general is symbolized µ, and is a constant of proportionality that exists between magnetic flux density and magnetic field strength in a given medium.

Learn more about permeability of free space here:- https://brainly.com/question/15282116


an astronaut is traveling in a spacecraft in outer space in a straight line at a constant speed of 0.550c. which of the following effects would she experience? (select all that apply.)


In outer space, an astronaut is moving at a constant speed of 0.550c in a spacecraft. She would become heavier and her heart rate would increase, among other things.

The special theory of relativity states that if a particle is traveling at extremely high speeds (some fraction times C)

then,  m= [tex]\frac{m_{o} }{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2} }{c^{2} } }}[/tex]



         m=1.20 m₀

Equipment or vehicle built to go through space is called a spaceship. Spacecraft, a form of man-made satellite, is employed for a number of tasks, such as communications, Earth observation, meteorology, navigation, space colonisation, planetary exploration, and the transfer of passengers and goods. All spacecraft—aside from single-stage-to-orbit vehicles—need a launch vehicle to travel into space (carrier rocket).

A spacecraft that is performing a sub-orbital spaceflight launches into orbit but then descends to Earth's surface before gaining enough momentum or energy to complete a full orbit. Spacecraft that are on orbital missions orbit the Earth or another celestial body in a confined orbit. Only in orbit (space stations) or during launch do spacecraft used for human spaceflight carry people on board as crew or passengers.

Learn more about Spacecraft here:



a child throws a rock with a velocity of 25 m/s at angle of 65 degrees above the horizontal. the rock hits the side of the building at a height of 12 meters. (a) How far above the release point does the ball hit the wall? What are the (b) horizontal and (c) vertical components of its velocity as it hits the wall? (d) When it hits, has it passed the highest point on its trajectory?


(a) The ball hits the wall 5.3 meters above the release point.

(b) The horizontal component of its velocity is 17.5 m/s. (c) The vertical component of its velocity is 17.1 m/s.

(d) Yes, it has passed the highest point on its trajectory.

(a) Using the equation for range, we can solve for time:

R = V*t*cosθ =>25*t*cos65 = 12 t = 0.75 s

We can then solve for the height using the equation for vertical displacement:

h = V*t*sinθ - 0.5*g*t^2

h = 25*0.75*sin65 - 0.5*9.8*0.75^2 h

= 5.3 m

(b) We can solve for the horizontal component of the velocity using the equation for range:

R = V*t*cosθ 17.5

    = 25*t*cos65 t

   = 0.7 s V = 17.5 m/s

(c) We can solve for the vertical component of the velocity using the equation for vertical displacement:

h = V*t*sinθ - 0.5*g*t^2 17.1

= 25*0.75*sin65 - 0.5*9.8*0.75^2 V = 17.1 m/s

(d) Yes, the ball has passed the highest point on its trajectory because the ball is traveling downwards when it hits the wall.

To know more about trajectory refer to the link  brainly.com/question/28874076


An irregularly shaped flat object of mass 2.40 kg is suspended from a point at a distance d from its center of mass and allowed to undergo simple harmonic motion in the vertical plane. The object has moment of inertia I = 1.24 kg · m2 about an axis passing through the point of suspension and perpendicular to the plane of the object. The frequency of this oscillatory motion is 0.640 Hz. What is the distance d of the pivot point from the center of mass of the object?


The distance of the pivot point from the center of mass of the object = 0.85 m

Oscillatory motion

Oscillatory motion is any motion that is repeated at the same time interval and through the same trajectory in its motion.

The simplest oscillatory motion is harmonic motion or simple harmonic motion (SHM).

The simple harmonic motion is a periodic motion that occurs at the same time interval.

We have,

Mass of point = 2.40 kg ⇒ m

Moment of inertia = 1.24 kgm² ⇒ I

Frequency = 0.640 Hz ⇒ f

Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s² ⇒ g

Now, find the angular velocity first,

ω = 2[tex]\pi[/tex]f

= 2[tex]\pi[/tex] (0.640)

= 4.0192 rad/s

So, the distance of the pivot point from the center of mass of the object is:

ω = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{mgd}{I} }[/tex]

4.0192 =   [tex]\sqrt{\frac{(2.40)(9.8)(d)}{1.24} }[/tex]

d = (4.0192)² (1.24) / (2.40)(9.8)

= 20.0309211/23.52

= 0.85 m

Learn more about oscillatory here: https://brainly.com/question/29765470


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