Will markkkkk BRAINIEST

Name 3 reasons why hate crimes are being committed against Asians in America?

How has the misconception of Asians being labeled the model minority impacted the Asian community in America? Please explain in 3 to 5 sentences.

What happened to Vincent Chin, and why? What was the outcome?

What happened in March in Atlanta Georgia, at Asian spa's. What was the outcome? What bill did Congress pass?


Answer 1


Anti-Asian rhetoric: Hate crimes against Asians have increased in America due to the anti-Asian rhetoric and misinformation that spread during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some people falsely blame Asians for the virus and use derogatory terms to describe them.

Historical racism: Asians in America have been subjected to racism and discrimination throughout history, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. These historical injustices have contributed to the current climate of hate crimes against Asians.

Model minority myth: The model minority myth, which portrays Asians as a successful and docile group, has led to the erasure of their struggles and discrimination. This stereotype has caused resentment and animosity towards Asians, leading to hate crimes against them.

The misconception of Asians being labeled the model minority has had a negative impact on the Asian community in America. This stereotype perpetuates the myth that all Asians are successful and wealthy, erasing the struggles and discrimination faced by many Asians. This stereotype also creates pressure for Asians to conform to the model minority image, leading to mental health issues and the erasure of their individual experiences.

Vincent Chin was a Chinese American who was beaten to death in 1982 in Detroit, Michigan, by two white men who mistook him for being Japanese. The men were angered by the economic success of Japanese automakers and blamed Japanese people for their own unemployment. The men received a lenient sentence, leading to outrage in the Asian American community and sparking a movement for justice.

In March 2021, a series of shootings occurred at three spas in the Atlanta, Georgia area, killing eight people, six of whom were Asian women. The shooter was a white man who claimed the shootings were not racially motivated but were a result of his sex addiction. However, the Asian American community saw this as a hate crime and demanded justice. In response, Congress passed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which aims to address the surge in hate crimes against Asian Americans during the pandemic.

Related Questions

Lesson 2.1
What do you think the West came to symbolize in American culture?
What arguments did the US government use to justify building railroads despite the damage to native cultures? How did such damage outweigh the benefits? How could the government have handled the situation differently?
Lesson 2.2
Although machine-run factories produced goods more efficiently, what possible setbacks or challenges would a company experience while transitioning from hand-production to machine-production?
What advantages and disadvantages do you see in allowing monopolies to operate?
Lesson 2.3
How did the inventions produced during this period change the average American’s lifestyle?
Lesson 2.4
What evidence supports a belief that Americans can advance economically through hard work and saving money? What are your arguments for or against the belief that the American dream is still possible?


The West has been symbolized in American culture as a frontier of opportunity, freedom, and individualism. The idea of the West as a new frontier where people could pursue their dreams and make a fresh start has been a powerful symbol in American literature, films, and popular culture.

The US government used various arguments to justify building railroads despite the damage to native cultures, including the idea that railroads would bring progress, development, and civilization to the West. Some also argued that the native cultures were backward and needed to be assimilated into mainstream American society. However, the damage to native cultures was significant, including loss of land, resources, and way of life. The government could have handled the situation differently by recognizing and respecting the sovereignty and rights of native peoples and working with them to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Transitioning from hand-production to machine-production can pose several challenges for a company, including the need to invest in new equipment and infrastructure, retrain workers, and adapt to new production processes. Additionally, machines can break down, requiring costly repairs and maintenance. However, the benefits of increased efficiency, productivity, and output can ultimately outweigh these challenges.

Allowing monopolies to operate can provide advantages such as economies of scale, lower prices for consumers, and increased innovation. However, they can also stifle competition, limit consumer choice, and lead to higher prices in the long run.

The inventions produced during the period of industrialization had a significant impact on the average American's lifestyle, making goods cheaper and more accessible, improving transportation and communication, and creating new forms of entertainment and leisure. However, they also had negative effects such as the exploitation of workers, environmental degradation, and the widening gap between the rich and poor.

The belief that Americans can advance economically through hard work and saving money is supported by evidence such as the upward mobility of some individuals and the success of some businesses. However, factors such as systemic inequality, discrimination, and lack of access to education and resources can make it more difficult for some to achieve the American Dream. Arguments for or against the belief depend on individual perspectives and experiences.


5. How would personal responsibility and individual initiative be better options than federal control of some of the services now provided by the government? Give specific examples.



Personal responsibility and individual initiative can be better options than federal control of some of the services now provided by the government for several reasons. First, individuals are more likely to have a greater sense of ownership and investment in the success of services they take personal responsibility for. This often leads to increased efficiency and effectiveness.

For example, consider healthcare. If individuals are responsible for managing their own healthcare needs and costs, they are likely to make more informed decisions regarding their health and medical treatments, which could lead to lower costs overall. They may also be more invested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which can lead to a lower overall burden on the healthcare system.

Similarly, when individuals take individual initiative in areas such as education and job training, they are more likely to pursue opportunities that align with their personal goals and interests. This can lead to greater personal satisfaction and fulfillment, as well as a more skilled and productive workforce.

Furthermore, personal responsibility and individual initiative can also foster innovation and creativity. When individuals are free to pursue their own ideas and projects, they are more likely to come up with new and innovative solutions to problems, leading to advancements in various fields.

In contrast, federal control of services can lead to bureaucratic inefficiencies, lack of accountability, and decreased responsiveness to individual needs and preferences. By promoting personal responsibility and individual initiative, we can create a more efficient, effective, and responsive society that better meets the needs of individuals and communities.


Task: Write your feature story on Queen Isabella's decision to send Columbus on a voyage of discovery.

Your story must include the following:

A title
A minimum of four paragraphs with at least 5 sentences in each paragraph
URLs of the resources that you used in writing your story


Title: Queen Isabella's Bold Move: Sending Columbus on a Voyage of Discovery

In the late 15th century, Queen Isabella of Spain made a bold decision that would change the course of history. She decided to fund an expedition to find a new trade route to the East Indies by sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean. At the forefront of this expedition was Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer who had long been seeking a patron for his voyage. Queen Isabella's decision to fund Columbus's journey was not without controversy, but it ultimately proved to be a pivotal moment in world history.

Many people were skeptical of Columbus's plan to sail westward across the ocean. At the time, it was widely believed that the world was flat and that one could fall off the edge if they sailed too far. Others believed that the journey would be too long and difficult, and that the ships would not be able to carry enough supplies to sustain the crew for such a journey. Despite these concerns, Queen Isabella saw the potential benefits of Columbus's plan and decided to take a chance on his expedition.

The expedition was not without its challenges. Columbus and his crew faced storms, hunger, and disease on their journey across the ocean. However, they ultimately reached land in the Caribbean, making contact with the indigenous peoples of the Americas and opening up a new era of exploration and colonization. Columbus would make several more voyages to the Americas, and his discoveries would ultimately lead to the creation of the Spanish Empire and the colonization of the New World.

Queen Isabella's decision to fund Columbus's voyage was a bold and risky move, but it ultimately paid off in a big way. Her support of Columbus's expedition paved the way for the Age of Exploration and the creation of new trade routes and empires. Despite the controversies surrounding Columbus and his legacy, there is no denying the impact that his journey had on world history.


History.com, "Christopher Columbus"

Smithsonian Magazine, "Why Queen Isabella Sponsored Columbus"

National Geographic, "What Columbus Day Really Means"


In 3–5 sentences, analyze how the existence and desires of three classes consistently put them in conflict with one another.(4 points)


In terms of ownership of property, there are three main social classes: the bourgeoisie,  landowners , and the proletariat.

Here are few reasons existence and desires of three classes consistently put them in conflict with one another-

Initially, just one or two factories were involved in the class conflict. Individual battles eventually get generalized to factory-wide coalitions as capitalism matures, the gap between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat's standard of living widens, Each class becomes more homogenized.Class antagonism is becoming more and more visible on a social level.Class awareness rises, similar interests and policies are organized, and political power is used and contested. Political factors are influenced by class.The socioeconomic system will crumble as the gap between classes widens and the plight of the oppressed worker worsens, turning the class struggle into a proletarian revolution.

The classes become constantly at odds with one another as a result and it  put them in conflict with one another.

To know more about Conflict visit:



Identify the role of women in American society before, during, and after World War I.



Before the war: Were not as commonly found in the workforceDuring the War: Grew victory gardens to support the war effort and Worked as nurses near the front lines

After the War: granted voting rights throughout the united states and had greater pride and confidence in their abilities.


Before war: "Were not as commonly found in the workforce"

During the War: Grew "victory gardens" to support the war effort" and Worked as nurses nea the front lines

Women are the primary caregivers of children and elders in every country of the world.

What factors led to close party competition in the 1880s?


The factors that led to close party competition in the 1880s were the northerners' disillusionment (a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be) with Republican policies and the resurgence of southern Democrats who regained a strong base in Congress.

What was the significance of the development of settlements called Hoovervilles?

A) They housed the workers for President Hoover's public works projects, which shortened the length of the Great Depression.

B) They represented the least successful of President Hoover's attempts to aid those suffering from the Great Depression.

C) They represented the most successful of President Hoover's attempts to aid those suffering from the Great Depression.

D) They were named as a political commentary on President Hoover's perceived responsibility for the Great Depression.​





Hoover was president during the start of the great depression. when people went homeless due to the terrible economy, they named their makeshift homes after him as a sort of "you caused this"

Why did the United States stay out of World War II at first? Responses


Isolationists believed that World War II was ultimately a dispute between foreign nations and that the United States had no good reason to get involved. The best policy, they claimed, was for the United States to build up its own defenses and avoid antagonizing either side.


Explanation: The U.S. stayed out of WWII because they believed it was a fight between the foreign nations. Also, they did not want to engage in war during the Great Depression.

The ____ movement in 2010 pushed for a more conservative view of the government.

A. Tea Party
B. Liberty
C. Righteous
D. Republican



The Tea Party movement in 2010 pushed for a more conservative view of the government.

It’s b the tea party

Evaluate the emperor as a ruler. Whose advice does he rely on?


The emperor in Gulliver's Travels is ineffective and relies on the advice of corrupt officials.

In Gulliver's Movements, the sovereign of Luggnagg is introduced as a shrewd and just ruler who is knowledgeable in the craft of administration. He is appreciated for how he might interpret international concerns and his capacity to deal with complex circumstances with tact. The sovereign is likewise depicted as an unassuming ruler who esteems the exhortation and assessments of his subjects.

He depends vigorously on the guidance of his wise and experienced councilors, who are specialists in different fields. The sovereign's dependence on the gathering recognizes the assessments of others and his eagerness to look for counsel from specialists in various fields. Generally, the sovereign is portrayed as an insightful and viable pioneer who focuses on the government assistance of his kin.

To learn more Gulliver's Travels, refer:



What political entity controlled China beginning in 1921?


The Chinese public generally refers to the CCP as simply "the Party". In 1921, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao led the founding of the CCP with the help of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Far Eastern Secretariat of the Communist International.



Chinese Communist Party - Controlled by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao


In 1921 Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao were the primary leaders of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

What is significant about the 16th Street Baptist Church?
OA. Four young girls were killed there when the church was bombed
for being a place civil rights activists gathered.
B. President John F. Kennedy met with civil rights leaders and white
segregationists in the church.
C. The Ku Klux Klan held rallies and coordinated attacks on Black
communities at the church.
OD. It was the only church in the South where both Black and white
worshippers attended services together.


At the church, the Ku Klux Klan held gatherings and planned attacks on Black neighborhoods. important features of the 16th Street Baptist Church. Option (C) is hence the appropriate response.

There have been three distinct Ku Klux Klan, each existing in three separate and unrelated periods. Small or no centrally organized chapters were present in each. The promotion of strong reactionary ideologies like white nationalism, anti-immigration, and normicism has been a hallmark of each, particularly in more recent iterations.

Prohibition, Right-Wing Populism, Anti-Semitism,Black neighborhoods and Catholicism, Anti-Communism, Homophobia,Anti-progressivism, anti-Islamophobia, and anti-atheism are some examples of these In the Southern United States in the late 1860s, the original Klan, which was created by Confederate veterans, engaged in acts of terrorism—including murder and physical assault

Learn more about Ku Klux Klan , from :



what was the primary reason why the Immigration Act was passed?


The primary reasons behind the passage of the Immigration Act in the United States varied depending on the specific version of the Act and the historical context, but commonly cited reasons include national security concerns, economic considerations, and social/cultural factors.

What was the primary reason why the Immigration Act was passed?

Some examples of the cited reasons are:

National Security: In some cases, concerns about national security and protecting the interests of the United States were a primary motivation behind the passage of the Immigration Act.

Economic Considerations: Economic factors have also played a role in the passage of immigration laws. For example, the Immigration Act of 1882, also known as the Chinese Exclusion Act, was motivated by economic concerns and aimed to restrict immigration of Chinese laborers to the United States due to perceived economic competition with American workers.

Social and Cultural Factors: Social and cultural factors have also influenced the passage of immigration laws.

Learn more about the Immigration Act at:



3. According to Max Brooks, how many different countries did the CIA spy on?





what were done to address human rights and why ?


International Conventions: Several international conventions have been established to protect human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

International Organizations: The United Nations (UN) and other international organizations have played a crucial role in promoting and protecting human rights. The UN has several bodies dedicated to monitoring and reporting on human rights violations, such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Human Rights Council.

These actions were taken to address human rights violations because it is essential to protect the dignity and freedom of every human being. Human rights are universal, and they are essential for the development of a just and peaceful society. However, human rights violations continue to occur, and ongoing efforts are needed to ensure that these rights are respected and protected for every individual.

To know more about International Convention



28) The ruling described in the excerpt is most similar to other civil rights achievements in the 1960s in that it ___.


The ruling described in the excerpt is most similar to other civil rights achievements in the 1960s in that it advanced equal rights and combated discrimination for marginalized groups in society.

During the 1960s, the civil rights movement focused on addressing racial inequality, promoting social justice, and dismantling segregationist policies.

Some key achievements of the civil rights movement in the 1960s include:

1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964: This landmark legislation prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in various aspects of life, such as employment, housing, and education.

2. The Voting Rights Act of 1965: This act targeted barriers to voting for African Americans and other minorities, such as literacy tests and poll taxes, thus ensuring their right to vote and participate in the democratic process.

3. The Fair Housing Act of 1968: This legislation prohibited discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, or sex, fostering equality in housing opportunities.

In conclusion, the ruling in the excerpt is most similar to other civil rights achievements in the 1960s in that it sought to promote equality, challenge discriminatory practices, and enhance opportunities for marginalized groups in society. By doing so, it contributed to the ongoing struggle for social justice and civil rights in the United States.

To know more about civil rights, refer here:



Who was the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who ruled that Cherokee territory was not subject to state law and thus Worchester should be set free?



John Marshall

What was the last battle of the Creek War, in which Andrew Jackson with the help of the White Stick Creeks and the Cherokee defeated the Red Stick Creek?


The last battle of the Creek War, in which Andrew Jackson with the help of the White Stick Creeks and the Cherokee defeated the Red Stick Creek, was the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814.

This battle took place on the Tallapoosa River in Alabama and resulted in a decisive victory for Jackson and his allies, effectively ending the Creek War. During the early 19th century, the United States, competing Native American factions, and European powers fought in the Creek War. The Creek War started out as a fight between Muscogee tribes, but the US soon got involved.

Red Sticks refers to a traditionalist element of the population in the Southeast of the United States in the early 19th century. The name comes from the red-painted war weapons used by some Native American Creek. The Red Sticks, who were primarily Creek from the Upper Towns and supported traditional leadership, culture, and the preservation of community lands for farming and hunting, emerged at a period when European American settlers were exerting growing pressure on Creek territory.

To learn more about Creek War, click here:



- Psychoanalyst and developmentalist- Childhood and Society key work- Had incredibly eclectic interests: painting, psychoanalysis, anthropology, medicine- Best known for life stage model. who's the writter?


The writer is Erik Erikson, a renowned psychoanalyst and developmentalist.

He is best known for his life stage model, which is described in his key work Childhood and Society. Erikson had incredibly eclectic interests, ranging from painting and psychoanalysis to anthropology and medicine.

He was a pioneer in the field of psychosocial development, and his theories have had a lasting impact on the way we think about the social, emotional, and psychological development of children and adults. Erikson was also a prolific writer and his other works include Young Man Luther, Identity: Youth and Crisis, and Insight and Responsibility.

To know more about Erik Erikson, click here:



How how would you have assisted in convincing other to agree with independence from great britain?​


I would have written persuasive essays and speeches to explain why independence from Great Britain was necessary for the colonies to thrive.

How did the North Vietnamese supply their troops and the guerrillas in South Vietnam?


The North Vietnamese supplied their troops and the guer-rillas in South Vietnam primarily through the H-o C-hi Min-h Trail.

This network of roads, trails, and rivers ran through Laos and Cambodia, allowing for the transportation of troops, weapons, and supplies from the North to the South. This supply route was highly important to the North Vietnamese, as the U.S. forces had heavily bom-bed North Vietnam.

Additionally, the North Vietnamese utilized local resources to support their efforts in South Vietnam, including recruiting local South Vietnamese for guer-rilla operations and taking supplies from the local population. Finally, the North Vietnamese received support from other communist countries, such as China and the Soviet Union, who provided military equipment, financial aid, and training.

To know more about Soviet Union, click here:



Analyze the causes and effects of changes in internal migration patterns from 1900 to 1945


Internal migration patterns changed drastically between 1900 and 1945. This can be attributed to several different causes.

During this time period, the industrialization of America caused more people to move to cities in search of employment opportunities. Additionally, the Great Migration of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north was a major factor in changing migration patterns. The Dust Bowl of the 1930s also caused thousands to relocate in search of better living conditions.

The effects of these changes in migration patterns included increased competition for jobs and housing, increased racial tension in urban areas, and a decrease in agricultural production in rural areas. These changes also led to an increase in cultural diversity in cities, as people from different backgrounds interacted with each other.

To know more about migration , click here:



1. why was the Indian department created
5. how did the Canadian government determine who was indigenous?
6. who were the clan mothers? What was their purpose? How did the indian act impact them?
7. which country based its apartheid system on Canada's assimilation policies?
8. Despite its problems, why do many indigenous people not want to abolish the Indian Act?


The Canadian government has used various methods over the years to determine who is Indigenous. The Indian Act of 1876 defined who was considered Indian and eligible for the certain rights and benefits.

What was the Indian Act of 1876?

The Indian Act of 1876 was a piece of Canadian legislation that governed the relationship between the Canadian government and Indigenous peoples. The Act granted the Canadian government sweeping powers over Indigenous peoples, including the ability to control their movements, determine their status, and manage their lands and resources. It also established the system of Indian reserves and Indian agents, who were appointed by the government to act as intermediaries between Indigenous peoples and the government. The Act was designed to assimilate Indigenous peoples into Canadian society by forcing them to abandon their cultural practices and adopt Western ways of life. The Indian Act remained in effect until it was amended in 1951 and 1985.

To learn more about government, visit:



Complete Question:

How did the Canadian government determine who was indigenous?

The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act set a universal quota of 20,000 immigrants for every country, which resulted in increased immigration from Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, as well as:


The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was a significant piece of legislation that brought about major changes to U.S. immigration policy. One of the key provisions of this act was the establishment of a universal quota of 20,000 immigrants for every country.

This meant that no single country could receive more than 20,000 immigrants in a given year, regardless of its population size or historical relationship with the United States.
This new policy had far-reaching effects on immigration patterns, particularly for countries in Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Prior to the 1965 act, the U.S. immigration system favored Europeans and restricted immigration from other parts of the world. The new quota system opened the doors for people from these regions to come to the United States in larger numbers.
As a result of the new policy, there was a significant increase in immigration from Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Many immigrants from these regions were able to reunite with family members already living in the U.S. or seek better economic opportunities.

This influx of immigrants had a profound impact on American society and culture, leading to greater diversity and new perspectives.
However, the 1965 act was not without controversy. Some critics argued that it led to an influx of immigrants who were not well-educated or skilled, and that this had a negative impact on the U.S. economy.

Others argued that the quota system itself was unfair and perpetuated inequalities between countries.
Overall, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was a significant milestone in U.S. immigration history, and its impact is still felt today. The act helped to shape the demographics of the United States, and paved the way for greater diversity and inclusion.

For more such questions on Immigration and Nationality Act



What steps did the U.S. take toward containing Communism after World War II?



The Truman Doctrine, also known as the policy of containment, was President Harry Truman's foreign policy that the US would provide political, military, and economic aid to democratic countries under the threat of communist influences in order to prevent the expansion of communism.


After World War II, the United States took several steps to contain Communism's spread. Here are some of the significant steps taken:

The Truman Doctrine: In 1947, President Harry Truman announced the Truman Doctrine, which pledged to provide economic and military aid to countries threatened by Communist expansionism. This policy was aimed at preventing Communism's spread and containing its influence.

The Marshall Plan: The United States offered massive economic aid to Western European countries after World War II through the Marshall Plan. The plan was aimed at preventing Communism spread in Western Europe by improving their economies and reducing Communism's appeal to the people.

Formation of NATO: In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed, creating a military alliance between the United States and Western European countries. The alliance was created to defend against Soviet aggression and prevent Communism spread.

Containment Policy: The United States adopted a containment policy, which aimed to prevent the spread of Communism beyond its existing borders. This policy involved supporting anti-Communist regimes and resisting Communist aggression wherever it occurred.

Korean War: The United States intervened in the Korean War (1950-1953) to prevent Communism's spread in the Korean peninsula. The war resulted in a stalemate, with a divided Korea that still exists today.

Vietnam War: In the 1960s, the United States became involved in the Vietnam War, aimed at preventing the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. The war was controversial and ended in defeat for the United States.

Overall, these steps demonstrate the United States' efforts to contain Communism's spread and promote democracy during the Cold War era.


Thousands of people develop asthma and breathing problems from exposure to air pollution. This is an example a:


Thousands of people develop asthma and breathing problems from exposure to air pollution. This is an example a negative externality.

When the production or consumption of a thing or service has an impact on third parties who are not involved in the transaction, this is referred to as an externality.

In this situation, air pollution created by the production and consumption of goods and services affects persons who are not involved in such activities, causing negative health effects such as asthma and breathing difficulties.

Air pollution is a classic example of a negative externality since the costs of pollution are frequently absorbed by society as a whole rather than by the polluters alone.

For such more question on asthma:




How did Ella Baker most influence change during the Civil Rights Movement?

She organized and inspired young people in the movement.

She was one of the most effective lawyers for discrimination cases.

She led marches and pickets of stores that practiced segregation.

She was a highly motivating public speaker.


Answer: A.


she found a organization In Friendship to raise money to fight against Jim Crow Laws in the deep South.

She worked as a field secretary and then served as director of branches from 1943 until 1946. Inspired by the historic bus boycott in Montgomery

Did the Vietnam war archive, maintain or threaten world peace?

If you were to set this event on a doomsday clock, how many minutes will it be?



The Vietnam War had a significant impact on world peace, and it could be argued that it threatened global stability during the Cold War era. The conflict was part of a larger struggle between communism and democracy, with the Soviet Union and China supporting North Vietnam, while the United States and other Western countries supported South Vietnam.

The war led to widespread destruction and loss of life, and it also contributed to increased tensions between the superpowers during the Cold War. The use of chemical weapons and the bombing of civilian areas further exacerbated the humanitarian impact of the war.

Moreover, the protests against the Vietnam War were a significant factor in the anti-war movement and the counterculture of the 1960s and early 1970s. This sociopolitical upheaval ultimately led to political changes in the United States and around the world.

Given these factors, I would set the event of the Vietnam War on the doomsday clock at around 3 minutes to midnight. While the conflict did not result in a full-blown global war or nuclear exchange, it represented a significant threat to world peace and security at the time.

What were the names for the two sides that fought in WWI? WWII?



WWI: Allies and Central Powers

WWII: Allied Powers and Axis Powers


WWI: Over 30 nations declared war between 1914 and 1918. The majority joined on the side of the Allies, including Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Italy and the United States. They were opposed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, who together formed the Central Powers.

WWII: Countries like America and Britain were part of the Allied powers. Japan and Germany were part of the Axis powers.

Oglethorpe's plan for the establishment of Savannah could BEST be described as a


Oglethorpe's plan for the establishment of Savannah could BEST be described as a well-organized and carefully thought-out plan for a new settlement.

His vision was to create a utopian community that would serve as a haven for debtors and the poor, and his plan included a grid-like street system, public squares, and regulations governing the size and placement of houses. Oglethorpe also placed great emphasis on agriculture, encouraging settlers to cultivate mulberry trees and produce silk. Overall, Oglethorpe's plan for Savannah was a success, and the city became a thriving center of trade and commerce in the region.

For more information on Oglethorpe's plan see:



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