A dilated vein that returns blood from the coronary circulation to the right atrium is the __________.


Answer 1
I believe its large blue vessel also known as vena cava

Related Questions

______ are found in the
motor cortex.
A. Sensory neurons
B. Efferent neurons
C. No neurons


Motor neurons are also known as EFFERENT NEURONS, meaning they carry information from the CNS to muscles, and other peripheral systems such as organs and glands. This contrasts with afferent neurons, or sensory neurons, which carry information from sensory organs and tissues back to the CNS.

When DNA condenses in preparation for cell division, it is called a __________.
A. chromosome
B. centromere
C. nucleus
D. mitosis

answer abc or d with a simple expln-
and pls be sure of ur answer



A. chromosome


Chromosomes are typically what you see in a chart like karyotype that shows all the chromosomes of a particular organism. These are the highly condensed structures of DNA during replication which makes it easy to transfer DNA during replication.

When DNA condenses in preparation for cell division, it is called a chromosome.

The correct option is A .

When DNA condenses in preparation for cell division, it condenses and coils tightly into structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes are the compact and organized form of DNA that is visible under a microscope during cell division. Each chromosome consists of a single, long DNA molecule wrapped around proteins called histones. Chromosomes are essential for the proper segregation and distribution of genetic material to daughter cells during cell division (e.g., mitosis or meiosis).

After cell division is complete, the chromosomes decondense, and the DNA returns to its extended form as chromatin, which can be actively transcribed and translated for normal cellular functions.

Hence , A is the correct option

To learn more about DNA , here



7. The asthenosphere and lithosphere are parts of Earth's



The lithosphere is the solid, outer part of the Earth.

asthenosphere, zone of Earth's mantle lying beneath the lithosphere and believed to be much hotter and more fluid than the lithosphere.

The process of coating nerve fibers and connections with a type of fatty insulation to protect the connections is called: Group of answer choices Calcification Lipidosis Myelination Synaptic pruning


Myelination is the answer.

Myelin is an insulating layer or sheath formed around nerves, including the brain and spinal cord. It is composed of protein and fat. This myelin sheath allows electrical impulses to be transmitted quickly and efficiently along nerve cells. When myelin is damaged, these impulses slow down.

CNS myelin is produced by a special cell called oligodendrocytes. PNS myelin is produced by Schwann cells. Although the two types of myelin are chemically different, they both perform the same function and enable the efficient transmission of nerve impulses down axons

Myelin is formed by the innermost sheet-like glial process that contacts axons in the PNS (peripheral nervous system) and CNS. Axons spiral around the axons and spin out several layers of overlapping membranes.

Learn more about myelin sheath here:https://brainly.com/question/690266


When comparing spun microhematocrit results with hematocrit results obtained on an electronic cell counter, the spun hematocrit results may vary from ___ because of this trapped plasma (unless the cell counter has been calibrated against spun microhematocrits uncorrected for trapped plasma).


When comparing spun microhematocrit results with hematocrit results obtained on an electronic cell counter, the spun hematocrit results may vary from 1 to 3 % because of this trapped plasma (unless the cell counter has been calibrated against spun microhematocrit uncorrected for trapped plasma).

Trapped plasma is the quantity of intracellular plasma last in the packed cell column of the microhematocrit after centrifugation.

It artificially increases the packed cellular column constituting an effective bias to the hematocrit. the quantity of trapped plasma varies as a function of cell packing.

Inadequate centrifugation, poor blending, and inappropriate anticoagulant awareness also can make a contribution to technical errors. In spun hematocrits, a number of problems that have atypical red cells can also purpose plasma to be trapped inside the erythrocytes.

Learn more about microhematocrit here: https://brainly.com/question/23029790


A bacterium that either partially or fully catabolizes an acyl-homoserine lactone will likely disrupt.



Quorum Sensing

What is quorum sensing?

This is how bacteria "communicate" with one another.

A tiny quorum molecule will be secreted by each individual bacteria in a set quantity. They can each determine how many other bacteria of the same sort are nearby based on the quantity of this chemical around them.

When the quorum molecule reaches a certain mass and a specific threshold, it triggers some type of shift in gene transcription that leads the bacteria to behave differently (they all do it because they are all exposed to a high enough concentration of the quorum molecule).

An infectious disease researcher isolates the pathogen responsible for an emerging disease. The microbe is grown in the lab. A preparation of the laboratory-grown microbe is treated with a lethal dose of ionizing radiation and then tested for its potential as a vaccine. What type of vaccine is this


An infectious disease researcher isolates the pathogen responsible for an emerging disease. The microbe is grown in the lab. Preparation of the laboratory-grown microbe is treated with a lethal dose of ionizing radiation and then tested for its potential as a vaccine and this is  Inactivated type of Vaccine.

What exactly are pathogens?

Pathogens include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can enter the body and harm the immune system. Among many additional viruses that can lead to serious illnesses are anthrax, HIV, the Epstein-Barr virus, and the Zika virus.

What is vaccination?

An easy, secure, and reliable method of preventing hazardous infections before you are exposed to them is vaccination. It boosts your immune system and builds up your body's natural defenses against particular infections.

Inactivated vaccine:

In inactivated immunizations, the disease-causing microorganism is eliminated.

Inactivated vaccines typically don't provide as strong of immunity (protection) as live vaccines. Therefore, it can take several doses (booster injections) throughout time to keep up your resistance to diseases.

Using inactivated vaccinations, you can guard against

FluHepatitis A PolioRabies

Learn more about Vaccines here:-



The clade Ecdysozoa includes ________ phyla, of which you will be observing only two in this week's lab.



The clade Ecdysozoa includes 8 phyla.

What are the phyla in clade Ecdysozoa?

The clade Ecdysozoa incudes 8 phyla, which are the following:


Ecdysozoans are most known for their cuticle, a thick yet flexible exoskeleton that shields these creatures from predators, water loss, and other elements of their environment. As they develop, all individuals in this superphylum molt or shed their cuticle on occasion. They produce a fresh cuticle after molting that will protect them until their subsequent growth phase. Ecdysis, from which the name of the superphylum is derived, is the act of molting and replacing the cuticle.

Learn more about Ecdysozoans here:



Flower Dissection — Part 2

Pick a flower from your yard, a public location, or somewhere in your neighborhood.
Start by removing the sepals of the flower with a tweezer. If you do not have a tweezer, a small pair of scissors will also work. It may be easiest to do this if you hold the flower with your finger from below the pedicel (small stalk just underneath the flower) and begin to remove the sepals with a pair of tweezers.
Using tweezers, place the sepals on the labelled printable worksheet, and tape them in place.
Repeat the same procedure for the petals and pistil.
Remove all but one of the stamens and tape them onto the worksheet.
On your printable worksheet, you should have sepals, petals, stamens and one pistil.
Take a picture of your worksheet with the flower pieces placed correctly, and save it on your computer. You will attach and submit this with your assessment questions.


Flower Dissection

Name of Flower Component Piece of Flower from Lab Function
Analysis & Conclusion — Part 3

Plant Tissues

What are three characteristics that all species belonging to the plant kingdom have in common?
How will the numbers of stomata differ in tropical plants and desert plants? How does this help protect the health of a plant?
If a plant's xylem and phloem become damaged, what type of damage will result within the plant? Describe the different roles on the xylem and phloem in your answer.
Why do we compare the dermal tissue of plants to human skin? Explain your answer.
Would a plant be able to survive if the ground tissue was damaged? Explain your answer.

Flowering Reproduction

Describe how flowering plants reproduce.
How do flowers help other organisms in our environment?
Which parts of a plant are responsible for reproduction? Describe the role that each of them will play.
Describe what occurs during the process of seed development.
Based on your knowledge of flowers, why do you think most flowers are bright in color?
Print Save


Angiosperms belong to the plant kingdom. Flowers are the organs needed for sexual reproduction, carrying feminine and masculine structures.  

What are the parts of the flowers?

Flowers are reproductive structures in charge of sexual reproduction through the production of seeds.

Feminine reproductive structures

The central structure is the carpel, also recognized as the pistil.The base of the carpel forms the ovary, in which the eggs are produced and where the zygote develops.The opposite extreme of the carpel is the stigma, in the superior part.The stigma is a sticky surface where the pollen grains get attached.The style is the filament structure that connects the ovary and the stigma.

Masculine reproductive structures

The pollen grains, or male sex cells, are produced in the stamens.The stamen has an anther where the pollen is produced, and a filament that provides support.

⇒ External non-reproductive structures

Flowers also have external structures known as petals and sepals. These are modified leaves whose principal function is to protect the flower's fertile parts and attract pollinators.

Petals characterize as having many different colors that make the flower more attractive to insects and other animals. When they visit a flower searching for their recompense, the flower's pollen grains transfer to the insect's body.

The insect transports the pollen to the next visited flower, leaving it in the stigma of the second flower.

What happens during the fertilization process?

1) The mature pollen grains are driven to the stigma of the same flower or other flowers of the species, where they stick.

2) Once in the stigma, the pollen grain germinates.

3) A pollinic tube forms. It goes from the stigma along the style and ends in the flower ovary.

4) The pollen grains move along the tube forward to the ovary.

5) Once in the ovary, the pollen grains get in touch with the ovule. They have double fertilization.

6) The zygote develops in the ovary.

Now, let us answer the questions,

1) Flower Dissection ⇒ you will find and scheeme in the attached files

2) Characteristics of the plant kingdom

eukaryotic multicellular organisms, photosynthetic organisms,cells with chloroplasts, a big vacuole, and cell wall. sexual and asexual reproduction

3) Stomata regulate water vapor flow through transpiration.

Desert plants have fewer stomata than tropical plants as an adaptation to avoid losing water.

4) Having fewer stomata help protect the health of a plant by preventing excessive water loss under extreme conditions.

5) The vascular system of plants is composed of

The xylem ⇒ takes water and nutrients from the soil to the aerial part of the plant.The phloem ⇒ transports photosynthetic products to different tissues of the plant.

If the xylem gets damaged, the plant will not be able to take water and nutrients from the ground. If the phloem gets damaged, the plant will not be able to use photosynthetic products in different tissues. In any case, the plant will dye.

6) Because plants and human dermal tissues vary in the number of layers and functions.

Plants have one dermal layer and have a cuticle to avoid dehydration and provide protection. Human skin is multilayered and the immune system protects it.

7) Ground tissues are not meristematic, dermal, or vascular tissues. However, among their functions, we can mention photosynthesis, storage, regeneration, and healing capability. All of them are necessary to survive. If the ground tissues are damaged, the plant can not survive.

8) Flowering plants can reproduce sexually or asexually. During sexual reproduction, pollen grains fertilize the eggs in the ovary.

9) During pollination, insects and other animals get a recompense -nectar-. Flowers provide a source of food and prime matter to different pollinator agents. Also, flowers might be a shelter for many species.

10) The stamen where the pollen is produced. The ovary is where eggs are produced and where the zygote develops. Pollen gets to the egg in the ovary and fertilizes it (description above).


The embryo is formed after the double fecundation. It composes of growing cotyledons, an epicotyl, and a hypocotyl.

The tegument and endosperm of the seed protect the embryo from dehydration and denutrition.

Germination is the process of development and the emergence of the embryo. These are a series of steps that must occur in the seed from the moment the embryo begins to develop until a newly emerged plantule is formed. For germination to occur, there must be appropriate environmental conditions.

12) Flowers are bright and colored because this is how they attract pollinator agents such and insects and other animals.

You can learn more about flowers and sexual reproduction at






Of the ____________ globins that make up hemoglobin, two are identical and called ____________ globins, and the other two are called beta globins and are also identical.


Of the four globins that make up hemoglobin, two are identical and called alpha globins, and the other two are called beta globins and are also identical.

Structure of HaemoglobinEach of the four subunits of hemoglobin has a polypeptide chain and a heme group.The iron protoporphyrin IX prosthetic heme group, which is connected to a polypeptide chain with residues of 141 (alpha) and 146 (beta) amino acids, is present in all hemoglobins. A histidine's N is linked to the ferrous iron of the heme. A polypeptide chain phenylalanine of the porphyrin ring wedges it into its pocket. Alpha and beta chains, two varieties of the polypeptide chains that make up adult hemoglobin, are comparable in length but have different amino acid sequences. Both adult and embryonic human hemoglobins have the same alpha chain.

To learn more about Haemoglobin refer to:



Part A: ask questions



Asking questions is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations: It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation


Why f1 particles are named f1 particles


The F1 fraction derives its name from the term “Fraction 1” and FO (written as a subscript letter “o”, not “zero”) derives its name from being the oligomycin binding fraction. Oligomycin, an antibiotic, is able to inhibit the FO unit of ATP synthase.

hope this helps u :)

F1 particles are named so because they were first identified as the first generation of particles in a process known as "fractionation."

This process involves the separation and isolation of cellular components based on their size and density using centrifugation.

During experiments with mitochondria, scientists observed that when mitochondria were subjected to fractionation, two distinct types of particles were obtained: F1 particles and F2 particles.

F1 particles were found to contain the ATP synthase enzyme responsible for ATP synthesis in cellular respiration. Hence, they were named "F1 particles" to denote their status as the first fraction of particles isolated during this particular experiment.

Know more about ATP synthase:



These individuals had theories of evolution by natural selection, but did not receive the same credit that Darwin did: Group of answer choices Hasan Ibn Al-Haytham Uthman Al Jahiz Linnaeus Aristotle Alfred Russel Wallace


The individual who did not receive the same credit as Darwin was Alfred Russel Wallace.

What is the evolution theory?

The evolution theory is a scientific theory explaining how natural selection may change (evolve) phenotypes across generations.

Alfred Russel Wallace was an evolutionary biologist who understood the importance of natural selection on this process.

In conclusion, Alfred Russel Wallace did not receive the credit as Darwin.

Learn more about natural selection here:



In the average person, what percentage of alcohol is absorbed through the small intestine?.


In the average person, 70-80 percentage of alcohol is absorbed through the small intestine.

Alcohol is not treated the same way as other food nutrients. In fact, the digestive system exerts additional effort to remove it from the body, giving alcohol removal priority over other nutrients including lipids (fats), carbs, and proteins.   All parts of the digestive tract take in alcohol. In contrast to other nutrients, alcohol is quickly absorbed in the small intestine and enters the bloodstream immediately via the stomach lining. Although other bodily cells can also metabolize alcohol, the liver is where alcohol metabolism mostly takes place.  Acetaldehyde, a poisonous chemical, is created when alcohol is broken down.

learn more about alcohol here: https://brainly.com/question/27427140


Components of an environment that can reduce a population size are called?



Environmental Resistance.


Environment Resistance


Factors that reduce population numbers (called environment Resistance) limit population growth

Stage of cell division and a reason for your answer ​



This is 'crossing over'.


The chromosomes are crossing over and exchanging regions.

Describe the structure and function of the “old brain” and its influence on behavior



The old brain—including the brain stem, medulla, pons, reticular formation, thalamus, cerebellum, amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus—regulates basic survival functions, such as breathing, moving, resting, feeding, emotions, and memory.


A separation technique that can detect proteins in a complex mixture with the use of antibodies directed against a protein of interest is


Northern blotting is the separation technique that can detect proteins in a complex mixture with the use of antibodies directed against a protein of interest.

Commonly used protein separation techniques include ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography, dialysis, ultrafiltration, size exclusion chromatography, and electrophoresis [sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Isoelectric point electrophoresis, and chromatographic electrophoresis] are included.

Northern blot is a laboratory analysis method for testing RNA. In particular, purified RNA fragments are separated from biological samples (such as blood and tissue) by passing through a gel or matrix like a sieve with an electric current. This allows small fragments to move faster than large fragments.

Northern blotting is named because it resembles Southern blot, the first blotting technique named after biologist Edwin Southern. The main difference is that Northern blots analyze RNA rather than DNA.

Learn more about blot here:https://brainly.com/question/14233038



western blotting


Cells are surrounded and protected by. it's multiple-choice to fill in the blank. Here's the list of them.
Nucleic Acids


The structure which surrounds and protects the cell is the cell membrane. It is made up of lipids and proteins.

Lipids, specifically phospholipids, make up the cell membrane. Lipids are essential in the formation of the cell membrane's structure. They have a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail, which repels water. The hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids point inward and the hydrophilic heads point outward toward the water-based environment both inside and outside the cell in a bilayer arrangement.

The cell membrane is made up of lipids and proteins in addition to these other substances. The lipid bilayer contains proteins that perform a variety of tasks like cell signaling, cell adhesion, and molecule transport in and out of the cell. In order to maintain its internal environment, the cell depends on these proteins to control the substances that enter and leave the cell.

Therefore, the most appropriate answer is proteins and lipids.

Learn about cell membrane here:



unit of classification having the least organism​






The smallest unit of this hierarchical categorisation is species while the largest unit is kingdom.

Wha is contained in chromosomes





chromosomes contain genes

chromosomes contain histones which is dna coiled around proteins

What are some possible future career fields in environmental science


Agricultural scientist. ...
Environmental consultant. ...
Air pollution analyst. ...
Natural resource manager. ...
Recycling officer. ...
Environmental educator. ...
Nature conservation officer. ...
Environmental engineer.


here are some:

- microbiologist

- environmental scientist

- environmental engineer

- environmental specialist

- marine biologist

- environmental chemist

- wildlife biologist


hope this helps!!

which best describes the flow of genetic information?
A. Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein
B. Genetic information cannot be transmitted outside the nucleus
C. Genetic information is carried only by DNA
D. Genetic information flows from gene to allele to protein


Genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein. A would be the correct option.

Flow of genetic information

Genetic information is stored in the DNA of organisms.

In order for this information to be transferred, it is first encoded into another molecule, the RNA.

The genetic codes in RNA are then translated into their respective amino acids to form polypeptide chains known as proteins.

More on the flow of genetic information can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/8955897


why is international employment important? how does it help in improving the economical condition of a country? ​



it promotes international cohesion


through international employment they learn how to work together hence they get used to work together

Occasionally earthquakes occur as a result of collisions along oceanic-continental convergent boundaries. Where do these earthquakes most likely occur?

on land but close to oceans !!!!!!! this one
inland, far from the coast
in the middle of the oceans
anywhere there are mountains


On land but close to oceans. Thus, option "A" is correct.

What is an earthquake?

Earthquakes occur as a result of collisions along oceanic-continental convergent boundaries.

The majority of the earthquakes occur alongside the Ring of Fire of the Pacific Ocean. The Ring of Fire is found in the basin which is a land area found close to the coastlines of the ocean. This validates its occurrence on land but close to the oceans.

Thus, option "A" is correct.

To learn more about Earthquakes click here:



During weeks 17-20, quickening occurs, which is when the __________. a. fetus’ sense of hearing is developing at a rapid pace b. mother can hear the fetus’ heartbeat with headphones c. fetus’ heart rate increases to 150 beats per minute d. mother is able to feel the fetus move inside her womb please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


During weeks 17-20, quickening occurs, which is when the (d) mother is able to feel the fetus move inside her womb.

The period during which a fetus develops inside a woman's womb or uterus is known as pregnancy, it typically lasts about 40 weeks or just over 9 months in humans.

During the course of pregnancy, the fetus develops from being a single cell to a complete individual.

Quickening is the movement of the baby inside the mother’s womb at around 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. It assures the health and growth of the baby inside the uterus. A fetus that is growing well stimulates more quickening movements.

Know more about quickening



Which of the following would best be mined using Hydraulic Mining?
Select one:
O a. Placer Deposits
O b. Magmatic Deposits
O c. Hydrothermal Deposits
O d. Residual Deposits





hydrothermal deposits

What happens during prophase?
OA. Nuclear membranes form around two sets of chromosomes.
OB. Spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids apart.
OC. Chromosomes condense, and mitotic spindles form.
OD. Chromosomes are copied, and the nuclear membrane disappears.


During prophase, the chromosomes condense and mitotic spindles form (option C). Details about prophase can be found below.

What is prophase stage?

The prophase stage of cell division is first stage during which chromatin condenses to form the chromosomes.

Another feature that characterizes the prophase stage is the formation of mitotic spindles around the chromosomes.

Therefore, during prophase, the chromosomes condense and mitotic spindles form.

Learn more about prophase at: https://brainly.com/question/13883655


The ________ of the embryo develops into nephrons. pronephros mesonephros metanephric mesoderm metanephros ureteric bud


Metanephric mesoderm

The metanephric mesoderm of the embryo develops into nephrons.

The ureteric bud is limited to developing the renal collecting system, while the metanephric mesoderm is committed to differentiating into nephrons.

What are nephrons?

The fundamental structural and operational unit of the kidney is the nephron. They are a tiny structure made up of renal tubules and corpuscles.

Each human kidney contains millions of nephrons. The length of the mammalian nephron, which ranges from 35 to 55 mm, is long and tube-like in shape. The tube is closed, folded, and inflated at one end to form the Bowman's capsule, also known as the renal corpuscular capsule, which houses the glomerulus, a collection of tiny blood arteries. The renal corpuscle is made up of the glomerulus and this capsule combined.

Learn more about nephrons here:



Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is used in the screening of prostate cancer. Due to the high incidence of false positive, PSA testing receives a USPSTF grade of:


Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is used in the screening of prostate cancer. Due to the high incidence of false positive, PSA testing receives a USPSTF grade of poor.

The PSA test is a blood examination used primarily for prostate cancer screening. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level in your blood is determined by the test. The prostate is a tiny gland that resides underneath the bladder in males. Both malignant and noncancerous cells in the prostate produces the protein known as PSA.When the PSA level is raised but no cancer is actually present, a false-positive test result is produced. Anxiety-inducing test results that are falsely positive can prompt extra, potentially hazardous medical treatments like prostate biopsies.Prostate cancer screening tests like PSA and DRE are unreliable. The false positive and false negative rates for PSA are respectively around 70% and 20%.

learn more about Prostate specific antigen (PSA) here: https://brainly.com/question/15839376


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The Bureau of Labor Statistics counts Eric as Although the use of toll roads allowed roads and highways to be built _________________, they are _________________. During the time described by the journal entry, Chris was most likely...Select one:a. in South Dakota.b. on the Teklanika River.c. in Mexico.d. on his way via irrigation canal to Slab City. Who maintains listings of evaluated destruction products that have been tested and meet performance requirements for destroying classified information what are tropical grasslands called in Brazilian plateau? Read the passage from "The Tell-Tale Heart.And every night, about midnight, I turned the latch of his door and opened itoh so gently! And then, when I had made an opening sufficient for my head, I put in a dark lantern, all closed, closed, that no light shone out, and then I thrust in my head. Oh, you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in! I moved it slowlyvery, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man's sleep. It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. Ha! would a madman have been so wise as this?By visualizing the scene the reader can conclude that the narrator isgleeful.indifferent.irritated.curious. what is true about functional text? Which situation best illustrates how production decisions are made in a command economy? Copy the figure below onto a separate sheet of paper. Find the image of the figure under reflections in line m and then line t. In the box below, describe the location of the new image of point G. Use words like above, below, left, or right of line m and t. If the coordinates of the endpoints of a diameter of the circle are known, the equation of a circle can befound First, find the midpoint of the diameter, which is the center of the circle. Then find the radius, which isthe distance from the center to endpoint of the diameter. Finally use the center-radius form to find the equation.Find the center-radius form for the circle having the endpoints(9,2) and (-7,4) of a dmiameter.Type an equation.). Phillip flips an unfair coin eight times. This coin is twice as likely to come up heads as tails. How many times as likely is Phillip to get exactly three heads than exactly two heads A real estate office wants to make a survey in a certain town, which has 50,000 households, to determine how far the head of household has to commute to work. A simple random sample of 1,000 households is chosen, the occupants are interviewed, and it is found that on average, the heads of the sample households commuted 8.7 miles to work; the SD of the distances was 9.0 miles. 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