1. By comparing the newer houses in sentence 3 to a choir, the narrator is suggesting that they -


Answer 1

When a comparison is made between two seemingly dissimilar things in literature, it is often done to convey a deeper meaning or to evoke a particular emotion in the reader.

What could comparing newer houses to a choir suggest?

Comparing newer houses to a choir could suggest that the narrator sees the houses as having a harmonious quality, like the voices in a choir that blend together to create a pleasing sound. This could be interpreted as a positive comparison, indicating that the newer houses work together to form a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing neighborhood.

Alternatively, the comparison could be interpreted negatively. For example, if the narrator is trying to convey a sense of uniformity or conformity in the newer houses, the comparison to a choir could suggest that the houses lack individuality or uniqueness, much like the voices in a choir blend together to create a single sound.

However, without the full context of the sentence and the larger piece of literature it comes from, it's difficult to determine the exact meaning or intention of the comparison made by the narrator.

Learn more about comparison with choirs here:



Related Questions

Help ASAP:)
Write a letter to environmental department to suggest how the problem of pollution can be addressed.
write at least 120 words please


The introduction of hazardous elements into the environment is pollution. Pollutants are the name for these dangerous substances. Natural pollutants include volcanic ash, for example. They can also be brought by by human activities, such as factory runoff or waste. The quality of the air, water, and land is harmed by pollutants.


The environmental department


Sir, I want to bring the negative effects of pollution to the authorities' attention. The effects on people's health are severe. Additionally, it disrupts sleep, rest, and tranquility and produces discomfort. Students were unable to focus on their academics because of noise pollution. It impairs people's ability to function effectively and results in hearing loss.

Laws regulating noise should be vigorously enforced by the authorities. The factories that make noise should be immediately relocated far away. After a certain hour, loudspeakers shouldn't be used anymore. Authorities want public support to completely eliminate noise pollution. The public should therefore be informed and supportive in the fight against noise pollution.

I hope the relevant authorities take prompt action against the noise-causing acts.

Learn more on letter here:



Write an essay about does a person have the right to decide when they dies??
Write a 5 paragraph essay pls
Answer asap


It’s important to write your own essay. Since this is a basic topic it should not take long
It’s only 25 sentences
5 sentences per paragraph
The first and last one can even be 4!
If you want my opinion on the topic
A person does not have the right to decide when they die. Time is very valuable and we should cherish it instead of worrying about when we die. Death is natural for a reason.
Have a great day! :)

Which technique would a speaker use to control the speed at which the listener hears a poem?



Answer: (A) Pacing


The technique that a speaker should use to control the speed at which the listener hears a poem is; "Pacing". The usage of Pacing sets the narration of the events for a better understanding by the listener.

There are four pillars that determine the pacing technique and they are; pattern, symmetry, flow, and time. Naturally, Rising action, and gradually falling action becomes the main output of pacing technique. Rising action technique deals with creating climax, and gradual falling manner describes the setting of events into completion.

Hence, based on the given statements, it can be concluded that the option A -Pacing is the correct answer to the given question. Pacing technique is also used in stories, and movies.

To know more about Pacing technique:


Please help me as soon as possible this is due tomorrow

I need help writing a 1 page reflection on either the musical Hamilton, sound of music or Les Miserable. But I either need to compare and contrast 2 of them or just write about 1.


"Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a golden drop of sun..." Aside from providing us handy ways to remember the musical scale, "The sound of music" provided us a musical about love, passion, war, and moving on. This is blended with playful characters and light-hearted dialogue to create, for lack of a better term, a masterpiece.

Here's at least a start for you, hope this helps


1. A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison

by saying that one thing is something else. Find the

metaphor used to describe Charon in lines 5-9 of The Aeneid

of Virgil. What impression of Charon does this metaphor



In verses 5–9 of The Aeneid of Virgil, Charon is described as "seeming like a king, a lord of the dead, a sombre Hades, a branch of Styx." This metaphor gives Charon the appearance of being a strong, imposing character who rules and controls the dead.

The Aeneid of Virgil's use of metaphor to describe Charon creates an image of Charon as a regal character with unquestionable power. He has the same power as a monarch and rules the afterlife as if it were his own. He has a gloomy, menacing presence similar to Hades himself, and his influence goes well beyond the depths of the underworld.

To learn more about metaphor link is here



Describe Jefferson's behavior when Grant visits him alone.


The first time Jefferson's behavior towards Grant when he visits him alone was animalistic.

The question has been asked fro the story "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines. Grant truly begins to engage with Jefferson when he visits him on his own for the first time. He behaves in an animalistic manner, eating like a hog and claiming that hogs don't have feelings, thus he doesn't care what Grant told his grandmother.

He speaks up and describes himself as a hog being fattened for the slaughter. It is clear that he feels trapped and is upset about his predicament.  Grant and Jefferson discuss his most recent encounter with Miss Emma. He converses with Jefferson and makes an effort to touch his emotions. He reported that Miss Emma was sobbing and asking Jefferson to stop her sobbing and make everything easier for her.

Read more about Grant on:



After reading the intro on p. 157, find 2 examples of closed couplets in Canterbury Tales and 2 examples of enjambment. Then write 2 sentences on your own of iambic pentameter about any topic you wish.​


Two examples of closed couplets in Canterbury Tales are: 1."And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche," 2. "Hath in the ram his halfe cours yronne." Two examples of enjambment: 1. "And of his port as meke as is a mayde," 2. "And fillen alle the cophes in the halle."

Two examples of closed couplets in Canterbury Tales are:

"And gladly wolde he lerne and gladly teche" (from the General Prologue, line 310)"Hath in the ram his halfe cours yronne" (from the Knight's Tale, line 1201)

Two examples of enjambment in Canterbury Tales are:

"And of his port as meke as is a mayde" (from the General Prologue, line 165)"And fillen alle the cophes in the halle" (from the Miller's Tale, line 3272)

Here are two sentences in iambic pentameter:

Upon the meadow filled with morning dew,

The flowers bloom and spread their sweet perfume.

To learn more about couplets here: https://brainly.com/question/15586723


whose word keep echoing in Tsotsi's mind as he prow's the dark street?​



Everything he sees and hears reminds him of Boston's warning words. In a blind panic he runs into the darkness beyond the border of the township. He keeps moving, prowling mindlessly through the streets, ignoring a shower of rain, until he can finally dismiss the memory of Boston from his mind

How does Grant respond to Jefferson in this chapter?


Grant responds to Jefferson in the story by being reasonable and appealing to his emotions.

The question has been asked fro the story "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines. As a response, Grant uses emotional appeals to try to reason with Jefferson and persuade him to stop referring to himself as a hog. He tries to win Jefferson over by explaining that it would pain his nannan if she heard him refer to himself as a hog, but he fails since Jefferson says that the hog doesn't care what humans do or feel.

Then he tried to use his pride as an argument by telling them not to allow the white man triumph. After then, Jefferson came to a complete halt and remained silent until the constable arrived to take him.

Read more about Grant on:




Directions: Please respond to the following questions. Unless otherwise stated, your responses to each question should be 3-7 sentences in length where applicable.

1. Define the term, deferred. How does the definition relate to the title of the poem and the poem itself?

2. What do you think this poem is about? Explain your thinking.

3. What did you like or dislike about this poem? Explain your thinking.

4. How did this poem make you feel? Explain your thinking.

5. What is the overall tone of lines 8-10 in your opinion? (Remember tone is the feeling that writing produces, how does it make you feel?) What tone, do you suppose, Hughes was trying to convey? Explain your thinking.

6. After reading the poem, does the title make sense? Do you feel it was a clue for the audience? How would the poem have been different if the title was not there?

7. What type of figurative language does Hughes use in this poem? Give one example from the poem and describe what type of figurative language he uses.

Note: You may need to review lesson 4 to answer this question.

8. Now it's your turn: Conduct a search for more of Langston Hughes’ poetry. Find one poem that you enjoy and answer the following questions.

a. What did you like or dislike about the poem? Be specific. Your response should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

b. List one of the literary elements you found in this poem and describe how it is an example of figurative language, conflict, irony, foreshadowing or tone. Please copy and paste the section of the poem you are using.


1. Deferred means postponed or delayed. In the poem “Harlem,” Hughes uses the title to show that the dream of his people, African Americans, has been deferred - meaning it has been delayed or postponed.

What is deferred?

Deferred is a term used to describe a situation in which something is postponed or delayed. This can be a payment, a task, a decision, or any other action that is normally expected to take place at a certain time. Deferring can be used to delay or postpone an action or decision until a later date.

2. I think this poem is about the struggle of African Americans in the United States in the early 20th century.

3. I liked how this poem expresses the emotions of African Americans in an honest and direct way.

4. This poem made me feel sad. I sympathized with the people Hughes is speaking about and their struggles.

5. I believe the overall tone of lines 8-10 is a mix of sadness and hope.

6. Yes, the title makes sense.

7. Hughes uses metaphors in this poem.

8a. I liked how this poem speaks to the struggles of being a minority in the United States.

8b. This poem contains a metaphor.

To learn more about Deferred



Answer: for question 7...

He uses simile as a type of figurative language in the poem.



How does the grandma feel about her dreams? In Tending Roses


The name of the grandma in "Tending Roses" is Mary. The grandma feels conflicted about her dreams.

Why does Mary feel conflicted about her dreams?

In "Tending Roses," the grandma, Mary,  struggles about her dreams. She has always wanted to travel and see the world, but she also loves her family and wants to be there for them. She feels guilty about wanting to pursue her own dreams when she has responsibilities to her husband, children, and grandchildren. Mary realizes that her dreams have taken a backseat for a long time, and she struggles to balance her desire for adventure with her love for her family. However, she eventually comes to terms with the fact that it's okay to have dreams and that pursuing them doesn't mean she loves her family any less.

Learn more about Tending Roses here:



Which needs to be determined first when designing a pump station?
a.) Discharge requirements
b.) Head requirements
c.) Power requirements
d.) Capacity requirements


Option A is correct.

The first step is to identify the discharge requirements.

When designing a water pump station, what should be established first?

The initial design criteria we require are the expected flow (how much water will flow into the pump station) and the pumping demands or "duty point" (how much water will be pumped out).

What are the three primary elements that define a pump's performance?

Three key analytical models—flow rate (Q), head (h), and efficiency (n)—can be used to calculate a pump's performance. Users can get a general idea of how the pump is operating by using these three models.

To know more about Discharge  visit:-



Interpret Hamlet's lines at the end of scene ii: "My father's spirit in arms! All is not well. I doubt some foul play. Would the night were come. Till then, sit still, my soul. Foul deeds will rise, Though all the earth o'whelm them, to men's eyes."


These lines are spoken by Hamlet at the end of Act I, Scene ii of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet".

In these lines, Hamlet expresses his doubts about the recent events surrounding his father's death and his mother's hasty remarriage to his uncle, who is now the king.

Hamlet believes that his father's ghost has appeared to him, telling him that he was murdered by his own brother, who is now the king. Hamlet is shocked and saddened by this revelation and fears that something sinister is afoot.

The line "Foul deeds will rise, Though all the earth o'whelm them, to men's eyes" suggests that no matter how well hidden a crime may be, eventually, the truth will come out. Hamlet is determined to uncover the truth about his father's death and bring his murderer to justice, even if it means waiting until the cover of darkness to do so.

Learn more about Hamlet expresses



What does Grant say he really wants to do and what is Vivian's response? What does she believe about his wanting to leave?


His paler-skinned girl-friend Vivian arrives at Grant's request. Grant joins her at her seat, and they have a quiet conversation. He offers to take her and her kids far from the town, but she thinks that's impossible and threatens to leave the bar if he keeps talking about it.

Conversation is the term used to describe interactive communication between two or more people. The improvement of communication skills and manners is a crucial aspect of socialisation. The development of conversational skills in a foreign language is a common focus in language teaching and learning.

Conversation analysis is a branch of sociology that specializes in investigating the organization and structure of human contact, with a particular focus on conversational interaction.There is no established definition of what defines a conversation other from the requirement that at least two people speak at once. Consequently, the definition of the term is typically given in terms of what it is not.

Learn more about conversation here:



Pls be quick... need answer fast

The 20th-century American historian Howard Zinn said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." The right to hold an unpopular opinion is ingrained in the United States Bill of Rights.In at least one hundred words, explain how the right to hold one's own beliefs is compatible (or incompatible) with Lincoln's assertion that "A house divided against itself cannot stand."


The right to hold one's own beliefs, including unpopular opinions, is compatible with Lincoln's assertion that "A house divided against itself cannot stand" in the context of the United States Bill of Rights.

What is Democracy?

Democracy is a form of government in which the power to make decisions and govern is vested in the people. It is a system of governance where the people have the right to participate in the decision-making process, either directly or indirectly, through elected representatives.

In a democratic society, the right to dissent allows for the expression of diverse perspectives and opinions, which is crucial for healthy discourse and the functioning of a pluralistic society. It fosters critical thinking, encourages debate, and can lead to positive social change. The right to hold unpopular opinions, as enshrined in the Bill of Rights, protects individual liberties and promotes the principles of democracy and freedom of expression.

Learn more about Democracy from the given ink



Connect In “The Sparrow,” what reason does the speaker give for why people
don’t let the “birds of peace and hope and love” in?


We are often too preoccupied with our daily lives to appreciate the presence of birds, and it is only when they disappear that we recognize their significance. This is the reason the speaker gives.

What is the poem “The Sparrow” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar about?

"The Sparrow" by Paul Lawrence Dunbar is a poem about a little sparrow that is chirping and singing outside the poet's window, despite the cold and harsh winter weather. The poet observes the sparrow's cheerful disposition and wonders how it can be so content and happy despite its difficult circumstances. He compares the sparrow's resilience and determination to his own struggles in life, and is inspired by the sparrow's ability to find joy in the midst of adversity. Ultimately, the poem is a tribute to the power of nature to uplift the human spirit, and a call to appreciate the simple beauties of life.

Learn more about “The Sparrow” here:



Why are Justin and his dad asked to leave the museum


The 19-year-old singer signed a visitor book before departing after spending more than an hour touring the museum on Friday night, according to the Anne Frank social media page.

Why is Justin's father asking them to leave the museum?

Truly inspirational to be able to see this place. A wonderful young lady, Anne. Ideally, she would have been a fan.

The fact that he made the time and effort to visit our museum is something we view as very beneficial. He stayed for more than an hour because he was so taken with the Anne Frank narrative. We anticipate that his visit will motivate his followers to read her diaries and learn more about her life, the museum wrote in an official social media post.

One person wrote, "I hope he visits the museum again when he is older and perhaps wiser and genuinely understands the teachings of peace, humility, and respect that are wound within those walls.

To know more about museum, visit:



IElTS task

Write the introduction and the overview


IELTS is not required in order to study in Canada or go there on a visiting or tourist visa. But IELTS is a must if you want to seek for permanent residency.

What do the IELTS tasks 1 and 2 entail?

IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 are the names of these assignments. You must write 150 words for Task 1 of the first essay. A least of 250 words must be written in the second essay, also known as work 2, which is longer than the first IELTS work. You have 60 minutes to finish the exam as a whole.

How should I start my essay?

Start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader's curiosity. The hook should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of the topic you're writing about and why it's interesting. Avoid overly broad claims or plain statements of fact.

To know more about IEITS task visit:-



brainliest+50 points



well the negative effects of tik-tok are  

1. low self-esteem

2. negative  body image



Some of the negative effects Tik-Tok are:

Addiction: It is designed to be addictive, with its short videos and constant stream of new content. This can lead to users spending hours on the app each day, which can have a negative impact on their work, school, and personal relationships.Cyber-bullying: It is a platform where users can easily share videos and photos with a large audience. This can make it easy for bullies to target and harass other users.Body image issues: it is full of videos of people who are considered to be attractive or have a perfect body. This can lead to users feeling insecure about their own appearance and body image.Privacy concerns: It has been criticized for its data collection practices. The app collects a lot of data about its users, including their location, interests, and demographics. This data could be used to track users or target them with advertising.Dangerous challenges: It has been linked to a number of dangerous challenges, such as the "Fire Challenge" and the "Tide Pod Challenge." These challenges have resulted in injuries and even death.

Experts estimate that about ________ of every conversation is interpreted through nonverbal communication.


Experts estimate that about 70-90% of every conversation is interpreted through nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, eye contact, posture, and other nonverbal cues that convey messages and emotions alongside verbal communication. These nonverbal cues can significantly impact how a message is perceived and understood, often playing a crucial role in interpersonal communication.

While the exact percentage may vary depending on the specific study or context, it is generally accepted that nonverbal communication plays a significant role in human communication, often surpassing the importance of words alone.

To learn more about nonverbal communication, visit here



1. In Act 1, Merlin decides that Arthur should be raised as a "peasant child." How do you
think Arthur's peasant upbringing might have shaped his character? Do you think this
background will help Arthur as king? Support your answer with details from the text.
minem word warlener


The decision by Merlin to have Arthur raised as a peasant child in Act 1 of "Camelot" has significant implications for Arthur's character and his future role as king.

Do you think this background will help Arthur as king?

Firstly, growing up as a peasant, Arthur will have firsthand experience with the struggles and hardships of the common people. This exposure to the daily lives of ordinary people will help him develop empathy and understanding towards his subjects as king. It will also give him a unique perspective on the challenges and issues facing the common people, which could help him make more informed and compassionate decisions as a ruler.

Secondly, Arthur's peasant upbringing will teach him the value of hard work and perseverance. As a peasant, he will have to work hard to survive, and this work ethic will be ingrained in his character. This will serve him well as king, as he will need to work hard to fulfill his duties and responsibilities to his people.

Thirdly, Arthur's peasant upbringing will teach him humility and the importance of treating others with respect and kindness. As a peasant, he will not have the luxury of entitlement or privilege, and he will need to learn how to navigate the social hierarchy of Camelot with grace and diplomacy. This will help him build strong relationships with his advisors and allies, as well as gain the trust and respect of his people.

To know more about arthur visit:



I'm between C and D, no other context is provided


Ummm…I think your answer will be d

I need answers I’ve been stuck for sooo long. How did Lemlich's and Jones' contributions to workers' rights compare?


Both Clara Lemlich and Mother Jones made significant contributions to workers' rights in the United States, but their approaches and strategies differed in some key ways.

Clara Lemlich was a young Jewish immigrant who worked in the garment industry in New York City in the early 20th century. She is best known for her role in organizing the Uprising of the 20,000, a strike by garment workers in 1909 that demanded better pay, working conditions, and hours. Lemlich was a powerful speaker and a skilled organizer who rallied her fellow workers and helped to build momentum for the strike. Her advocacy and activism helped to bring attention to the working conditions in the garment industry and paved the way for future labor reforms.

Mother Jones, on the other hand, was a labor organizer who was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She is known for her work in organizing coal miners and other industrial workers, and for her fearless advocacy on behalf of workers' rights. Jones was a charismatic speaker who traveled the country to organize strikes and protests, and she used her platform to call attention to the injustices faced by working people. Her efforts helped to secure better wages, safer working conditions, and other labor reforms for workers across the country.

While Lemlich and Jones had different approaches to advocating for workers' rights, they both played important roles in advancing the cause of labor reform in the United States. Their activism and advocacy helped to raise awareness about the working conditions faced by many Americans and paved the way for future generations to continue the fight for workers' rights.


Can I get help on these analogies?




1: c

2: D


witch other ones do you need help with

3. Which statement best describes the
impact of the four girls' deaths?


The statement that best describes the impact of the four girls' deaths is B. Many people attended the funeral, and Dr. King, Jr. gave a speech telling people to keep working for civil rights.

What is the statement?

Without doubt, B best illustrates the effect of the unfortunate deaths of four young ladies. Aged between 11 and 14, they lost their lives following an explosion inside the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963, thus evolving into a pivotal moment within the Civil Rights Movement.

This tragedy garnered extensive national focus, instigating intensified dedication towards achieving fairness and justice.

Learn more about King on



Which statement best describes the

impact of the four girls' deaths?

OA. There was a very small funeral service

that only the girls' families attended.

B. Many people attended the funeral, and

Dr. King, Jr. gave a speech telling

people to keep working for civil rights.

O C. The funeral was used as an

opportunity for Dr. King Jr. to tell the

community to stop fighting for civil

rights or else more people might get


O D. Members of the community went to

the girls' funeral, but most Americans

didn't care that they had died or that

the church had been bombed.

If a person who has been addressed wants a conversation, his reply must not be too brief or enthusiastic. true or false?


The reply of the person addressed, if they want a conversation, must not be too brief or enthusiastic. Therefore, the correct answer is true.

If the reply that the person addressed gives is too brief, for example, just one or two-words long, there is immense pressure on the other party to keep the interaction going. In all likelihood, the conversation will die out. Thus, to sustain an interaction, it is advisable to meaningfully stretch out answers and also ask open-ended questions in return.

With enthusiasm particularly, a balance is very necessary to be struck. While on one side extreme lack of enthusiasm can stall a conversation, too much enthusiasm makes it one-sided. An adequate amount of enthusiasm is required to establish a connection.

To read more about conversation tips,



What does Hartey's F-Max test do?


Hartey's F-Max test is a clinical assessment tool used to measure the maximum biting force of an individual. The test is performed using a bite force transducer, which measures the amount of force exerted by the individual's teeth when biting down on the device.

This information can be useful in evaluating the strength and function of the muscles involved in biting and chewing, as well as in identifying potential dental or medical issues that may be affecting a person's ability to bite and chew effectively. The test typically takes only a few minutes to perform and is non-invasive, making it a useful tool for dentists, orthodontists, and other healthcare professionals.

For more such questions on transducer, click on:



please help me find the infer of this picture asap!! ​


You can infer that Jon (the man in the cartoon) is sitting in a chair talking about how he loves his pets. Then, the pets, Garfield and Odie, run by causing a lot of noise and commotion. Jon then goes onto say that he wishes he kept the receipt from when he got his pets, due to how problematic and loud they are.


Part A
What does the interaction between the two hunters reveal about Rainsford’s attitude toward General Zaroff?

A.) He believes Zaroff is a gracious host.
B.) He feels uneasy about Zaroff.
C.) He is jealous of Zaroff’s hunting skill.
D.) He is envious of Zaroff’s wealth.

Part B
How does Rainsford’s attitude toward Zaroff advance the plot of this passage?

A.) His misgivings about Zaroff prove true when Zaroff proposes his next hunting challenge.
B.) His appreciation of Zaroff’s gentility blinds him to Zaroff’s frightening plans for his future.
C.) His feelings about Zaroff’s wealth lead him to wonder whether he came by it honestly.
D.) His envy of Zaroff’s hunting skills makes him overly eager to prove that his skills are better.




Part A:

The correct answer is B.) He feels uneasy about Zaroff. The interaction between the two hunters reveals that Rainsford is suspicious of Zaroff's intentions and has a sense of unease about him. Rainsford notices the strange and unsettling look in Zaroff's eyes when he speaks of hunting, and his comment "I am not a beast" suggests that he sees Zaroff's hunting practices as inhumane.

Part B:

The correct answer is A.) His misgivings about Zaroff prove true when Zaroff proposes his next hunting challenge. Rainsford's attitude toward Zaroff advances the plot of this passage by setting up a conflict between the two characters. Rainsford's misgivings about Zaroff foreshadow the danger he will soon face when Zaroff proposes his next hunting challenge. If Rainsford had not felt uneasy about Zaroff, he may not have been as cautious and prepared for the deadly game that lies ahead.

Act III Summary of Romeo and Juliet
4-6 sentences max




In Act III of Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel, but Romeo refuses to fight. Mercutio takes up Romeo's defense, and they fight instead. Mercutio is fatally wounded, and Romeo then kills Tybalt in revenge. The Prince banishes Romeo from Verona, and Juliet is heartbroken when she hears the news. Meanwhile, Lord Capulet plans Juliet's wedding to Paris, but Juliet refuses to marry him, leading to a desperate plan to reunite with Romeo.

Other Questions
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