complete the checksingles() function. return the sum of all values that match the parameter goal. update the findhighscore() function using a loop to call checksignles() six times with parameters being 1-6. return the highest score from all function calls. submit for grading to confirm two tests pass.


Answer 1

The is main query() function is a conditional function that determines whether the current query is the "main" query, such as when it is being evaluated inside of a loop (as opposed to a secondary query).

string|string[] $post types = ""; is singular(string|string[]): bool. determines whether the request is for a single post of any post type that already exists (post, attachment, page, custom post types).


 if (! $('input:checkbox').is('checked')) {


 } else {

     $('input:checkbox').prop('checked', false);



Learn more about function here-


Related Questions

Write the following method that returns true if the list is already sorted in increasing order.public static boolean isSorted(int[] list)Write a test program that prompts the user to enter a list and displays whether the list is sorted or not. A Sample run is provided on the next page. Note that the first number in the input indicates the number of elements in the list.Enter list: 8 10 1 5 16 61 9 11 1The list is not sortedEnter list: 10 1 1 3 4 4 5 7 9 11 21The list is already sortedA shell source code file called has been provided for you to start with.public class Problem3 {public static void main(String[] args) {//Fill in main code here}public static boolean isSorted(int[] list) {//Fill in isSorted code here}}


Answer: I used the bubble-sort algorithm to solve the isSorted() method


public static boolean isSorted(int[] list){

   for(int i = 0;i < list.length;i++){

       for(int j = 0; j < list.length - 1 - i;j++){

             if(list[j] > list[j + 1]){

                 return false;




   return true;


/* Brainly has the tendency to tweak with the code, so if your getting errors I would recommend re-typing everything :) */

When a user rotates a mobile device, the operating system changes the screen orientation so that the display remains upright to the user.
Which of the following technologies is uses to detect this device movement? (Select TWO).


A: Gyroscope and B: Accelerometer are the technologies to be used to detect the pertaining device movement.

A gyroscope is a device that can sense the change in orientation of a device. Similarly, an accelerometer refers to a device that can sense the acceleration of a moving device as well as detect the intensity and frequency of human movement.

As per the given case where with a rotation of the mobile device, the operating system changes screen orientation so that the screen display remains upright to the user; the two technologies to detect the device movement are Gyroscope and Accelerometer.

You can learn more about Gyroscope at


Your company needs to print a lot of high-quality black-and-white text documents. These documents need to be printed as quickly and inexpensively as possible. The printer must also have the capacity to perform duplex printing.
Which of the following printers Best meets the printing requirements for your company?
A. Inkjet
B. Thermal
C. Dot matrix
D. LaserD. Laser



D. Laser


smartphones are able to connect to the internet through: a. ethernet cables ii. wi-fi connections iii. cell tower data links


Smartphones are able to connect to the internet through the following:

ii. wi-fi connections.

iii. cell tower data links.

What are smart phones?

In Computer technology, smart phones can be defined as hybrid versions of mobile devices that are designed and developed to have more features, in order to enable them run different software applications, functions and perform tasks with the aid of software applications such as web browsers, multimedia player, etc.

What are the types of mobile devices?

In Computer technology, there are three (3) popular types of mobile devices and these include the following:

Handheld computersPersonal digital assistants (PDAs)Smart phones.

What is a Wi-Fi connection?

In Computer Networking, a Wi-Fi connection can be defined as a wireless network technology that is designed and developed to avail end users and network devices such as smart phones, computer systems, mobile devices, router and switches, to communicate with one another over the Internet or through an active network connection.

Read more on smart phones here:


Being able to surf the Web, watch videos, and listen to streaming audio is why cell service with a(n) ____ plan is extremely popular in the United States.


Being able to surf the Web, watch videos, and listen to streaming audio is why cell service with a(n) data plan is extremely popular in the United States.

In the United States, people usually rely on using the data plant to surf the Web. The data plans proposed in the United States by the telecommunication services are affordable and reliable to use and hence a major population of the United States can easily surf the web, watch videos, etc using a data plan.

Using a data plan proves better as people do not have to use devices that are just limited to providing internet connection to their homes. As people in the United States have a hustle and bustle life, a data plan for surfing the internet proves reliable for them.

To learn more about data, click here:


consider an association between a customers class and a sale class in a unified modeling language (uml) class diagram. the multiplicities next to the customers class are 1..1 and the multiplicities next to the sale class are 0.\.\*. which of the following is the best way to implement that association in your database?


Post the primary key of Customers as a foreign key in Sales.

Foreign key

A set of properties in a table known as a foreign key refers to the primary key of another table. Between these two tables is a foreign key. Alternatively stated: The term "foreign key" refers to a group of attributes in relational databases that are subject to a specific type of inclusion dependency constraint, more specifically, the requirement that the tuples made up of the foreign key attributes in one relation, R, also exist in another (not necessarily distinct) relation, S, and that those attributes also be a candidate key in S.

A set of qualities that refers to a candidate key is what is meant by a foreign key, to put it simply. For instance, the attribute MEMBER NAME in the TEAM table may be a foreign key that points to the candidate key PERSON NAME in the PERSON table. Every member of a TEAM is also a PERSON since MEMBER NAME is a foreign key and any value that exists as a member's name in the TEAM table must also exist as a person's name with in PERSON table.

To know more about Foreign key, Check out:


Suppose the input is 2 3 4 5 0. What is the output of the following code?
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static int xMethod(int number) {
int result = 0;
while (number != 0) {
int remainder = number % 10;
result = result * 10 + remainder;
number = number / 10;
return result;


The output of the code will be 2576.

The xMethod method takes in an integer number and returns its reverse.

xMethod method

It does this by using a while loop to iterate through the digits of number and adding them to a result variable in reverse order.

For example, if the input is 5672, the method will first calculate the remainder when 5672 is divided by 10, which is 2. It will then add this remainder to result and multiply result by 10 to shift the digits to the left. The value of number will then be updated to be 567, which is the result of 5672 divided by 10. The process is repeated until number becomes 0.

Finally, the method returns the reversed value of number, which is 2576 in this case.

A particular method's symbolic data is represented by an XMethod. Any information queried from this object can be taken as accurate if the resolved() method returns true. FindBugs is unable to locate the method and any information other than the name, signature, etc. if the resolved() method returns false.

To know more codes in xMethod method, Check out:


complete the course class by implementing the coursesize() method, which returns the total number of students in the course. given classes: class labprogram contains the main method for testing the program. class course represents a course, which contains an arraylist of student objects as a course roster. (type your code in here.) class student represents a classroom student, which has three fields: first name, last name, and gpa. note: for testing purposes, different student values will be used.


Include a method, an instance variable, and a student you may provide. Simply adding the student to your list of students is all that is required inside the technique. You can also carry out some validation if you like.

The program is:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Course {

  private String courseName;

  private int noOfStudents;

  private String teacher;

  public static int instances = 0;

  public String getCourseName(){

      return this.courseName;


  public int getNoOfStudents(){

      return this.noOfStudents;


  public String getTeacher(){

      return this.teacher;


To know more about instance variable click on the link below:


Write the definition of a method reverse, whose parameter is an array of integers. The method reverses the elements of the array. The method does not return a value. string reverse(int a[]) {
double k, temp;
for (k=0; k temp = a[i];
a[k] = a[a.length-1+k];
a[a.length-1-k] = temp;


Think about the reverse function, which takes two inputs: an array (let's assume arr) and the array size (say n).

Inside the function, a new array is initialized with the same dimensions as the previous array, arr. Starting with the first element of the array arr[], the new array is iterated from its end element, and each element of array arr[] is added from the rear.

This arrangement is used to arrange every element of the array arr[] in the new array, but in the opposite direction.

// Basic Java program that reverses an array

 public class reverseArray {

     // function that reverses array and stores it

   // in another array

   static void reverse(int a[], int n)


       int[] b = new int[n];

       int j = n;

       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

           b[j - 1] = a[i];

           j = j - 1;



       // printing the reversed array

       System.out.println("Reversed array is: \n");

       for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) {





   public static void main(String[] args)


       int [] arr = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};

       reverse(arr, arr.length);



Learn more about array here-


you are a network analyst who has been tasked with managing the volume of network traffic across an organization in order to prevent network congestion. on analyzing the current network, you notice that one of the primary reasons for congestion is that the switches used in the network keep resending data packets that have been lost in the transmission far too quickly. which of the following do you think should be implemented to solve this issue?


Traffic Enforcement As a network analyst, it is your responsibility to control the amount of network traffic flowing through an organization to avoid network congestion.

Explain about the Traffic Enforcement?

The objectives of traffic law enforcement Traffic law enforcement's two main objectives are to: Encourage long-term adherence to traffic regulations by using deterrent Avoid or lessen the frequency of dangerous traffic conditions and, as a result, accidents.

The supervision of road users' adherence to traffic laws and the imposition of penalties for non-compliance are commonly referred to as traffic enforcement. Through regulation and harsh penalties, enforcement seeks to avoid traffic offences from happening in the first place.

An essential part of the police's role in providing traffic services is the investigation of accidents, in addition to enforcing traffic regulations and motor vehicle laws.

To learn more about Traffic Enforcement refer to:


Problem B. (10 points) Boat Race
Define a class named BoatRace that contains the following information about a Boat Race:
race_name: string
race_id: int
distance: int
racers: List of Boat objects
Write a constructor that allows the programmer to create an object of type BoatRace with a race_name, race_id, list of racers objects, and distance.The constructor will only take in one parameter, a string representing the name of a CSV file. The file will have the following format:
Each row will always have exactly two columns.
The first row will always contain the name of the race.
The second row will always contain the id number for the race.
The third row will always contain the distance for the race.
All remaining rows contain information about the boats involved in the race: the first column will be the name of the boat, and the second column is that boat’s top speed. For example, the race in the file below has two boats: The Fire Ball with top speed 12, and The Leaf with top speed 100.
Name,The Big One
The Fire Ball,12
The Leaf,100
The constructor must read the information from the file and use it to initialize the appropriate instance variables. Keep in mind that the race id and distance for the race should be converted to an integer, as should the top speed for each boat.
The racers instance variable is a list of Boat objects. This means that you will need to use the Boat constructor from problem A to create a Boat object from the information in each row past the third.
Provide a getter for the following instance variables with no input parameters (other than self) passed in:
get_race_name returns the race_name
get_race_id returns the race_id
get_distance returns the distance
get_racers returns the racers


The Boat Race is a yearly series of rowing contests between the Cambridge University Boat Club and the Oxford University Boat Club.

The contests are typically rowed on the River Thames in London, England, between open-weight eights. Men's and women's events are held separately, and there are also events for reserve crews. It is sometimes referred to as the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race and the University Boat Race. The men's race was originally staged in 1829 and has been held every year since 1856, with the exception of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the First and Second World Wars (although unofficial races were held at those times). The first women's competition took place in 1927, and since 1964, the race has been contested yearly.

Know more about times here:


write a small JAVA method to return the longest word in a string using for, do while, or while loops. NO ARRAYS!!!!
- user enters sentence
- method returns longest word

(for example: he plays an interesting sport.
returns interesting)



public static String longestWord(String input) {

 // split the input string into an array of words

 String[] words = input.split(" ");

 // initialize the longest word to be the first word in the array

 String longestWord = words[0];

 // initialize the index of the current word to 1

 int i = 1;

 // loop through the remaining words in the array

 while (i < words.length) {

   // if the current word is longer than the longest word,

   // update the longest word to be the current word

   if (words[i].length() > longestWord.length()) {

     longestWord = words[i];


   // move to the next word in the array



 // return the longest word

 return longestWord;



To use this method, you can call it with a string argument, like this:

String sentence = "he plays an interesting sport";

String longestWord = longestWord(sentence);

// the variable 'longestWord' should now be "interesting"

Note that this method does not use arrays, as requested in the question. Instead, it uses a while loop to iterate over the words in the input string.

Context: Memory leaks are an issue with software just as much as or more than the hardware.
For this discussion assignment:
Examine memory leaks in different operating systems and identify an OS with the least memory leak. Include a comparison of Linux, Mac, and Windows in your discussion post.
In your responses to your peers, compare and contrast your answer to those of your peers.
Your Discussion should be a minimum of 200 words in length and not more than 500 words. Please include a word count.


The Examination of memory leaks in different operating systems and identify an OS with the least memory leak is given below.

What is an OS memory leak?

A class of defects known as memory leaks occur when an application fails to release memory when it is no longer required. Memory leaks have an ongoing impact on the operating system's and the specific application's performance. Large leaks may cause excessive paging, which could lead to unacceptably long response times.

An IOS memory leak mean that Memory that your app no longer references that was allocated at some point but was never released. It can no longer be released because there are no references to it, and the memory can no longer be used.

An Android memory leak mean that when memory is allocated but never released, a memory leak occurs. This implies that once we finish eating the takeout, the GC cannot remove the trash. The rendering window on Android is 16 milliseconds, although memory management on the GC typically happens faster.

Therefore, Compared to other operating systems, the Mac operating system leaks memory the least.

Learn more about memory leaks from

exercise 4.3.1: for your e/r diagrams of: a) exercise 4.1.1. b) exercise 4.1.3. c) exercise 4.1.6. (i) select and specify keys, and (ii) indicate appropriate referential integrity constraints.


When we Convert the ER - Diagram to Relational schema tables we add Referential Integrity Constraint on Many Side when There is a Relationship cardinally 'one - Many' or 'many - many' exists.

Here, the primary key is SSN. in the customer's database, a foreign key.

"code is the Primary Key in the Bank table. Foreign key in the Accout table." Foreign key in the table "Bank Branch" A primary key for the Bank Branch table will be formed using the words "code" and "Bank Brancho."

Key forgery in the Account table.

Here Team code serves as the main key in the team table and the foreign key in the player table.

P-id is the primary key in the "players" table and the "fans" table's foreign key.

To ensure that each piece of information in a given column is unique, a primary key is employed. A column or set of columns in a relational database table known as a foreign key serves as a connection between the data in two different databases. It designates a record in the relational database table in an exclusive manner.

Learn more about Relational here:


which one of the following processors has the highest possible mips rate, assuming full compiler optimization and no cache misses?


An 8-issue VLIW processor driven by a 200 MHz clock has the highest possible MIPS rate, assuming full compiler optimization and no cache misses.

Define MIPS.

A computer's raw processing capability is roughly measured in million instructions per second (MIPS). MIPS statistics can be deceiving since measurement methods frequently vary and because the same task may need different sets of instructions on various systems. MIPS is a means to gauge how much a large server or mainframe costs to run; the more MIPS you get for your money, the better the value.

MIPS is equal to (processor clock speed * the number of instructions carried out each cycle) / (106).

As an illustration, the TI 6487 has a clock speed of 1.2 GHz per core and can process 8 32-bit instructions per cycle. Since there are three cores in this DSP and MIPS is calculated as ((1.2 * 109) * 8)/(106), the DSP has a total MIPS of 28800.

To learn more about MIPS, use the link given

A Windows user is attempting to exit a locked up desktop application that is not responding to mouse or keyboard input.
Which of the following steps can be taken to end the application process without exiting other open applications?
Question 4 options:
Restart Windows and relaunch the application to verify it will launch.
Open Task Scheduler and end the scheduled task associated with the application.
Open Task Manager and end the process associated with the application.
Press the computer power button and hold it for five seconds.
Open Task Manager and end the process associated with the application.


In order to end the application process without exiting other open applications the user needs to take action such as C: Open Task Manager and end the process associated with the application.

Task Manager allows users of a Windows system to terminate applications and processes, set processor affinity as needed, and adjust processing priorities for best performance.

As per the given scenario where a Windows user attempts to exit a locked-up application that is not responding to keyboard or mouse input; the user wants to exit the application that is not responding but he does not want to end other running applications. To meet this purpose, the user should open the task manager and end only the process accosted with that application.

You can learn more about Task Manager at


True or False, iaas helps provide faster information, but provides information only to managers in an organization.


IaaS does not simply offer managers with information in a business, despite the claim that it speeds up information delivery.

What do managers mean?

A supervisor is a qualified someone who leads an organization and oversees a group of personnel. Managers usually oversee the certain department within their firm. There are many different kinds of manager, but they always have responsibilities including making decisions and conducting performance evaluations.

What tasks does a manager have to complete?

Maintains staff by bringing in, choosing, hiring, and training new hires. makes ensuring that the work environment is safe, secure, and lawful. develops opportunity for personal development. By conveying job expectations and planning, measuring, and grading job outputs, managers may achieve their goals for their team.

To know more about Managers visit:


A network administrator is installing Ethernet cabling connectors following the US government standard and not by which is a more popular choice. Which connector does the network administrator use?
The US government mandates the use of T568A. In T568A, the green pairs wire to pins 1 and 2, and the orange pairs wire to pins 3 and 6.


Based on the US government's preference to use a standard for connector, not with a popular selection, the connector used by the network administrator is T568A.

The U.S. government mandates the use of the standard T568A connector for wiring done under federal contracts.  Based on the condition that while installing Ethernet cabling connectors, a network administrator has to use a connector as per the U.S. government standard, not which is a more popular choice, the network administrator will use the T568A connector.

You can learn more about connector at


you are a network administrator for your company. a user calls to complain that his firefox browser is not working as it did the day before. knowing that you recently updated the selinux profile for firefox, you suspect the change you made is causing the issue. you want to troubleshoot the issue by switching the profile to permissive mode. which of the following is the best command to use in this situation?


As a network administrator, the best command to use in this situation is setenforce.

What is a network administrator?

In an organization, a network administrator is a designated individual whose duties include maintaining computer infrastructures, with a focus on local area networks up to wide area networks. The regular maintenance of these networks is handled by network and computer system administrators. The computer systems of a business, including LANs, WANs, network segments, intranets, and other data communication systems, are organized, installed, and supported by these professionals.

There are various career possibilities open to network administrators. The following stage in career development might be information technology (IT) manager or director; from there, one could become chief information officer (CIO), vice president of IT, director of IT services, senior IT manager, or network architect.

To learn more about a network administrator, use the link given

Assume you have class AutoFactory with two static methods called shutdown and reset. Neither method has any parameters. The shutdown; method may throw a ProductionInProgressException. Write some code that invokes the shutdown method. If a ProductionInProgressException is thrown, your code should then invoke the reset method. The argument to a square root method (sqrt) in general should not be negative. Write the definition of a class named SQRTException whose objects are created by specifying the original negative value that caused the problem in the first place: new SQRTException(originalArgument). The associated message for this Exception should be "Bad argument to sqrt: " followed by the value specified at the time of instantiation. Assume that processor refers to an object that provides a void method named process that takes no arguments. As it happens, the process method may throw one of several exceptions. One of these is NumberFormatException, another is FileNotFoundException. And there are others. Write some code that invokes the process method provided by the object associated with processor and arranges matters so that if a NumberFormatException is thrown, the message "Bad Data" is printed to standard output, and if FileNotFoundException. is thrown, the message "Data File Missing" is printed to standard output. If some other Exception is thrown, its associated message is printed out to standard output.


The shutdown method is called using the code shown below. If a ProductionInProgressException is thrown, the reset method should be called.

Coding Part:

try {


} catch (ProductionInProgressException e) {



What is Method in Programming?

A method is a procedure or function associated with a class in the context of object-oriented programming. A method defines a specific behavior of a class instance as part of a class. A class can have multiple methods.

Methods are present in all object-oriented programming languages. In other programming languages, such as C, SQL, and Delphi, methods are similar to functions or procedures.

An object method can only access data that the object knows about. This preserves data integrity between sets of objects in a program.

To know more about Method in Programming, visit:


conditional formatting is a spreadsheet tool that changes how cells appear when values meet a specific condition. data analysts can use conditional formatting to do which of the following tasks? select all that apply. a. to sort data in series of cells into a meaningful order b/ to make cells stand out for more efficient analysis


When values satisfy a predefined criterion, the conditional formatting spreadsheet tool modifies the appearance of the cells. to make cells stand out for more efficient analysis.

Data analysts might highlight specific cells using conditional formatting. One of these in-demand job profiles is the data analyst. To begin with, data analysts are the ones who use data to assist firms in making more informed and effective business decisions. You've come to the perfect site if you're someone who wants to work in the field of data analytics. Data can be sorted, simply arranged, and calculated numerically using a spreadsheet or worksheet, which is a file made up of rows and columns. A spreadsheet program's capacity to perform value calculations based on mathematical formulas distinguishes it from other software.

Learn more about spreadsheet here


Answer: A & B


An object that refers to part of itself within its own methods can use which of the following reserved words to denote this relationship? Select one: a. this b. inner c. static d. private e. i


private network of the following reserved words can be used by an object to identify a relationship to a portion of itself within its own methods. A machine with a private IP address cannot be contacted.

A machine with a private IP address cannot be contacted over the Internet in the same way that one with a public IP address can. A higher level of security is provided by this circumstance: A network NAT device uses its public IP address from an ISP to connect to the Internet and checks to see if any incoming data was requested by one of the private IP-assigned machines. Private networks are more of a usage term than a specific network type or topology. In terms of hardware technology, a private and a public network are not that different from one another.

Learn more about  Private networks here


Function definition: BMI calculator Define a function CalculateBMI with inputs massKg and h to calculate the BMI of a single individual, or a group of inviduals provided as a row array. Relevant equations are listed below The functon returns bodyMassindex. The tunction should be able BMI - mass in kg / (height in meters)*2 Your Solution Save C Reset ㎜ MATLAB Documentation Define a function Calculate 、Input: masskg: Mass in kg heightCm: Height in cm % Output: bodyMassIndex: Resulting BMI given mass and height Run Your Solution Code to call your function when you click Run 1 CalculateBMI (45, 145) C Reset Run Submit for Assessment 0%


function body Mass Index= Calculate BMI(mass(Kg),height(Cm)) height(Cm)=height (Cm)/100  body Mass Index = mass(Kg) / (height(Cm)*height(Cm));

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by their height in meters (or feet) squared. A high BMI can indicate a high body fat percentage. BMI screens weight categories that may lead to health problems, but does not diagnose a person's body fat or health status.

In the metric system, the BMI formula is your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared. Height is commonly measured in centimeters, so divide the height in centimeters by 100 to get the height in meters.

BMI can be used to track height throughout the life cycle. For age percentiles, gender BMI is used for children and adolescents, and BMI is used for adults. The 2022 Extended BMI-for-Age Growth Chart can be used to track her BMI for children from her 2 years old to her 20 years old who have a very high BMI above the 97th percentile.

To know more about BMI, visit:-


what are the layers of switches in data center? select all that apply. question 1 options: aggregate edge access core link


The layers of switches in data center are access, aggregate, and core layers.

What are the 3 layers of the distribution access?Access layer: Gives users and workgroups network access. The distribution layer manages the border between the access and core layers and offers policy-based connection. Fast transmission between distribution switches is provided by the core layer within the enterprise campus.The access, aggregation, and core layers of network switches make up the three-tiered traditional DCN design, which is based on a multi-rooted tree topology.Data center requirements vary based on factors including construction, physical constraints, required densities, and more. Here are four typical data center types: onsite, colocation, hyperscale, and edge data centers. They are also included along with use cases and market trends.

Learn more about layers of switches refer to :


You are an IT Technician for you company. Jodie, a receptionist, think her Windows 10 machine is running slowly today and calls you to see if you can speed it up.
None of the other employees have called regarding any related issues, so you suspect it is an issue with Jodie's computer, perhaps a malfunctioning application. To help troubleshoot Jodie's computer, you run Task Manager.
Which of the following tabs would be the MOST helpful for getting an overall view of how Jodie's computer is running? (Select TWO)
-App history


The following tabs would be the most helpful for getting an overall view of how Jodie's computer is running:



What is a tab?

A tab is a clickable area at the top of a window that displays another page or area in computer software (such as an Internet browser). A tab's contents are displayed when it is clicked, and any other open tabs are hidden.

Using tabs, you can navigate between menu items within a program, between documents, or between web pages. Typically, the tab that is currently selected is underlined or highlighted in a different color than the other tabs. When viewed from inside a file cabinet, the interface is intended to resemble the tabs at the top of conventional file folders.

Without needing to open each website in a new window, tabs in a browser let you load multiple websites at once and switch between them quickly.

Learn more about tab


Pete wants to set the playback quality parameter of the movie where the display quality of the video is favored over the playback speed. Which of the following values of the quality parameter must he apply to accomplish this? A. low B.true C. false D. High


In order to adjust the playback quality parameter of the movie so that the video display quality is prioritized above the playback speed, Pete will need to use high values for the quality parameter.

It is essential to make sure the transition speed is constant while setting the timing?

It is important to make sure the transition speed is constant while establishing the timing. After an event that initiates a transition, it must begin immediately. Two style rules that are set at the beginning and conclusion of an animation are its only limitations.

The caption text is horizontally aligned using which of the following CSS properties?

The inline-level content inside a block element's text-align CSS attribute determines the content's horizontal alignment.

To know more about CSS visit :-


Relational databases illustrate relationships between tables. Which fields represent the connection between these tables? Select all that apply.• External keys• Primary keys• Foreign keys• Secondary keys


The fields that represent the connection between tables in relational databases is primary keys and foreign keys.

What is primary keys and foreign keys?

Primary keys is a set of columns in table of relational database that have unique value to identify a row in table. Primary keys is unique for each row. So only one primary keys in one row of in table of relational database.

Foreign keys is a set of columns in table of relational database that have correspondent values of primary key but in another table.

Since, the foreign keys is have correspondent values of primary key so to add a row with foreign key value there must exist a row in other table that related with same primary key value.

Other key in relation table is surrogate keys. So, only primary keys and foreign keys that applied for represent the connection between table in relational database.

Learn more about surrogate keys here:


consider the following code segment. a segment of code is shown. at the top is a white box that reads j left arrow 1. this is at the top left corner of a larger grey box, at the top of which it reads repeat until, the left angle bracket missing condition right angle bracket, which is encircled. below this in the grey box and indented is a white box that reads j left arrow j plus 2. which of the following replacements for will result in an infinite loop?


j = 6 - The value of the variable j starts at 1 and increases by 2. If <MISSING CONDITION> is replaced with the expression j ≥ 6, the expression will evaluate to true when j is 7 and the loop will end.

What causes an infinite loop?They have at least two components, "if" and "then." However, for more complicated if expressions, there are alternative options like "else" and "else if." The if statement can be thought of as a true or false question. OR || returns true if at least one condition is true, while the logical operators AND && returns true if multiple conditions are all true.If the condition was false, the else statement will run the specified code. The IF-THEN syntax is =IF (logic test,value if true,value if false). If the comparison is accurate, the first parameter instructs the function what to perform. The function is instructed what to do if the comparison is false by the second parameter.

To learn more about infinite loop  refer to:


an employee claims that they are unable to connect to the internet and has called the company's help desk for a solution. having been assigned to this issue, you decide to first test whether or not tcp/ip is working correctly on the local computer. which of the following is the best command to use for this test?


Ping is just one of the recommended commands to employ for this test, per the statement.

What best sums up the Internet?

The Internet, sometimes known as "the Net," is a global system of computer networks. It is a network of networks that allows users at any one computer to obtain information from any other computer with permission (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers).

Why is the internet crucial?

The internet provides us with information, knowledge, and data that are useful for our personal, social, and economic growth. Although there are numerous benefits for the internet, how we utilize it in our everyday lives depends on our own needs and objectives.

To know more about Internet visit:


In multifactor authentication, which of the following is a credential category? (Choose all that apply.) a. knowledge b. inherence c. encryption d. certificates.


In a multifactor authentication, the options that include a credential category are as follows:

Knowledge.Possession inherence.

Thus, the correct options for this question are A and B

What is a Multifactor authentication?

A multifactor authentication may be characterized as a type of layered approach that involves the security of data and applications where a system needs a user to present a combination of two or more credentials to verify a user's identity for login.

The three main types of Multifactor Authentication Methods are as follows:

Things you know (knowledge), such as a password or PIN.Things you have (possession), such as a badge or smartphone.Things you are (inherence), such as a biometric like fingerprints or voice recognition.

Therefore, the correct options for this question are A and B.

To learn more about Multifactor authentication, refer to the link:


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