A 10-kg block on a rough horizontal surface is attached to a light spring (force constant = 1. 4 kn/m). The block is pulled 8. 0 cm to the right from its equilibrium position and released from rest. The frictional force between the block and surface has a magnitude of 30 n. What is the kinetic energy of the block as it passes through its equilibrium position?.


Answer 1

To develop this problem it is necessary to apply the concepts related to the conservation of Energy. In this case the definition concerning kinetic energy from the simple harmonic movement.


KE = PE8 + Wf

KE = 1/2KA² + Wf

KE = Kinetic Energy

PE8 = Potential Harmonic Simple Energy

Wf =  Work made by friction.

Our values are given as,

m = 10Kg ⇒ mass

k = 1400N/m ⇒ Spring constant

A = 0.1m ⇒Amplitude

f = 30N Frictional Force

Replacing we have,

KE = 1/2 ka² +Wf

KE = 1/2(1400)×(0.8)²+(-30×0.8)

KE = 4245

Therefore the Kinetic Energy of the block as it passes through its equlibrium position is 4245J.

To learn more about horizontal force please click on below link



Related Questions

Why do we use current i?


The symbol for current is I which originates from the French phrase i.e. intensité du courant that means current intensity.

Why do we use currently I?

The use of the symbol “I” for current might seem unreasonable but the label appeared from a historical French term. In the 1820s, André-Marie Ampère showed that two parallel current-carrying wires will bring or repel each other depending on the direction of the currents lose through them.

The symbol I Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor to the voltage V and resistance R that is, V = IR.

So we can conclude that Current is calculated in amps, symbolized by the letter “I”.

Learn more about current here: https://brainly.com/question/24858512


if we measure distance with foots how much error generates?



It generates many of the mistakes


When we meassure the distance with foot uniform velocity there there may arise many problems people foots are different to each other When we are measuring the distance from foot that is uniform velocity we must be very careful the timing of time and foot should be similar If not than there may generate many errors

The great mathematician Pythagoras also used the measurement with foot and he was successful because of his timing due to this he find the circumference of earth

What is simple and composite signal?



Periodic analog signals can be classified as simple or composite. A simple periodic analog signal, a sine wave, cannot be decomposed into simpler signals. A composite periodic analog signal is composed of multiple sine waves.


hope this helps!

What is radiogenic energy?



Radiogenic heating is the thermal energy released as a result of spontaneous nuclear disintegrations. There are three major isotopes of the elements uranium, thorium, and potassium in the Earth's crust today.

Should an ammeter be connected in series or in parallel?



The ammeter must be connected in series to measure the current thru it.

Suppose one had a device to measure the rate of water passing thru it - the device would have to be placed in the water line for the measurement - not in parallel with the line

friction usually acts to oppose, or slow down, the velocity of objects. which situation is an example of friction causing an increase in velocity?


There are certain situations where friction can cause an increase in velocity. One such situation is when an object is sliding down a hill or incline.

In this case, the force of gravity is pulling the object down the incline, and the force of friction is acting against this motion, pushing up against the object. However, because the incline is angled downward, the force of friction is actually able to provide an upward acceleration to the object, causing it to increase in velocity as it moves down the hill.

Another situation where friction can cause an increase in velocity is when an object is sliding along a flat surface and a force is applied to it in the direction of motion. In this case, the friction between the object and the surface can provide an additional force that helps to accelerate the object.

Friction usually acts to oppose the motion of objects, slowing them down or bringing them to a stop. It's important to note that these situations are relatively rare, and in most cases, friction will act to oppose the motion of objects and slow them down.

Learn more about Friction here:



What does sonar do with seafloor spreading?


Sonar is largely used by NOAA scientists to create nautical charts, find underwater navigational hazards, find and map things on the bottom like shipwrecks, and map the actual seafloor. Sonar comes in active and passive varieties.

Why do we use sonar to investigate the ocean floor?

Due to the fact that sound waves travel further in water than radar and light waves, sonar is utilised in oceanography. The passenger freighter Robert E. Lee as captured by side-scan sonar in 2001 by the HUGIN 3000 AUV.

Reversed geomagnetic field

In the early 20th century, scientists were able to first recognise the process of seafloor spreading thanks to the magnetism of mid-ocean ridges.

To know more about radar, visit:



Is the image congruent to the preimage?


Translations, reflections, and rotations are examples of congruence transformations because the image of a figure after one of them is congruent with its preimage.

How can you tell if two images are coherent?

Congruent image refers to shapes or images that are the same size and shape. Two shapes are said to be congruent if their corresponding sides and angles are of the same length.

What attributes a congruent image has?

In geometry, two figures or objects are said to be congruent if their shapes and sizes match, or if one is the mirror image of the other. Images produced by dilations with scale factors k 1 are not consistent with their preimages. Dilations are neither rigid transformations or isometries.

To know more about Congruent image visit:-



a freight elevator weighting 3000 lbs is supported by a 12 foot cable weighing 15 lb per linear foot. find the work required to lift the elevator 10 ft by winding the cable onto a winch


The work required to lift the elevator 10 ft by winding the cable onto a winch is 28,195ft*lb

Define work done.

The result of a force's displacement and its component of force exerted by the object in the direction of displacement is what is known as the force's work. When we push a block with some force, the body moves quickly and work is completed.

3000lb * (9ft)=27000ft*lb of labour is required to lift the elevator.

A piece of rope is being lifted by the winch over a distance of 12-y  from 0 to 9. The weight of each part is 14dy.

W = int0-9[14(12-y)]dy

= 15int0-1[0(12-y)]dy

W = 15[12y-.5y^2]^0-9

W = 1195 ft*lb

Total work = 27000+1195 = 28,195ft*lb

To know more about work use link below:



Is frequency the distance between waves?


No , frequency of a wave is not distance between waves, it is called wavelength.

Frequency is the number of waves that pass a particular point in a given period of time. It is typically measured in Hertz (Hz), which is the number of waves per second. Wavelength, on the other hand, is the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave. It is typically measured in meters (m). So frequency and wavelength are related, but they are not the same thing. Frequency is a measure of the number of waves, while wavelength is a measure of the distance between waves.

To know more about wavelength



A new building was being built. (Into active)​


Yes. The building had just been built, therefore it’s a building

a 10-kg piece of aluminum sits at the bottom of a pool, right next to a 10-kg piece of lead, which is much denser than aluminum. which one has the greater buoyant force on it?


A 10-kg piece of aluminum sits at the bottom of a pool, right next to a 10-kg piece of lead.  Aluminum has greater buoyant force acting on it.

Density is defined as mass per unit volume:

ρ = m /V


m = mass

V = volume

The lead is much denser than aluminum. Their densities are:

ρ_Al = 2.7 g/cm³

ρ_Pb = 11.29 g/cm³    (Pb is the symbol for lead)

From the equation, if the masses are the same, the density is inversely proportional to the volume.

In the given problem, since lead is denser than aluminum, hence, the volume of aluminum is greater than the volume of lead.

The buoyant force is equal to the weight of displaced water.

For each piece of metal, it holds

F = ρ_water x g x V_metal

Hence, the buoyant force is directly proportional to the volume of each piece of metal.

Since V_Al > V_Pb, then  F_Al > F_Pb or Aluminum will experience greater buoyant force.

Learn more about  buoyant force here:



When oberving an object, you determine it' moving at a contant velocity and in a traight line. Which of thee BEST decribe the ituation?


The correct answer is B) the net force acting on the object must be zero.

If an object is moving at a constant velocity and in a straight line, it means that the net force acting on the object is zero. This is because the velocity of an object is a measure of its speed and direction of motion, and if an object is moving at a constant velocity, it means that its speed and direction are not changing. In order for an object to change its velocity, there must be a net force acting on it. If the net force is zero, the object will continue to move at a constant velocity in a straight line.

A) there are no forces acting on the object is incorrect, because there are always forces acting on an object, such as gravity, friction, and air resistance.

C) the net force acting on the object is pushing in the same direction the object is traveling is incorrect, because if the net force is pushing in the same direction as the object is moving, it would cause the object to accelerate in that direction, rather than maintaining a constant velocity.

D) the net force acting on the object is pushing in the opposite direction the object is traveling is incorrect, because if the net force is pushing in the opposite direction as the object is moving, it would cause the object to decelerate or change direction, rather than maintaining a constant velocity.

Learn more about the constant velocity and in a straight line at



The question is -

When observing an object, you determine it is moving at a constant velocity and in a straight line. Which of these BEST describes the situation?

A) there are no forces acting on the object

B) the net force acting on the object must be zero

C) the net force acting on the object is pushing in the same direction

the object is traveling

D) the net force acting on the object is pushing in the opposite direction the object is traveling

Shepherd satellites are defined as?


A Shepherd satellite is a natural moon that orbits near the edge of a planetary ring to stabilize the ring's particles through its pull. Its name is given Shepherd, as they restrict hub particles as a shepherd.

They pick up particles through their gravitational pull and, using orbital resonance, deflect them from their original orbits. Examples are the moons of Uranus, known as Cordelia and Ophelia.

The rings of Uranus show are very thin and well-defined, with sharp gaps between them. This was explained by Goldreich and Tremaine. They suggested that two small satellites might be confining each ring. The first images of shepherd satellites were taken by Voyager.

The complex ring system of Saturn has many such satellites. A few are Prometheus, Daphnis, Pan, Janus, and Epimetheus.

To know more about satellites here



When observing an object, you determine it is moving at a constant velocity and in a straight line. Which of these best describe the situation?.


The net force acting on the object must be zero.

Constant velocity:

A velocity is constant when both its magnitude and direction does not change over time. In simpler words, this is when the rate of change of position of an object remains the same throughout a period of time.

Velocity gives us information about the rate of change of object position, meaning how fast can object position is changing per unit time. In physics, velocity is defined as the displacement divided by time where displacement is defined as the difference between your final and initial positions.

Furthermore, when an object travels the same distance every second, then the object is said to be moving with constant velocity. This means that the magnitude of the velocity (or speed) and the direction of the velocity both remain constant.

Hence the net force acting on the object must be zero when it is moving at a constant velocity and in a straight line.

Learn more about Velocity on:



a bystander hears a siren vary in frequency from 564 hz to 376 hz as a fire truck approaches, passes by, and moves away on a straight street. what is the speed of the truck>


The vehicle travels at a speed of Vs = 68.6 m/s.

Velocity is the pace and direction of an object's movement, whereas speed is the time rate at which an object is travelling along a path. In other words, velocity is a vector, whereas speed is a scalar value.


Varying frequency of the siren = 564 Hz to 376 Hz

speed of sound = 343 m/s

speed of truck calculation

using equation of Doppler's

When the truck is approaching

Fs = F₀(v - vs)/v......(i)

Doppler's equation when truck is moving away

Fs = F₁(v + vs)/v ......(ii)

equating both the equation

Fs = F₀(v - vs)/v = Fs = F₁(v + vs)/v

on simplifying the above equation we get

Vs = v(F₀ - F₁)/F₀ + F₁)

F₀ = 564Hz

F₁ = 376 Hz


Vs = 343 ₓ (564 - 376)/(564 + 376)

Vs = 68.6 m/s

To know more about speed visit:-



The white dwarf that remains when our Sun dies will be mostly made of ______.
a) helium
b) carbon
c) neutrons
d) hydrogen


The white dwarf that remains when our Sun dies will be mostly made of

(b) carbon is correct option.

A star core remnant known as a white dwarf is primarily made up of electron-degenerate materials. White dwarfs are very dense objects with masses similar to the Sun and volumes similar to the Earth. White dwarfs do not undergo fusion, thus their feeble light is caused by the emission of leftover thermal energy. Sirius B, the smaller half of the Sirius binary star and the closest white dwarf to Earth, is 8.6 light years away. Among the 100 star systems closest to the Sun, eight white dwarfs are currently believed to exist. White dwarfs are unusually faint, and this was first noticed in 1910. Willem Lutyens first used the term "white dwarf" in 1922.

Since stars with very low masses cannot fuse helium, binary systems may experience mass loss that results in the formation of helium white dwarfs. In a white dwarf, the material no longer undergoes fusion processes, depriving the star of its energy source.

To know more about white dwarf



a 60 kg skier with an initial velocity of 12 m/s coasts up a hill. at the top of the hill, the skier is traveling at 9.75 m/s. assuming there is no friction in the skis, how high was the hill?



The height of the hill coasted by a skier of initial velocity 12 m/s is 2.5 m. And The correct option is C 2.5 m.

The high of the hill is 2.5 m

What is conservation of energy?

It states that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.

Mass of skier,m  = 60kg

initial velocity, u = 12 m/s

Final velocity, v = 9.75 m/s

As there is no friction, energy is conserved

∴ Initial kinetic energy +  Initial potential energy = Final kinetic energy + Final potential energy

1/2 mu² + 0  = 1/2m v² + mgh

1/2 u² = 1/2 v² + gh

h = u² - v² /2g

  = 12² - 9.75² / 2×9.8

 = 48.9375/2×9.8

 = 2.496 m

 ≈ 2.5 m

Therefore high of the hill is 2.5 m

To learn more about conservation of energy below is the given link:



A room was lighted with three 100-watt bulbs for 5 hours per day. If the cost of
electricity was 9¢ per kWh, how much would be saved per day by switching to
60-watt bulbs?


To find the amount of electricity used by the 100-watt bulbs, we need to first calculate the total wattage of the bulbs by multiplying the wattage of each bulb by the number of bulbs: 100 watts/bulb * 3 bulbs = 300 watts

Next, we need to convert the time the bulbs were used from hours to seconds. Since there are 3600 seconds in an hour, the bulbs were used for 5 hours * 3600 seconds/hour = 18000 seconds.

Now we can calculate the total amount of electricity used by the 100-watt bulbs by multiplying the wattage of the bulbs by the time they were used: 300 watts * 18000 seconds = 5.4 x 10^7 joules

To convert this to kilowatt-hours, we need to divide by the number of joules in a kilowatt-hour, which is 3.6 x 10^6. This gives us a total of 1.5 kWh.

At a cost of 9¢ per kWh, the cost of using the 100-watt bulbs for 5 hours per day is 1.5 kWh * $0.09/kWh = $0.135 per day.

To find the amount of money that would be saved by switching to 60-watt bulbs, we need to repeat the above calculation using the wattage of the 60-watt bulbs instead of the 100-watt bulbs. The total wattage of the 60-watt bulbs is 60 watts/bulb * 3 bulbs = 180 watts. This means that the total amount of electricity used by the 60-watt bulbs would be 180 watts * 18000 seconds = 3.24 x 10^7 joules, or 0.9 kWh.

At a cost of 9¢ per kWh, the cost of using the 60-watt bulbs for 5 hours per day is 0.9 kWh * $0.09/kWh = $0.081 per day.

Therefore, the amount of money that would be saved by switching to 60-watt bulbs is $0.135 per day - $0.081 per day = $0.054 per day.

What increases the speed of ejected electrons?


Increasing the frequency of light waves (while maintaining a fixed amplitude) would increase the rate at which electrons are ejected, which would increase the measured electric current, according to the theories of classical physics.

What influences the quantity of electrons ejected?

As a result, the quantity of photons, or the brightness of the light, determines how many electrons are ejected. A portion of the packet's energy is used to defeat the metal's electron's binding energy. The work function, or, is the name given to this tying energy. The number of electrons ejected per second grows linearly with an increase in incident light intensity at a certain frequency of radiation. Increasing the frequency of light waves (while maintaining a fixed amplitude) would increase the rate at which electrons are ejected, which would increase the measured electric current, according to the theories of classical physics.

To learn more about speed of an electron from given link



what is the force on the charge located at x = 8.00 cm in figure 18.52(a) given that q = 1.00 μc ?


The net force on the charge located at x = 8.0 cm in the given figure is F = +12.8 N.

According to Coulomb's law, the force on charges placed at a distance is

1) directly proportional to the product of their charges and

2) inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

F = K |q1q2| / r2

In the given fig

[tex]q_{1[/tex] = -1,0 μc

[tex]q_{2[/tex] = - 2,0 μc

[tex]q_{3[/tex] = + 1.0 μc

Force on q2 by q1, [tex]F_{q1q2[/tex] = K × -1 ×-2 /[tex](0.03)^{2}[/tex]

Force on q2 by q3, [tex]F_{q3q2[/tex] = K × -2× +1/ [tex](0.05)^{2}[/tex]

So net force is the difference of these two forces as they are directed in opposite direction.

So, net force is

[tex]F_{q1q2[/tex] - [tex]x_{q3q2[/tex] = +12.8 N

To know more about force on charges here



What are 3 examples that carbon can be found in?


Carbon is also a constituent of diamonds and graphite.Diamonds, graphite, etc.Like diamond, graphite is a kind of carbon.Textiles.Carbon is found in cellulose, which is found in a variety of fabrics, including Life Itself.The basis of all life on the planet is carbon.

Where can I get examples of carbon?

The majority of the carbon on Earth is preserved in sediments and rocks with the remainder found in the sea, atmosphere, or living things.These serve as the carbon cycle's reservoirs or sinks.

What kinds of objects are carbon-containing?

Examples of carbon allotropes include coal, graphite, & diamonds.They differ physically while just having one type of element in common—carbon.For instance, while graphite is opaque, diamond is clear.

To know more about carbon visit:



Two packing crates of masses 10.0kg and 5.00kg are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley as shown in Figure. The 5.00kg crate lies on a smooth incline of angle 40.0 degree . Find the acceleration of the crates and the tension in the string.


The acceleration of the string is 4.3 m/s2.

What is Acceleration?

We regard the positive direction for the vertical motion of mass m1 to be downward and the positive direction for the motion of mass m2 on the incline to be to the right and parallel to the incline.

There are only two ways to accelerate: changing your speed or changing your direction, or changing both. This is because velocity is both a speed and a direction.

Changing the speed at which an object is travelling is what acceleration is all about. A substance is not accelerating if its velocity is not changing. The information on the right depicts an object that is speeding as it moves northward.

Therefore, The acceleration of the string is 4.3 m/s2.

To learn more about acceleration, refer to the link:




If Juan tried to learn a long list of words, he would be most likely to forget words that
appeared early in the list
appeared near the end of the list
appeared in the middle of the list
were very unlike the rest of the words
were randomly dispersed throughout the list


He is most probable to forget words that are at the (c) middle of the list if she has a Long List of Words.

What is a List of Word?

As its name suggests, a list of words is an arrangement of words which can be done in a sequential manner or non-sequential manner. It can also be called as array. It is usually written in top to bottom fashion.

Assuming that there is a twenty list of words, then mostly the eye is usually focused on the early part and the last part of the list while ignoring the words that are present in middle.

Thus, we can say that Juan is most probable forget the words appearing in the middle of the list if she has a Long List of Words.

To know more about Words:



How do you find the maximum speed of emitted photoelectrons?


We must first calculate the kinetic energy of an emitted electron from the energy of an incoming photon and the work function of the metal surface in order to estimate the maximum speed of an emitted photoelectron (the minimum energy required for an electron to escape the metal surface).

Using the equation below, these are connected. E (total energy supplied by a photon) equals +Ek From the Planck's equation,

E=hf, where E is energy,

h is Planck's constant (6.6310(-34)Js), and

f is frequency, one may determine the energy of a single photon.

Since the wavelength is what we have here instead of the incident frequency, we can apply the equation

f=c/lambda to calculate the frequency.

F is the frequency,

c is the speed of light (3.0010(8)m/s), and

lambda is the wavelength.

To learn more about photoelectrons from given link



A sprinter runs from the 6-meter line to the 38-meter line in 8.0 seconds. How far did she travel?


Answer: She travelled 32 meters.


Hope this helps!

the sun radiates like a perfect blackbody with an emissivity of exactly 1. (a) calculate the surface temperature of the sun, given it is a sphere with a 7.00 108 m radius that radiates 3.80 1026 w into 3 k space.


The temperature of surface of Sun =  5743.8 K

What is Stefan's Law ?

It states that the radiation emitted from area A of a black body at absolute temperature T is directly proportional to the fourth power of the temperature,

Or, P = σeAT⁴

Radius of sun = 7.00×10^8 m

Surface area of sphere, A = 4π*r²

σ = 5.67×10^-8

Power radiated by sun, P = 3.80*10^26 W

Power radiated by a body is given by, P = σeAT⁴

∴ T = [P/(σeA)]^(1/4)

T = [3.80×10^26/(5.67×10^-8×1×4×π×(7.00×10^8)^2)] ^ (1/4)

T = 5743.8 K

Therfore the temperature of surface of Sun =  5743.8 K

To learn more about Stefan's Law below is the given link:



Is alpha an particle?


Yes because yes yes yes yes yes

if, in the figure below, i1 = 2 a and i2 = 6 a, which of the following is true?


In the given figure, if I = 2A and I2 = 6A, the relation between F1 and F2 is, F1 = F2.

The two forces are an action reaction forces. They act on different wires, and have equal magnitudes but opposite directions. So, they are equal.

We find the discussion of action and reaction forces in newton's third law.

According to the Newton's third law states that If there is an action force, there must be a reaction force. If there is an object A which exerts a force on object B, then object B must also exerts an equal and opposite force on object A. In other words, we can say that forces result from interactions.

Action and reaction forces acts on different objects. they exist in pair. They are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is

n figure given below, I1-2A and I2=6a, which of the following is true? Note that F2 represents the magnet of the force on wire 2

(a) F1=3F

(b) F1=F2

(c) F1=F2/3

Option (b) is the correct answer.

To know more about action reaction forces here



What are 3 examples of irony in The Interlopers?


The 3 examples of irony in The Interlopers are:

Death by Nature: It's ironic that two men went hunting and were hunted by a pack of wolves.

Call for Help: It's ironic that the couple's decision to use his call ends up attracting a pack of wolves instead of fellow travelers.

Forgiveness: Too Little, Too Late: It's ironic that two men decide to put an end to a generational feud, and die shortly after their disagreements are resolved without even witnessing the exchange.

What is irony?

Irony in its broadest sense is the juxtaposition of what appears to be on the surface and what is or is expected to be. It is an important rhetorical and literary technique. Sarcasm can be divided into several types, including verbal sarcasm, dramatic sarcasm, and circumstantial sarcasm.

Therefore, The 3 examples of irony in The Interlopers are:

Death by Nature, Call for Help, Forgiveness.

To know more about Irony, visit:



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