A person who drinks alcohol to blot out socially unacceptable feelings of anger is engaging in...


Answer 1

A person who drinks alco.hol to blot out socially unacceptable feelings of anger is engaging in changing emotions through dru.gs.

Although drinking alco.hol can temporarily improve our mood, abu.sing it can cause major mental health issues, comas, and even fata.lities. According to how much alcohol a person frequently drank before stopping, different people experience different advantages from quitting.

Alco.hol's harmful effects go beyond the obvious, such heart disease or can.cer. Alc.ohol use can have a detrimental effect on your mood, making anxiety, despair, stress, and even suic.idal thoughts worse. Alco.hol use has a short-term positive effect on your brain's "happy chemicals," such as dopamine and serotonin, but it can have long-term detrimental consequences on these same brain chemicals.

Know more about alc.ohol use here



Answer 2

A person who drinks alcohol to blot out socially unacceptable feelings of anger is engaging in self-medication. This behavior is an unhealthy coping mechanism for managing emotions and may lead to dependency or addiction issues.

The term "unacceptable feelings" refers to emotions or thoughts that are considered inappropriate, shameful, or unacceptable in a particular social or cultural context. These feelings may be related to taboo topics such as sex, violence, or mental illness, or may go against societal norms or expectations. Individuals may feel ashamed or guilty about experiencing these feelings, leading to a sense of isolation and a reluctance to seek help or support. It is important to recognize that all emotions are valid and natural, and seeking professional help or talking to a trusted friend or family member can be helpful in processing and managing these feelings.

Learn more about unacceptable feelings :



Related Questions

Hollingworth challenged the notion of "functional periodicity". What did this refer to? (1-3 sentences)


Hollingworth challenged the notion of "functional periodicity" which referred to the belief that human behavior and performance varied in a predictable pattern over time. This idea was popular in the early 20th century and was used to justify certain work schedules and educational practices.

Hollingworth argued that there was little empirical evidence to support this theory and that individuals' behavior and performance were influenced by a variety of factors such as motivation, fatigue, and environmental stimuli.

She emphasized the importance of taking a more individualized approach to understanding human behavior and recognizing the variability and complexity of human experience. Her critiques of functional periodicity helped to pave the way for a more nuanced and context-specific understanding of human behavior and performance.

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President Trump has associated North Korea's decision to halt its testing of nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles with denuclearization.A. TrueB. False


The statement its testing of nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles with denuclearization is true because the Hwasong-17 is the largest road-mobile, liquid-fueled ICBM in the world as well as North Korea's largest missile. It is thought to have the range to reach any US target with a nuclear warhead.

North Korea launched its first ICBM since 2017 when it conducted its initial test of it in March of last year. according to the nation, were released after the tests. However, specialists from the outside have expressed concern over the potential release of radioactive substances into the environment. North Korea typically launches missiles for three reasons: to test and advance its weaponry, to make a political statement to the outside world (particularly the US).

To learn more about weapons, click here.



12.1. at the beginning of the movie our hero prof. jack hall and his colleagues are found on the larsen b ice shelf in antarctica doing what?


At the beginning of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow," our hero Prof. Jack Hall and his colleagues are conducting climate research on the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica.

They are drilling ice core samples to study the historical climate patterns of the region. Jack is particularly interested in the speed at which the ice is melting and the potential impact on sea level rise. However, their research takes a backseat when a massive and unprecedented storm system begins to form and threatens to wreak havoc on the entire planet.

Jack is a paleoclimatologist who is interested in understanding how the Earth's climate has changed over thousands of years, and how those changes might affect the planet in the future. Specifically, he is concerned about the melting of the ice caps and the potential impact that could have on sea levels around the world.

To know more about Jack Hall, click here.



What is the study of how we make decisions to allocate limited resources in order to meet our unlimited wants


The study of how we make decisions to allocate limited resources in order to meet our unlimited wants is called economics.

Economics is a social science that explores the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It seeks to understand how individuals, businesses, and governments make choices when faced with scarcity, and how those choices affect the economy as a whole. This is very important for financial aspects of life.

Economists use models, data analysis, and various theories to study a wide range of topics, from microeconomics (the behavior of individuals and firms) to macroeconomics (the behavior of the economy as a whole).

To know more about resources, click here.



everyone born in a somewhat arbitrarily defined 20- to 30-year period is called?


The term commonly used to refer to a group of people born within a particular 20- to 30-year period is "generation."

Generations are often defined by shared historical events, cultural experiences, and social attitudes that shape their worldview and values. Some examples of commonly recognized generations in the United States include the Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964; Generation X, born between 1965 and 1980; and Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996.

Baby Boomers are the generation of people born between 1946 and 1964, following the end of World War II. This generation is called "baby boomers" because of the significant increase in birth rates that occurred in many countries during this period

To know more about period here



Choose the type of selection that best matches the statement.
The choice is made based on the fitness of the mate.
a. Sexual selection
b. Stabilizing selection
c. Directional selection
d. Disruptive selection


The type of selection that best matches the statement "The choice is made based on the fitness of the mate" is a. Sexual selection.

Sexual selection is a type of natural selection that involves the selection of traits that increase an individual's chances of mating and reproducing. In this case, the selection is based on the fitness of the mate, which is a key factor in determining an individual's reproductive success. The process of sexual selection can result in the evolution of traits that enhance an individual's ability to attract a mate, such as bright colors, elaborate displays, or complex courtship rituals.

Learn more about fitness



The ________ view teaches that man is created neutral and can freely choose to be either holy or sinful.


The Pelagian view teaches that man is created neutral and can freely choose to be either holy or sinful.

According to the Pelagian view, humans possess free will, allowing them to make choices regarding their moral and spiritual nature. This perspective emphasizes that individuals are not inherently sinful or holy but have the ability to decide their own destiny.

Pelagianism was named after Pelagius, a British monk who advocated for this theological viewpoint during the 4th and 5th centuries. He argued that Adam's sin did not taint all of humanity, and each person could decide whether to sin or lead a righteous life.

In this view, humans are not born with original sin, and they can achieve salvation through their own efforts.

The Pelagian view is in contrast to the Augustinian view, which teaches that humans are born with a sinful nature due to Adam's transgression. According to Augustine, humans cannot attain salvation without God's grace, as they are inherently sinful.

In summary, the Pelagian view teaches that man is created neutral, with the freedom to choose between being holy or sinful. This perspective asserts that individuals are not born with original sin and can achieve salvation through their own actions, as opposed to relying solely on divine grace.

To know more about Pelagian refer here:



IDS stands for ____.
a. Intrusion Detection System c. Information Destruction System
b. Information Dissemination System d. Intruder Dispersal System



The answer is A

Intrusion Detection System


a. Intrusion Detection System

There are a number of ways leaders can unlock the courage within themselves. What are they?


Some ways leaders can unlock the courage within themselves include identifying their values, setting goals, facing fears, seeking support, and taking action despite uncertainty or discomfort.

There are several ways leaders can unlock the courage within themselves, including:

Reflection: Leaders can reflect on their values, purpose, and goals to identify what motivates and drives them.

Facing fears: Leaders can confront their fears and step out of their comfort zone to build resilience and confidence.

Seeking support: Leaders can seek the support of mentors, coaches, and peers to provide guidance and encouragement.

Taking action: Leaders can take action towards their goals, even if it means taking small steps at first.

Learning from failure: Leaders can learn from their failures and mistakes to grow and develop their skills and knowledge.

By practicing these strategies, leaders can build their courage and become more effective in leading themselves and their teams.

Learn more about seeking support



About __________ of high school dropouts are poor, while approximately __________ of those with college degrees are poor.


Approximately half of high school dropouts are poor, while only a small percentage of those with college degrees are poor.

Research indicates that there is a strong relationship between education level and poverty. People with higher levels of education are more likely to have higher paying jobs and economic stability, while those with lower levels of education may struggle to find stable employment and may have lower earning potential.

This is reflected in the statistics, with around half of high school dropouts living in poverty, compared to a much smaller percentage of individuals with college degrees. Education is therefore seen as a key factor in addressing poverty and creating more equitable societies.

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Might these lessons have an impact on the feeling of importance that mental health practitioners feel? In other words, how might a therapist feel if they had read this chapter and discussed it with us in the classroom? (4-5 sentences)


The lessons from the chapter on "Stigma and Mental Illness" may have a significant impact on the feeling of importance that mental health practitioners feel. After reading and discussing the chapter in the classroom, therapists may feel more informed and equipped to address stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness.

They may also feel more empathetic towards their clients who experience stigma and discrimination, and be better able to provide support and guidance. Additionally, therapists may feel empowered to challenge their own biases and work towards reducing stigma within their personal and professional lives.

Overall, the lessons from the chapter may lead mental health practitioners to recognize the importance of addressing stigma and discrimination in the treatment of mental illness and to make it a priority in their work.

For more question on therapists



A red arrow means that travel, in the direction of the arrow, is forbidden.


That is correct. A red arrow on a traffic signal or road sign indicates that it is not allowed to travel in the direction that the arrow is pointing. It is important to always obey traffic signals and signs to ensure safety on the roads.

Traffic lights typically include three signals, which communicate important information to drivers and cyclists using various colours and symbols, such as bicycles and arrows. Red, yellow (sometimes referred to as amber), and green are the standard traffic light colours, and they are often positioned vertically or horizontally in that sequence. Despite being globally standardised, there are differences in traffic light legislation and sequences at the national and municipal levels.

Learn more about traffic signals here:



Both the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and Common Core State Standards include the expectation that: preschoolers and kindergartners will understand that time is a measurable attribute. In the integrated multicultural curriculum it is NOT appropriate to: A cook/eat a variety of ethnic dishes.


Both the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and Common Core State Standards emphasize the importance of teaching young children about the measurable attribute of time. This means that preschoolers and kindergartners should learn to recognize and measure time, including concepts such as minutes, hours, days, and months.

However, in the integrated multicultural curriculum, it is not appropriate to solely focus on cooking and eating a variety of ethnic dishes as a way to celebrate diversity. While food is an important part of many cultures, it is important to also teach children about the diverse histories, traditions, and experiences of different groups of people. This can include exploring art, music, literature, and other cultural practices that promote a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures.

How would you define diversity?

Diversity is the term used to describe the traits that make each of us unique, such as our histories, personalities, experiences, and beliefs all of which help to define who we are. A combination of our diversity has influenced our viewpoints, approaches, and worldviews.

To know more about diversity:



Of the following changes, which did NOT happen while Georgia's second royal governor was in office?


During Georgia's second royal governor's tenure, several changes occurred. However, the one change that did NOT happen while Georgia's second royal governor was in office was the establishment of a complete legislative assembly with full representation for all residents.

Georgia's second royal governor was John Reynolds, who served from 1754 to 1757. During his tenure, several significant changes occurred, including the introduction of new crops such as rice and indigo, the establishment of the colony's first newspaper, and the construction of new roads and bridges.However, Reynolds did not oversee the establishment of a complete legislative assembly with full representation for all residents. In fact, he was a strong opponent of such a move and believed that the colony's population was not yet large enough to support a fully elected assembly. Instead, Reynolds favored a system in which a council of appointed officials would work alongside a smaller elected assembly.

Learn more about office here:https://brainly.com/question/29989271


What is an example of a drug that was once legal in the United States, but now is not?


One example of a drug that was once legal in the United States but is now not is cocaine. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, cocaine was used widely as an ingredient in tonics, elixirs, and patent medicines.

It was also used recreationally and was seen as a symbol of wealth and status. However, in the early 20th century, concerns began to arise about the addictive and harmful effects of cocaine. In 1914, the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act was passed, which regulated and taxed the production, importation, and distribution of cocaine and other narcotics.

In 1970, the Controlled Substances Act classified cocaine as a Schedule II drug, which means it has a high potential for abuse and dependence but can still be prescribed for medical purposes.

Today, cocaine is illegal to possess, use, and distribute in the United States except for certain medical uses. The penalties for possessing or distributing cocaine can be severe, including imprisonment and fines.

To learn more about cocaine



One of the components of the definition of terrorism described in the textbook highlights itspolitical function: acts of terrorism are generally designed to pursue some political goal.A. TrueB. False


Acts of terrorism are often committed with the intention of promoting a political agenda or advancing a particular ideology. This is one of the main reasons why terrorism is viewed as a form of political violence.

Terrorism is often seen as a tool for creating fear and panic in a population, and to draw attention to a specific issue or cause. By creating a sense of insecurity and instability, terrorists hope to exert pressure on governments, institutions or individuals to achieve their political objectives. Terrorism can take many forms, including bombings, assassinations, hostage-taking, and cyber attacks. It is often carried out by individuals or groups who feel marginalized or oppressed, and who believe that violence is the only way to achieve their goals. However, the use of terrorism is widely condemned by governments, international organizations, and civil society groups, as it violates basic human rights and can cause significant harm to innocent civilians.

Learn more about ideology here:



Most theories of attitude change seem to agree that conflicting attitudes lead to attitude change. T F


The given statement "Most theories of attitude change seem to agree that conflicting attitudes lead to attitude change." is true because individuals try to resolve the dissonance.

Most theories of attitude change, such as the cognitive dissonance theory and the elaboration likelihood model, agree that conflicting attitudes can lead to attitude change.

When individuals hold two or more conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or values, it creates a state of cognitive dissonance, which is a psychological discomfort that motivates individuals to reduce the inconsistency.

One way to reduce cognitive dissonance is by changing one of the attitudes or beliefs. Thus, conflicting attitudes can lead to attitude change as individuals try to resolve the dissonance. This idea is supported by research and is a fundamental principle in many theories of attitude change.

To know more about attitude here



ahmed generally likes to go home to visit his family during spring vacation. however, after his father tells him that he must be home during spring vacation, ahmed decides to stay in college. ahmed's behavior is best understood in terms of group of answer choices


The best explanation for Ahmed's behavior is that he values his family's input. So, the correct answer is B.

This is so that he can demonstrate that he respects and wants to uphold his father's opinion by choosing to remain in college.

He probably knows how important schoolwork is and is putting it ahead of taking time off to see his family. He is displaying both respect for his father and a dedication to his academics by making this choice.

This demonstrates that he values their approval and that he respects their counsel.

Additionally, because he is making a choice on his own that will help him succeed academically, it could be perceived as a show of independence and maturity.

Complete Question:

Ahmed generally  likes to go home to visit his family during spring vacation. However, after  his father tells him that he must be home during spring vacation, Ahmed decides to stay in college. What best explains Ahmed's behavior?

A. He wants to prioritize schoolwork over family.

B. He values his family's input.

C. He is trying to rebel against his father.

D. He is trying to gain independence.

To learn more about dedication visit:



Most theories of attitude change seem to agree that conflicting attitudes lead to attitude change. true


The given statement, "Most theories of attitude change seem to agree that conflicting attitudes lead to attitude change." is true because people deal with difference of opinion everyday which in turn changes their attitude.

The way a person approaches or perceives something is referred to as their attitude and is a psychological concept in psychology. An individual's attitude is a mental and emotional component that they either possess or are known for. Their attitude encompasses all of their thoughts, perspectives, and emotions.

Your attitude has an immediate influence on how you deal with people, contribute to the workplace culture, and go about your daily tasks and responsibilities. Your success and happiness ultimately depend on your attitude. In contrast to stereotypes, which are beliefs about a person or group of people, prejudices are sentiments and attitudes toward a person or group of people.

Learn more about Influence here:



In setting up time for weekly reviews, one should:


In setting up time for weekly reviews, one should: plan to spend about an hour per subject.

An individual's growth and development are significantly influenced by the significance of performing a weekly task review. It empowers individuals to prepare for the impending week. It is also used to set priorities for your activities to ensure that everything is completed correctly.

A weekly evaluation provides an opportunity to actively influence your life. It's a chance to stay in line with your goals and make sure that the work you do every day is helping you get there.

Learn more about Reviewing  tasks, here:



a main complication in controlling international crime and terrorism is ________.


One main complication in controlling international crime and terrorism is the concept of jurisdiction.

In the context of international crime and terrorism, jurisdiction refers to the authority of a nation or international organization to exercise legal control over criminal activities that transcend national boundaries. This can create several challenges in effectively combating these issues.Firstly, differing legal systems and varying definitions of criminal activities can lead to inconsistencies in the enforcement of laws. What is considered a crime in one country may not be in another, leading to complications in collaboration and prosecution.Secondly, limited communication and coordination among law enforcement agencies across different countries can hinder the sharing of crucial intelligence and information. This may result in delays in identifying, apprehending, and prosecuting criminals and terrorists operating across borders.Additionally, sovereignty concerns may arise when one nation is perceived to be interfering in the internal affairs of another. This can make it difficult for nations to cooperate in their efforts to combat international crime and terrorism, as they seek to protect their own interests and maintain a level of control over their territory.Moreover, the growing use of technology and the internet has made it easier for criminals and terrorists to operate on a global scale, while remaining relatively anonymous. This presents new challenges in tracking and identifying individuals involved in these activities, as well as in gathering evidence that can be used in court.In summary, jurisdiction is a main complication in controlling international crime and terrorism due to the challenges it presents in terms of legal consistency, communication, coordination, sovereignty concerns, and technological advancements.

For more such question on jurisdiction



When preparing for an interview one should research the company and its competitors


Yes, it is generally a good idea to research the company and its competitors before an interview. This can help you to demonstrate your interest in the company and show that you have taken the time to prepare for the interview.

Researching the company can help you to learn more about its mission, values, culture, and products or services. This information can be useful in preparing responses to interview questions and in asking informed questions during the interview.

Researching the company's competitors can also be helpful, as it can provide insight into the industry and the competitive landscape. This information can be useful in demonstrating your understanding of the industry and your ability to adapt to a changing environment.

To know more about competitors here



How did the Aztec pay for their army (food, weapons, clothing, pay etc.)


The Aztec Empire used spoils from war to pay for their army.

How the Aztec empire worked

The Aztec Empire had a complex system of tribute collection, where the conquered territories were required to pay tribute to the Aztec rulers in various forms such as crops, livestock, precious metals, and textiles.

This tribute was then used to fund the army and support other state institutions.

Additionally, the Aztecs had a conscription system where able-bodied men were required to serve in the military for a certain period, receiving training and equipment from the state. The soldiers were also provided with basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter.

The Aztecs also used the spoils of war to support their military campaigns.

Read more about Aztec empire at: https://brainly.com/question/576529


Based on the information you read on Culture Smart about the Brazilian regions and on the data on the case, to which region of Brazil should ARP go first?


It is crucial for ARP to carefully select which place to visit first in light of the information supplied by Culture Smart regarding the varied culture and customs of the Brazilian regions.

Based on the information provided by Culture Smart about the diverse culture and customs of the Brazilian regions, it is important for ARP to carefully consider which region to go to first. It would be wise for ARP to conduct research on each region's unique characteristics and needs to determine where their services would be most beneficial. Factors such as population size, economic development, and cultural differences should be taken into account when making this decision. Without more specific information about the case, it is difficult to determine which region of Brazil ARP should go to first.

Learn more about Brazilian regions here



The theory that explains racism as a response or defense mechanism by people who are frustrated or face economic anxiety is called ____.A.scapegoat theoryB.social distance theoryC.authoritarian personality theoryD.culture theory


The theory that explains racism as a response or defense mechanism by people who are frustrated or facing economic anxiety is called the scapegoat theory. So the correct option is A.

According to this theory, individuals may displace their feelings of frustration or anxiety onto a particular group, blaming them for their problems and difficulties. This group becomes a scapegoat for their negative emotions and experiences. This can lead to discrimination and prejudice towards that group. The scapegoat theory suggests that racism is not a result of inherent personality traits, but rather a response to external factors such as economic insecurity or social unrest.

Learn more about economic anxiety



Innate ideas are truths that are not derived from observation or experiment. T or F.


The statement "Innate ideas are truths that are not derived from observation or experiment" is true because  innate ideas are believed to exist independently of sensory experience and are seen as universal and necessary truths that can be discovered through rational reflection.

Innate ideas are those that are believed to be present in the mind since birth or at least at a very early stage of development, without being learned or acquired through experience. These ideas are considered to be independent of sensory experience, and are often seen as universal and necessary truths that can be discovered through rational reflection.

While some philosophers have argued for the existence of innate ideas, others have rejected this notion, claiming that all knowledge comes from experience. The debate about innate ideas is still ongoing in philosophy, and it remains a topic of great interest and controversy.

Learn more about Innate ideas here



There are several problems in the theoretical town of Minerville. How do you choose which ones you will focus on?


All of the approaches listed can be useful in determining which problems to focus on in Minerville. Ultimately, the best approach will depend on the specific circumstances of the community and the resources available to address the problems. Here option E is the correct answer.

When dealing with multiple problems in a theoretical town like Minerville, it's important to prioritize which problems to focus on first. All of the options listed (A-E) can be valid factors in determining priorities, depending on the specific circumstances.

One approach is to focus on the problems that are most urgent and require immediate attention. This could include issues such as natural disasters, public safety concerns, or public health emergencies. Addressing urgent problems can help prevent further harm or damage and can be critical in preserving the well-being of the community.

Another approach is to prioritize the problems that have the biggest impact on the community. This could include issues such as poverty, lack of access to healthcare, or high crime rates. Tackling these issues can have a significant positive impact on the community as a whole and improve the quality of life for residents.

It's also important to consider the problems that have the most potential for long-term solutions. This could include issues such as environmental sustainability, economic development, or education. Investing in solutions for these issues can help create a better future for the community and set it on a path of growth and prosperity.

To learn more about community



Complete question:

There are several problems in the theoretical town of Minerville. How do you choose which ones you will focus on?

A) Focus on the problems that are most urgent and require immediate attention.

B) Prioritize the problems that have the biggest impact on the community.

C) Consider the problems that have the most potential for long-term solutions.

D) Assess the feasibility of solving each problem given the available resources.

E) All of the above.

javier was attending his fifth baseball game at wiggly field, where he had previously had a panic attack. he did not know if he would have a panic attack today, but shortly after entering the stadium, he did. this type of panic attack is


Javier's panic attack, which occurred shortly after entering Wiggly Field, can be considered a situational panic attack. Situational panic attacks are triggered by specific situations or events, such as being in a crowded place or experiencing a traumatic event.

In this case, Javier had previously experienced a panic attack at Wiggly Field, and the fear of having another panic attack in that same location may have contributed to the onset of his panic symptoms. The anticipation of the situation can sometimes lead to anxiety and trigger the panic attack.

Situational panic attacks can be difficult to manage, as they are often tied to specific situations or contexts. Treatment may involve identifying and avoiding triggers, as well as developing coping strategies to manage anxiety and panic symptoms when they do occur.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common approach used to treat panic disorder and situational panic attacks, which focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety and panic symptoms.

Learn more about panic attack visit: brainly.com/question/29819398


According to the Globesmart country cultural profile, Brazilians tend to be egalitarian. T/F


The given statement "According to the Globesmart country cultural profile, Brazilians tend to be egalitarian" is true.

This means that they generally believe in the equal treatment of all people, regardless of their social status or background. However, it's essential to remember that this is a generalization, and individual beliefs may vary.

Egalitarianism in Brazil can be seen in their communication style, where directness and openness are appreciated, and in their social behavior, where they show warmth and inclusiveness to others.

Despite the presence of some social inequalities, the Brazilian culture values equality and mutual respect. Thus, the correct choice is true.

For more such questions on Brazilians, click on:



According to Descartes, if we can clearly and distinctly grasp the idea of God, then we may understand the existence of God. T or F.


The statement "According to Descartes, if we can clearly and distinctly grasp the idea of God, then we may understand the existence of God" is true because Descartes believed that if we have a clear and distinct idea of God, it necessarily follows that God exists.

According to Descartes, the idea of God is innate, meaning that it is already present in our minds from birth. He believed that the idea of God is not derived from sensory experience but is implanted in our minds by God himself. Descartes argued that if we can clearly and distinctly grasp the idea of God, then it follows that God must exist.

This is because, according to Descartes, our clear and distinct ideas must have a corresponding reality in the world outside our minds. Therefore, the existence of the idea of God necessitates the existence of God, as it cannot be a mere fabrication of our minds.

Learn more about Descartes here



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