After a worksheet has been completed, the statement columns contain all data that are required for the preparation of financial statements. True False


Answer 1




Financial statements can be defined as a document used for the formal communication or disclosure of financial information and statements to present and potential users such as investors and creditors. Thus, a financial statement includes balance sheet, statement of retained earnings and income statement.

A worksheet comprises of a multiple-column form that is used by accountants or auditors for an adjustment process and the preparation of a financial statement. A worksheet contains the following columns; trial balance, adjusted trial balance, adjustments, balance sheet and income statement.

After a worksheet or spreadsheet document has been completed, a financial expert such as an accountant inputs into the statement columns all the data that are required for the preparation of financial statements.

Related Questions

Overview In this assignment, you will gain more practice with designing a program. Specifically, you will create pseudocode for a higher/lower game. This will give you practice designing a more complex program and allow you to see more of the benefits that designing before coding can offer. The higher/lower game will combine different programming constructs that you have been learning about, such as input and output, decision branching, and a loop. IT 140 Higher/Lower Game Sample Output Overview Maria has asked you to create a program that prompts the user to enter the lower bound and the upper hound. You have decided to write pseudocode to design the program before actually developing the code. When run, the program should ask the user to guess a number. If the number guessed is lower than the random number, the program should print out a message like "Nope, too low." if the number guessed is higher than the random number, print out a message like "Nope, too high." If the number guessed is the same as the random number, print out a message like "You got it!" Higher/Lower Game Description Your friend Maria has come to you and said that she has been playing the higher/lower game with her three-year-old daughter Bella. Maria tells Bella that she is thinking of a number between 1 and 10, and then Bella tries to guess the number. When Bella guesses a number, Maria tells her whether the number she is thinking of is higher or lower or if Bella guessed it. The game continues until Bella guesses the right number. As much as Maria likes playing the game with Bella, Bella is very excited to play the game all the time, Maria thought it would be great if you could create a program that allows Bella to play the game as much as she wants. Note: The output messages you include in your pseudocode may differ slightly from these samples. Sample Output Below is one sample output of the program, with the user input demonstrated by bold font. Prompt For this assignment, you will be designing pseudocode for a higher/lower game program. The higher/lower game program uses similar constructs to the game you will design and develop in Projects One and TWO. Welcome to the higher/lower game, Bella! Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 30 Great, now guess a number between 10 and 30: 20 Nope, too low Guess another number: 25 Nope, too high Guess another number: 23 You got it! Below is another sample output of your program, with the user input demonstrated by bold font 1. Review the Higher/Lower Game Sample Output for more detailed examples of this game. As you read, consider the following questions: What are the different steps needed in this program? How can you break them down in a way that a computer can understand? What information would you need from the user at each point (inputs)? What information would you output to the user at each point? When might it be a good idea to use 'F' and "IF ELSE' statements? When might it be a good idea to use loop? 2. Create pseudocode that logically outlines each step of the game program so that it meets the following functionality: Prompts the user to input the lower bound and upper bound. Include input validation to ensure that the lower bound is less than the upper bound. - Generates a random number between the lower and upper bounds Prompts the user to input a guess between the lower and upper bounds. Include input validation to ensure that the user only enters values between the lower and upper bound. Prints an output statement based on the puessed number. Be sure to account for each of the following situations through the use of decision branching . What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too low? . What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too high? - What should the computer output if the user guesses the right number? Loops so that the game continues prompting the user for a new number until the user guesses the correct number. Welcome to the higher/lower game, Bella! Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 5 The lower bound must be less than the upper bound. Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 20 Great, now guess a number between 10 and 20: 25 Nope, too high Guess another number: 15 Nope, too low. Guess another number: 17 You got it! Sutrnil your completed pseudocode as a Word document of approximately 1 to 2 pages in length.




lower = upper = 0

while lower > upper

   input lower

   input upper

   if lower > upper

       print "Lower bound is greater than upper bound"

randNum = generate_a_random_number

print "Guess a number between",lower,"and",upper

input num

while num <> randNum

   if num > randNum:

       print "Nope, too high"


       print "Nope, too low"

   input num

print "Great; you got it!"

Program in Python

import random

lower = upper = 0

while True:

   lower = int(input("Lower Bound: "))

   upper = int(input("Upper Bound: "))

   if lower < upper:



       print("Lower bound is greater than upper bound")

randNum = random.randint(lower, upper)

print("Great; now guess a number between",lower,"and",upper)

num = int(input("Take a guess: "))

while num != randNum:

   if num > randNum:

       print("Nope, too high")


       print("Nope, too low")

   num = int(input("Take another guess: "))

print("Great; you got it!")



Write a pseudocode and a program to design a higher/lower game

See answer section for the pseudocode and the program (written in Python)

The pseudocode and the program follow the same pattern; so, I will only explain the program.

See attachment for complete program file where comments are used to explain each line.

Given the following: int funcOne(int n) { n *= 2; return n; } int funcTwo(int &n) { n *= 10; return n; } What will the following code output? int n = 30; n = funcOne(funcTwo(n)); cout << "num1 = " << n << endl; Group of answer choices Error num1 = 60 num 1 = 30 num1 = 600 num1 = 300



num1 = 600



The attached code snippet


The output of n = funcOne(funcTwo(n));  when n = 30

The inner function is first executed, i.e.


When n = 30, we have:


This returns the product of n and 10 i.e. 30 * 10 = 300


funcTwo(30) = 300

n = funcOne(funcTwo(n)); becomes: n = funcOne(300);

This passes 300 to funcOne; So, we have:

n = funcOne(300);

This returns the product of n and 2 i.e. 300 * 2 = 600

Hence, the output is 600

In the tiger exhibit at the zoo each of 24 tigers eat 26 lb of food each day how much pounds of food do tigers consume in a week?? answer this as fast as you can!!



182 pounds of food


5.19 LAB: Output values in a list below a user defined amount
Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value.

Ex: If the input is:

the output is:

The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75.

For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a comma, including the last one.

Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results.



The program in Python is as follows:

n = int(input())

myList = []

for i in range(n):

   num = int(input())


threshold = int(input())    

for i in myList:

   if i<= threshold:

       print(i,end=", ")


This gets the number of inputs

n = int(input())

This creates an empty list

myList = []

This iterates through the number of inputs

for i in range(n):

For each iteration, this gets the input

   num = int(input())

And appends the input to the list


This gets the threshold after the loop ends

threshold = int(input())    

This iterates through the list

for i in myList:

Compare every element of the list to the threshold

   if i<= threshold:

Print smaller or equal elements

       print(i,end=", ")

The Python program below gets a list of integers, then filters that list based on a threshold value:


# initialize the integer and output lists

integer_list = [ ]

output_list = [ ]

# first enter the number of integers that will follow

# and append it to integer list

qty = int(input("Enter the number of integers to follow: "))


# next enter the number of integers and append them to integer list

for i in range(0, qty):

   num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))


# finally enter the threshold value to be used to filter the integers

threshold = int(input("Enter the threshold value: "))


# filter the integers

for num in integer_list:

   if num <= integer_list[-1]:


# display the result

print("The values from { } that are less than or equal to { } are

   { }".format(integer_list[1:-1], integer_list[-1], output_list))


The program first asks the user to enter the following:

The number of integers to be checkedThe integers themselvesThe threshold value to be used for filtering

The program next iterates over the integer list and filters the integers from index 1 to index -1(exclusive, since this is the threshold value) based on the element at index -1(the last element, the threshold value).

Each element that satisfies the filtering criterion (e <= threshold) is added to the output list and printed out later.

Another example of a Python program is found here:

In a non-price rationing system, consumers receive goods and services first-come, first served. Give me an example of a time when a consumer may experience this.


When someone may be giving away something for free.

design an if-then-else statement or a flowchart with a dual alternative decision structure that displays speed is normal if the speed variable is within the range of 24 to 56. if speed holds a value outside this range, display speed is normal



The if statement is as follows:

if speed>=24 and speed <=56 then

      print "speed is normal"


    print "speed is abnormal"

See attachment for flowchart


The condition is straight forward and self-explanatory

This is executed if speed is between 24-56 (inclusive)

if speed>=24 and speed <=56 then

      print "speed is normal"

If otherwise, this is executed


    print "speed is abnormal"

01 Describe all the possible component of a chart​




1) Chart area: This is the area where the chart is inserted. 2) Data series: This comprises of the various series which are present in a chart i.e., the row and column of numbers present. 3) Axes: There are two axes present in a chart. ... 4)Plot area: The main area of the chart is the plot area

Express 0.000357 in standard form ​



0.000357 this is standard form

hope this helps

have a good day :)


0.0003+0.00005+0.000007= expanded form

What happens to a message when it is deleted?

It goes to a deleted items area.
It goes to a restored items area.
It is removed permanently.
It is archived with older messages.ppens to a message when it is deleted?



it goes to the deleted items area


but it also depends on where you deleted it on

Answer: The answer would A

Given that n refers to a positive int use a while loop to compute the sum of the cubes of the first n counting numbers, and associate this value with total. Use no variables other than n, k, and total in python



The program in Python is as follows:

n = int(input("n:"))

total = 0

for k in range(1,n+1):




This gets input for n

n = int(input("n:"))

This initializes total to 0

total = 0

This iterates from 1 to n

for k in range(1,n+1):

This adds up the cube of each digit


This prints the calculated total


outline 3 computer system problem that could harm people and propose the way avoid the problem​



outline 3 computer system problem that could harm people and propose the way avoid the problem are :_

Computer Won't Start. A computer that suddenly shuts off or has difficulty starting up could have a failing power supply. Abnormally Functioning Operating System or Software. Slow Internet.

4. Interaction between seller and buyer is called___.

A. Demanding
B. Marketing
C. Transactions
D. Oppurtunity​



C. Transactions.


A transaction can be defined as a business process which typically involves the interchange of goods, financial assets, services and money between a seller and a buyer.

This ultimately implies that, any interaction between a seller and a buyer is called transactions.

For example, when a buyer (consumer) pays $5000 to purchase a brand new automobile from XYZ automobile and retail stores, this is referred to as a transaction.

Hence, a transaction is considered to have happened when it's measurable in terms of an amount of money (price) set by the seller.

Price can be defined as the amount of money that is required to be paid by a buyer (customer) to a seller (producer) in order to acquire goods and services. Thus, it refers to the amount of money a customer or consumer buying goods and services are willing to pay for the goods and services being offered. Also, the price of goods and services are primarily being set by the seller or service provider.

I Previous
C Reset
2/40 (ID: 34700)
Examine the following code:
Mark For Review
def area (width, height)
area = width * height
return area
boxlarea = area (5,2)
box2area = area (6)
What needs to change in order for the height in the area function to be 12 if a height is not specified when calling the function?
0 0 0 0
Add a height variable setting height =12 inside the function
Change the box2area line to box 2area = area (6,12)
Add a height variable setting height =12 before the function is declared
Change the def to def area (width, height = 12)



D. Change the def to def area (width, height = 12)



Update the function to set height to 12 when height is not passed

To do this, we simply update the def function to:

def area (width, height = 12)


In boxlarea = area (5,2), the area will be calculated as:

[tex]area = 5 * 2 = 10[/tex]

In box2area = area (6), where height is not passed, the area will be calculated as:

[tex]area = 6 * 12 = 72[/tex]

Write a C class, Flower, that has three member variables of type string, int, and float, which respectively represent the name of the flower, its number of pedals, and price. Your class must include a constructor method that initializes each variable to an appropriate value, and your class should include functions for setting the value of each type, and getting the value of each type.


Answer and Explanation:

C is a low level language and does not have classes. The language isn't based on object oriented programming(OOP) but is actually a foundation for higher level languages that adopt OOP like c++. Using c++ programming language we can implement the class, flower, with its three variables/properties and functions/methods since it is an object oriented programming language.

what is function of spacebar​



The function of a spacebar is to enter a space between words/characters when you're typing

To input a space in between characters to create legible sentences

The elements in a long array of integers are roughly sorted in decreasing order. No more than 5 percent of the elements are out of order. Which of the following is the best method to use to sort the array in descending order?
I. Insertion sort.
Il. Merge Sort.
III. Heap Sort.
a. Ill only.
b. I only.
c. II and III only.
d. I and II only.
e. Il only I and.
f. Ill only.


Question Completion with Options:

a. Ill only.

b. I only.

c. II and III only.

d. I and II only.

e. Il only

f. I and Ill only.


The best method to use to sort the array in descending order is:

e. Il only


The Merge Sort is similar to the Insertion Sort but, it is better with its sorting versatility.  It repeatedly breaks down a list into several sub-lists until each sub-list consists of a single element and then, merging the sub-lists in a manner that results in a sorted list.  The Merge Sort has been described as a "divide and conquer" technique because of how it splits a list into equal halves before combining them into a sorted whole.

Kirk wants to practice the timing of his presentation, so he decides to record a rehearsal to review it and make any needed changes. What steps should he take? Choose the correct answers from the drop-down menus.



1. Slide Show

2. Record from Beginning

3. Red Button

4. Top Left


Just did the question and got them all right.


✔ Slide Show

✔ Record from Current Slide

✔ red button

✔ top left


hope this helps :)

Someone help in test ASAP
1. What is your biggest concern about cybercrime and why?
(please answer in at least 3 complete sentences)



While it may seem like we are already overwhelmed by the amount of cyberattacks occurring daily, this will not slow down in 2018. In fact, with a recent increase in cybercriminal tools and a lower threshold of knowledge required to carry out attacks, the pool of cybercriminals will only increase. This growth is a likely response to news media and pop culture publicizing the profitability and success that cybercrime has become. Ransomware alone was a $1 billion industry last year. Joining the world of cybercrime is no longer taboo, as the stigma of these activities diminishes in parts of the world. To many, it’s simply a “good” business decision. At the same time, those already established as “top-players” in cybercrime will increase their aggressive defense of their criminal territories, areas of operations and revenue streams. We may actually begin to see multinational cybercrime businesses undertake merger and acquisition strategies and real-world violence to further secure and grow their revenue pipeline.


for macroscale distillations, or for microscale distillations using glassware with elastomeric connectors, compare the plot from your simple distillation with that from your fractional distillation. in which case do the changes in temperature occur more gradually



Fractional Distillation


Fractional Distillation is more effective as compared to simple distillation. In simple distillation, the temperature changes more gradually as compared to the fractional distillation

Interpersonal skills during discussion with the boss



Interpersonal skills are used to communicate with people. Such skills can be individually and in groups measured. Some interpersonal abilities include verbal communication, nonverbal communication, listening ability, ability to decide, etc. Facilitators and observers, therefore, monitor if participants have unqualified abilities.


— thinking about your boss's communication can be sufficient to cause anxiety and stress. You can nevertheless be confident and effective in communication with a little preparation and practice.

1. Write down all the topics you want to talk to and communicate before you talk to your boss.

2) Make sure you know what your boss wants or needs.

3) Rehearse in privacy what your boss is going to say.

4) Use qualifying words like "maybe" or "maybe" instead of absolute words, like "always," "everyone," "every time" or "never." 4) When you talk to your boss. Absolute speech can increase the defense and resistance of a person.

5) Make "I" statements, like "You" statements, like "you did not give me guidance," in the place of "You."

6) If you're emotional, avoid going to your boss. Give yourself time to refresh your thoughts and calm.

7) Talk to your boss before problems get hot and emotional involvement if possible.

8) Be a listener active. Learn what your boss says and really listen. Ask your boss to repeat or clarify an issue if you missed or were unaware.

9) Try to repeat and rephrase your boss's points to show that you listen to him and understand him or her during a convergence.

10) Practice a fine linguistic body. Look at your boss, lean in, and avoid fidgeting.

11) Be confident, not aggressive.

12) Maintain an open mind and compromise open.

13) Avoid spreading or gossiping about your boss's rumors.

14) Have good behavior.

15) Make sure you give love and recognition to your boss when it should.

16) Contact your boss regularly for a convenient relationship to develop and maintain.










When computer boots which I pont program starts first? O Operating System O Metaphor System O Basic System O Computer System​


The answer is Operating system

Sensors send out ............ signals​



mhmm................... ok

Consider the following class definitions.
public class Apple

public void printColor()
public class GrannySmith extends Apple
public void printColor()
public class Jonagold extends Apple
// no methods defined

The following statement appears in a method in another class.
Under which of the following conditions will the statement print "Red" ?
I. When someApple is an object of type Apple
II. When someApple is an object of type GrannySmith
III. When someApple is an object of type Jonagold

a. I only
b. II only
c. I and III only
d. II and III only
e. I, II, and III


i pretty sure it’s d tell me if I’m wrong

As a basic user of SAP Business One, which feature of the application do you like most?



I like the software most because it is completely for the sales department. I am very satisfied with what this software provides since I work as a sales specialist.


As an internal auditor, I first have to check and make sure the business is going through all reports and operations and that SAP Business One has helped me a lot with reporting features. I'm a huge fan of SAP Business One. And how this software is incredibly fully integrated when an accountancy provider creates a new customer name or adds a new item in every module, and the non-duplicate data feature secures the master data from any duplicate item.

Intuitive sales quotation and sales order functions help salespeople to develop deals that they can conclude. The mobile app adds to the software's usefulness fantastically.

In general, the system has a good monetary value. I would recommend it to everyone involved in the decision-making process and it is my favorite.

Modity your program Modify the program to include two-character .com names, where the second character can be a letter or a number, e.g., Hint: Add a second while loop nested in the outer loop, but following the first inner loop, that iterates through the numbers 0-9 2 Program to print all 2-letter domain names Run 3 Note that ord) and chr) convert between text and ASCII/ Uni 4 ord (.a.) is 97, ord('b') IS 98, and so on. chr(99) is 'c", et Running done. domain Two-letter a. com ?? . com ad. com ai. com names: 6 print'Two-letter domain names:" 8 letter1 'a' 9 letter2 10 while letter! < 'z': # Outer loop letter2a" while letter2 <- "z': # Inner loop 12 13 14 print('%s" % (letteri, letter2)) letter2chr(ord (letter2) 1) 15 letterl chr(ord(letter1) + 1) 16 17 j com Feedback?



The addition to the program is as follows:    digit = 0

   while digit <= 9:

       print('' % (letter1, digit))



This initializes digit to 0

   digit = 0

This loop is repeated from 0 to 9 (inclusive)

   while digit <= 9:

This prints the domain (letter and digit)

       print('' % (letter1, digit))

This increases the digit by 1 for another domain


See attachment for complete program

In C complete the following:

void printValues ( unsigned char *ptr, int count) // count is no of cells
print all values pointed by ptr. //complete this part
int main ( )

unsigned char data[ ] = { 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1} ;
call the printValues function passing the array data //complete this part



#include <stdio.h>

void printValues ( unsigned char *ptr, int count) // count is no of cells


 for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {

   printf("%d ", ptr[i]);



int main ( )


 unsigned char data[ ] = { 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1} ;

 printValues( data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]) );



Remember that the sizeof() mechanism fails if a pointer to the data is passed to a function. That's why the count variable is needed in the first place.

In cell B13, create a formula without a function using absolute references that subtracts the values of cells B5 and
B7 from cell B6 and then multiples the result by cell B8. please help with excel!! I'm so lost



The formula in Excel is:

=($B$6 - $B$5 - $B$7)* $B$8



Use of absolute reference

To reference a cell using absolute reference, we have to include that $ sign. i.e. cell B5 will be written as: $B$5; B6 as $B$6; B7 as $B$7; and B8 as $B$8;

Having explained that, the formula in cell B13 is:

=($B$6 - $B$5 - $B$7)* $B$8

You are tasked with writing a program to process sales of a certain commodity. Its price is volatile and changes throughout the day. The input will come from the keyboard and will be in the form of number of items and unit price:36 9.50which means there was a sale of 36 units at 9.50. Your program should read in the transactions (Enter at least 10 of them). Indicate the end of the list by entering -99 0. After the data is read, display number of transactions, total units sold, average units per order, largest transaction amount, smallest transaction amount, total revenue and average revenue per order.



Here the code is  given as,



#include <math.h>

#include <cmath>  

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

int v_stop = 0,count = 0 ;

int x;

double y;

int t_count [100];

double p_item [100];

double Total_rev = 0.0;

double cost_trx[100];

double Largest_element , Smallest_element;

double unit_sold = 0.0;

for( int a = 1; a < 100 && v_stop != -99 ; a = a + 1 )


     cout << "Transaction # " << a << " : " ;

     cin >> x >> y;


  t_count[a] = x;

  p_item [a] = y;

  cost_trx[a] = x*y;


  v_stop = x;

  count = count + 1;




  for( int a = 1; a < count; a = a + 1 )


   Total_rev = Total_rev + cost_trx[a];

   unit_sold = unit_sold + t_count[a];



  Largest_element = cost_trx[1];

  for(int i = 2;i < count - 1; ++i)


      // Change < to > if you want to find the smallest element

      if(Largest_element < cost_trx[i])

          Largest_element = cost_trx[i];


Smallest_element = cost_trx[1];

  for(int i = 2;i < count - 1; ++i)


      // Change < to > if you want to find the smallest element

      if(Smallest_element > cost_trx[i])

          Smallest_element = cost_trx[i];


  cout << "TRANSACTION PROCESSING REPORT     " << endl;

  cout << "Transaction Processed :           " << count-1 << endl;

  cout << "Uints Sold:                       " << unit_sold << endl;

  cout << "Average Units per order:          " << unit_sold/(count - 1) << endl;

  cout << "Largest Transaction:              " << Largest_element << endl;

  cout << "Smallest Transaction:             " << Smallest_element << endl;

  cout << "Total Revenue:               $    " << Total_rev << endl;

  cout << "Average Revenue :            $    " << Total_rev/(count - 1) << endl;


  return 0;




You're expecting visitors who will be demanding Mamet access Before they arrive, you can activate a Guest network that has its own ________ and a different password from the one used with the network where you store all your files.



is the correct answer of your question ^_^

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HELP ASAAAAP 40 MINS LEFT AAA!Geometric isomers have profound effects on the physical properties of compounds. Naturally occurring fatty acids generally adopt a cis geometry. What's one physical property affected by this geometry?A) ColorB) TasteC) SmellD) Melting point Describe how the organization of a multicellular organism (eukaryotic) helps it function: (Hint; think of the order of cells to systems) help please i dont know the answer Helpppppp me please 1.04 summarize it..... I need help need help asap An art director encourages his team to create clear, attractive, photorealistic images for an ad campaign and presents it to the client. The client says, Its visually great, but I dont know what youre selling. What has the art director failed to consider?the need for finesse in dealing with creativesthe practicality of the world outside the art classroomthe balance between art and commercethe difference between online and onsite presentation The traditional nonprofit sector has experienced considerable change in recent years with new strategies, actors, and funding vehicles, which have increased the quantity of private capital earmarked for social good.a. Trueb. False Pick a number from 1 to 50 winner gets 30 points. You can comment or answer on this question. What is the median of this data set? {22, 5, 9, 1, 7, 3) Enter your answer in the box median = A football player attempts to kick a football across a field. The path of the football can be modeled by the function h(x) = 1/225 x^2 + 2/3 x, where x is the horizontal distance from the kick, and h(x) is the height of the football above the ground, when both are measured in feet. How far from the kicker will the football land? please answer ASAP (math) There is a Chick-fil-a exactly 6 miles due east of Berkmar Middle School. There is also a Wal-Mart 6 miles due north of Berkmar Middle School. How far is the Chick-fil-a from the Wal-Mart? Leave your answer in its simplest radical form. Find the volume of the sphere. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. Social and environmental responsibility 2.1 Discuss THREE ways in which the local government should provide services that promote safe and healthy living. (3x2=6) 2.2 provide THREE critical evaluations of your own contribution to environmental health and safety in your community. Use examples to illustrate your answer. (3x3=9) 2.3 Instead of fixing the leaks the municipality is cutting off the water leading to blocked toilets. Identify and discuss FOUR diseases that can affect the community 8 can benefit in living in a healthy environment (2) Total [45] Need help on this question on edge please Instructions: Complete the following sentence with the appropriate form of the verb in parentheses.1.) Todos los das, Sandra, Eduardo y yola guitarra. (Tocar)ent will2.) Sandra y sus amigospor las tardes. (dibujar)3.) Yolas preguntas del maestro. (Contestar)4. Sandra, t siempretemprano a casa. (llegar)5.) Hola, Eduardo. (descansar) en la tarde?6.) Nunca. Mis amigos y yo siempre(tocar) la guitarra.7.) Yo(practicar) deportes casi todas las tardes.8.) T(estudiar) en la maana o en la tarde?9.) En la tarde, yo(montar) en bicicleta.10.) Yo(estudiar) en la maana, a las seis. By the beginning of January the drill was down to 1,200 feet. On January 10, 1901, the drill was lowered into the hole, and within minutes, the well exploded. A messy shower of mud and four tons of drill pipe shot out of the hole. Then came a roar of gas and a sound like a cannon shot. Finally, a big fountain of oil gushed up out of the hole and almost drowned the crew. The noise stampeded cows several miles away. The gusher could be seen for ten miles.What event is taking place in the reading?A. The gusher Spindeltop is discovered in Texas.B. Cattle stampeded and ruined an oil field.C. Poorly laid railroad track caused a wreck.D. Texans and Mexican battle using cannons and pipes and weapons. Question 1. Construction on the first transcontinental railroad began during _____A. American Revolution B. War of 1812C. Civil WarQuestion 2. The railroad line connected the west coast to existing lines in _____A. IowaB. KansasC. Nebraska Question 3. The city _____ was chosen as the final destination A. SeattleB. Sacramento C. San Francisco A tortoise is walking in the desert. . It walks for 7 minutes at a speed of 8.75 meters per minute. For how many meters does it walk ? Give the name (monomial,binomial, trinomial etc.) anddegree of the polynomial.4x5 + 3x3 7x 9) Acharacter changes as a result of the conflict of the story.flatdynamicfoilstaticminor