Categorize each description below as belonging with either "Every Man A King," "Duty, Honor, Country," or "Both Categories."

Drop target 1
Drop target 2
Drop target 3
allusion to cemetery addresses audience with a casual and informal familiarity provides sensory and supporting details uses hyperbole imagery of death quotes a well-respected person to make a point

Duty, Honor, Country / Every Man a King

General Douglas MacArthur / Huey P. Long

Excerpt of
Duty, Honor, Country
General Douglas MacArthur
The Sylvanus Thayer Award Acceptance Address delivered 12 May 1962, West Point, NY

General Westmoreland, General Grove, distinguished guests, and gentlemen of the Corps!

…You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense. From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nation's destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds. The Long Gray Line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words: Duty, Honor, Country.

This does not mean that you are war mongers.

On the contrary, the soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.

But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato, that wisest of all philosophers: "Only the dead have seen the end of war."

The shadows are lengthening for me. The twilight is here. My days of old have vanished, tone and tint. They have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were. Their memory is one of wondrous beauty, watered by tears, and coaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday. I listen vainly, but with thirsty ears, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the long roll. In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield.

(Excerpt of )
Every Man a King
Huey P. Long
Radio speech to the nation delivered 23 February 1934

…Now, my friends, if you were off on an island where there were 100 lunches, you could not let one man eat up the hundred lunches, or take the hundred lunches and not let anybody else eat any of them. If you did, there would not be anything else for the balance of the people to consume.

So, we have in America today, my friends, a condition by which about 10 men dominate the means of activity in at least 85 percent of the activities that you own. They either own directly everything or they have got some kind of mortgage on it, with a very small percentage to be excepted. They own the banks, they own the steel mills, they own the railroads, they own the bonds, they own the mortgages, they own the stores, and they have chained the country from one end to the other, until there is not any kind of business that a small, independent man could go into today and make a living, and there is not any kind of business that an independent man can go into and make any money to buy an automobile with; and they have finally and gradually and steadily eliminated everybody from the fields in which there is a living to be made, and still they have got little enough sense to think they ought to be able to get more business out of it anyway.

If you reduce a man to the point where he is starving to death and bleeding and dying, how do you expect that man to get hold of any money to spend with you? It is not possible. Then, ladies and gentlemen, how do you expect people to live, when the wherewith cannot be had by the people?


Answer 1


I can't give answer


how are you and the kids channel

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

You will know certainly that you must wear out long ages, millions of millions of ages, in wrestling and conflicting with this almighty merciless vengeance; and then when you have so done, when so many ages have actually been spent by you in this manner, you will know that all is but a point to what remains. So that your punishment will indeed be infinite. Oh who can express what the state of a soul in such circumstances is!

Edwards uses the phrase “Oh who can express what the state of a soul in such circumstances is!” in order to
show what might happen if the reader disobeys Edwards.
describe what endless suffering looks and feels like.
illustrate that this type of suffering is unimaginable.
prove that very few people have survived limitless suffering.


We can see that in the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Jonathan Edwards uses the phrase “Oh who can express what the state of a soul in such circumstances is!” in order to illustrate that this type of suffering is unimaginable.

Who is Jonathan Edwards?

Jonathan Edwards was a well-known American preacher and theologian during the Great Awakening, a period of religious resurgence in 18th-century colonial America.

He was born in East Windsor, Connecticut, and attended Yale College, where he eventually became a tutor and then president.

Learn more about Jonathan Edwards on


I need a Translation of the poem How do I love thee?

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways
love thee to the depth and breadth and height
Mv sou can reach. when reeling out of sight. For the ends of being and ideal grace. Love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right.I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. love thee with the passion put to use, In my old griefs, and with my childhood's thee with a love seemed to lose, With my lost saints. Ilove thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.


I need a Translation of the poem I love thee some strong connotative words used in the poem are :Purely, Passion and Grief

What is the paraphrase of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 43?

The speaker of the poem expresses her unflinching devotion to her beloved. She expresses her love and devotion for her beau, telling him how much she adores him. She believes that because she loves him with her entire being, God will enable her to continue to love him after she is gone.

How should a poem be read?

The reader's interpretation of the poet's attitude towards the poem's speaker, reader, and subject matter. It is frequently referred to as a "mood" that permeates the reading experience and is produced by the poem's vocabulary, metrical regularity or irregularity, grammar, usage of figurative language, and rhyme.

To know more about I love thee visit:-



“How Do I Love Thee?”

By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of being and ideal grace.

I love thee to the level of every day's

Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

I love thee freely, as men strive for right.

I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use

In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.

Were there any strong connotative words used in the poem?

Did I do this, right?


On Sunday, I went to the park with my friend, Hana. Suddenly, there was a loud bang! It began to rain and we got all wet. A huge storm was coming. We quickly grabbed our bags and ran down pine street to my house. We were so tired. We dried up and had a hot drink to warm ourselves up.

During the discussion, what main similarities and/or differences did participants identify between the two poems?

The Road Not Taken
by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I’m Nobody! Who Are You?
by Emily Dickinson

Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one’s name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!


Answer: Similarities:

1. Both poems deal with themes related to choice, individuality, and identity.

2. Both poems use nature imagery to illustrate their respective themes.

3. Both poems are relatively short and use simple language.


1. "The Road Not Taken" is a narrative poem that tells a story about a speaker who must choose between two paths. "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" is a shorter, more whimsical poem that asks a rhetorical question about the nature of identity.

2. "The Road Not Taken" has a more serious tone, while "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" is playful and irreverent.

3. The two poems use different types of rhyme and meter: "The Road Not Taken" uses an ABAB rhyme scheme and iambic tetrameter, while "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" uses an ABCB rhyme scheme and iambic trimeter.

4. The poems were written by different authors in different historical periods: Robert Frost wrote "The Road Not Taken" in 1916, while Emily Dickinson wrote "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?" in the mid-19th century.


Modernist authors sought to
A. Convince readers to agree with their thoughts and opinions
B. Write literature that supported WWII
C. Capture the essence of modern life
D, Encourage all Americans to move to Europe


Answer: C. Capture the essence of modern life.


Modernist authors sought to (C) capture the essence of modern life.

Modernism was a literary and artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which aimed to break away from traditional forms and styles in art and literature and instead reflect the new social, economic, and cultural realities of the modern world. Modernist authors sought to explore new ways of representing human experience and emotions, and to challenge traditional forms of storytelling and representation. They often used techniques such as stream-of-consciousness narration, fragmentation, and symbolism to convey the complexity and uncertainty of modern life.

If you are struggling with writer's block, which strategy should you try first?
a) talking it out
b) using resource materials
c) graphic organizing
d) topic sticky notes



a.) talking it out


Explain how the movie "Rogue One" fits the description of a "modern tragedy" rather than a typical Greek Tragedy. Give at least 2 examples from the movie that support it


After sending the plans to the Rebel fleet above the planet, Jyn and Cassian pass away on the beach of Scarif while still in each other's arms as the Death Star's detonation engulfs the entire area.

What is modern tragedy?

In addition, modern tragedies are more likely to emphasise society's oppression of the hero than chance or fate. Modern play refers to written and performed tragedies from the twentieth century. Modern tragedies are referred to be plays that were written and performed in the twentieth century.

Learn more on Modern tragedy here:


Write an essay of a significant change that happened in your life about (moving in a new house)
*marking as brilliant*

• An introduction that sets up the change you will be discussing.

• A description of the change and how it impacted you.

• Reflection on how the change affected your personal growth and

• A conclusion that ties everything together.

Here are some tips for writing a successful personal essay:

(Choose a topic that is meaningful to you):
Your essay should focus on an experience or event that had a significant impact on your life. Choose a topic that you feel passionate about and that you can write about in a thoughtful and reflective manner.

(Use a strong opening):
Your essay should begin with a strong opening that grabs the reader's attention. This could be a question, a quote, a surprising fact, or a vivid description.

(Be descriptive):
Use descriptive language and sensory details to create a vivid picture of the experience you are writing about. This will help the reader to understand and connect with your story.

(Use reflection):
A personal essay is not just a retelling of events; it is an opportunity to reflect on your experiences and to explore their significance. Use reflection to show how the experience changed you or taught you something important.


Moving into a new house can be an exciting and daunting experience. I remember the first time I moved into a new house with my family. It was a significant change that impacted me in several ways. In this essay, I will discuss how moving into a new house was a significant change in my life, and how it impacted my personal growth and development.

Moving into a new house was a significant change in my life because it meant leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of my old home. I remember feeling excited and anxious at the same time. On one hand, I was excited to move into a new house with more space and better amenities. On the other hand, I was anxious about leaving behind the memories and experiences associated with my old home.

The change was also significant because it brought about a new set of challenges. Moving is a stressful and time-consuming process, and it can be difficult to adjust to a new environment. For me, the biggest challenge was adjusting to a new neighborhood and making new friends.

However, despite the challenges, moving into a new house had a positive impact on my personal growth and development. It taught me resilience and adaptability. I learned that change is a natural part of life, and that it can be a source of growth and learning. I also learned to appreciate the importance of family and community, as they were the ones who helped us settle into our new home.

In addition, moving into a new house gave me a fresh start. It allowed me to let go of old habits and start anew. I was able to decorate my room in a new style, explore new hobbies, and make new memories with my family.

In conclusion, moving into a new house was a significant change in my life that impacted me in several ways. Although it brought about a new set of challenges, it also taught me valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of family and community. Ultimately, it gave me a fresh start and allowed me to grow and develop as a person.


the beach hall is thrown by the blonde surfer active or passive


The blonde surfer hosts the beach party. The sentence is Active Voice.

What is Active voice?

The grammatical structure known as the active voice is used in numerous languages throughout the world. It is the unmodified voice for clauses involving a transitive verb in nominative-accusative languages, including English and most other Indo-European languages. The subject or object signified by the subject of a sentence in the active voice is said to perform the action of the verb.

The person or thing being affected or acted upon is the subject when a verb is utilised in the passive voice. The sentences where the subject is the one who is actively carrying out the operation of the verb are categorised as having an active voice in grammar.

To know more about Active Voice, visit:


Select the correct answer.
What should an author include in a memoir intended to engage young school age children?
a directive on the best way to behave properly
a detailed description of how to write a memoir
an excerpt from an informational speech
a humorous story from the author's childhood


Answer: a


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Which of the following
passages from "The Open
Window" helps to advance the
theme that new interactions
between strangers can be
A. "To Framton it was all purely horrible. He
made a desperate...effort to turn the talk..."
B. "She rattled on cheerfully about the
shooting and the scarcity of birds..."
C. "Framton wondered whether Mrs.
Sappleton...came into the nice division."
What is the answer?





she rattled on cheerfully about the shooting and the scarcity of birds . Hope it helps

Based on the underlined passage from Sec. 2 of Saki's "The Open Window," we find that we are seeing things from

A. the niece's point of view.
B. Framton's point of view.
C. Framton's sister's point of view.​​


Based on the underlined passage from Sec. 2 of Saki's "The Open Window," we find that we are seeing things from Framton's point of view.

How to explain the information

The passage describes how Framton Nuttel was feeling nervous and wondering what to say when he entered the Sappletons' house. This suggests that the narrative is focused on his thoughts and experiences, rather than those of the niece or Framton's sister.

Therefore, based on the underlined passage from Sec. 2 of Saki's "The Open Window," we find that we are seeing things from Framton's point of view.

Learn more about point of view on


Please Help ill give brainliest

Read the article below and answer the questions. Do you agree with what is happening? Why? Do you agree with the author? Why? How does this impact you or relate to your life?

new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) by a team of scientists from physical and social sciences, including Foundation Professor of Psychology Steven C. Hayes, explores how the new concepts of understanding human cultural evolution can be applied to effect positive change and the development of a more cooperative world. The paper discusses how humans have evolved as a highly prosocial species, and prosocial behaviors became stronger in humans because social adaptations evolved for the good of humans in small bands and groups when the selfishness of individuals was somewhat constrained. The paper also describes case after case in which this multilevel understanding of evolution has led to practical solutions to human behavioral problems in engineering, business, mental health, and global change. The paper also cites the eight core design principles for self-management of complex resources, according to the Nobel-prize-winning research of the late political scientist and 2009 Nobel Prize recipient Elinor Ostrom, which can be applied to groups at all levels trying to achieve a common goal. These principles foster safe social environments in which cooperation and trust can gradually take hold as individual selfishness and greed are gradually constrained, tipping selection toward the more altruistic, cooperative group.


The paper seems to suggest that understanding human cultural evolution and applying certain principles can lead to positive change and the development of a more cooperative world. It could be beneficial for individuals and groups to explore these ideas and implement them in their lives and communities.

Write a short note on human cultural evolution.

Human cultural evolution refers to the changes and developments that have taken place in human societies over time, including advancements in technology, language, art, and social organization. These changes have been influenced by a range of factors, including environmental conditions, population growth, and interactions with other cultures. As humans evolved and adapted to their changing environments, they developed increasingly complex social structures and systems of governance. The study of human cultural evolution can provide insights into the development of human societies and the factors that have driven social change. Understanding how human societies have evolved can also help us to better address current social and environmental challenges by drawing on lessons from the past to inform future decision-making.

To learn more about human cultural evolution, visit:


why should police officers be allowed to use deadly force ?


Answer: it is imperative to note that the utilize of dangerous constrain ought to continuously be a final resort and utilized as it were when completely essential. Law authorization offices ought to moreover have clear approaches and strategies in put to guarantee that the utilize of dangerous constrain is as it were utilized in fitting circumstances which officers are legitimately prepared to utilize it securely and viably. Furthermore, there ought to be straightforwardness and responsibility for any utilize of dangerous drive by police officers.


Answer: Under the law, a police officer may use deadly force if the officer reasonably believes that the use of deadly physical force is necessary to defend the officer or another person from what the officer reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force.


Homework 1 21th April 2023 write about what you do on Saturdays​



i go one bike rides and play eith my cousin

4. How does Goldsmith's position, as he articulates
it in paragraph 6, differ from that of others in the


In paragraph 6, Goldsmith's position differs from that of others in the conversation in that he believes that the government should not force companies to reduce their carbon emissions.

He contends that such a move would hurt the economy and impair the nation's ability to compete on the world market.

According to Goldsmith, the government should collaborate with businesses to create solutions that are both economically feasible and environmentally friendly rather than enacting rules.

This stands in contrast to some participants in the discussion who support harsher laws and fines to encourage businesses to cut their carbon emissions.

While some favor a more punitive approach, Goldsmith's strategy is more collaborative and centered on finding workable solutions.

To know more about carbon emissions,


The amalgamative propinquity and mellifluous articulation of English consonants evoke a sense of aesthetic joviality even amidst the most antagonistic cacophony.

Which of the following statements is most antithetical to the previous assertion?

A) The noisome nasal phonology of Slavic languages is far more dissonant than English consonants.
B) The harmonic consonantal arrangements of Polynesian languages possess a euphony surpassing even mellifluous English.
C) The atrabilious and dysphoric nature of certain English vowels vitiates the joviality of the consonantal system.
D) The whispy and nebulous vowels of Norwegian introduce a somnambulistic languor to counterbalance the vivacity of consonants.


The harmonic consonantal arrangements of Polynesian languages possess a euphony surpassing even mellifluous English

Thus, Propinquity s one of the key elements of interpersonal attraction in social psychology.

It speaks about the closeness of individuals, either physically or emotionally. Propinquity can refer to close proximity, kinship between individuals, or nature-based similarity between objects.

Similar to how two people with similar political opinions have a higher propinquity than those with strongly divergent beliefs, two persons who live on the same floor of a building have a higher propinquity than those who live on separate floors.

Propinquity is one of the variables Jeremy Bentham listed in his felicific calculus approach, which he used to calculate the amount of (utilitarian) pleasure.

Thus, The harmonic consonantal arrangements of Polynesian languages possess a euphony surpassing even mellifluous English.

Learn more about Propinquity, refer to the link:


Christopher is writing an argument to convince his audience that sending people to the moon again is not a good plan for the United States. What is the strongest claim he can use in the argument?

A. Sending more people to the moon is not fair to the majority of Americans because not everyone will be able to afford to go.

B. While studying the moon up close would certainly be interesting, it is not wise to invest money on something other than. Earth.

C. The expense of sending people to the moon is simply not worth the effort that will be required to return to that far-off dot in the sky.

D. The excessive cost of creating a new mission to the moon diverts funding from projects that would have more benefit to the public.


Answer: D. The excessive cost of creating a new mission to the moon diverts funding from projects that would have more benefit to the public is the strongest claim Christopher can use in the argument.

Explanation: This claim highlights the opportunity cost of investing in a moon mission, which could have been used for other projects that have a more significant benefit to the public. It also suggests that the resources invested in a moon mission could be better used for other initiatives, such as education, healthcare, or infrastructure.


it is not a good idea


because sending people to the moon it won't be an easy job they will need fuel for the machines.

The tone of lines 1 through 6 is



Answer:  I just want points


because I said so

What is the meaning of the phrase to swear falsely in line 37 of The Aeneid?

A. To cry
B. To lie
C. To curse
D. To scream


The meaning of the phrase "to swear falsely" in line 37 of The Aeneid refers to the act of making a false oath or giving false testimony while under oath. It is essentially lying while making a formal promise to tell the truth.

In the context of The Aeneid, this phrase is used in reference to the character of Palinurus, who is accused of making a false oath. Specifically, Palinurus is accused of swearing an oath to guide the ship safely through a dangerous stretch of water, only to fall asleep at the helm and cause the ship to crash.

In general, the act of swearing falsely is considered to be a serious offense, as it undermines the integrity of the legal system and can lead to serious consequences for innocent individuals. In many cultures and legal systems, swearing falsely while under oath is punishable by law, often with fines, imprisonment, or other penalties.


As the most powerful political force in Mexico at the time of the sixteenth-century Spanish conquest, the
Aztecs were the subject of much study. Thanks to both Spanish authors and to surviving Aztec
manuscripts, much is known about Aztec religious beliefs, including death and burial rites. Aztecs believed
that the way a person died partly determined his or her afterlife: for example, it was believed that the souls
of warriors who fell in battle followed the sun to its zenith in the sky, then onward to a celestial paradise.
Why does the author mention "Spanish authors" (sentence 2)?
O To show that Spanish religious beliefs differed from those of the Aztecs
O To provide some background on an important literary movement
O To compare them with the writers of Aztec manuscripts
O To explain where some of our knowledge about the Aztecs comes from


The author mentions "Spanish authors" in the passage to explain where some of our knowledge about the Aztecs comes from.

The Spanish conquest of Mexico brought about a significant amount of written records about Aztec culture, including their religious beliefs and practices. Spanish authors were among the key sources of information about the Aztecs, along with surviving Aztec manuscripts.

These written accounts helped to preserve the knowledge of Aztec culture and religion, which might have been lost over time otherwise. By mentioning the contribution of Spanish authors, the author highlights the significance of these historical records and their role in shaping our understanding of the Aztecs.

For more question on religious beliefs


Which of the following sentences uses capitalization incorrectly?
A. The lowa State Fair draws people from many surrounding States.
B. Ricardo went to see Niagara Falls during his family vacation last
OC. My favorite season is spring.
D. Maggie had an interview for the National Honor Society at her


Answer: The answer is A


At the end of the first sentence the word “States” is capitalized. The word “states” should NOT be capitalized at the end of that sentence.

PART A: Based on the passage, how are Sadie's and Lucky's points of view different?

A. Lucky prefers to stay near the barn, while Sadie enjoys adventures.

B. Lucky is intimidated by the storm, while Sadie more calmly focuses on practical needs.

C. Lucky enjoys the company of horses, while Sadie prefers to be with humans.

D. Lucky is used to the outdoors, while Sadie is just learning survival skills.


Sadie's and Lucky's points of view different by the  Sadie's and Lucky's points of view different

What effects do the father's deeds in the The Georges and the Jewels chapter have on the narrator's life?

Because he loves horses, the father shows the narrator how beautiful they are when they walk. Because he wants to sell horses, the father quickly gets the narrator back on the horse after she falls. The father expected obedience, therefore he insisted that the narrator keep trying.

What recurring themes appear in works about slavery?

As a result, religious frameworks are frequently used in slave narratives, which address a number of similar themes such the desire for freedom, the search for home, the search for salvation and redemption, the seek for deliverance from evil, and the crossing of boundaries.

To know more about Sadie visit:-


Immigrants in Our Own Land
by Jimmy Santiago Baca
Jimmy Santiago Baca (b. 1952) is an American writer of Apache and Chicano descent.
This poem describes the experiences of people who leave their homes in search of a
better life.
As you read, take notes on the speaker's attitude toward dreams.
We are born with dreams in our hearts,
looking for better days ahead.
At the gates we are given new papers,
our old clothes are taken
[5] and we are given overalls like mechanics wear.
We are given shots and doctors ask questions.
Then we gather in another room
where counselors orient us to the new land
we will now live in. We take tests.
[10] Some of us were craftsmen in the old world,
good with our hands and proud of our work.
Font Size AAA
untitled by Stefan Schweihoter is licensed under CCO
4 Read Aloud
Assessment Questions
2. PART B: Which of the following TWO quotes best
support the answer to Part A?
A. "The old men who have lived here stare at us/
from deep disturbed eyes" (Lines 16-17)
OB. "The administration says this is temporary/so
we go about our business" (Lines 26-27)
OC. "The doctors don't care, our bodies decay
(Line 39)
OD. "with a dream in their heart,/thinking they'll get
a chance to change their lives." (Lines 58-59)
DE "others will go on living/without a soul, a future,
or a reason to live." (Lines 63-64)
F "anne from life itself en many thines have
Apr 24
1:02 INTL


. "The old men who have lived here stare at us/ from deep disturbed eyes" and  "others will go on living/without a soul, a future, or a reason to live are the best from Immigrants in Our Own Land. Hence, option A and E are correct.

"Immigrants in Our Own Land" examines the life of a prisoner with a focus on how the abuse and exploitation they endure there shatters their dreams of development and rehabilitation. The poem's opening line alludes to a comparison between immigrants and inmates.

Jimmy Santiago Baca created the free verse poem "Immigrants in Our Own Land" based on his own experiences as a mestizo prisoner. His mother is Chicana and his father is Apache Indian, making him a mixed-race person.

Thus, option A and E are correct.

For more information about "Immigrants in Our Own Land, click here:


What do we call the verb that expresses a state of being, and why do we call it by that name?
Group of answer choices

a.) A verb expressing a state of being is called a coordinating adverb because it creates parallel sentences .

b.) A verb expressing a state of being is called a conjunctive adverb because it joins dependent clauses together.

c.) The verb expressing a state of being is called a linking verb because it connects—links—the subject of a sentence with a word or a word group in the predicate part of the sentence.

d,.) a and c

e.) none of the above


The correct answer is c.) The verb expressing a state of being is called a linking verb because it connects—links—the subject of a sentence with a word or a word group in the predicate part of the sentence.

Linking verbs, also known as copular verbs, are used to link the subject of a sentence with a word or a word group in the predicate that describes or identifies it. These verbs do not show action, but rather they express a state of being or condition. Examples of linking verbs include "is," "am," "are," "was," "were," "seem," "become," and "appear."

The term "linking verb" comes from the fact that these verbs act as a link between the subject and the predicate, connecting them in a sentence.

Question 9 of 10 What does fieneatha's hair most likely symbolize? 0 A Heritage 0 B. Lack of confidence 0 C. Broken dreams 0 O. Wealth


The Correct Option of given question is  C. Broken dreams is the most likely symbolism of Beneatha's hair in Lorraine Hansberry's play "A Raisin in the Sun".

Describe Beneatha's hair  most likely symbolize?

Beneatha's natural hair represents her quest for self-identity and self-expression. Her desire to straighten her hair with chemicals symbolizes her struggle to assimilate into white society and her rejection of her African roots. Additionally, her hair represents her aspirations of becoming a doctor, which are constantly challenged by the racism and sexism she experiences. Therefore, Beneatha's hair symbolizes her broken dreams and the obstacles she faces in achieving her goals.

To know more about Beneatha's hair visit:


i need someone to write a funny short story plsss



Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a farmer who owned a talking cow. One day, the farmer was milking the cow when it suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, farmer, do you know why the chicken crossed the road?" the cow asked.

The farmer was surprised and a bit confused, but he played along. "No, why did the chicken cross the road?" he asked.

"To get to the udder side!" the cow replied, bursting into laughter.

The farmer was taken aback. He had never heard of such a bad joke before. But the cow was on a roll.

"Why did the tomato turn red?" the cow asked.

"I don't know," the farmer replied, starting to feel a bit annoyed.

"Because it saw the salad dressing!" the cow cackled, slapping its knee.

The farmer had had enough. "Okay, that's enough jokes for one day," he said, putting down the milking pail.

But the cow wasn't done. "Wait, one more! Why don't scientists trust atoms?"

"I don't know," the farmer sighed, starting to walk away.

"Because they make up everything!" the cow hollered, nearly falling over from laughter.

The farmer just shook his head and walked away, muttering to himself, "I need a new cow."



One day, a man walked into a bar with his pet octopus. He sat down at the counter and ordered a drink. The bartender looked at the octopus and said, "We don't allow pets in here."

The man replied, "But this is a special octopus. He can play any musical instrument you give him."

The bartender was skeptical, but intrigued. He handed the octopus a guitar and watched in amazement as the octopus started playing a beautiful melody. The bartender was impressed and said, "Okay, that's pretty impressive. Let's try something else."

He handed the octopus a set of drums and watched as the octopus played a flawless drum solo. The bartender couldn't believe his eyes.

Suddenly, a patron at the end of the bar stood up and shouted, "I'll give you $10,000 for that octopus!"

The man thought about it for a moment and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

The patron handed over the money and took the octopus out of the bar. The bartender was shocked and said to the man, "Why would you sell such a talented octopus?"

The man replied, "Talented? He couldn't even play the guitar. That was his first time holding one."

Formulate reasons as to why a recession might occur. Then, hypothesize how total economic output and prices will behave in the years following the recession.



We can see here that reasons a recession might occur are:

Decreased consumer spendingTightened credit conditionsFalling business investment

What is recession?

A recession is a period of considerable economic deterioration marked by a decrease in output and an increase in unemployment.

Businesses may produce less goods and services during a recession, resulting in lower revenue, lower profitability, and possibly layoffs. Consumers may also cut back on spending owing to economic uncertainty, exacerbating the economic downturn.

Learn more about recession on


can someone help me with this please? i don’t know if anyone is willing to but you have to look up water flowing from toilet to tap may be hard to swallow by John Schwartz some of the articles are just about the same but can someone read through that quickly and answer this. Please don’t plagiarize, try to re word and articulate everything the best you can.



The author argues that making use of recycled wastewater can be a long-term fix for problems with shortages of water. Several pieces of evidence are given in the article to back up this claim, including the fact that recycled wastewater is already being used in many nations throughout the world and has been proven to be safe for consumption by people. The city of San Diego, which successfully adopted a recycled water program and lessened the city's dependence on imported water, is cited by the author as another example. Overall, the research presents convincing data in favor of the utilization of recycled wastewater as a workable remedy for water scarcity. Overall, the article makes a strong case for the use of recycled wastewater as a viable solution to water scarcity, and the evidence presented is compelling.

What does the word "inconsequential" mean as it is used in paragraph 4?

A unimportant
B friendly
C amusing
D disappointing


Answer: A




not important or significant.

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Acknowledging communications promptly The 3000 waits at the instruction memory input for the next rising clock edge, at which time the instruction at address 3000 is read out.TrueFalse Which material should the engineer choose if he wants the filling design to be durable and attach to the natural tooth?A. compositeB. silverC. goldD. porcelain Part AWhat is a claim the author makes in "Globalization and Cultural Identity"?ResponsesAdvancements in technology are the biggest threat to preserving traditional cultures and local businesses.American influence is spreading to other countries through international business. Young people are returning to wearing traditional clothing as a way to rebel against the influence of big business. Older generations are responsible for the failure of younger generations to succeed in global economies. Question 2Part BThe author supports the claim in Part A by stating that international businesses are always looking for new markets in which to sell their products and make a profit. How well does this reason support the author's claim?ResponsesIt is somewhat effective because it explains why American companies want to expand to other countries.It is ineffective because it contradicts the argument that globalization is damaging to traditional cultures. It is effective because it explains a direct benefit of globalization to traditional cultures and economies.It is irrelevant because it fails to explain why countries are willing to allow international companies to compete in their economies.GIVE BOTH ANSWERS PLSSSSSSS