Babies were born into their _____ clan
A. Brothers
B. Mothers
C. Fathers
D. Their own


Answer 1




Answer 2


the answer is b

Related Questions

Were knights higher or lower in feudal society than lords?


Lower, Knights are above peasants but never above kings.

Explain how daily life in medieval Europe centered on the Catholic Church?​



The Catholic Church in Europe had a heavy influence during the High Middle Ages, the period from about 1000 to 1300 C.E. The Church was the center of life in medieval western Europe. During the Middle Ages, the Church was a daily presence from birth to death. It provided education and helped the poor and sick.


"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."—U.S. Constitution

Based on this quote, the power to create new U.S. states is a

concurrent power

delegated power

reserved power

shared power


Answer: c. not given to the national government and are retained for state governments



The correct answer to that question is b. Delegated power


What’s the problem and the solution of BLM?


Answer: the problem is that they arent being treated fairly and the solution is that they protest and stuff so they get equal rights.



Equal rights!


The problem is racism and hate because people have different looks wether its Asian or black (all lives matter!).

The solution is to protest and act now to let the government acknowledge our requests for equal rights.

~ LadyBrain

How did Ptolemy lll help grow the library's collection?


Answer:Libraries and archives were known to many ancient civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria, Asia Minor, and Greece, but the earliest such institutions were of a local and regional nature, primarily concerned with the conservation of their own particular traditions and heritage. The idea of a universal library, like that of Alexandria, arose only after the Greek mind had begun to envisage and encompass a larger worldview. The Greeks were impressed by the achievements of their neighbours, and many Greek intellectuals sought to explore the resources of their knowledge.


Can someone please answer this question please?:( Which of the following refers to a three-day battle in Pennsylvania that proved to be the most decisive battle in the war?
A) Antietam

B) Gettysburg

C) Shiloh

D) Atlanta



B.) Gettysberg


It was called Battle of Gettysburg

im so sorry if this is wrong i used gooogle

Who is hitler proposing is the enemy of the German state?


The Jewish people were proposed as the enemy of the German state. Because Hitler declared that the Jewish people were the people who ruined Germany.

In 1892, the People’s Party convention produced



These flashcards will help you out here.


Hope that this helps! :)

Have a great rest of your day/night!

In ancient Athens, how was it determined who the community leaders would be?
A) their gods would choose B) by warfare between cities C) they would hold sporting events D) by the citizens of the community





they had some sort of democracy


IT D I Did the test


Members of the National Diet, the legislative branch of Japan, are chosen by a combination of
A. direct elections and proportional representation.
B. proportional representation and executive appointments.
C. executive appointments and civil service examinations.
D. civil service examinations and direct elections.



Letter C po kase po nasagutan ko na po yan.. Hehe yun po sagot ko tama naman po

Which statement below best describes the political party changes of the mid-1800s?
A. a new Whig party formed
B. The republican party grew
C. The democrat party grew
D. Most of the United States supported slavery


The correct answer is B. The republican party grew.


During the mid-nineteenth century, the policy of the United States was changed because during this time it was the end of the Civil War in which the Union achieved victory on April 9, 1865, over the Confederation. This meant including changes in the laws including three amendments to guarantee the freedom of the nearly four million African Americans who had been slaves, making them citizens and giving them the right to vote. This had consequences because the Democrats party's supporters were mainly in the Southern States (Confederate), and they had to accept the measures that the Republican majority congress imposed to reunify the country. Therefore, the Democratic party could not participate in some elections while the Republican Party was strengthened. So the correct answer is B. The republican party grew.

Greeks used to discuss ideas and debate using

Math skills

Rhetorical skills





i think rhetorical skills

have a nice day

Most of Canada's urban and industrial growth took place close to the border of the United States because

of the milder climate, fertile soils, and the railway system.

of its proximity to the United States.

gold deposits were located there.

of the French and Indian War.






a. because of the milder climate, fertile soils, and the railway system.


a confederation between Upper and lower Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Most of Canada's urban and industrial growth took place close to the border of the United States because. of milder climate, fertile soils, and the railway system.

“The Soviet structure of power is committed to the perfection of the dictatorship and to maintaining the concept that Russia is in a state of siege, with an enemy that lies just beyond the walls. This mentality has profound implications for Russia’s international conduct. Moscow assumes that the aims of the capitalist world are antagonistic to the Soviet regime. However, the Kremlin is under no compulsion to accomplish its goal of spreading its influence in a hurry. If it finds unassailable barriers in its path, it accepts them and accommodates itself to them. There is no trace of any feeling in Soviet psychology that that goal must be reached at any given time.
In these circumstances it is clear that the main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of patient and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. Soviet economic development, while it can list certain formidable achievements, has been precariously spotty and uneven. It is difficult to see how the deficiencies of the Soviet economic system can be corrected by a tired and dispirited population working largely under the shadow of fear and compulsion. And as long as they are not overcome, Russia will remain an economically vulnerable and impotent nation, capable of exporting its ideological enthusiasm but unable to export real evidence of material power and prosperity. Indeed, it is the strong belief of this writer that Soviet power bears within it the seeds of its own decay, and that the sprouting of these seeds is well advanced.”

George F. Kennan, United States diplomat to the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1946, article submitted anonymously to an academic journal devoted to the conduct of foreign policy, published in Washington, D.C., 1947

Which of the following best explains the purpose of the arguments expressed in the passage?

A. To influence Soviet government officials to adopt economic policies that would harm the Soviet Union
B. To influence United States government officials to adopt policies designed to avoid a major war
C. To convince world leaders to unite in order to stop the evils of communism
D. To convince Soviet citizens that the United States meant them no harm in the hopes of creating a sustainable peace





The passage explains the purpose to convince Soviet citizens that the United States meant no harm in the hopes of creating sustainable peace.

What is the purpose of writing the passage?

In the given passage, the writer is trying to express that the US is in favor of the Soviet Union but against the dictatorship spreading from it.  The US wants to remove the fear of Russian citizens that is making them vulnerable in comparison with other nations.

Therefore, the US was working to eliminate psychology from being exported to other parts of the world.

Learn more about the Soviet Union here:

Why did Santa Anna demand the execution of the Texans at Goliad?



A decree issued by Santa Anna in December 1835 ordered that all foreigners fighting against the government would be treated as pirates and executed. Urrea, however, urged his commander to be lenient.

Santa Anna, however, had no desire for such mercy. He ordered the immediate execution of the “perfidious foreigners” and dispatched an aide to Goliad to ensure that Lieutenant Colonel Jose Nicolas de la Portilla, who had been left in charge at Goliad while Urrea continued his march through southern Texas, carried out his brutal directive.

The Founding of Virginia

Name the two main goal of Virginia Colony.
Check all the boxes that apply

mine for gold and silver.
freely practice religion.
find a river route the the Pacific Ocean.

What is the significance of the Straving Time?
Check all the boxes that apply

Relations with the Powhatan Indians improved.
Nearly all the colonists died.
People were forced to eat things they normally would not.



1. Mine for and silver

  Find a river route to the Pacific Ocean

2. Nearly all the colonists died.

   People were forced to eat things they normally would not.


I calculated it logically

Use the chart to answer the question.

Which step best completes the chart?
Select one:

Get approval from monarchs

Publish ideas in a book

Debate other scientists

Conduct an experiment






What is Mental health​


Mental health, defined by the World Health Organization, is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community


Normal health


Or something strange with your health?

1.Name 4 black patriots that fought in the revolutionary war


Ok thank you for a quick quick ride today


Peter Salem; Salem Poor, Barzillai Lew, Blaney Grusha


Please help me Due 12:00 PM hurry





anyone want my email??? ;)


a. martin luther king junior.



Match the people with the accomplishments.


1. immigrated to modern-day France

2. conquered the Muslim invaders at the Battle of Tours

3. invented the printing press

4. Renaissance artist

a. Johannes Gutenberg

b. Charles Martel

c. Michelangelo

d. Franks



Legalism is a religion that was created by Han Fei. True or False





It is accurate to say that Han Fei founded legalism as a religion. As a result, choice (A) is correct.

What is legalism?

Legalism, a philosophy that held that since people are only motivated by self-interest, they are more likely to act immorally than rightly and need severe regulations to restrain their desires, was prevalent in ancient China. It was created by the Qin state's Han Feizi, a philosopher who lived from around 280 to 233 BCE.

Legalism (henceforth referred to as the fa tradition) is a common, if inaccurate, label for an intellectual trend that rose to prominence in the second half of the Warring States period (Zhanguo, 453-221 BCE). Political realists, the Fa wanted to establish "a rich state and a powerful army" as well as to maintain domestic peace during a period of acute inter- and intra-state rivalry.

Learn more about Han Fei, from:



Answer: ??



So wat you want to do with this link explain?


4. What technology developed during the Cold War was also used by the Americans and the Soviet Union to put a man into orbit during the Space Race?
a. Heavy armor technology would be used by both the Soviet Union and the United States as they raced for supremacy of outer space.
b. Medical technology developed to keep men from suffering from illness discovered during World War I would prove useful during the Space Race.
c. Submarine technology that allowed for deep sea breathing that was developed during World War II would be adapted and applied for use in the Space Race.
d. Jet engine technology that would create the thrust needed to get beyond Earth’s gravity would be used by these superpowers in the Space Race.





Took the test, i know its too late but this is for other people who have the same question. :)

Jet engine technology that would create the thrust needed to get beyond Earth’s gravity would be used by these superpowers in the Space Race the technology developed during the Cold War was also used by the Americans and the Soviet Union to put a man into orbit during the Space Race. The correct option is d.

What were the technological advancements in the Cold War?

The new technology developed during the Cold War also benefited from speed. These decades saw the development of both the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and high-speed jet aircraft. Both of these innovations had a profound impact on global society and combat.

Both the United States and the Soviet Union developed jet engines during the Cold War era that were crucial to their efforts to put a man into orbit. These engines provided the power necessary to launch spacecraft into space and to break free of Earth's gravity. In addition, other technologies developed during the Cold War, such as advanced materials and computer technology, were also applied to the Space Race and contributed to the success of the American and Soviet space programs.

Thus, the ideal selection is option a.

Learn more about the Cold War here:


Pros and cons of telling stories only by word of mouth



pro: stories may get told faster. con: stories could get messed up

What was the impact of Abraham Lincoln's election​


Lincoln's election served as the main catalyst of the American Civil War. The United States had become increasingly sectionally divided during the 1850s, primarily over extending slavery into the Western territories.


It Impacted The United States to become increasingly sectionally and divided during the 1850s, primarily over extending slavery into the Western territories Lincoln's election thus served as the main catalyst of the American Civil War.


The Third Amendment's words about quartering of troops contribute to the right of protection




Explanation: it states:

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

What happened at the beginning of the Persian Gulf War?



Iraqi president Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and occupation of neighboring Kuwait in early August 1990. ... Hussein defied United Nations Security Council demands to withdraw from Kuwait by mid-January 1991, and the Persian Gulf War began with a massive U.S.-led air offensive known as Operation Desert Storm.



The Gulf War, which lasted between August 1990 and February 1991, was an international conflict that erupted after Iraq, under dictator Saddam Hussain, invaded neighboring Kuwait, claiming it as its “19th province”. After Hussain defied UN warnings, the US and its allies forced Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.


Plz answer correctly and pls no scams​





This is a way of expressing thoughts nonverbally. This is a violation of the 1st amendment.

Please give Brainliest.

5. What made the Comanche people so dominant in battle?
a) Horses
b) Donkeys
c) Goats
d) Chicken



The Answer Is a) Horses


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Choose the letter of the correct answer.I. _______ is the changing of a liquid to a gas.a. Evaporationb. Precipitationc. Saturationd. TranspirationII. _____ is the changing of a gas to a liquid.a. Evaporationb. Condensationc. Saturationd. PrecipitationIII. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail are forms of _____.a. groundwaterb. condensationc. transpirationd. precipitationIV. A rock layer filled with water is a(n) _____.a. aquiferb. groundwaterc. water cycled. sinkholeV. _____ are condensed water vapor.a. Cloudsb. Pollutantsc. Springsd. PhosphatesVI. _____ is underground water that supplies wells and springs.a. Pollutionb. Condensationc. Hydrologic cycled. GroundwaterVII. The contamination of the environment with waste is called _____.a. pollutionb. runoffc. transpirationd. groundwaterVIII. The temperature at which water vapor condenses is the _____.a. aquiferb. dew pointc. runoffd. water cycleIX. Water in a gaseous state is _____.a. groundwaterb. hard waterc. soft waterd. water vaporX. All of Earth's water is called the _____.a. water cycleb. hydrologic cyclec. dew pointd. hydrosphereXI. A formation of hot water erupting periodically from the ground is _____.a. water cycleb. artesian wellc. aquiferd. geyserXII. The water entering a river or stream during and after rainfall is _____.a. soft waterb. runoffc. hard waterd. condensationXIII. Rainwater that does not contain dissolved minerals is _____.a. saltwater intrusionb. transpirationc. soft waterd. hard water A thermite reaction releases large amounts of heat and light, resulting in the melting of the iron metal that forms during the reaction. fe2o3 + 2al al2o3 + 2fe determine the correct mole ratio for iron (iii) oxide and aluminum based on the balanced chemical equation. fe2o3:al = Arnez Company's annual accounting period ends on December 31. The following information concerns the adjusting entries to be recorded as of that date. a. The Office Supplies account started the year with a $3,725 balance. During the year, the company purchased supplies for $15,384, which was added to the Office Supplies account. The inventory of supplies available at December 31 totaled $3,278. b. The Prepaid Insurance account had a $28,824 debit balance at December 31 before adjusting for the costs of any expired coverage for the year. An analysis of prepaid insurance shows that $20,769 of unexpired insurance coverage remains at year-end. c. The company has 15 employees, who earn a total of $2,400 in salaries each working day. They are paid each Monday for their work in the five-day workweek ending on the previous Friday. Assume that December 31 is a Tuesday, and all 15 employees worked the first two days of that week. Because New Year's Day is a paid holiday, they will be paid salaries for five full days on Monday, January 6 of next year. d. The company purchased a building at the beginning of this year. It cost $850,000 and is expected to have a $45,000 salvage value at the end of its predicted 35-year life. Annual depreciation is $23,000. e. Since the company is not large enough to occupy the entire building it owns, it rented space to a tenant at $2,200 per month, starting on November 1. The rent was paid on time on November 1, and the amount received was credited to Rent Revenue. However, the tenant has not paid the December rent. The company has worked out an agreement with the tenant, who has promised to pay both December and January rent in full on January 31. f. On November 1, the company rented space to another tenant for $1,993 per month. The tenant paid five months' rent in advance on that date. The payment was recorded with a credit to the Unearned Revenue account. Assume no other adjusting entries are made during the year. Required: 1. Use the information to prepare adjusting entries as of December 31. 2. Prepare journal entries to record the first subsequent cash transaction in January of the next year for parts cand e. When a ghoulishly-dressed stranger shows up to his party, prince prospero is? Instruction: Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences using the going to structure. hang / wear / practice / get / ask / visit / write clean / study / exchange / quit / take / give / fix Ex. My brother sent me a letter last week. Im going to write him back tomorrow. 1. My house is very dirty. I it tomorrow. 2. Miriam is going to a party next Saturday. She her new red dress. 3. Robert bought a new painting at the art show. He it over the sofa in his living room. 4. The hockey championship is next month. The boys every night next week. 5. Jack hates his job. He next week Do Shipt drivers see tips before delivery? we have learned that reliance on culture has increased in the course of human history. yet the fact and mechanisms of evolution remain a key part of our human present and future because What happens if I get approved for both SSI and SSDI? What is a very integral part of our society? Researchers believe that schizophrenia has a strong biological basis. the neurotransmitter? on the advice of her therapist, thora decides to treat her fear of heights by exposing herself to heights using a hierarchy of stimuli related to her phobia. which form of therapy is she using? group of answer choices aversion therapy free association play therapy systematic desensitization Are these parallel, perpendicular, or neither y= --2x+4 and -5x+10y=5NEED HELP ASAP!!!! Costs that change as the level of output changes are called: O overhead. O variable costs. O fixed costs. O sunk costs. Costs that must be paid in the short run even when no output is produced are called: O average variable costs (AVC). O total fixed costs (TFC).O total variable costs (TVC).O marginal costs (MC). Marginal cost (MC) is: O the change in total cost (TC) divided by the change in output (Q). O the change in total variable cost (TVC) divided by the change in output (Q). O not affected by the level of fixed costs. O All of the above Which of the following is true in the short run? O TC = TVC - TFC O AFC = AVC + ATC O TFC = TC - TVC O All of the above are true doo Which of the following is not true in the short run? O MC = (ATVC/AQ) O MC = (ATC/AQ) O (TC/Q) = (TVC/Q)O ATC = AVC + AFC Suppose the total cost of production in the short run is $500,000 when 2,000,000 units are produced. Then, average total cost (ATC) is: O 25 cents per unit and average fixed cost (AFC) is 15 cents per unit. O $4 per unit, and average fixed cost (AFC) is $2 per unit. O 25 cents per unit, and average fixed cost (AFC) is unknown given the available information. O $4 per unit, and average fixed cost (AFC) is unknown given the available information. Roberto really enjoys mingling at work functions, both to network for new contacts and simply to share stories with other interesting people. Roberto probably scores high in O extroversion. O openness to experience. conscientiousness. emotional stability, O agreeableness, A company with $800,000 in operating assets is considering the purchase of a machine that costs $75,000 and is expected to reduce operating costs by $20,000 each year. The payback period for this machine in years is closest to:A. 0.27 yearsB. 10.7 yearsC. 3.75 yearsD. 40 years le Choice (1 point each)- the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.1.What were the four causes of World War I?A. The rise of nationalism, the alliance system, imperialism, and the assassination ofArchduke Franz Ferdinand.B.) The spread of industrialization, the need for natural resources, imperialism, andnationalism.C. The Triple Entente, the Triple Alliance, unjust governments, and industrializationMilitarism, economic depression, lack of education, and superstition. how did the homestead act contribute to the expansion of western settlement? a. by establishing agricultural colleges to develop better ways to farm b. by granting farm plots to people willing to live on the land for five years c. by granting white settlers ownership of mexican american land d. by encouraging more white migration by prohibiting chinese immigrants What is a credit score used for? Is a factor of production Mcq? (4+ square root3x-2 (4+square root 13x-2)How do you foil this?