before the united states ratified the the constitution, the nation was governed by which of these documents?


Answer 1

Before the united states ratified the the constitution, the nation was governed by Articles of Confederation.

What is Articles of Confederation?

The thirteen founding states accepted the Articles of Confederation in writing in 1781; it served as a formal representation of their unity since it gave the federal government no coercive authority over the states or their residents.

After the United States proclaimed its independence from Great Britain, the national government's duties were outlined in writing in the Articles of Confederation.

The appropriate response is Articles of Confederation

To learn more about Articles of Confederation


Related Questions

Can I decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving?


It was once believed that it was customary to begin decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving, but the contemporary culture seems to have changed that.

What is Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a recognized national holiday in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, as well as informally other nations like the Philippines and Brazil.

The Australian territory of Norfolk Island and the Dutch city of Leiden both observe it.

It began as a day set aside for offering thanks for the harvest and the previous year.

In addition to being celebrated around the same time of year in other nations, Thanksgiving is marked on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.

Waiting until after Thanksgiving to start decorating for Christmas was originally thought to be the general rule, but that seems to no longer be the case in modern society.

Therefore, it was once believed that it was customary to begin decorating for Christmas after Thanksgiving, but the contemporary culture seems to have changed that.

Know more about Thanksgiving here:


Evaluate the extent to which technology facilitate change in pattern of trade and travel in the 1450-1750 time period


Because of political connections and agreements, cross-cultural interaction caused technology to spread.

In the late 1980s, academic multiculturalism and the educational movement known as Writing Across the Curriculum came together, giving educators in the social sciences greater influence in composition pedagogy. As a result, the term "cross-cultural" began to appear in the titles of a number of college readers and writing textbooks. Popular examples included Ruth Spack's Guidelines: A Cross Cultural Reading Writing Text (1990) and Carol J. Verburg's Ourselves Among Others: Cross-Cultural Readings for Writers (1988), both edited by Verburg. A discipline of literary and cultural studies that examines works or authors connected to multiple cultures is known as cross-cultural studies, which is an adaptation of the phrase cross-cultural.

learn more about cross-cultural  here


which is not true of US foreign in the 1920s?n policy in the 19


Unlimited internationalism is not true of US foreign in the 1920s.

What is internationalism?

Designing a product so that it may be easily eaten in other nations is known as internationalisation. Companies who want to reach outside their native market and into other countries, realising that consumers there may have different interests or habits, use this method.

Why does internationalisation matter so much?

Market diversity is one of the major benefits of international trade. You can reduce the risk in your primary market by diversifying your sources of revenue. Companies would have the chance to boost their brand recognition in a market where their rivals have not yet established a presence.

To know more about internationalism, click here-


The 1920s saw an end to unrestricted internationalism in US foreign policy.

Internationalism: What is it?

Internationalization is the process of designing a product so that it may be readily consumed in various countries. This approach is used by businesses that seek to expand outside of their home country's market into other nations where consumers may have different interests or customs.

Why is internationalization so important?

One of the main advantages of international trading is the diversity of the markets. By diversifying your income sources, you can lower the risk in your main market. Companies would have the chance to increase consumer awareness of their brands in a market where their competitors do not yet have a strong presence.

To know more about internationalism, click here-


Can Muslims eat Christmas pudding?


Alcohol and pork-based products,are prohibited for Muslims to consume. Since they don't celebrate Christmas, some people are fine with passing on these products, while others might be interested in all the buzz.

Why cant muslim eat pudding?

Pudding is permissible for Muslims to consume, but only halal puddings, which are those devoid of alcohol.

Alcohol can become addictive, which is one of the reasons Muslims aren't allowed to use it.

Furthermore, it's because you have the potential to do incredibly horrible things like assault people and start fights. I really hope that people everywhere realize how deadly alcohol is.

Just as women are required to wear burqas, Allah forbade it for our own welfare. So kindly don't believe that it's to put us through agony or a test. That is why—so that we don't act improperly.

To know more about Muslims, visit:-


Describe the types of input the peripheral nervous system receives in each of the three scenarios.


The main functions of the peripheral nervous system are the voluntary movements like chewing food, walking, and facial expressions. It also regulates autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and digesting the unconscious bodily behaviors. It is thus especially important for humans to survive.

What is a nervous system?

The brain, spinal cord, and a sophisticated nerve network are all parts of the nervous system. The brain and the body are communicated with via this system. All bodily functions are managed by the brain. From the brain, the spinal cord descends through the back.

The portion of your nervous system that is located away from your brain and spinal cord is known as your peripheral nervous system (PNS). It plays a crucial role in both carrying out commands from your brain to various parts of your body and sending information from various parts of your body back to your brain.

Note that an overview was given as the information is incomplete.

Learn more about nervous system on:


according to the ""white man’s burden"" what was a motivating factor of imperialism in africa?


The problematic idea that white people have a responsibility to teach and advance other races is supported by the poem "The White Man's Burden," which has an imperialist connection. In his argument, Rudyard Kipling urges the United States to acknowledge its duty to practice imperialism towards the people of Philippines.

Kipling urged the United States to join other European countries in carrying the "burden" of civilizing "savage peoples" in his book "The White Man's Burden." It was composed in support of the United States effort to annex the Philippines. Many imperialists used the slogan "White Man's Burden" to defend the course of action as honorable. Many politicians based their imperialist and racial agendas on the slogan and its beliefs.

Supporters of imperialism held the view that the introduction of new technology and economic development benefited their colonies. Mother nations frequently constructed schools, railways, and better communication systems in addition to new drugs and cures. For the residents of these areas, these came at a very high cost. Indigenous populations have to adapt to colonist culture, often abandoning their own, in order to function fully in civilization.

We can learn more about the white's man burden here:


charles demuth, charles sheeler, and elsie driggs were all exponents of this school of painting.State True or False your answer:
a. True
b. False


This statement is true that Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs were all exponents of this school of painting among the painters who practiced precisionism.

Exponents of this school of painting include Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs. Precisionism is the work of Charles Sheeler. While including elements of European modernist artistic movements such as Cubism, Purism, and Futurism, Precisionism focused on issues of industrialization and modernity in the American context. Precisionist art has a clear focal point, unusual views and angles, and dramatic compositions. When Georgia O'Keeffe lived in New York, she painted expansive cityscapes in the Precisionist style for a spell. Edward Hopper is another well-known figure associated with the movement.

learn more about precisionism here:


List four reasons why Paul wrote the book of Romans. Use complete sentences.




In very heart of his epistle to the Church in Rome, the Apostle Paul devotes three entire chapters to the relationship between Israel and Gentile Christians. Yet his teachings on Israel go well beyond chapters 9 to 11, and can be found throughout the book of Romans.

In chapter 1, verse 16, Paul immediately proclaims that the gospel is “to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” In chapter 2, he addresses the issue of Jewish identity and the benefit of circumcision. Then in chapter 3, Paul twice poses the question whether there is any advantage left in being Jewish, which he answers in the affirmative. Chapter 4 explains how Abraham – the first Hebrew Patriarch – attained unto righteousness. Later in chapter 14, Paul deals with Jewish dietary laws and in Chapter 15 he explains Israel-Church relations according to Old Testament prophecies and Christian responsibility towards Israel. Finally in chapter 16, Paul closes his epistle in amazement at the long-hidden mystery of the gospel which “has been made known to all the gentiles, leading to their obedience of faith.”

Israel is therefore a theme which resonates throughout his message to the Roman believers, more so than any of his other letters to the churches of Asia Minor. This raises the question: Why did Paul write more on this subject to the Roman church? The reason can be found in an often overlooked passage: “Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 16:3)

The Expulsion from Rome

Priscilla and Aquila had been co-workers with Paul for a number of years. In the Book of Acts, we meet this devout couple for the first time when Paul arrives in the Greek city of Corinth.

“After these things Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth. And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla (because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome).” (Acts 18:1-2)

The couple helped Paul to establish the church in Corinth and moved on with him to Ephesus, where they remained actively involved in church planting alongside Paul. Like him, they were followers of Jesus of Jewish descent. In Acts, it is stated that they were forced to leave Rome because the Emperor Claudius had expelled all the Jews from Rome.

The Roman historian Suetonius confirms this event and the early church historian Orosius gives the date as the year 49 AD. Others even place it as early as 41 AD. This expulsion was no isolated case. Only a few decades earlier, Tiberius had expelled all Jews from Rome to the island of Sardinia.

Suetonius explains the expulsion came about because of the “disturbances and riots among the Jews at the instigation of Chrestus.” Most church historians today agree that this refers to Christ. Christians were also frequently referred to as “Chrestianoi.” Apparently, there was an internal dispute among the Jewish residents of Rome over the Messianic claims of Jesus, as had happened in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1), Antioch (Acts 15:50); Iconium (Act 14:1-7), Thessalonica and Berea (Acts 17), and elsewhere. But Claudius had little tolerance for their debate and expelled all the Jews.

This included Priscilla and Aquila, who fled to Corinth where they met up with Paul. For several years, they joined his ministry team, moving with him to Ephesus. But when a new emperor arose in Rome named Nero, he allowed the Jews to return in 54 AD. Priscilla and Aquila returned around this time, which is why Paul greets them at the end of his letter.

The first gentile church

The expulsion of Jews from Rome is therefore of central importance in understanding Paul’s message to the church there. The church in Rome had existed long before Paul ever arrived there. Like other churches in those early decades of the movement, many of the congregants and undoubtedly most of the teachers were Jewish. They were the most versed in the Holy Scriptures, which at that time consisted of only the writings of the Old Testament. Thus when Claudius decided to expel the Jews from Rome, including those who believed in Jesus, this meant the church in Rome was probably the first one entirely made up of Gentiles. This must have presented a great challenge. All the teachers and elders who instructed them every Sabbath were gone!

Yet the Holy Spirit was also with them and the Gentile believers managed to keep the church in Rome intact and growing on their own for a season. This likely brought a new sense of confidence, as they discovered the church could still operate without the Jews.

Tensions with the return to Rome

But then the Emperor Nero allowed the Jews to return, and no doubt tensions developed. Priscilla and Aquila were among those who came back to their home congregation, where they probably encountered a changed attitude towards them and their fellow Jewish believers.


This is why Paul wrote the book of romans. Look down below:


In very heart of his epistle to the Church in Rome, the Apostle Paul devotes three entire chapters to the relationship between Israel and Gentile Christians. Yet his teachings on Israel go well beyond chapters 9 to 11, and can be found throughout the book of Romans.

In chapter 1, verse 16, Paul immediately proclaims that the gospel is “to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” In chapter 2, he addresses the issue of Jewish identity and the benefit of circumcision. Then in chapter 3, Paul twice poses the question whether there is any advantage left in being Jewish, which he answers in the affirmative. Chapter 4 explains how Abraham – the first Hebrew Patriarch – attained unto righteousness. Later in chapter 14, Paul deals with Jewish dietary laws and in Chapter 15 he explains Israel-Church relations according to Old Testament prophecies and Christian responsibility towards Israel. Finally in chapter 16, Paul closes his epistle in amazement at the long-hidden mystery of the gospel which “has been made known to all the gentiles, leading to their obedience of faith.”

Israel is therefore a theme which resonates throughout his message to the Roman believers, more so than any of his other letters to the churches of Asia Minor. This raises the question: Why did Paul write more on this subject to the Roman church? The reason can be found in an often overlooked passage: “Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 16:3)

The Expulsion from Rome

Priscilla and Aquila had been co-workers with Paul for a number of years. In the Book of Acts, we meet this devout couple for the first time when Paul arrives in the Greek city of Corinth.

“After these things Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth. And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla (because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome).” (Acts 18:1-2)

The couple helped Paul to establish the church in Corinth and moved on with him to Ephesus, where they remained actively involved in church planting alongside Paul. Like him, they were followers of Jesus of Jewish descent. In Acts, it is stated that they were forced to leave Rome because the Emperor Claudius had expelled all the Jews from Rome.

The Roman historian Suetonius confirms this event and the early church historian Orosius gives the date as the year 49 AD. Others even place it as early as 41 AD. This expulsion was no isolated case. Only a few decades earlier, Tiberius had expelled all Jews from Rome to the island of Sardinia.

Suetonius explains the expulsion came about because of the “disturbances and riots among the Jews at the instigation of Chrestus.” Most church historians today agree that this refers to Christ. Christians were also frequently referred to as “Chrestianoi.” Apparently, there was an internal dispute among the Jewish residents of Rome over the Messianic claims of Jesus, as had happened in Jerusalem (Acts 8:1), Antioch (Acts 15:50); Iconium (Act 14:1-7), Thessalonica and Berea (Acts 17), and elsewhere. But Claudius had little tolerance for their debate and expelled all the Jews.

This included Priscilla and Aquila, who fled to Corinth where they met up with Paul. For several years, they joined his ministry team, moving with him to Ephesus. But when a new emperor arose in Rome named Nero, he allowed the Jews to return in 54 AD. Priscilla and Aquila returned around this time, which is why Paul greets them at the end of his letter.

The first gentile church

The expulsion of Jews from Rome is therefore of central importance in understanding Paul’s message to the church there. The church in Rome had existed long before Paul ever arrived there. Like other churches in those early decades of the movement, many of the congregants and undoubtedly most of the teachers were Jewish. They were the most versed in the Holy Scriptures, which at that time consisted of only the writings of the Old Testament. Thus when Claudius decided to expel the Jews from Rome, including those who believed in Jesus, this meant the church in Rome was probably the first one entirely made up of Gentiles. This must have presented a great challenge. All the teachers and elders who instructed them every Sabbath were gone!

Yet the Holy Spirit was also with them and the Gentile believers managed to keep the church in Rome intact and growing on their own for a season. This likely brought a new sense of confidence, as they discovered the church could still operate without the Jews.

Tensions with the return to Rome

But then the Emperor Nero allowed the Jews to return, and no doubt tensions developed. Priscilla and Aquila were among those who came back to their home congregation, where they probably encountered a changed attitude towards them and their fellow Jewish believers.

What does Mexico call Christmas?


The Mexican celebration of Christmas is called las posadas and begins on December 16. The ninth evening of las posadas is Buena Noche, Christmas Eve.

What does Mexico celebrate instead of Christmas?Families gather to commemorate the birth of the baby Jesus and indulge on traditional holiday fare, albeit not necessarily fruitcake, during the event known as Noche Buena. Nochebuena, which means "the good night," is a Christmas Eve tradition. The celebration of Jesus Christ's birth dates back to Spanish colonial rule. Besides being a Hispanic and Latinx festival, Nochebuena is also a national holiday in the Philippines. Spanish Christmas melodies, magnificent nativity displays, dancing, and fireworks are all featured. While customs like Santa Claus and Christmas trees have made an appearance at Mexican celebrations, the holidays are still deeply entrenched in Spanish and indigenous cultures.

To learn more about Christmas refer to:


Why is Christmas so happy?


Christmas is so happy, as you feel joy because you associate good things with the holiday. That's because your brain recognizes from childhood emotions the joy of family time and the excitement of giving gifts.

Christmas time is happy time. Well, that's certainly the picture we're being presented with. It is not repeated in the same way at other times of the year. People are all together with their families. they dance and sing together and exchange gifts.

One of the reasons Christmas feels so childlike and magical is that everything is new and exciting. We are drawn into the mysteries of Christmas - the sights, sounds, smells and atmospheres.

To know more about Christmas click here:


The passage below is from the
Council of Trent called by Pope Paul III in 1545 to
establish the direction of Catholic reform. (a) What
group of people are addressed in this passage? (b)
What orders are given? Discuss how the attempt
to consider abuses may have been a way to bring
Protestants back to the church.

“This holy Council cautions all bishops so to live. . .
that they can bring together truth and behavior
as a kind of constant example of thrift, modesty,
and decency. . . .Therefore, following the example
set by our fathers at the Council of Carthage, it is
ordered that bishops shall content themselves not
only with modest household furniture and simple
food, but with regard to the rest of their manner
of living. . .so that nothing appears that is alien to
this holy institution of the Church and that does
not show simplicity, zeal for God, and contempt
for worldly things.
—Canons and Decrees of the Holy Council of Trent



The passage you provided is from the Canons and Decrees of the Holy Council of Trent, which was called by Pope Paul III in 1545 to establish the direction of Catholic reform. The group of people addressed in this passage are bishops, who are instructed to live modestly and show simplicity, zeal for God, and contempt for worldly things.

The passage does not explicitly state any specific orders or directives for bishops. However, it does caution bishops to live in a way that reflects the values and principles of the Catholic Church, and to avoid any behaviors or practices that are inconsistent with these values. This may include guidelines for how bishops should manage their household furniture, food, and other aspects of their lifestyle in order to show simplicity and zeal for God.

The attempt to consider abuses in the Church and to address them through reforms such as those outlined in the passage may have been a way to bring Protestants back to the Catholic Church. During the time of the Council of Trent, Protestantism was a major challenge to the authority and legitimacy of the Catholic Church. By addressing abuses and corruption within the Church, and by promoting values such as simplicity, modesty, and zeal for God, the Council may have hoped to demonstrate that the Catholic Church was capable of reform and renewal, and to counter the criticisms of Protestant reformers. This could potentially have helped to bring Protestants back to the Catholic Church and to strengthen its position in Europe.

What is Christmas called in Sri Lanka?




hope this helps!

The election of 1824 was decided by house of representatives, why was this the situation?



Because while Andrew Jackson received the greatest number of popular and electoral votes, he did not win by a majority. In the House, Clay threw his support to Adams, thereby handing him the victory.



What animated film is about a train taking kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve?


The Polar Express is a 2004 American computer-animated fantasy adventure film co-written and directed by Robert Zemeckis, based on the 1985 children's book of the same name by Chris Van Allsburg.

What is Christmas?

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25[a] as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many countries, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season organized around it. The traditional Christmas narrative recounted in the New Testament, known as the Nativity of Jesus, says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies.

To know more about Christmas visit:


what is true of wilson's hope that the versailles treaty would end the old imperialist system of colonial empires?


Wilson was disappointed when German colonies in Africa were given to France and Britain.

A colony is a region governed by another country. Colonies are still managed separately from the metropolitan state (sometimes known as the "mother country"), which is run by the colonists' own country. Because of this administrative colonial division, colonies are neither incorporated territories nor client governments.

Wilson was dismayed when German colonies in Africa were ceded to France and Britain, despite his hopes that the Versailles Treaty would put an end to the previous imperialist system of colonial empires.

For more info about 'colonies' click on below link -


what did charlemagne do that merged roman, christian, and german elements in his kingdom?


From 768 until 814, most of Western Europe was governed by the medieval monarch Charlemagne. The Franks were a Germanic tribe who lived in what is now Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and western Germany. Throughout this capacity, he promoted the Carolingian Renaissance, a renaissance of thought and culture in Europe. As soon as he came to power, Charlemagne set out to establish a Christian state by bringing all the Germanic peoples together. He committed much of his reign to military campaigns to complete this task. He ruled over the Lombards in what is now northern Italy and the Avars in what is now Austria, Hungary, and Bavaria shortly after becoming king.

The Saxons were a Germanic tribe of pagan people, and Charlemagne engaged them in a vicious, three-decade-long series of warfare that earned him a reputation for brutality. At the Verden Massacre in 782, Charlemagne allegedly gave the command to kill 4,500 Saxons. He finally coerced the Saxons into becoming Christians and proclaimed that anybody who refused to receive baptism or adhere to other Christian customs would be executed.


How did Ibn Sina use Trigonometry to measure and estimate the
Earth’s size?


Answer: Ibn sina  used trigonometry to calculate the radius of the Earth using measurements of the height of a hill and measurement of the dip  from the top of that hill.


He measured the height of a hill and the decline in the perimeter from the top of the hill, then used trigonometry to calculate the radius of the Earth. He calculated the earth's radius to be 6339.6 km, which is quite near to the actual measurement found at the equator of 6378.1 km.

What is the earth?

Only one astronomical object—Earth, which is third from the Sun—is known to support life. Although the Solar System contains enormous amounts of water, only Earth is home to liquid surface water. The oceans cover around 71% of Earth's surface, dwarfing its lakes, rivers, and polar ice.

Al-Biruni is regarded as one of the notable thinkers of the medieval Islamic era. He was well-versed in the natural sciences, including physics, mathematics, astronomy, and biology, and he also distinguished himself as a linguist, historiographer, and chronologist.

His estimated radius of 3928.77 miles for the Earth was 2% more than the actual mean radius of 3847.80 miles. The accuracy of his estimate in relation to the current value relies on the cubit conversion method utilized because his estimate was given as 12,803,337 cubits.

Therefore, He calculated the earth's radius to be 6339.6 km,

Learn more about the earth here:


why and how did the americans win the war for independence in 1777.




Perhaps the single most important reason for the patriot victory was the breadth of popular support for the Revolution. The Revolution would have failed miserably without the participation of thousands of ordinary farmers, artisans, and laborers who put themselves into the line of fire.

Has any one ever seen Santa?


Across the years, children from all over the globe have reported sighting the real Santa Claus.

Who is Santa?Santa Claus is commonly shown as a big, happy, white-bearded man with spectacles who is wearing a red coat with white fur sleeves and collar, red pants with white fur cuffs, a red hat with white fur, and black leather boots. He frequently has a bag of presents for kids in it as well. Even while Santa Claus has religious roots that reach back to the third century, in modern times his image is mostly associated with benevolence, distributing gifts, and happiness. Santa Claus used to be known as Saint Nicholas by some people because of his kindness and capacity to always assist those in need Contemporaries of his Among Santa's many other names, some people still refer to him as Saint Nicholas.Given, Over the years, kids from all over the world have claimed to have seen the real Santa Claus, not the Santa's from the department shops or the Salvation Army charity collectors who ring the doorbells. The reindeer and sleigh of Santa Claus have even been said to have been seen by some people.

For more information on Santa kindly visit to


list the three legislative powers you believe are the most important, and explain why.


The legislative branch is made up of the house and the senate,collectively known as Congress.Among other powers,the legislative branch makes all the laws,declares war.

Regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls tax and spending policies.All legislative power in the government resides in Congress,which means that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws.Agencies of the executive branch issue regulations with the full force of law,but these are solely under the authority of laws enacted by Congress.Power of the Governor to enact ordinances during the recess of the Legislature the assent of the president. The president has the power to sign laws or to veto bills enacted by Congress,although Congress can override a veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses.

To learn more about executive please click on below link.


In the late nineteenth century, all of the following encouraged american jingoism except?
a. yellow journalism.
b. the flooding of American markets by foreign producers.
c. Social Darwinism.
d. the example of European imperialism.


In the late nineteenth century, the american jingoism except is yellow journalism.

Yellow journalism, often known as yellow press, refers to journalism and related newspapers that show little to no real, in-depth news in favour of employing catchy headlines to boost readership. .Techniques could involve sensationalising, exaggerating newsworthy occurrences, or some combination of these. By extension, the term "yellow journalism" is now used as a derisive word to criticise any journalism that handles news in an unethical or unprofessional manner.

The US is where the phrase is primarily used in English. A similar phrase used in the UK is tabloid journalism, which refers to journalism that is typical of tabloid newspapers, even when seen elsewhere. There are occasionally terms developed from the American term in other languages, such as Russian (лтa ресса). Checkbook journalism, the contentious practise of news reporters paying sources for their information without confirming its validity or accuracy, is a typical source of such writing. It is viewed as unethical by the media in several nations. In contrast, the tactic is common on tabloid publications and tabloid television programmes, which rely more on sensationalism.

To learn more about Yellow journalism, refer:


When should you turn off Christmas lights?


If Christmas lights are kept on for a long time, they can heat up and become a fire hazard. This is why it's a good idea to turn out your lights before bed or when you leave your house.

What is the turning process?

One of the simplest types of machining is turning, which involves cutting a rotating component using a single-point tool that moves perpendicular to the axis of spin. On both the internal and external surfaces of parts, turning can be done.

What is the lathe turning?

Turning is a type of machining used to create cylindrical pieces in which the workpiece rotates while the cutter moves linearly. Turning, which is frequently done with a lathe, decreases

To know more about turning visit:


Is it Christmas in Sri Lanka?


No, Christmas is not a public holiday in Sri Lanka. However, many Sri Lankans observe the holiday in their homes.

Which countries celebrate christmas?

Many countries around the world celebrate Christmas festival, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, India, China, Japan, Philippines, South Africa, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Belize, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Hong Kong.

To learn more about Christmas refer to:


What is Christmas for Grade 2?


Christmas is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

The name Christmas is derived from the Mass of Christ or Jesus. Christmas is celebrated by Christians all over the world. Christians view Jesus Christ as "the Son of God." The origins of Christmas come from pagan and Roman cultures. The Romans actually celebrated two of his feasts in December. On Christmas Eve, people exchange gifts, dance and sing and spend time together.

Much of what we do at Christmas is related to previous celebrations such as exchanging gifts, eating a lot, and decorating the tree. It's time to sing Christmas carols, listen to Christmas stories, and prepare delicious treats.

To know more about Christmas click here:


Janus is writing a paper about the exploration of the American West. In a short paragraph, explain what graphic features might be useful in this paper and why.


The way that Janus can use graphic features is that he should use is the use of slide presentation.

What exactly is a slide show?

There are two kinds of computer graphics: raster graphics, in which each pixel is individually defined (like in a digital photograph), and vector graphics, in which mathematical formulas are used to draw lines and shapes, which are then translated at the viewer's end to make the graphic.

A slide is a single presentation page. A slide deck is the collective name for a collection of slides. A slide show is the presentation of several slides or images on an electronic display or a projection screen.

Therefore, The way to Construct a presentation are:

On or activate the PowerPoint.Choose New from the left pane.Choose an option: Choose Blank Presentation to start from scratch when making a presentation. Choose one of the templates if you want to use a ready-made design.

Learn more about slide presentation from

What does the Bible say about hope Christmas?


As you put your confidence in the God of hope, may He overwhelm you with joy and peace, enabling you to be filled with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

How trustworthy is the Bible?

We have copies of the original manuscripts, and they demonstrate how the Bible has been accurately transferred over time. The physical evidence contradicts frequent skeptic assertions that the Bible has undergone numerous changes throughout the years. The accounts in the New Testament are very accurate.

Is the Bible reliable?

The original bible writings were handed down to us in a trustworthy manner. What should one look for when determining if a manuscript from antiquity has been tampered with? Search for more surviving copies if there are any.

To know more about bible visit:


What important inventions changed the lives of Americans in the 1800s



Winchester Repeating Rifle. Phonograph.Sewing machine (Isaac Singer) Telegraph.Telephone. Steam Locomotive.Electricity/Light bulb. Photography.Typewriter. Barbed wire.

Article I of the Constitution lists the powers of CONGRESS. The power to
regulate the Internet, which did not exist at the time of the Framers, is an
example of a(n) IMPLIED power.
O True
O False


False, it does not make sense if there was no internet

If rays pass through an object what is the object called?


If rays pass through an object  the object is called light

What is meant by light rays?

As an electromagnetic wave, light travels in straight lines along narrow beams of light, which are referred to as rays. Despite the fact that reflection or refraction can alter its direction, light always moves in a straight line.

The laser or laser pointer's light beam is an illustration of a ray. According to the ray model of light, a ray moves in a straight line until it encounters an object, such as a mirror or the boundary between two materials.

Read more on light rays here:


How many sleeps is Santa coming?


On Glasses Island, there are 3 sleeps left till Christmas Day (or 2 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, 54 seconds).

Describe Christmas.

Christmas is observed annually on December 25. The event commemorates the anniversary of Jesus Christ's birth. In Christian mythology, Jesus Christ is adored as God's Messiah. His birthday is therefore one of the most joyful celebrations among Christians. Because Jesus' birth is the subject of Christmas. It focuses on how Christ arrived and gave us love, hope, and joy. The message is the same every year. This is wonderful news worth celebrating in a time when there is so much tragedy and terrible news in the globe.


On Glasses Island, there are 3 sleeps left till Christmas Day (or 2 days, 7 hours, 59 minutes, 54 seconds).

To learn more about Christmas, visit:


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