For Example:
Activity 3: Fill-in-the-Blank Scenarios
Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct vocabulary word to complete each scenario. Then, explain
why that vocabulary word fits best based on context clues provided in the scenario. You may have to
change the form of the word (ex: go, going, gone).
Every single day, Bryan wakes up at 5 o'clock in the morning to take a 10-mile jog. Then, he goes to the gym to lift weights. Afterwards,
he does 20 laps in the pool. And this is before he goes to practice with the team every afternoon!
Bryan is
about training because.
Maria is
Kofi is
My Answer
My Answer
My Answer
He is extremely dedicated and exercises all of the time. He runs 10 miles, lifts weights, swims, and
attends practice every day.
Diligent Exasperated
My Reason
All Maria wanted to do was renew her driver's license. But after spending hours waiting to speak to someone, they told her
that she had filled out the wrong forms and would have to start over. Maria was so irritated!
Feigned Hospitable
My Reason
2. Kofi wanted people to feel comfortable in his home. He bought brightly colored cushions. He filled the shelves with books
and put plants in every window. He offered everyone who came over a snack and something to drink.
My Reason

For Example:Activity 3: Fill-in-the-Blank ScenariosDirections: Fill In The Blanks Using The Correct Vocabulary


Answer 1

Here are the completed sentences with the correct vocabulary words and explanations based on context clues:

Bryan is relentless about training because he is extremely dedicated and exercises all the time. He runs 10 miles, lifts weights, swims, and attends practice every day.

What is the vocabulary  about?

The word "relentless" fits best here because it describes Bryan's unwavering dedication and determination towards his training routine, as evidenced by his consistent and rigorous daily schedule.)

Maria is exasperated because all she wanted to do was renew her driver's license, but after spending hours waiting and finding out she filled out the wrong forms, she has to start over. (Explanation: The word "exasperated" fits best here because it reflects Maria's feeling of annoyance, frustration, and irritation due to the inconvenience and wasted time she experienced at the driver's license office.)

Kofi is hospitable because he wants people to feel comfortable in his home. He has brightly colored cushions, books on the shelves, and plants in every window. He offers snacks and drinks to everyone who comes over. (Explanation: The word "hospitable" fits best here because it describes Kofi's welcoming and friendly behavior towards his guests, as evidenced by his efforts to create a comfortable and inviting environment in his home and his hospitality in offering refreshments.)

Based on the context of the scenarios, the vocabulary words "relentless," "exasperated," and "hospitable" are the best fits, as they accurately describe the characters' actions, emotions, and behaviors as described in the scenarios. However, an explanation is needed for the word "integrity" to ensure it accurately fits the context of the sentence.

To know more about vocabulary  here:


Related Questions

Read the sentence.

What is the noun clause?

Historians observe that the Roman Empire was attacked by many tribes.



The noun clause in the sentence is "that the Roman Empire was attacked by many tribes." It functions as the direct object of the verb "observe."

How had Gatsby's father learned of the tragedy? To what extent does the father know his son?



In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel "The Great Gatsby," Gatsby's father learned of the tragedy through a Chicago newspaper that he had read. He had seen a mention of Gatsby's death and decided to attend his son's funeral.

It appears that Gatsby's father did not know his son well at all. He talks about Gatsby as if he is still a boy and is unaware of his son's adult life, including his wealth and connections to high society. Gatsby's father seems to be a simple man who is proud of his son's accomplishments but also sees him as a child who is still full of potential.

Hamlet says, "my uncle-father and aunt-mother are deceived." Read his explanation. In what ways are they deceived?


Hamlet is making reference to the fact that his mother, Gertrude, and uncle, Claudius, wed after the passing of his father, King Hamlet.

He thinks that by marrying her so soon after the loss of her husband, his uncle has fooled both his mother, Gertrude, and himself into thinking he can get away with it. In addition, he thinks that his mother has been duped by his uncle's pretended affections and has been led to feel that he actually cares about her when in reality he merely wants the kingdom.

He has obtained access to the throne and the authority that comes with it by marrying her. Hamlet thinks that his uncle and aunt have ignored the repercussions of their acts and have been duped by their own erroneous beliefs and desires.

To learn more about Hamlet link is here


parafoveal is ... letters to right and left of foveal region


Hey!! The answer is 6-8 letters

compare Caesars actions in the play with Brutus and Cassius accounts of the threat he poses. did he pose a credible threat to the republic?


Answer:In the Elizabethan great chain of being, which being was at the lowest rung of human society?


the king


8. Pick one of the following factors that play an important role in the film. Chose among political, economic, religious, social, and ideological. How does the film reflect the factor you identified? Be specific. For extra credit, pick a second factor and describe how the film reflects that factor. (1 paragraph per factor) Judas and the black messiah​



The film "Judas and the Black Messiah" reflects the social factor in the United States during the late 1960s and early 1970s. It explores the social unrest, racial injustice, and systemic oppression experienced by the African American community. The film portrays the social dynamics of the time through the Black Panthers' struggle for racial equality and the FBI's efforts to suppress it. The film emphasizes the importance of African American leaders such as Fred Hampton in the fight against social injustice and racism. The social factor is evident in the film through the portrayal of the power dynamics, the actions of the authorities, and the struggle of the Black Panthers against systemic oppression.

Additionally, the film also reflects the political factor of the time. It delves into the political power struggle between the FBI and the Black Panthers, with the authorities using violence and coercion to suppress political movements challenging the status quo. The film shows how the FBI's COINTELPRO program aimed to neutralize political dissidents and civil rights leaders, often through unlawful means. This political factor is reflected in the film through the portrayal of the government's efforts to prevent social change and maintain the status quo, even if it means violating the civil rights of their citizens.

is Oliver Wood from hp dead or alive


Oliver wood survived the battle.

Contemplating means to think deeply about something. After reading the old man's poem on the wall, why did Kai "sit still contemplating Angel Island"? (pg. 117)


Kai sat still contemplating Angel Island after reading the old man's poem on the wall because the poem likely stirred up emotions and thoughts within him.

The act of contemplation involves focusing one's attention on a particular subject or idea and exploring it in-depth. In this case, Kai was likely reflecting on the poem's words and meanings and relating them to his own experiences and feelings.

Angel Island itself may also have held personal significance to Kai. It is a historic site in San Francisco Bay that was used as an immigration station in the early 20th century, where many Asian immigrants were detained and processed. The island has since become a symbol of the struggles and perseverance of those who came to America seeking a better life.

Perhaps Kai was contemplating the poem and the island's history in relation to his own identity and place in the world. Overall, Kai's contemplation of Angel Island demonstrates the power of art to evoke deep emotions and provoke meaningful introspection.

To learn more about Angel Island


Simplify this sentence

Oversized-scale logging transactions hold the capacity to seriously influence untouched ecosystems, provoking earth erosion, loss of diversity, and heightened releases of greenhouses gases.


Logging transactions at an oversized scale have the potential to significantly impact untouched ecosystems, causing soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and increased greenhouse gas emissions.

"Richard III" Act III Written Response Assessment
In the following passage from Act III, Scene IV, Richard condemns Hastings to execution. In a
well-organized essay, explain how Shakespeare creates suspense in this scene. Provide three examples of
cited textual evidence with elaboration. Introduce the quotes, provide the quotes, cite the quotes. Provide
two sentences of elaboration (use elaboration stems). Refer to your writing notes of Schoology, Proper
spelling and grammar are expected. Good luck


In Act III, Scene IV of "Richard III," Shakespeare effectively creates suspense through various techniques.

First, he uses dramatic irony to create tension and anticipation. For example, when Richard says, "I think there be six Richmonds in the field," the audience knows that he is lying and that only one Richmond is present. This knowledge creates a sense of dread, as the audience is aware that Hastings will soon meet his fate.

Second, Shakespeare uses the technique of foreshadowing to build suspense. Richard repeatedly hints at Hastings's impending doom, saying, "Dispatch, my lord; the duke would be at dinner. Make a short shrift; he longs to see your head." This foreshadows the moment when Hastings is executed and creates a sense of unease.

Lastly, Shakespeare uses dialogue to create tension and suspense. Hastings pleads with Richard, saying, "My lord, dispatch; read o'er these articles," to which Richard responds, "Away with them; let them be clapp'd up close, And kept asunder. You, madam, shall with us." This back-and-forth dialogue between Richard and Hastings builds suspense, as the audience waits to see what will happen next.

In conclusion, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony, foreshadowing, and dialogue to create suspense in Act III, Scene IV of "Richard III." These techniques keep the audience engaged and create a sense of anticipation as the scene progresses towards its tragic conclusion.

To learn more about Richard III, here


You can still hike sections of the original path built by these trailblazers (in many senses of the word) along the Northeast Rift
Zone of Mauna Loa today.
How does the word trailblazer shape and refine the central idea?

OA. by supporting the idea that the men were pioneers both in their physical building of a trail and by alluding to the
way they built cross-cultural relationships

by providing a purely literal description of the soldiers' physical work on the grueling trail

by contradicting the idea that the men were there to enjoy a vacation and short break from the building of the

OD. by building on the idea that the men were soldiers who volunteered to build the Mauna Loa Trail




by supporting the idea that the men were pioneers both in their physical building of a trail and by alluding to the way they built cross-cultural relationships.

The word "trailblazer" in this context suggests that the men mentioned were pioneers who created a path or trail along the Northeast Rift Zone of Mauna Loa. This word conveys the idea that they were adventurous and innovative in physically building the trail, forging a path where there was none before.

Furthermore, the term "trailblazer" also implies that these men were pioneers in building cross-cultural relationships. The use of the word "trailblazer" suggests that they were breaking new ground in terms of cultural interactions, possibly indicating that they were working with or among local communities while constructing the trail.

both kumalo and father vincent discuss a metaphor dealing with a storm approaching. explain the two different ideas and applications of this metaphor.



In the novel "Cry, the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton, Kumalo and Father Vincent discuss a metaphor dealing with a storm approaching. The metaphor refers to the social and political unrest that is building up in South Africa, and the impending danger that it poses to the country's people and their way of life.

Kumalo's interpretation of the storm metaphor is one of fear and concern. He sees the storm as a sign of impending doom and destruction, and is worried about the impact that it will have on the lives of his fellow South Africans. He is deeply troubled by the fact that the storm is approaching, and feels a sense of urgency to do something to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the people and the land.

Father Vincent, on the other hand, has a more hopeful interpretation of the storm metaphor. He sees the storm as a sign of change and renewal, and believes that it presents an opportunity for the people of South Africa to come together and rebuild their country in a more just and equitable way. He acknowledges that the storm will bring with it some challenges and difficulties, but he believes that these can be overcome with hard work, cooperation, and a commitment to positive change.

Overall, the storm metaphor in "Cry, the Beloved Country" represents the challenges and opportunities that come with social and political change. Kumalo's interpretation emphasizes the danger and uncertainty of these changes, while Father Vincent's interpretation emphasizes the potential for growth and transformation. Both interpretations are valid, and they highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of the issues that the novel explores.

To know more about metaphor:


The two different ideas and applications of this metaphor is alan Paton's book "Cry, the Beloved Country" features Kumalo and Father Vincent talking about a metaphor about an incoming storm.

The metaphor alludes to the growing social and political upheaval in South Africa and the imminent threat it poses to the nation's citizens and way of life.Kumalo interprets the metaphor of the storm as one of fear and worry.

He worries about the effects the storm will have on his fellow South Africans' life since he sees it as a symbol of coming death and disaster. The storm's impending arrival severely disturbs him, and he feels compelled to take action to stop it from wreaking devastation on the Father Vincent, on the other hand, interprets the metaphor of the storm in a more uplifting way. In his opinion, the storm represents a chance for the people of South Africa to unite and rebuild their nation in a more just and equal manner.

Complete question:

both kumalo and father vincent discuss a metaphor dealing with a storm approaching. explain the two different ideas and applications of this metaphor the character's reaction to that of kumalo or jarvis.

To know more about kumalo visit:


PLS, PLS, PLS HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Body gestures such as ______ are often used by good speakers to help make their points and to keep the audience engaged.
A. rapidly tapping one foot on the floor
B. making a hand movement for the listener to come towards the speaker
C. tapping on the podium with the fist



B. making a hand movement for the listener to come towards the speaker


Making hand gestures such as hand movement can entertain and engage the audience. The movement draws attention to what you're saying and draws attention to the important parts of your speech. Hand gestures often help to emphasize certain points of speech and strengthen the speaker's message as well.


B. Making a hand movement for the listener to come towards the speaker

When moving your hand to someone as a signal, it tells that person what they need to do. For Example, if you were talking to two people and one can’t hear you, and they make hand gesture, then that tells you to speak a little loud for that person to hear.

Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff.
Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough.

Whate'er thou art, for thy good caution, thanks.
Thou hast harped my fear aright. But one word


Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth.

Then live, Macduff. What need I fear of thee?
But yet I'll make assurance double sure,
And take a bond of fate. Thou shalt not live,
That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies,
And sleep in spite of thunder.


Macduff is fled to England.

Fled to England?

Ay, my good lord.

Time, thou anticipat'st my dread exploits.
The flighty purpose never is o'ertook

Question 1 (1 point)
What emotion drives Macbeth to kill Macduff? (ELA.10.R.1.2)

Question 1 options:

FEAR. Macbeth fears for his safety and takes every measure to ensure his own survival.

ANGER. Macduff leaving to England is traitorous; he neglects his obligations to Scotland.

GUILT. Macbeth and Macduff are family and Macbeth feels guilty for keeping his claim to the throne.

TRUST. The witches have prophesized again for Macbeth and he is following their next advice.

Please just say the letter as the answer


These ghostly figures warn Macbeth to watch out for Macduff but comfort him that no male born of woman can hurt him and that he won't be toppled until Birnam Wood relocates to Dunsinane.

What do the three apparitions in Macbeth represent?

Here, Macbeth sees three ghosts: a severed head, a bloodied infant, and a regal child holding a tree. Each of them stands in for Macbeth himself, his innocent ignorance, and Malcolm's attack from the Birnam Wood, in that order.

What does Macbeth beware Macduff beware the Thane of Fife mean?

"Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth beware Macduff beware the thane of fife dismiss me: enough," said Macbeth. IV, i (71-72) p. 364. Speaker: head protected by armour. Situation: When Macbeth visits the witches. It is a caution that Macduff might

To know more about Macbeth visit:


An aircraft airfoil is designed to produce lift resulting from a difference in the
A. negative air pressure below and a vacuum above the airfoilâs surface
B. vacuum below the airfoilâs surface and greater air pressure above the airfoilâs surface
C. higher air pressure below the airfoilâs surface and lower air pressure above the airfoilâs surface


An aircraft airfoil is specifically designed to generate lift resulting from a difference in the C: higher air pressure below the airfoil's surface and lower air pressure above the airfoil's surface.

The shape of the airfoil plays a crucial role in creating this pressure difference. The airfoil's upper surface is usually curved, while the lower surface is relatively flat. When air flows over the airfoil, it has to travel a longer distance over the curved upper surface compared to the lower surface. This causes the air velocity to be higher above the airfoil, leading to a decrease in air pressure according to Bernoulli's principle.

The difference in air pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil generates lift. This lift force acts perpendicular to the oncoming airflow, and it opposes the aircraft's weight, enabling it to stay airborne. In summary, an aircraft airfoil is designed to create a pressure difference between its upper and lower surfaces, with higher air pressure below and lower air pressure above, which results in the lift necessary for flight. Therefore, the correct option is C.

Know more about Air pressure here:


Directions: Write poems using the following structure:

1. Choose a word that means something.

2. Write three words that end with "ing" telling what your word does.

3. Write a short sentence that tells about your word.

4. Choose a word that describes your word.

5. Write seven (7) poems in this format; one for each day of the week!

Here is an example for you to follow:

gathering, falling, splashing
It soaks everything it touches


Answer: Hope

rising, shining, glowing

It keeps us moving forward



spreading, bubbling, laughing

It infects those around us



embracing, comforting, soothing

It heals the deepest wounds



wandering, soaring, exploring

They take us to new places



haunting, cherishing, recalling

They shape who we are now



calming, settling, soothing

It quiets the chaos within



There are many benefits to owning and driving a vehicle, especially if it is a luxury car. These cars boast beautiful designs and fantastic exterior features. Leather and climate-controlled seats are outstanding qualities in a luxury vehicle. Luxury vehicles allow many people to drive safely and efficiently on the road. Although some people argue that they are too expensive, they are worth the cost. Not to mention, everyone on our street would love to own at least one.

Which of the following choices from the passage demonstrates author bias?
there are many benefits to owning and driving a vehicle
everyone on our street would love to own at least one
some people argue that they are too expensive
leather and climate-controlled seats


The sentence where author demonstrates bias is some people argue that they are too expensive.

Why are cars expensive?

The global automobile sector has produced millions fewer vehicles than it would have otherwise due to these supply chain issues. Although the supply of new cars is beginning to increase, the millions of "missing" cars are still nowhere to be found. It's simple economics: Lower supply means higher prices. The primary cause of this enormous price difference is also high import taxes. The majority of automobiles assembled in India have their parts imported separately.

Learn more on cars here:


Amy receives a note from Carrie, asking her to pick up some materials for a project from Staples. Amy does the shopping, but misses a few items because she can't decipher Carrie's writing. This is an example of


Amy receives a note from Carrie, asking her to pick up some materials for a project from Staples. Amy does the shopping but misses a few items because she can't decipher Carrie's writing. This is an example of a breakdown in communication due to a lack of clarity and understanding between two individuals.

Amy received a note from Carrie, which contained information regarding a specific task that needed to be completed. However, due to the unclear and indecipherable nature of the note, Amy was unable to fulfill the task in its entirety. This situation highlights the importance of clear and concise communication, especially when it comes to relaying important information.

In this case, it may have been beneficial for Carrie to communicate the task verbally to Amy or to use more clear and legible handwriting in her note. On the other hand, it may have been helpful for Amy to ask for clarification or feedback from Carrie if she was unsure about the details of the task.

Overall, effective communication is key in avoiding misunderstandings and achieving successful outcomes in various situations. By being aware of our own communication style and taking the necessary steps to ensure clarity and understanding, we can improve our interactions with others and achieve our goals more effectively.

Know more about Communication here:


part b: which detail from speech 1 best helps develop the correct answer to part A


Part A: Option b. Roosevelt's intention in making the speech was to educate the American people about Japan's attack on the US and other locations in the Pacific. As a result, the address has an informational tenor as President Roosevelt provides numerous details and information concerning the locations and dates of Japan's attacks.

Option A For Part B. To emphasize the frequency of Japanese coordinated strikes, Roosevelt repeatedly used the phrase "last night" in his speech. The President drives home the point that the Japanese activities were planned and coordinated in advance while they were also in negotiations with the American government by emphasizing and repeating the word.

For more information on Day of Infamy kindly visit to


Complete question: Read the passage. "Day of Infamy" Speech by Franklin Delano Roosevelt Mr. Vice President, and Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that Nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American Island of Oahu, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our Nation. As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole Nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces—with the unbounding determination of our people—we will gain the inevitable triumph- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.

decide whether the sentence contains a misplaced and/or dangling modifier or no error. we saw three fires flying over the forest. a. misplaced b. dangling c. both misplaced and dangling d. no error


The sentence "We saw three fires flying over the forest" contains a misplaced modifier. Here option A is the correct answer.

Modifiers are words or phrases that describe or provide more information about other words in a sentence. A modifier should be placed as close as possible to the word it modifies. If it is placed too far away, it can create confusion or change the meaning of the sentence.

In this sentence, the modifier "flying over the forest" is misplaced because it is modifying the wrong word. It is intended to describe the fires, but the way the sentence is constructed appears to be describing the action of "we saw." The sentence can be corrected by moving the modifier to immediately follow the word it modifies:

"We saw three fires flying over the forest" --> "We saw three fires flying over the forest." Alternatively, the sentence could be revised to eliminate the modifier altogether: "We saw three fires in the forest." In either case, the meaning of the sentence is clarified, and the misplaced modifier is corrected.

To learn more about modifiers


Read the passage from "By the Waters of Babylon." Why should I lie about it? I am a priest and the son of a priest. If there are spirits, as they say, in the small Dead Places near us, what spirits must there not be in that great Place of the Gods? And would not they wish to speak? After such long years? I know that I felt myself drawn as a fish is drawn on a line. I had stepped out of my body—I could see my body asleep in front of the cold fire, but it was not I. I was drawn to look out upon the city of the gods. Which theme is reflected in this passage? a. Sons must try to follow their fathers. b. Men strive to speak to the spirit world. c. Maturity is a result of being courageous. d. Spiritual experiences can lead to greater understanding.


A theme is a significant notion that permeates a story. Something a little deeper is at play here rather than the narrative or the summary. A text's action is connected to a central concept about our reality via a theme.

What are spiritual experiences?

A religious experience is a personal perception that is understood in the context of a particular religion. It is also referred to as a spiritual experience, sacred experience, or mystical experience. The idea first emerged in the 19th century as a deterrent to Western society's escalating rationality. The word "spiritual experiences" in a sporting environment also typically refers to both religious and secular encounters. 'Awareness of the Presence of the Dead' and 'Awareness of an Evil Presence' were the final two categories of spiritual experience.

Learn more on emotional experience here:


Briefly describe how to put away and store your microscope.


To put away and store your microscope, follow these steps:

1. Turn off the light source and unplug the microscope from the electrical outlet.
2. Carefully remove the slide from the stage and return it to its protective case or dispose of it properly.
3. Lower the stage and the nosepiece to their lowest positions.
4. Use lens paper to clean the objective lenses and the eyepiece lens, being careful not to scratch them.
5. Replace the dust cover over the microscope and store it in a dry, clean place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
6. If your microscope has a carrying case or box, use it to transport the microscope to its storage location.
7. If you have a binocular microscope, make sure to adjust the eyepieces to their widest position to avoid damaging them.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your microscope is stored properly and well-maintained, which will help extend its lifespan and ensure that it functions properly the next time you use it.

PLEASE2. What is the plot of the story? in "Totem" by Thomas King What sort of show was on exhibit? How did the patrons and the do employees feel about the totem poles? What did they do to get rid of the problem? What was the final solution?

"Totem" by Thomas King




The plot of "Totem" by Thomas King revolves around a totem pole exhibit that is causing controversy among the patrons and employees of a museum.The exhibit consists of several totem poles that are on display for the public to view. However, some of the patrons and employees are not happy about the exhibit, as they feel that the totem poles are offensive and represent a negative stereotype of Native Americans.The patrons and employees take various actions to express their dissatisfaction with the exhibit. Some write letters of complaint, while others organize protests and demonstrations. The museum tries to address the concerns of the patrons and employees by adding educational materials and changing the signage around the exhibit. However, these efforts do not satisfy everyone, and the controversy continues to simmer.Finally, the museum decides to remove the totem poles from the exhibit and store them away. However, this solution also proves to be controversial, as some people feel that it is a form of censorship and a suppression of Native American culture. The story ends with the totem poles being put back on display in a different location, but with additional context and educational materials added to provide a more nuanced understanding of their cultural significance.

Whic part of the story yuo can find hightened tension and suspence





has everything you looking for in your writings or movies, basically anything, hope this helped have a great day.

In an essay of at least 300 words and using evidence from the text, make an argument for or against the idea that by the end of the novel, Quentin is truly in love with Margo. Does he know her well enough through her clues and conversations to be in love with the real her? Or is part of Quentin still in love with the idea of Margo rather than the real person? Explain your reasoning.



Within John Green's novel "Paper Towns," protagonist Quentin falls in love with his childhood friend Margo, a perpetual enigma.

How to explain the Essay

Progressing through the story, Quentin succumbs to fervor after Margo vanishes; upon search, Quentin learns additional facets of her legitimate self. As contemplation arises whether Quentin respects true character or idolizes fictitious notions.

Predominantly Quentin adores Margo for her intellect, ironic humor, and proclivity towards undertaking risks evoking excitement. Emotionally captivated by her sporadic behavior leaving obscure clues, Quentin recognizes himself inevitably drawn towards her esoteric nature..

Learn more about essay on


lisa and nate are on their first date at a local restaurant. which of the following is the best predictor of whether they will have a second date?


It is difficult to determine a single best predictor of whether Lisa and Nate will have a second date, as there are many factors that can influence whether a relationship progresses beyond a first date.

However, some potential predictors of a second date could include:

Mutual interest and attraction: If Lisa and Nate both seem to be enjoying each other's company, making eye contact, and engaging in conversation, this could suggest that they have a mutual interest in each other.Shared values and interests: If Lisa and Nate discover that they have common interests, such as a love for hiking or a passion for music, this could provide a foundation for a potential relationship.Positive body language: Positive body language, such as smiling, leaning in, and touching, can all be signs of attraction and interest.Open communication: If Lisa and Nate are able to have open and honest communication about their feelings and expectations, this could help to establish trust and build a foundation for a potential predictors

Ultimately, whether Lisa and Nate have a second date will depend on a complex interplay of factors, and it is impossible to predict with certainty what will happen.

To learn more about  potential predictors, visit here


The poem repeats the phrases "the hills of Habersham" and "the valleys of Hall" at the beginning and end of each stanza. This type of repetition is called a ___. (Song of the Chattahoochee)


The type of repetition used in the poem "Song of the Chattahoochee" by Sidney Lanier is called refrain, with the phrases "the hills of Habersham" and "the valleys of Hall" repeated at the beginning and end of each stanza.

The Sidney Lanier poem "Song of the Chattahoochee" employs a particular kind of repetition known as a refrain. Each stanza's opening and closing repetitions of "the hills of Habersham" and "the valleys of Hall" act as a sort of anchor for the poem.

This method of reusing specific lines or phrases helps the listener remember the words and is frequently used to highlight important themes or ideas in poetry or music. It can also be utilised to produce a musical impact.

Learn more about refrain:


By the end of Chapter 6, Charlotte’s white gloves have turned a "sodden gray." What does this imply?


It depends on what context but usually white shows purity so by showing that her while gloves have gotten dirty shows that in some way fashion or form Charlotte has lost her innocence or done something else to lose her purity. Or it could be a literal saying of her gloves are dirty but without more context I’m going to say my first reasoning is more accurate.

Imagine you are learning a language spoken by only a few dozen people in the Sahara Desert. They tell you the translation for "apple" in their language is pronounced /kal-ko-MAR-ko/. They write this word like so: ₺ ҉ ổ ҉ What type of writing system do these Saharans use?


An illustration of a logographic writing system is this. Each sign in a logographic writing system denotes a distinct word or idea rather than a sound or phoneme.

Each sign in a logographic writing system denotes a word or idea rather than a sound or phoneme. Instead of using the sounds of the words, this form of writing system employs symbols to convey the meaning of words and sentences. Cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Chinese characters are a few examples of logographic writing systems.

Logographic writing systems utilise symbols to represent whole words or phrases, in contrast to alphabetic writing systems, which use symbols to represent sounds. This implies that a symbol's meaning might vary depending on the situation in which it is employed. One Chinese letter, for instance, can denote either "write" or "book" depending on the context.

To learn more about logographic link is here


A page in a story

write either a fantasy or sci-fi story with around 300+ words. the story doesn't need to have an end or a start, you can start writing inn the middle of the story, because its supoosed to be like a page in book so you dont nessecerly need to have an end to the story.


The sleek spacecraft glided through the blackness of space, its engines humming softly. On board, the crew of four was busy monitoring the ship's systems and preparing for their mission to a distant planet.

Suddenly, a warning light flashed on the control panel, signaling an unexpected energy surge. The crew quickly sprang into action, trying to diagnose the problem. But before they could figure out what was happening, the ship was hit by a powerful burst of energy, throwing them all to the floor.

As they struggled to regain their footing, the crew realized that something was very wrong. The ship's systems were failing, and they were losing power fast. They had to act quickly if they were going to survive.

One of the crew members, a brilliant engineer named Maya, quickly identified the problem. The ship's energy core had been damaged in the attack, and they needed to repair it if they were going to have any chance of making it back to Earth.

Working together, the crew set to work repairing the core. Maya used her extensive knowledge of engineering to guide the others, and they worked tirelessly for hours, using spare parts and whatever tools they could find.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the energy core was fully repaired. The ship's systems came back online, and the crew breathed a collective sigh of relief. They had survived an attack in deep space, and they had come out the other side stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As they continued on their journey, the crew knew that they had faced a great challenge and overcome it together. They were bound by a shared experience that would stay with them forever, and they knew that they were capable of anything as long as they had each other.


i dot now what answer


what answer

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