Click an item in the list or group of pictures at the bottom of the problem and, holding the button down, drag it into the
correct position in the answer box. Release your mouse button when the item is place. If you change your mind, drag
the item to the trashcan. Click the trashcan to clear all your answers
Identify the sentence parts by placing the red abbreviations in their correct locations. Put parentheses around the
prepositional phrases. Identify the subject, verb, and any complements (direct object, indirect object, subject
complement, objective complement)
Jason had a birthday party at his favorite Mexican restaurant.
v s ||LV|SC|DO| 10 OC

Click An Item In The List Or Group Of Pictures At The Bottom Of The Problem And, Holding The Button Down,


Answer 1


Jason - subject

had - verb

a birthday party - direct object

at his favorite Mexican restaurant - prepositional phrase


The subject of a sentence is the topic, that is, what the sentence is about. The sentence we are analyzing here is talking about Jason, so "Jason" is the subject. The verb "had" is not a linking verb, but an action verb. Its meaning is completed by the direct object that follows. We can ask the verb a question: What did Jason have? A birthday party (direct object). Finally, a prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and complements. In this case, the prepositional phrase "at his favorite Mexican restaurant" provides information as to where the birthday party was thrown.

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The Laptop in addition to the dash printer stolen


What? Where is the question

Select the correct answer. Ivan helps his friends, classmates, and other contacts In his network make professional connections when they ask hlm. How does this strategy help Ivan In his own job search? ОА. It will help him Improve Interpersonal skills. B. It will help him develop Informed career goals. C. It will prompt his contacts to recommend him for jobs. D. It will encourage his contacts to search for Interesting Jobs.​





What is evidence in an argumentative text?

facts, data, examples, and other information that supports a reason or claim

logical connections between an argument's claim and reasons

"because" statements that support the claims and persuade the reader

main points of an argument that are provable


C) because statement are the strongest choice here, when writing an argumentative essay the goal is to persuade the reader more often than not using facts hurts your reasoning more than helps it


facts, data, examples, and other information that supports a reason or claim


write two sentence about Doctor invention​



Some viruses are doctors' inventions.

Newer drugs inventions by the doctors, has really contributed positively on the global economic growth.

I found the answer to the questions. This can be helpful for others so, i keep it up here.



Thank you! My sister was struggling and this helped her!


Select the correct order of adjectives for the sentence.


unusual, tall, black, silk

The African Hornbills are birds who take the responsibility of parenthood seriously. The female bird lays her eggs in a hollow tree while her mate plasters her in. He does this with very wet mud and uses his big bill. The female hornbill stays in this cell-like compound until her young are about three weeks old. The male pushes food to her through a hole that is only big enough for the tip of his bill.

Question: Which sentence has the facts in the same order as in the paragraph?

1.The female hornbill lays her eggs and then stays with her babies for three weeks before she leaves the nest.

2.The male hornbill feeds the female and then plasters her in.

3.The female hornbill lays her eggs and then the male finds a hollow tree.

4.The female stays with her babies while the male builds a cell with his bill.



Option 1


The order of facts in the given paragraph are as follows -

a) The female hornbill lays eggs in a hollow tree

b) Male then covers the opening by plastering it with mud

c) Male gives food to young ones through a hole.

d) Female stays in the cell like compound for three weeks until the young ones are big enough.

Considering the above flow of facts, option 1 is the most appropriate answer

If you were beautifying your neighborhood park, what might you be doing to it?


Hi! I would think planting a lot of trees, flowers, or even starting a little greenhouse would be a nice way to beautify your neighborhood park. This can allow the residents to get closer by planting together and whatnot!  

Emilia is writing a narrative set in the summer. Read the following excerpt:

(1) The heat shimmered around the cool, aqua-blue pool. (2) Marlene decided she hated the smell of chlorine. (3) Across the pool, she saw Mari talking to a small group of friends and neighbors. (4) She couldn’t believe Mari was about to move away, but at least this party was a nice way to send her off.

Which sentence uses descriptive details and sensory language so the reader can visualize the event? Why?

Sentence 1; it gives exact details about what the weather is like and how the pool looks and feels.
Sentence 2; it gives an important detail about how the pool smells.
Sentence 3; it gives details that help the reader understand exactly who is at the pool.
Sentence 4; it gives details about the main character and how she feels.



The answer is A.

Sorry I am late, but hopefully this helps someone else. :D



Pretty sure it is A.)


"The heat shimmered around the cool, aqua-blue pool." that allows the reader to visualize the story more.

Read the speech and answer the question.

Voluntourism: An Opportunity Too Good to be True

A Speech to the Student Body of Evergreen High

[1] Picture this: It's Spring Break, and you fly off to some country where there's lush rainforests and beautiful, blue coastlines to explore. There's also people in need, so you decide to blend your vacation with volunteering. Volunteering as a tourist, or voluntourism, seems like a great way to explore new regions and help people at the same time. However, this "volunteer plus travel" experience can actually harm local communities. While many teens might view traveling and volunteering abroad as a worthwhile adventure, there are more genuine and effective ways to make a difference.

[2] Most would agree that volunteering in general is a worthy use of time. However, what if you found out the children you are "helping" are actually being kept in poor conditions so voluntourists will spend money to come to the local area? Dale Rolfe, a supporter of ethical voluntourism, explains the shocking reality that "Animal sanctuaries and orphanages are often manufactured for the voluntourist...encouraging a cycle of exploiting the very animals and children the volunteers are trying to help."

[3] Proponents of the "volunteer plus travel" experience also argue that traveling to new places builds character and is a valuable way to learn about different cultures. With voluntourism, however, participants often pursue experiences that are all about them. For example, they sign up to build a school for a gold star on their resume, but they have no real building skills and take jobs away from local construction workers (Schulten). Or, they arrive to teach English but instead take selfies with the locals. One world traveler and ethical voluntourist believes voluntourism "can perpetuate small minded views of the world by taking insulated, fake, and structured experiences and selling them as unabridged and eye opening" (Carlos). The voluntour experience is a mirage. The voluntourist's eyes are not opened to real life at the destination, and lasting change is not achieved.

[4] If you want a genuine experience where you can see a lasting impact, there are better options than voluntourism. You can volunteer in your local community. Give an hour every week to your town's animal rescue. Serve monthly dinners to the homeless. Be a reliable, positive influence on a child who needs a mentor. Studies show that volunteering and forming lasting relationships with those you help has a positive impact on your physical and emotional health. In fact, blood pressure is reduced, memory is improved, and rates of depression are reduced (Michaels).

[5] There is another reason to look into alternatives to voluntourism. Did you know the average "voluntour" travel package costs $3,400 (Rolfe)? Could that travel money be better spent? If the worldÕs citizens are your passion, it could go to an international organization. If you care about education, your funds can be used to buy books for students in faraway lands. If you want villagers to have clean water, contribute funds to local efforts to dig wells. If you want to experience a different culture, travel to the country as a guest, and learn from the locals how you can best help them after you've returned home. But do not voluntour.

[6] In reality, there are better ways to make a difference. Voluntourism might appear to be an adventure that blends travel and helping others, but it does little except provide a costly, superficial experience that might actually do more harm than good. So, volunteer where you are most needed-at home, where you can stay to see the job through and form genuine, lasting relationships. Choose a beautiful coastline closer to home and send the travel money you saved to an international organization that will put it to good use. Whatever you do, don't turn someone else's hardship into your vacation.

What are two strategies the speaker uses to develop the point that voluntour opportunities often do more harm than good?

Expert testimony
Fictional stories
Rhetorical question



Rhetorical question and expert testimony


The writer seems to have experienced most cases as he writes using examples. The writer also ask questions which can't be answered.

5 revenge quotes in act 1 in hamlet.


The answer is A thank me later

Click to review the online content Then answer the question(s) belon using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions. Online Content Site 1 How did A Philip Randolph influence the labor movement? (Site I)​


Buddy I got a hold on hood buddy I

Your social studies class is researching both traditional and unexpected
heroes. Using the information and examples found in the "Courage and
Heroism" passage set, write an informative essay on what it means to
be courageous.
Manage your time carefully so that you can
• read the passages,
plan your response,
• write your response, and
• revise and edit your response.
Be sure to
• use evidence from multiple sources; and
• avoid overly relying on one source.
Your response should be in the form of a multiparagraph essay. Write
your response in the space provided.








Since this group of words has a subject AND a predicate (though not necessarily a complete thought), it is a clause.

Hope that helps!

15 points
11. Choose one of the following prompts to discuss in a 1-paragraph
essay, using specific examples from the texts to support your reasoning,
Option A: Many of the characters or speakers in these selections are
struggling to find their way. Discuss at least one character from this unit
and explain their struggle. Use evidence to support your answer. Option
B: Some of the relatively recent stories and poems in this unit may be
ignored by future readers, and others may gain staying power and
appear over and over in anthologies like the one you are using. Select the
one that you think will last and that is still relevant to today and explain
your choice. Option C: Explain the impact of female writers during the
Post-modernist literary period. Using the story, "I Want to Be Miss
America," explain how stereotypes were discussed in literature during
this time period. Use two examples fro the story to support your
response. *
Your answer


Answer: C

Her pain seeps through her lettering slowly at first, then it rushes at the reader to make the strongest point of all; the standard of “American Beauty” is still haunting her to this day. One point I would like to bring up is that not all cultural standards are bad. There is some amount of stereotyping which we all must exist within the confines of if we are to live in this world.

I can feel her as an insecure teenager, and later as a wounded adult. She is strong, and I believe that she does not still exist within the confines of her standard of beauty that she had as a teenager, but she is very much aware of how this still affects her subconscious. I believe she would like to see the view of beauty (in today’s society) as allowing all people to be different, but all equally beautiful – without judgment. It is not impossible to change the very essence of who and what society is – after all, are we not the very people who create our own society on a daily basis? When one can realize this, one needn’t be stuck in this cultural muck (too terribly much). I have hope that things can change.


You are the only survivor on a ship which is sinking off the coast of a
deserted tropical island in the Pacific. You have time to save only five
items from the following list to take with you to the island.
i. a religious text
ii. a battery operated radio receiver
iii. a first aid kit
iv. rifle and ammunition
v. a box of canned food
vi. a package of your favourite books
vii. writing paper and pens
viii. knife
ix. a compass
x. matches
xi. an axe
xii. ropes
Describe which five items you would take and give reasons for choosing
Word Limit(220-250)



i iii v ix xi


because i think they're important ?

In studies of personality, the ______ involves approaches to personality from the position of abnormality, illness, and health care.



More information? a word bank maybe?


Personality Disorders

Why doesn’t Auggie see Christopher as much as he used to see him?



I think it's because Christopher moved away


School uniforms should be mandatory for all students for a number of reasons.
First, they are a great equalizer when it comes to a students social class. Wealthy
students are viewed on the same level as poor ones. In addition, getting ready for
school can be much faster and easier. Many students waste time choosing what to
wear and they are often unhappy with their choices. Additionally, school uniforms
make people do better in school because they are not distracted with people's
appearances. Although some might disagree, I believe the benefits of school
uniforms outweigh the drawbacks.
In-Class Writing Exercise:
Please respond to the following questions. Post your answers to this discussion
and be prepared to share and discuss.
1. What is the claim?
2. What is the best supporting reason in your view?
3. What is the least effective supporting reason in your view?
4. Do you agree with the claim? Why or why not?



The claim is school uniforms and why they should be mandatory

wear and they are often unhappy with their choices. Additionally, school uniforms

make people do better in school because they are not distracted with people's

appearances. 'is the sentance I think

. Although some might disagree, I believe the benefits of school

uniforms outweigh the drawbacks.- not helpful

I think it depends. It's funny actually I wrote an essay about this in middle school loll


Hope this helped and have a wonderful day! <33

it refers to how much force you can exert or how much weight you can lift ?​



5 kg


I can lift 5 to 10 kg.

I am fit and strong so I can lift 5 to 10kg.

do you think child hood is the happiest time of your life? why​



I think it depends on the environment you grow up in. If you grow up in loving and happy home then yes




It’s Where You Can actually  Enjoyed being with your friends and family, Enjoying rescess and fun activies in elementary. There is a lot happiness in childhoods maybe not for some though which I say its sad..

(What words are TONE WORDS?)
help asap



Negative, Positive, Anxious, Joyful,Depressing


Read the passage from "Babysitting."

Babysitting is an art. Yes, an art. It's much more than just sitting on the couch watching television or putting children to bed. It's getting to know what to do to keep the children safe, happy, and comfortable with you.

What perspective does the author express in this passage?


Babysitting requires a person who is good at drawing and painting.

It takes a person who has unique skills to keep children safe and happy.

It takes a person who is very smart and patient to deal with misbehaving kids.

Babysitting requires a person with a lot of respect for parents and parenting.


The author expresses the requirement or skills needed for babysitters


It takes a person who has unique skills to keep children safe and happy


hope that helps :)

Select the correct answer.
Which image does the author emphasize in the excerpt?

the wall with noisy traffic on the other side
the wall as a structure covered in barbed wire
the wall as a structure made of sour-smelling cement
the wall with a colorful world on the other side



D. the wall with a colorful world on the other side


I got it correct, hope I helped :)

The image that the author emphasizes in the excerpt is D. the wall with a colorful world on the other side.

What is imagery?

It should be noted that imagery simply means the use of images to convey the feeling of the author in a literary work.

In this case, the image that the author emphasizes in the excerpt is the wall with a colorful world on the other side.

Learn more about imagery on:

Read the following statements and decide which part of the statement is reasoning and which part of the statement is evidence.

Available Options (4 are evidence & 4 are reasoning. Put the pairs together.) :

The basketball player had to run extra laps at practice today.

The bridge has been flooded all week.

Toy sales drop after the holidays.

We know that fewer people are shopping during that time.

After, they realized that the player was out of bounds.

She is probably very tired tonight.

It hasn’t rained this much in the city since 2011.

They rewatched the tape of the touchdown.



here just did it:> I think it's right


The basketball player had to run extra laps at practice today. =lShe is probably very tired tonight.

It hasn’t rained this much in the city since 2011.=

The bridge has been flooded all week.

After, they realized that the player was out of bounds=

They rewatched the tape of the touchdown.=

After, they realized that the player was out of bounds.


here just did it:> I think it's right


The basketball player had to run extra laps at practice today. =lShe is probably very tired tonight.

It hasn’t rained this much in the city since 2011.=

The bridge has been flooded all week.

After, they realized that the player was out of bounds=

They rewatched the tape of the touchdown.=

After, they realized that the player was out of bounds.

In Percy Jackson, Why has Annabeth shown such interest in Percy? what is her main goal


Answer: Annabeth shows interest in Percy because, despite not knowing his heritage, he displays abilities that only a a child of the Big Three can. It is shown later that he is the son of Poseidon, which is extremely interesting, seeing that the Big Three weren’t supposed to have any children.

Explanation: All the monsters chasing Percy, the weird things that happen around him, and more all could have raised Annabeth‘s interest.

Although she is unaware of his family history, Annabeth is intrigued by Percy since he demonstrates skills that only a member of the Big Three can.

What is the meaning of skill?

A skill is the acquired capacity to operate in a way that achieves predetermined results with good execution, frequently in a predetermined amount of time, energy, or both. Domain-general skills and domain-specific skills are two common categories for skills.

In light of the fact that the Big Three were not meant to have any children, it is revealed later that he is the son of Poseidon, which is very intriguing.

For instance, in the field of work, some general skills would be time management, teamwork and leadership, self-motivation, and others. It was possible for Annabeth to become intrigued by the monsters pursuing Percy, the strange events that surround him, and other factors.

Learn more about skill from here:


What important lesson did Rosa learn at Miss
White's School?
to leave the building immediately when a fire started
to believe in herself and set high goals for her life
to get all the knowledge she could from her textbooks
to appreciate the benefit of skills such as sewing



A is important as well but i think its B............


9. What did Brian decide he could use the birds feathers for? Hatchet

A. The end of his arrows to fly better

B. To make a broom and sweep the shelter

C. To attract the fish in the water

D. To add fuel to the fire





He tries to catch birds and fails. He watches the birds take off and decides he could use the same principle by using feathers to guide his arrows.

What thoughts do you get when you see the picture. write a text on how to guide children and young people so that they can make independent and good choices when it comes to alcohol, drugs and tobacco.
heeeeelp me pleasssss just a few sentenses.​



The first thing that comes to mind is of course dieases related to respiratory system. The most common and serious one being lung cancer. Children need to learn the consequences of taking drugs since their childhood in order to attain clear understanding. They need to improve self dependence and confidence from early age. The number of youngsters taking drugs is increasing day to day. In order to decrease this ratio not only parents are responsible but also the society.

WILL GIVE BRAINLY Which of these sentences uses punctuation correctly to show a direct quote?
"I don't care what you say about me" P.T. Barnum always said "just spell my name right."
'I don't care what you say about me," P.T. Barnum always said, "just spell my name right."
"I don't care what you say about me." P.T. Barnum always said, just spell my name right
don't care what you say about me, P.T. Barnum always said, just spell my name right.


Answer: letter C  "I don't care what you say about me." P.T. Barnum always said, just spell my name right




"I don't care what you say about my name," P.T. Barnum always said, "just spell my name right."


It's b because "I don't care what you say about my name, just spell my name right." is a full sentence. It is just interrupted by 'P.T Barnum always said'. Because it is interrupted, you don't have to capitalize the letter J.

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