During the discussion, what main similarities and/or differences did participants identify between the two poems?

The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I’m Nobody! Who Are You?
by Emily Dickinson

Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!


Answer 1

Answer: Similarities:

1. Both poems deal with themes related to choice, individuality, and identity.

2. Both poems use nature imagery to illustrate their respective themes.

3. Both poems are relatively short and use simple language.


1. "The Road Not Taken" is a narrative poem that tells a story about a speaker who must choose between two paths. "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" is a shorter, more whimsical poem that asks a rhetorical question about the nature of identity.

2. "The Road Not Taken" has a more serious tone, while "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" is playful and irreverent.

3. The two poems use different types of rhyme and meter: "The Road Not Taken" uses an ABAB rhyme scheme and iambic tetrameter, while "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" uses an ABCB rhyme scheme and iambic trimeter.

4. The poems were written by different authors in different historical periods: Robert Frost wrote "The Road Not Taken" in 1916, while Emily Dickinson wrote "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" in the mid-19th century.


Related Questions

This text should have three paragraphs. Select the words where you feel the second and third paragraphs should begin

A treatment for peanut allergies using peanuts themselves is within reach after a “dramatically” successful trial. Nine out of ten allergic children were gradually able to eat five peanuts a day in a study that freed them of the fear of accidentally eating nuts. NHS clinics could start using the method within a year, though experts told parents not to try the therapy at home, saying that it must be done in specialist centres. About one percent of children have peanut allergies, which were unknown 20 years ago. Several children die each year from anaphylactic shock after eating peanuts and thousands more live in fear of setting off an immune reaction. Researchers in Cambridge looked at 99 children aged 7 to 16, half of whom were given a daily dose of peanut protein equivalent to a seventieth of a peanut. This doubled every two weeks until it reached 800mg, equivalent to five nuts. Although some children felt sick, 84 percent tolerated this dose. Half could cope with ten peanuts and when the control group was later given the therapy, 91 percent were able to eat five peanuts, researchers say in The Lancet.


The second paragraph should begin with "NHS clinics" and go on until "immune reaction," while the third paragraph should begin with "Researchers in Cambridge" and go on until, say, "The Lancet."

How can you tell if you are allergic to peanuts?

Among the warning signs and symptoms of a peanut allergy are: Skin responses including hives, redness, or swelling. In the mouth or throat, or nearby, there may be itching or tingling. digestive issues include diarrhoea, cramping in the stomach, nauseousness, or vomiting.

Can a peanut allergy disappear?

The allergy to peanuts cannot be cured. Allergies to peanuts can, however, be overcome in youngsters. In order to determine a child's susceptibility to peanuts as they become older, an allergist (allergy doctor) may conduct another blood or skin test. Allergists may advise an elimination diet if a peanut allergy appears to be lessening.

To know more about Peanut allergies visit:



Stone fruits, such as peaches or plums, have pits like a stone that hold the seed.

Not many people use living nature as the palette for their art, but this artist does.

Stone fruits are quite healthy, and the blooming trees are pretty as well.

Most people simply eat fruit, but this man uses it as a means for sharing art.


The pit or "stone" in the core of these stone fruits, which is covered by a fleshy exterior, gives them their name.

Why do they have the name "stone fruits"?

Because the flesh of these fruits surrounds a sizable, stone-like pit that houses the seed, they are frequently referred to as "stone fruits". Enjoy fresh stone fruits while you can because their growth season is quite brief.

Almonds are they a stone fruit?

Actually, the family of stone fruits includes almonds. Almonds look like hard green peaches when they are growing on trees, but they actually contain a kernel that we eat.

To know more about Stone Fruit visit:



your relative whom you have not seen in a month in number of years has contacted you recently.She wishes to meet you soon.Write a diary entry in which you describe your feeling after the meeting​



Dear Diary,

I just had the most wonderful day. After so many years, I finally got to meet my relative whom I hadn't seen in such a long time. I was so excited to hear from her when she contacted me recently, and we made plans to meet up in person.

As soon as I saw her, I felt a rush of emotions. I was so happy to finally be reunited with someone I had missed for so long. It was like no time had passed at all. We hugged and caught up on everything that had happened in our lives since we last saw each other.

We spent the day together, reminiscing about old times and making new memories. We laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed each other's company. It was such a joy to spend time with someone who has known me for so long and who shares so many memories with me.

After we said our goodbyes, I felt a sense of warmth and contentment. I was grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with my relative and to feel that sense of belonging and connection that only comes from spending time with someone who knows you so well.

Overall, it was a truly special day, and I am grateful for the chance to reconnect with someone who is so important to me.


write a letter. you must include the following write between 200 to 300 words
when and where the incident took place.
what exactly happened including how the car driver was blame
what you think should happen to improve the situation for cyclists on the road


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring your attention to a recent incident that took place on the road between Richmond and Kingston. On the afternoon of April 10th, while cycling along the designated cycle lane, I was hit by a car that was exiting a side street. The incident took place at the junction of Clarence Street and King Street in Kingston.

The car driver failed to give way to the cyclists in the cycle lane, causing a collision that left me with minor injuries and damage to my bicycle. The driver was clearly at fault, as they did not look properly or give adequate indication before pulling out into the road. Despite my efforts to avoid the collision, I was unable to do so due to the car's sudden and unexpected movement.

This incident highlights the need for greater awareness and respect for cyclists on the road. It is essential that drivers are alert and take the necessary precautions when driving near cyclists. This includes giving cyclists enough space and time to pass, indicating clearly when turning or changing lanes, and checking for cyclists before pulling out into the road.

I believe that there are several steps that could be taken to improve the situation for cyclists on the road. Firstly, there needs to be a greater focus on education and training for both drivers and cyclists. This could include mandatory cycle safety training for new drivers, as well as regular refresher courses for all drivers. Additionally, there should be greater investment in infrastructure, such as dedicated cycle lanes, to make cycling a safer and more accessible mode of transport.

In conclusion, I urge you to take action to improve the safety of cyclists on the road. The incident that I experienced highlights the urgent need for greater awareness and respect for cyclists, as well as the importance of investing in infrastructure and education. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. You eat too many sweets, that's why you're overweight.
If you____you wouldn't be overweight. ate

2.Maths is a compulsory subject this year. you____this year. must

3.James and I don't agree on many things. James and I don't_____on many things. eye ​



1. If you ate fewer sweets you wouldn't be overweight.

2. You must take math this year.

3. James and I don't see eye to eye on many things.


suppose you visited an English speaking country and wanted to find the way to your hotel. in about 250 words describe your efforts​




Suppose I visited an English speaking country and needed to find my way to my hotel. The first step I would take is to ask the people around me for directions. I would approach someone who looks friendly and approachable and ask them for help. I would say, "Excuse me, can you help me find my hotel? I am new to this city and don't know my way around."

If the person is able to help me, they may give me verbal directions or draw a map for me. I would listen carefully to their instructions, ask any questions I have to clarify the directions, and repeat the directions back to them to ensure that I understand them correctly. If they draw a map, I would take a picture of it with my phone to refer to it later.

If I am unable to find someone to ask for directions, I would turn to my phone's maps app. I would input the name and address of my hotel, and the app would provide me with step-by-step directions to get there. If I do not have access to the internet, I would look for a tourist information center or a hotel concierge to ask for directions.

Once I have the directions, I would set out on foot or use public transportation to reach my hotel. I would pay attention to the street signs and landmarks to ensure that I am on the right track. If I get lost or confused, I would ask for help again or refer to my phone's maps app.

Overall, finding my way to my hotel in an English speaking country would require a combination of asking for help from locals, using technology, and paying attention to my surroundings.


Compare the author’s point of view about Eleanor Roosevelt with the way she thought about herself in at least 200 words. Incorporate details from the text as you explain how their perspectives are the same, and how they differ. HELP ITS DUE IN 2 DAYSSSS


Eleanor Roosevelt is depicted in the article as a highly spirited and influential actor devoted to promoting justice through politics.

What was her public image?

She was seen, notably, as an indefatigable campaigner and benevolent commander who advocated for people of negligible social rank.

In her own papers, however, Eleanor highlights a more humble self-depreciative attitude, stressing that her fundamental roles were married companion and parent.

Neither analysis omits that all of her militancy and advocacy were propelled by extreme sympathy and dedication to enabling progress toward a better future.

Read more about Eleanor Roosevelt here:



Write three to five sententences explaining any strategies you used and what new understanding you gained from the text as a result of reading it aloud


Reading aloud can help improve understanding by catching nuances, making annotations, and reinforcing memory.

Discuss the various strategies to read a text.

One strategy is to read the text slowly and carefully, paying attention to each word and punctuation mark. This can help to catch any nuances or details that may be missed when reading quickly. Another strategy is to annotate the text as you read, making notes about any questions, observations, or connections that come to mind. This can help to deepen your engagement with the text and make it easier to remember important details. Additionally, reading the text multiple times, or reading different sections aloud to yourself or to someone else, can help to reinforce your understanding of the material and make it easier to recall later on.

To learn more about Reading, visit:



Circle all the common nouns and underline proper nouns you find in the passage below.

The Hare and the Tortoise One day, a tortoise met a hare in the park. The hare said, "Oh no! You're very slow." The tortoise became upset and said, "Let's have a race to see who is faster." The hare laughed and laughed, and then he said, "You must be kidding! But I agree to have a race with a slow tortoise." They started the race. The hare ran fast leaving the tortoise far behind. After a while, the hare stopped and waited the tortoise to come. The hare lay down under a shady tree to take a nap until the tortoise should catch up. He thought he could easily win the race, even if the tortoise caught up with him. The tortoise kept walking slowly but steadily. She passed the place where the hare was sleeping. When the hare woke up, the tortoise was near the finishing line. He tried to run as fast as he could, but the tortoise was the winner.​


Answer: All the common nouns are bracketed whereas the proper nouns are underlined.

One day, a (tortoise) met a (hare) in the park. The hare said, "Oh no! You're very slow." The tortoise became upset and said, "Let's have a race to see who is faster." The hare laughed and laughed, and then he said, "You must be kidding! But I agree to have a race with a slow (tortoise)." They started the race. The hare ran fast leaving the tortoise far behind. After a while, the hare stopped and waited the tortoise to come. The hare lay down under (a shady tree) to take a nap until the tortoise should catch up. He thought he could easily win the race, even if the tortoise caught up with him. The tortoise kept walking slowly but steadily. She passed the place where the hare was sleeping. When the hare woke up, the tortoise was near the finishing line. He tried to run as fast as he could, but the tortoise was the (winner).​


Common noun are the words which describes a place, person, thing or an idea whereas proper noun specify the name of place, person, thing or an idea. The common noun might seem like a big category and is a umbrella term that covers proper noun which specifies particulars in that category.

In above statement the tortoise and the hare first acts as common nouns as they may refer to any of the tortoises or hares in general. But in second usage, the use of 'the' makes the reference of the tortoise and hare particular or specific to the one we were talking about before and hence they fall into the category of proper nouns. The park and the finishing line  is for same reason a proper noun as it is specifically referring in character.

To learn more about common and proper noun:



1. ............., I can say that the dinner was a complete disaster.

a) All in all
b) As a matter of fact
c) Obviously
d) In fact


a) All in all.

All in all is a phrase used to summarize a situation or event. In this case, the speaker is about to provide an overall evaluation of the dinner, implying that it did not go well.

On what basis should a reader evaluate evidence for effectiveness? Select three options.

similarity to the reader’s views
relevance to the central idea
connection to one part of the claim
sufficiency to support the purpose
credibility of the source



b, d and e

hope it helps :)

Select the correct answer.
Read the concluding paragraph of the student sample essay.

[4] There is no sign that American life is slowing down, so the ability of fast-food restaurants to pivot and support healthy lifestyles is imperative to safeguarding the health of consumers. Millions of Americans suffer from health issues related to their nutritional decisions, and a new generation of consumers is developing eating habits that will last a lifetime.

Which concluding statement could be added to best articulate the significance of the research topic?

It is more important than ever to ensure the availability of delicious, nutritious foods at fast-food restaurants that saturate communities across the country.
Eating healthy is a decision that everyone should make when visiting a fast-food restaurant.
Fat-saturated foods have a devastating impact on health and wellness, no matter the age of the consumer.
While making healthy decisions regarding food is important, it's not as important as a daily exercise routine.


The concluding statement that could be added to best articulate the significance of the research topic is It is more important than ever to ensure the availability of delicious, nutritious foods at fast-food restaurants that saturate communities across the country. Option A.

What should the above option be the best concluding statement?

The essay discusses the importance of fast-food restaurants providing healthier options, and Option A directly emphasizes the need for these options to be available to consumers across the country. It emphasizes that it is more important than ever to ensure the availability of delicious, nutritious foods at fast-food restaurants, which could have a significant impact on the health of millions of Americans who regularly consume fast food. This makes it the best concluding statement.

Find more exercises on concluding statements;



Answer: down below


Which of these statements about the efforts of the previous generation is best supported by the text?
A. They were desperately trying to fix what they saw as a failing generation.
B. They stood back, content to watch the younger generation fail.
C. They forced the criminals of the younger generation into labor camps.
D. They planned on repealing Prohibition once the writer's generation proved they could handle responsibility.


The statement that is best supported by the text is "They were desperately trying to fix what they saw as a failing generation," option A, as seen below.

What is the text about?

We found this question and some passages from the text. Those passages indicate that the text is a criticism to the previous generation. According to the author, the current generation is trying to fix what the previous one had failed at.

The author makes a point of emphasizing that the current generation is more determined and content than the previous generation, which seems to have been a failure. That is why option A is the right answer.

This passage is the part of the text that we could locate:

Now my generation is disillusionized, and, I think, to a certain extent, brutalized, by the cataclysm which their complacent folly engendered. The acceleration of life for us has been so great that into the last few years have been crowded the experiences and the ideas of a normal lifetime. We have in our unregenerate youth learned the practicality and the cynicism that is safe only in unregenerate old age. We have been forced to become realists overnight, instead of idealists, as was our birthright.

In one way or another, often unconsciously, the great burden put upon us is being borne, and borne gallantly, by that immodest, unchivalrous set of ne'er-do-wells, so delightfully portrayed by Mr. Grundy and the amazing young Fitzgerald. A keen interest in political and social problems, and a determination to face the facts of life, ugly or beautiful, characterizes us, as it certainly did not characterize our fathers.

Learn more about generations here:



Complete each sentence with a properly formed noun clause: 1. John asked me.......... 1. where was his wallet 2. where his wallet was
2. I couldn't tell him.......... 1. where was I 2. where I was
3. I don't know......... 1. how many children he has 2. how many children does he have 4. ...........is not important. 1. how close we are 2. how close are we
5. ..........was sad 1. what did she say 2. what she said .​



1. John asked me where his wallet was .

2. I couldn't tell him where I was .

3. I don't know how many children he has.

4. How close we are is not important.

5. What did she say was sad.

Proctor speaks of ringing a bell of “doom of [his] good name.” After Elizabeth lies, Proctor says, “She only thought to save my name.” Hale even calls Elizabeth’s lie a “natural lie to tell.” Why is Proctor’s “name” so important? Explain.


In "The Crucible," Proctor's "name" is crucially important to him because it represents his reputation and honor in the community.

Why is Proctor’s “name” so important in the story?

Proctor is a proud and respected man in Salem, and his reputation is everything to him. When he is accused of witchcraft, he realizes that his name will be tarnished forever, even if he is eventually exonerated. He is willing to go to great lengths to protect his name, including admitting to adultery, which he believes would make his confession to witchcraft even more believable. Proctor's "name" is not just important to him, but also to his wife and children, who depend on his reputation to survive in the Puritan society. Elizabeth lies to protect Proctor's name because she knows how important it is to him, and she believes that the truth would not be enough to clear his name. In the Puritan society, a person's name and reputation were closely tied to their religious and moral standing, and any accusation of wrongdoing could have severe consequences. Proctor's struggle to protect his name highlights the importance of reputation and honor in the Puritan society and the lengths to which people would go to maintain them.

Learn more about "The Crucible" here:



Langston Hughes poem


"Harlem" (also known as "Dream Deferred")

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

The following question is based on your reading of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

Why does Oberon want the changeling boy?
He wants a son.
He wants him to be a servant in his train.
He wants to make him a soldier.
All of the above.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



In William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night’s Dream," Oberon wants the changeling boy because: c. He wants him to be a servant in his train.

Oberon's reason for wanting the changeling boy is to make the boy a servant in his train. Oberon desires the boy because his queen, Titania, has taken the child under her protection and will not give him up.

Oberon hopes to use the boy to serve him, and to gain power over Titania. He says, "And I do love thee; therefore, go with me. I'll give thee fairies to attend on thee, and they shall fetch thee jewels from the deep, and sing while thou on pressed flowers dost sleep.

And I will purge thy mortal grossness so that thou shalt like an airy spirit go. Peaseblossom! Cobweb! Moth! and Mustardseed!" (Act II, Scene 1, A A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare).

So, the reason for Oberon wanting the changeling boy is to gain power and control over Titania, and to have the boy serve as a servant in his train.

To learn more about Shakespeare here: https://brainly.com/question/7592021


Match the description or example to the term. Guillatunes de lorris. Chaicer


Guillaume de Lorris' Romance of the Rose, Chaucer's Divine Comedy, Boccacio's Decameron, Thomas a Becket's Shrine at Canterbury, Dante's Book of the Duchesse "Prologue" character and setting list.

What exactly is mediaeval literature?

Mediaeval literature is defined as literature written between 476 and 1500 CE in the Latin language.

The poetry and stories are from the mediaeval time, and they are matched to their authors.

As a result, the right matches are:

The Romance of the Rose- Guillaume de Lorris Divine Comedy- Chaucer Decameron- Boccacio Canterbury Shrine- Thomas a Becket

Dante's Book of the Duchesse

"Prologue" character and setting list.

To know more about  Guillatunes de lorris.  visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

Match the description or example to the term. 1. Romance of the Rose Boccacio 2. Divine Comedy Thomas à Becket 3. Decameron Chaucer 4. shrine at Canterbury Guillaume de Lorris 5. Book of the Duchesse "Prologue" 6. list of characters and setting Dante

Now is your time to just get the basic ideas down on paper in a format that is close to what you had planned. So go ahead and start writing. If you need assistance with the actual writing process, go look at the lesson entitled "Introduction to Conclusion." If you need help with how to express yourself, look at the lesson entitled "Language, Voice, and Style." You will be revising and editing your writing in a later lesson, so you can worry about that then. For right now, just worry about getting your thoughts on paper.






Fact or a opinion George Washington was the first President of the United States under the Constitution.


Answer: fact





Read the sentences from Source 5.
Yet one of Cook's crewmen died while on shore-obviously a mortal. How could that be?
What does the word mortal mean as it is used in the sentence?
a human being who lives a very long life
a person who comes from the sea
a human being subject to death
a person with godlike qualities


Answer: a human being subject to death


Which context clues in the passage helped you figure out
the meaning of apprehension as it is used in paragraph
60? Write your definition of the word apprehension and
explain how you figured out the meaning of the word.


Answer: The word "apprehension" refers to a feeling of anxiety or fear about something that may happen in the future, or the act of taking someone into custody or arresting them.

Explanation: I figured out the meaning of the word by analyzing its context and considering my prior knowledge of the word. The word "apprehension" can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used, so I looked at the surrounding words and sentences to determine the intended meaning. In addition, my prior knowledge of the word helped me to narrow down its possible definitions. Finally, I confirmed my understanding of the word by consulting a dictionary and comparing my definition with the official definition provided.

What does excerpt reveal about nick


This excerpt reveals that Nick is wealthy enough to live in West Egg but not wealthy enough to rent a particularly lovely flat.

Give a detailed explanation for the excerpt?

"The Great Gatsby," by F. Scott Fitzgerald, chronicles the narrative of Jay Gatsby and his unfulfilled hopes of reuniting with his old love, which is the sole purpose of his life. The story also addresses the issue of the American ideal, the different challenges that one faces in life, and the obvious social position that one keeps or attempts to maintain in order to be "agreeable" to others.

What message does the narrator send?

Nick, our narrator, recounts his home in the excerpt provided from the text. He admits that his West Egg house "was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore." This seems to imply that it was an eyesore for those living in East Egg, but not for those living in West Egg. This demonstrates that he is wealthy enough to live in a far finer house than the rest, but not wealthy enough to live in the "upper-class" East Egg neighbourhood.

To know more about nick  visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

What does this excerpt reveal about Nick? He is not particularly impressed by material wealth and fashionable appearances. He plans to move into another house as soon as the opportunity arises. He is wealthy enough to live in West Egg but not wealthy enough to rent a very nice place. He is desperate to become part of the elite society of West Egg and East Egg.

Which statement is an objective summary of the passage?

The fairs had detailed, specific rules about what merchants could sell and how they could sell it.
These fairs were the best in the world because of their detailed and specific rules for sellers.
The careful organization of these fairs shows the intelligence of the people who planned them.
Travelers from all over the world longed to sell their fabrics and furs at these well-organized fairs.


We can see here that the passage discusses the detailed and specific rules that governed the fairs, implying that they were well-organized events. Therefore, an objective summary of the passage is: B. "The fairs were carefully organized and had specific rules for merchants."

What is objective summary?

An objective summary is a brief, neutral statement that accurately reflects the main points of a text. It should present information in a straightforward manner without including personal opinions or biases. Objective summaries provide readers with a clear understanding of the text's content and help them decide if they want to read the full text.

Objective summaries are often used in academic writing, research, and journalism to provide a concise overview of a longer piece of writing. They help readers to quickly understand the key points of a text and decide whether to read it in full or not.

Learn more about objective summary on https://brainly.com/question/30092182


Believing in Yourself: Write a Personal Affirmation SLS chapter 3: Project Presentation



Personal affirmation

I am capable of achieving great things because I have an unshakeable belief in myself and my abilities. I have faced numerous challenges and setbacks in my life, but I have always persevered because I know that I have the strength and determination to overcome any obstacle that comes my way.

I trust my instincts and have faith in my decisions. I have learned to listen to my inner voice and to follow my heart, even when it goes against what others may think is best for me. I know that I am the only one who truly knows what is right for me, and I have the courage to follow that path, no matter how difficult it may be.

I am worthy of success and happiness. I know that I deserve the best that life has to offer, and I am willing to work hard to achieve my goals. I am confident in my skills and talents, and I know that I can make a positive impact on the world. I choose to focus on my strengths and use them to create a better future for myself and those around me.

I believe that anything is possible if I put my mind to it. I have seen firsthand how determination and hard work can lead to success, and I know that I have the ability to achieve whatever I set my mind to. I am not afraid of failure because I see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

I am powerful, resilient, and unstoppable. I have faced challenges that would have broken others, but I have always found a way to rise above them. I am constantly learning and growing, and I know that there is nothing that can stand in my way.

Above all, I believe in myself, and I am ready to take on whatever challenges come my way. I know that I have what it takes to succeed, and I am committed to using my talents and abilities to make a positive difference in the world. I am grateful for all that I have, and I am excited for all that is yet to come.

Which sentence the direct way to present parallel ideas

The boxes were both difficult to deliver and open.

The boxes were difficult both to deliver and open.


The sentence that is the direct way to present parallel ideas:

The boxes were difficult both to deliver and open. It is shown that both delivering and opening of boxes was difficult to be done.

What are parallel ideas?

When two ideas are grammatically equivalent, they are regarded as parallel. A set of ideas must be parallel. You might have a succession of nouns, verbs, prepositional phrases, predicates, independent clauses, or some other kind of grammatical unit. Such a parallel arrangement can improve readability and make it simpler to effectively communicate a message. It can accentuate and produce memorable sentences as a figure of speech. As a literary technique, parallelism can also be used to contrast concepts and elements, experiment with rhythm, and produce clever or hilarious puns.

Learn more on ideas here:



Read this excerpt from lines 5-9 of The Aeneid.

Grim Charon is the squalid ferryman,
the guardian of these streams, these rivers; his
white hairs lie thick, disheveled on his chin;
his eyes are fires that stare, a filthy mantle
hangs down his shoulder by a knot....

What is the effect of the imagery in this excerpt?

A. It illustrates the speaker's fears about the boats.

B. It describes the boatman's fears about his duties.

C. It shows that the boatman is fearsome and

D. It illuminates that the speaker is uncertain and


C. It shows that the boatman is fearsome and determined.

Answer: C. It shows that the boatman is fearsome and


Explanation: The symbolism in this passage from The Aeneid portrays Charon, the ferryman of the black market, and depicts him as fearsome and decided. His white, disheveled hair and searing, gazing eyes propose a threatening and unsettling nearness. The "smudged mantle" hanging from his bear includes to this picture, emphasizing his unclean and unpleasant appearance. In this manner, the impact of the symbolism in this portion is to form an spooky and foreboding atmosphere, as well as to set up Charon as a imposing figure within the black market.

3. **How does Hansberry characterize Beneatha on pages 47-48? Use 2 details from the text to support your response.​


Answer:This section is a "qualifier" for the discussion of textual elements that

follows. Students need to be made aware that there are many different and

valid approaches to looking at a work of literature, and that a textual analysis

is only one of these, albeit the one we tend to emphasize most in our classes.

The section on Your Critical Approachtries to make it clear to students that

an interpretation of literature is influenced by many complex factors, and that

critics make choices about what to emphasize. These choices are not a matter

of right or wrong but an indication of the cultural and aesthetic values of the

critic. And they too, like the critics, are influenced by their own values and

the influence of their own interpretive communities when they read and write

about literature


which term best summarizes the author’s description of the house of usher





The answer is A.

i assume it is dreary

With which historical figure's worldview does Smith most strongly disagree?
A. singer-songwriter Kurt Cobain
B. U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant
C. former British Prime Minister Margaret, Thatcher
D. writer and activist Dave Eggers


The view would be U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant.

What is a worldview

A wоrldview is а sеt оf beliefs аnd аttitudеs thаt аn individuаl or grоup holds аbout the world аnd their plаcе in it. It is а comprehensive frаmework thаt shаpes а persоn's understаnding оf reаlity, inсluding their beliefs аbout God or а higher рoower, the nаture оf hujmаnity, the purpоse оf life, аnd the meаning аnd vаlue оf humаn existence.

Worldviеws аre influenсed by а vаriety, оf fаctors, inсluding culture, religion, persоnаl exрerience, educаtion, аnd philоsоphy.

Read more on worldview here:https://brainly.com/question/29641665


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