Describe the race mixing that goes on in Lansing what is hypocritical about this behavior why is Malcolm especially impressed by his older step sister


Answer 1

Malcolm describes the race mixing that occurs in Lansing, Michigan. He notes that many white men in the area frequently have relationships with Black women, often leading to mixed-race children.

why is Malcolm especially impressed by his older step sister?

Malcolm is especially impressed by his older step-sister, Ella, who is light-skinned and often mistaken for white. He admires her for her ability to navigate both the white and Black worlds, as she is accepted by both communities. Ella also serves as a mentor to Malcolm, introducing him to Black literature and teaching him about Black history and culture. Malcolm sees Ella as a source of pride for their family and the Black community as a whole.

To know more about Malcolm visit:


Related Questions

- As games prefect of your school write a letter to the chairman of the P.T.A about uncooperative attitude of the school authorities towards sports. help me​


Sure, I can help you with that. Here's a draft letter:

Dear Chairman of the P.T.A.,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the uncooperative attitude of the school authorities towards sports. As the games prefect of our school, I have witnessed firsthand the lack of support and resources provided for our sports teams, as well as the overall neglect of physical education programs.

It is disheartening to see the importance of sports and physical activity being overlooked by the school. Not only is it important for the physical health of our students, but it also promotes teamwork, discipline, and leadership, which are all qualities that are necessary for success both in academics and in life.

I believe that the school authorities need to acknowledge the importance of sports, and provide more resources and support for our sports teams and physical education programs. This can be achieved by allocating more funds towards sports equipment and facilities, updating the curriculum to include more emphasis on physical education, and encouraging students to participate in sports.

I urge you to take this matter seriously and help bring positive change to our school. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.

Your name

Read this excerpt from an editorial in a student newspaper.

A teacher who needs ideas for a lesson can research the topic and use other teachers’ ideas in the lesson plan. It makes sense, then, for students who are doing a project or writing a report to use other students’ ideas in their work.

Which logical fallacy does the author include?

hasty generalization
false analogy
circular reasoning
ad populum


The author includes False analogy. So the option B is correct.

False analogy is a logical fallacy where two unrelated things are compared as if they are related. In this excerpt, the author suggests that it is acceptable for students to use other students’ ideas in their work, by comparing it to a teacher researching topics and using other teachers’ ideas in a lesson plan.

However, this comparison is invalid since teachers have access to resources and knowledge that students may not have access to. Furthermore, the comparison implies that it is acceptable to use someone else’s work without giving them credit, which is plagiarism.

Thus, the author’s suggestion fails to take into account the ethical implications of using someone else’s work without giving them credit. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about false analogy link is here


Answer with a complete paragraph (4-5 sentences):
What do we (and Eric) learn from Dale about Sarah? Should we (and Eric) have knowa this all along? In your opinion, should Dale have revealed this secret sooner? Why or why not?


Eric and Sarah in the story Dale about Sarah were both obese people who had a close bond, according to Chris Crutche's book keeping fat for Sarah Byrnes. Eric is informed by Dale that he noticed that Sarah's father was mistreating her.

What details do we know about the characters?We discover that Sarah and Eric were friends and that they were both obese people in the short story "Staying Fat for Sarah."Sarah didn't take the same steps that Eric did to lose weight, such as signing up for swimming classes. Eric had to compromise on his weight loss objective in order to appease his pal.

For more information on Dale about Sarah kindly visit to


The function of lines 11-14 ("A great ... by
night") is to
(A) emphasize the paucity of evidence for a
(B) highlight the complexity of a particular line
of reasoning
(C) defend the veracity of a claim on empirical
(D) claim widespread support for a seemingly
counterintuitive view
(E) limit the scope of a claim in anticipation of


Option A. The function of lines 11-14 in the passage ("A great ... by night") is to (A) emphasize the paucity of evidence for a position.

The speaker is portraying what is happening where an extraordinary number of individuals have a specific conviction or assessment, however they have practically zero proof to help it. The utilization of the expressions "not a great explanation whatever" and "no establishment whatever" underscore the absence of proof for the conviction, and recommend that it did not depend on any sane or legitimate grounds.

Consequently, the capability of these lines is to accentuate the lack of proof for the position held by the incredible number of individuals, and to propose that it depends on just ignorant religiosity or custom.

To learn more about evidence, refer:


The complete passage is:

There are not many people — and as it is desirable that a story-teller and a story-reader should establish  a mutual understanding as soon as possible, I beg it  to be noticed that I confine this observation neither  to young people nor to little people, but extend it to 5 all conditions of people:  little and big, young and  old:  yet growing up, or already growing down again—there are not, I say, many people who would care  to sleep in a church. I don’t mean at sermon-time in warm weather (when the thing has actually been done, 10 once or twice), but in the night, and alone. A great multitude of persons will be violently astonished, I know, by this position, in the broad bold Day. But it applies to Night. It must be argued by night. And I will undertake to maintain it successfully on any 15 gusty winter’s night appointed for the purpose, with any one opponent chosen from the rest, who will meet me singly in an old churchyard, before an old church door; and will previously empower me to lock him in, if needful to his satisfaction, until morning. 20 For the night wind has a dismal trick of wandering round and round a building of that sort, and moaning as it goes; and of trying with its unseen hand, the windows and the doors; and seeking out some crevices by which to enter. And when it has got in; as 25 one not finding what it seeks, whatever that may be, it wails and howls to issue forth again; and not content with stalking through the isles,*and gliding round and round the pillars, and tempting the deep organ, soars up to the roof, and strives to rend the rafters:  then 30 flings itself despairingly upon the stones below, and passes, muttering, into the vaults. Anon, it comes up stealthily, and creeps along the walls, seeming to read, in whispers, the Inscriptions sacred to the Dead. At some of these, it breaks out shrilly, as with laughter; 35 and at others, moans and cries as if it were lamenting. It has a ghostly sound too, lingering within the altar; where it seems to chant in its wild way, of Wrong and Murder done, and false Gods worshipped, in defiance of the Tables of the Law, which look so fair and 40 smooth, but are so flawed and broken. Ugh! Heaven preserve us, sitting snugly round the fire! It has an awful voice, that wind at Midnight, singing in a church!

8. Look up the English word for coreografía in a regular dictionary and paraphrase the definition . How similar is the definition to the meaning suggested by the roots? Then use the English word in a sentence .


1. The English word for "coreografía" is "choreography. The art of planning and arranging dances, usually for a ballet or other performance, is what the word means.

2. The definition of "choreography" is quite similar to the meaning suggested by its roots, as it comes from the Greek words "khoreia" (dance) and "graphein" (to write). Therefore, "choreography" can be thought of as "writing dance."

3. The choreography in that performance was breathtakingly beautiful.

Which famous choreography should you know about?

One famous choreography is "The Nutcracker," a two-act ballet originally choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The ballet premiered in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1892 and has since become a beloved Christmas classic performed by ballet companies around the world.

Find more exercises on choreography;


Think about the excerpt from "New Chicago" and the clues that point to the author's message. What theme about wishes
developed in the passage?
Select the correct answer.
O Each wish has endless possibilities.
O If a wish can go wrong, it will.
O Be very careful what you wish for.
O Don't take chances with wishes.


The theme about wishes developed in the passage from "New Chicago" is "Be very careful what you wish for." This is evident from the author's warning about the unintended consequences of wishes and the cautionary tale of the man who wished for his wife's death. The author suggests that wishes are not always benign and can have negative consequences, and therefore we should be careful about what we wish for.

Answer: C - be careful what you wish for.


What does the location of Crooks room tell about how the others regard him on the ranch?


The location of Crooks room show that he is neglected and ignored by the other people on the ranch. He is separated from the others on the ranch because of his skin color.
In John Steinbeck’s novel, "Of Mice and Men," the location of Crooks's room, which is in the barn with the animals, tells us about how the others regard him on the ranch. Crooks, as an African American, is marginalized and discriminated against in the society of the time, and this is reflected in the placement of his room.

The fact that Crooks is forced to live in the barn, away from the other men, shows that he is not considered an equal member of the community. He is isolated and excluded from the social life of the other ranch workers, who are all white. This segregation is a reflection of the racial segregation and discrimination that was prevalent in the United States during the time the novel is set.

Furthermore, the description of Crooks's room emphasizes its small size and minimal furnishings. This suggests that Crooks is not valued or respected by the other men on the ranch, and is not given the same privileges and comforts as the white workers.

Overall, the location of Crooks's room in the barn reflects the racial inequalities and prejudices present in the society of the time, and highlights the marginalization and discrimination faced by African Americans during this period.

Which option IS NOT an example of a motif?

light and dark



the Apple Logo


The option "Clothing" is not an example of a motif among the given options "Light and Dark," "Birds," and "Apple Logo."

What is the motif?

A motif is a recurring element, theme, or symbol that appears throughout a piece of literature, art, or other creative works. It is a repeated pattern or idea that conveys meaning or symbolism.

"Light and Dark" and "Birds" could potentially be motifs in a literary work or artwork, depending on how they are used and developed within the piece. For example, "light and dark" could represent good and evil, or hope and despair. "Birds" could symbolize freedom, flight, or transcendence.

So, The "Apple Logo," on the other hand, is not typically considered a motif in the context of literature or art, as it is a specific brand logo associated with a company. It is not a recurring element or symbol that conveys meaning or symbolism within a piece of creative work.

To know more about motif here:


What was "round the back steps" when Calpurnia came in on TUESDAY morning?


"Round the back steps" refers to the area behind the back entrance of a house when Calpurnia comes in on Tuesday morning.

Calpurnia coming in on Tuesday morning, it is likely that this refers to the back entrance of the Finch household where Calpurnia entered. It is possible that "round the back steps" could also refer to the immediate surroundings of the back entrance, such as a small yard or garden area. The specific reason for Calpurnia entering through the back entrance on Tuesday morning is not clear from the information given. However, it is possible that this was a usual routine for her, as she may have entered the house through this entrance on previous occasions.

Alternatively, there may have been a specific reason for her using this entrance on Tuesday, such as a delivery or an appointment with someone in the back of the house. Overall, "round the back steps" is a colloquial phrase that refers to the area behind the back entrance of a house. In the context of Calpurnia coming in on Tuesday morning, it likely refers to the back entrance of the Finch household and its immediate surroundings.

know more about Calpurnia here:


What moral judgement does Nick make about Tom and Daisy?


Nick Carraway, the narrator in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," makes a moral judgment about Tom and Daisy Buchanan, two central characters in the novel. He perceives them as careless and selfish individuals, lacking concern for the consequences of their actions on others.

Nick's judgment is mainly based on their behavior and attitudes throughout the story. Tom, Daisy's wealthy husband, is known for his infidelity, having a mistress named Myrtle. He shows no guilt or remorse for betraying Daisy or causing pain to Myrtle's husband, George. Daisy, on the other hand, rekindles her love affair with Jay Gatsby, the titular character, and leads him to believe that they will have a future together. However, she ultimately chooses to stay with Tom for financial security and social status.

Furthermore, both Tom and Daisy display a lack of responsibility when they leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Daisy accidentally kills Myrtle in a hit-and-run, and instead of facing the consequences, she and Tom flee the scene. This results in Gatsby taking the blame, ultimately leading to his death. Nick recognizes this callousness and labels them as "careless people."

In conclusion, Nick's moral judgment of Tom and Daisy stems from their selfishness, infidelity, and disregard for others' well-being. He perceives them as reckless individuals who use their wealth and status to avoid facing the consequences of their actions.

Know more about Nick Carraway here:


What does a loose handshake mean?


A loose handshake can have various meanings depending on the context, cultural background, and personal preference. However, in general, a loose handshake can signify a lack of confidence, disinterest, or lack of respect.

For example, in some cultures, a firm handshake is a sign of respect and professionalism, and a loose handshake may be perceived as a sign of disrespect or lack of interest in the interaction.

In other cultures, a loose handshake may be considered more appropriate or even preferable to a firm handshake.

On a personal level, a loose handshake can also indicate shyness or nervousness, as the person may not want to come across as too forceful or aggressive. Additionally, some people may have physical reasons for a loose handshake, such as arthritis or injury.

To learn more about the handshake


What is temperament?the personality children acquire based only on their environmenta process by which parents attempt to pacify emotional childrengenetically based behavioral tendencies seen in young childrenthe natural tendency for some children to have temper tantrums


Temperament refers to genetically based behavioral tendencies seen in young children.

Temperament is often thought of as the innate or natural aspect of an individual's personality, and is believed to be largely determined by genetic factors. It refers to individual differences in emotional reactivity, attention, and behavior that are evident in early childhood and persist throughout the lifespan.

Researchers have identified several dimensions of temperament, including activity level, sociability, emotionality, and adaptability. While temperament is thought to be largely determined by genetics, it can be influenced by environmental factors such as parenting style and life experiences.

To know more about Temperament, click here.


Do you think Mary was contrary because she wanted to be? Why or why not?

Also yes I am giving a gallon of 34 pts


Mary was simply stubborn or difficult to please, or that she was intentionally being contrary for some reason.

What is Rhyme?

Rhyme is a literary device that refers to the recurrence of similar or identical sounds at the end of words, which is most common in poetry and music lyrics. End rhyme is the most common sort of rhyme, and it happens when the final syllables or sounds of two or more words, such as "cat" and "hat." Rhyme can also occur between poetry lines, which is known as internal rhyme, or between stressed syllables of phrases, which is known as stress rhyme. In literature and music, rhyme is used to generate rhythm, emphasise specific words or phrases, and bring musicality to the language. It can also be employed to give a sense of closure or resolve at the end of a poem or story, as in limericks.

To know more about Rhyme,click on the link :


20 points pls HELP

Match the the definition to the term.

1 .
main body
2 .
statement of purpose and direction
3 .
for what purpose
the rules for writing or speaking properly
4 .
by what means
the study of the origin or derivation of words
5 .
non-inflected speech
6 .
presentation designed for entertainment
7 .
8 .
technical language
9 .
method of organization
10 .
the middle of the report
11 .
should be convincing



It was hard to make sense of this format, but hopefully it helps

main body - the middle of the report

grammar - the rules for writing or speaking properly

for what purpose - statement of purpose and direction

by what means - how?

monotone -  non-inflected speech

persuasion -should be convincing

pentad -  Why?

expression - presentation designed for entertainment

thesis -  method of organization

jargon - technical language

etymology - the study of the origin or derivation of word


Now i am not sure about all my answers here are some definitions to help deduce my answers

main body - the central part of a written or spoken communication

grammar - the rules for forming words and sentences in a language

for what purpose - the reason or objective for doing something

by what means - the method or way in which something is done

persuasion - the act of convincing someone to believe or do something

pentad - a tool for analyzing the elements of a rhetorical situation, including act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose

expression - the conveying of thoughts, feelings, or ideas through words, actions, or other forms of communication

monotone - a speech or voice that does not vary in pitch or tone

thesis - a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved

jargon - specialized language used by a particular group or profession that may be difficult for others to understand

etymology - the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings.

What is Gandhi's relationship w the lion? does he regard the British as "the enemy"


the lion is gandhis guide and the british are not his enemy but merely an obstacle

America has a deeply confused image of itself that is in perpetual tension. We are a nation that takes pride in our ethnic diversity, recognizing its importance in shaping our society and in adding richness to its existence. Yet, we simultaneously insist that we can and must function and live in a race- and color-blind way that ignores these very differences that in other contexts we laud.
How do the underlined phrases affect the meaning and tone of this passage?
a. They show diversity.
b. They demand change.
c. They celebrate diversity.
d. They express a moral dilemma.


The meaning and tone of this passage is that d. They express a moral dilemma.

The term moral dilemma refers to a philosophical stance or scenario where the individual making the decision must weigh several moral acts or attempts but is only allowed to choose one. America is shown in the paragraph as having a very conflicted view of itself.

They are a country that is proud of its ethnic variety and understands how important it is to the development of our society and to the richness of its existence. But at the same time, they insist that they can and must function and live in a racial and color-blind manner that ignores the very differences that they celebrate in other contexts. A moral conundrum exists here.

Read more about moral dilemma on:


Describe the lone gift under the Christmas tree. Who do you think it is for and what are the clues that imply this?


The only present under the tree is a small, rectangular box covered in blue paper and tied with a silver bow.

A white and gold pocket watch is found within the box. It suggests that the present is for a man because the package is tiny and the wrapping is not overly garish. Additionally, given that pocket watches are typically linked with a more conventional look, the pocket watch's classic styling suggests that it is a present for an older guy.

Given that pocket watches are frequently prized family heirlooms, it is likely that this present is coming from a son or daughter to a father or grandfather. The recipient's pocket watch might also be given as a tribute to a memorable occasion.

To learn more about Christmas tree link is here


What the order to this problem


The order in which elections are affected by different modes are arranged from broadest to narrowest order.

The order is:

The influence of popular media on elections

The influence of televised debates on elections

The influence of television oprograms n elections

What is debate?

A debate is a procedure that entails formal dialogue about a certain issue, frequently with the participation of a moderator and an audience. Arguments are presented in a debate for frequently held opposing perspectives. In a debate, participants discuss a subject from two opposed perspectives in an organized argument or contest of ideas.

Learn more on debate here:


identifying subjects and verb why do you like that cold ?


Answer: There is no verb in this


Reminisce is abstract or concrete nouns​



Abstract noun


hope it helps :) !!!

Which of the following sentences would most likely come LAST in a paragraph?
It was not at all surprising to find out that the show was simply a marketing tool for kids to buy the expensive G.I. Joe toys.
In the 1980s, a cartoon named G.I. Joe dominated children's airwaves.
The show came under fire from critics, saying that it did not show what war was like.
It gave a happy view of war, where no one was killed and no one got hurt.


it’s b. your welcome

Answer: D.

Explanation: Because it gave a happy view of war that no one died.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Monica's research question is, "How can the Riverville city council lessen the effects of climate change on local water sources?" She wants to know if the article "The Water's Future of Earth's 'Third Pole'" is a useful source for her research.

This article is ______ because ________________________

A) useful B) noy useful

A) the info is unrelated...

B) it is published by a reliable gov...

C) a key word from her research appears...

D) it does not contain print...


Answer and Explanation:

This article is B) Not Useful because A) the info is unrelated.

Just by looking at the title of the article in question, we can tell that it is unrelated to Monica's research question.


Let's look at the research question and what it is asking.

"How can the Riverville city council lessen the effects of climate change on local water sources?"

The question is asking about how a city council can reduce the impact climate change has on local water sources.

When we look at the title of the article, "The Water's Future of Earth's 'Third Pole'", we can infer that the article is about how all/worldwide water will be on Earth in the future, connected with the "third pole". This is unrelated to the research question asking about climate change on local water sources.

Therefore, the answers are B) Not Useful and A) The info is unrelated.

Atticus takes much interest in Mayella's bruises, what could this possibly foreshadow?


Atticus taking a keen interest in Mayella's bruises could potentially foreshadow a future revelation about the cause of her injuries.

This could lead to a deeper understanding of the events that transpired between Mayella and Tom Robinson, and could potentially shed light on the true nature of their relationship. It could also indicate Atticus's commitment to seeking justice and uncovering the truth, even if it may be uncomfortable or difficult to confront. Ultimately, the significance of Atticus's interest in Mayella's bruises will depend on the broader context of the story and the direction it takes as it unfolds. Atticus taking much interest in Mayella's bruises could possibly foreshadow that he will use this evidence to uncover the truth and challenge the credibility of Mayella's claims in the trial.

To know more about Atticus's refer :


Some one helped me with this assignment thank you !


Relative Pronouns: who, whom, whose, which, that

Common Subordinating Conjunctions: after, although, as, because, before, if, since, that, unless, until, when, where, while

How to explain the information

Although I love to travel, I haven't been on a trip since the pandemic started.

The cat, which was gray and fluffy, sat lazily on the windowsill while the birds chirped outside.

He couldn't remember where he put his keys, which caused him to be late for work.

Learn more about pronoun on


The following line from the poem "the Wanderer" contains which literary device? "Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed."


The literary device used in the line "Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed" from the poem "The Wanderer" is alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in a sequence of words or phrases.

In this case, the consonant sound "b" is repeated in "brood," "old," "legends," "battle," and "bloodshed," creating an alliteration effect that adds musicality and emphasis to the line. The line "Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed" uses alliteration to create a vivid and evocative image. The repetition of the "b" sound in "brood," "battle," and "bloodshed" creates a sense of weightiness and solemnity, as well as a musical quality to the words. This alliteration draws attention to the words and gives them prominence, making them stand out in the line and adding emphasis to the ideas being conveyed.

The use of this literary device enhances the imagery and emotions evoked in the poem, creating a memorable and impactful line that contributes to the overall tone and meaning of "The Wanderer."

To learn more alliteration, visit here


Read the excerpt from "Climate Change: An Overview."
One skeptic has often railed against "this whole global
warming hoax," pointing to brutal winters in recent
years as evidence. Neil Kagan, senior counsel for the
National Wildlife Federation, mused that in no other
area would journalists be covering so much of the
minority viewpoint.

Which word from this excerpt has a negative


Will be railed because the word in this excerpt has a bad connotation.

Option A is the right choice.

What is a connotation that is negative?

A term or statement with a negative connotation connotes anything unfavourable or unfavourable. In addition to its literal definition, it refers to the cultural or emotional connotations that a term has.

Which of the following hypotheses about anthropogenic climate change is most frequently embraced?

Fossil fuel combustion and deforestation are affecting the climate globally. In terms of anthropogenic climate change, this is the theory that is most largely accepted. The mental resources needed for driving are depleted while talking on a mobile, which raises the likelihood of a car collision.

To know more about negative connotation visit:-


What is a revision plan?
a list of all the things that a research report needs to do
a plan for how you will make sure your next report on a new topic is written even better
a list of changes you will make when you revise your report
directions for preparing your report for publication


A revision plan is a list of changes you will make when you revise your report.

The correct option is C.

A revision plan is a strategy that a writer uses to improve the quality of their written work. It's a document that outlines the areas of improvement and the changes that the writer needs to make to enhance the readability and coherence of their report.

It includes a list of changes that the writer wants to make in order to strengthen their report, such as changing the wording of sentences to make them clearer or reorganizing the structure of paragraphs to make them more logical. It's an essential tool for writers who want to produce high-quality written work. The correct option is C.

To know more about revision plan


State 4 benefits of the democratic government


Here are four benefits of a democratic government:

1. Representation: In a democratic government, citizens have the right to vote and elect representatives who will make decisions on their behalf. This ensures that everyone has a say in how the country is run and that the government is accountable to the people.

2. Protection of rights: Democratic governments are typically based on a constitution that outlines the rights of citizens. These rights are protected by the government, and citizens can challenge the government if they feel their rights have been violated. This ensures that individual freedoms are protected and that the government cannot become too powerful.

3. Stability: Democratic governments tend to be more stable than other forms of government. This is because power is distributed among many people, rather than being concentrated in the hands of a single individual or group. Additionally, democratic governments typically have established procedures for transferring power, which helps to ensure a peaceful transition of power.

4.Innovation: Democracies tend to encourage innovation and creativity. Citizens are free to express their ideas and opinions, which can lead to new and innovative solutions to problems. Additionally, democratic governments tend to support education and research, which can lead to technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs


I think that since we get to choose who we vote for, it's beneficial because we have a say and WE as citizens can choose what's best for the US. Instead of the government making all the decisions, it would rather make everyone upset.

In the book the kite runner, Assef is an important character in this novel. Describe him both physically and in terms of his reputation and behavior.

Please help.


Answer: a violent, racist child who draws his social power from his economic and ethnic identity, and wants to rid his country of all Hazaras.


Read the passage.

The Prince Waits

The Prince of the Gold Portal sat cross-legged on a comfortable patch of long grass at the very lip of the glass-clear pond, in which silver and orange carp swam back and forth in idle, silent groups. Where was his tea, he wondered? He looked around to see whether the servants were arriving with the longed-for cup of steaming liquid. Dipping his fingers languidly into the cool pond, he delicately plucked out an oval-shaped purple leaf with fine-toothed edges, then let it drop so he could capture a newer one, a larger, brilliantly red leaf whose crinkled surface curled like the palm of a hand. Behind him, at the edge of the wide, sloping lawn, the tall, green fronds of bamboo waved, as mild as grazing sheep, and the politely clicking melody of wooden wind chimes wafted from the weathered pine balcony of his twelve-bedroom cottage. He would write a poem, he decided, for the leaf-watching festival, the Emperor’s favorite week of the year. A poem, perhaps about the bare slopes of Mount Atu, and a lone climber struggling up the mountainside as a late spring snow began to cover his shoulders. I am that climber, he thought, remembering the recent power struggles at the palace.

All the nobles and royals of the court would be present at the poetry reading contest, returning from their summer retreats to begin the excitement of the new social season. Cranes would fly picturesquely across the face of the full moon; toy paper boats carrying small-flamed candles would drift like glad-eyed children on the palace’s artificial lake. Sighing with expectation, the prince inhaled deeply the thin, tickling tang of pine-needle incense. Yes, the Emperor would approve of his poem, and perhaps grant him an honor such as the green sash of the Keeper of the Park! Our civilization, the prince thought, has reached a glorious peak.
How does Paragraph 2 help develop the setting of this story?

It shows the prince thinking that his civilization has reached a glorious peak.

It describes the prince blissfully inhaling the aroma of pine-needle smoke.

It says that the nobles will soon return from their summer retreats for the beginning of the new season.

It says that the prince hopes to be made Keeper of the Park.


Paragraph 2 helps develop the setting of this story in this way: It says that the nobles will soon return from their summer retreats for the beginning of the new season.

How the setting of the story is developed

The setting of the story is developed by helping the reader see that the period in which the events transpired was around the beginning of the new social season.

The setting of the story indicates the time, weather conditions, season, and place where the events in the story occurred. So, the mention of the beginning of the new season sets the setting of the story.

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Which of the following is a way that animals can help the environment? (2 points) aOverpopulating bProducing oxygen cSpreading disease dSpreading seeds which statement best describes people infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) who do not have access to drug treatments? suppose that one customer who participated in the study is chosen at random. what is the probability that the customer did not have a high level of satisfaction with the company? Nestle is trying to gain economies of scale, keep decisionscentralized and controlled whilst minimizing risk. The firm ispursuing a ? What type of study involves comparing the same people at different ages over time?experimentfield studylongitudinal studycross-sectional study Max had 1 litre of syrup. He used 1/5 litre of the syrup on Saturday and 5/6 of the remaining syrup on Sunday. How many litres of syrup did Max have left? The use of xray machine or metal detector to determine whether or not a person is bringing unauthorized items into an area is an example of this facility access control:a. Identification Systems and Methodsb. Methods of Controlc. Entry and Exit Inspection suppose that the interest rate is 6 percent. instructions: enter your answers rounded to 2 decimal places. a. what is the future value of $100 four years from now? Could a varying, self-replicating population of RNA molecules be considered alive?A) No, because such a population would not be contained inside a cell.B) Yes, because such a population would show variation, inheritance, and selection.C) No, because RNA molecules are not subject to selection.D) Yes, because RNAs code for proteins that can then replicate the RNAs.E) No, because ribonucleotides are not suited for energy transfer functions. find the values of variables, then find the lengths of the sides of each quadrilateral The nurse has documented that a child's level of consciousness is obtunded. Which describes this level of consciousness?a. Slow response to vigorous and repeated stimulationb. Impaired decision makingc. Arousable with stimulationd. Confusion regarding time and place 1st reading section: Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires How are the Austrian, Russian and Ottoman Empires alike? b. what is the dollar-weighted rate of return? (hint: carefully prepare a chart of cash flows for the four dates corresponding to the turns of the year for january 1, 2019, to january 1, 2022. if your calculator cannot calculate irr, you will have to use trial and error or a spreadsheet program.) (round your answer to 4 decimal places. negative amount should be indicated by a minus sign.) who created the 12 month calender that is still in effect today? In FGH, f= 67 inches, mG=66 and mH=30. Find the length of g to the nearest inch identify the statements that describe an evolutionary arms race between a predator and its prey. coevolution is unlikely to occur between the prey and its predator. the prey evolves a wide array of defenses against its predators. abiotic selective pressures cause evolution of the prey's defenses. structural prey defenses are effective against all the prey's predators. a predator evolves offenses to counter prey adaptations. Which category of criminal offenders make up the smallest segment of the U.S. prison population? A method of assigning probabilities based on historical data is called the in countries with rapidly growing economies, like china and india, the demand for loanable funds is _______ and interest rates are _______. (Complex present value) You are trying to plan for retirement in 12 years, and currently you have $110,000 in a savings account and $330,000 in stocks. In addition, you plan on adding to your savings by depositing $10,000 per year in your savings account at the end of each of the next 6 years and then $20,000 per year at the end of each year for the final 6 years until retirement. A. Assuming your savings account returns 4 percent compounded annually, and your investment in stocks will return 9 percent compounded annually, how much will you have at the end of 12 years? (Ignore taxes. ) b. If you expect to live for 18 years after you retire, and at retirement you deposit all of your savings in a bank account paying 7 percent, how much can you withdraw each year after retirement (18 equal withdrawals beginning 1 year after you retire) to end up with a zero balance upon your death? a. If your savings account returns 4 percent compounded annually, how much will you have at the end of 12 years in your savings account? (Ignore taxes. ) $ 392,696 (Round to the nearest cent. ) If your investment in stocks will return 9 percent compounded annually, how much will you have at the end of 12 years for your investment in stocks? (Ignore taxes. ) (Round to the nearest cent. )