Arrange the following from lowest to highest entropy: NO(g) , NO2(g), N2O4(g) , N2 (g) . Assume 1 mole of each at the same conditions.


Answer 1

Values of entropy, from lowest to greatest

N2 = 191.6, NO = 210.8, NO2 = 240.0, N2O4 = 304.4, N2 is the lowest and N2O4 is the greatest entropy values.

Entropy, broadly speaking, serves as a metric for energy quality, with lower entropy indicating higher quality. Entropy is lower for energy that has been carefully organised (the efficient library). The random-pile library is a chaotic energy storage system with high entropy.

In other terms, entropy is the growth in disorder inside a system. It is described as the measurement of degree of unpredictability.

Greek words en- = in + trope = a turning were combined to form the word entropy by German physicist Rudolf Clausius in 1865 [Cl] (point). The name has an energy analogue, and etymologists think it was intended to signify the type of energy that all energy eventually and inevitably transforms into: wasteful heat.

To learn more about entropy. Please visit the below link.


Related Questions

-/2 points Oxygen can be generated by the thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate described by the following equation. 2KCIO (s) 4245 2KCl(s) 30-(9) A student at Cal Poly carried out this reaction in an eudiometer in hopes of measuring the Ideal Gas Law Constant; R. The gas collected in the eudiometer displaced water (just like in your experiment): She allowed the reaction to proceed for 10 minutes and collected the following data: initial mass KCIOg: 191.3 mg final mass KCIOg: 52.9 mg gas temperature: 34.5 %€ liquid water temperature: 32.7 % volume of water displaced: 49.18 mL height of water column remaining: 5.8 cm Unfortunately; the student failed to record the atmospheric pressure: Make reasonable assumption for the value of the missing data and calculate the value of R. atmospheric pressure (atm) Enter your estimate of the atmospheric pressure molar gas constant (Latmlmolk) Enter the value of R Evaluate




To calculate the value of the Ideal Gas Law Constant (R), we need to make some reasonable assumptions about the missing data.

First, let's assume that the atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. This is a reasonable assumption, as atmospheric pressure is typically close to 1 atm at sea level.

Next, we need to calculate the number of moles of gas produced by the reaction. We can do this by using the mass of potassium chlorate before and after the reaction. The initial mass of potassium chlorate was 191.3 mg, and the final mass was 52.9 mg. This means that 191.3 mg - 52.9 mg = 138.4 mg of potassium chlorate were converted into gas.

The molar mass of potassium chlorate is 122.55 g/mol, so 138.4 mg is equivalent to 138.4 mg / 122.55 g/mol = 1.13 x 10^-3 mol of potassium chlorate. Since the reaction produces two moles of gas for every mole of potassium chlorate, the total number of moles of gas produced by the reaction is 1.13 x 10^-3 mol x 2 = 2.27 x 10^-3 mol.

Finally, we need to calculate the volume of gas produced by the reaction. We can do this using the Ideal Gas Law, which states that the volume of a gas is equal to the number of moles of gas times the gas constant (R) divided by the pressure and temperature of the gas. Since we have already calculated the number of moles of gas and we have assumed the pressure to be 1 atm, we just need to calculate the temperature of the gas in Kelvin. The temperature of the gas in Celsius was 34.5 %€, so we can convert this to Kelvin by adding 273.15: 34.5 %€ + 273.15 = 307.65 K.

We also know that the volume of water displaced by the gas is 49.18 mL, and the height of the water column remaining is 5.8 cm. We can convert this to volume by using the formula for the volume of a cylinder: V = πr^2h, where V is the volume, r is the radius of the eudiometer, and h is the height of the water column remaining. Sincethe radius of the eudiometer is half the diameter, we can calculate the radius as 0.5 x 2.5 cm = 1.25 cm. Since the height of the water column remaining is 5.8 cm, the volume of the water displaced by the gas is π x 1.25^2 x 5.8 = 41.83 mL.

We can now use the Ideal Gas Law to calculate the volume of the gas produced by the reaction: V = nR/P * T = 2.27 x 10^-3 mol x 8.31 J/molK / 1 atm x 307.65 K = 0.721 L.

We can now use the Ideal Gas Law to calculate the value of R: R = PV/nT = 1 atm x 0.721 L / 2.27 x 10^-3 mol x 307.65 K = 8.31 J/molK.

Therefore, the value of the Ideal Gas Law Constant (R) is 8.31 J/molK.

In summary, to calculate the value of R, we made some reasonable assumptions about the missing data and used the Ideal Gas Law to calculate the volume of gas produced by the reaction. Using this information, we were able to calculate the value of R to be 8.31 J/molK.

molecules coming in contact with each other does not ensure that a reaction will occur. however, increasing the number of collisions increases the rate of successful interactions by creating more opportunities for them to happen. select all of the conditions that need to be met by the molecules for a collision to lead to a successful reaction.


The temperature of the reaction system will all increase the rate of a reaction.

Collision theory states that the rate of a chemical reaction is proportional to the number of collisions between reactant molecules. The more often reactant molecules collide, the more often they react with one another, and the faster the reaction rate.

Energetic collisions between molecules cause interatomic bonds to stretch and bend, temporarily weakening them so that they become more susceptible to cleavage. Distortion of the bonds can expose their associated electron clouds to interactions with other reactants that might lead to the formation of new bonds.

With an increase in temperature, there is an increase in the number of collisions. Increasing the concentration of a reactant increases the frequency of collisions between reactants and will, therefore, increase the reaction rate.

Learn more about rate of reaction here:-



-be properly aligned to rearrange into the products

-be in contact with the other reactant rather than another molecule of itself

-have sufficient energy to overcome the activation energy of the reaction


Three criteria must be met for a collision to lead to a successful reaction. In general, the collision must be set up to allow the reactants to rearrange into the products. The direction of motion before the collision does not make a difference.

The first condition for a successful collision is that the collision must be between the two reactants, rather than a molecule colliding with another molecule of itself. A higher temperature will lead to more collisions between all molecules, but only collisions between the two reactants will result in a reaction occuring.

Second, the molecules must be lined up properly for the reaction to occur. For example, a molecule made up of two different elements needs to have the correct element collide with the other reactant molecule to be able to make the correct new bond.

Third, the molecules must have enough energy to overcome the activation energy necessary to make the bond rearrangements into products. A benefit of a higher temperature reaction, beyond the increased collisions, is that the molecules are more likely to have the energy needed to complete the reaction.

a region of vacuum contains both a uniform electric field with magnitude e and a uniform magnetic field with magnitude b.


A region of the vacuum that contains both uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field is called electromagnetic radiation.

A region of the vacuum that contains uniform electric and magnetic field simultaneously is called an electromagnetic radiation or an Electromagnetic wave.

Wave does not recover any medium to travel because it is made up of electric and magnetic field which also do not require any medium to be in existence.

An Electromagnetic wave travels with the speed of light. The component of the electric field and the magnetic field contributes equally in sense of energy of the wave.

To know more about electromagnetic wave, visit,


a voltaic cell with an aqueous electrolyte is based on the reaction between Cd 2+ (aq) and Mg (s), producing Cd (s) and Mg 2+ (aq). Write half reactions for the anode and cathode and the write a balanced cell reaction. Please include the states of matter in the equation


Zn(s) = Zn2+ (aq) + is the half-reaction on the anode, where oxidation takes place (2e-). To create Zn2+, the zinc loses two electrons. Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- = Cu is the half-reaction on the cathode where reduction takes place.

Oxidation half reaction (anode) : Mg(s) → Mg²(aq) + 2e⁻

Reduction half reaction (cathode) : Cd²(aq) + 2e⁻ → Cd(s)

Thus the overall reaction will be,

Mg(s) + Cd²(aq) → Mg²(aq) + Cd(s)

How should a half-reaction be entered into a cell?

Here is an illustration of a half cell reaction at the anode: Zn(s)→Zn2+(aq)+2e−. The zinc metal loses two electrons during the process, forming the Zn2+ ion. As a result of the loss of electrons, the anode's half-cell reaction is an oxidation half-reaction.

To know more about half-reaction visit:-


Calculate molality (m)of benzoic acid, in mol/kg, using the formula Δt = Kf × m. (The Kf value for lauric acid is 3.9°C•kg/mol) Calculate moles of benzoic acid solute, using the molality and the mass (in kg) of lauric acid solvent. Calculate the experimental molecular weight of benzoic acid, in g/mol. Determine the accepted molecular weight of benzoic acid from its formula, C6H5COOH. Calculate the percent discrepancy between the experimental and accepted values.
mass of lauric acid (g) : 8.00
mass of benzoic acid (g): 1.50
Freezing point of pure lauric acid (C): 36.37
Freezing point of benzoic acid-lauric acid mixture (C): 42.51


Molality: This feature of solutions tells us how many moles there are in a kilogram of the solvent. It is a way of displaying any solution's concentration.

a. We have,

42.95 degrees Celsius is the freezing point of pure lauric acid.

Benzoic acid and Lauric acid have a freezing point of 47.27 C.

Cryoscopic constant =3.90∘C⋅kg⋅mol−1

We know,





b. We know,

Lauric acid weighs 8.02 x 10(-3) kg (w1)

Suppose there are n2 moles of benzoic acid, which means:


Where, w2 is the solute's andmolar mass of solute.


m=(w2/M2 × 1/w1)mol/kg

And the number of moles is given as,




As a result, there are 0.0072 moles of benzoic acid solute.

c. The experimental molar mass of benzoic acid,

=(w2/n2) g/mol


=144 g/mol

d. The accepted molar mass of benzoic acid

(CH3COOH) will be,

=(7×12)+(6×1)+(2×16) g/mol

=122 g/mol

e. Following are the details of the difference between the experimental and acceptable value:

= experimental molar mass - accepted molar mass  × 10/ accepted molar mass

= 144-122 ×100/122


f. By repeating steps 1 to 3, the molar mass of the unknown solute will be,

Step 1: Calculation of molality




Step 2: Calculation of the number of moles of an unknown solute



   =0.0482 mol

Step 3: Calculation of molar mass of unknown solute

M = w/n

  =    0.98/  0.0482


To know more about Molality click here


The layers of the earth are



Inner core, outer core, mantle, crust


the crust the mantle and the core

410A is a commonly used refrigerant. What
is the energy change when 100. g of 410A
goes from -40.0 °C to -60.0 °C?
Heating Curve Data for Coolant 410a
Boiling Point (°C)
AHvap (kJ/kg)
Specific Heat, gas (kJ/kg K)
Specific Heat, liquid (kJ/kg K)
q = [?] kJ
Do not round until the end. Include either a + or -
sign AND the magnitude.
q, (kJ)


According to the specific heat capacity, the specific heat capacity of refrigerant is 0.00050 J/kgK.

What is specific heat capacity?

Specific heat capacity is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of substance by one degree Celsius. It has units of calories or joules per gram per degree Celsius.

Specific heat capacity of a substance is infinite as it undergoes phase transition ,it is highest for gases and can rise if the gas is allowed to expand.

It is given by the formula ,


Substitution in formula gives m=100 g, c=1.84-0.823=1.017 ,Δt=-60-(-40)=-20,Q=100×1.017×(-20)=-2034 J.

Thus, the energy change  when 100. g of 410A goes from -40.0 °C to -60.0 °C is -2034 J.

Learn more about specific heat capacity,here:


TRUE OR FALSE nitric acid is a key industrial chemical, largely used to make fertilizers and explosives. the first step in its synthesis is the oxidation of ammonia. in this reaction, gaseous ammonia reacts with dioxygen gas to produce nitrogen monoxide gas and water.


Using 645 L /s of oxygen at 195 ° C and 0.88 atm will result in 0.355kg/s of NO.

First, we go through the equation for the conversion of NH3 to NO: 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) ⟶4 NO(g) +6 H2O(l). (l)

Next, we compile the data that will be used in our computations.

645 L/s O2 Volume Rate

0.88 atm of pressure

Temperature is equal to 195°C plus 273°K.

NO has a molecular mass of 30.01 g/mol.

Third, using the basic gas equation PV =n RT, we must determine how many moles (n) are contained in 645L of O2 in order to compute the number of NO moles created by this amount of O2.Keep in mind that the constant R in this equation is 0.08205Lxatm/Kxmol.

PV =n RT

n= PV / RT

n= [0.08205 Lxatm/Kxmol] x 468K / [(0.08atm x 645L/s)]

n= 14.781 moles of oxygen per second.

Fourth, now that we know how many moles of O2 will be created, we can use the equation to determine how many moles of NO will also be produced. Finally, with the help of the molecular weight, we will be able to get the total mass per second.

14.781 moles of O2 x 4 moles of NO x 5 moles of O2 x 30.01g of NO x 1 mol of NO x 1 kg of NO /1000g of NO = 0.355 kg/s of NO

Complete question:

Nitric acid is a key industrial chemical, largely used to make fertilizers and explosives. The first step in its synthesis is the oxidation of ammonia. In this reaction, gaseous ammonia reacts with dioxygen gas to produce nitrogen monoxide gas and water. Suppose a chemical engineer studying a new catalyst for the oxidation of ammonia reaction finds that liters per second of dioxygen are consumed when the reaction is run at and . Calculate the rate at which nitrogen monoxide is being produced. Give your answer in kilograms per second. Round your answer to significant digits.

learn more about molecular weight


14.1 on the basis of the structures presented in this chapter, sketch repeat unit structures for the following polymers: (1) polychlorotrifluoroethylene (2) poly(vinyl alcohol), (3) polystyrene, and (4) polypropylene.


1.00029 is possibility of repeating unit of  polymers. In the given given figure, unit structures for the polymers.

P is probability of repeating unit.

Relation between weight average molecular weight Mw / number average molecular weight,  Mn =1+P

 Mw/Mn= 1+P

Degree of polymerization K = 1/ (1-P)

P = 1 + 1/K = 1 + 1/3420 = 1 + 0.00029 = 1.00029 is possibility of repeating unit of  polymers.

Hence, 1.00029 is possibility of repeating unit of  polymers.

Learn more about polymers here:-


Place the following compounds in order of decreasing strength of intermolecular forces. I. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 II. (CH3)3CCH3 IIL (CH3)3CCH2CH3 1) C) II >III> I 2) Identify the compound with the lowest boiling point. A) CH3CN B) CH3CHO C) CH3CH2CH3 D) (CH3)20 E) CH3OCH3 2) 3) Place the following substances in order of increasing vapor pressure at a given temperature SF6 SiH4 SF4 3) A) SiH4


The following compounds in order of decreasing strength of intermolecular forces is as follows :


1) The following compounds in order of decreasing strength of intermolecular forces is as follows : as the surface are decreases the intermolecular force decrease or as branching increases intermolecular forces decreases.


2)  the compound CH₃CH₂CH₃ have the weaker van der wall forces and having the lowest boiling point.

3) the following substances in order of increasing vapor pressure at a given temperature is as follows :

SF₄  < SF₆   <  SiH₄  

SF₄ is the polar molecular and hs the lowest vapor pressure.

To learn more about intermolecular force here


Which of the following pollutants may be released into the environment during the production or incorrect disposal of batteries?


The pollutants which may be released into the environment during the production or incorrect disposal of batteries include the following:

A. SO₂

C. Toxic metals

D. CO₂

What is a pollutant?

In Science, a pollutant can be defined as a harmful, poisonous and toxic chemical substance or chemical compound that is capable of causing physical degradation or contamination to the environment through emission such as the burning of coal, production of batteries, or incorrect disposal of batteries.

The primary pollutants from burning coal and incorrect disposal of batteries.

Generally speaking, some examples of the primary pollutants that are produced from the burning of coal and incorrect disposal of batteries include the following:

Sulfur dioxide (SO₂)MercuryToxic metalsCarbon dioxide (CO₂)Nitrogen oxide

In conclusion, toxic metals are most likely to be released due to the incorrect disposal of batteries or even during its production.

Read more on pollutants here:


Complete Question:

Which of the following pollutants may be released into the environment during the production or incorrect disposal of batteries? Select all that apply.



Toxic metals



Write a balanced equation for the double-replacement precipitation reaction described, using the smallest possible integer coefficients. A precipitate forms when aqueous solutions of cobalt(II) chloride and potassium hydroxide are combined. Use the pull-down boxes to include states such as (8) or (aq).


The reaction between cobalt (II) chloride and potassium hydroxide can be depicted as follows:

CoCl2(aq)+2KOH(aq)----> Ca(OH)2(s)+2KCl(aq)

A double displacement reaction is one that involves the exchange of ions and leads to the formation of new products. The products that are soluble in water are represented by the symbol (aq) and the ones that are insoluble in the water remain in the (s) or precipitate form along with the chemical formulas.

The double displacement reaction can be depicted as follows:


The reaction between cobalt (II) chloride and potassium hydroxide can be depicted as follows:

CoCl2(aq)+2KOH(aq)----> Ca(OH)2(s)+2KCl(aq)

To learn more about double displacement reaction check the link below:


select the statements that describe important rules for drawing skeletal structures. multiple select question. draw in all heteroatoms and the hydrogens directly bonded to them. draw in all heteroatoms and any lone pairs of electrons connected to them. assume there is a carbon atom at the junction of any two lines or at the end of any line. assume there are enough hydrogens around each carbon to give it four bonds.


The chain of atoms that are joined together to form the essential structure of an organic substance is called the skeletal structure.

The following sentences provide crucial guidelines for depicting skeletal structures:

1) Each heteroatom and the hydrogen atoms that are chemically connected to it.

2) A carbon atom can be found at the end of any line or at the intersection of any two lines.

3) Each carbon has four bonds because there are enough hydrogen atoms surrounding it.

These three option are the correct statements to describe the important rule for the drawing skeletal structures to represents the important structure of the organic compound.

The position of the carbon and hydrogen atoms are indicated by lines in the skeletal structure, line formula, or abbreviated formula for organic compounds. The endpoints of the lines and their intersections, as well as the hydrogen atom deduced from the number of bonds exhibited between each other, illustrate where the carbon atoms are located in the skeletal structure.

Hetero-atoms are any atoms other than carbon and hydrogen. The only hydrogen atoms that must be present in skeletal structure are those that are physically connected to a hetro atom.

To learn more about skeletal structure Please click on the given link:


8. Society relies on hydrocarbon combustion.

a) What are the dangers associated with
incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons?

b) Do you think hydrocarbons with a greater number of carbon and hydrogen atoms will produce more or less energy than smaller hydrocarbons? Explain.

c) Describe one advantage and one
disadvantage of our use of hydrocarbon



a) Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons can produce dangerous byproducts such as carbon monoxide and soot. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that can be harmful to human health, while soot is a fine particulate matter that can contribute to air pollution and respiratory problems. Incomplete combustion can also produce less energy than complete combustion, which can be inefficient and wasteful.

b) Hydrocarbons with a greater number of carbon and hydrogen atoms will typically produce more energy than smaller hydrocarbons. This is because the chemical bonds between the carbon and hydrogen atoms in hydrocarbons contain a large amount of potential energy, and larger hydrocarbons have more bonds and therefore more potential energy.

c) One advantage of our use of hydrocarbon combustion is that hydrocarbons are a convenient and readily available source of energy. They are easy to transport and store, and they can be burned to produce heat and electricity. One disadvantage is that the combustion of hydrocarbons produces greenhouse gases, which can contribute to climate change. Additionally, the extraction and processing of hydrocarbons can have negative environmental impacts, such as air and water pollution.

(please mark as brainliest!)

Which Of the tollowing options correctly express the relationship petween the volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure? Check all that apply: As the temperature of the gas increases, the volume will increase.There is an inverse relationship between volume and temperature. VTis & constant value.The volume of the gas is directly proportional t0 the absolute temperature.


Statement 1 and statement 4 are true about the volume and temperature relationship.

Boyle's law, an experimental gas law, illustrates the connection between a confined gas's pressure and volume. It claims that when the temperature of a mass of confined gases is constant, the product of pressure and volume is similarly constant.

By this law, the temperature and volume relationship is given by,

[tex]V \propto T[/tex] where V is volume and T is the temperature at constant pressure.

From this relationship, we can tell, when the temperature of the gas increases, it increases the volume also. This is because the volume of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.

To know more about Boyle's law:


which of the following substances is not a solution? saline steel humid air oxygen all of the above are solutions.


Answer: Oxygen

Explanation: Oxygen is just an element, not a solution

the amino acid phenylalanine can be made in the laboratory. choose the correct reagents needed to make this molecule.


The amino acid phenylalanine can be made in the laboratory. Ore NH3 reagents needed to make this molecule.

Phenylalanine is a crucial amino acid with the chemical formula C 9H 11NO 2. Its symbol is Phe or F.  Reagents like benzyl group in place of the methyl group in alanine or as a phenyl group in place of the terminal hydrogen. This significant amino acid is classified as neutral and nonpolar due to the inert and hydrophobic nature of the benzyl side chain. The L-isomer is used in the biochemical synthesis of DNA-coded proteins. Precursors of phenylalanine include tyrosine, the monoamine neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine (adrenaline), as well as the skin pigment melanin. It is encoded by the codons UUU and UUC. Phenylalanine is a substance found in animal milk. It is used to make food and drink products and is marketed as a dietary supplement due to its analgesic and depressive qualities. It is a direct precursor to the neuromodulator dietary supplement phenethylamine. Because neither humans nor other animals can synthesize phenylalanine, it must be ingested or found in proteins, making it an essential amino acid.

To know more about reagents please refer:


stoichiometric calculations, including ratios of atoms within a compound, and ratios of substances in a chemical reaction.


The stoichiometry calculation involves the ratios of atoms within a compound, and ratios of substances in a chemical reaction.

The stoichiometry calculation involves the relationship between the product and the reactants in the chemical rection. stoichiometry is the measurement of the element. the steps follows the stoichiometry calculation is :

1) balance the chemical reaction.

2) convert the substance units to moles.

3) by using the moles ratio to calculate the yield of the substances in the reaction.

4) convert the moles of the needed elements to the required units.

The stoichiometry calculation is mostly based on the chemical formulas of the compound.

to learn more about stoichiometry  here


For every two QH2 that enter the Q cycle, one is regenerated and the other passes its two electrons to two cytochrome c1 centers. The overall equation is
QH2+2 cyt c1(Fe3+)+2H+→Q+2 cyt c1(Fe2+)+4H+
Calculate the free energy change associated with the Q cycle.


For every two QH2 that enter the Q cycle, one is regenerated and the other passes its two electrons to two cytochrome c1 centers. The free energy change associated with the Q cycle is -33.8 kJ/mol

Q + 2H+ + 2 e- --> QH2 Eo' = +0.045 V

One QH2 is created for every two that enter the Q cycle, while the other one transfers its two electrons to two cytochrome c1 centers. Even though cytochrome c can only take one electron, QH2 struggles to transfer  free energy the two available electrons to it. So, in a single Q cycle, two cytochrome c molecules are reduced, one ubiquinol molecule is created, four bare pumped into the intermembrane  free energy space, and two protons are taken up from the matrix.

Learn more about cytochrome from here:


Absorbance is a unitless quantity. Path length is measured in centimeters. Derive the units of the molar absorptivity and show your work.


Amounts of absorbance have no units. Centimeters are used to measure path length. The unit of molar absorptivity is derived from these two as M⁻¹cm⁻¹.

Molar absorptivity is the characteristic that gauges how strongly a chemical species absorbs light of a specific wavelength. Beer-Lambert law links a light's attenuation to the features of the medium it travels through. This law is given as A = εcl where A is the absorbance, l is the path length in centimeters, c is molar concentration in M, and ε is molar absorptivity. From the above equation, we can find the unit of molar absorptivity as,

[tex]\begin{aligned}\epsilon&=\frac{A}{c\cdot l}\\&=\frac{\text{no unit}}{\text{M\;cm}}\\&=\mathrm{M^{-1}cm^{-1}}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Therefore, the required answer is M⁻¹cm⁻¹.

To know more about Beer-Lambert:


draw the organic product(s) of the following reactions including stereochemistry when it is appropriate. h2 lindlar catalyst


Draw the organic product(s) of the following reactions including stereochemistry when it is appropriate. H₂ lindlar catalyst is given as :

CH₃-C≡C-CH₂-CH₂- CH₃ + H₂ Lindlar catalyst --> CH₃ - C=C - CH₂ -CH₂- CH₃

                                                                                            |   |

                                                                                            H H

The lindlar catalyst is used to hydrgenate the bond into the double bonds. H₂ + lindlar catalyst is used to reduce the alkynes which contains the triple bond in to the alkene which contains the double bond. the H₂ + lindlar catalyst doest noty react with the the alkenes.  the reaction of H₂ + lindlar catalyst is given as follows :

CH₃-C≡C-CH₂-CH₂- CH₃ + H₂Lindlar catalyst --> CH₃-C=C - CH₂ -CH₂- CH₃

2 - hexyne                                                                           |   |

                                                                                            H H

                                                                                           2 - hexene

To learn more about lindlar catalyst here



Modify adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to give the remaining product of ATP hydrolysis. Select Draw Rings More Erase H 0 р N NH, N 0 0 0 = = o ATP+H,0 P. + 0 OH OH


Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to give the remaining product of ATP hydrolysis diagram is [SEE in attachement]

It will be presumed that more KHP is present in the solution if additional NaOH is added. As a result, the % KHP will be higher than anticipated. If the concentration of NaOH is doubled, just half the volume from the initial experiment is needed. To titrate NaOH with KHP, add NaOH from the burette to a predetermined amount of KHP. The mass and volume of KHP utilized to create the KHP solution are used to calculate the molarity of the KHP solution. The molarity of the NaOH is then determined using the information from the titration.

Additionally, ATP hydrolysis generates energy for coupling processes. (When ATP is used in a reaction, it sends energy along with its third phosphate to the chemical process. By phosphorylating another molecule, it releases the energy. Additionally, ATP hydrolysis uses energy coupling to carry out work in cells.)

To learn more about ATP hydrolysis  visit:


The next 7 questions are related to the titration of 40.0 mL of a 0.0150 M Zn2+ solution with 0.0250 M EDTA in a solution buffered at pH 11. Assume that the temperature is 25 oC and that the formation constant for Zn2+ is 3.13 x 1016 at this temperature.
How many mmols of Zn2+ are present in the solution before the titration begin?
What is the conditional formation constant for Zn at this pH?
What volume of the EDTA solution is needed to reach the equivalence point?Alpha values for EDTA are in table 13-3 on page 299 of the textbook.
What is the pZn of the analyte solution before the titration begins?
What is the pZn of the solution after 15 mL of titrant have been added?
What is the pZn at the equivalence point of the titration?
What is the pZn of the solution after 30 mL of titrant have been added?


Using complex-forming processes, complex metric titrations are primarily used to identify metal ions.

Although there are various complexing agents that can be utilized for this task (cyanide, thiocyanate, fluoride, 1,2-diaminoethane, etc.), in actuality the titrants are usually invariably compounds with the iminodiacetic acid functional groups. The sodium salt, Na₂H₂Y 2H₂O, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid are the two that are used the most frequently (better soluble in water).

Most requirements for a good complexometric titrant are mostly met by EDTA. It reacts quickly with most metal ions (except Cr₃⁺), forms sufficiently stable complexes with most metal ions, all of the complexes have perfect 1:1 stoichiometry (independent of the charge of the cation), are water soluble, and are colorless (unless the metal is present).

(unless the metal ion is colored by itself). A typical metal ion's reaction with EDTA (H₄Y) can be expressed as follows:

that is, as a battle between the metal ion and hydrogen ions for interacting with Y₂−. The equilibrium constant for the reaction, KMeY, which measures the stability of binding of Men + with Y₂ is as follows.

To know more about complex metric titrations, please refer:


draw the arrow pushing reaction mechanism for the aldol condensation of vanillin and acetone during the first step


Aldol condensation is a reaction that results in the formation of a carbon-carbon bond, an enol or enolate molecule, and an aldehyde or ketone.

Removing the alpha hydrogen, establishing fresh carbon and carbonyl bonds, and changing carbonyl groups into COH.

These reactions include an enol or enolate ion reacting with a carbonyl molecule to produce a -hydroxy aldehyde or -hydroxy ketone, which is then dehydrated to produce a conjugated enone. Let's talk more about cross aldol condensation, the aldol condensation process, and its mechanism.

Thus, the acetaldehyde enolate's nucleophilic addition to benzaldehyde produces the aldol product: We will discuss all the additional potential outcomes and specifics of the crossover aldol reaction.

To learn more about Aldol condensation please click on below link


which of the following will an organism that is experiencing an elevated carbon dioxide concentration most likely do?


The increase in concentration of CO₂ will leads to form low pH of water because CO₂ is a acidic oxide. The temperature will also rising, this an organism that is experiencing an elevated carbon dioxide concentration most likely do.

What happens when concentration of CO₂ increases?

The heat that is trapped aids in keeping the earth's temperature constant. However, the amount of heat trapped in the atmosphere will grow as CO₂ levels rise. Global warming is the process through which the earth's temperature rises as a result.

An immediate rise in CO₂ does not reduce respiratory oxygen consumption; rather, it increases with prolonged development in the field at increasing CO₂. Thus, the increase in concentration of CO₂ will leads to form low pH of water because CO₂ is a acidic oxide. The temperature will also rising, this an organism that is experiencing an elevated carbon dioxide concentration most likely do.

To know more about concentration of CO₂, refer to:


The complete question is as follows:

which are true statements regarding beers law. mark all that apply the curved relationship between absorbance and concentration a


None of them are true statements regarding beer's law. Limiting factors, including using only diluted liquids and monochromatic light, must be taken into account when applying legislation to any analysis.

Which statement of Beer's law is accurate?

The following is stated by Beer's law: The sample concentration and sample path length for a particular substance are directly related to the light absorbance.

What are Beer's law's three components?

You can see from the formula for absorbance that it depends on three things: the solution's molar absorptivity, the path length, or the distance traveled by light in the sample cell, and the solution's concentration.

Learn more about absorption here:


Balance the following chemical equation:
H₂ +
0₂ -->



2H² + 0² ---> 2H²O


Now there is 4 hydrogen atoms and 2 Oxygen atoms.

TRUE/FALSE. two different compounds exist having the formula n2f2. one compound is polar whereas the other is nonpolar



Polar substances have electronegativity differences while non polar substances do not have differences.

The analyze is:

N2F2 is polar. Because there are differences in the electro negativity values of the 2 elements. But the polarity depends on the type of isomer, the cis isomer form is polar because it has a dipole moment of 0.16 D. Meanwhile the trans isomer form is non polar because it doesn't have a dipole moment.

Learn more about N2F2 at:


Which of the following samples will have the greatest volume at STP? O 22 g Ne O 22 g He O 22 g 02 O 22 g Cl2 OAll have the same V at STP


Option (b). 22 g He have the greatest volume at STP because it has the lower molar mass.

1 mole of gas at STP will have volume 22.4L (for all gases)

Mole is defined as the amount of a substance that contains the number of carbon atoms in exactly 12 g of isotopically pure carbon-12 .  It allows determination of the number of molecules or atoms by weighing them.      

         number of moles = mass / molar mass 

mass is the same for all. if moles will be high then the volume will be high . the mole will be high only which have a lower molar mass . The molar mass is defined as the mass in grams of 1 mole of that substance. For an element, the molar mass is the mass of 1 mole of atoms of that element for a covalent molecular compound it is the mass of 1 mole of molecules of that compound. for an ionic compound, it is the mass of 1 mole of formula units. so in all, He has a lower molar mass. so it will have highest no of moles.

To learn more about Molar mass please visit:


a public good: group of answer choices cannot be provided to one person without making it available to others too. costs essentially nothing to produce and thus is provided by the government at zero price. generally results in substantial spillover costs. can never be provided by a nongovernmental organization.


A public good cannot be provided to one person without making it available to others as well.

A non-exclusive, non-rivalrous good is referred to as a public good. It cannot be given to just one person without also being made available to others. If one person uses it, it doesn't prevent others from doing so as well. Roads are an illustration of a public good.

Club goods and private goods are in opposition to public goods. An example of a public good is a club good. It is non-rivalrous but excludable. One example of a club good is paid streaming services. The service is not available to those who do not subscribe. However, each subscriber is equally valued by the service.

To learn more about public goods, visit the link below:


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