after examining the reasons for nativism in the united states, choose the answer choice that shows the regions where nativist feelings were strongest during the industrial period.


Answer 1

Northeast and Midwest are the regions where nativist feelings were strongest during the industrial period.

Nativists were known to be the group of people who got scared of the new wave of foreign immigrants as they were different from themselves and so they were popularly called nativists. Nativism is known to be a socio-political policy, especially in the United States during the 1800s advocates the interests of established residents over those of immigrants. Since there was competition over jobs and a common fear of the unknown, continued by myths and propaganda, this all shaped nativism into a fierce political movement.

To know more about nativism in the united states:


Related Questions

red jacket, iroquois american indian chief in new york, speech to a missionary from massachusetts and a united states diplomat, 1805 question the excerpt could best be used by historians studying the


The excerpt Red Jacket, Iroquois American Indian chief in New York, could best be used by historians studying the resistance against the expansion of United States influence.

Although there were other essential reasons for the United States to begin expanding, the most compelling cause for the imperialistic foreign affairs was the economic resources and possibilities that other foreign nations might give the United States.

From the late 18th through the mid-nineteenth centuries, the United States expanded gradually westward. The majority of Native American peoples who had lived in those territories for hundreds of years before to the advent of European colonists were displaced by this territorial migration.

During the American Revolution, Red Jacket backed the British and subsequently became a representative for his people in discussions with the US government. Red Jacket was also a fervent opponent of Christianity, working to keep Iroquois from becoming Christians.

For more information on expansion of United States, visit:


why is Au Co's son honored as king but not Lac Long Quan's son?


The reason that Au Co's son is honored as king but not Lac Long Quan's son is that when the  king and Lac Long Quan got separated or divorced, they shared their offspring and as such, the king took some while his wife took some. The one from the ones the King took ended up succeeding him as king.

What is the legend of  king and Lac Long Quan  about?

Lac Long Quan, according to folklore, was a dragon king who ruled the waters. He developed feelings for Au Co, a lovely fairy who dwelt in the North Vietnamese mountains.

Like every other coupling, theirs produced a sizable sac of eggs from which 100 offspring were born. Unfortunately, it turned out that Lac Long Quan and Au Co's relationship wasn't meant to be. Despite their intense love, she, a fairy from the mountains, and he, a dragon from the water, couldn't coexist.

They made the decision to split up, with her taking the remaining 50 children to live with her in the mountains and him taking 50 via the sea to the south. Eventually, one of these young dragon-fairies would succeed Lac.

Therefore, One of these dragon-fairy children would ultimately succeed Lac Long Quan as king, while the other 99 children would gradually but surely spread their dragon-fairy ancestry throughout Vietnam.

Learn more about Kingship  from

Which of the following choices correctly matches the world leader with his foreign policy strategy?
Stalin: isolationism
Truman: containment
Churchill: buffer zone
All of these choices are correct.



All of these choices are correct


Stalin pursued a policy of isolationism, Truman pursued a policy of containment, and Churchill pursued a policy of establishing buffer zones.

the big government era was largely built on two national crises: the great depression and world war ii.


The Age of Big Government was largely based on two national crises: the Great Depression and World War II.The initial response from President Hoover's administration.

Led by Andrew Mellon,it was to keep tax rates low for the rich, cut government spending,and raise tariffs to protect domestic manufacturing. The US government's reaction young to the war effort, thus creating a full employment economy that was the immediate end of the Great Depression. percentage of the population.The stock market crash of 1929 known as Black Tuesday.The Great Depression by creating enough jobs to millions Americans back to work.The beginning of World War Two,and attack at Pearl Harbor forcing the United States to join the fight.

To learn more about great depression please click on below link.


the 2014 fifa world cup will be held in brazil. it will be the 20th year of the world cup. brazil was chosen in october of 2007 to host the 2014 competition. earlier in the year, south america had been chosen as the continent for the contest. brazil was the only country to put in a bid. this is the second time brazil will host the world cup. the country hosted it in 1950. it is the first world cup to be held in south america since 1978, when argentina hosted. no other south american country has hosted the world cup more than once. summarization



Brazil was chosen in 2007 to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup, making it the second time the country has hosted the competition and the first time a South American country has hosted it since 1978. This event marks the 20th year of the tournament.


Why does Las Casas, after describing the ill treatment of the Indians, write, "And this was the freedom, the good treatment and the Christianity the Indians received"?


Answer: maybe sarcasm


Why does las Casas, after describing the ill treatment of Indians, write, “And this was the freedom, the good treatment and the Christianity the Indians received”? Las Casas wrote that because Spanish missionaries wanted to bring Christianity to the New World and convert the Indians into Christians.

Which term best completes the title of the diagram?
_____ Colonization in the Americas
Sent small numbers of settlers
Were mostly interested in trading with indigenous peoples
Had few major conflicts with native civilizations

A. French
B. Spanish
C. Dutch
D. English ​





The European colonization of the Americas was the process by which European settlers populated the regions of North, Central, South America, and the islands of the Caribbean.

Answer: _____ Colonization in the Americas

Sent small numbers of settlers

Were mostly interested in trading with indigenous peoples

Had few major conflicts with native civilizations

A. French


During the European colonization of the Americas, various European countries established colonies in different parts of the continent. The French were one of these colonizing powers.

The French approach to colonization in the Americas is characterized by the following key points:

1. Sent small numbers of settlers: Unlike some other European powers, such as the Spanish and English, the French sent relatively small numbers of settlers to the Americas. They focused more on establishing trading posts and building relationships with indigenous peoples rather than large-scale colonization.

2. Were mostly interested in trading with indigenous peoples: The French colonizers prioritized establishing trade relationships with the indigenous peoples of the Americas. They were involved in the fur trade, particularly in areas such as present-day Canada and the Mississippi River Valley.

3. Had few major conflicts with native civilizations: Compared to other European powers, the French had relatively few major conflicts with native civilizations in the Americas. They often maintained friendly relationships and partnerships with indigenous groups, which helped them in their trading endeavors.

Which of the following sentences from the Declaration of Independence best shows the influence of John Locke? Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes… The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.




The sentence from the Declaration of Independence that best shows the influence of John Locke is:

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."

This sentence reflects several key ideas that were central to John Locke's political philosophy, such as the idea that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed, and that individuals have the right to alter or abolish a government that fails to fulfill its obligations to protect their rights and liberties. These ideas were influential in shaping the political thought of the American Revolutionaries, and were included in the Declaration of Independence as a way of justifying the colonists' decision to break away from British rule.

In 1821, Arizona was on the frontier of the Mexican state of ___________which had a population of more than 100,000


Answer: Nueva California

Explanation: In 1821, Arizona was on the frontier of the Mexican state of Nueva California, which had a population of more than 100,000. Nueva California was a territory in northern Mexico that included parts of present-day California, Nevada, and Arizona. It was established by the Spanish colonial government in the 18th century as a province of New Spain, and was one of the most populous regions in Mexico at the time. However, the population of Nueva California was largely concentrated in the coastal areas, and the interior regions such as Arizona were relatively sparsely populated. Therefore, while the population of Nueva California as a whole was more than 100,000, the population of Arizona specifically was likely much smaller.

FILL IN THE BLANK. historically the term ___ applies to the reduced direct labor requierment per unit of output because of the effects of learning.


Historically the term learning curve applies to the reduced direct labor requirement per unit of output because of the effects of learning.

Which four different learning curves are there?

Learning Curve for Diminishing Returns. The rate of progression starts off quickly and then slows down over time.

Learning Curve with Increasing Returns.

Increasing-Decreasing Learning Curve for Return (the S-curve)

Curve of Complex Learning

What does it mean that there is a learning curve?

People acquire a skill through making mistakes, which is known as a learning curve. A high learning curve entails picking things up rapidly. They are seeing rapid growth. Advanced Learner's Dictionary from Collins COBUILD.

To Know more about learning curve


Which of the following statements regarding the outcome of the 1824 presidential election are correct?
1. The House was now operating under the Twelfth Amendment, passed in the aftermath of the contested 1800 election.
2. Jackson received more popular and electoral votes than any other candidate, but he did not have a majority.
3. Health problems forced Crawford out of the running, leaving Clay (who had finished fourth) in a position to influence the choice of a winner.


The following statements regarding the outcome of the 1824 presidential election are correct

1. The House was now operating under the Twelfth Amendment, passed in the aftermath of the contested 1800 election.

2. Jackson received more popular and electoral votes than any other candidate, but he did not have a majority.

3. Health problems forced Crawford out of the running, leaving Clay (who had finished fourth) in a position to influence the choice of a winner.

In 1824, John Quincy Adams beat Andrew Jackson by gaining more The election of 1824 is sometimes cited as the first in which the electoral votes in the House of Representatives, despite the fact that Jackson had garnered more elective and popular votes.victorious Presidential candidate did not get a majority of the popular vote, despite the fact that popular vote was not counted nationally at the time, considerably clouding the matter.

For more information on 1824 presidential election , visit:


Please help me on this!!!


Answer: I believe the last answer.

Explanation: When I looked back in my textbook, it says that Henrey IV of France died by," Assassination by a zealot that stabbed him 'Rue de la Ferronnerie'." But, I'm not so sure, sorry for the inconvenience :/

On September 10, 1789, the National Assembly voted, by a majority of 800, in favor of a unicameral legislature instead of a bicameral legislature. Three of the following statements are true. Which is false?
a) A unicameral legislature was generally regarded as more radical, because it would not divide the legislature.
b) Jacobins and impoverished priests endoresed the unicameral legislature.
c) Sieyes and Lafayette endorsed the unicameral legislature.
d) The King supported a unicameral legislature because he feared that two legislative bodies would be twice as difficult to manipulate as would a single body.


Option d The King supported a unicameral legislature because he feared that two legislative bodies would be twice as difficult to manipulate as would a single body.

A bicameral legislature serves what purpose?

In order to serve as a check on tyranny, the founders created a bicameral legislature known as Congress. They dreaded the possibility of one government body gaining excessive power. Instead of consolidating power in one body, the bicameral system divides it between two houses that serve as checks and balances on one another.

What distinguishes a unicameral legislature from a bicameral legislature?

A unicameral legislature only has one chamber or body that has the power to make decisions. A bicameral legislature has two chambers, generally with separate rules and authority, that eventually must cooperate to make decisions and carry out other legislative duties.

To know more about bicameral legislature visit:


In the seventh century B.C., the Roman alphabet was adapted from the Etruscan alphabet, which in turn had been adapted in the previous century from a western Greek alphabet, which itself had been adapted earlier in the same century from the Phoenician alphabet.
(A) which itself had been adapted earlier
(B) adapting itself earlier
(C) itself being adapted earlier
(D) having been earlier adapted itself
(E) earlier itself having been adapted


The Ancient alphabet, which had itself been modified from a western in the century before, served as the basis for the Roman alphabet, which was created in the seven century B.C. ..

What is the name of a century?

A century is one hundred years long. In several languages, including English, centuries are numbered ordinarily. The Latin term centum, which means 100, is where the word century first appeared. Century is occasionally shortened to c.

What is the name of a decade?

10 years make up a decade, which is derived from the Ancient Greek phrase "a group of ten" (dekas). Decades can refer to specific collections of calendar years or any ten-year period, like as those in a person's life.

To know more about century visit:


The camera is a relatively new invention, dating back to the ______(1)______. However, the science of photography dates back centuries, with the first example being invented by a scientist around ______(2)______ AD.
(1) 1800s; (2) 1000


The camera is a relatively new invention, dating back to the 1800s. However, the science of photography dates back centuries, with the first example being invented by a scientist around 1000 AD. a. (1) 18th century.

What is the science behind snapping a picture?

A camera focal point takes every one of the light beams bobbing around and utilizes glass to divert them to a solitary point, making a sharp picture. At the point when those light beams meet back together on a computerized camera sensor or a piece of film, they make a sharp picture.

Learn more about camera:


This question is not complete , here I am attaching the complete question:

The camera is a relatively new invention, dating back to the ______(1)______. However, the science of photography dates back centuries, with the first example being invented by a scientist around ______(2)______ AD. a. (1) 18th century; (2) 2500 b. (1) 1800s; (2) 1000 c. (1) 1900s; (2) 4500 d. (1) 20th century; (2) 3000

Hello:) i need help with my homework



Summer 1916:

President Woodrow Wilson is re-elected on a campaign of neutrality in World War I.

January 1917:

The German government announces a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.

The US government begins to prepare for potential entry into the war.

March 1917:

The United States declares war on Germany.

April 1917:

American troops begin to arrive in Europe to fight in the war.

May 1917:

The first major American offensive of the war takes place in the Battle of Cantigny.

desiderius erasmus sought to question 37 options: use linguistic analysis on the sanskrit text of the ramayana. use aristotelian logic to analyze the greek text of the new testament. use aristotelian logic to analyze the arabic text of the quran. use linguistic analysis on the greek text of the new testament.


The Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1546) sought to d) use linguistic analysis on the Greek text of the New Testament.

Erasmus, whose full name is Desiderius Erasmus, was a Dutch humanist who was the greatest scholar of the northern Renaissance, the first editor of the New Testament, and a significant figure in patristics and classical literature.

Erasmus was born in Rotterdam, Holland (now in the Netherlands) on October 27, 1469 [1466?] and died in Basel, Switzerland, on July 12, 1536.

Erasmus contributed to the development of the historical-critical study of the past by using the philological techniques developed by Italian humanists, particularly in his research on the Greek New Testament and the Church Fathers.

His educational writings helped the new humanist curriculum with its concentration on the classics replace the previous Scholastic curriculum.

To know more about Desiderius Erasmus:


while the populists were not successful in getting their demands enacted, a number of their were later adopted. identify some of the reforms that were later adopted in the twentieth century.


The Populist Party emerged in the early 1890s as an important force in the Southern and Western United States but collapsed after it nominated Democrat William Jennings Bryan in the 1896 United States presidential election.

The Populists believed that the federal authorities had to play a more lively role in the American economy by regulating diverse agencies, especially the railroads. especially, the Populists supported ladies' suffrage and the direct election of u.s.a. Senators.

Populism is an approach to politics that views "the humans" as being against "the elite" and is regularly used as a synonym for anti-established order; as an ideology, it transcends the typical divisions of left and proper and has to turn out to be greater commonplace inside the US with the rise of disenfranchisement and apathy.

Learn more about Populist here


How old was Stalin when he died​



Joseph Stalin/Age at death

74 years



FILL IN THE BLANK. The Good Roads Association is an example of a(n) ___________ _____________ because it represents the specific business interests of highway contractors.


The Good Roads Group is an example of a trade group because it promotion the unique commercial interests of highway builders.

Promotion in marketing refers to any form of marketing communication such as advertising target audiences of a relative benefits of a product, service, brand, or issue, which is usually persuasive in nature. It assists marketers in creating a distinct space in the minds of their customers, which might take either an emotional or cognitive approach. The goal of promotion is to raise brand recognition, develop interest, produce sales, or build brand loyalty. It is one of the four Ps of the market mix. Promotion is also an important parts of the promotional mix and promotional plan. Personal selling, marketing, sales promotion, direct sales publicity, word of mouth, and event marketing, exhibitions, and trade shows are examples.

Learn more about recognition here


Which of these was a
reason for the expansion of
the United States outside of
the continent in the early
A. inviting new immigrants to the U.S
B. imposing new tariffs on imports
C. creating new railroads for
D. establishing new trade markets



Imposing new tariffs on import

american life developed alongside its citizens' evolving interests and demographics. which of the following best reflects changing realities in the post-ww2 era of 20th century america?


Along with its residents' changing interests and demography, American life developed. which of the preceding most accurately depicts post-World War II circumstances.

Why are demographics significant?

Understanding populations how they are then, where they have been, and where they are going can be aided by demographic data. It can be an effective technique for observing changes through time and identifying a community's needs or assets to information sheet, the creation of policies, or decision-making.

What are the seven key demographic traits?

Basic demographic details - The sample's demographic details, including age, gender, gender, and the composition of the EFU, as well as the number of children, level of education, sources of income, and socioeconomic status, are reported.

To know more about demographic visit:


who is Peter tell me ​



? peter could be anyone.



Which statement is true about the U.S. House of Representatives that was
created under the Great Compromise?
A. Each state's representation depended on the population of that
B. The same number of representatives came from each state.
C. Members were appointed by the president and served for life.
D. Each state's representation depended on the number of voters in
that state.


A. Each state's representation depended on the population of that

The U.S. House of Representatives was created under the Great Compromise, which was a compromise reached between the larger and smaller states during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Under the Great Compromise, the House of Representatives was established as a way for each state to be represented in the federal government.

The Great Compromise specified that each state would be represented in the House of Representatives based on its population. This means that larger states, which have more people, would have more representatives in the House, while smaller states, which have fewer people, would have fewer representatives. This was intended to ensure that each state's representation in the House of Representatives was proportional to its population.

Therefore, the statement that is true about the U.S. House of Representatives created under the Great Compromise is that each state's representation depended on the population of that state.

500 word or 3 page
Miles develops her argument by charting multiple generations of African Americans from slavery to
freedom. Choose at least three historical themes from Miles’s book. Then, demonstrate how the three
historical themes are reflected in the other assigned readings from the semester. Pay attention to
chronology as you assess the links between Miles’s book and the other course readings.


Make notes in the margins or underline important passages to annotate the text. As you read, make a summary (using your own words when making notes) As you read, analyze the material by tying together ideas that are connected and highlighting significant topics.

What chronology book and the other course readings?

Taking notes in class helps you concentrate and forces you to pay attention (or while reading a textbook). It aids with learning. According to studies on learning, actively participating in a subject by listening and then summarizing what you hear can help you comprehend and recall the material later.

Therefore, The link between your variables, or the traits or features you want to investigate, is represented by a conceptual framework. Conceptual frameworks are often created using a literature analysis of previous studies on your topic and can be textual or visually presented.

Learn more about readings here:


Which of the following is attributed to the results of the above legal case?
the federal government may amend state laws
"separate but equal" services for African-Americans and Whites
immigration to the United States may be restricted by state laws
O discrimination based on skin color is outlawed


The federal government may amend state laws is one of those following which has been attributed to the results of the above legal case. Hence, option A is appropriate.

What is the meaning of Federal Government?

The United States is a federal republic with 50 states, a city inside a federal district, five significant self-governing territories, and several island possessions. The federal government of the USA is the country's national government.

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, the President, as well as the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to act as the legislative, executive, but also judicial departments of the federal government.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Federal Government here:


In a presidential election, if no candidate receives an electoral college majority

the winner of the popular election becomes president

the election is thrown back to the public to decide again

the Supreme Court determines the winner

the election is given to the House of Representatives to vote and decide


In a presidential election, if no candidate receives an electoral college majority the election is given to the House of Representatives to vote and decide. Hence, option D is appropriate.

What is the House of Representatives?

The lower house of the United States Congress is the House of Representatives, sometimes known as that the House of Representatives, the U.S. House, or merely the House. The Senate is the upper chamber. Together, they make up the bicameral national legislature of the United States.

The U.S. House of Representatives drafts and approves federal laws by the Constitution. The House is a member of the legislative arm of the federal govt and one of the two houses of Congress (the other being the U.S. Senate).

Hence, option D is correct.

Learn more about the House of Representatives here:


Each byte contains 8 bits of information. Write an equation to represent the relationship between the number of packetss and the number of bits.


Each byte contains 8 bits of information. The equation to represent the relationship between the number of packets and the number of bits is

Let b equal the number of bytes. byte = 8b

What is a byte ?

Digital information is stored in units called bytes, which typically have eight bits. The byte is the lowest accessible unit of memory in various computer systems since it was historically the amount of bits needed to represent a single character of text in a computer.

Eight binary digits make up a byte, which is a measurement of data size. Most computers represent a character, such as a letter, number, or typographic sign, using a unit called a byte. A string of bits that must be utilized in a bigger unit for application reasons can be stored in each byte.

To learn more about byte


By the beginning of the fourteenth century, which of the following new social groups supported regional nobles in their competition for political and cultural power with the emperor in Heian?
a.impoverished peasants
b.powerful women
c.ambitious samurai
d.Confucian scholar-gentry


The following new social groups that supported regional nobles in their competition for political and cultural power with the emperor in Heian is impoverished peasants.

Heian manner "peace" in Japanese. it is a duration in eastern history when the Chinese language effects have been in decline and the countrywide culture matured. The Heian period also took into consideration the peak of the Japanese imperial court docket and stated for its artwork, mainly poetry and literature.

The heian period in Japan is known as the Golden Age of jap records because of the predominant import and similar improvement of Chinese ideas in art, architecture, literature, and formality that befell at the moment and caused a new and in the end particular jap way of life.

Learn more about Heian here


I need some knowledge about the history of the Chinese war



The Second Opium War was a war of aggression against China jointly launched by Britain and France from October 1856 to October 1860 with the support of the United States and Russia. Its purpose is for Britain and France to further open up the Chinese market and expand their aggressive interests in China. Because Britain and France launched wars under the pretext of the Yarrow incident and the Horse Priest incident, it was called "The Arrow War" by the British. Also known as the Anglo-French expedition to China or the Second Anglo-Chinese War. At the same time, because this war can be seen as a continuation and expansion of the First Opium War (the essence of the two wars is the same), it is also called the "Second Opium War".

In 1860, the Anglo-French army invaded Beijing, the Qing Emperor fled to Chengde, and the Anglo-French coalition invaded the Yuanmingyuan and plundered the jewels and burned them. After the war Russia, after sending troops, presented itself as "meritorious in mediation" and coerced the Qing government to cede more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory, thus becoming the biggest winner. The war ended with the Qing government being forced to sign the Beijing Treaty.

The Second Opium War forced the Qing government to sign Sino-Russian "Yaohun Treaty", "Tianjin Treaty" and "Beijing Treaty" and other peace treaties, and the aggression of the great powers was more profound. As a result, China lost more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory in the northeast and northwest, and after the war, the Qing government was able to concentrate on suppressing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and maintaining its rule. Foreign invading forces expanded to the coastal provinces and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.


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Prove the property a b = b a of this theorem. Let a = a1, a2, a3 and b = b1, b2, b3 . Then a b = __ = (1) __ = b a. Identify the correct statements regarding the use of stable oxygen isotopes in reconstructing ancient climates.a. Oceanic microorganisms preserved in sea floor sediments or elsewhere can be analyzed to measure the ratio of 16O to 18O.b. As global temperature varies, the amount of 18O in water changes in response.c. Oxygen is incorporated into biological tissues of living organisms.d. The ratio of 14C to 18O provides an estimate of global temperature. Suppose that you have trained a logistic regression classifier, and it outputs on a new example x a prediction h(x) = 0.7. This means (check all that apply):Our estimate for P(y=0|x;) is 0.7.Our estimate for P(y=1|x;) is 0.7.Our estimate for P(y=0|x;) is 0.3.Our estimate for P(y=1|x;) is 0.3. 1. 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