an athlete pushes a 50-kg sled with a horizontal force of 200 n and it fails to move. what is the net force on the sled?


Answer 1

The net force on the sled is 400 N.

The net force on the sled is the sum of all the forces acting on the sled. In this case, the only forces acting on the sled are the horizontal force of 200 N applied by the athlete and the force of friction acting on the sled.

The force of friction is given by the equation:

F_friction = μ × F_normal

where F_friction is the force of friction, μ is the coefficient of friction between the sled and the surface it is on, and F_normal is the normal force acting on the sled.

The normal force is the force exerted on an object by a surface that is perpendicular to the surface. For an object at rest, the normal force is equal to the weight of the object. In this case, the weight of the sled is 50 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 490 N.

Plugging the values for the coefficient of friction, the normal force, and the applied force into the equation gives us the following:

F_friction = μ × F_normal = μ × 490 N = 200 N

The net force on the sled is the sum of the horizontal force applied by the athlete and the force of friction:

F_net = F_horizontal + F_friction = 200 N + 200 N = 400 N

Therefore, the net force on the sled is 400 N.

Learn more about force at


Related Questions

IIf the Sun were twice as massive
its pull on the Earth would double.
the pull of the Earth on the Sun would double.
Its pull on the Earth would double; and the pull of the Earth on lhe Sun would double.
none of the other choices arc correct.


Option C; If the Sun were twice as massive the pull of the Earth on the Sun would double.

A hot, incandescent ball of hydrogen and helium at the center of our solar system, our Sun is a 4.5 billion year old star. Despite the Sun's distance from Earth, which is around 93 million miles (150 million kilometers), life as we know it would not be possible on our planet without the Sun's radiation.

To fill the volume of the Sun, 1.3 million Earths would be required. The solar system is held together by its gravity, which keeps everything in orbit around it, from the largest planets to the smallest pieces of junk. The Sun's core, which reaches temperatures of more than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, is its hottest region (15 million degrees Celsius).

Option C; If the Sun were twice as massive the pull of the Earth on the Sun would double.

Learn more about Sun here:


what energy technologies depend on solar radiation as the originating source? select all that apply.


Solar energy is harnessed using three basic technologies: photovoltaics (PV), which directly converts light to electricity; solar thermal energy; and solar thermal energy.

Concentrating solar power (CSP), which uses solar thermal energy to power utility-scale electric turbines; and solar heating and cooling (SHC) systems The photovoltaic effect, or photovoltaics, is the method of directly generating energy from solar radiation. Photovoltaics is probably the most well-known method of harnessing solar energy today. Photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar-thermal power are the two main forms of solar energy technology (CSP). the first commercially feasible perovskite solar cells, which can be produced at room temperature and use less energy than silicon-based solar cells.

Learn more about energy here-


What is a maximum load weight?


Maximum load weight is the amount of permissiable load that can be carried by a vehicle in a particular country region.

Maximum load in a region is decided by the authority of that particular area. It can be calculated by subtract the curb weight from the GVWR . For example, if we have a  truck with a GVWR of 9,000 pounds and a curb weight of 6,000 pounds, the load limit will be 3,000 pounds: GVWR – curb weight = load limit

Or we can say that  the maximum allowable force that can be applied to a stage in a specified direction while meeting stage specifications is known as the maximum load weight.

Learn more about weight:


What do you mean by the terms wavelength frequency and amplitude of a wave motion?


The terms "amplitude" and "wavelength" refer to a maximum deflection from the mean location and the total distance traveled by a vibrating particle, respectively.The frequency refers to the number of full vibrations per second, similarly.

By the term "wavelength frequency," what do you mean?

The wavelength of a wave is the distance that separates two adjacent crests or troughs.

What are wave wavelength and amplitude?

Measured from the wave's highest point (peak and crest) to its lowest point, the amplitude of the wave indicates its height (trough).Wavelength is the distance a wave travels between peaks.

To know more about wavelength frequency visit:


Is air travel scope 3?


YES.instances of scope Employee travel & commuting are 2 emissions.

journeys for work. bought products and services.

What falls under Scope 3?

Scope 3 emission are the outcome of operations on resources that the reporting company does not own or control, but which are indirectly impacted by the organization through its value chain.All sources outside of an organization's range 1 & scope 2 boundary are included in scope 3 emissions.

LCA scope 3: what is it?

Although they emanate from sources that company doesn't own or control, scope 3 emissions are a byproduct of corporate operations.

To know more about scope 3 visit:


a potato falling vertically downward is struck by a dart that is traveling vertically upward, as shown above. the dart and potato then collide, stick together, and continue moving after the collision. question consider the dart-potato system. which of the following graphs best represents the speed v of the center-of-mass of the dart-potato system, as a function of time t, before, during, and after the collision?


The graph representing a line with constant slope increasing represents the relation between speed and time of the dart-potato system.

Increasing slope represents that the slope is positive and as the quantity on x- axis increases, the quantity on y-axis also increases.

Momentum is said to be conserved before and after collision in a two-object system. Here, the two objects are said to be dart and potato. The potato and dart after collision are said to move by sticking together after the collision.

The potato-dart system is said to be moving with increasing velocity after the collision. The speed of the potato-dart system is given as v.

The question is incomplete. The speed v of the centre of mass of the dart-potato system, as a function of time t, before, during, and after the collision is represented by the graph attached below.

To know more about dart-potato system:


gear b supplies 15 kw of power, while gears a, c and d withdraw 6 kw, 4 kw and 5 kw, respectively.


The figure shows the gears A, B, C, D. The minimum required diameter of the shaft is d = 25 mm.

The angular velocity of the shaft,

ω = 600 rev/min × 1/60 min/s × 2π rad/rev = 20 π rad/s

The torque exerted on the gears A, C, D are

T a = P a/ω = 6(10³)/20π = 95.49 N m

T c = P c/ω = 4(10³)/20π = 63.66 N m

T d = P d/ω = 5(10³)/20π = 79.58 N m

Segment BC of the shaft is critical as it is subjected to a greater internal torque.

τ a = T bc C/J

75 × 10⁶ = 143.23(d/2) /[ π/2 × (d/2)⁴]

d = 0.02135 m = 21.35 mm

According to observation, gear D's relative twist angle to gear B is the largest.

The requirement Ф b/d = Σ ([Ti Li)/(Ji Gi)] = 0.05

T bc L bc/ (J Gst) + T cd L cd/ (J Gst) = 0.05

0.6/ [ π/2 × (d/2)⁴ 75 × 10⁹] × (143.24 + 79.58) = 0.05

d = 0.02455 m = 24.55 mm ≈ 25 mm

Thus, the minimum required diameter of the shaft is d = 25 mm.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is 'If the shaft is made of steel with the allowable shear stress of τ a = 75 M Pa, and the relative angle of twist between any two gears cannot exceed 0.05 rad, determine the required minimum diameter d of the shaft to the nearest milli meter. The shaft is rotating at 600 rpm.'

To know more about shafts:


What is the formula of MGBR?


The chemical formula of Magnesium Bromine MgBr₂.

As the name says MgBr, we can easily conclude that in this compound there are two elements present.

One of the elements is Magnesium which is denoted by Mg, while the other is Bromine which is denoted by Br.

Magnesium is a metal while bromine is a non-metal, the combination of both elements will be Magnesium bromide which is denoted by MgBr2, which is an ionic compound.

Magnesium bromide is a chemical compound which is formed by the combination of magnesium and bromine.

The chemical formula of Magnesium Bromine MgBr₂.

For more questions on Magnesium bromide


What are 5 examples of force?



Gravitational force.

Electric force.

Magnetic force.

Nuclear force.

Frictional force.

What is the frequency of A photon that has A wavelength of 300 nm?


wavelength of the photon is 300 nm

using ν= c/λ,

where c ⇒ speed of light =3x10⁸ m/s

λ⇒wavelength of light = 300 nm


so, ν= 10¹⁵ s⁻¹ is the frequency of photon of wavelength 300 nm.

know more about "frequency" here :

Create a acrostic poem using the word "transformation" that summarizes what you've learned about kinetic and potential energy.


Because the electrons travel more quickly under pressure and have more kinetic energy, they eventually leap into a broader orbit. The energy that was previously held in every electron will transform into potential energy.

What is the transformation between kinetic energy and potential energy?You see, when pressure is applied, the electrons' kinetic energy rises, making them travel more quickly and ultimately leading them to jump into a larger orbit. Every electron will then have energy that has been stored in it, which will become its potential energy.A: When an item is not moving, it possesses potential energy, or stored energy. Potential energy transforms into kinetic energy if a force is applied or it starts to move (energy of motion).Mechanical energy is the total of kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy, or kinetic energy from motion, and/or stored positional energy can both contribute to an object's mechanical energy (i.e., potential energy).

Learn more about kinetic energy and potential energy refer to :


Calculate the density of each ball. Use the formula d = m/v where d is the density, m is the mass, and v is the volume. Record your calculations in table a of your student guide. What is the density of the table tennis ball? record your answer to the nearest hundredth. G/cm3 what is the density of the golf ball? record your answer to the nearest hundredth. G/cm3.


The density of the tennis ball = 0.38 g/cm³

The density of the golf ball = 1.13 g/cm³

The mass of the tennis ball = 56 g

The volume of the tennis ball = 149 cm³

The density of the tennis ball can be found using the formula,

            d = m/v

where d is the density

          m is the mass

          v is the volume

Let us substitute the known values in the above equation, we get

           d = 56 / 149

              = 0.38 g/cm³

The mass of the golf ball = 45.9 g

The volume of the golf ball = 40.68 cm³

The density of the golf ball is

               d = m/v

Let us substitute the known values in the above equation, we get

               d = 45.9 / 40.68

                  = 1.13 g/cm³

Learn more about the density in


Answer: tennis ball 0.07   golf ball 1.15  


What is the value of lambda?


The thermal conductivity of a product is measured in units of W/mK by the lambda value, which is also referred to as the "K-value" or "-value."

What does one lambda mean? A product's thermal conductivity is expressed in terms of W/mK by the lambda value, which is also referred to as the "K-value" or "-value."For the purpose of minimizing heat loss, effective insulation will have a lambda value as low as possible.A lambda value of 0.019 W/mK, for instance, is shared by all of our lower lambda products regardless of thickness.A non-SI measure of volume called lambda, denoted by the lowercase letter, is equivalent to 109 m3, 1 cubic millimeter (mm3), or 1 microliter (L).A variable is bound to a function using its namesake, the Greek letter lambda (), which is utilized in lambda expressions and phrases.Both typed and untyped lambda calculi are possible.Functions can only be used in typed lambda calculus if they can accept the "type" of data that is specified as an input.

To learn more about lambda mean refer


How would newtons laws of motion relate to the movement of bumper cars how might the mass of the riders and the speed of the cars affect this movement



the law of interaction, says that if one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. It's the law of action-reaction, and it helps to explain why you feel a jolt when you collide with another bumper car.

Heavier cars have more momentum, so they travel further, given the same amount of friction.


What formula is this Πr²h or V π )( R² H?


The formula V = π r² h or V = π R² H is used to measure the volume of a cylinder.

The volume of a cylinder is the density of the cylinder which indicates the amount of material that can be held in it or how much amount of any material can be immersed in it. To find a cylinder's volume, the formula to be used is v = π r² h (V = π R² H). In this formula, V is the volume of the cylinder; π r² represents the area of the base of the cylinder, with radius 'r'; h is the height of the cylinder.

Therefore, the given V = π r² h or V = π R² H is the formula to calculate a cylinder's volume.


Correct question is as follows:

What formula is this V = Πr²h or V = π R² H?


You can learn more about volume of a cylinder at


suppose that a huge tank 50m high and filled with water is open to the atmosphere and is hit with a bullet that pierces one side of the tank, allowing water to flow out. the hole is 5m above the ground. if the hole is very small in comparison with the size of the tank, how quickly will the water flow out of the tank?


The the velocity which the water flow out of the tank  is  29.698 m/s

What is Bernoulli's principle?

It gives the relationship between pressure, kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy of a fluid in a container .

P₁ + 1/2ρv₁² + ρgh₁ = P₂ + 1/2ρv₂² + ρgh₂

Since it is a open tank,

P₁ = P₂ = P₀ , atmoshperic pressure

h₁ = 50m

h₂ = 5m

v₁ = 0

Applying Bernoulli's principle

P₁ + 1/2ρv₁² + ρgh₁ = P₂ + 1/2ρv₂² + ρgh₂

P₀ + 0 + ρgh₁ = P₀ + 1/2ρv₂² + ρgh₂

ρgh₁ = 1/2ρv₂² + ρgh₂

v₂ = √(2g(h₁-h₂))

  =  √(2×9.8(50-5))

 =  29.698 m/s

Therefore the velocity which the water flow out of the tank  is  29.698 m/s

To learn more about Bernoulli's principle below is the given link:


suppose a 200-kg motorcycle has two wheels like, the one described in problem 10.15 and is heading toward a hill at a speed of 30.0 m/s. (a) how high can it coast up the hill, if you neglect friction? (b) how much energy is lost to friction if the motorcycle only gains an altitude of 35.0 m before coming to rest?\\\


If you neglect friction it can 68600 high coast up the hill and 21400J energy is lost to friction if the motorcycle only gains an altitude of 35.0m before coming to rest.

Only because transformed of kinetic energy into potential energy.
at the minimum height the p-e is minimum but k-e maximum ,also in maximum height p-e  is maximum but k-e is minimum.

Given, mass of motorcycle  



we have from kinematic equation


at the maximum height(h) final speed v=0

=u^2-2gh=0                      AS  G=9.8M/S^2





At the height h=35.0m,

we have the potential energy ( p.e) v= mgh



again the kinetic energy (k.e)=1/2mr^2



so the energy lost, (90000-68600)J


To learn more about friction

according to hubble's law, a galaxy with a recession velocity of 25,000 km/s will be


The recessional velocity of the galaxy is 2.70×10⁻³km/s

Simply put, recessional velocity is the speed at which an item is moving away from the observer. The Doppler Effect and redshift both depend heavily on this idea. The recessional velocity in the Doppler Effect can be determined by extrapolating the wavelength of the waves from their rest wavelength.

We are given that,

Velocity = v = 25000 km/s

Distance = d = 108 light years

Hubble's law states: If the galaxy's moving velocity is given by v, and its distance from Earth is given by d, and H is the Hubble constant, we can write as,

v = H×d

v = (25 km/s per million light years)×108 light years

v = (2.5×10⁻⁵ km/s per light years)×108 light years

v = 2.70×10⁻³ km/s

Therefore, the recessional velocity of the galaxy is 2.70×10⁻³ km/s.

To know more about  recessional velocity


a conducting rod is free to slide along a pair of conducting rails, in a region where a uniform and constant (in time) magnetic field is directed into the plane of the paper, as the drawing illustrates. initially the rod is at rest. there is no friction between the rails and the rod. what to the rod after the switch is closed? if any induced emf develops, be sure to account for its effect. ignore air resistance.


the rod reaches a steady speed, it accelerates to the right.continues to move.

What is the straightforward meaning of velocity?

A displacement how an object or particle experiences with regard to time is expressed vectorially as velocity.One meter / second (m/s) is the accepted unit of flow speed (also known as speed).

How do velocity and speed differ?

Velocity is the pace and direction of the an object's movement, whereas speed is the timekeeping that an object is travelling along a path.In other words, velocity is a vector, whereas speed is indeed a scalar value.

To know more about velocity  visit:


a 20 kilogram ball rolls down a ramp and accelerates at a rate of 12 m/s per second. what is the net force acting on the ball?


The net force acting on the ball is 240 Newtons.

We know that force applied at a particular instant is equal to the mass of the particle (or object ) times the acceleration of the particle at that particular instant.  

Also, force is defined as the rate of change of momentum of a particle at that instant.

But in this problem we have to use force on the particle at the instant is equal to the mass of the particle times the acceleration of the particle at that instant.

So, we have been given the mass of the particle as 20 kg and the acceleration of the particle as 12 m/s² .

So-net force on particle = 20*12 =240 Newtons.

Hence, the net force on the ball is equal to 240 Newtons.

To learn more about force and acceleration, please refer to the following link -

At which position is the northern hemisphere experiencing spring? point a


The vernal or spring equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere on March 21 or 22.

What is the inverse relationship between size of the wavelength frequency and energy?


Greater energy is correlated with shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies. Therefore, lower energy is produced by longer wavelengths and lower frequencies. E = hv is the energy equation.

What connection is there between energy, wavelength, and frequency?

The frequency & energy (E) of a wavelength drop as it grows in size. You may conclude from these equations that the wavelength shortens with increasing frequency. The wavelength lengthens with decreasing frequency. Mechanical and electromagnetic waves are the two main categories of waves.

How do wavelength and frequency relate to one another?

Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional to one another. The wavelength of a wave that has a high frequency is also its shortest. Half the wavelength corresponds to frequency multiples of two. The wavelength ratio is hence the polar opposite of the frequency ratio.

To know more about wavelength frequency and energy visit:


What does an inclined plane increase and decrease?


The normal force decreases as the angle of the incline increases, which reduces the frictional force.

By using the normal force of the plane to offset the gravitational force, inclined planes also enable the safe vertical descent of heavy, fragile objects, including people. Moving an object uphill requires force because an inclined plane increases the force that the user applies. An inclined plane is a straightforward device that consists of a sloping surface connecting two elevations. It is employed to transport objects more conveniently to higher elevations.

To learn more about inclined plane click here:


Let's Examine the Three Laws of Motion
Directions: Read each example below and identify which law of motion it is
1. If you blow up a balloon, and then release it. the balloon will fly away.
2. When two balls collide, two balls on the opposite end will also move.
3. Two teams are playing tug-a-war and team A wins because of unbalanced forces.
4. A skateboarder will remain in motion while going down a hill until it is stopped by an outside
5. In a catapult, it is easier to launch a stone weighing 60 kg than it is to launch a stone weighing
600 kg..
6. A dog asleep will remain sleeping until it is woken up..



1.Newton's third law

2.Newton's third law

3.Newton's second law

4.Newton's first law

5.Newton's second law

6.Haha I don't know about this but by inference it is Newton's first law.



Produce a definition for the following words:

1. reliability
2. validity
3. precision

Use these words in ONE example investigation to describe their meaning.


Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. For example, in an investigation, if a measuring device consistently produces the same results when used to measure the same quantity, it can be considered reliable.

Validity refers to the accuracy of a measure. In an investigation, if a measuring device accurately reflects the true value of the quantity being measured, it can be considered valid.

Precision refers to the degree to which repeated measurements of the same quantity agree with one another. In an investigation, if a measuring device produces results that are consistently close to one another, it can be considered precise.

For example, in an investigation to determine the weight of a substance, a reliable, valid, and precise scale would consistently produce the same weight measurement for the substance each time it is weighed, and the measurement would accurately reflect the true weight of the substance.

What do we need to do to be carbon neutral?


To be carbon neutral we need  to offset your remaining emissions, which can be done by making financial contributions to initiatives that reduce atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.

What does it mean to be carbon neutral?Achieving a balance between releasing carbon into the atmosphere and storing it in carbon sinks is necessary to achieve carbon neutrality. The process of extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and later storing it is known as carbon sequestration.

Which examples are carbon neutral?When the term "carbon-neutral" refers to balancing out the overall quantity of carbon emissions, "net-zero carbon" means no carbon was emitted from the start; as a result, no carbon needs to be caught or offset. For instance, a company may claim their energy is "zero carbon" if all of the energy used to power its facility comes from solar energy, with no fossil fuels used at all.

To know more about carbon-neutral visit:-


A 45 kg mass is dragged 50 m over a surface. If 1.0 kW of power is produced over 10 seconds,
what is the coefficient of friction for the surface?



Approximately [tex]0.45[/tex] (assuming that the surface is level, the mass is moving at constant velocity, and that [tex]g = 9.81\; {\rm m\cdot s^{-2}}[/tex].)


With a power of [tex]P = 1.0\; {\rm kW} = 1.0\times 10^{3} \; {\rm W}[/tex], the work that would be done over [tex]t = 10\; {\rm s}[/tex] would be:

[tex]\begin{aligned}(\text{work}) &= (\text{power})\, (\text{time}) \\ &= (1.0\times 10^{3}\; {\rm W})\, (10\; {\rm s}) \\ &= 1.0 \times 10^{4}\; {\rm J}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Divide work by distance to find the force that did the work:

[tex]\begin{aligned} (\text{force}) &= \frac{(\text{work})}{(\text{distance})} \\ &= \frac{1.0\times 10^{4}\; {\rm J}}{50\; {\rm m}} \\ &= 200\; {\rm N}\end{aligned}[/tex].

If this mass is moving at a constant velocity, the magnitude of friction on this mass will be equal to that of the external force, [tex]200\; {\rm N}[/tex].

If the surface is level, the magnitude of the normal force on this mass will be equal to that of weight:

[tex]\begin{aligned}(\text{weight}) &= (\text{mass})\, g \\ &= (45\; {\rm kg})\, (9.81\; {\rm N\cdot kg^{-2}}) \\ &\approx 4.41 \times 10^{3}\; {\rm N}\end{aligned}[/tex].

Divide the magnitude of friction by normal force to find the coefficient of friction:

[tex]\begin{aligned}& (\text{coefficient of friction}) \\ =\; & \frac{(\text{friction})}{(\text{normal force})} \\ \approx\; & \frac{200\; {\rm N}}{(45\; {\rm kg})\, (9.81\; {\rm N\cdot kg^{-1}}))} \\ \approx \; & 0.45\end{aligned}[/tex].

consider coaxial, parallel, black disks separated a distance of 0.20 m. the lower disk of diameter 0.40 m is maintained at 500 k and the surroundings are at 310 k. 0.40 m 0.20 m 0.20 m heater 500 k what temperature will the upper disk of diameter 0.20 m achieve if electrical power of 15 w is supplied to the heater on the back side of the disk?


The temperature of the upper disk T1​;

Let's now think about the net rate of radiation from the upper disk. If we take a look at the given figure we will notice that the heat is transferred by radiation from surface A1​ to both lower disk of surface A2and the surroundings. So, we will write the net rate of heat transfer from A1as:


where: σ=5.67⋅10−8 W m2K2σ=5.67⋅10−8 m2K2 W​.

According to eq. (2), the unknown values that have to be determined in order to calculate T2 are:

 Surface area A1A1​;

 The view factors F12F12​ and F1,surrF1,surr​.

The surface area A1A1​ is the surface of the disk, calculated using the well-known equation:

A1=D12π4=0.22π4=0.0314 m2

This was easy. Let's move on to a little bit more difficult part, which is determining the view factors.

We will now calculate the view factor F12F12​. Since surfaces A1A1​ and A2A2​ are coaxial parallel disks, the view factor will be determined using the following expression:

Remember that distance between the disks is given to be:

L=0.2 m

L=0.2 m

Therefore, we will calculate SS as:


Now, let's substitute values to eq. (3) and determine the view factor from the upper to the lower disk:




Next, by applying the summation rule for surfaceA1A1​, F1, surrF1, surr​ will be determined:

F11+F12+F1, surr=1F1, surr=1−F11−F12=1−0−0.47=0.53

Note: The disk is a plate surface that can not see itself. Therefore, the view factor from the plate surface to itself is equal to zero: F11=0F11​=0.

Now, that we have all the values we need, by substituting them into eq. (2), it follows:



Finally, if we rearrange the previous equation, we will calculate the temperature of the upper disk:

0.08366⋅10−8⋅T14+0.09434⋅10−8⋅T14=17.5+49.94+7.640.178⋅10−8⋅T14=75.08T14=75.080.178⋅10−8T1=421.8⋅1084=453.2 K


​=453.2 K​​

Therefore, the required value of T1​ is obtained and our problem is solved.

To know more about temperature affect visit:


How is sonar used to study the ocean floor?


The sonar systems calculate the time each pulse takes to reach the seafloor and return, then translates those times into water depths, allowing us to uncover the bathymetry below us.

How can sonar be used to map the ocean floor?

Multibeam sonar signals are sent out from the ship. With about 1500 sonar soundings sent out per second, multibeam “paints” the seafloor in a fanlike pattern. This creates a detailed “sound map” that shows ocean depth, bottom type, and topographic features.

Why is it that we use sonar to study the ocean floor?

Sonar, short for Sound Navigation and Ranging, is helpful for exploring and mapping the ocean because sound waves travel farther in the water than do radar and light waves.

To know more about study the ocean floor visit :-


a weight lifter lifts a 280-n set of weights from ground level to a position over his head, a vertical distance of 1.65 m. how much work does the weight lifter do, assuming he moves the weights at constant speed?


If the weight lifter moves the weights at a steady speed, the amount of work he performs is W = 462 J.

Briefly :-

an object's work is equal to the product of the force it is subjected to and the distance it travels.

W = Work Done, where W = F d

Force: F

Displacement equals d

The factors in this situation are as follows:

F = 280 N for the sets, and d = 1.65 m for the vertical distance traveled.

W = (300 N)(2.15 m)

W = 462 J.

Assuming the weight lifter moves the weights at a constant speed, the work he performs is W = 462 J.

To know more about work  visit:-


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if f(x) =4x-2 and g(x) =2x+8, what is h (x) when h (x) =f (x) +g(x) One side of an equilateral triangle is9x + 13 units long. Another side is 17x - 15units long. Since all sides are congruent,what is the value of x? Which is a complete sentence?01. All flags were flying.02. The big cruiser at anchor.3. The busiest park in America.04. A day's fun planned for several months. Fig_Q56. A steel rod is stressed by a tension force of 250 N. It is found that the rod has length of 45m and diameter of 1.5 mm. If the modulus of elasticity of the steel rod is assumed as 2 x 105MPa, determine the strain of the steel rod due to the applied force. Which statement is true?CLEAR CHECKAll whole numbers are rational numbers.All integers are whole numbers.All rational numbers are integers.None of the above Consider the figure below in which 411122.a bcld4elf12ghSelect the angle(s) that are congruent to Zc.Options WILL MARK BRAINLIEST! NO JOKE-Y ANSWERS! THIS IS WORTH 100 POINTS!A linear function that represents the number of animals adopted from the shelter is compared to a different linear function that represents the hours volunteers work at the shelter each week. Describe the key features of the functions that are needed to determine if these lines intersect. use the given scale factor and the side lengths of the scale drawing to determine the side lengths of the real object 6:1 At Johnson middle school 80% of the sixth graders dressed up for neon day. There are a total of 90 students in the sixth grade. How many sixth graders dressed up for neon day that create stars, scientists understand more and more about how the universe came into existence. The nelittle green men up in space, think about all the great astronomers who have studied the night sky in searchQuestion 1Using the information in the passage, rank the types of galaxies by their ability to form new stars, from most toleast activity.Elliptical, spiral, irregularIrregular, elliptical, spiralSpiral, irregular, ellipticalIrregular, spiral, ellipticalSon What is the product of (6a + 7) (5a 4)? The skeletal system also helps us _____ muscles which are attached to bones by ______ makes our bodies move. Muscles, which are cause the bones to move, which makes our bodies move Which of the following nations had a command economy?A. The United States B. Britain C. The Soviet Union D. FranceE. Belgium Submit your crime-scene notebook, including responses to the following items:the date of burialpredicted age, sex, and ancestry of victimIs there evidence of trauma? Explain.Is there evidence of disease? Explain.What does the evidence suggest is the cause of death?the historical backgrounda conclusion statementIn addition, submit your number of correct answers for each of the naming exercises and the evidence quiz, as well as the sex, ancestry, and bullet wound of the deceased. The FBI wants to determine the effectiveness of their 10 Most Wanted list. To do so, they need to find out the fraction of people who appear on the list that are actually caught. Step 1 of 2: Suppose a sample of 1453 suspected criminals is drawn. Of these people, 377 were captured. Using the data, estimate the proportion of people who were caught after being on the 10 Most Wanted list. Enter your answer as a fraction or a decimal number rounded to three decimal places. based on the pic above,what do the bread and the wine signify? HELP?Read the excerpt from "Protecting the Great Barrier Reef."Its stunning natural scenery makes the Great Barrier Reef a popular tourist destination. About two million people visit the reef each year. Most of those visitors are domestic tourists. This is largely due to the fact that Australia is so far away from most places. There are lots of different ways to experience the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors can go diving, fishing, swimming, and enjoy water sports. Some people choose to tour the reef by airplane or helicopter, and others may tour the reef by boat. Tourists can take in the spectacular scenery from a small dinghy or a grand superyacht. There are even glass-bottomed boats that let passengers view the underwater wildlife and scenery. Adventurous visitors may seek out one of the handful of havens where they can swim with wild dolphins. One of the major appeals of these activities is that most of them do not require special training or expensive equipment. There is no one way for people to experience the reef. Regardless of the activities people choose, they encounter some of the most stunning maritime scenery on the planet.What evidence shows why the reef is inaccessible to international tourists? What is the historical influence on Louisiana law? Check all that apply.Louisianas laws are based on the French civil code.Louisianas legal system is unlike those in other states.Louisianas court structure is similar to those in other states. Spanish Cabildo law has shaped Louisianas court system.British common law influences much of the laws of the state.Louisianas colonial history has little influence on its laws today. In paragraph two, what type of figurative language does Douglass use when he writes the phrase midnight often caught us? a. metaphor b. simile c. allusion d. personification Round to the nearest hundredsPlease helpI will give brainliest