
Answer 1


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Related Questions

Why do you think the author mentioned the fact that the
federal commander at Fort Sumter, Major Robert Anderson



Former slaveowner.


To foreshadow the division that would erupt within the North over the issue of slavery and the Civil War. To demonstrate the fact that not everyone who supported slavery supported the Confederacy.

A provision of the Treaty of 1818 that expanded the United States also
gave the US sole control of the Oregon Country.
gave the US sole control of West Florida.
set the US-Canada border at the 49th parallel.
set the US-Spain border in Cuba.


The Treaty of 1818, which extended the United States, also established the US-Canada boundary at the 49th parallel. This is obvious in the fact that the Treaty of 1818, also known as "the accord regarding fisheries, boundaries, and slave restoration," widened the United States.

What did the Treaty of 1818 do?

The Convention of 1818, sometimes known as the London Convention, Anglo-American Convention of 1818, Convention of 1818, or simply the Treaty of 1818, is an international treaty signed in 1818 between the United States and the United Kingdom. This pact settled long-standing territorial disputes between the two countries. The pact authorized joint occupancy and colonization of the Oregon Country, known to the British and in Canadian history as the Hudson's Bay Company's Columbia Region, and encompassing the southern section of its sister district New Caledonia.

To learn more about The Treaty of 1818, click


What character does Old Major represent?


The character Old Major represents either Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin, while Snowball the pig stands in for the political philosopher Leon Trotsky.

political philosopher, often known as political theory, is a branch of philosophy that examines the nature, authority, and interrelationships of public institutions and agents. It is sometimes referred to as political philosophy. Politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and the enforcement of laws by authority are some of the topics it covers. It also discusses what laws are, whether they are necessary, what constitutes a legitimate government, what rights and freedoms it should protect, what form it should take, what constitutes the law, and whether or not citizens have any obligations to a legitimate government as well as when a legitimate government may be overthrown, if at all. Although the term political science, or the scientific study of politics, is typically used in the singular, French and Spanish use the plural, which may be a reflection of the eclectic character of the subject.

learn more about political philosopher here


What is the message that Poe wants to convey in The Masque of the Red Death?


Money cannot keep one from dying  is the message that Poe wants to convey in The Masque of the Red Death.

Poe discusses three distinct themes that serve as universal messages throughout this tale: humanity's yearning to stay alive, lunacy, and selfish greed. Poe crafts an story that emphasizes the lesson of mortality's limitations and the certainty of death. He contrasts the ugly nature of reality and the delusion of immortality further. Prince Prospero as well as his partygoers' actions are not acceptable. This tale might be interpreted as an allegory on mortality and life and also the failure of individuals to escape death's clutches. He contrasts the ugly nature of reality and the delusion of immortality further. Because of how closely the model's actual disguise resembles the illness, individuals who see him have trouble telling the difference between him and a real person, which is precisely why there is such a great deal of terror among the group.

Learn more on The Masque of the Red Death


Fill in the blanks to complete the statement describing the new systems of labor that emerged in the South: The ___ survived in the rice kingdoms of South Carolina and Georgia, while ___ was preferred in Louisiana's sugar plantations. ___ came to dominate in the cotton and tobacco regions of Virginia and North Carolina.


The task system survived in the rice kingdoms of South Carolina & Georgia, while wage labor was preferred in Louisiana's sugar plantations. Sharecropping came to dominate in cotton and tobacco regions of Virginia & North Carolina.

About Sharecropping

In a legal agreement involving agricultural land, a landowner let a tenant to utilise the property in exchange for a portion of the crops grown there. The practise of sharecropping does have a long history & has been applied in a broad variety of contexts and contractual arrangements. Some are controlled by legislation, while others are by custom. Examples of legal systems which have permitted sharecropping also include Italian mezzadria, and French métayage, a Catalan masoveria, a Castilian mediero, the Slavic poowcy and izdolshchina, as well as the Islamic muzara'a system.

To know more about Sharecropping:


What language is Natal Christmas?


Etymology. Because the territory in South Africa was discovered on Christmas Day, 1497, by the Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama. Natal is the Portuguese term for Christmas.

Christmas is an annual holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, celebrated largely on December 25 by billions of people worldwide as a religious and cultural event. It is a key feast in the Christian liturgical year, preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast, and begins the season of Christmastide, which traditionally lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is religiously observed by the majority of Christians, as well as culturally observed by many non-Christians, and is an important element of the holiday season.

learn more about  Christmas Day here:


What was one economic change caused by the Civil War?


Answer:  The civil war caused an enormous effect on the economic part of the USA. it  started the creation of paper currency or what we call in this day money

Hope this helps (:

1. Compare and contrast points of view of the Ghost Dance.

2. Do you think Native American tribes and peoples should be granted some types of
reparations by the U.S. government and its citizens? Why or why not? What types of

(please answer as best as u can this is a lot of points)



Read carefullly


The Ghost Dance was a spiritual movement that originated among the Native American tribes of the Great Plains in the late 19th century. It was believed that performing the Ghost Dance would bring about a return to the traditional way of life, with the disappearance of European-American settlers and the restoration of native lands and cultures. The movement spread quickly among many different tribes and was seen by some as a way to resist European-American colonization and oppression. However, the Ghost Dance was also met with fear and hostility by European-Americans, who saw it as a threat to their own way of life.Whether or not Native American tribes and peoples should be granted reparations is a complex and contentious issue that depends on many factors. Some people believe that Native American tribes and peoples have been subjected to historical injustices and wrongs that should be addressed through reparations, while others argue that such reparations would be unfair or impractical. There are many different ideas about what types of reparations might be appropriate, including financial compensation, land or resource restitution, or cultural recognition and preservation. Ultimately, the question of reparations for Native American tribes and peoples is a matter for individuals, governments, and communities to decide based on their own beliefs and values.

How did the US feel about the Latin American independence movements?


It was acknowledged that Latin American countries were independent. Any attempt by European countries to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a danger to the United States' own peace and safety.

American public opinion tended to support the southern revolutionary movements enthusiastically from the start. Even if there were always doubters, there were also many indications of support.

The campaign of Bolivar was successful. The country proclaimed its independence in 1821, and any last vestiges of Spanish resistance were finally crushed by the decisive victory in the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824.

The United States benefits from virtually duty-free trade with Mexico thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was signed with Canada and Mexico in 1994. Other notable free-trade agreements that the US has ratified since 1994 include those with Chile in 2004, Peru in 2007, and most recently Colombia and Panama in 2011.

To know more about Latin America after independence:


What was the primary goal of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
O A. To prevent ongoing conflicts between Indigenous peoples and
white settlers in southern states
OB. To force Indigenous peoples out of southern states because white
farmers wanted the land for themselves
OC. To ensure that Indigenous peoples were fairly compensated for
land that the government purchased from them
OD. To remove Indigenous leaders from positions of power so that
they would not be able to fight government policies


To force Indigenous peoples out of southern states because white farmers wanted the land for themselves.

Simply put, who are farmers?

A farmer is someone who owns and manages a farm. While some farmers cultivate a range of food crops, others raise dairy cows for the purpose of selling their milk. Growing fruits, grains, or vegetables; raising animals for milk, eggs, or meat are all aspects of farming that farmers engage in.

What makes farming so vital?

Society is impacted by agriculture in various ways, including the provision of food, habitat, and employment opportunities; the supply of raw materials for the production of food and other goods; and the development of robust trade economies.

To know more about Farmers visit:


Answer:To force Indigenous peoples out of southern states because white farmers wanted the land for themselves


when a king granted a fief to a vassal, what did the vassal owe the king in return?


In return for providing a fief from a king, a vassal "gave the king a supply of knights in time of war". The correct answer is C.

In England, feudalism shaped how connections between landowners and tenants—referred to as fiefs—were organized in society. The monarch was at the top of the English feudal pyramid, followed by the nobles, knights, and vassals. A tenant would need to be made into a vassal in a formal ceremony before a king could award him land. The ruler and vassal were legally bound by this rite. In return for the fief, the vassals served in the armed forces; in exchange for protection, the peasants worked hard, obtaining some advantage despite their restricted freedom.

This question should be provided with options, which are:

A. He worked the king's lands to produce food for him.B. He provided a number of peasants to work for the king.C. He gave the king a supply of knights in time of war.D. He owed the king nothing but his gratitude.

The correct answer is C.

Learn more about vassal promise here:


What acquisition completed the continental united states and ended manifest destiny?



The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican-American War in 1848, added an additional 525,000 square miles of U.S. territory, including all or parts of what is now California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming.

According to the passage, one right women had under Islamic law was the right

A. To inherit money and property

B. To represent oneself in court

C. To have legal council

D. To divorce


The one right women had under Islamic law was the right to divorce.

What is Islamic law?

Islamic law is a term that refers to juristic interpretation of divine law in Islamic religion. Islamic law has several differences depending on the fatwas issued by their religious leaders.

Islamic law regulates various matters for Muslims, including regulating the rights of every woman.

One of the rights that women have is to divorce their husband if the husband is guilty of serious misconduct include abusive behavior or if the marriage has proven incompatible.

Thus, the women right had under Islamic law is right to divorce.

Learn more about Islamic law here:


What did the pigs do in chapter 8 of Animal Farm?


It is determined that the farm will fire the gun on Napoleon's birthday once Squealer and the other pigs carry out his instructions. Napoleon is now referred to as "our Leader, Comrade Napoleon," and the pigs give him other names like "Father of All Animals" and "Protector of the Sheep-fold."

What transpired in Animal Farm's chapter 8?

After the new windmill is finished in August, Napoleon sells Frederick the stockpile of wood and he tries to pay with a check. However, Napoleon demands money, which is granted. Napoleon then sentences the treacherous person to death once Whymper discovers that Frederick's currencies are fakes.

Why did the pigs in Animal Farm confess?

The animals confess their misdeeds out of fear that their crimes will be found out and because they can no longer bear the weight of their guilt. Boxer and Clover talk about the horrible atmosphere of fear and death that now permeates Animal Farm towards the end of the chapter.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:


Which of these laws was created in order to directly protect consumers?pollution lawsproduct safety lawswage lawsequal opportunity laws.


The law that was created in order to directly protect consumers is the product safety laws. Thus, the correct answer is B.

Product safety laws are those enacted to protect customers from potentially hazardous items or goods. The creation, distribution, sale, and resale of things are all governed by legislation. The rules were put in place to protect customers from risk-related damage hazards, help them evaluate products, and other things. To eliminate all hazards and dangers associated with consumer products, the Consumer Product Safety Act was created in 1972. 

Why are laws governing product safety crucial?

If a product is unsafe, it can lead to severe, frequently fatal harm. This can involve choking risks, strangling, amputation, fractured bones, and more. Manufacturers must thus take steps to safeguard customers by ensuring the safety of all goods.

Learn more about product safety here:


Identify the description below with the correct term or person from the module


Mass transit - Public transportation built to move many people and ease traffic in crowded cities.

What are the correct terms ?

correct term or person from the module are as follow

Jane Addams - Founded hull house with Ellen gates Starr in 1889

Benevolent societies

Organizations created by immigrants to help each other in times of sickness unemployment, or other troubles

Chinese exclusion Act - Law banning Chinese people from moving to the U.S.

Settlement houses

Neighborhood centers in poor urban areas that affected education, recreation, and social activities

Fredrick law olmstead

Landscape architect who designed New York city's Central Park


Small ships or mills where immigrants worked for long hours in hot, unhealthy conditions .

Learn more about Jane Adams  here


What are 3 key principals of the U.S. Constitution and how do we see them in everyday life?


separation of powers

checks and balances


The Constitution protects individual rights,

The Constitution rests on seven basic principles. They are popular

sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, federalism,

checks and balances, republicanism, and individual rights.

which are basic freedoms the government agrees to protect. Examples

of these rights are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the

right to trial by jury. You will read more about the rights

protected by the Constitution

The top country of nationality for refugees seeking entrance to the united states from 2004 to 2006 was __________. A. Italy b. Brazil c. Somalia d. China.





I found the answer on the internet.

Why does Wilson argue the United States should declare war?


President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to send US troops into World War I battle against Germany. Wilson lamented in his address to Congress that day that it is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war.

Congress responded by declaring war on Germany. In 1917, Germany which was at war with Britain, France, and Russia, increased its attacks on neutral shipping in the Atlantic and offered, via the so called Zimmermann Telegram, to assist Mexico in regaining Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in exchange for joining Germany in a war against the United States. The public outpouring of rage against Germany encouraged President Wilson to ask Congress to abandon America's neutrality in order to make the world safe for democracy. Wilson went on to lead what was at the time the country's largest war mobilization effort. Wilson initially requested only volunteer soldiers, but quickly realized that this would not produce a sufficient number of troops and signed the Selective Service Act in May 1917. The Selective Service Act required men between the ages to register for the draft, increasing the army's size the end of the war.

To learn more about Wilson argue declare war here:


Who was important in the Latin American revolution?


The two individuals that contributed the most to the Latin American revolution were Simón Bolvar and José de San Martin. They are both referred to as the Liberator.

They are without a doubt the two biggest heroes of the 1810 and 1824 independence struggles in Latin America. The title, however, resonated across the continent in the instance of Bolivar. San Martin was a really outstanding person who was idealistic, diligent, and persistent. He was humble and selfless, not like Bolivar.

San Martin, however, was a monarchist, which was terrible for his later reputation. He also had a rigorous approach to training and logistics. Before the phrase "public relations" was coined, Bolivar was a master at inspiring his followers. Bolivar gave up his financial security to advance the cause of independence.

To learn more about Latin America, visit the link below:


What was the main goal of the abolitionist movement?


The abolitionists considered servitude to be an evil entity and a difficulty for the US, making it their objective to kill slave possession. They sent petitions to Congress, campaigned for political positions, and immersed individuals of the South in abolitionist subjection writing.

The objective of the abolitionist development was the prompt liberation of all slaves and the finish of racial separation and isolation.

Previous slaves would now be delegated "work," and thus the work stock would rise decisively, even on a for each capita premise. One way or the other, nullifying subjection made America a significantly more useful, and thus more extravagant country.

Learn more about abolitionist movement:


What are the main targets of Swift's satire in this episode?


Religious beliefs that have been corrupted are the main objects of Swift's satire throughout Gulliver's journey to Brobdingnag.

What is corruption?

The misuse of authority for personal benefit is what we refer to as corruption. Inequality, poverty, social division, and the environmental disaster are all made worse by corruption, which also erodes trust, undermines democracy, and slows down economic growth.

What categories of corruption exist?

Although there are many different types of corruption, some of them include bribery, influence-peddling, lobbying, blackmail, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, favoritism, and graft and embezzlement.

To know more about swift satire visit:


Who does snowball in Animal Farm represent in the Russian Revolution?



Snowball represents the Government


The Government overthrew the tsar and the government were overthrown by the bolsheviks

This is similar to Snowball overthrowing Mr Jones and Snowball getting overthrown by Napoleon

What were the utopian communities?


The term Utopia today is used to refer to any place or circumstance that is absolute perfection. The Protestant Reformation served as the ancestor of the utopian groups of the 19th century.

Utopian culture: what is it?

It requires that culture never be exploited for purely utilitarian or ideological purposes. The notion was designed to free culture from the control of three corrupt forces: religion, politics, and commerce, each of which was seen to demand something from cultural makers that was far too urgent and practical.

Which nation is utopia?

The previous Utopia pastoral lease and a section of inalienable rights land to the north were combined to form Utopia, an Aboriginal homeland region in Australia, in November 1978.

To know more about utopia visit:


In 1832, the us supreme court heard the case of worcester v. georgia , which involved native american nations. in this case, the supreme court___.


The Court also held that the Georgia law which attempted to restrict the Cherokees' sovereignty was unconstitutional.

In the case of Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court held that the Cherokee Nation was a "domestic dependent nation" and was therefore entitled to the protection of the federal government, as outlined in the U.S. Constitution.

The Court also held that the Georgia law which attempted to restrict the Cherokees' sovereignty was unconstitutional, as it infringed upon the federal government's authority over the tribes. Ultimately, the Court held that the Cherokee Nation was a sovereign entity and that Georgia law was an unconstitutional infringement on the rights of the tribe.

This decision established the precedent that the federal government had a responsibility to protect the rights of Native Americans and maintain its trust relationship with tribes. This case ultimately set the stage for the doctrine of tribal sovereignty and the protection of tribal rights under federal law.

For more questions like Georgia constitution click the link below:



In this case, the Supreme Court upheld the sovereignty of tribal governments.

Hope this helps!


Why did newspapers report that the USS Maine might have been sunk by the Spanish?


Newspapers report that the USS Maine might have been sunk by the Spanish to increase the circulation and readership.

The Maine, a U.S. Navy ship, sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, sparking the start of the Spanish-American War the following month. American media asserted that the Spanish were to blame for the ship's destruction in an effort to increase circulation.

While the Spanish-American War dominated the media, it also sparked the first media battles in the United States during the golden age of yellow journalism.

Newspaper reports was partly responsible for Americans supporting the war by providing exaggerated news and visuals.

To learn more about Spanish-American War refer here


What really sank the Lusitania?


Answer : On May 7, 1915, the German submarine (U-boat) U-20 torpedoed and sank the Lusitania, a swift-moving British cruise liner traveling from New York to Liverpool, England. Of the 1,959 men, women, and children on board, 1,195 perished, including 123 Americans.

Why did Wilson not want to punish Germany?


The reason why Woodrow Wilson did not want to punish Germany was the fact that he did not want the country to become provoked and plunge into another war.

Why did Woodrow Wilson not punish Germany?

At the end of the first World War, the leading nations of the world resolved to punish Germany for its role in causing the global war. At that time, Woodrow Wilson was the American President and he desired to stay on the sidelines of the war. Due to the aggravation from Germany, the United States was to later join the war.

After the war was fought, the leaders of the victorious nations decided to punish Germany and impose some financial debts related to the war on the country. Woodrow Wilson differed in his own stance for he did not want Germany to receive a hefty punishment that could push them to resistance and involvement in another war.

Learn more about Woodrow Wilson here:


What is the Roaring 20s known for?


Answer: the Roaring Twenties, a surging economy created an era of mass consumerism, as Jazz-Age flappers flouted Prohibition laws and the Harlem Renaissance redefined arts and culture.

How did Furman v. Georgia change the death penalty?


In order to render the death punishment for sexual harrassment unconstitutional, the Supreme Court combined the cases of Jackson v. Georgia and Branch v. Texas with the Furman ruling.

The Supreme Court of California ruled in California v. Anderson that the death penalty violated the state constitution; as a result, Aikens was dismissed as moot because this decision changed all death sentences in California to life in prison.

The Court had also intended to include the case of Aikens v. California. However, between the time that Aikens had been heard in oral argument and a ruling was to be issued, the Supreme Court of California decided in California v. Anderson that the death penalty violate.

When it is used arbitrarily and capriciously with discriminatory outcomes, the death sentence violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Learn more about unconstitutional visit:


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