During voting, who assists the congressional floor leaders?


the FBI

the FBI

the House clerks

the House clerks

the Speaker of the House

the Speaker of the House

the whips


Answer 1




whips :

assist the congressional floor leaders during voting

they're assistant leaders

count heads

round up party members for votes

do quorum calls

can stand in for absent majority or minority leaders



Answer 2
The answer: THE WHIPS

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What events in Animal Farm relate to the Russian Revolution?


Stalin crushes revolt by farmers who refuse to surrender their harvests and Napoleon crushes revolt by hens who refuse to surrender their eggs is one of the event in Animal related to Russian revolution.

The Russian Revolution in 1917 was a pivotal moment in world history. The tsarist regime was overthrown and replaced by a new government, which in turn would lead to the creation of the Soviet Union. The revolution was a direct result of the First World War, which had placed immense strain on the tsarist regime.

The people of Russia were tired of the war and the conditions at home, and they were ready for change. The revolution was not without its challenges, but ultimately it was a success in overthrowing the tsarist regime and bringing about a new era in Russian history.

To know more about revolution, click here.



What is the meaning of fever in the poem Sea Fever?


Through the poem, the author hopes to express the idea that the water might provide him with some solace and a place to unwind from his hectic schedule. Additionally, he has a number of comforts that he can use while sailing.

The poem Sea Fever has what kind of a tone?

The poem's tone appears to be both frantic and tender. The speaker is reflecting on their former experiences while thinking back on all their adventures at sea. It emphasizes how desperate the narrator sounds by saying "I must go down to the waves again."

Poets are inspired to write poetry by a particular message. Knowing the meaning of poetry will help you find the message.

To know more about author hopes visit:



What happens in Hiding Place Chapter 9?


While looking for the hidden room and the Jews, all non-family members hide, but the soldiers beat and question Corrie and Betsie. Pickwick had been arrested earlier.

What is the hiding place synopsis?

A factual memoir about Corrie ten Boom's experiences during World War II is titled The Hiding Place. After its 1971 release, it became a best-seller. It describes how ten Boom and her sister, two unmarried women in their 50s, got involved with the Dutch underground while the Netherlands was under Nazi control.

At the end of the hiding place, what happens?

The entire family—Peter, Willem, Nollie, and her husband—is ultimately taken into custody. The family is transferred to one of the Hague's prisons. Corrie is separated from her sisters and kept in a large, crowded cell with other women. There, she becomes ill, anxious, and bored.

To know more about The Hiding Place, visit:



Who kills piggy in the book?


Roger, the character least able to grasp the civilizing urge, kills Piggy when he releases the boulder and crushes the conch shell. Piggy was the character least able to understand the savage impulse.

Who is piggy in the files?

Jack and his hunters decide to sacrifice the sow after slaughtering it. Jack tells Roger to "sharpen a stick at both ends" once the pig's head has been removed. As he places the head on a pole, Jack exclaims, "This head is for the beast." It's a gift. Simon has dubbed the pig's head the "Lord of the Flies," and it's still perched atop the mountain. Simon is certain that the pig's head is addressing him as a simpleton and calling him such. The Lord of the Flies advises Simon to escape and play with the other kids because they believe he is crazy.

To know more about piggy, visit:



Why did France and Britain form an alliance?


Old rivals, Britain and France, formed an

Alliance during World War I because they

were afraid that Germany would invade

and dominate Europe.

In those times full of conflicts in Europe, the French and Russians had already signed an alliance called Franco-Russian Alliance. Great Britain had to do the same in 1904 because the threat of Germany over Europe was real. It was called the Anglo-French Entente Cordiale and was a treaty of mutual cooperation.

When British and Russians signed a treaty in 1907, the Triple Entente was formed and this Alliance fought the

Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy, and

Austria-Hungary in World War. France had had a military alliance with Russia since 1894, designed primarily to neutralize the German threat to both countries. Germany had a military alliance with Austria-Hungary.

To know more about Alliance visit:



What are the 10 commandments in simple terms?


The ten commandments simply lay down 10 prohibitive orders to the followers of Judaism and Christianity along with the reaffirmation of the existence of the Lord.

The text of the Ten Commandments appears twice in the Hebrew Bible: at Exodus 20:2–17 and Deuteronomy 5:6–21.

The ten commandments put down 10 prohibitive orders that the followers of Judaism imbibe in their daily life.

It is also followed in the religion of Christianity even though the interpretation greatly differs.

The essence of each commandant can be simply reproduced as below:

You shall have no other God’s before me.You shalt not make unto yourself any graven images. You shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.Honor your father and mother.You shall not killYou shall not commit adulteryYou shall not bear false witnessYou shall not not covet

To know more about the 10 commandments, click here:



33. How does Harpers ferry, dred scott vs sanford, kansas nebraska act, and the election of 1860 contribute to sectionalism in the United States?


The Harpers ferry, Dred scott vs sanford, kansas nebraska act, and the election of 1860 contribute to sectionalism in the United States because it led to the situations where people were angry on the issue of slavery and wanted to cause the secession of the the north and the south to be divided.

What was sectionalism in the United States?

Sectionalism, not slavery, which only affected a very tiny percentage of southerners, was the primary cause of the American Civil War since it was essential to establishing Southern social life and influencing its political inclinations.

Abolitionists were incensed by the Dred Scott Decision because they believed it would put an end to discussion of slavery in the territories. Slavery-related tensions between the North and South intensified, culminating in the Confederate States of America's founding and the secession of southern states from the Union.

Read more on sectionalism here:https://brainly.com/question/27891016


To what extent were the religious causes significant in the outbreak of the Iraq-Iran War?
Please don't write vague answers, it should be a 200-300 word evaluative essay style answer.




Religion was a significant factor in the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, but it was not the only cause of the conflict. The war, which lasted from 1980 to 1988, was primarily a territorial and ideological dispute between the two countries, fueled by a long history of tensions and rivalries.

One of the main religious causes of the war was the difference in the interpretation and practice of Islam between the two countries. Iran is predominantly Shia Muslim, while Iraq is predominantly Sunni Muslim. These two branches of Islam have a long history of sectarian conflict, and the leaders of both countries used this religious divide to mobilize support for their respective causes.

In addition to religious differences, the war was also driven by a number of other factors, including territorial disputes, economic competition, and the desire for regional dominance. Iraq's Saddam Hussein saw Iran as a threat to his own power, and sought to annex Iranian territory along the Shatt al-Arab waterway. Iran, under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, saw Iraq's aggressive actions as a threat to its own security and national interests, and sought to defend its territory and ideology.

Overall, while religion played a significant role in the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War, it was not the only cause of the conflict. A complex mix of political, economic, and ideological factors contributed to the tensions between the two countries, and ultimately led to the outbreak of war.

Why did many americans lose faith in president ford's leadership during his first months in office?



he pardoned Nixon for the crimes he might have committed


The United States Constitution is a finely crafted document that was written to last, for the sake of


The Constitution defines the fundamental law of the U.S. federal government, setting forth the three principal branches of the federal government and outlining their jurisdictions. It has become the landmark legal document of the Western world, and is the oldest written national constitution currently in effect.

Quick please! 18 points How did the reform efforts of the early 1800s impact American society?



women's suffrage, limits on child labor, abolition, temperance, and prison reform.


Research both a capitalist leaning country and a communist or socialist country (the country can currently exist or be one from history e.g. Soviet Union for Communism). Compare the quality of peoples' lives in each.

Must be a full page, double spaced.

- Can they choose their leaders?

- What kind of economic freedom do they have? (can they start their own business etc)

- What kind of services does the government offer?

- What do you think is a better system and why?


In the United States, it should be noted that capitalism has always been the prevailing system. It is the economic system in which private individuals or businesses, rather than the government, own and control the factors of production

Communist countries, such as China, North Korea, and Cuba, typically tend toward socialism, while Western European countries favor capitalist economies and try to chart a middle course.

What is capitalism?

Socialism and capitalism are two types of economic systems that nations use to control their means of production and manage their economic resources.

Socialism is based on government planning and restrictions on private control of resources, whereas capitalism is based on individual initiative and favors market mechanisms over government intervention.

When left to their own devices, economies frequently mix components from both systems. In contrast to nations like China and Vietnam, which may be moving closer to fully fledged market economies, capitalism has developed safety nets.

Learn more about capitalism on:



What were some major influences on Wilson as he was growing up?


Growing up in Georgia and South Carolina during the Civil War and its aftermath, Woodrow Wilson had several significant influences. The Presbyterianism of his father, a preacher and occasionally college instructor, had a significant impact on him as well.

Wilson first enrolled at Davidson (N.C.) College but left after one year. The creation of a "universal association of countries" that would promote worldwide cooperation, freedom, and peace was Wilson's final and, in his opinion, most crucial argument.

With his "New Freedom" program for economic change, Woodrow Wilson asserted his position within the Progressive movement. The income tax was also included in this agenda, which was approved by congress at the end of 1913 and included reforms to banking, labor, and tariff policies.

To learn more about Woodrow Wilson



What are the 4 main points of the Declaration of Independence?


The  4 main points of the Declaration of Independence are:

a preamble,

a list of grievances,

a formal declaration of independence,


What was Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress, which met in Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on July 4, 1776, adopted a proclamation and foundational text known as The United States Declaration of Independence, officially The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America.

There are three main concepts in the Declaration of Independence: God created all people equal and granted them the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government's primary responsibility is to uphold these rights. If a government attempts to restrict these rights, the populace is free to rebel and establish a new government.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence at: https://brainly.com/question/9515546


What happened to the farmer in Animal Farm?


When the animals fight back against the farmer and his crew, the farmer is caught off guard and is expelled from the property. He makes two efforts to retake the property, all of which are unsuccessful. He passes away in a facility for alcoholics. Mr. Jones neglects to properly care for the animals and prioritizes himself over them.

In an endeavor to create an animal-friendly society, a group of farm animals rebels against their human farmer in this story. The revolution is ultimately put down, and the farm is now governed by a pig named Napoleon, which is exactly as bad as it was before.

Pilkington and other human farmers visit the farmhouse at the end of Animal Farm to eat dinner with the pigs. The other animals look through the glass, unable to distinguish between pigs and people. The pigs have started behaving and dressing like people.

To learn more about animals



"Women leave their families to marry, and the husband is the master of the household they marry into. . . . The husband is to be firm, the wife soft; conjugal affections follow from this. While at home, the two of you should treat each other with the formality and reserve of a guest. Listen carefully to and obey whatever your husband tells you. If he does something wrong, gently correct him. Don’t be like those women who not only do not correct their husbands but actually lead them into indecent ways."
Wife of a Tang dynasty official
The excerpt above best illustrates which of the following attributes of Confucianism?
answer choices
The equality of all members of the family
The power of wives over their husbands outside the home
The virtues and duties of family members
The legitimacy of selling women to worthy families


The excerpt talks about the attribute of Confucianism of C. The virtues and duties of family members

What does Confucianism say of wives?

Confucianism places a strong emphasis on the importance of family and the role of women within the family. According to Confucian teachings, wives have a duty to be obedient and supportive to their husbands and to maintain harmony within the family.

Confucianism also emphasizes the importance of filial piety, which includes the obligation of children, including daughters, to honor and respect their parents and ancestors. Within Confucianism, the ideal wife is seen as a model of virtue and piety, who is respectful, loyal, and diligent in her duties.

Find out more on Confucianism at https://brainly.com/question/13751629


What important rights did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provide?



A bill of rights protecting religious freedom, the right to a writ of habeas corpus, the benefit of trial by jury, and other individual rights; in addition the ordinance encouraged education and forbade slavery.


Can someone PLEASE help me?
I would really appreciate it
World History A
Will mark brainliest + 50 points
Please only answer if you know the answers



Neolithic revolution        --------------->             Mesopotamia

Bubonic plague              --------------->              Late middle ages

Dowry                              --------------->              Ancient India

Census                            --------------->              Rome

Tribute                             --------------->             Mongol empire?*

Bushido                           --------------->             Japan

Feudalism                       --------------->             Early medieval Europe

Calligraphy                     --------------->             Han dynasty

Hieroglyphics                 --------------->             Egypt

Democracy                     --------------->            Greece

*not sure about this one, did tons of research but nothing.

how did the Aztecs, incas, mayans display their intellect?​


Since they could predict solar eclipses, the Mayans had extraordinary knowledge and understanding of celestial bodies for their period.

What characteristics did the Mayans Aztecs and Incas share?The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations that once flourished in Central and South America had a lot in common. People engaged in farming, created social institutions, built armies, and worshipped a wide variety of deities. The three civilizations were as different from one another as the environments they inhabited.Since they could predict solar eclipses, the Mayans had extraordinary knowledge and understanding of celestial bodies for their period. They also created two calendars that are just as accurate as those we use today, using astrological cycles to help with planting and harvesting.

To learn more about Mayans refer,



What did attorneys for the state of TN argue in Baker v Carr?


As the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in Colegrove v. Green, the state of Tennessee maintained that the makeup of legislative districts was a nonjusticiable political subject (1946). Associate Justice William J. Brennan Jr., who was joined in the majority decision by five other justices.

What was the constitutional issue being addressed in the case of Baker Vs Carr?

In the landmark 1962 decision Baker v. Carr, the U.S. Supreme Court established that federal courts could review claims that redistricting, or the drafting of electoral boundaries by a state, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Several urban voters, including Charles Baker of Memphis, sued Tennessee Secretary of State Joseph Carr to demand more equitable representation.

A reapportionment case might be filed under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, according to Justice William Brennan's majority opinion in the 6-2 decision. However, the court determined in the Baker case that every vote should be considered equally, regardless of the voter's residence. Therefore, Tennessee's legislature has disregarded the right to equal protection that is granted by the constitution (q.v.).

To learn more about Baker v Carr refer to :



Saul was generally viewed as a positive king.

a. True
b. False


True, Saul was by and large seen as a positive ruler. The books of 1 and 2 Samuel initially comprised a solitary book. The ark of the pledge was the main strict curio in Israel.

Saul was from the clan of Benjamin, Israel's littlest clan, and his dad had no influence or abundance. In what ways was Saul the best decision for a ruler? He was modest and loyal to Samuel. He truly seemed to be a ruler and showed restriction by not rebuffing the people who had condemned him.

His pride, desire, and dread dislodged the confidence he once had in his heart for God. Saul turned out to be in a genuine way unfeeling and ignorant concerning God and his evil demonstrations.

Learn more about Saul:



how was jay's treaty controversial and supportive of early political parties, despite george washington's wishes? the treaty restored some of the british territorial claims in exchange for military protection. the treaty was in effect a violation of the alliance between the united states and france. the treaty failed to address impressment but gave preferable treatment to british imports. the treaty enforced removal of the british soldiers from the west but offered them citizenship.


Jay's treaty is controversial and supportive of early political parties, despite George Washington's wishes as B. the treaty was in effect a violation of the alliance between the united states and France

What is Jay's Treaty?

Jay's Treaty, which was signed on November 19, 1794, was a pact between the United States and Great Britain that helped prevent war between the two countries.

It was the 1794 treaty between England and the U.S. that established limited trade relations, saw England give up its forts on the western frontier, and established a joint commission to resolve border disputes.

In conclusion, the correct option is B.

Learn more about treaty on:



What was a vindication of the rights of woman a response to?



Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was a ground-breaking work of literature which still resonates in feminism and human rights movements of today. Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) wrote the book in part as a reaction to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution, published in late 1790


What was the most important cause of ww1 essay?


The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main catalyst for the start of the Great War (World War I). After the assassination, the following series of events took place: July 28 - Austria declared war on Serbia.

what is assassination?

An assassination may be ordered by a military, security, insurgent, or secret police group to be carried out, or it may be motivated by political or military goals, or it may be carried out for financial gain, to exact revenge for a wrong, in order to gain fame or notoriety, or it may be motivated by one of the aforementioned reasons.Since ancient times, murderous acts have been committed.Assassins or hitmen are individuals who commit assassinations.Although it is widely accepted that hashish use occurred during assassinations and brainwashing, many Eastern writers and an increasing number of Western academics now disagree, arguing that drug use was not the primary characteristic of the group that went by the name.

To learn more about assassination refer to



What happens after Laertes dies?


Before he dies, Laertes begs Hamlet's forgiveness, to which he grants it. Hamlet, who is also dying, instructs Horatio to tell this story so that everyone is aware of what happened.

Hamlet would have made a good king, so Fortinbras, who is about to take the throne, arrives just in time and instructs the court to give him a proper funeral.

Laertes is not just Ophelia's sibling, but also Polonius' child. In the last scene, he fatally stabs Hamlet with a sword that has a poison tip to seek revenge for the deaths of his father and sister, which he believed Hamlet was responsible for. He attacks King Claudius before passing out from the poison.

Learn more about Laertes visit: https://brainly.com/question/5635657


What does Daisy reveal when the group is at the Plaza Hotel Apex 4.3 5?


Daisy reveals that she knows the reason why she and Tom had to leave Chicago.

She is one of the main characters in "The Great Gatsby."

She is married to Tom.

She is in love with Gatsby.

She is rich and has an unhappy marriage.

Daisy's role is essential in the story and her statement that she knows why she and her husband had to leave Chicago shows that she is an observant and proactive character contrary to what other characters think.

More information about "The Great Gatsby" at the link:



What was the religion before Christianity?



Zoroastrianism this should be the answer

Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?


Given the excerpt "So many people ask me what they shall do; so few tell me what they can do. Yet this is the pivot wherein all must turn...." "The sale of land to settlers at low cost"  most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt Option B

What are late-nineteenth-century federal actions?

Generally, An act that put a stop to the "free-silver" movement, which was already on its way out of relevance, by guaranteeing that paper money would be freely redeemable in gold.

Events taking place on a global scale, such as the Irish Potato Famine, which began in 1845, and the political upheavals that took place in Europe in 1848, had a role in driving immigration to the United States. In all, the number of immigrants rose from 599,125 during the decade of 1830s to 1,713,251 during the decade of the 1840s as a result of both local and international situations.

The Populist Party emerged in the latter half of the 19th century out of agricultural economic and political protest; nevertheless, the party did not last long and is now part of history.

However, over time, it was able to accomplish most of its goals. At the national level, the presidency of Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921) and the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945) were two of the most influential periods in American history.

Read more about late-nineteenth-century federal actions




"So many people ask me what they shall do; so few tell me what they can do.Yet this is the pivot wherein all must turn.

"I believe that each of us who has his place to make should go where men are wanted, and where employment is not bestowed as alms. Of course, I say to all who are in want of work, GoWest! . . .

"On the whole I say, stay where you are; do as well as you can; and devote every spare hour to making yourself familiar with the conditions and dexterity required for the efficient conservation of out-door industry in a new country. Having mastered these, gather up your family and GoWest!"

Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, letter to R. L. Sanderson, 1871

Which of the following late-nineteenth-century federal actions most directly supported the ideas expressed in the excerpt?


The passage of antitrust legislation


The sale of land to settlers at low cost


The exclusion of immigrants from Asia


The purchase of silver by the United States Treasury

1. How did Ghana develop and decline?

2. How did Mali develop and decline?



the Ghana empire crumbled for the 12th century following drought, civil war and the opening up of trade routes the Mali empire collapsed in the 1460s following civil wars
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