According to Bush, how are the American people united across generations?
O They are united by their similarities, such as their love of democracy.
O They are united by the desire to defend important American ideals.
O They are united across generations by blood and place of birth.
O They are united by grand, enduring ideals, such as freedom.


Answer 1


They are united by grand, enduring ideals, such as freedom.

Related Questions

determine whether the following symbols are universal or contexual.


Sorry, but there's nothing for me to determine here. You asked the question, but there's no way for it to be answered since there isn't:

1. Answer choices

2. The symbols that I'm supposed to determine if it's universal or contextual.

Answer choices aren't required since I'm supposed to pick one or the other, but the symbols are.

Which word in this sentence is a correlative conjunction?

My mother told us that we could either do our homework or go to bed.

A. that

B, either

C. could

D. to​



b is the answer


can i get braineist pls

B is the correct answer. Hope this helps!

what are the values of nominalization in academic writing​



This resource will help students understand what nominalizations are, as well as how and when they should be used in sentences.

Nominalizations are nouns that are created from adjectives (words that describe nouns) or verbs (action words). For example, “interference” is a nominalization of “interfere,” “decision” is a nominalization of “decide,” and “argument” is a nominalization of “argue.”

Below are some of the more common nominalizations (on the left) and their original forms (on the right):





















































As you can see, the endings of the nominalized forms vary, but many end in “-ion/tion”, “-ment,” “-ity/–ty”, and “-ness.”

So, why does this matter?

First, it is important to understand what these words mean when you see them. Second, if you are aware of what nominalizations are, you may use them to make your writing easier to understand.

Remember, the two most basic units of a sentence are the subject and the verb.

Subject → Verb

Character → Action

Person or Thing → Doing Something

Sentences often start with a subject followed by a verb, and are easily understood according to this order. For example,

Many children → experience worries when they go to school for the first time.

Elephants → argue over small concerns, just like humans.

The sentences above are very clear, but you might see some with nominalizations, like the ones below:

The experience of children with respect to being at school for the first time is common.

Arguments over small concerns are something elephants have, as well as humans.

This second set of sentences is more difficult to understand because the use of the nominalization means there must be more words in the sentence.

Subject → Verb: easy to follow

Subject → Long strings of nominalizations and other forms → Verb: hard to follow

Here is an example of the difference between the two structures:

The group discussed how to plan the surprise party.

The discussion of the group was about how to surprise the girl with the birthday without her knowing.

Are nominalizations always a bad choice?

No. Sometimes, nominalizations can be useful:

When the nominalization is familiar to your reader as a character (happiness), it can be treated as a character. Example: Happiness has many causes and effects.

When you are making a general statement that focuses more on the idea than the actual actors in the sentence. Example: The distribution of the pizzas was fair.

Be sure to remember that even in a case where a nominalization is appropriate, you should not use them too often in too short of a space.

,Hope this helps

Nominalisation is an important feature of academic writing. It adds variety, objectivity and an impersonal tone to texts. Nominalisation also makes writing more reader-friendly and concise by allowing writers to pack a great deal of information into sentences.

5. Why might Miller have used a historically based allegory to expose
the problems of the HUAC?


Miller reflects his opinions on the anti-communist fervour HUAC sparked by Senator Joseph McCarthy's "witch hunts" in the U.S. Reissue using "The Crucible" as a mirror.

The Salem Witch Trials, a contentious historical issue, are used in Arthur Miller's play as an allegory for the happenings in contemporary America. When investigating the Salem witch trials, playwright Arthur Miller noticed parallels between the Red Scare of oncoming communism and the panic and fear of the witch trials. He wrote The Crucible as a parable against McCarthyism and false charges of communist allegiance. Similar to The Crucible, the HUAC offered pardon in exchange for denouncing others.

To learn more about Miller, click here.


our cousin is going away to college, and your whole family is very proud of her. You are too, but you’re also kind of envious of all the attention she’s getting. What do you do?
3 to 5 sentences.



you try to make her understand what you think about getting all attention

True / False
Background information gives a reader insight about quotations.



I think it true


because I use quotations for back up evidence

It is correct to state that background information gives the reader insight into quotations. hence, the given statement is true.

What do you mean by background information?

Typically, background information outlines the topic's history or the root of the issue it addresses. It can also demonstrate the problem-solving process or the significance of the subject. After the author captures the reader's attention with three to five sentences, background information is usually provided.

With reference to the body of existing literature, background information identifies and describes the origins and characteristics of a clearly defined research problem.

Hence, It is correct to state that background information gives the reader insight into quotations. hence, the given statement is true.

Learn more about Background information:


Did you know that there are more than 90% of children who play violent games?
According to an author (3) ‘’many people do not believe that video games can cause aggressive and rude behavior even, so it has not been quite proven yet if video games cause children rage. ‘’

For this reason, I believe video games are brutal because video games serve to lower self-control by using the methods to steal, and kill, other people that are in the game or bots and due to this video games are becoming more and more aggressive and violent, to where children, act out to their parents or peers. Those type of things happen mainly in action games like zombies, GTA, shooting, and fighting etc.

Certainly, it can also be argued that violent games are stress relievers rather than putting all their stress and or anger onto someone who might be going through a lot; also, it’s more of a population of boys than girls who play violent games in order to get off some steam. In fact, such bad negative energy is then changed into delightful accomplishment, along with pleasure as they reach their goals.

Undoubtedly, videos games show that they can be addicting and can cause physical attitude and behavior problems in people most likely children. There are also competitions held for people who play video games. It’s also not always the video games that causes violent it’s what they surrounded there selves with and they use it for a happy space.

In conclusion, video games can have good effects and bad effects on children or adults. It’s up to you to decide if violent games are good for you are anybody else.

I really need help I suck at these kind of things soooo please help I need a thesis

thank youuuuuuuuuuu


Answer: I think kid should not play violent games


Here's a question for all you mind readers out there:





Extremely Need Help). Read the passage: Then answer the question . Excerpt from "The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth" by George Alfred Townsend. (Question: What is the central idea of "The Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth? How do specific details from the text help to develop the central idea? Write a two-to-three paragraph response that includes textual evidence for support). " (You'll have to expand the picture to read the passage)." I will Mark Brainliest and please only answer if you can actually help. [ Has to be turned in today]. Please don't just repost someone else's answer that you found on brianly. ​



i hope its helpful . Good luck plz mark me brainliest.

How do I summarize a short story like "The Money" by Junot Diaz? ​



“The money” by Junot Diaz is an essay about a life event that happened when he was 12 years old. He starts his essay by describing his family's economic situation, his mother didn't have a stable job and his father was always losing his job.

sorry if this didnt help

I want to answer these questions from elementary book



1. run a marathon

2. go hiking

3. play the piano

4. read a book

5. go exercise

Plz help we don’t know how to do it



Repluse = repel

Swagger = Arrogant Strut

Comprehensive = Include the details

Lithe - In a morazling way

Senile - Mentally

Transcends - go beyond

Sated - Satisfied

Insolence - Bold Disrespect

Waver - Flexible

sententiously - Doubt


hope this helps :)

Think of someone you consider a hero in your life. Write a essay to describe your hero by using the correct punctuation marks you've learned,



My hero is Jesus why?


Because it save our life even we don't see him he can heal us even when we are in doubt

My second hero is my parents because it provide our need they will risk their lives for us.


Which is true of the diagram above?

A is the tropical region and B is the temperate region

A is the tropical region and B is the polar region

C is the polar region and B is the tropical region


A is the tropical region and B is the temperate region

Readers must consider____ to determine the central idea in an informational text




isthe answer

mark me as brainlest

How should the following Works Cited be revised?





Every source needs to have a quotation around the title. For reference, here is a Works Cited page from EasyBib:

Who is know as people's president ?
with explanation



APJ Abdul Kalam


During his term as president, he was affectionately known as the People's President.

a Korean national is standing in front of a cashier and seems hungry. the cashier felt that he needs something to eat knowing his nationality what will you do to communicate with him in getting his order?



i would ask him to write what he wants down if he knows how to write English, but if not i would try to teach him a few easy words to help me understand him.


If he can write in English, one should ask him to write down what he wants; otherwise, one should try to teach him a few simple phrases so that I can understand him.

What is Korean?

About 80 million individuals, most of whom are of Korean heritage, are native Korean speakers. Although it is the official and national language of both North and South Korea, there are some pronounced vocabulary distinctions between the two Koreas as a result of the country's 74-year political divide.

The 24 fundamental letters of the Korean script, known as Hangul, are divided into 10 vowels and 14 consonants.

South Korea has gained notoriety for its worldwide significant pop culture since the turn of the twenty-first century, notably in music (K-pop), TV dramas (K-dramas), and film, a phenomenon known as the Korean wave.

Six populations were subjected to a more thorough investigation employing 65 alleles at 19 polymorphic loci. Both investigations showed genetic proof that Koreans descended from Mongolians in central Asia. Furthermore, the Koreans are far more distantly linked to the Chinese than they are to the Japanese.

To read more about Koreans, refer to -


Why is a Raisin in the sun still relevant today



The belief in the American Dream is still relevant today, as people strive to climb the social ladder and attain financial security like Walter Jr. and Beneatha. Hansberry's depiction of conflict among family members also remains relevant.


put thanks

Correct the error in each sentence according to the grammar in the lesson.
1. I don't move unless I find a better apartment.
2. What does Elyse do if she can't find her phone?
3. Unless you will go to sleep soon, you'll be tired tomorrow.
4. If Casey will need help, she'll ask her sister.
5. You won't be hungry if you'll eat a big breakfast.



1.    I WON'T move unless I find a better apartment.

2.   What WILL Elyse do if she can't find her phone?

3.   Unless YOU GO to sleep soon, you'll be tired tomorrow.

4.   If Casey NEEDS help, she'll ask her sister.

5.   You won't be hungry if YOU eat a big breakfast.


(WILL GIVE BRAINLYEST) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Summarize


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
-Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence

The Summary Statement of
your resume should be how
A. Two pages
B. One full page
C. One sentence





Not to much not to little?

It’s B because not to much

two simple sentences with two subject and one verb​



I and my sister went to the theatre to watch movie.

Cat and Dog fought yesterday.

Of all of John Smith’s adventures in North America, why has the story of his rescue by Pocahontas remained so well-known, often repeated, and popular?


Answer:  There is a lot of intrigue. Are the Colonists actually friends or enemies of the Native Anericans? Why did The Americans ambush Smith and his party? And the heroic actions on the part of Pocahontas to save Smith by putting her head down next to his to prevent him from being clubbed to death makes for a powerful image.

Explanation: The story has its origins in two different accounts by John Smith. The popular Disney cartoon draws some infromation from the accounts, but strays from history to have Pocahontas and Smith marry. That is NOT true! But it makes for a nice romantic ending to a story that makes John Smith look like a charming guy. In real life, he was not.


There was a lot of talk if the colonists were enemies or friends of the Natives. Pocahontas saved John Smith from being clubbed to death and I guess that the way some people say the story made it seem like a love story when it actually wasn't since Pocahontas was 9-10 years old and John Smith wasn't nice and was 27. But Disney aged her up and made it seem like she did it through love because someone who saved your life has to be in love with you, they can't do it out of the kindest of their heart or because they simply have another reason too.  

Which words best describe the tone of Chanticleer's response to Pertelote? in the

kind but condescending

respectful though disagreeing

disappointed and sarcastic

worried but agreeable

angry and hurt



Respectful though disagreeing


One spring morning, Chaunticleer awakens from a terrible dream of a beast roaming in the yard trying to seize him. This beast's color and markings were much the same as a fox. Lady Pertelote cries out, "For shame . . . . Fie on you / heartless coward" ("Avoi (coward) . . . fy on you, herteless") and tells him that being afraid of dreams is cowardly and that, by showing such fear, he has lost her love. She tells him he dreamed because he ate too much and that it is well known that dreams have no meaning; he simply needs a laxative. Chaunticleer graciously thanks Lady Pertelote, but he quotes authorities who maintain that dreams have a very definite meaning and insists that he does not need a laxative.

Resource Used:

I hope this helps you in any shape or form.

In a pen picture, each of the three lines is a. The subject



a pen picture have six lines long

pen picture is a written description, often biographical


As a young child, I remember listening to stories about Angelo Pagano, my great-grandfather who emigrated from Italy to the United States in the early 1900s.” Which words from the sentence help you understand the meaning of the word emigrated? Select one: a. “As a young child” b. “listening to stories about Angelo” c. “from Italy to the United States” d. “in the early 1900s”



C) "...from Italy to the United States..."


Because the definition of emigrate is " To leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another." according to the Oxford Languages

memory storage can be defined as the process of doing which of the following?



Storage is the creation of a permanent record of information. In order for a memory to go into storage (i.e., long-term memory), it has to pass through three distinct stages: Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory, and finally Long-Term Memory.

Mark me as the beainlist

the act of storing goods or the state of being stored. basically remembering something

the country music competition


What's your question?

Have a beautiful and joyful day ahead.

What message does the poem "Concord Hymn," by Emerson convey?

With the passage of time, memories fade and lose relevance.

The power of nature is greater than the strength of humans.

There is no glory in war, only loss and suffering.

A society's mistakes often result in powerful lessons.



B. The Power of nature is greater than the strength of humans.


Other Questions
3.7% of 35 is what number? what do you think will happen to our society if social sciences are abolished by the government 1. Use the conditional statement below to answer each question.If two angle measures add up to 90 degrees, then the angles are complementary.a. Write the converse, inverse, and contrapositive of the given conditional statement.b. Can the conditional be written as a biconditional statement? Why or why not. Support your answer.P.S. I already answered the first part, I just need help with part b Which of the following processes is an important part of star formation? A. nuclear fusion B. nuclear fission C. molecular fusion D. molecular fission Based on the answer, select the correct interrogative words._________ s'appelle ta ville?Elle s'appelle Rouen.OQuandCommentCombien In computing the GDP, why is it import spending subtracted from the sum of consumption, investment, government purchases and export spending?-Economics Which of the samples are eukaryotic?A) B and DB) B and CC) A, C, and D4) A, B, and D Which of the following was not a reason that most members of immigrant families had to get a job? A. They had spent all of their savings just to get to America. B. The jobs available to them did not pay very much. C. They could not survive on a single income. D. Only those who worked could get good health insurance. What is the slope of the line passing through the points (3, -3) and (-5, 3)? write the full forms of the followinga.) ASCCb.)CDCc.)HLCITd.)ITe.)IBMf.)GUIg.)AIh.)ICi.)EDSACj.)NCCk.)ABC Exercise 1.3 Write each of the following expressions, if possible, as a polynomial in the forma.[tex](x {}^{2} - x - 6)(x + 2)[/tex] how is the graph of y = x different from the graph of y = |x|? Hey can anyone help pls and thank you ! 2x+3=2x-645 what is x Answer my question and give me the explanation clearly An engineer is investigating the ways in which electroplating is currentlydone. This is an example of which step in the engineering process? A 17.5 mL portion of a 0.1050 M Na2CO3 solution is added to 46.0 mL of 0.1250 M NaCl. What is the concentration of sodium ion in the final solution? in which region was the majority of the tobacco industry located A. New England Colonies B. Middle Colonies C. Southern Colonies plz answer this, will give brainliest answer the forest that grows in regions that receive continuous warm temperatures and seasonal rainfall is the ____.