Do Muslims have a version of Christmas?


Answer 1

Like Christmas, Eid is a time to commemorate the faith, to give to others, to see loved ones, and to give and receive presents. It differs from Christmas, though, in other ways.

In place of Christmas, what do Muslims do?

Islam instills a respect for the traditions and values of others. As Ahmadiyya Muslims, we don't celebrate Christmas, but as members of the community, we help people go to church, participate in food drives, and attempt to support and contribute to the joy of those who are celebrating alone.

Most Muslims in America find it unpleasant to participate in religious celebrations because of the stark disparities between how Jesus is viewed in Islam and Christianity. Many Muslims believe that celebrating or even acknowledging the Christmas holiday goes against their commitment to monotheism. No. Muslims do not believe that God has a son, while Christmas celebrations mark the birth of God's son. Christmas is thus in opposition to the core principles of Islam. To greet Christian friends a good holiday is, nonetheless, a custom among Muslims. When they wish us a good Eid, they reciprocate in the same way.

To know more about alternative version of christmas visit:


Related Questions

ASAPIn the space provided, propose an argument for or against the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789. Establish
yourself as a Federallst or Anti-Federalist and give evidence supporting your argument. Your argument should address
the views of the opposing side, as well.


Argument for Ratifying the U.S. Constitution in 1789 (Federalist):

The ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789 is essential for the preservation of our nation and its citizens. The Constitution provides a strong and unified government that will protect our rights and promote the general welfare. Federalists recognize that a strong central government is necessary to ensure the safety of the nation, while maintaining the sovereignty of the individual states. The Constitution also provides a structure for the operation of the government and a system of checks and balances to prevent one branch from having too much power. Moreover, a unified government can provide stability, allowing us to engage in commerce and diplomacy with other nations, and promote economic growth.

We recognize the valid concerns of the Anti-Federalists, that a strong central government could potentially lead to a tyranny of the majority. We believe, however, that the Constitution has provided adequate protections to ensure the rights of individuals will not be trampled upon, such as the Bill of Rights, separation of powers, and a system of checks and balances. Ratifying the Constitution is the best way to ensure the safety of our nation and its citizens, while still preserving their rights and freedoms.

Read the following excerpt from the Declaration of Independence, and read the question that follows. " — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." According to the Declaration of Independence, what needs to happen for a government to have power?


According to the Declaration of Independence, the aim is to to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

What do you mean by Declaration of Independence?

There were many means to uphold the claim that all men were created equally, including:

By democratizing the Constitutionthe creation of the Bill of Rightsby requiring that the Supreme Court uphold the Constitution

The Constitution established a democratic administration in the early years of the Republic, ensuring that the government was chosen by popular vote, demonstrating that all people are created equal.

The Supreme Court was founded to make sure that people's natural and civil rights were safeguarded, and the Bill of Rights also protected these rights.

In conclusion, the Constitution guaranteed everyone the right to equality.

To know more about Independence here


the increasing amount of global trade brought wealth as well as economic disruption to merchantsand governments in participating trade networks.b. portugal9s desire for an alternate trade route to india led to the discovery of the americas.c. the success of european exploration was a result of most european nations working together to takecontrol of new trade routes.d. western european exploration led to the spread of christianity to new parts of the globe, especially interritories that did not already have a universalizing religion


The excerpt above best supports the increasing amount of global trade brought wealth as well as economic disruption to merchants and governments in participating trade networks.

Global trade is the buying and sale of products and services by businesses from other nations. The worldwide marketplace buys and sells consumer products, raw resources, food, and machinery.

Global commerce helps countries expand their markets and get access to commodities and services that would not otherwise be available locally. The market has become more competitive as a result of global commerce. This ultimately leads to more competitive rates and a lower-cost product for the consumer.

Global trade exposes consumers and countries to goods and services that are not accessible or are more expensive in their home countries.

For more information on Global trade, visit :


Complete question :

The excerpt above best supports which of the following statements?

a. The increasing amount of global trade brought wealth as well as economic disruption to merchants and governments in participating trade networks.

b. Portugal9s desire for an alternate trade route to India led to the discovery of the Americas.

c. The success of European exploration was a result of most European nations working together to take control of new trade routes.

d. Western European exploration led to the spread of Christianity to new parts of the globe, especially in territories that did not already have a universalizing religion.

why did martin luther write the ninety-five theses and post them on the door of a church in wittenberg?


Martin Luther, who held a different view of salvation and was opposed to indulgences, composed the Ninety-Five Theses and nailed them to the door of a Wittenberg church.

In 1517, Martin Luther issued his 95 theses in opposition to the sale of indulgences. Luther continued to write, expanding on the points made, after sending a copy of the theses to Albert of Mainz (who then submitted a copy to Pope Leo).

However, members of the Wittenberg church went to Tetzel, who was preaching close by, and they displayed to Luther the pardons for their crimes they had gotten from him. Luther penned the Ninety-five Theses in response to his outrage at what he saw as serious theological error.

To know more about martin luther:


Which Christmas product did Sir Henry Cole produce in 1843?


In 1843, Henry Cole, our institution's first director, sent the first Christmas card. We currently house the country's largest collection of cards, with over 30,000 examples, of that which and over half celebrate.

If so, did they begin in 1843?

The first Christmas card was sent by Queen Victoria, and the first commercial Christmas card was ordered in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, who was also first director of the V&A and inspired Sir Rowland Hill introduce the penny post.

In 1843, who made the first Christmas card?

Reproduction of the Christmas card that John Callcott Horsley created in 1843 for Henry Cole. This was the first Christmas card ever mailed, according to legend.

To know more about Christmas visit :-


Does sugar help Christmas tree last longer?


No, Do not add sugar, aspirin, or floral deterrent to the water; plain tap water is all that is helpful to keep your tree fresh.

How do we define aspirin?

Aspirin belongs to the family of drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ingredients. It is also being studied in cancer stopovers. It is a drug that lacks pain, fever, swelling, and blood clotting.

No, Do not add sugar, aspirin, or floral deterrent to the water; plain tap water is all that is helpful to keep your tree fresh.

To know more about aspirin, visit:-


What are 3 traditions of Christmas?


3 traditions of Christmas- 1)Watch a Christmas Movie. 2)Set Up a Christmas Tree. 3)String Home & Yard Decorations.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season organized around it. The traditional Christmas narrative recounted in the New Testament, known as the Nativity of Jesus, says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies.

To know more about Christmas visit:


in july 1863, robert e. lee clashed with federal forces at the battle of gettysburg in pennsylvania. identify the statements that accurately describe the battle of gettysburg.


In July 1863, Robert E. Lee fought alongside federal forces in Pennsylvania's Battle of Gettysburg. With roughly 165,000 soldiers participating, Gettysburg is the largest battle that has ever taken place in North America.

The Gettysburg Battle

On July 13, 1863, Union and Confederate forces clashed in and around the Pennsylvanian town of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. Force of Northern Virginia under Confederate General Robert E. Lee attacked the Army of the Potomac under Union Major General George Meade, but Meade's army was able to withstand the attacks, preventing Lee's invasion of the North. The battle is sometimes considered to as the turning point of the war because it resulted in the greatest deaths throughout the whole war and occurred concurrently with the Siege of Vicksburg due to the Union's surprise triumph.

Gettysburg was special for Lee because he was on the strategic offence in the Northern territory rather than the strategic defence in the Southern area. At Gettysburg, Lee's army suffered a crushing defeat, and they would never again set foot on Northern soil.

To learn more about the battle of Gettysburg here:


According to Mr. Elsworth, slavery will not be a problem for future generations because he
A. Wants to prevent further importation of slaves to North America.
B. Insists that the growing free population will provide the necessary labor.
C. Claims that Georgia and South Carolina have little use for them now.
D. Knows that abolition will soon spread to all the states of the union. ​


According to Mr. Elsworth, slavery will not be a problem for future generations because he option b, insists that the growing free population will provide the necessary labor.

Slavery involves the enslavement of a person to perform service for the enslaver. Slaves were treated as the property of the enslaver or the owner of the slaves in the American states. Slaves were transported mostly from the African continent in harmful, claustrophobic, and deteriorating conditions in the ships to the Americas.

In 1787, Constitutional Convention debated on the continuation and abolishment of slavery but ultimately failed to abolish slavery. Slavery continued for the sake of Georgia and South Carolina.

Mr. Elsworth was one of the 55 delegates debating on slavery. He never owned a slave so he was unable to judge the moral effect of slavery on character. He insisted that it is cheaper to raise slaves rather than import them.

Learn more about slavery here


which of the following historical events advanced the intent of the fourteenth amendment? a. jim crow laws b. black codes c. grandfather clause for voting rights d. civil rights acts e. literacy tests for voting rights


All of the above


All listed contributed to the 14th amendment which protects people from unjust rules and regulations.

Jim crow laws, black codes, grandfather clause for voting rights d. civil rights acts e. literacy tests for voting rights are the historical events advanced the intent of the fourteenth amendment. Hence,

What is the intent of the fourteenth amendment?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which was evaluated by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later on July 9, 1868, extended the provisions of, to all people "born or accommodated in the United States," including those who had previously been enslaved. It also guaranteed all citizens "equal protection under the laws."

The amendment was passed in response to laws legislated by the former Confederate states that barricade African Americans from serving on juries, entering professions, owning or leasing land, and accessing public accommodations. It granted citizenship rights to everyone born in this country, including freed slaves.

Thus, all of the above.

For more information about intent of the fourteenth amendmen, click here:


What age should I tell my daughter Santa isn't real?


The average age kids in the United States stop believing in Santa Claus is 8.5 years. So, chances are good that somewhere around then is the right age for your child to learn the true story about Santa Claus.

What is meant by Story ?

The narration or account of an event or associated chain of events, whether real or imagined. The New World of Webster. comparable definitionsIn the days of kings and queens, storage was kept on a castle's floors while it was under siege. Various supplies, like as food and weaponry, would be kept on each floor. Stories was the term used to describe the floors.Stories make facts come to life, make the abstract concrete, and, through the process of meaning-making, take the audience inside the head of a scientist or mathematician to help them comprehend the importance and practical use of such ideas (Ellis, 2005). According to Wells (1986), telling stories is a fundamental method of meaning creation.

To learn more about Story refer to


How fast can Santa go?


This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound.

How fast can Santa Claus Go?They estimated Santa Claus's trip time to be 12 hours, but given time zones and assuming he goes from east to west, he would have an additional 24 hours to finish the job. With these numbers, Santa Claus would need to go at a speed of 1.56 x 106 m/s. That is roughly 0.5% of the speed of light. Santa Claus is faster than the Flash and Superman, who are unable to outpace the speed of light due to the laws of physics. Dennin claims that Santa can reduce the distance between two points in order to circumvent this restriction by warping space and time. At the North Pole, Scout Elves are the swiftest elves. They are able to soar to the peak of the tallest pine at the North Pole.

To learn more about Santa Claus refer to:


How early can you decorate for Christmas?


Traditionally, the fourth Sunday before Christmas, Advent Sunday is the official day when you can start decorating your home, including trees and Christmas wreaths. It could be as early as it falls on November 27th.

How early is it too early to decorate for Christmas?

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is the earliest day to put up your Christmas tree and holiday decorations.

Can Christmas decorations be done by February?

After a particularly difficult year, English Heritage encourages the public to leave their festive ornaments intact until Candle mass on February 2nd, as their medieval ancestors did. This contradicts the theory that it is unfortunate to leave decorations after Twelfth Night, which is a modern interpretation of the tradition.

Can we put up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving?

It used to be a common rule of thumb to wait until after Thanksgiving to put up Christmas decorations, but that doesn't seem to be the case these days.

To learn more about Christmas visit:


Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Peasant strikes and rural unrest during the Red Years led to the rise of nationalism in
and helped
v seize


Peasant strikes and rural unrest during the Red Years led to the rise of nationalism in Italy. Helped Benito Mussolini seize power

Describe the revolt in the Red Years.

Italy experienced significant postwar economic issues. Italy faced serious postwar economic problems. Governments created currency during times of war to buy armaments, which increased inflation. At the end of 1920, the value of the lira was just one-sixth of what it had been in 1913. Peasant strikes and rural instability during the Red Years fueled nationalism, which eventually led to the consolidation of power.

The rise of patriotism in power during the red years was sparked by laborer strikes and provincial unrest. Workers in the north occupied the majority of the industries during sit-down strikes that ended the biennio rosso in August and September 1920. The Biennio Rosso mass movements did not start with the factory occupations; rather, they ended with them.

To learn more about Benito Mussolini, visit:


The complete question is:

Peasant strikes and rural unrest during the Red Years led to the rise of nationalism in what European country? Helped what leader seize power?

How do people communicate with elected officials today? How is this similar to or different from the 1930s? Explain your thinking.



There are many ways that people can communicate with elected officials today, including writing letters or emails, calling their office, or attending town hall meetings or other public events. Some people may also use social media to contact their elected representatives.

In the 1930s, some of these same methods may have been available, but the technology would have been different. For example, people may have written letters using a pen and paper, and sent them through the mail, rather than sending emails. Additionally, social media and other forms of digital communication were not yet available, so people would have had to rely on more traditional forms of communication.

Overall, the ways that people can communicate with elected officials today are similar to the ways that people could communicate with them in the 1930s, but the technology and tools available have changed and evolved over time.

Please help me on this and please explain


The correct answer is b. States in the South would have additional votes. The Three-Fifths Compromise and the Great Compromise were both agreements reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which was held to draft the United States Constitution. The Three-Fifths Compromise addressed the question of how to count slaves for the purposes of apportioning representation in Congress, and it stated that each slave would count as three-fifths of a person for this purpose. This effectively gave Southern states more representation in Congress than they would have had without the compromise.

The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, addressed the question of how to balance the interests of large and small states in the new government. It established a bicameral (two-chamber) legislative system, with one chamber (the Senate) based on equal representation for all states, and the other (the House of Representatives) based on population. This compromise effectively gave more representation to smaller states in the Senate, while larger states had more representation in the House of Representatives.

Together, these two compromises had a significant impact on the Southern vote, as they allowed Southern states to have more representation in Congress than they would have had without the compromises. This gave Southern states more power and influence in the new government, and helped to protect their interests.

What age do you stop getting gifts from Santa?


The average age at which children stop believing in Santa Claus, according to a poll of more than 4,500 households, is around 8 years old. So, it's  around 8 years old when you stop getting gifts from Santa.

Who is Santa Claus?

Santa Claus, also known regarded as the Father of Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a mythical character that first appeared in Western Christian culture. He is said to bring gifts to "nice" children on Christmas Eve in the late evening and overnight hours and coal or nothing to "naughty" children. The toys are claimed to be made in his North Pole workshop by Christmas elves, and flying reindeer are said to pull his sleigh through the air. The modern version of Santa Claus is based on folktales about Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas in England, and Sinterklaas in the Netherlands. Santa Claus is typically portrayed as a large, cheery, white-bearded man, frequently wearing spectacles, dressed in a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, red pants with white fur cuffs, a red hat with white fur, and black leather belt and boots, all while toting a bag full of presents for the little ones. He frequently appears to be laughing.

To know more about, Santa Claus, visit :


the aegean sea is an arm of the mediterranean between turkey and greece.A. TrueB. False


Answer:The Aegean Sea, spanning over two lakh square kilometres, is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea.

Explanation:The Aegean Sea, spanning over two lakh square kilometres, is an arm of the Mediterranean Sea.

Is it rude to leave Christmas lights on all night?


If Christmas lights are left on for a long time, they may heat up and become a fire hazard. Before you go too bed or leave home, turn out the lights, Sharon Cooksey says.

Does the term advises make sense?

The verb advise has three tense variations: advises in the present tense, advised in the past tense, and advises in the present participle. If you're unsure whether you should use advise or counsel if a verb is required, keep in mind that a verb shows action, and that both advise and express have an s.

Is advise a noun of what kind?

Answer and justification Advice might be regarded as a common noun. It does not designate a specific individual or location, hence

To know more about advice visit:


Read the excerpt from the Edicts of Ashoka.
What is the main idea of the edict?
They (my officers) work among soldiers, chiefs,
householders, the poor, the aged-for their welfare and
Women, the elderly, and prisoners should be given
happiness-so that they may be free from harassment.
special treatment.
The officers work for the
proper treatment of prisoners,
Ashoka's officers have the power to make decisions
towards their unfettering, and if the officers think, "This
on their own.
one has a family to support, " "That one has been
Ashoka's officers are watching what people are
bewitched," "This one is old," then they work for the
doing all the time.
release of such prisoners. They work here, in outlying
© Ashoka's officers would treat all citizens with
towns, in the women's quarters belonging to my
brothers and sisters, and among my other relatives.
respect regardless of status.
They are occupied everywhere.


The main idea of the Edicts of Ashoka is to promote peace and harmony among all people, regardless of their social or religious differences. Ashoka encourages his subjects to practice religious tolerance, respect for all life, justice, and kindness towards all. He also encourages the spread of education and the practice of good governance.


D: Ashoka’s officers would treat all citizens with respect regardless of status.


Which is better pre-lit or unlit Christmas tree?


Pre-lit Christmas trees provide for a much quicker and easier tree setup.

Unlit trees offer more creative freedom with decorating as you can choose the color of your lights as well as the size of the bulbs

What are artificial Christmas trees?

Both these trees are types of Christmas artificial tree. Artificial trees are eco friendly. They have many advantages than true tree. There are plenty of fragrance realistic treem They are non allergic.

According to research pre lit trees can last from 10 to 20 yrs. They are cost effective. They have less bulbs and one can decorate according to their own wish also.

The person who loves to decorate the Christmas tree on his/her own ways should prefer unlit trees. They can choose their own colour of style of lights they like and place them on the tree. This is tedious, but fun fir some too.

To know more about Christmas tree, click on


What factor played a significant role in the increase in sharecropping and tenant farming in Georgia during Reconstruction?

answer choices
landowners had no cash, but needed land worked

the redistribution of private farmland to former slaves

the passage of a new minimum wage by state leaders

provisions attached to federal loans provided to landowners




Because of the absence of cash or any way to pay for there land they had to figure out how to make up the missed money.

Who tries to stop Christmas from coming, by stealing all the things of Christmas from the Who’s in Whoville?


the Grinch, a miserable lonesome monster who on Christmas Eve steals holiday decorations and gifts from homes in the adjacent town of Whoville in an attempt to put a stop to Christmas.

Who intervened as the Grinch attempted to take every ornament?

The Grinch was caught red-handed stealing Holiday decorations it off of the lawn when Wooding got to Cindy Lou Who's house. The Grinch attempted to flee, but Wooding phoned for assistance, cornering him and taking him into custody.

From Whoville, what does the Grinch steal?

Using the Grinch as an example, the egotistical character snatches Christmas away the Whose for his own gain at the beginning of the tale, despite believing that doing so will increase their social standing.

To know more about the Grinch visit:


What is a German Christmas drink?


Glühwein, as mulled wine is known in Germany, is essentially red wine heated with spices, lemon and sugar - generally cinnamon and cloves are used in all recipes, with some adding aniseed or vanilla.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25[a] as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season organized around it. The traditional Christmas narrative recounted in the New Testament, known as the Nativity of Jesus, says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies.

To know more about Christmas visit:


What was South Carolina cotton production by 1810?

A: 69,000 pounds
B: 20 million pounds
C: 50 million pounds


20 million pounds was South Carolina cotton production in 1810. The answer is option (b).

How much cotton did South Carolina produce?

At the conclusion of the antebellum era, cotton was the main agricultural product of the state and employed more than 80% of the slave labor force. Many South Carolinians traveled west as the cotton frontier followed the cheaper and more accessible land. In 1860, there were around 280,000 bales of cotton produced; by 1870, there were fewer than 180,000 bales. However, output peaked in 1911 with 1.6 million bales produced.

The first two weeks of May saw the planting of around 80% of South Carolina's cotton crop. Starting in late September, the cotton harvest. Producers must make some crucial considerations before planting. One of the most crucial choices a cotton planter can make is variety selection.

To know more about Cotton production, visit:


Is Santa truly real?


According to historical records, Santa is real. Santa is real in the sense that he was an actual person. Otherwise known as Saint Nicholas, his story goes all the way back to the 3rd century.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25[a] as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season organized around it. The traditional Christmas narrative recounted in the New Testament, known as the Nativity of Jesus, says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies.

To know more about Christmas visit:


What qualitie gave omeone tatu and power in eventeenth-century Virginia? How had that changed by the 1670?


White domestic workers in Virginia's cotton fields in the eighteenth century performed additional jobs as the colony's economy developed.

What specialized the 17th century?

There were significant political and social upheavals during the 17th century. The century saw years of conflict, horror, and carnage that surrounded the country, as well as the death of Charles I and the establishment of a republic, moving from an era marked by the Crown's strict control of the state.

1521: Is it a 16th-century date?

1521 (MDXXI) was a common year beginning on Tuesday of the Julian calendar. It was also the 1521st year of the second millennium, the 21st year of the Common Era (Cc) and Anno Domini (AD) designations.

To know more about eventeenth-century visit:


What date in January Do you take Christmas decorations down?


The Epiphany marks the end of the Christmas season in the Christian calendar. It is said that this day is the ideal time to take down all of your holiday decorations, such as the Christmas tree.

What are the tenets of the religion of Christianity?

The life, teachings, death and Resurrection of Jesus serve as the foundation for the beliefs of Christians. Christians think there is just one God who made the heavens, the earth, and everything else.

According to the given question:

The Epiphany, which would be observed on January 6, marks the end of the Christmas season in the Christian calendar. It is said that this day—which commemorates the day the Three Kings came to visit the infant Jesus and present gifts—is the ideal time to take down all of your holiday decorations, such as the Christmas tree.

To know more about Christmas Tree visit:


how did the tactics and leadership of sam houston and santa anna differ in the war for texas independence?


Houston avoided contact with the pursuing Mexican army until his Texas army gained strength and training. Santa Anna, on the other hand, split his force, sending some units to secure his long supply line while others sought to capture the provisional Texan government.

what is one way in which the leading cause of death varies between age groups in the united states?


The one way that the top cause of mortality in the United States differs by age group is Unintentional damage is most common until the age of 44, after which it becomes less common.

What is the mortality rate?

The mortality rate, often known as the death rate, is a measure of the number of fatalities (in general or owing to a specific cause) in a given population, scaled to the population's size, per unit of time. A mortality rate of 9.5 in a population of 1,000 is 9.5 deaths per year or 0.95% of the total. It differs from "morbidity," which is the prevalence or incidence of a disease, as well as the incidence rate.

To learn more about the mortality rate, click


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