hello please help i’ll give brainliest

Hello Please Help Ill Give Brainliest


Answer 1


i think its D


Osiris is the god of fertility or death my burning temples Ramses

is giving(sacrificing) the bodies to osiris


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How did the serving in WWI differ for African Americans and Mexicans?


Well, if you mean in everyday experiences, a lot.

To start, African Americans were actually willing to fight for the U.S. when the United States first entered the war. While they were accepted into the military, the U.S. actually ended up giving them to the French because they thought they weren’t good fighters. However, when these soldiers joined the French, they would actually develop the name “Harlem Hellfighters” and be some of the most effective units of the French army. When they went back to civilian territory of the French, there were stories of people running up and cheering them on at their arrival. One even attested that a white woman kissed him on the cheek. This was way different compared to the United States... instead of being cheered, some of them were actually lynched...

I hope this helps, have a great day!

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learn about a disease that hit over 700 years ago





este adevarat ce spui istetule

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The Anasazi people lived in the southwestern region of what is now the United States.

Daniel Shays is best known for ____________.
being the president of the Congress
leading meetings at Mount Vernon and Annapolis
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being responsible for the Articles of Confederation



Massachusetts to ease the burden of debtors


How did some southerners resist the brown v board of education


They created Citizens' Councils, or the White Citizens' Councils (WCC).


The Brown v. Board of Education is a very important part of history and marks racial integration in public schools. This all happened because a young African American girl had to walk over a mile to her black school when there was a white school only a few blocks away.

This case ended up going all of the way to the Supreme Court, which said racial segregation in schools was in fact unconstitutional. This also threatened the idea, "separate but equal." During this time, there was not only racial segregation in public schooling but pretty much everywhere. Movie theaters, water fountains, restaurants, transportation, and even housing are just a few of the things that were segregated during this time.

When racial segregation in public schools was deemed to be unconstitutional, states now had to integrate their schools. This took a long time to complete, as many Southern states did not want this to happen. In order to try to resist the integrating of schools, some Southerners created the White Citizens' Councils. The WCC did awful things, like trying to stop boycotts, firing black Americans, and in some cases harming black Americans as well.

How did achievements and innovations of the Gupta Empire influence the World?

Please try using evidence from edge if you can



The decimal system of notation, the Sanskrit epics, Hindu art, contributions to the sciences of astronomy, mathematics and metallurgy.


The decimal system of notation, the Sanskrit epics, Hindu art, contributions to the sciences of astronomy, mathematics and metallurgy are the achievements and innovations of the Gupta Empire that influence the World. These achievements and innovations have high significance and are the necessary part of our education as well as our life. The decimal system of notation is the most important part of mathematics. They also contribute in astronomy, mathematics and metallurgy fields so we conclude that the achievements and innovations of the Gupta Empire greatly influence the World.

What effects did the Treaty of Versailles have on the losing nations?


The treaty gave some German territories to neighbouring countries and placed other German territories under international supervision. In addition, Germany was stripped of its overseas colonies, its military capabilities were severely restricted, and it was required to pay war reparations to the Allied countries.

State The main constitutional amendment made in 1991



removal of section 2A




I could not find any amendment passed in 1991. I did find one that was passed in 1992. It is amendment 27. What it says is that pay raises for senators and representatives cannot take place until an election of the representatives has taken place.

Apparently there were a lot of requests for pay raises and the public began to object, and so this amendment was introduced.

It is not the first time the constitution has seen such a request. In 1789 James Maddison put much the same thought forward as an amendment. Obviously it was defeated.

6. How did State Senator Margie Neal of Carthage help bring about social change in
Texas in the 1920s?


Won passage of law the provided funds to help

One result of the Sepoy Mutiny was that?
Select one:
O a. The British East India Company went bankrupt.
O b. The British government tightened its control over India.
O c. The British stopped trying to convert Indians to Christianity.
O d. British officials became more sensitive to the needs of Indians.



O b. The British government tightened its control over India.


The 1857 Sepoy Mutiny or the Indian Mutiny was the unsuccessful revolt of the Indians against the British regime. This revolt was also known as the first war of Independence, resulting in the bloody and violent loss for the Indian troops.

The Indians were unhappy to be under the Britishers. With different approaches to try to get their liberty, the people would rebel against the empire. One such event is the Sepoy Mutiny where the 'hired' Indians were unhappy about the many issues, be it racial discrimination, religious disregard, low pay, etc. Though the revolt started with the issue of how to grease their guns (with animal fat) which was great against the religious beliefs of the Hindu and Muslim Indians, it would only lead to a bloody encounter and was successfully quelled by the Britishers. This event led the British government to tighten or restrict the freedom and rights enjoyed by the Indians.

Thus, the correct answer is option b.

Why was the Soviet Union opposed to America's UN atomic energy proposal?



it permitted the united states to maintain a small stockpile of bomb

indian industries that the british damaged during their colonial reign?





please mark this answer as brainliest

How are cultural ideas and new information spread today? How is this similar to and different from the way information was spread during the Enlightenment?



At these events, philosophers, writers, artists, scientists, and other great intellects met to discuss ideas. ... The salons and the Encyclopedia helped spread Enlightenment ideas to edu- cated people all over Europe. Enlightenment ideas also eventually spread through newspapers, pamphlets, and even political songs.


How did the arts and literature change as enlightenment ideas spread? Arts evolved to meet changing tastes and reflect new Enlightenment ideas. Art and music changed from BAROQUE style to the lighter ROCOCO. ... Philosophers wanted to influence change by sharing their ideas with rulers.

How did the ideas of a "just society" change during the Age of Reason? As the Enlightenment Ideas spread, many composers and musicians were inspired to create new forms of music. Art also transitioned from Baroque to Rococo style. From this a new musical form called "classical" came about and also ballets and operas.

During the enlightenment, it was believed that human reasoning can easily help in discovering truths about the world and religion.

+Deism. ...

+Liberalism. ...

+Republicanism. ...

+Conservatism. ...

+Toleration. ...

+Scientific Progress.

Hoped this helped! <3

Cultural ideas and new information are spread today by an action that anthropologists refer to as cultural dissemination.

What is enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was an 18th-century intellectual movement that promoted the idea that custom and religion are inferior to rationality and science in terms of providing people with knowledge and understanding.

Enlightenment ideals were disseminated to educated individuals throughout Europe through the salons and the Encyclopedia. Newspapers, pamphlets, and even political songs helped promote enlightenment ideas in the end.

Users of social media can now share and disseminate the information that appears in their news feeds. People communicate with one another on these networks and exchange knowledge, ideas, and thoughts.

Learn more about Enlightenment, here:



True or false. The president is the commander and chief of the military.​



The president is the commander-in-chief. As to "commander and chief" - that's possibly open to a little bit of interpretation.

How did the conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary after the assassination attempt lead to all of Europe fighting?
O A. Alliances caused more and more countries to join the war
B. Germany just wanted to start a war with France at the same time
C. Russia just wanted to start a war with Germany at the same time
D. France just wanted to start a war with Germany at the same time



A  - Alliances caused more and more countries to join the war



To sum it up, Germany and Austria-Hungary where allies. There alliance was called the Central Powers. Serbia was a friend of Russia, so when Austria-Hungary invaded, Russia joined the war against the Central Powers. Russia was allied to France. Germany wanted to take out France fast and then focus on Russia. They went around the French border and invade Belgium. Belgium independence was guaranteed by the United Kingdom thus pulling them in the war.

-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 33pts-

How did World War II change the course of history for the United States

(in at least 5 sentences)



Since the end of the nineteenth century, it had been clear that the resource-rich and rapidly industrializing United States was the world's rising superpower, but the US was reluctant to adopt this mantle. This was rooted in history: the country took to heart George Washington's advice in his Farewell Address that it steer clear of involvement in European politics and conflicts.

The US did enter belatedly into World War I, but after that war, it retreated back into isolationism, stunningly refusing to enter the League of Nations, despite this organization being close to the heart of President Woodrow Wilson. The US was equally reluctant to join in World War II (though FDR knew this was inevitable) until the country was directly attacked at Pearl Harbor.

After the War ended in 1945, however, the US finally fully accepted its role as a world leader. This was an enormous change in its orientation to international politics. The US was at the forefront in establishing the UN, headquartering...

Hope this is Correct.

Which of the following was not one of Reagan's four major policy objectives during his presidency?

A.reduce government regulation
B. reduce federal income tax and capital gains
C.reduce growth of government spending
D.reduce the rising taxes for middle-class citizens
E.reduce inflation by controlling growth of the money supply to reduce inflation​



The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation. The results of Reaganomics are still debated.


Which country benefited the most from Nationalism?​


Germany, Hitler and the Nazis

The countries that benefited the most from Nationalism are: Italy and Germany in the 19th century; India and other colonies during decolonization; and Japan during the Meiji Restoration.

Nationalism, which is a strong sense of loyalty and devotion to one's nation, has been a driving force behind the formation of modern nation-states and the pursuit of self-determination. It has played a significant role in various historical events, such as independence movements, decolonization, and the formation of new countries.

Nationalism played a crucial role in the unification of Italy and Germany, leading to the creation of unified nation-states. It played a vital role in the struggle for independence in many colonies during the process of decolonization.

Nationalism in Japan during the Meiji Restoration in the 19th century helped to modernize the country, adapt Western technologies and institutions, and transform it into a major global power.

Learn more about Nationalism here:



Would you rather live in the present or go back in time and live in 1968? Explain


I would rather live in the present. I like how technology is right now and I like my current dogs. I wouldn’t want to live in 1968 because I wouldn’t have my family and I wouldn’t want to live in that time.


Lincoln refused to meet with Davis's peace commission.


A. False |

B. True |



B. True

Lincoln did refuse. Hope this helps!!

Do you think restricting voting to citizens aged 18 and over fails the strict scrutiny test for
equal protection under the law? Why or why not?


Answer: No

Explanation: Strict scrutiny will often be invoked in an equal protection claim. For a court to apply strict scrutiny, the legislature must either have passed a law that infringes upon a fundamental right or involves a suspect classification. Suspect classifications include race, national origin, religion, and alienage.

Restricting voting to citizens aged 18 and over doesn't fail the strict scrutiny test for equal protection under the law.

What is Strict scrutiny test?

This is defined as a form of  judicial review employed by courts to ascertain the constitutionality of laws.

Restricting voting to citizens aged 18 and over doesn't fail the strict scrutiny test for equal protection under the law because there is no human right infringement and it's applicable to all gender, race etc.

Read more about Strict scrutiny test here https://brainly.com/question/14826245


What was the purposes of "killing centers"?


The Nazis established killing centers for efficient mass murder. Killing centers were almost exclusively “death factories.” They are also referred to as “extermination camps” or “death camps.” Nazi concentration camps, by contrast, served primarily as detention and labor centers. At the killing centers, Nazi officials employed assembly-line methods to murder Jews and other victims. German SS (Schutzstaffel; Protection Squadrons) and police murdered nearly 2,700,000 Jews in the killing centers by asphyxiation with poisonous gas or by shooting.

If a non-Latinx/Hispanic/Chicanx part takes in the celebration of el Dia de Los Muertos, do you considered this to be a cultural exchange or cultural appropriation?



I consider it to be a cultural exchange.


If someone wants to participate in Dia de Los Muertos because they are interested in it or learning about the culture, I don't think that anything bad will happen. If they do it simply because they want to without reason I would say that is up for debate, but as long as you participate with respect for traditions and cultural-related things I don't see a problem.

If a non-Latinx/Hispanic/Chicanx takes part  in the celebration of el Dia de Los Muertos, it is considered as cultural exchange.

What is cultural exchange?

Sharing ideas, and  customs,  with someone who may have come from an entirely different background than your own is known as cultural exchange.

A cultural exchange is just sharing any aspects of your culture with someone from a different background than you, and vice versa. Culture is defined as "the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or community."

It may involve chatting about politics or religion, learning a new instrument, or exchanging information about what you wear. It could involve exchanging opinions and viewpoints on whatever you do, from regular activities to special occasions, what you like to eat or the sports you play.

To learn more about cultural exchange



Please please please please please help me



no no no no no no no


(no btw)


The third one: pyramids


Hope this helps! pls give branliest thanks

5. The European Union has most benefited its member nations by


The correct answer is D. Reducing barriers to trade and travel.


The European Union is a political community made up of twenty-seven European countries that cooperate multilaterally mainly in the political and commercial sphere. Therefore, all members handle the same currency, the Euro, which allows them to trade and establish economic relationships without many barriers.

In addition, the policy of each country is characterized by being in harmony with the other members, allowing citizens' lives to be better in aspects such as tourism and travel, since they can freely transit through the member countries because they belong to one of them. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Reducing barriers to trade and travel.

Need help ASAP!!!!!!!!!



Use your head



Not only was the Soviet Union communist, they were totalitarian, meaning all the power was with the rulers. The United States was capitalist which meant that people could own land and businesses and compete for themselves. This led to a stark contrast between poor and rich.


A major political difference between the US and USSR was that America was capitalist, while Russia was a communist. Also, they had different lifestyles, America had freedom and a two-party democracy, while Russia had a secret police and a one-party state

**NO LINKS** Why did Lenin feel imperialism is the highest form of capitalism?



Well I think he felt because in his perspective he felt communism was a place for everyone to be equal.


PLs mark me as brainliest

Did Mexican land owners lose their property when that area became part of the US with the Gadsden Purchase?



Yes, Mexican land owners lose their property when that area became part of the US with the Gadsden Purchase


In the Gadsden Purchase, the Mexicans gave their land to the United States for building a planned rail. However, the Mexicans received a sum amount of $10 million for their portion of land. The land was basically taken for the southern transcontinental railroad with an attempt to resolve American and Mexican war issues. During this entire process the land along with property  was lost.

4. Which battle had the most evenly matched number of soldiers for both sides?

Your answer


Hello. You did not present the battles to which this question refers, nor did you present any text where we could look for an answer. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

To assess which battle had the most balanced number of soldiers on both sides, you need to know the number of soldiers, in each army, that was participating in the conflict. The battle that has the most balanced number, in this case, is the one where the two armies have a very close number of soldiers, or the same number. For example, if in a battle between Army A and Army B, Army A has 1000 soldiers and Army B has 300 soldiers, that battle has an imbalance in relation to the number of soldiers. However, if Army A has 1000 soldiers and Army B has 920 soldiers, we can consider that this battle is in balance, since the number of soldiers in each army is similar and each army will be able to attack and defend at similar intensities.

What did Churchill predict will happen in Czechoslovak?



That in the future it would no longer be independent, that they would be engulfed by the Nazis.


Did you mean: What did Churchill predict will happen in Czechoslovakia?

Image result for What did Churchill predict will happen in Czechoslovak?

No. °°°4) (Context) What did Churchill predict will happen in Czechoslovakia? That in the future it would no longer be independent, that they would be engulfed by the Nazis.

Close reading What did Churchill mean when he said that ...

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