a force produces power p by doing work w in a time t what power will be produced by a force that


Answer 1

The power that will be produced by such a force is 12 times the initial power.

What is power?

Power can be defined as the time rate of doing work. Also power can be defined as the energy expended per unit time.

Mathematically, the formula for power expended by an object is given as;

p = E / t


p is the  powerE is the energyt is the time

p = w / t


w is the work done

When a force does six times as much work in half as much time, the power becomes;

p' = (6w) / (¹/₂t)

p' = (2 x 6w) / t

p' = 12w/t

p' = 12 (p)

Learn more about power here: https://brainly.com/question/10590812


The complete question is below:

a force produces power p by doing work w in a time t what power will be produced by a force that does six times as much work in half as much time?

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During which type of radioactive decay does a nucleus gain a proton but keep
the same atomic mass number?
A. Alpha decay
B. Beta decay (electron)
C. Gamma decay
D. Beta decay (positron)



A. Alpha decay



Beta decay (electron).


1. What is the magnitude of the force on a charge of +40 μC that is 0.6 m from a charge of - 80 μC?



The magnitude of the force is 79.893 N.


The magnitude of the electrostatic force between the two particles is determined by Coloumb's Law, whose formula is:

[tex]F = \frac{\kappa \cdot |q_{A}|\cdot |q_{B}|}{r^{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]\kappa[/tex] - Electrostatic constant, in newtons-square meters per square coulomb.

[tex]q_{A}, q_{B}[/tex] - Electric charges, in coulombs.

[tex]r[/tex] - Distance, in meters.

If we know that [tex]\kappa = 8.988\times 10^{9}\,\frac{N\cdot m^{2}}{C^{2}}[/tex], [tex]q_{A} = +40\times 10^{-6}\, C[/tex], [tex]q_{B} = - 80\times 10^{-6}\, C[/tex] and [tex]r = 0.6\,m[/tex], then the magnitude of the force is:

[tex]F = \frac{\kappa \cdot |q_{A}|\cdot |q_{B}|}{r^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]F = 79.893\,N[/tex]

The magnitude of the force is 79.893 N.

How fast is a 0.50 kg ball moving if it's kinetic energy is 400 j



Correct 40 m/s


What is the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy?



temperature is the average kinetic energy of the particles of matter. the hotter something is the more kinetic energy it has.


A squash ball with an initial velocity of 19.21 m/s [W] is hit by a squash racket, changing its velocity to 40.22 m/s [E] in 0.312 s. What is the squash ball’s average acceleration?


Acceleration = (change in velocity) / (time for the change)

Change in velocity = 59.43 m/s East

Time for the change = 0.312 s

Acceleration = 190.5 m/s^2 East

If the force between two charges with opposite signs is -36 newtons, what is the force between two charges with the same sign?



36 Newtons


The force of attraction or repulsion between two charges can be given by Coulomb's Law:

[tex]F = \frac{kq_1q_2}{r^2}[/tex]


F = Force

k = Coulomb's Constant

q₁ = magnitude of first charge

q₂ = magnitude of second charge

r = distance between charges

Hence, the charges with opposite signs will produce a result with a negative value. While, the charges with same sign will produce positive result of force value.

Hence, the force between two charges with the same sign will be 36 Newtons

1. Why is the equivalent resistance in a parallel circuit equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances, whereas in a series circuit, the equivalent resistance is the sum of the individual resistances? ​


Answer: Kirchhoff first law: sum of currents coming in branch and leaving it are same.

Explanation: in parallel circuit current is divided between resistors.

In series circuit same current passes through all resistors.

Please Help Me!!!
Water is a colorless and odorless liquid. It can exist in solid, liquid, and gas states. It boils at 100 degrees C and melts at 0 degrees C.
Which option best describes this information?
These are the physical properties of water.
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These are the physical changes water undergoes.
These are the chemical changes water undergoes.
These are the molecular changes water undergoes.



There are the molecular changes water undergoes

What is the current flowing through a 10 resistor in a parallel circuit with a 120 V potential difference across it?



let current flow be x


than we know potential difference = energy supply / charge then 120 = 10 /x then x=12 therefore pd = 12 v

So the answer is 12
Hope this helps can u make me branliest please ❤️

Blackie, a cat whose mass is 6-kg, is napping on top of the refrigerator when he rolls over and fall. Blackie has a KE of 90-J just before he lands on his feet on the floor.

How tall is the refrigerator?


To answer this question, you need to understand the law of conservation of energy. Essentially, the law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is always conserved.

Knowing this law, how can we answer this question? Well, let's look at what the question tells us. We know that Blackie was initially at the top of a refrigerator before rolling over and falling to the ground. At ground level, he only has Kinetic energy when he lands. Since we know that he started at the top of the fridge, we know that Blackie started off with potential gravitational energy.

That would make sense, right? Written out as an equation, it'd be:

[tex]U_{g}[/tex] = [tex]K_{E}[/tex]

This follows the law of conservation of energy, as all the potential gravitational energy is converted into Kinetic energy.

Now, we know what energies are converted. What can we do with it? Recall the equation of potential gravitational energy:

[tex]U_{g}[/tex] = [tex]F_{g}[/tex]∆H

[tex]U_{g}[/tex] = mg∆H

Do you see it now? ∆H is the distance that Blackie falls, and since Blackie jumps from the fridge to the ground, ∆H must be the height of the fridge!

Let's start solving for ∆H:

[tex]U_{g}[/tex] = [tex]K_{E}[/tex]

Substitute potential gravitational energy with our equation:

mg∆H = [tex]K_{E}[/tex]

We were given the value of Kinetic Energy:

mg∆H = 90

Isolate ∆H by dividing both sides by mg:

∆H = [tex]\frac{90}{mg}[/tex]

Input values for 'm' and 'g' (m is the mass of Blackie and g is Earth's acceleration)

∆H = [tex]\frac{90}{6*9.80}[/tex]

∆H = [tex]\frac{90}{58.8}[/tex]

∆H = 1.53

The refrigerator is 1.53 meters tall.

And that's it! Let me know if you need me to explain anything I did here.

- breezyツ

Find the frequency of a 63.8-cm long open end air column
that resonates as shown in the diagram at the right. The speed of sound in the air is 345 m/s.



f = 270.37 Hz


Given that,

The length of the long open end air column, L = 63.8 cm

The speed of sound in the air is 345 m/s

We need to find the frequency of the air column. For an open pipe, the frequency is given by :

[tex]f=\dfrac{nv}{2L}\\\\f=\dfrac{345}{2\times 63.8\times 10^{-2}}\\\\f=270.37\ Hz[/tex]

So, the frequency of the air column is equal to 270.37 Hz.

PLEASE ANSWER THIS ASAP I WILL MARK YOU THE BRAINLIEST The actual subject is Science but they dont have that as a option in pick a subject



Third option


To calculate meters per second you divide the distance by the time.

it's 8m/s

PLEASE ANSWER THIS ASAP I WILL MARK YOU THE BRAINLIEST The actual subject is Science but they dont have that as a option in pick a subject



0.075 km/min


[tex]\frac{5km - 0km}{67 min - 0min} = 0.075 km/min[/tex]

Daphne swings a 15.0 kg bucket of water in a vertical circle of radius 1.3 m. What is the minimum speed, v, at the top of the circle that the pail has to go if the water is not to spill?



3.6 m/s


Please help!! I’m in a rush :(


Kinetic energy is a form of energy that an object or particle has by reaction of its motion.

A 25 kg block is sliding down 28o incline at a constant speed.


try photo math it helps

Would Lincoln, Nebraska or San Diego, California have a smaller range in average monthly temperatures


Answer: San diego

Because it is closer to the ocean

1-¿Que tipo de energía usa en su hogar para el alumbrado , la calefacción y artículos de entretenían, entre otros ? 2-¿ de que manera en su hogar o escuela tienen acceso a la energía eléctrica? 3- aparte de los componentes ¿ hay alguna diferencia en el funcionamiento de circuito eléctrico de una linterna y el de una casa ? 4-¿que ocurriría si el voltaje que proporciona la fuente de energía es menor que la requerida por la ampolleta ? ¿Y su es mayor? 5-es indispensable el interruptor para el funcionamiento del circuito eléctrico




1.-Energía eléctrica ( electricidad ) proveniente de una fuente AC ( es decir de corriente alterna)

2.-Hay un proveedor de servicios que lleva la energía a las comunidades en general y en particular la lleva hasta mi casa y escuela. Se define como acometida eléctrica, la infraestructura que lleva la energía desde la red de distribución al tablero principal en el abonado. La acometida puede ser aérea o subterránea, y normalmente consta de tres conductores ( de los cuales dos son calibre AWG # 8 ( dos fases ) y uno AWG # 10 ( neutro ). Esta configuración permite tener: 120 y 240 (V) en servicio en la casa y suficiente capacidad para la carga eléctrica de una casa normal

3.-Si, el tipo de corriente. En el caso de una linterna se usan "pilas" o baterías de corriente directa ( que no varia en el tiempo), en la casa la corriente es alterna de 60 ciclos por segundo de frecuencia.

4.-Si el voltaje es menor en una medida importante la ampolleta no alumbra por cuanto si por ejemplo el voltaje nominal ( o de funcionamiento es 120 V y el voltaje suministrado es 50 V ese voltaje será insuficiente para hacer funcionar el circuito). Si el voltaje es mayor dígamos 240 V la ampolleta se quema.

5.-El interruptor nos asegura la maniobra a nuestra voluntad del circuito del cual forma parte. Es decir si tengo un circuito de alumbrado ( 1 bombillo y un interruptor ) ese interruptor me permitirá apagar y encender la luz cuando yo quiera.

Los breaker son "interruptores" son dispositivos de protección para caso de sobrecargas y/o cortocircuitos

How fast does a 500kg car need to drive to have 100,000 J of kinetic energy?



The car must move at 2 m/s to have a Ke of 2,000 Joules.


Mark me pls

Solve the speed for the blank this is a PHET LAB​



The volume of matter contained in an item is measured in kilograms. It claims that a material's rate in velocity is equal to the force exerted and occurs in the force's path.

Speed (Velocity) = Force / Mass

Speed (Velocity) = 25 / 50 = 0.5 m/s

Speed (Velocity) = 50 / 50 = 1 m/s

Speed (Velocity) = 7 / 50 = 1.5 m/s

Speed (Velocity) = 100 / 50 = 2 m/s

Speed (Velocity) = 200 / 50 = 4 m/s

The screens show two sound waves that last the same amount of time. Which wave has a higher frequency? Explain your answer



Wave 1


Its a High frequency waves the high waves are closer to each other thme the lower ones

how do you know which magnitude is higher or how do you compare them?


Magnitudes are measured by intensity so a 3.4 earthquake is much less stronger than a 4.5 earthquake it’s very literally when measuring them the higher the number the stronger it is

Protons are______
charged particles.


Answer: Protons are positively charged particles


Positive charged partials

A small car has a head-on collision with a large truck. Which of the following statements concerning the magnitude of the average force due to the collision is correct? The small car and the truck experience the same average force. The small car experiences the greater average force. The truck experiences the greater average force. It is impossible to tell since the masses are not given. It is impossible to tell since the velocities are not given. 1 points Saved Question 1 of 5 Moving to another question will save this response.



The small car and the truck experience the same average force.


Here we need to remember two of Newton's laws.

The second one says that:

F = m*a

force equals mass times acceleration.

And the third one says that;

"If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A"

From the third law, if the car experiences a force F due to the impact with the truck, then the truck experiences the same force F due to the impact.

But this seems odd, because we would expect to see the car being more affected by the impact, right?

Well, this is explained by the second law.

Suppose that the mass of the car is m, and the mass of the truck is M.

such that M > m

Then for the small car we have:

F = m*a

And for the truck:

F = M*a'

Because the force is the same for both of them, we can write:

m*a = M*a'

a = (M/m)*a'

because M > m, then M/m > 1.

This means that the acceleration that the car experiences is larger than the acceleration for the truck, and this is why we would see that the car seems more affected by the impact, regardless of the fact that both vehicles experience the same force in the impact.

A ball with a volume of 1.0 L is filled with a gas at 5 atmospheres (atm). If the volume is reduced to 0.75 L without a change in temperature, what would be the pressure of the balloon? ​



P2 = 6.67 atm


Given the following data;

Initial volume = 1 Liters

Initial pressure = 5 atm

Final volume = 0.75 Liters

To find the final pressure P2, we would use Boyles' law.

Boyles states that when the temperature of an ideal gas is kept constant, the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the volume occupied by the gas.

Mathematically, Boyles law is given by;

[tex] PV = K[/tex]

[tex] P_{1}V_{1} = P_{2}V_{2} [/tex]

Substituting into the equation, we have;

[tex] 5 * 1 = P_{2} * 0.75 [/tex]

[tex] 5 = 0.75_{2} [/tex]

[tex] P_{2} = \frac {5}{0.75}[/tex]

[tex] P_{2} = 6.67[/tex]

P2 = 6.67 atm

Therefore, the new pressure is 6.67 atm.

During a lab experiment a student took his resting pulse rate, counting 23 beats in 20 seconds. The student then exercised for several minutes. The student's pulse was taken immediately after the exercise, and then every minute for 6 minutes.


Here’s a link to the answer:

A .001 kg bead slides without friction around a loop-the-loop. The bead is released from a height of 20.6 m from the bottom of the loop-the-loop which has a radius 7 m. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s [photo] What is its speed at point A ? Answer in units of m/s. Your answer must be within ± 5.0%



11.37 m/s


We are given;

Mass; m = 0.001 kg

Initial velocity; v1 = 0 m/s (since it was released from rest)

Initial height; h1 = 20.6m

From the attached image of the bead in the loop, we can see that height at A; h2 = twice the radius = 2R = 2 × 7 = 14 m

g = 9.8

To solve for the speed at point, we will use formula for conservation of energy. Thus;

½m(v1)² + mgh1 = ½m(v2)² + mgh2

Divide through by m to get;

½(v1)² + gh1 = ½(v2)² + gh2

Plugging in the relevant values;

½(0²) + (9.8 × 20.6) = ½(v2)² + (9.8 × 14)

Rearranging, we have;

½(v2)² = ½(0²) + (9.8 × 20.6) - (9.8 × 14)

Simplifying, we have;

½(v2)² = 64.68

Multiply both sides by 2 to get;

(v2)² = 2 × 64.68

(v2)² = 129.36

v2 = √129.36

v2 = 11.37 m/s

Static electricity is an excess of charge.
A. True
B. False


it is very true for reasons


Its true


If you don’t know please move on if you know please help:)

Drag the correct term to each blank:
potential kinetic
energy being changed into
When a magnet causes a paper clip to move, it's an example of
A child running is an example of
A motionless iron object in the magnetic field of a magnet may be said to have



When a magnet causes a paper clip to move, it's an example of Potential energy being changed in to Kinetic energy

A child running is an example of Kinetic energy

A motionless iron object in the magnetic field of a magnet may be said to have Potential energy

10. A pitcher in a professional baseball game throws a fastball, giving the baseball
a momentum of 5.83 kg. m/s. Given that the baseball has a mass of 0.145 kg,
what is its speed?


Answer: 40.2m/sec

Work: v=p/m= 5.83kg/0.145k=40.2cm/sec

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