Do people need a purpose in life? How do you think that purpose changes?
5 sentences please.​


Answer 1

Answer: yes


If you don’t have a purpose in life your gonna get bored. You can think of it like a goal you want to achieve. Let say you want to get an A in class. If you don’t have a purpose pr reason for doing it your probably going to think you are wasting your time. So always have a purpose for everything in life

Related Questions

List one advantage and one disadvantage to a monthly calendar Advantage: Disadvantage:



disadvantage= periods

advantage= free chocolate


Advantage: Keeps you up to date with things & you can write down important stuff
Disadvantage: can’t re-use it and if you lose it you will forgot stuff

Read the following passage written by a teen hero:

I want to be a vocal advocate for nature.
I reject the idea that I am too young to make a difference.
I recently helped a group with a river cleanup.
I was mortified to see the destruction of animals and plants.
When I got home, I composed a letter to my state politicians and asked them to allocate more money to the local river cleanup effort.
I believe my vocation is to help citizens see that we are at a junction.
We can decide to subject nature to abuse, or we can decide to be a benefactor to nature.
I won't let obstacles detract from my mission.

The prefix and root in the word "reject" as they are used in sentence 2 give us an approximate definition. Which of the following definitions is accurate?
To pull toward
To throw away
To resist the pull
To throw toward



To throw away



To throw away


15 Points/ Brainliest



The theme is Arachne


the theme is anarchy :)))(((

In the Passage 2, what is the main action of the poem?

A)A discovery ship sails out into the middle of the unknown.

B)The admiral tells the crew to keep sailing although they only see ocean.

C)The sailors prepare daily to overthrow the captain and take over the ship.

D)The sailors fear they may be lost or possibly sailing into some great danger.

Passage 2: "Columbus"

Behind him lay the gray Azores,

Behind the Gates of Hercules;

Before him not the ghost of shores;

Before him only shoreless seas.

5 The good mate said: "Now must we pray,

For lo! the very stars are gone.

Brave Adm'r'l, speak; what shall I say?"

"Why, say, 'Sail on! sail on! and on!'"

"My men grow mutinous day by day;

10 My men grow ghastly, wan and weak."

The stout mate thought of home; a spray

Of salt wave washed his swarthy cheek.

"What shall I say, brave Adm'r'l, say,

If we sight naught but seas at dawn?"

15 "Why, you shall say at break of day:

'Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!'"

They sailed and sailed, as winds might blow,

Until at last the blanched mate said:

"Why, now not even God would know

20 Should I and all my men fall dead.

These very winds forget their way,

For God from these dread seas is gone.

Now speak, brave Adm'r'l, speak and say"-

He said: "Sail on! sail on! and on!"

25 They sailed. They sailed. Then spake the mate:

"This mad sea shows his teeth to-night.

He curls his lip, he lies in wait,

He lifts his teeth, as if to bite!

Brave Adm'r'l, say but one good word:

30 What shall we do when hope is gone?"

The words leapt like a leaping sword:

"Sail on! sail on! sail on! and on!"

Then, pale and worn, he kept his deck,

And peered through darkness. Ah, that night

35 Of all dark nights! And then a speck-

A light! A light! At last a light!

It grew, a starlit flag unfurled!

It grew to be Time's burst of dawn.

He gained a world; he gave that world

40 Its grandest lesson: "On! sail on!"



B)The admiral tells the crew to keep sailing although they only see ocean.


The passage states "Sail on! sail on! and on!'" Multiple times when the sailors doubt they will reach land because all they see it ocean.

My guess is B going off of how the captain of the ship is continuously saying "sail on! Sail on!"

Select from the drop-down menu the pronoun that best completes the sentence. The teacher called Khianna and --------------- for a tutoring session. sorry i couldnt make the pic wider. please help meh asapppppp ​



Khianna and I for a tutoring session.




In this situation, you have a compound object. To choose the right pronoun, you get rid of the secondary object - in this case, Khianna.  The sentence then reads "The teacher called ME for a tutoring session."  This is correct.  The teacher does not call he, the teacher does not call his, the teacher does not call I.

Hey i really need someone help today this due today and need these ela questions done by today!!!! also Please no trolling answer and please read the book a long walk from water!!!!

1. Continually under threat, they would flee for their lives, losing their way in the wilderness.Does the sentence on the left help answer the guiding question? How so?

2. they would flee for their lives,First question Who or what does they refer to in this chunk? How do you know? Second question Why did the author use the word would?

TEXT 1:Since 1983, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the Sudanese Government have been at war in southern Sudan. The conflict has already claimed more than 500,000 lives and displaced huge numbers of people. Among these were at least 20,000 children, mostly boys, between 7 and 17 years of age who were separated from their families. These ‘lost boys’ of the Sudan trekked enormous distances over a vast unforgiving wilderness, seeking refuge from the fighting. Hungry, frightened and weakened by sleeplessness and disease, they crossed from the Sudan into Ethiopia and back, with many dying along the way. The survivors are now in camps in Kenya, the Sudan and Uganda

Question 1: What's the main idea,detail 1 and detail 2?

TEXT 2:This extraordinary exodus has its origins in traditional forms of migration. After being initiated into manhood, young adolescent boys in southern Sudan have generally been quite mobile. Organized into small groups of their peers, they would leave home for a period to look after cattle. Or they might head for the towns or cities to go to school or to seek their fortune, before eventually returning home. In addition, at times of stress families all over Africa send their children elsewhere to find safety, food, work and schooling.

Question 2: What's the main idea,detail 1 and detail 2?

TEXT 3:But during the war this process has escalated dramatically. Fearing they would be targeted as potential combatants, many boys left their villages and headed for cities such as Juba and Khartoum. Here they hoped to find work or schooling, though as these cities became saturated with migrants, the boys often had to resort to begging or petty crime.

Question 3: What's the main idea ONLY???

TEXT 4:.Others set out for refugee camps in Ethiopia. Some travelled with friends or relatives, others slipped away on their own at night. Few had any idea of what lay ahead of them. They believed the trek would last only a few days and discovered that they faced a harrowing journey of 6 to 10 weeks. Continually under threat, they would flee for their lives, losing their way in the wilderness. Often they lost everything en route—blankets, sheets, shoes, clothes and pots—to soldiers, swindlers or bandits. Many fell victim to killer diseases. Others were so weakened by hunger and lack of sleep that they could go no further and sat down by the roadside—prey for lions and other animals.

Question 4:What are the Hopes/Expectations and Realities

LAST QUESTION:Take a moment to jot down the central idea. So far, the author shows...





i think its one? pl z tell me if lily~Chan if shes  wrong!

I think it’s 1, tell me if i’m wrong.

In Passage 1, how does the author compare the issues of tax increases and advertising on buses?

A)They are both actions that require safeguards.

B)They are both issues of controversy in school districts.

C)They are both possible approaches to dealing with budgetary concerns.

D)They are both present problems that cannot be ignored by state representatives.

(THE paragraph)

1 Tight school budgets could soon translate into Missouri school districts’ selling ad space on yellow school buses.

2 Missouri state Rep. T.J. Berry, R-Kearney, says his bill—HB 224—isn’t a cure-all by any stretch. But legalizing ads inside and outside the buses would give school districts one additional way to raise money in these tough times.

3 “Every single school district has had to deal with budget concerns,” Berry said last week. “And generally speaking, the way they have had to deal with those has been cuts or tax increases.”

4 The school bus is something that is already out there and paid for, he said. His bill would permit districts to generate a modest stream of income from their buses.

5 Few question the need for finding additional funds when it comes to educating children, but at least two groups think the school bus exteriors should remain ad-free.

6 “There is no such thing as free money,” said Josh Golin, associate director for the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood. “There are real costs to this: the price of selling out your students to advertisers.”

7 Students don’t need the first and last message they receive from their schools each day to be advertisements, Golin said. Students boarding a bus are certainly a captive audience.

8 The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services opposes advertising on safety grounds. Obscuring the recognizable school-bus yellow exterior with ads and distracting other drivers “present a safety problem around school buses that cannot be ignored,” the group said in its position paper.

9 National studies have shown that anything that diverts a driver’s attention from the road can pose a hazard, opponents say.

10 “And a big yellow bus doesn’t distract?” Berry asked.

11 Several years ago in Indiana, a Department of Education lawyer suggested that allowing advertisements on buses would invite First Amendment challenges by spurned advertisers, the group noted.

12 Berry said the bill would limit the types of advertising that would be allowed.

13 The regulations would prohibit ads that contain obscene or sexual material, or messages associated with gambling, tobacco products, alcohol, and political campaigns or causes. The ads could not promote drug use or “any illegal activity or antisocial behavior.” They can’t contain “harmful, discriminatory, false, misleading or deceptive” messages.

14 “There are a lot of safeguards being built in,” he said.

15 Berry emphasized that the space reserved for the ads would be “very limited,” meaning toward the back of the bus.

16 By 2012, nine states—Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Tennessee, Texas and Utah—permitted advertising on the exterior of school buses, according to the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood. Several, including Missouri, considered it last year.

17 The bill made it out of the Missouri House last year but did not clear the Senate, Berry said. He acknowledged that the idea was “very controversial.”





Paragraph one makes two statements, one fact and one possible solution.

Read the following passage written by a teen hero:

1. I want to be a vocal advocate for nature.
2. I reject the idea that I am too young to make a difference.
3. I recently helped a group with a river cleanup.
4. I was mortified to see the destruction of animals and plants.
5. When I got home, I composed a letter to my state politicians and asked them to allocate more money to the local river cleanup effort.
6. I believe my vocation is to help citizens see that we are at a junction.
7. We can decide to subject nature to abuse, or we can decide to be a benefactor to nature.
8. I won't let obstacles detract from my mission.

What is the meaning of the word "detract" as it is used in sentence 8?
To join together
To pull in the opposite direction
To make or do the opposite


In sentence 8, when they use the word “detract”, they’re referring to “To make or do the opposite”. This answer is correct since the teen hero won’t let anything get in his way or make him do anything that may do the opposite.

From the passage given containing 8 sentences, the teen hero mentions the word "detract" meaning that is given in sentence 8: " I won't let obstacles detract from my mission."

What does the word detract meant by teen hero?

When they say "detract" in clause eight, they mean "To create or do the contrary."

Overcoming challenges is challenging but incredibly rewarding.

They were concerned that the scandal would substantially harm her chances of winning reelection by diminishing the strength, worth, or significance of (something).

To pull attention away from; divert; distract: to attract attention away from more crucial matters.

This response is accurate since the teen hero won't let anything stand in his way or force him to act in a way that might have the opposite effect.

Therefore, as a result, detract is described in the clause eight (8).

Check out the link below to learn more about Teen hero;


guys I've got a very serious question: which hogwarts do you think timothée chalamet would be in?


deathly hallows for sure.
hmm slitherin i think

what did the elephant mean by "i can see inside your head" in toomai of the elephants



i think its a metaphor for them knowing what they are thinking or that they are lying



I think he or she meant by ¨I can see inside your head¨ What if he is magic!


you have prepared a food that is salad
write a speech about the food salad what is the nutritional benefits


A Natural Source of Fiber. ...
Nutritional Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. ...
Load up on Salads for Weight Control. ...
A Daily Salad Will Aid Your Intake of Healthy Fats. ...
Build Strong Bones. ...
Protect Your Peepers. ...
Improve Muscle Performance. ...
Protect Your Heart.

Hope this helps :)

8 nutritional benefits about the food salad are:-

•A Natural Source of Fiber.

•Nutritional Benefits of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.

•Load up on Salads for Weight Control.

•A Daily Salad Will Aid Your Intake of Healthy Fats.

•Build Strong Bones.

•Protect Your Peepers.

•Improve Muscle Performance.

•Protect Your Heart.

There never was a time when the world was without fire, but there was a time when men did not know how to kindle fire; and after they learned how to kindle one, it was a long, long time before they learned how to kindle one easily. In these days we can kindle a fire without any trouble, because we can easily get a match; but we must remember that the match is one of the most wonderful things in the world, and that it took men thousands of years to learn how to make one. Let us learn the history of this familiar little object, the match.

Fire was first given to man by nature itself. When a forest is set on fire by cinders from a neighboring volcano, or when a tree is set ablaze by a thunderbolt, we may say that nature strikes a match. In the early history of the world, nature had to kindle all the fires, for man by his own effort was unable to produce a spark. The first method, then, of getting fire for use was to light sticks of wood at a flame kindled by nature—by a volcano, perhaps, or by a stroke of lightning. These firebrands were carried to the home and used in kindling the fires there. The fire secured in this way was carefully guarded and was kept burning as long as possible. But the flame, however faithfully watched, would sometimes be extinguished. A sudden gust of wind or a sudden shower would put it out. Then a new firebrand would have to be secured, and this often meant a long journey and a deal of trouble.

In 1827, John Walker, a druggist in a small English town, tipped a splint with sulphur, chlorate of potash, and sulphid of antimony, and rubbed it on sandpaper, and it burst into flame. The druggist had discovered the first friction-chemical match, the kind we use to-day. It is called friction-chemical because it is made by mixing certain chemicals together and rubbing them. Although Walker's match did not require the bottle of acid, nevertheless it was not a good one. It could be lighted only by hard rubbing, and it sputtered and threw fire in all directions. In a few years, however, phosphorus was substituted on the tip for antimony, and the change worked wonders. The match could now be lighted with very little rubbing, and it was no longer necessary to have sandpaper upon which to rub it. It would ignite when rubbed on any dry surface, and there was no longer any sputtering. This was the phosphorus match, the match with which we are so familiar.

How does the author develop the idea that humanity's early fire-starting tools may have been dangerous? Please respond in three to five complete sentences, using evidence from the text to support your answer.






The line that shows the value of the match its the second one "…it was a long, long time before they learned how to kindle one easily". The match allows humankind to handle fire easily.


make me brainliest when your done! please..

Which counterclaim is the author acknowledging in this passage?

It is easier to eat a healthy diet.
It is often hard to eat a healthy diet.
Parents need help with creating a healthy diet.
Parents are not sure what to feed their children




B: it is often hard to eat a healthy diet





Read the excerpt from We Shall Not Be Moved.

League women came and went, usually at a run. Some were "ladies,” like Mary Dreier, others were worker-members, like Rose Schneiderman, a former cap maker, and Leonora O’Reilly, who had started work in a collar factory at the age of eleven. Another League member, Rose Pastor Stokes, known as the red Yiddish Cinderella, used to work in a cigar factory. When she became engaged to the son of a millionaire — they had met at a settlement house — front page headlines in the New York Times announced J. G. Phelps Stokes to Wed Young Jewess. At strike headquarters Mrs. Stokes delivered fiery speeches about freeing workers from the shackles of the bosses.

What conclusion can be drawn by connecting knowledge of the historical time period with information in the text?

The women of the league were wealthy women who had little-to-no experience working in a garment factory.
The support of wealthy league women contributed to the successful outcome of the female garment workers' strike.
Women who worked in garment factories were often married, so it was not critical that they receive equal pay.
Women who did not need to work were not interested in or aware of the difficulties faced by garment factory workers.








Identify the sentence that correctly uses an apostrophe.
A) Is that you're book or is it mine?
B) Bob's house was renovated last year.
C) The 90 pound dog wagged it's tail as I walked past it.
D) I needed to use the Ladie's Room, but I could not find it.


C) The 90 pound dog wagged it’s tail as I walked past it.

explanation: we know this because
A) You’re means you are, which is not the correct spelling.
D) This is the incorrect abbreviation of the word ladies
So we know it is either B or C
C is the one claiming it’s tail so we know it is the dogs tail.

Answer: C

1. Bobs is correct

2. You're should be your

3. Ladie's room should just be Ladies

will give brainlest
I lived first in a little house,
And lived there very well;
I thought the world was small and round,
And made of pale blue shell.

I lived next in a little nest,
Nor needed any other;
I thought the world was made of straw,
And brooded by my mother.

One day I fluttered from the nest
To see what I could find.
I said, “The world is made of leaves;
I have been very blind.”

At length I flew beyond the tree,
Quite fit for grown-up labours.
I don’t know how the world is made,
And neither do my neighbours!

Read the passage on the left to answer the following questions:

What is the main image of the second stanza?
A) lots of leaves everywhere
B) a baby bird feeling safe inside its nest
C) feelings of warmth and security inside a pale blue shell
D) an eye-opening experience of viewing the world for the first time



I believe it would be B :)

Let me know if I'm wrong!

The answer is D
hope this helps!

What story uses problem and solution?
A) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. A big mean dog lived in the yard and he barked when Sam came near the fence. The dog was a large Labrador Retriever. His name was "Killer" and all the boys were very scared of him.
B) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. A big mean dog lived in the yard and he barked when Sam came near the fence. Trevor suggested giving the dog a treat to calm it down. It worked and they were able to get the baseball.
C) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. Sam ran the bases while the other boys went to retrieve the ball. It was the winning run and all of Sam's teammates gave him high fives. After the game, all the boys went for ice cream.
D) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. While Sam was playing baseball, his sister was at ice skating practice. She had to skate for two hours every day and missed having free time. Every weekend she spent hours in competitions.



I believe it is B


their ball was on the neighbors side, which was their problem, and they solved it by giving the dog a treat so they could calm the dog down and get their ball back.

The answer is B because the problem would be that they lost the ball over the fence and were scared of the big dog... the Solution is they gave the dog a treat to calm it down and they got their ball.

Marge has been saying things about the place on the corner. is there a being verb, action verb or a verb prase


verb phrase because its ‘has been’

WILL GIVE BRAINLEST A Surprise for Samantha
Latterly Croven

Samantha stood up from the computer and stared out the window at the group of boys and girls laughing and talking as they strolled past her house. They carried baseballs, bats, and gloves. Samantha had seen this group playing ball in the park, and she had longed to join them. Ever since her family had arrived in the United States from Mexico, she had been trying to figure out how to make friends.

“If I could play their game, I could join them,” she thought. To pass the time, Samantha decided to take a walk. Maybe if she passed the park, she would have the courage to speak to the ball players this time.

Before Samantha reached the park, she spotted Mr. Hernandez puttering in his garden. Her family had met him shortly after they had moved into their new home. When her parents learned that his wife had died recently, they began to invite him often for dinner. Samantha was eager to get to the park, but she knew that Mr. Hernandez was lonely. She called out a greeting.

“Samantha, it’s good you are here. I think I’ve been in the sun too long without a hat. I feel a little dizzy. Can you help me to the porch?”

Samantha guided him to the porch and brought a glass of water from the house. Mr. Hernandez seemed a little better in the shade but Samantha wanted to make sure, so she stayed awhile and chatted. Mr. Hernandez listened as Samantha poured out her longing to learn how to play baseball so that she could make friends.

By the time Samantha was sure Mr. Hernandez was all right, it was too late to walk past the park. She hurried home to help her mother prepare the evening meal. Then her mother sent her back to get Mr. Hernandez. He was sitting on the porch, with an excited look on his face.

“Imagine what I found in my closet!” he exclaimed.

Beside the chair were a worn baseball bat and glove and a few balls.

“You didn’t know I was a ballplayer in my day, did you?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

After supper that night, Samantha began her baseball lessons with Mr. Hernandez, and, within a week, she had become another one of the ballplayers in the park.

Read the passage on the left to answer the following questions:

As the story ends, why does Mr. Hernandez have an excited look on his face?
A) He knew how to help Samantha.
B) He was happy to have a friend.
C) He was having dinner with Samantha.
D) He found his baseball bat and glove.
Which word correctly completes this sentence?

Martha has volunteered to help plan the party; _______________, she's willing to bring refreshments.
A) however
B) although
C) in addition
D) nevertheless



15.  A



you're welcome

It’s b and c if I remember correctly

25. Write an objective summary of paragraphs 43–70 in Scene 3 of John Henry.



This lesson is all about understanding metaphors and similes in literature. During the clip, students are asked to identify as many examples of similes and metaphors. To modify for certain students, a chart can be made where students match up the examples with the type of figurative language used as they hear it in each song.


I hope that's right? :)

Please do all of them sorry its so long.
Read the story below and complete the assignment at the end.
02.02 The Great North American Circus

There was great excitement in Smyrna, especially among the boys. Barlow's Great American Circus in its triumphal progress from state to state was close at hand, and immense yellow posters announcing its arrival were liberally displayed on fences and barns, while smaller bills were put up in the post office, the hotel, and the principal stores, and distributed from house to house.
It was the largest circus that had ever visited Smyrna. At least a dozen elephants marched with ponderous steps in its preliminary procession, while clowns, acrobats, giants, dwarfs, fat women, cannibals, and hairy savages from Tibet and Madagascar were among the strange wonders that were to be seen at each performance for the small sum of fifty cents, children half price.
For weeks the young people had been looking forward to the advent of this marvelous world of curiosities, and the country papers from farther east had given glowing accounts of the great show, which was pronounced greater and more gorgeous than in any previous year. But it may be as well to reproduce, in part, the description given in the posters:
Now in its triumphal march across the continent, will
give two grand performances,
on the afternoon and evening of May 18th.
Never in all its history has this
unparalleled show embraced a greater variety of attractions,
or included a larger number of world-famous
acrobats, clowns, bare back riders, rope walkers, trapeze
artists, and star performers,
in addition to a colossal menagerie, comprising
elephants, tigers, lions, leopards,
and other wild animals in great variety.
All this and far more, including a hundred
can be seen for the trifling sum of fifty cents;
children half price.
Two boys paused to read this notice, pasted with pictures of elephants and circus performers on the high board fence near Stoddard's grocery store. They were Dan Clark and Christopher Watson, called Kit for short.
Answer the following questions.
1>What is the rising action?
2>what is the climax?
3>what is the Resolution of Conflict?
4>what is the Reflection?





The conflict in the story "My favorite chaperone" is resolved when?



Falling action: the effects of the climax become clear. Maya's mother expresses her approval by giving her a gold bracelet to wear to the dance. Resolution: the end of the story reveals the final outcome. Maya seems at peace with both her family and her new life in the United States.


I did not look this up.

The conflict in the story “My favorites chaperone” is resolved during the climax. The point of greatest tension in the story, in which the conflict begins to be resolved. The climax is the highest point of the story, but more to the end than the beginning as the falling action sneaks up on climax in most stories.

Read the excerpt from Heart of a Samurai.

Manjiro wondered why the foreigners didn’t just carry their small things in separate pouches, the way it was done in Japan. But once his hands discovered his pockets, he couldn’t keep them out. His hands wanted to explore those spaces just like, when he’d lost teeth as a boy, his tongue wanted to explore the empty holes where his teeth had been.

Which words best show Manjiro’s curiosity?

“lost” and “the empty holes”
“wondered” and “wanted to explore”
“foreigners” and “separate pouches”
“carry” and “the way it was done”



"Wondered" and "wanted to explore"


He was very curious and wanted to explore.

Wondered and wanted to explore
It’s because wondered and wanted to explore means to get to know more about it which is curiosity.

(1) The last dinosaur died about 65 million years ago. (2) No one knows exactly why. (3) Allosaurus and Stegosaurus were meat eating dinosaurs. (4) Many scientists think climate changes caused the death of the dinosaurs. (5) Others think the dinosaur’s food supply died out. (6) Another theory is that the dinosaur could not adapt to the evolving environment or the gradual drifting apart of the continents. (7) Scientists have several theories, but none are yet proven.

Which sentence is irrelevant?
(Does not belong/fit with the topic of the paragraph)Immersive Reader
(1 Point)
sentence 2
sentence 3
sentence 5
sentence 7



Sentence 3 is irrelevant.


Sentence 3 the word meat eating is spelled wrong it is spelled Meat-eating

May i get brainiest

Sentence 3 is irrelevant because the paragraph’s concept does not revolve around the species’ diets. <3

What story uses problem and solution?
A) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. A big mean dog lived in the yard and he barked when Sam came near the fence. The dog was a large Labrador Retriever. His name was "Killer" and all the boys were very scared of him.
B) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. A big mean dog lived in the yard and he barked when Sam came near the fence. Trevor suggested giving the dog a treat to calm it down. It worked and they were able to get the baseball.
C) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. Sam ran the bases while the other boys went to retrieve the ball. It was the winning run and all of Sam's teammates gave him high fives. After the game, all the boys went for ice cream.
D) Sam and his friends were playing baseball, and Sam hit a home run over into the neighbor's yard. While Sam was playing baseball, his sister was at ice skating practice. She had to skate for two hours every day and missed having free time. Every weekend she spent hours in competitions.



The correct answer is B. Because when the ball landed in the yard, that is the problem. And when they got the baseball back, that is the solution!

Hope this works!!!


Make it short next time tho

Please mark as brainliest


1. colored shapes to target beginnings of each sentence

2. circles and underlining to show relationships among sentences

3. highlighting to identify each of your sentences

4. sticky notes to focus on sentences that seem out of place

Will give brainliest for CORRECT:> answer!


1. Colored shapes to target beginnings of each sentence
the answer i believe is 3.highlighting to identify each of your sentences

Kris has a baking blog, and he’s writing a post about how to decorate a birthday cake. Which would be the most helpful feature for Kris to include with his post? a poll that asks readers for their favorite flavor of cake an audio recording of Kris describing the decorating process a gallery of photographs of each step of the decorating process a video of Kris’s family enjoying the decorated cake


Answer: A gallery of photographs of each step of the decorating process


Think of when you look online for "how to" instructions, it is easier to follow pictures than videos.

The most helpful feature for Kris to include with his post is a gallery of photographs of each step of the decorating process. The correct option is c.

What are blogs?

A blog serves as a discussion or informational website found on the World Wide Web. A blog, often known as a weblog, is a frequently updated online page that is used for commercial or personal comments.

A area where readers can leave comments is usually included at the bottom of each blog article because blogs are frequently interactive. Blogging takes a more informal approach and emphasizes the writer's viewpoint over scientific evidence.

A blog's intended audience is larger, it is self-published, requires less editing, and uses language and vocabulary that is widely understood.

Therefore, the correct option is c. a gallery of photographs of each step of the decorating process.

To learn more about blogs, refer to the link:


Which character in the short story “Thank you, Ma’am” by Langston Hughes exhibits integrity through their own actions?
Write a premise


Mrs. Jones attempts to improves Rogers integrity through her actions by physically forcing Roger to witness and share in a different sort of life then the one he knows
She tests him for integrity

What is Kipling's tone toward Rikki-Tikki-Tavi in the following passage (This passage occurs when Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is fighting Nag to the death in the bathroom.)?

As he held he closed his jaws tighter and tighter, for he made sure he would be banged to death, and, for the honour of his family, he preferred to be found with his teeth locked.



Answer: Awe is most likely.


Kipling’s tone toward Rikki-Tikki-Tavi in the following passage is awe, I know this from looking at context clues.




I did this on my test and got it right.

Which choice best explains why the author uses the metaphor "I'm living in the tombs" in the last stanza? (poem included)
A) to reveal how the speaker feels about childhood friends who have passed away

B) to explain that the speaker feels uneasy in cemeteries

C) to reveal that the speaker's surviving childhood friends will soon pass away

D) to explain that the speaker prefers to be alone


UUUHHHHHHHHH I am going with c




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