_____as defined in the hipaa privacy rule, the right to patient privacy dictates and enforces the manner in which personal health records may or may not be shared among organizations or other third parties.


Answer 1

Answer: Establishes national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other personal health information. Also the Rule standards address the use and disclosure of individuals' health information—called "protected health information" by organizations subject to the Privacy Rule — called "covered entities," as well as standards for individuals' privacy rights to understand and control how their health information is used.

Explanation: hope this was helpful

Related Questions

Who is involved in political campaigns?


Working on campaigns can frequently result in future employment in government, either directly or indirectly. is suited for campaign work.

Those who participate in political campaigns?

The campaign crew is the team of people in charge of creating and executing a political campaign's strategy. Campaign staffs often consist of paid and unpaid volunteers from the campaign or a related political party.

Who are the political party's members?

Political parties typically consist of a party leader who directs the party's activities, party executives who have the power to choose the leader and who are in charge of handling administrative and organizational tasks, and party members who can assist by volunteering, contributing to the party financially, and voting for its candidates.

To know more about  political campaigns visit:-



How did the Voting Rights Act influence the use of gerrymandering quizlet?


States have interpreted the Voting Rights Act to mean that it's sometimes necessary to draw districts that benefit minorities, like North Carolina's 12th Congressional District.

How has the Voting Rights Act of 1965 impacted redistricting?Redistricting plans that discriminate against voters based on their race, color, or membership in a language minority group are prohibited nationwide under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. The Voting Rights Act (VRA), passed in 1965 at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, prohibits the pervasive and systemic voter discrimination that affects people of color. Recent voter suppression laws, such as those requiring voter identification, purging voter rolls, and making it more difficult to register to vote, have been challenged under the Voting Rights Act. Voting is a process, not just something you do on election day. Additionally, it outlines the procedures and laws that govern who is eligible, how to register, how to vote, when the polls are open, and other matters.

To learn more about Voting Rights Act (VRA) refer to:



What are the types of excise?


When some products and services are produced, sold, or consumed, an excise tax is imposed. Typically, excise taxes are levied on products and services that are seen as dangerous or unpleasant, like cigarettes, alcohol, fuel, and other luxuries.

There are many distinct excise tax kinds, and one of them is the particular excise tax, which is imposed at a specified rate per unit of an item or service. For instance, a particular excise tax on cigarettes may be imposed at $1 per pack.

Ad valorem excise is a kind of excise tax where the amount assessed is determined by a percentage of the cost of the item or service. For instance, 10% of the vehicle's worth may be charged as an ad valorem excise tax on luxury automobiles.

Sin taxes are imposed on products and services that are deemed harmful or unpleasant, such as alcohol, gambling, and cigarettes. Sin taxes are frequently imposed to deter the use of certain products and services and to generate income for the government.

To learn more about excise



Is the US Senate more powerful than the House of Representatives?


The Senate is the sole institution with the power to ratify treaties and confirm presidential appointments. There are two exceptions to this rule, though.

How many senators are there in the United States?

The Senate, which has 100 members, has two senators from each state. Up until the 17th Amendment was passed in 1913, senators were appointed by state legislatures rather than elected by the general public.

Who constitutes the U.S. Senate?

According to the Constitution, which stipulates that there must be two senators from each State in the Senate, a senator must be at least thirty years old, a citizen of the United States for nine years, and a resident of the State when they are elected (hence, the Senate currently has 100 Members).

To know more about us senate visit:



How is Claudius guilt revealed Act 3?



Claudius kneels before his private alter and confesses to God that he murdered his brother. He admits that this act is unforgivable but he is unwilling to relinquish his new found power and position. Instead he asks for some divine intervention to soften him so that he can seek forgiveness.


What is the main idea of judicial review?


The doctrine of judicial review holds that the courts are vested with the authority to determine the legitimacy of the acts of the executive and the legislative branches of government. The State as well as Federal courts are bound to render decisions according to the principles of the Federal Constitution.

A vehicle turning left with a green light _____.


When the light turns green, a driver who is waiting to turn left should wait until there is no danger from incoming traffic before making the turn. In general, all drivers should wait to make a left turn even with a green traffic light signal until there is evidence that there is no threat from incoming vehicles, as required by highway traffic laws and regulations.

There would be a significant decrease in the frequency of crashes or accidents on the roads if this were strictly followed by road users, such as drivers.

Driving properly and sensibly is your top responsibility as a driver. You must maintain a safe speed and driving style for both you and other road users, such as cyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers.

There are laws that specify who must give the right-of-way where cars or pedestrians are likely to collide and there are no signs or signals to control traffic. In certain traffic circumstances, these rules specify who must wait and who must go first. The law specifies who must cede the right-of-way; it does not grant the right-of-way to any particular driver. Whatever the situation, you must take all precaution to avoid hitting a pedestrian or another car.

To learn more about  traffic laws please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/8890043


Who is responsible for appointing ambassadors?


According to the US Constitution, the president is in charge of choosing ambassadors.

What is an ambassador meaning?

The diplomat agent of the top grade, assigned to a foreign power or sovereign as the permanent member of his or her own country or sovereign, or assigned for a particular and frequently transient diplomatic assignment.

What is an example of an ambassador?

For instance, Beyoncé represents Pepsi as a brand ambassador. Nespresso's ambassador is George Clooney. Puma, Samsung, and Breitling have all received David Beckham's endorsement. Beyond the world of celebrities, there are many additional brand ambassadors.

To know more about ambassador visit:



What is the main argument against lifetime appointments for judges?


The main argument is the Lifetime appointments are self-serving and unfair to the advancement of democracy.

It is essential to keep adding judges who are varied and fairly represent the country to the bench. Despite many irritating features, the current judicial election system promotes regular citizen involvement.

Other Arguments are:

The other arguments are While some judges would thrive with a lifelong appointment, it would be challenging to remove a slack judge who grew complacent in his or her position and didn't put in as much effort.

Lifetime appointments reinforce the idea that judges are subject to the person who appointed them and can impose political biases up until the time of their death.

To learn more about Lifetime appointment refer here:



What happens during a primary election ?


A primary election in which voters can choose any candidate from any party, regardless of affiliation (to choose a candidate for a general election). a gathering of local party members held specifically to choose convention delegates or express preferences for candidates running for office.

What is election?

Elections are a way for citizens to choose their candidates or other preferences in such a representational government or even other sort of governance. Elections are the formal method by which a populace selects a candidate or candidates for public office.

Why is election important?

A substantial opportunity to advance political liberalization & democratization is provided by elections. A free and fair election requires a number of civic liberties, including the rights to speech, association, and assembly. Elections are the formal method by which a populace selects a candidate or candidates for public office. An electoral system, often known as a voting system, is a set of rules that specify how elections or referendums are conducted and how their results are determined.

To know more about Election visit:



Does the Senate have to ratify treaties?



Yes, the senate have to ratify treaties since it is their duty and right to do so

What happens if you don't like the decision of the court?


You may be able to request that the judge's judgment in your case be reviewed by an "appellate court" by filing an "appeal."

What is the judiciary's function?

The judiciary's function is as follows: Resolution of Disputes: The court system offers a means of settling conflicts between individuals, between individuals and the government, between two state governments, and between the center and state governments.

What is the role of the Supreme Court?

Despite the fact that it has the authority to hear appeals on any legal matter, the Supreme Court frequently declines to conduct trials. Rather, it is the Court's responsibility to decide what legislation means, whether it applies to a particular set of facts, and how it should be interpreted.

To know more about the Judiciary visit:



What impact did the USA PATRIOT Act have on American society?


The Patriot Act raised the punishment for people who conduct terrorist offenses, claims the statement.

What three things did the Patriot Act allow?

Enabling the use of wiretapping & monitoring by law enforcement to look into offenses related to terrorism. enabling law enforcement officials to apply to a judge seeking authorization to employ roving wiretaps to find a particular terrorist suspect. enabling delayed notice search warrants to keep terrorists from finding out they are suspects.

What does the Patriot Act protect?

Searches using "Sneak & Peek" The Patriot Act fundamentally alters Fourth Amendment privacy rights and arrest warrants by allowing federal police agencies to postpone giving notice whenever conducting covert searches of Americans' homes and workplaces.

To know more about PATRIOT Act visit:



What are the roles and responsibilities of the three branches of the government?


The legislative branch, represented by the US Congress, is responsible for passing laws; the executive branch,

Why does the US government have three branches?

The three branches of the American Federal Government guarantee the separation of powers. Judiciary, legislative, and executive are them. Each branch has particular obligations and uses its authority to uphold the law and citizens' rights.

What are the three pillars of government? What does each one of them perform, and who exercises them?

According to the idea of the separation of powers, there are three departments of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative makes laws, the executive implements them, and the court interprets them.

To know more about three branches  government visit:-



Who is the main authority in the Senate?


The Vice President of the U.S. acts as Senate's president and, in case of a tie, casts the deciding vote in the Senate.

Who has more power, the President or the Senate?

The Senate has very high powers, sometimes even higher than the President and the House of Representatives. The Senate can hear impeachment proceedings that can remove a president for wrongdoing.

Who is the most powerful person in the Senate?

The Majority Leader acts as chief representative in the Senate and is considered the most powerful member of the Senate.

Can the House and Senate take precedence over the president?

A normal veto occurs when the president sends the bill back to the House that drafted it, usually with a message explaining the reasons for the veto. This veto can only be overridden by a two-thirds majority in both the Senate and House.

To learn more about senate visit:



What are the common examples of gender inequality in workplace?


Uneven compensation, unequal promotions, instances of sexual misconduct, and racism are just a few of the ways that gender inequality as in workplace manifests itself.

What function does a workplace serve?

Consequently, a workplace provides a setting for an employee to carry out a specific activity. It is regarded as the setting in which employees operate and includes the physical location, the nature of the work, the company culture, and the immediate surroundings.

Why is a pleasant workplace crucial?

Workplace culture has a big impact on how an individual thinks and develops. A positive workplace culture may inspire employees to continuously create high-quality work. Finding out what makes a productive workplace will help you increase collaboration and increase productivity.

To learn more about workplace visit:



What were the 2 reasons the US entered WWI?


Wilson mentioned Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine war in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as properly as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance towards the United States, as his motives for declaring war.

When did the US enter into WW1?

After declaring neutrality in 1914, the United States attempted to stay out of World War I. However, the United States was once unable to stay out of the battle and entered World War I in April 1917.

What function did the U.S. play in figuring out the consequence of WW1?

Well, U.S. troops arrived at the european battlefields in time to deliver decisive support on most of the fronts. Thanks to them, the conflict ended notably sooner.

Learn more about WW1 here:


What does public policy focus on?


Public policy refers to decisions that have an impact on how a political system functions, such as those that have an impact on public health care, education, and the make-up of the military forces.

What is meant by public policy?

Public policy refers to decisions that have an impact on how a political system functions, such as those that have an impact on public health care, education, and the make-up of the military forces.

What is an example of public policy?

Picture of what "public policy" means Informing the public about healthy lifestyle choices, such as what they eat, how much exercise they get, and the risks of smoking, are some instances of public policy.

To know more about public policy visit:



TRUE OR FALSE when the agent informs the third party that he or she is acting on behalf of another and makes the third party aware of the identity of the principal, the principal is known as a furtive principal.


When the agent informs the third party that he or she is acting on behalf of another and makes the third party aware of the identity of the principal, the principal is known as a furtive principal False.

Under no circumstances is an agent accountable to a third party when working within the scope of his or her power to enter into a contract with the third party.

A person who commits a tort is accountable for it, even if they did so on behalf of a principal. For contracts, a different norm applies. On contracts or obligations entered into on behalf of the principle, an agent operating within the scope of her authority to contract is not liable to third parties.

What is the contract when an agent engages in an unlawful act with a third party while acting on behalf of the principal?

The contract is unlawful when an agent engages in prohibited behavior with a third party while acting on behalf of the principal.

To Know more about principal



What are the characteristics of developed and developing countries?


A country may be classified as developed or developing depending on a number of variables, including its gross domestic product (GDP) or income (GNI) per capita, and degree of industrialization.

What is the difference between developed and developing countries?

A developed country is one with a significant rate of industrialisation and personal income. A developing country is one that is industrializing slowly and has a low average per capita income. Their living standards rate is high while the rates of infant mortality, death, and birth are low.

Why are they referred to as developing nations?

Developing nations often have a medium to low standard of living and have not experienced a considerable level of industrialisation relative to their populations. A high population growth rate and low income are related.

To know more about Developing countries visit:



How many judges make a full bench?


Usually it is presided over by one judge, in a normal court there are three or more judges. As with many appeals courts, normally has a panel of three judges, in a full court has a panel of five (or more) judges.

What is a judge bench?

Each case must be heard by the Divisional Bank, two-judge panel selected by the Chief Justice of India under the Supreme Court Rules, 2013. The Indian emir can also convene a bench of three judges, or a constitutional bench of five or more judges, to hear cases of great importance.

Why are judges called benches?

The term's historical roots come from judges who sat on long seats or benches (either free-standing or against a wall) when presiding over court. A bench is typically an elevated desk area where the judge can see to and can be seen by the entire courtroom.

To learn more about judge's bench visit:



When something has already taken place you can use it as a rule of law o Start matching if you like the holding of the case


When something has already occurred, you can use it as a legal standard to start matching if you favor the decision made in the case; this is referred to be precedent.

Controlling precedents are referred to as "binding authority" in a jurisdiction. Any legal authority that a court must abide with while making a decision is known as a binding authority. Persuasive authority: Courts frequently use persuasive authorities (case law from other jurisdictions) while making decisions in first-impression matters. Occasionally, a court will veer from the rule of precedent if it determines that it should no longer be obeyed. This is known as a departure from first impression. A court may make a decision that differs from a precedent if it determines that the precedent is simply inaccurate or if social or technological advancements have rendered it irrelevant.

To learn more about precedent please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/14816803


Is Selective Service still male?


As of January 2016, there has been no decision to require females to register with Selective Service, or be subject to a future military draft. Selective Service continues to register only men, ages 18 through 25.

Is Selective Service still necessary?

Selective Service registration is required by law as the first step toward a just and equitable system that, if approved by the President and Congress, would quickly send troops to the Department of Defense while also providing an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors.

How long is the Selective Service?

As a result, the minimum mandatory military service requirement was increased to eight years, while the age for the draft was lowered from 19 to 18+12 years. Additionally, the duration was increased from 21 to 24 months. As long as the candidate was enrolled full-time in a college or training program, the exemption was extended.

To know more about Selective Service visit:



Was the WPA a relief recovery or reform?


The WPA was once designed to grant remedy for the unemployed via presenting jobs and profits for millions of Americans. At its top in late 1938, extra than 3.3 million Americans labored for the WPA.

How did the WPA grant work relief?

For an common earnings of $41.57 a month, WPA employees constructed bridges, roads, public buildings, public parks and airports. Under the route of Harry Hopkins, an enthusiastic ex-social employee who had come from modest means, the WPA would spend more than $11 million in employment alleviation earlier than it was once canceled in 1943.

Works Progress Administration (WPA), additionally known as (1939–43) Work Projects Administration, work application for the unemployed that was once created in 1935 below U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal.

Learn more about Works Progress Administration here:


Why is it important for the United States to help other countries?



mutual benefit or comparative advantage

henry feels accountable to his city and wants to recycle to lessen his burden on the local landfill. which of the following themes of citizenship is henry exhibiting?


Henry feels accountable to his city and wants to recycle to lessen his burden on the local landfill. This is the theme of citizenship which Henry is exhibiting: Responsibility.

Civic virtue, which is closely related to the idea of citizenship, is frequently defined as the commitment of citizens to the welfare of others, even at the expense of their own individual interests.

The cultivation of behaviors necessary for a society's success is civic virtue. Civic virtue, which is closely related to the idea of citizenship, is frequently defined as the commitment of citizens to the welfare of others, even at the expense of their own individual interests. Political philosophy has focused a lot of attention on defining the qualities that make up civic virtue.

To know more about citizenship, refer:



which of the following is not an example of a type of law that tries to foster competition? laws that restrict mergers anti-collusion laws laws that encourage international trade patents


Correct option is D, Patents is not an example of a type of law that tries to foster competition.

In return for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention, the owner of a patent is granted the legal right to prevent others from creating, using, or selling the invention for a set amount of time. In the majority of nations, patent rights are governed by private law, and in order to enforce them, the patent holder must file a lawsuit against a third party who violates the patent. Patents are an important source of competitive advantage in some industries, but they are irrelevant in others.

According to national laws and international agreements, the process for issuing patents, requirements placed on the patentee, and the scope of the exclusive rights differ greatly between countries.

To learn more about Patents from given link



Is there a Preamble to the Bill of Rights?


There are four paragraphs in the Bill of Rights' Preamble. The First Congress under the New Constitution, convening in New York, passed this as an act, according to the first paragraph.

Who was the author of the Bill of Rights' preamble?

The language from the federal preamble echoes that of Morris's native state's Constitution, therefore it is generally accepted that Gouverneur Morris wrote it.

What does the Bill of Rights' introduction say?

The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. These amendments protect fundamental freedoms and civil rights like trial by jury, free expression, the right to bear weapons, and the right to practice one's religion.

To learn more about Bills of Rights here:



that which is immovable, including land, things affixed to land, and appurtenances is known as...? bundle of rights real property personal property fixture


Real property, which is characterised as being immovable or fixed to the land, includes an appurtenance. Appurtenances in this situation have to do with the land. Hence the correct Option is D.

What is meant by Appurtenances?

Something that serves as an adjunct or accessory to something else that is more significant. A legal benefit that comes with and is transferred along with the main property.

It frequently appears in real estate and refers to rights or improvements that come with a certain kind of property. It happens when an attachment, like a furnace or air conditioner in a house, is integrated into the real estate. It cannot be uninstalled or removed from the larger object once it is attached.

In law, the phrase "appartenance" refers to something that is a part of a larger, more valued entity. An addition must be permanent, erected using permanent techniques, and its removal must result in significant property damage in order to qualify as an appurtenant.

Real estate deals might be considerably smoother and trouble-free if you get the notion. Appurtenance can refer to a variety of things, including real estate, natural resources, and even affluent possessions like mansions or expensive cars.

To learn more about Appurtenance refer to:



The complete Question is :

Real property can be most completely defined as:

Group of answer choices

a. land, buildings.

b. land, fixtures, minerals.

c. land, items affixed to the land, immovable by law.

d. land, affixed to the land, appurtenances, immovable by law.

What are the 3 main goals of America's foreign policy?


The three most important objectives of American foreign policy are security, prosperity, and the development of a better world.

What is foreign policy's primary objective?

The basic goal of foreign policy is to employ diplomacy to resolve global issues by talking, meeting, and reaching agreements. They make an effort to avoid confrontations that must be resolved by the use of force. Almost always, the President is in charge of establishing foreign policy.

What are the top four goals in foreign policy?

Protecting the United States, its residents, and allies, ensuring ongoing access to international markets and resources, maintaining a balance of power in the world, and defending democracy and human rights are the four basic goals of American foreign policy.

To know more about foreign policy, visit:



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